RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Barry watched Iris' face. She looked so tired and now with the new found information, he could see the subtle fear in her eyes. Why he never saw it before he didn't know. He reached out and gently set his hand over hers. "I'm the one who is new to your apartment" he says finally. "If anyone is sleeping on the couch, or at the hotel, it will be me okay? I'll even go stay with Joe if that would be easiest. Whatever it takes to get you to trust me, that's what I'll do." He wants to kiss her and just hold her, but he settles for just holding her hand. He finally releases her. Barry shifts slightly pick up Nora again. "I'll drive?" he offers. "You can rest in the car?"

He holds Nora as she gathers her things and out to her car they go. Barry takes time to buckle her in, making sure she is still fast asleep, he and Iris need the quiet to think and rest. To really figure out what is going on between them. And Barry drives, so Iris can catch up on some sleep in the car. The car is in silence the whole way home. He's just happy she won't be staying in a sketchy motel any longer. He speeds up the bags first, before carefully waking up Iris. "Hey, you're back home, do you want me to carry you in? Right to bed?" he offers
"I'm okay, thanks." Iris said softly, and gave him a small smile. "Could you put Nora in her bed? I'm gonna wash up and get ready for bed." The brunette said a few moments later. Once Barry had put their daughter to bed, she walked into the bedroom and then the bathroom, and grabbed a quick shower. Once that was done, she changed into a long shirt and some underwear. After washing her face once more, the young woman left the bathroom and left the bedroom, going to check on Nora, to make sure that their daughter was doing okay and still sleeping.

After that was done, she covered the baby girl and turned to Barry. "You don't have to sleep at a hotel or on the couch." A few moments later, she walked over to the bed and pulled back
the blankets, getting in and then pulling them over her legs. "Good night, Barry.." Iris said softly, and she laid down on her side, facing the wall. Barry's pillows and side of the bed was untouched, except for where part of the blanket was pulled back. She didn't know what they were going to do. She didn't know if they were even friends anymore, without being more.

It was all so confusing and painful.
Barry nodded, gingerly getting Nora out of the back seat and carrying her upstairs. The challegene was making sure she stayed asleep. Which luckily, she did mostly. Briefly she started to fuss a little but he rocked her back to sleep before settling her into the crib. He smiled a little bit watching her. Barry turned a bit when she entered, he couldn't help but smile just ever so slightly at Iris.

Barry was a bit stunned when she mentioned he didn't have to sleep on the couch. He had just assumed. He followed behind her watching her get settled into bed. He hesitated, taking his time changing into something more appropriate to sleep in. Barry hesitated but joined her in the bed, carefully pulling up,his side of the blankets. Barry laid on his back for awhile, but he couldn't sleep sensing her discomfort. He rolled to his side and carefully put an arm around her. "Come here, talk to me." He said quietly. "I know you're not asleep either. And being in this bed without you in my arms is slowly killing me." There is a soft tone of pleading to his voice, to get her to roll over to face him. "I know this is confusing right now, but maybe we just need to just try enjoying being together and not worry about all that other stuff."
"Okay, we can do that." Iris said softly. She rolled over in the bed and went into Barry's arms. The young woman was still worried about their relationship, about Barry and Nora's relationship. She was also worried about the future and what it meant for them. The brunette laid there in his arms and remained silent for a while. "I don't know what to talk about," She said softly and then shrugged a few moments later. "I just don't want us to fight. For Nora's sake, and for our own. Before now, we've always managed to work things out and I don't want now to be any different."

