RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Caitlin kissed his lips sweetly. "We're going to make it work.." She said softly. "We'll get Barry back. All we have to do is get him to see and hear Iris, and then he'll come back. There's no way he'll want to miss another single moment with her. As for us, I know that you want me to yourself, and there's not thing wrong with that. But the best that we can do for now is share Iris' guest bedroom until all of this is sorted and we get Barry home." She hugged him back just as tightly, when his arms went around her. "I'm not going to not spend time with you. I want to make that clear."

"I just want to keep our promise to Barry, to look after her. I'm not amazing, I'm just trying to be a good friend. Both to Barry and Iris. I'm sorry for any time that I've neglected you.." She said softly, and moved to sit down with him on the couch. Her hands immediately moving to massage his temples. "How bad have your headaches been today?" She asked him, concerned.
"Is there anything that you want or need me to do to help you feel better?" The brunette asked, kissing his lips gently several more times. "All you have to do is tell me and I'll do it."
He shook his head. "Your not neglecting me. I'd live even if you told me I couldn't stay at Iris', with you." He said softly. "You're not neglecting me. We both have to have our own lives and be separate people. Don't feel bad. I've waited this long to be with you, I can wait a bit longer." He said setting with her on the couch. He closed his eyes feeling her hands starting to rub his temples. "It hasn't been that bad, just about when you called was when it started to bother me." He leaned against her heavily, just wanting to stay close to her. It had been such a long day. "I just want to be here with you for a few minutes, if that's okay. Take a nice break before I have to get back to work."

And so they stayed like that for awhile, just embracing on the couch. Her hands on his temples. He finally got up to actually lay down and get some well deserved rest. Cisco knew this next week was going to be rough. Between hospital stays, late nights and rebuilding the device, he wasn't sure the next time they would have a minute again like this. And if the device didn't work, he couldn't help but wonder how long they were going to be in a three way relationship with Iris.

The week passed without much incident. Wally saved people and Cisco did a few teats on the device before declaring it ready for its finally voyage. Iris was healing well and thing she started to not seem so bleak anymore. The doctors finally cleared her to go home, to where Caitlin and Cisco had worked hard to make sure it was up to Caitlin's standards for her patient. They wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. but Iris hadn't really noticed that when they arrived. She noticed the device sitting on the table, ready for when she was ready to contact the speed force the final time.
The first and only thing she saw upon entering her apartment was the Speed Force device sitting on the table. She looked at Cisco, their eyes locking together. "Tell me what I need to do." Her words were spoken softly but seriously. She was ready and willing to do whatever it took to get Barry home. As long as Cisco explained to her what she needed to do, then there would be no problems. The young woman was filled with hope once more, as Caitlin wheeled her into the apartment and parked the wheelchair beside the table. The excitement in her eyes was clear.

"Can we contact Barry today? I promise, no matter what happens after we do this final attempt, I'll rest. Promise," Iris repeated, knowing that the baby and her body had been under enough stress for the last week as it was. She was ready to be back home and resume living her life once more. After a few moments, the young woman noticed everything else that her friends had done, and smiled. The brunette reached out, taking one of both Cisco and Caitlin's hands and squeezing them. "I love you guys," She said, pulling them both into a hug.
Cisco nodded. He began to fiddle with the device. "As long as you feel up to it, we can do it today. You won't have to do much, just hold onto me, so I can channel you with me." He replied. It had worked all the times he practiced with Caitlin in the evening. He had shown her glimpses of the speed force. "I just have to text wally and once he gets here we can start." He sent the text and smiled.when she said she loved them.

Cisco joined the group hug holding both girls tight. "Let's do this one for Barry, okay? And your baby girl." He said grinning. He got back to setting it up and soon Wally was there. The room filled with anxious energy. Wally started the machine. Caitlin still had to cool it, nothing worked as best as her powers. Cisco our his goggles on, staying beside Iris. They let the device charge up before Cisco started to use the energy to open the speed force bubble and push them through, when he finally had a good grasp he took Iris's hand. "I just need you to trust.me.and concentrate on seeing Barry."
"I feel okay. We can do this," She told her friends. Nodding when Cisco said that she just had to hold onto him so that he could channel her with him. The young woman waited not so patiently as he texted Wally, and told him to come over and join them. The brunette found herself unable to stop smiling at his words. "And just so you know, you and Caitlin are both family, so I want to ask if the two of you would want to be an uncle and aunt to my daughter. Yes, Wally's already this baby's uncle, but like I said, you two are family. So, on second thought, I don't need to ask."

