RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

"If you tell Felicity your plans for tomorrow, I'm sure she'd be happy to take a raincheck on the two of you spending time together. Like I said, I'm sure that she'll feel better once she sees you in person and is able to hug you and talk to you, and know that you're okay. Or if you wanna see her, just schedule some time together, hang out with her for a few hours, and then go to S.T.A.R. Labs and work on the suit with Cisco and Caitlin," Iris suggested a few moments later. She thanked the waiter when their food was brought to the table, and after grabbing her fork, began to dig into her food.

"Anyway, I had just wanted to give you a heads up. We both know how hyper/excited Felicity can get sometimes. And it's not a bad thing, but it's also not something that anyone wants to be surprised with." She fell silent a few moments later and resumed eating her food, just enjoying this nice time with Barry. Iris pulled out her phone under the table and texted both her father and Wally, checking up on Nora, and on them. She had been doing that every 30 minutes since they had been away from her. The young woman used one hand to manage her fork to eat, and the other hand to text under the table.
"Well knowing Felicity the moment she's hears there may be problems with my suit and such, she will want to see all the data herself." He said laughing softly, "I'll let her surprise me. That is what she wants after all. And go form there. She'll probably want to have dinner with us, get to see Nora." he said thoughtfully he began to dig into his own food taking thoughtful bites. "It will be a nice change of pace from the usual rp routine. I'm excited to see her."

Barry watched her carefully, as she tried to mask her texting. He knew she was doing it. It took every once of will power for him to also not text them about their baby, their little girl. "Iris, I'm sure everything is fine, you know they would call if something was wrong." He said slowly, loving a hand over hers that held the phone. "If you want, we can just go pick her up and bring her home." He offered. "I don't like seeing you so worried. This is meant to be a relaxing evening right? Get to do some grown up things together, but if you aren't having s good time, it can wait til you're more ready ."
Iris took a deep breath and then released it, and then repeated the action a few times. After that was done, she snapped her phone shut and put it in her purse. "No, this is our time alone together and I'm sorry for ruining it. I know that Dad and Wally will look after her. I'm just having issues letting her go. But it's fine. You were right when you said that they would call if anything happened or if something was wrong. Let's just enjoy our dinner together.." She said and smiled softly. "As for Felicity, I'm sure that she'll wanna see the suit, but not until after
she's seen you, and met Nora."

When he took her hand, she squeezed his hand that was in hers. "I'm sorry if you think that I'm not having a good time. I am, promise. I love any and all time that we spend together," Iris said softly, and she scooted closer to Barry and kissed his lips sweetly. Holding the kiss for several seconds and then pulling back and smiling at him. "I'll be okay. We both will. We just have
to get used to being away from our little girl.." She trailed off as a text came in. The brunette squeezed his hand and then pulled out her phone, smiling as a picture of Wally and Nora playing together appeared on the screen.

"They look like they're having a good time together."
"Iris, you aren't ruining anything" Barry said firmly. "I think its adorable how much you care, and I'm just as worried as you are." He held her hand tightly. Barry smiled a little. "I'm having a good time too. This has been a really nice dinner." he said. His smile grew as she gave him a long kiss. Barry felt his heart race just a little. All of this gave him hope, that maybe it will all work out for the best. He just had to keep the rythmn going. He nodded. "It will take time, but we can do it." he reassured, chuckling as her phone pinged with a message. He leaned in to see a better view. "Aww look how happy she is, see nothing to worry about."

Barry squeezed her hand again lightly. "Do you want to get some dessert? I think your favorite bakery is still open?" he offered. He didn't want this evening to end. He just wanted to keep being with her and just enjoying things the way they were before he left. To be able to pull her close and just hold her. He missed Nora alot but he had missed being alone with Iris, having the energy to actually be with her and talk with her.He just wanted to never let her go.
"I'd love to get some dessert. I hear a chocolate brownie with chocolate chips calling my name. How about you?" She asked and smiled a few moments later. They paid for dinner together, and boxed up any leftovers to take home and have for lunch tomorrow. Once that was done, they left a tip for their waiter and left the restaurant. Getting back into the car, Iris relaxed back into the seat as Barry drove them to her favorite bakery. The ride to the bakery was spent in silence as they held hands and just enjoyed each other's company without talking for a few minutes.