"I finally have what I've wanted for so long, and now it's just like everything's harder than it was before you left." The young woman said softly, and then she fell silent once more. She leaned her body back into Barry's, trying to rest and relax in his arms. it took some time, but it slowly started to help. Iris could feel all of the stress in her shoulders and body start to melt away. This was what they needed. To be with each other without talking, fighting or arguing. But it wasn't that simple. They couldn't stay like this forever. They had a daughter to take care of, lives to lead, and a relationship to work on.
Barry let out a long sigh of relief when she came into his waiting arms. He immediately pulled her close, almost protectively. It hadn't only been a days but he missed her like crazy. He took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of her. He could never get enough of that. "I don't want to fight, I hate fighting with you, tears me up inside." He whispered softly. "Well if we both want things to work out, maybe they will. I'm willing to try anything." Her traced small patterns on her side. "And if....we decide this isn't the best for us, I'll still be there for you and my daughter."

He held her close, not wanting to ever let ago again, he knew exactly what she meant, there was just something blocking them both from getting close like before. They just had to get used to each other again. He kept gently stroking her side, constantly trying to remind her that he was still there. That he was willing to work through whatever it was in their way to be by her side. Barry eventually began to grow tired, the lack of sleep finally drawing him in. He was soon fast asleep, sitll clutching her,
Iris smiled as she watched Barry sleep. She turned in his arms and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. Then she turned in his arms once more and settled in to get comfortable. The young woman was hopeful that the time they were going to be spending together over the next few weeks, would allow them to work out whatever their underlying issues were. She hoped it
wasn't anything too serious, as they already had so much currently going on in their lives right now, that adding even more issues on top of it was a lot for them to deal with right now.

Eventually her eyes started to close, but right before they did, she wanted to check on Nora and make sure she was okay. Iris moved out if Barry's arms and silently left the bedroom, going into their daughter's room. A smile came over her and she simply stood there for a while, just happy to watch their daughter sleep peacefully. She reached out a hand to feel the baby girl's forehead, happy to find that the baby no longer had a fever. "I love you honey, and Daddy does, too. You have so many people who love you. There's Mommy and Daddy, Grandpa and Uncle Wally. Aunt Caitlin and Uncle Cisco, and all the rest of Mommy and Daddy's friends."

"You're special and loved, sweet girl." She whispered and then gently ran a finger over Nora's cheek, fixed her daughter's covers that had been kicked off, checked the monitor to make
sure it was still on, kissed her daughter's cheek, and then turned and left the room, going back to her and Barry's bedroom to go to sleep.
For the first night in awhile they all slept a fairly normal amount of time. Nora seemed to need the rest as much as her parents. It wasn't until the early morning hours that she finally awoke them with her crying. Barry slowly rolled awake, trying to disentangle himself from Iris gently to not wake her just yet, but he had a feeling she would be up soon anyways. He stretched, before going to get Nora.

He scooped her up and starting to try and calm her. No success. He changed her. Nope. That meant she was hungry. He sighed , bringing her back with him to the bedroom. "We have to wake up mommy huh?" He said softly to the little baby. Barry sat on the bed, gently shaking Iris "she's hungry" he said slowly. "I can make some coffee?" He offered, trying to get her to wake up. When Iris was finally off, he passed her the baby before going to make some breakfast and coffee for themselves, because it was 6:15 am. There was going to be no going back to sleep for Noa with the sun out.
Iris groaned softly and woke up. She sat up a few moments later, shaking her head when Barry suggested coffee. "Just for you. I can't drink coffee while breastfeeding Nora. Something about caffeine or something. I'll take a glass of orange juice, please." A few moments later, the brunette rearranged her night shirt and slipped it down, making one of her breasts available to their daughter to feed. The brunette ran her fingers through the little bit of hair that Nora said, starting to sing softly, to keep the baby girl relaxed. She enjoyed this time with their daughter.

It relaxed her, too. And it caused her to feel close to Nora. "Guess what beautiful girl? You're going to get to spend the night at Grandpa's house for the first time, so that Daddy and Mommy can have a night for themselves. I have a feeling that your Grandpa and Uncle Wally are going to spoil you rotten, angel." A smile was on her lips as she thought about her father and brother, getting to know her daughter. "You make sure to keep being the sweet girl that you are, for Grandpa and Uncle Wally. They love you so much, honey." Iris said, just enjoying her and Nora's time together as the baby fed.
Barry made pancakes, because no one could be upset when they had pancakes and Iris loves pancakes. It was a small gesture. He hadn't cooked much since getting back, Iris always insisted. He decided, he was going to do some of those things for her, making sure to alleviate some weight from her shoulders. And maybe then they would learn to trust each other again. It was a matter of helping each other. He brings her the tray of pancakes, and orange juice as she asked. It was a small gesture, another act of just trying to get back what they once had, just a chance to relax together and eat breakfast.