"I just know that this little girl is going to love you guys as much as Barry and I do." She held onto Cisco's hand, once he had grasped hers. Feelings of nervousness and excitement both going through her, as they got ready to try and reach out to Barry again. "I can do that," Iris said softly, when he told her to trust him and concentrate on seeing Barry. Her breath caught in her throat when she caught sight of her fiancé for the first time in months. "Barry," She whispered as tears of happiness fell down her cheeks. Her heart squeezed in her chest, as the love she felt for him, flowed through her.
Barry had been used to the weird way the speed force moved. Sometimes there was nothing, other times it would take him to an old day long in the past. He'd spent many a time with his parents. He revisited holidays and some of the best days of his life. All in All, he had been probably the happiest he had ever been. eventually the speed force began training him, teaching him new powers. It was exhilarating. He just felt so at peace. That was until something started to change in the speed force. He started seeing Cisco outside of his own memories and past. At first it was flashes, so he assumed he was dreaming. Then he was there for longer and longer. Until one day Barry was sure it was him and asked him.

"Cisco, how are you doing this?" And that was all he was able to ask before he was gone. The visits got longer progressively from there, which for Barry seemed to happen minutes apart for him. From their brief visits, Barry was able to gather, they were trying to find a way to bring him home. He had tried to tell his friend that was unnecessary but he was gone. Once he brought Caitlin, for a flickering second. The next time she was there as a stronger presence but still not for very long. But this time, he was caught off guard.

Iris. His heart skipped in his chest. He moved closer. She looked tired, but still the same as his memories. "Iris, you....it's you" he whispered, his heart beating fast. He felt tears on his own face. He reached out to touch her cheek, but found nothing there. It was just a projection, Cisco had mentioned that. He all but ignored his friend who gave the two of them space. "What are you doing here? I told you to move on, and be happy. You look so beautiful." he whispered quickly. He didn't know how long they had. He hadn't realized how much he missed her until this singular moment.
"I love you, Barry." Iris said softly, as she drank in the sight of him. "I miss you. I need you. Please, come home to us. Come home to our family and friends, and to me, and our daughter. We need you, Barry. I don't want our daughter to grow up without you, her father. And I don't want you to miss a moment of her life. We need you to fight. Fight your way out of the Speed Force and come home to us. I love you. We love you..." The young woman said, and before she could say anything else, she was gone. Tears were falling from her eyes and sliding down her cheeks, once she and Cisco appeared back inside of her apartment several minutes later.

She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt, being careful of her injured arm. "I hope it worked. I hope that we actually got through to him that time.." The brunette said softly, and then cleared her throat. Iris looked up at Cisco and gave him a watery smile. "No matter what happens, thank you for trying one last time.." She said, and reached out, taking both of his hands into hers and squeezing them. "Now that we've done all that we can do, why don't you and Caitlin take the rest of the night and spend some time together? Wally and I could do with some brother sister bonding time.."
Barry just listened to her voice, and watched her lips move. How her eyes filled up with tears and how much he wanted to hold her and make those tears go away. He wanted to make everything better for her. His eyes widened when she mentioned having a daughter. He gasped a little, his whole body becoming tense. "Wait...Iris...Iris, you're pregnant?" he asked quickly, but it was too late, they were already fading from his sight. He touched the air where she had been. His hand going to his side in a tight fist. He had so many questions so many things he wanted to say to her, he needed to say. He meant to tell her he missed her and he loved her. He waited for what seemed ages to see if they would appear again, but nothing. Barry made the choice then, he had to try to get home.