When they arrived, it was agreed that they would get their desserts to go, so that they didn't leave the leftovers in the car and risk forgetting them. 10 minutes later, Iris agreed to hold their desserts as Barry drove them back to the house. When they got home, she handed him his dessert, carried her own and their leftovers, slipping the house key into his hand to unlock the door. Once they were inside, she saved the leftovers in the refrigerator, and then joined him in the living room, moving to curl into his side as they enjoyed their desserts. "You doing okay?" The young woman asked, checking on him.
Barry wouldn't let go of her hand the rest of the evening, unless it was absolutely necessary. He just kept her hand clasped in his, enjoying every moment. When they finally arrived at home, he got some plates for their desserts and settled onto the couch with her to eat them. He smiled as she curled into him and he looped an arm around her shoulders. He leaned in and kissed the top of her head. "I'm doing really well" he said softly. "I've really enjoyed this evening and getting a chance to connect with you again." He squeezed her gently, taking a few bites of his own pastry. They ate like that for a while, Barry holding her close. It was perfect. It was a comfortable silence, just what they both needed.

Barry looked at her for a long time as she finished up the last of her dessert and set the plate on the table. He leaned in a little and cupped her cheek, before pulling her in for a deep kiss. He let the kiss linger for awhile, holding her face close. He carefully pulled back, looking into her eyes. "You're so beautiful" he murmured, pushing some hair from her face. "I'll always love you" he said quietly, pressing a few more light kisses to her face.
"Why do I sense a 'but' coming?" Iris asked softly. "You're doing all the right things, and your body language seems to agree, but it seems like your words are leading us elsewhere.." She said, kissing him back and tracing her fingers over his clothed chest, but not doing much more. The brunette remained curled into Barry's side as she continued to take small bites of her brownie. "Is something wrong?" She asked him a few moments later, wanting to fix whatever the problem was, if there even was one. There was a chance that she was seeing issues that weren't really there.

After speaking, she fell silent and just continued to eat her brownie as she waited for him to reply. The two of them sat there together, just being together. In a way, it sort of felt like old times. The only difference is that they were still struggling to adjust to the new person each of them were. Iris liked to think that things were getting easier for them every day, but she
wasn't really sure if that was true or not. Some things that weren't hard before, were hard now. While they were working on talking to each other and getting to know each other again,
it just isn't as easy as it once was.
Barry shook his head a little bit. "there's no but coming. That's just the truth, no matter what happens." he said finally. Barry looked away for a moment and off into the distance. "We haven't really had this kind of time together, you know? I just...I'm a little distracted." He let out a soft laugh, but his arm was still around her, still holding her close. "I don't know exactly where we stand, but I really want to do more then just kiss you, and I'm having a hard time knowing what's okay." He traced small circles on her arm. "But...I know we are still trying to figure us out, so just this, is perfect."

Barry leaned back a little, keeping her close to his side. Barry couldn't help but just keep gazing at her. He could see how strong she had become and how independent she was, but he could still clearly see the woman he fell in love with. And the new parts of her he was beginning to fall for as well. He knew it would take time for them to find a good rhythm, but it was getting a little easier. He just had to keep actively trying to fit back into the puzzle that was his life now.
"I don't have a problem with us doing more than kissing," Iris said softly. She pulled away from Barry for a few moments and took their desserts into the kitchen, wrapping them up and saving them for later, then the young woman went back into the living room and resumed her seat on the couch by him, curling back into his side. "But I will say that if losing the clothes becomes an option, we should make sure and use condoms this time to be careful. Not that I regret having Nora, because I don't. I just don't think we're ready for another baby, at least
not yet."