He set the tray down beside her. Barry smiled seeing Nora finished. "Here, let me hold her so you can eat some before it gets cold" he said softly, taking Nora from here before sitting back in the bed. If Barry couldn't be out saving the world, he was going to put all his effort into making this work, like he promised Caitlin. And once things with Iris were in a good place, he would work on his relationships with everyone else. Barry looked down at Nora and laughed a little bit, he coudln't help when she was smiling so happily. He played with her a little. "How'd you sleep?" Barry asked Iris finally, seeing she was more awake.
"I slept well. It was nice being back in your arms," Iris said softly, between bites of food. She smiled as she watched Barry and Nora together. It was something she had wished for for a long time and now it was finally happening. The young woman finished her breakfast and set tray down on the bedside table, before grabbing her cell phone and taking some pictures of Barry and Nora, and then setting her phone back down on the table. "When do you start back at the CCPD?" She asked curiously, knowing that he would want to get back to work as soon as he could.

She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to comb it down and fix it because morning bed head was never a good thing. "Thank you breakfast," Iris said and scooted closer to the two of them, reaching out to feel their daughter's forehead for a fever. Smiling when Nora's skin felt normal. "Well, it looks like you're doing so much better sweet girl.." She said softly to their daughter. "You get to go to daycare today, and Grandpa's going to pick you up. You'll get to spend time with Grandpa and Uncle Wally tonight. Mommy's going to pack all your favorite toys and stuffed animals."
Barry looked up when she asked about the CCPD. "I was planning on going back once things were more settled on the flash side of things. Or...if you needed me to stay home longer with Nora I can" he offered shrugging. "I am not really in any rush to get back to work, because i would like to finish working on everything else that is in shambles. I know I was rushing to get back to work, but I don't really know if that is the safest choice for me at the moment." he murmured quietly. He looked to her. "But I could also go back sometime next week, if I want to. They left it up to me"

Barry raised his eyebrow as she talked to their daughter, frowning a little. "Joe and Wally are watching her tonight?" he asked slowly, a little surprised. This would be the first time they could actually be alone together and not be interrupted. He was kind of really thrilled at that idea, because that hadn't been able to happen since he returned. And maybe that was were part of their issues stemmed from. "And I guess that means you're going to work for a bit? and I should go to the labs?" he asked, hopefully inferring correctly from her statements, trying to get them on the same page.
"I'm not trying to sway your decision either way. I just want you to do what you feel is right for you, is all. Okay, so you're going to take some time off work and just focus on the Flash side of things? That's fine. Hopefully Cisco and Caitlin will have an answer for why you've been getting so overheated in your suit, soon." She nodded at his next words. "Do whatever you need to do. You have my full support." The brunette nodded when he asked about her father and brother looking after Nora tonight. "Yep. I figured that Dad and Wally would want to spend some time with her, and she should get to know them better."

"It'll also give us some time alone to try and figure things out." Iris shrugged at his question. "I have a few things I need to take care of at work, and then I have the rest of the day free for anything else. As for you going to the labs, you can do whatever you like. You don't need to ask me for permission to do anything." She leaned over and kissed the top of Nora's head, smiling at their daughter. "You're going to be such a Daddy's girl, I can tell already. You're always completely relaxed in Daddy's arms, sweet girl." Happy to listen to the baby noises their daughter made.
Barry looked over to Iris, shrugging a little bit. "I don't want to spread myself too thin to quickly." he said softly. "That's what I keep focusing on, because there are more important things." He smiled a little bit, shifting so she could get close to them. Barry watched her interact with Nora. "I'm asking you because I don't want you to think I've just disappeared again. I'm trying to communicate" Barry chuckled a little when she mentioned Nora would probably be a daddy's girl. "She'll probably just as stubborn as her mother though." He teased gently.