Cisco kept the the connection open for the couple as long as he could. That was the hardest few minutes of his life. Projecting her and keeping the speed force open, he felt like he was going to die. The headache was immense, and finally, he couldn't keep the line open any longer. He had to let the speed force fall away. He leaned on the table, to keep from falling over. He gasped for air, glancing over at Iris. She seemed upset, but also at peace. He Nodded. "Anything for you" he said softly, squeezing her hand back. "Are you sure? you probably don't want to be alone right now." But all he wanted was to rest with Caitlin and have her make sure he didn't over do it. He felt really drained. He patted Iris' shoulder gently. "We'll be here if you need anything, and he'll...i know he'll be here as soon as he can." Cisco finally regained his strength to walk over to Caitlin. Wally switched sides with him, going to sit beside his sister. He held her for awhile.
Iris thanked Cisco one final time, and then she nodded and told Caitlin to take him home, so that he could rest and relax. Once they were gone, she turned to her brother, and hugged him close. "You too, kiddo. I wanna thank you for trying to help us reach Barry all of this time. It means a lot to me.." She said, and then leaned over and kissed Wally's cheek. "How about we
put on a comedy?" The young woman suggested a few moments later. "I'm sure there are some pretty good ones that have recently come out. Or if there's a new movie that came out that you've been wanting to see, let me know."

She curled into her brother's side, just cuddling into him, and telling him how much she loved him and appreciated everything he had been doing these last few months. Not just for her and the baby, but for everyone in Central City that he had helped. "You're doing an amazing job, and you're an amazing man.." Iris said, reaching out to pinch Wally's cheek, teasing him and laughing. "Sorry, couldn't help myself.." She said, and then reached out to grab the remote, and handed it to him. "Pick out a movie for us to watch. No sappy romances. Choose something that you actually want to watch."

Once they had gotten home, Caitlin helped Cisco into bed and gently curled into his side. She pressed a few sweet kisses to his lips and his cheek. A few moments later, her hands moved to his temples and started to rub gently. "How are you doing?" The young woman asked her boyfriend, as she tried to help him feel better. "What can I do to help?" The brunette kept her voice low and soothing, in the hopes that it would help his headache a little. "You were amazing tonight. You were able to let Iris and Barry see each other, and talk to each other. You gave Iris the best gift ever."

"I'm so proud of you. You put your own pain aside to help our friends and I know they appreciate it. I appreciate it, too. I love you.." The young woman said softly, kissing him again. "I have a good feeling about tonight. That you and Iris' trip into the Speed Force is going to change things in a big way soon. Change things for the better. I know that I'm not the one who gets visions of the future or anything, but I can't shake this sudden feeling that everything's going to be okay.." She stopped talking for a moment and then said, "Try and rest now. I'm right here if you need anything."
Wally hugged her back tightly and smiled. "Anything to help family" he replied, helping her sit on the couch. "I can think of a few movies." he replied grinning. "Let me make some popcorn and get some water for you." He got some snacks and came back to the ocuh, handing her the water, as per doctor's orders. He rolled his eyes as she pinched his cheek. "Yea yea I know." He took the remote from her, letting her curl into his side. He put an arm around her. He settled for an action comedy. It was just so stupid and funny that it was there to help relax them both.

Wally only hoped that all these attempts finally actually helped out and that they would finally get his future brother in law back. He really didn't want his sister to continue to go through this, but he would be by her side if he could.


Cisco basically collapsed into their bed when they arrived. He didn't even bother to take off his shoes. The headache was kicking his butt this time around. He let out a long sigh feeling her very cold hands go to his forehead starting to massage the tension away. He finally opened his eyes and looked up at her. "I've been better, that took alot out of me." he whispered. "Just keep doing that magic thing with your hands, it feels so much better." He sighed and reached up and touched her face. "Thank you for being there."