"We're still adjusting to you being back, and you're still coming to grips with the idea of being a father. And we still have to figure out our feelings for each other, and decide if we still want to get married, and if so, when and where." Iris reached out with one hand and ran her fingers along his cheek gently. "I love you, Barry. Our time apart hasn't changed that. We just need to keep getting to know each other, is all. And we eventually need to start spending time with our friends again. I know they're dying to spend time with you. And I also know for a fact that if we, or more accurately you, don't make an appearance at S.T.A.R. Labs tomorrow, Felicity will hunt you down.." She said and laughed.
Barry's eyes watched after her as she headed to the kitchen, he was a bit startled by her response. It was a nice change of pace. He took a small deep breath. He chuckled as she mention making sure they had protection. "I'm in no rush to make our family bigger, that would make everything more complicated then it already is. Besides, I don't think we cold handle splitting out attention between two babies right now." he murmured. Barry smiled as he felt her fingers on his cheek. He nodded. "I know, but we are a team, in it together." He pulled her hand back a little and pressed a kiss into the palm of her hand.

"I just want to make sure you and I are in a good place before I let my attention be diverted into to many directions." he said slowly "That you know I still love you and i came back here to be with you.....all of our friends are just a bonus." He pressed a light kiss to her cheek, smiling softly. "Well I assume everyone would love to see you at the lab, maybe we can all spend some time together. I owe that to Cisco as much as I do to Felicity."
"We can do whatever you want," Iris said softly. She kissed his lips and then moved away, getting to her feet. A moment later, the young woman reached out and grabbed one of his hands, pulling him to his feet as well, and taking his hand and tugging him along behind her as she led him to their bedroom. The brunette left the door open since Nora was safe with Wally and
their father, and so she released Barry's hand and kicked off her shoes. After that was done, she removed her shirt and pants and then stood there before him in just her bra and panties.

"You can't tell me that you wanna do more than kiss me, and then chicken out when it's time to put your money where your mouth is.." She teased him and smiled. "Condoms in the bedside table like usual. Now, lose the clothes." The young woman stood there and waited to see if Barry was going to join her. There was no pressure here, but she did want to make him happy, and if his remark from a little while ago was anything to go by, then he really did want this just as much as she did. Her eyes trailed over his body, waiting for him to get rid of his clothes.
Barry was a bit stunned when she pulled him to his feet and led her to the bedroom. His mouth opened a bit stunned as she started to strip."I...I...you...you were talking about other things I just assumed." He began quickly, his eyes roaming over her body. He didn't need further encouragment. He toed off his shoes before quickly pull off his shirt and pants.

He grabbed her swiftly pressing a deep kiss to her lips, holding her close before tossing her onto the bed and getting on top of her to continue the feverish kissing. The need to touch her skin to hi skin overtaking him. His hands ran down her body massaging the soft skin there "you are so beautiful."
Iris smiled and laid back in the bed once Barry tossed her there. "Don't take the wrong way, but so are you." She was happy to feel his hands tracing over her skin, and started to do
the same with her own hands on his body. A few moments later, tugging his boxers off so that he was completely naked. "Condoms," The brunette reminded him in a whisper against
his lips as they kissed once more.

She also couldn't wait for him to finish undressing her so that they were both naked. This was something that the young woman had missed doing with him for a long time. And now
that Barry was home and they were finally back together, there was no reason to wait. Nora was safe and being taken care of, and they were completely alone and happy. The perfect
time to make each other feel amazing.
Barry nodded into the kiss st her reminder. "In a bit of a hurry?" He murmured softly, into the skin of her neck trailing kisses down. But he honestly didn't want to wait either. He wanted to savior the moment but also he needed her so bad. Barry made quick work of her bra and then her own ties, just tossing them to the side, then went back to making sure to reqauint himself with her body. His lips trailing his down her body before coming to her breasts. He took his time trailing kisses around before taking her nipple into his mouth. He gave both breast attention before moving south.