"sHe's happy and content, why don't you go ahead and get ready for work. We'll be right here when you get back." he offered. "Then we can switch off." Barry shifted again, getting up from the bed, adjusting Nora. "Come on little girl, lets go clean up the kitchen!" he said excitedly. She cooed and giggled. He pressed a kiss to Iris' cheek. "I...All of this makes me really happy" he says finally, "I hope you feel the same too." Barry then headed to the kitchen playing Games with Nora as he used his free arm to load the dishwasher and pick up. He even danced some with her in the kitchen making her smile and laugh. He would do anything to make this work and keep them all this happy.
"I understand. Take all the time you need to get settled in." She nodded when he explained about asking her and not wanting her to think he had left again. "Okay, I get it." The brunette laughed softly when Barry said that Nora would be just a stubborn as her. "Probably even more stubborn than I am," Iris teased back. The young woman nodded when he suggested that
she go ahead and get ready for work. "That would be good, thanks." She walked over to Barry and kissed one of his cheek's, and one of Nora's. "I'll make sure not to take too long."

She cleaned up quickly and then went to check on them and found them in the kitchen, smiling as she watched them dancing together. Having taken out her phone to take some pictures and video. "You know, this is the cutest thing ever. Maybe I should post it on your facebook, or mine. Let everyone see just how adorable the two of you are together," Iris teased, before slipping her phone back into her pocket a moment later and walking over to them. "Are you having fun being silly and dancing with Daddy?" She asked their daughter, smiling and kissing the baby's cheek.
Barry turned hearing her voice in the kitchen. He laughed at her suggestion to put it online. "It think it will just make everyone else jealous." he replied facing her. "Come dance with us." he said holding out a free hand and pulling her closer. He smiled kind of dancing with them both, keeping Nora between the two of them. Barry couldn't keep his eyes off of Iris, a grin across his face. He finally ended the dance, passing Nora to him "There you are sweet girl" he murmured. "Spend some time with mommy so I can get dressed."

Barry took a step back, releasing Iris' hand. He headed back to the bedroom getting some clothes on and returned to the kitchen. "What did you want to do tonight when its just us? Did you just want to stay here or go out to dinner?" He offered, finished making sure everything as all ready for the rest of the day, helping her pack Nora's things. He just wanted to make sure his evening with her was perfect to really make sure he was putting in all his effort.
Once they had danced for a while, then Barry had gotten dressed, and then they had packed Nora's bag, the three of them sat down to eat. At his question, Iris shrugged. "I'm open to ideas. I don't really have anything planned, aside from checking in on Nora at Dad's house, from time to time. Making sure that everything goes okay, and to let them know to call us if they or this little one need anything. Other than that, I have no idea. If you have something in mind, just let me know, and we'll talk about it." A few moments later, she started humming softly to Nora.

"It's going to feel weird without you being here tonight," She said softly to their daughter. "Mommy's so used to you being around, first in her tummy, and now in her arms. She's going to tell Grandpa and Uncle Wally to take lots of pictures and video of you tonight, to make sure that they don't get into too much trouble with you, sweet girl." Iris smiled and pressed a sweet kiss to Nora's forehead, before turning her attention back to Barry, as their daughter fed. "How are you doing? I know that you haven't been back for long. But I was just wondering, are things getting any easier?"
Barry nodded, smiling a little as she began humming to their daughter. "I was just thinking it might be nice to go to dinner. Go on an actually date, since we haven't done that in a long time." He offered. "Or we can just rest. I just want to spend some time with you." Barry watched as It's turned her attention to their baby. He smiled.softly. "she's going to be just fine, we will be the ones struggling..first time she will be away from us for a long time"

