RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

"Barry, I'm not blaming you. And I'm not angry with you. I just wanted to let you know what was going on, is all. Accidents happen sometimes. And all that matters is that you showed up when we needed you." Iris kissed his lips sweetly. "I love you, and so does Nora. Sure, she's sick right now, but what matters is that she's going to be okay, because we're going to take
good care of her. And that includes both of us getting rest, too. Why don't you grab a shower while I keep an eye on our girl? And when you're done, I'll get one, and we'll grab a nap right here?"

"We have the monitor on, and Nora's only in the other room. So if she needs something, we'll be able to tend to her as soon as possible. Go on," Iris said nudging him gently. "Grab that shower, and don't speed through it. Let the hot water relax your muscles." She stopped speaking for a few moments when he mentioned Wally and her father. Laughing softly when Barry mentioned having them over to look after and also spend time with Nora while they napped. "Sounds good to me. I know that Dad will love having lots of time with his first grandchild."

She laughed softly when he mentioned Cisco and Caitlin. "I think that we should give them a bit of a break. After how amazing they've been these last few months, they deserve it. I'm thinking of asking them to look after Nora maybe one day a week. I know that Caitlin would love the idea, as she's already completely obsessed with our daughter." Nodding when Barry mentioned not being able to do this without any of them. "I know what you mean."

"Maybe benching you for now is for the best. Wally, Dad, and the CCPD are doing a great job. So you can take this time to get used to everything, and spend more time with us, while
Caitlin and Cisco do the tests they need to do. Don't worry, they'll figure out how to help you, and you'll be back out there catching bad guys before you know it." She nodded once
more when he mentioned being there the next time Nora got sick.. "I know you will," Iris said and kissed him. She leaned back into the couch. "Go shower, Mister."
Barry had to admit a shower sounded really nice. Just a chance to relax and take a few minutes of peace and quiet in. He sighed a little bit as she kept nudging him. "Fine fine, showers and then naps." he agreed. Barry smiled at her, "Joe wants to keep visiting might as well make it work in our favor." He laughed as she mentioned Caitlin being obsessed with their daughter. 'Caitlin buys her more clothes then she can wear in a life time" he agreed. "As long as they are willing, I don't see a problem with getting one night to ourselves."

Barry begrudgingly pulled himself up from the couch and stretched a little bit. He shrugged a little bit when she mentioned maybe it was a good thing he couldn't be the Flash. "Yea I know, and I want to be here with you, I just miss it" he said shrugging. "I feel so useless if I am not out there helping people." Barry kissed her back lightly. "Alright off to my shower." He agreed.

He didn't try to speed through it, though he did speed through his least favorite parts, like shampoo. He took his time though to let the warm water soothe the new tiredness from him of going from another dimension for nine months to having a newborn. It was a lot. All Barry was looking for was some kind of normal, like before now. Sometimes he felt like he missed so much. Like how Caitlin and Cisco got together and now he feels like a third wheel. They all have inside jokes and he's just missed this huge piece of their lives, where so much had happened.

Barry let the water fall into his eyes and he let out a long sigh. He liked to pretend he was adjusting okay to being back here, because that't what he wanted. It was a a lot harder then just picking up where they left off.
Iris just relaxed back into the couch, closing her eyes and dozing as she laid there. She could hear Barry in the shower, and a small smile covered her face as she enjoyed having her family completely back together. The young woman looked forward to many nights of them sleeping in each other's arms, and making love to each other again, once they got into a routine with Nora, and once their daughter was feeling better. She also looked forward to the day when they would be husband and wife. There was no rush. The brunette knew how much they loved
each other.

After a few minutes, she got up from the couch and left the living room, walking into the bedroom to check on Nora. Their little girl was sleeping peacefully, and as she checked on their baby, Iris wet the towel and gently wiped the baby girl's face with it, to cool her down. Smiling at the soft sounds that were made as their daughter slept. After checking her fever and finding it to be lower than it was earlier, she kissed Nora's cheek and then returned to her spot on the couch in the living room. She laid back down on the couch and turned on the TV, with the volume down low, letting the light from the TV lull her to sleep.
Barry returned from his shower, feeling very refreshed. He dried his hair, taking a second to check on Nora before going to Iris. He found her asleep on the couch with the tv on. He chuckled quietly. He hadn't been got that long, or it was a trick the whole time so she could get some rest. He sighed, picking the blanket up from the chair and draping it over her. He watched her sleep for a long time. She was always so pretty when she slept. So relaxed. He wanted her to sleep more, but they were still trying to figure out Nora's different cries. Soon, they wouldn't both get up when she cried, but that wouldn't be today or tomorrow. Barry didn't disturb her from her sleep. He ended up making sure they had food for dinner, and then settling into the chair by the couch, soon falling asleep himself. He hadn't realize how tired he was until it was completely silent in the apartment. He was instantly asleep.