He shrugged. "You should have seen them. It was the second most heart breaking thing I have ever seen. They couldn't touch but you could tell he wanted too. I wanted to give them a bit more time, but my body couldn't withstand the force." Cisco took a long deep breath. He tilted his head to kiss the palm of her hand. "I just don't know how long it will take. for him to get here." Cisco closed his eyes again. "How are you doing? You seem abnormally cold, do you need to take another dose already?"
Iris and Wally spent the rest of the night watching movies together, curled up on the couch, teasing each other and joking around. It was great. It felt like the first time in a long time, like things were finally going well. She had been able to see and talk to Barry, and tell him about the baby. The brunette was sure that would get him to come back, if anything. She just had to keep being positive, and wait for him. Knowing that made her smile, and she was starting to feel a little bit like her old self again. Happy, and ready to take on whatever life had planned next.

Caitlin listened as Cisco spoke, she shrugged. "I'll be fine for another ten minutes. I'm going to stay here and try to help your headache go away and then I'm going to take my next dose. So don't worry about me. You just rest and relax, and let me take care of you.." She said, leaning down to kiss his lips once more.
*Time Skip* Aprox. 6 months


Time moved differently in the speed force. Barry wasn't sure how long it was taking him to figure out how to leave the speed force, but it was not an easy prospect. At first, he just tried asking and pleading to be let go. He tried running through memories it offered as a comfort, but they weren't the same as seeing her and being with her. He tried to be faster and faster then the speed force. He just wanted to go home. They never visited him again and it forced him to try harder and harder. The more he tried, the more the speed force pushed back. It tried to win back his happiness with his mother, with his family, but it didn't fill the void of knowing he had a daughter he needed to be there for.

One day, the air in the speed force felt different, as if it finally agreed with him. It didn't push past his attempts, instead, it just opened a portal. It stood there waiting at the edge of the abyss. Barry stood there, waiting for there to be a catch, for it to take his speed. But nothing ever came. It felt more like the speed force accepted his desires and need to leave. And was just letting him. Maybe it wasn't such a terrible thing they all made it out to be. Barry took a few steps forward and still nothing, so he slowly exited stumbling to outside. He found himself in the middle of Central City.

Barry looked around, trying to gather his bearings on where he was and where in the city his family could be. And that was when he saw Cisco's car out of the corner of his eye. He would recognize it anywhere, with all the assorted bumper stickers. He finally realized where he was, the hospital. The speed force knew what was happening and set him down here. Barry, ran, at human speed, into the hospital.

"Iris West" he asked the clerk lady. "Where is Iris West's room?" he repeated.

"Only family sir." she said calmly without looking up.

"I'm her fiance. I...I'm the father of her baby please, I'm running really late." he said hurriedly, almost in a panic.

She typed a few things into the computer. "Name?"

"Barry Allen"

She nodded. "Room 308 in the Maternity Wing." she said nodding. "She's had the baby a few hours ago, congratulations."

"Thank you" he said, before hurrying down the hallway, into an elevator and to her room. He would have used his speed, but he was still unsure what had happened in the speed force, he didn't want to hurt anyone or himself. Barry found her room. He felt his hands tremble in nervousness. He carefully knocked on the door and when someone mentioned he could come in he opened the door carefully.

His eyes met hers and he smiled sadly. "Sorry I'm late" he said softly.
"Barry.." His name came out in a surprised gasp, as she laid eyes on him for the first time since her single trip into the Speed Force. Iris held out her arms to him, wrapping them tightly around his neck, once he was at her side. Tears of happiness streamed down her cheeks as she clung to him, having missed him more than anything, the last few months that he had been gone. After a few minutes of clinging to him, she finally made herself let go. "There's someone you should meet," She said and leaned over to the little bed that was on the cart near her bed, lifting their daughter into her arms.

"Say hello to your daughter." Iris said softly, and she carefully held out their daughter for him to hold. "She was born 4 hours ago. After 17 hours of labor, Nora Francine Allen finally made her appearance.." The young woman gently placed their daughter into her fiance's arms, tearing up again. Both because Barry was finally home, and because she was so happy to see him with their daughter. She had been afraid that it might never happen. But now it was happening, and her emotions were all over the place as she watched them. The love she felt for them tugged
at her heart.
He walked into her outstretched arms holding her tightly. He pressed a light kiss into her hair, he breathed in her scent. Barry couldn't believe it was actually her. And not just a dream or memory. He carefully sat on the edge of the bed beside her. His eyes widened as she reached to bring over the tiny baby. He held out his arms, letting her place her in his arms. And hearing her name, was when he started to cry. Tears falling from his eyes. "She's so beautiful " he whispered. "I'm not going anywhere ever again." He promised quietly. He held the sleeping baby for a long time. His heart just overpouring with love.