Barry shifted back in his seat when she asked how he was doing. Barry took a few moments before responding
. "I could be doing worse" he said finally. "I think once I finish navigating our relationship and everything else, I'll feel a lot more at ease. Just until then, with all the uncertainty it's hard to get comfortable." He looked down at his food and then back to them.."but I think it will work out, soon I'll be back at work and saving people and I think that will just ease everything else to start making sense."
"Dinner sounds like a good idea. It will do us both some good to get out of the house for a few hours." Iris nodded. "You're right about that. Little Missy probably won't even realize that we're not around. She's gonna be having too much fun with Grandpa and Uncle Wally. We're gonna be checking on her constantly," She said and laughed softly. The brunette looked up at his next words. "Barry," The brunette said softly. "If it's driving you crazy to not be working, then just tell the CCPD that you're ready to resume working. Nora and I are fine, if that's what you're worried about."

"I want you to be comfortable, and if you going back to work accomplishes that then you know I have no problem with it." She stopped talking and let Barry talk. Once the young woman figured he was done, she nodded again. "Here's the thing, it doesn't have to be one or the other, you know. You can spend time with us, and get back to doing and enjoying your job, both with the CCPD and as The Flash. Nora and I aren't going anywhere. Anytime you wanna talk or spend time with us, all you have to do is say so. You and I both know that you don't handle having a lot of free time well."
Barry had his eyes focused on Nora as Iris spoke and he nodded a little bit. He played with her little hand some making her giggle. "I just missed so much, I don't want to go back to work and miss anymore. But you are right, I am the worst when i am not busy. I just hate sitting still and not doing anything." he said softly. Barry looked to her with a sad smile. "I'll give the captain a call in a few days and see if I can come back, at least for a few days during the week to start." He reached a hand over and caressed her fingers. "Thank you for understanding. We should probably get going."

And with that, they took Nora's things with them, loaded them all into a car and drove to see Wally and Joe. Wally was quick to greet them and take his niece away before Joe had a chance. Wally was instantly make her laugh and smile. Barry let Iris explain everything they would need to be aware of, but was soon told by Joe to go have fun and that he's raised children before. And they were sent on their way. As they headed back towards the car, Barry spoke. "How are you doing?"
She ran her own fingers back against his. "You don't have to keep thanking me. I know that it's going to take some time for you to adjust to things." The brunette nodded and they exited the house a few moments later. "Already having separation issues. How about you?" She asked as they got into the car once more, buckled up and backed out of the driveway. "I know that Dad and Wally will take care of her, it's just that this is the first time she'll be away from us, away from me, since I found out that I was pregnant. I'm not used to her not being an arm's length away."

Iris fell silent a few moments later, as Barry continued to drive. "I can't stop worrying about something happening. Not with Nora, Dad and Wally, but in town. And both of them being needed to help. I'd never ask them to not do their jobs and protect the city. I just worry about what's going to happen to Nora if they're both needed." She shrugged a moment later and then sighed. "I'm not good at letting her go. I never thought that I'd be one of those clingy parents, but apparently I am." The young woman took a few breaths to calm herself. "Where do you feel like going for dinner?"
Barry looked over to her briefly and shook his head "Iris she's going to be just fine. If she's anything like her mother she can handle herself" he said reaching out and placing a hand over hers as he drove. "If they have to go, one of a few things can happen, we go back and take Nora home, or I go in place of Wally or Caitlin watched Nora." He replied. "Trust me we have back up plans for a reason"

"You're a good mom Iris and everything I've read online say the first months are hardest for new parents to let go of their children " he said softly "I don't like being away from her either. I never thought I would be the type of person who would sleep all night in a rocking chair to make sure she is okay, but I've done it more then once." Barry kept driving the car down the streets. "I was thinking we can go to your favorite place, have a nice grown up dinner." Barry offered. "Try and just get back to how we used to be some and just connect."
Iris nodded. She knew that Barry was right, but it still didn't feel right being without their daughter. The brunette took a few breaths to try and calm down, and just focus on herself and Barry. They still had to get to know each other all over again, if they were going to fix their relationship, which was something that the young woman really wanted. She couldn't imagine not being with Barry, now that they had both finally admitted their feelings for each other and had given a relationship a go. "I know, you're right. I'm just not coping well without her. I guess I'm more dependent on our daughter, than she is on us."