He pressed light kisses to her stomach and thighs before trailing his fingers between her legs. Barry was giving her body so much attention and lov.e it felt so good to be doing this again with her, to feel her skin against his. They hadn't had a free moment like this to really get used to one another in this way. But so far, everything seemed to be going smoothly. Barry came back up and kisses her deeply again.
"Hurry is an understatement," Iris whispered against Barry's lips. "I've been wanting to get you naked since you got back, but I was trying to give you time to settle in first, before I threw myself at you. I didn't want you to think that I was a slut, but now I just don't give a damn. I love you and I want you, and I know damn well that you want me, and it's not my ego talking." She fell silent a moment later as he started kissing the skin on her neck, moans leaving her lips as the young woman enjoyed what he was doing to her. It had been so long since either of them had been together like this. They needed this.

Each time Barry kissed any part of her body, it made her moan. And when his fingers went between her legs, the brunette wasted no time eagerly spreading them for him, wanting to feel everything that he wanted to do. Iris smiled when he quit pressing kisses all over her skin, came back up and kissed her lips. "I love you," She assured him, needing him to know that her feelings for him hadn't changed even with their time apart. Her hands went back to caressing all over his body, loving being able to touch him after they had spent so long apart.
"Iris, you are not a slut" he said calmly, shaking his head. "I wanted to jump you just as much, but you had just had our child, I didn't really think it was appropriate." He chuckled a little bit, hearing her moans and the ease at which her legs parted for him. It felt right for him to be touching her and for her touching him. His fingers explored between her legs, slipping a finger inside, going back to kissing her neck. Giving her all the attention she deserved. To be amazingly happy in this moment. Barry eventually couldn't take it any longer, just needing to be one with her. He pulled back, pressing a light kiss to her lips. He reached into the drawer, grabbing a condom and putting it on.

"Are you still good?" he asked quietly, trailing his fingers down her skin. He settled between her legs, starting to aim up his cock. He waited though to make sure she was still as eager as she was moments ago. "I love you so much Iris" he said quietly. once she was ready, he carefully slid into her. He groaned a little bit. It had been a long time sine he had felt this. And Barry had missed this feeling of being close to her and being one with her. He kissed her deeply,
Her moans came quicker as Barry's fingers touched her between her legs, getting louder when he finally slipped a finger inside of her, as he kept kissing her neck. The brunette enjoyed
the sensations that he gave her for a few minutes, letting out a groan of displeasure when he removed his finger that had been working her body. The young woman eagerly kissed him
back when he kissed her. Her protests ended when he pulled away and she saw him going for the drawer and pulling out a condom. This was a long time coming and she was so ready
for it.

"I'm fine. But I'll be even better when you're inside of me," She said softly, smiling at him. She shivered in pleasure at the feeling of his fingers trailing over her skin. "I love you, too, Barry. I'm so glad you came home to us." Iris said and let out a sigh of relief as he finally slipped inside of her. "We don't need to do slow and gentle right now. We can always do that later. Right now, I just need it hard and fast to remind us both of what we've been missing.." The young woman said and grinned at him. Her hands moved to his ass, squeezing it and trying to pull
more of him inside of her.
Barry raised an eyebrow at her request. He nodded a little bit and started to move, thrusting in and out of her. It didn't take long ass all for him to pick up and speed. He kept pressing rough kisses into her lips. Barry had no problem doing what she wanted going hard and fast. He just wanted to feel her and experience her. It had been so long. He moved his lips to her neck, nipping and sucking at the soft flesh. "I missed you so much" he said in a hoarse whispered. "Damn Iris..." He kept going picking up the pace, gripping her hips hard and pulling her roughly agaisnt him. Just eh raw emotion of it all finally taking him over.

it wasn't long before he reached his climax and slumped on top of her, pressing gentle light kisses to her skin, over and over. "Love you" he murmured over and over, his voice soft. He really had missed her the time he was away and he had been so focused on Nora, he hadn't even thought about both of their own needs. "Give me a bit and we can go for a round two if you want" he said softly, trying to regain his breathing.
After they had both come, she laid there to catch her breath, nodding at his words. "Round two, round three, and even round four if you can keep it up that long.." Iris teased him, smirking. She kissed Barry's lips and laid back in the bed beside him. "Love you, too.." The brunette said softly, smiling at him. She was happy to just trail her hands and fingers all over his skin, as they relaxed together. It was nice that they got to spend this time together just the two of them. She loved Nora more than anything in the world, but she also loved Barry and was glad to
be able to spend this time with him.