Barry finally looked back to Iris. "I'm sorry I wasn't here." He said slowly "I'm sorry I missed so much, time moves so differently in the speed force, for me it's like I've been gone a week." Barry's jaw tightened. "I won't go ever again." He promised again, leaning over to kiss Iris for the first time in ages, "I love you. Always have. Always will." There was so much he wanted to know about her life, about the pregnancy. He had so many questions. He also just wanted to hold her forever and never let go. He let Iris take Nora and lay her back in the crib. And he immediately pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close.
"You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault, Barry.." Iris said softly, reaching out to cup his face with her hands, gently stroking his cheeks, once he had set Nora back in her bed. A smile came over her lips as she saw him lean towards her and their lips met for the first time in a long time. The feeling of his soft lips against her own was something she had deeply missed. "I love you, too. I never took off my ring. I wanted you home so badly, and every day I looked at your ring, it kept me from completely giving up." The two of them held each other for awhile, before she finally pulled away once more.

"The others will be so happy to see you," She said and smiled. "Dad and Wally are out around town taking care of the city, but Cisco and Caitlin are here somewhere. They went to take a small break, and get something to eat and drink. They should be back soon, and I know they can't wait to see you.." Her arms went around his neck once more. Iris found herself physically unable to keep from touching Barry now that he was back. It felt too good to be real. But yet here he was, back in her life, and everyone else's. She was so glad that he and Nora would be able to know each other.
Barry shook his head. "You were always so stubborn" he whispered, running s hand through her hair. "I guess I should be glad because I was able to come back." Barry kept his forehead close or hers occasionally need to kiss her again, to keep her as close to him as possible. He held her close. He touched her face wiping away any remains of tears from her face. "You are jut as beautiful as I remember." He murmured. He nodded at the mention of the others. He wanted to see them as well but not as important as seeing her. Barry smiled. "We have plenty of time, we have all the time in the world." He held her close again, kissing her once more deeply.

There was the sound of the door opening and Cisco's voice. "Iris they had your favorite ice cream in the cafeteria. I thought it might che-" and then there was the sound of said ice cream clattering to the ground. "Barry? Cait, please tell me you see him too.." his voice was shaky and unsure.

Barry turned to face his friends. He nodded slowly. "It's me, in the flesh. Fresh out of the speed force a little while ago-" Barry was cut off by Cisco join the hug, hugging his best friend impossibly tight.
Caitlin remained a few feet away, watching them hug with a smile on her face. "It's good to have you home, Barry. You've been deeply missed.." The brunette said, as she set her ice cream aside and took a napkin, stooping down to clean up the ice cream that Cisco had spilled in shock at the sight of their friend. She cleaned up the rest of it and then tossed it in the trash, going into the connected bathroom to wash her hands. Once that was done and Cisco had released Barry, she walked forward and hugged him. "It's so good to have you back. Have you met Nora yet? She's a perfect angel.."

After hugging her friend for several minutes, she finally released him and stepped back. "I'm gonna step outside again and give you guys some time together. I'll call Felicity and let her and Team Arrow know that you're back. She'll be so excited at the news. Just a fair warning, you should expect her to show up within the next few days. You know how excited she gets.." Caitlin said and smiled. The brunette kissed Barry's cheek, and then reached out and grabbed Cisco's arm. "He's coming with me. The three of you could use some more family time together. Joe
and Wally will be over tonight after dinner."