The brunette ran a hand through her hair, as they pulled up at her favorite restaurant. A smile came over her lips as she looked at him. "You remembered my favorite restaurant," She said softly, unable to stop smiling at the simple gesture. Once Barry had parked the car, they disentangled from their seatbelts and got out of the car. Iris waited as he locked the car and then a few moments later, took one of his hands into one of her own, as they walked inside the restaurant together. "Thank you for doing this," The young woman said softly, squeezing Barry's hand that was in hers.
"Well I was hoping not everything about you had changed." He replied smiling softly, as she slid her hand into his. He squeezed her hand tightly and shifted to be closer to her. "Just because you are more independent doesn't mean we have to loose out on romance." They soon got a table and settled side by side. Barry smiled a little bit see how much this little gesture meant to her. That made his heart swell.

They soon ordered their usual foods. Despite how much had changed, they soon fell into a familiar rythmn. They talked about each other, getting to learn the subtle differences again. They both were a bit hesitant but soon the tension seemed to relax significantly. By the end of dinner, Barry had enough confidence to hold her hand and press a light kiss to the back if her hand. "Thabk you for this amazing dinner" he whispered softly
"I'm the one who should be thanking you. You're trying so hard to get back in the swing of things, and I just want to make sure you know how much it means to me. How much you mean to me. I hope you know how much I appreciate you. I can't really express just how happy I am that you're home with us. Sometimes I still find myself waking up in the middle of the night to check that you're in bed beside me. I think it's just going to take all of us a while to get used to you being home. It's not a bad thing, you know, it's just a period of readjustment for all of

They went into the restaurant a few moments later, found a table and thanked the waiter for the menus he left for them. Once the waiter had left their table, the two of them browsed the menus and Iris just decided to go with her usual favorites. She set the menu down in front of herself, silently watching Barry as he browsed the menu. "So, there's something that I should probably tell you. I'm not supposed to say anything, but I figured that being surprised might be the last thing that you want right about now. Anyway, Felicity's in town. She said that she's waited long enough to see you, and isn't going to wait any longer."

"She plans to be there at S.T.A.R. Labs waiting for you first thing tomorrow morning. I didn't want you to walk in the door tomorrow morning and have her ambush you and have you not be ready for it. She told all of the others to stay home, that she had first dibs on seeing you and making sure that you were okay." Iris said softly, a small smile on her lips as she spoke about their friend. "Felicity's going to be excited to see you. She's texted me off and on all day, asking about Nora, asking about you, asking for pictures of Nora, and pictures of you and Nora."

"So, you've been warned." The young woman said and laughed softly.
Barry raised his eyebrows and paused as she mentioned Felicity. He set down the menu, looking at her intently. He had figured she would be here soon, but she never reached out to him directly. They must have been trying their best to keep him coming back as normal as possible. He had honestly expected to be ambushed in the beginning but now it began to make sense. He nodded slowly. "I mean, it will be really nice to see her again. It's been awhile" He said smiling a little bit. "I appreciate the warning, I mean I would have survived walking in blind but knowing makes it a lot easier. Because I was just hoping to test the changes to the suit but looks like I will be pretty busy all day tomorrow."

He chuckled a little bit thinking back to his friend. He hadn't seen her for months before he even left. They would have so much to catch up on. And she would of course want to see Nora, if she liked babies of course. "There will be a lot to talk about." he said shaking his head. Barry picked up his drink and too a long sip. He really hoped he connected well with Felicity. It had been so hard with all of his other friends, that made him a bit nervous. He tried to push the fear away and focus on being excited to see her.
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