The brunette just trailed her fingers and hands over his body and then started trailing kissing over it, too. She loved the feeling of his skin under her lips, and was glad that cooler heads have prevailed. Originally Iris had just wanted to lose complete control when she and Barry had sex. But thankfully that hadn't happened. They had both remembered protection and she was going to resume taking her birth control once they decided it was time for Nora to stop breastfeeding. She didn't know if it was safe or not, to take her birth control pills while breastfeeding their daughter and didn't want to risk it.
Barry laughed a little bit, smiling back at her. He pulled her closer in an embrace. He nuzzled his face into her hair. He wanted to hold her and never let go. He smiled a little feeling her her fingers and lips start to move across his body. Barry sighed a little bit. "I think everything's going to be okay" he said softly, carefully moving her face up to met his lips in a gentle lingering kiss. His hand cupping her cheek. He smiled a little bit, trailing his fingers over her cheek bone. "It's good to be home, with you." He laid back in the bed, letting her do as she pleased, just reveling in her beauty and just getting to be with her again, meant the world to him.

He hadn't been this relaxed since he first returned to them. It was just feeling right for once, and semi normal. This evening gave him hope to keep trying to make sure it worked. And there was only up to go from here. He would see Felicity tomorrow and soon he could be the Flash again. He couldn't ask for more. Barry kept his arms tight around her as they finally decided to call it a night, after many successful rounds. His fingers finding hers and interlocking them. He missed Nora, but right now, all he could think about was Iris and how this was what he really came home for, to hold her and care for her.
"Do you wanna turn on a movie, go to sleep, or do you have something else in mind?" Iris asked as she squeezed Barry's hand that was interlocked with hers. She curled into his side
and hummed softly under her breath, just enjoying being in this moment with him. As they laid there together, the brunette waited to see what he was going to say. Her eyes closed a
little bit but she didn't go to sleep, was just resting her eyes for a few moments. "What's the plan for tomorrow?" The brunette asked as she leaned over and then kissed his cheek.

Her hand that held his, squeezed it once more and she then she kissed his hand. Using her other hand, the young woman reached for her phone and sent Wally another text, asking how things were going with them and Nora. She set her cell phone down on the bedside table a few moments later and waited for her brother to text back. Turning on her side, she faced Barry once more and started to kiss him.
Barry shrugged a little. "Just as long as I can keep holding you, we can do whatever you want." he replied softly. "I don't want to let go unless I have to." He pressed a light kiss to her temple. He laid back in the bed beside her, his eyes closing a little bit. He opened on eye as she asked about tomorrow. "I suppose you and Nora should come to the lab with me? That way all of Felicity's questions will be answered right away?" he suggested. His fingers slowly running through her hair. He leaned in and kissed her again.

Barry watched as she sent another text to her brother. The reply didn't come right away and Barry was more then happy to kill the time by returning her kisses. He brought a hand up to cup her cheek. Keeping their faces pressed close together. He deepened the kiss, but parted when he heard her phone buzz with a reply, allowing her to read and respond to it. Barry waited paitently for her to return to him and kiss him again.
Iris kissed his lips, once she had set her phone back down after replying to Wally's text. "Wally and Dad brought her to the park for a while so she could enjoy being outside. Then they put on Finding Nemo, Toy Story and some other kid movie for her. They only had a small bit of trouble when it came time for her to go to sleep. She didn't want to go to bed.." The young woman said softly, and laughed. She resumed kissing Barry a few moments later and slipped her arms back around his waist. "Feel like watching a scary movie? It'll give me an excuse to curl into you even more."

The brunette ran her hand over her boyfriend's chest, just stroking the skin gently. The touch wasn't sexual at all. She was just enjoying their time together. "Or if you don't feel like a movie, I'm open to any ideas or suggestions that you might have.." Iris said, and started to pepper his face with kisses, as one of her hands moved under the blankets and between his legs, stroking him a few moments later. She moaned softly against his lips and wasted no time trying to make him feel good. The brunette found that she couldn't get enough of his body.
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