"They know that Iris went into labor with Nora, but we're not going to tell them that you're back. We'll just let it be a surprise for them.." After speaking, Caitlin waved at Iris and then tugged Cisco out of the room with her, and outside into the parking lot, where they made the call to Felicity, who was excited and making plans, just as Caitlin had expected. And after delivering the happy news, hung up. She wrapped her arms around Cisco and hugged him. "You did it," The brunette said softly. "You helped get Barry back home.."
Barry smiled and hugged his best friend back. He looked to Caitlin and nodded. "It's good to see you've come home too." He commented, noting her brown hair. Barry welcomed her hug and smiled. "That was the second thing I did after walking through the door." He replied. "She's gorgeous." He held his friend tightly, before releasing her and his hand going to Iris' quickly. He nodded. "Of course she would insist coming out here, she loves babies." Barry smiled looking between them all.

Cisco started to protest about he leaving, but stopped seeing Caitlin's face there would be plenty of time for the friends to catch up. Barry laughed a little. "We will talk soon Cisco, I promise. You can catch me up on everything that's happened, because from your face, I can tell I missed more then just the birth of my child." He offered his friend. Cisco nodded. Once they had gone he turned his attention back to Iris, smiling softly at her.


Cisco was in shock when they made it back to the parking lot. He felt like he was on cloud nine. His heart filled with joy. Iris was going to be happy and the baby had a dad and he had Caitlin everything was going to be okay, he half listens as she spoke on the phone to felicity. He could barely focus on anything else. He smiled feeling her arms wrap around him. He nodded. "We did it" he corrected. "I couldn't have done it without all of you." He kissed her gently. "And that means we can move back to my place and we don't have to take care of a newborn and we can be alone." He finally felt he could relax after so many stressful months and enjoy his girlfriend.
Iris reached out for Barry once more, and gently tugged him back onto the bed beside her. She wasted no time slipping her hands into his and cuddling into his side. "Usually I'd be wide awake and all over you, but I'm exhausted from the birthing. I'm gonna sleep for a bit. Will you stay with us? The nurses will be in and out of the room, checking on me and Nora, and
they will wake me to feed and change her. But I promise, tomorrow I will give you a better home coming.." She promised, kissing him once more. "And like I said, Dad and Wally will be
by after dinner."

"So you'll get to reunite with them, too. And then I'm sure that some of our friends are going to drop into town in a few days to visit and check in with all of us. So, maybe you could take
a nap with me, get some rest because there's going to be a lot going on once the news spreads that you're back home. I fully expect to see Felicity, John, and possibly even Oliver soon. I know that you're especially close with Oliver and Felicity. It will be good to see all of them. I love you," Iris said softly, kissing him one final time, before closing her eyes and falling asleep,
her hand holding his as she slept.
Barry laid in the bed beside her, pulling her close to lay on his chest. He returned her kiss smiling happily. "Iris, toy don't need to make excuses, you had a human come out of your body today, take as much time as you need." He murmured quietly. "As long as I get to hold you and be here with you, I need nothing more in my life." Barry rested his head on top of hers. He sighed softly. He nodded when she mentioned seeing everyone else and how they'll want to visit. And he had missed them too, but not as much as he missed her.

"I might be too happy to rest" he said quietly. "I'll try though." He stroked her hair. "Sleep baby, I got you, I'm not letting go this time. I'll be right here if you need anything." Barry held her close, keeping their fingers interlocked as she slept. He just watched her silently, still smiling. He missed feeling her beside him, how natural it felt to hold her and kiss her. "I love you so much Iris" he whispered quietly. "I love our daughter and I love that you didn't give up." Barry finally closed his eyes, just feel comfortable and relaxed, allowed him to sleep, still holding her close, making sure nothing would take her away
An hour later a nurse came in, waking them and saying that it was time for Iris to feed Nora. The nurse helped her settle the baby girl in her arms, and adjusted a small blanket over the young woman's shoulder that kept the baby out of sight as she breastfed their daughter. Once everything was settled, the nurse excused herself and said to press the call button if they needed her for anything. The brunette thanked the nurse and then relaxed as their daughter fed from her breast. This went on for about half an hour, before Nora had finished feeding.

Once their daughter finished feeding, she carefully re-arranged the baby in her arms, fixed her hospital gown, and set the blanket that she had been using, aside. A few moments after that, she pressed the call button with one hand and had the nurse come back to tell her how to burp Nora. After having it explained to her, Iris gently pat their daughter's back in the way the nurse had said to do so, until a small burp came from the baby. Once that was done, she changed the baby girl's diaper, and kissed her cheek, before handing her over to her father, and thanking the nurse once more, as she left the room.
Barry awoke when they came to get Iris, he couldn't help it. He wanted to see her as much as he could manage. He also was worried if he slept too long, he would be back in the speed force again. He watched her feed their baby, a small smile on his lips. It was so perfect, he couldn't be happier then he was at this moment. He reached out brushing some hair from her face, just staying close to her to be apart of this moment. When the baby finished, and the nurse taught them how to burp her, Barry still had a grin on his face. More that he could see how good Iris was going to be at this and that he got to be apart of this, with her. Once the baby was finally taken care of, he happily took her from Iris.

He cradled her close to his chest. "She's so perfect and amazing and she's going to look just like her mom when she grows up" he murmured, kissing the top of Nora's head. "I cant believe, she was inside of you and I missed all of the fun pregnancy things. I wanted to impress you by using my speed to get craving foods for you at 4am." He said in mock disappointment, but it was clear he really was sorry for leaving her alone. "I'm glad you had Cisco and Caitlin and everyone else to help you through this. I tried to get back sooner, but time moves there, and I missed our wedding didn't I?" He groaned a little bit, looking to her. "I will do all the late night stuff with the baby so you can sleep to make up for it." He promised, leaning over to kiss her lips.

"How...was everything while I was gone? How were you?" he asked after a long silence, of just admiring his baby. "I have so many questions. And you don't have to answer them now, I just...don't like that i missed such a huge part of your life." Barry frowned a little bit. "I'm so glad you found a way to contact me, i never would have known about her if you didn't. Thank you."
"I love watching you with her," Iris said softly. "That's got to be one of my favorite sights ever.." She rested her head against Barry's hand when he reached out to brush some hair away from her face. A smile came to her lips when he kissed the top of their daughter's head. "I know, and I'm sad that you weren't able to be there for those things, either. But if we ever decide to have another baby in the future, I know you'll be there.." She chuckled when Barry mentioned impressing her with his speed to get craving foods at 4 am. "I look forward to doing that with you in the future."

The young woman nodded when he mentioned their friends. "Everyone has been amazing, especially Cisco and Caitlin. They let me stay with them for a long time, and they helped me when I needed it and.. We've just gotten really close over the last few months." She paused a moment later. "Don't worry about the wedding. It's not what's important right now. What's important is you spending time with our daughter, you getting back into the groove with your life, and our friend's and family. You just take some time to get used to things."

"And in a few months if you still want to get married, then we can. There's no rush. I want you to feel comfortable." She stopped talking when Barry began to talk again, grinning when he mentioned doing the late night stuff. "You can be on diaper duty.." Iris teased, grinning. "But for now, I'm going to feed her since she's breastfeeding. Though I'll never object to an audience, as long as you're not uncomfortable." She said and then happily kissed him back. His next question had her shrugging, not wanting to get into it. "I wasn't dealing well at all. I didn't know how to cope without having my best friend and then fiancé around."

"Two months after you were gone, I found out that I was pregnant. And I was depressed for a while. Cisco and Caitlin and Wally, were really good at helping me get through that hard period. There was an incident in a movie theater a few months ago. I was with Cisco and Caitlin at the movies and a robbery took place. One of the men shot me in the arm, and it stressed my body out so much that I was put on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy, to keep Nora safe. On a bright note, Cisco was able to find a cure for Caitlin's Killer Frost side. She has to take the cure twice a day, and it's painful, but it works."

"Julian left once he saw that Cisco and Caitlin were developing feelings for each other.." She loved watching Barry admire their daughter. His next words had her nodding. "Go ahead and ask your questions. Or at least a few of them. We're awake for a while, so I'm okay to give you some answers." She reached out and gently squeezed Barry's arm when he mentioned that he hated having missed her pregnancy. "What matters is that you're here now, and you're getting to know our beautiful little girl. Me too. I'm glad that we were able to get through to you. I never wanted to imagine you not coming home."

"You never have to thank me. I love you and I would do anything to get you back home with us."
Barry listened quietly as she spoke about the time he was away. He watched her carefully. He could just tell from her face that is was worse then she let on, that it had been really hard on her. Barry couldn't imagine what it had been like to find out she was pregnant and he was gone. His brows furrowed hearing she got shot. Barry shifted, adjusting to hold the baby with one arm. He carefully put his now free arm around her. He held her close. "I want to spend every moment with you forever, I haven't changed my mind, I still want to marry you." he said quietly. "And now you can be happy, we can be happy." Barry took a deep breath.

He leaned his forehead against hers. He smiled a little bit. "It's all going to be okay now" Barry promised."if you need time to figure everything else out, or get used to us again, that's fine. I'll be there." Barry gingerly got up from the bed, putting down the sleeping baby. He settled back down beside her. "I always knew Cisco was going to save her, it was just a matter a time. I'm a bit surprised he hasn't found a more permanent solution, but seems he was busy filling in for me. I'm glad they were both able to help you. I was a bit worried about Cisco, you know how he can get sometimes." Barry pulled her back into his arms. He raised an eyebrow as she mentioned Julian.

"You say that as if we all didn't know they were in love, he finally noticed?" he asked chuckling quietly. Barry smiled a little as she agreed to answer some questions. "How is Wally at being the flash? Amazing right? And I assume the lab is up and running? And how did you guys contact me? " Barry ran his fingers through her hair over and over. "There must have been some good times too? Not all sad?"
"I still want to marry you, too." Iris said and she smiled at him. She reached out and ran the fingers of one of her hands gently over his cheek. "I'm very happy now that you're back. Promise." The young woman met his eyes when he leaned his forehead against hers and smiled. "It already is okay. You're home now, where you belong." The brunette shook her head at his next words. "I don't need any time to figure things out. I love you, Barry. That's never changed." She watched as he got up from the bed and then placed a sleeping Nora back down in her bed.

Once he returned to the bed and her side, she cuddled into him again. "As for Cisco and Caitlin, it's complicated. She was Killer Frost for a few months before she turned herself in. And then once Cisco started to work on the cure, I found out that I was pregnant and I was depressed for a while. So they spent a lot of time with me, trying to help me and take care of me. I've been doing better within the last month or two, and I'm definitely much better now that you're home, and Nora's been born. So they can now take this time to focus on themselves and their relationship."

"Cisco was the strongest of us all. He sort of took over and ran things after you left. Reminding us to keep going and that you would want us to carry on in your absence.." She laughed softly and cuddled into him when he took her back into his arms. "I'm sure that Julian knew they cared about each other, I just don't think he knew they were in love. They themselves didn't know for a while. But once they figured it out, that was the end of Julian and Caitlin, sorry to say." Her smile widened when Barry asked his questions. "Wally's great at being the Flash. Yeah, he's amazing."

"He's a good guy. He and I spent lots of time together these last few months, finally getting in some decent brother sister bonding time." She nodded when Barry mentioned S.T.A.R. Labs. "Yep, it's been running off and on for the last few months. We had some issues when Cisco and Caitlin were taking care of me, and when Caitlin was taking care of Cisco but it's been operational for about 96% of the time since you left." She chuckled at his last question. "I can't even begin to tell you the science behind it. You'll have to ask Cisco about that."

"Suffice it to say that Cisco and Wally took a trip to another earth, Earth 27, where they met another Caitlin and Cisco. The Cisco on that earth is a speedster who was in the Speed Force, and the Caitlin from there explained how her Cisco was about to get out of the Speed Force. She gave our Cisco a flash drive with info and he created some device for us to reach out to you in the Speed Force. I'm so glad that it worked. But Cisco went through a lot to get you home. He's been getting these really bad headaches, and Caitlin usually had to take care of him right after he used his powers."

"She also had to prescribe him some stronger medication as the stuff he was taking, wasn't helping." Iris felt herself relaxing at his touch, as he ran his fingers through her hair over and over again. "There were some good times," The young woman said and nodded. "Although I'd never wish to lose you again, I did get closer to the other's while you were gone. We all bonded closer as friends, and as a family."
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