The sound of Nora crying was the next thing to wake them both up. Barry sighed a little bit rubbing his eyes, stretching. He looked to Iris, who started to get up. "I got her, you were here with her all day. Lay back down" he said, pulling himself up from the chair. He walked to the bedroom, scooping up the little baby from the bed starting to rock her some, and just hold her. When that didn't work, he went to checking her diaper and changing her, but still no results. He tried a few other things, seeing if he could ease her back to sleep, really not wanting to wake up Iris if she was infact hungry. But then Barry found the thing that worked, he rocked her while singing a lullaby, and suddenly the wailing stopped. As long as he kept doing both, Nora seemed to be soothed and falling back asleep. He went at it for awhile, before he was finally hopeful she was asleep again.
Iris tiptoed into the room to check on them, smiling when she found Nora asleep in Barry's arms. "Thanks for letting me sleep," She whispered, walking silently into the room and kissing his lips. "I'm gonna grab a shower, and make dinner for us.." The young woman said, still whispering lightly in his ear, not wanting to wake their daughter. "Let me know if you need me, or if
Nora does." After one final kiss to his lips, she exited the room once more and headed off to get some clean clothes and shower. The hot water felt wonderful on her body, even managing to give her a renewed sense of energy.

Once she had finished cleaning up and dried her hair, she cleaned up the bathroom, changed into some PJ's, and then went to pull out dinner and make something for both of them. While she cooked the food, Iris hummed softly, just enjoying how utterly domestic and homey everything felt. She loved being with her family, it was the best feeling in the world. And seeing her fiancé and their daughter together always filled her with joy. Half an hour later she finished dinner, and served it out onto the table. The brunette crept over to Barry and kissed him.

"Wake up, sleepy head. I made dinner for us. I'm going to check on our girl, and then we can have a nice dinner together. Take some time to get your bearings and then join me at the table." With a soft smile on her lips, she left the living room and went into the bedroom, still smiling as she saw Nora lying there, peaceful and asleep. She reached out and then touched the baby's forehead checking the fever and was happy to see that it was still going down and within a few days would probably be back to normal.
Barry turned and smiled at Iris. "No problem" he replied in a soft whisper. He nodded when she mentioned she was going to take that shower and make dinner. Barry finally felt more confident that she was fully asleep, he laid her down in the crib. He stayed by the crib, just in case she wasn't asleep, and when no crying happened he went back to the living room, sitting down on the couch. He hadn't intended to fall back asleep but it took no time. He fell fast asleep.

Barry groaned a little bit when Iris started to wake him up. He opened one eye at her and nodded a little. He stretched a little bit and yawned. He was finally beginning to wake up, feeling a little more refreshed. He was impressed at his and Iris' new ability to fall asleep just about anywhere. He slowly got up from the couch, yawning. The food was smell amazing. He went to check on Iris, smiling a little bit seeing her checking on Nora. She was so good at all of this, it came so naturally to her. Barry carefully came up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Food smells good" he said quietly. "How's she doing? Better then before?"
"I'm glad you think so," Iris whispered back, happy to feel his arms around her waist. "She's doing a bit better. Her fever's still going down, but she does still have one. It's going to be a few more days." She turned in his arms and kissed him, then stepped away to get the washcloth, wet it, and gently run it over Nora's face to help keep her cool. "We do need to keep her feet and legs covered just to be safe. Even though she's pretty warm because of the fever, we don't want her to get sick from something else." After finishing with the washcloth and putting it away, she covered their daughter's legs with the blanket.

She leaned over Nora, and gently caressed their baby's cheek with her fingers. "Feel better, sweetheart. Mommy and Daddy are always close by if you need something.." Once she had spoken, Iris took Barry's hands into her own and led him out of the bedroom and back into the living room. "She's still sleeping, so let's get some dinner inside of us while we can." A few minutes later, the two of them were seated at the table and enjoying their dinner together. "What do you want to talk about? How are things going with you being the Flash again?" The brunette asked her fiancé curiously.
Barry held her close, and nodded. "We'll keep a close eye on her." he said softly. Barry leaned over the crib to watch her gently wet down her face. He smiled sadly. He watched as Iris re adjusted the blankets making sure she was safely covered. "And again, we have a personal doctor who can check up on her if need be." Barry let her lead him out of the bedroom. He nodded. "Food sounds really good, I am starving but that doesn't surprise anyone." He laughed a little sitting beside her at the table. He liked their little dinners together, when Nora was asleep for a few minutes.

Barry frowned when she mentioned him being the Flash. "I mean, I guess it's going to be a slower transition then I hoped." he said shrugging. "I am just ready to get back out there and get back to normal life. And I understand you and everyone else are worried but I don't see what the big deal it, sure I can go a little faster, isn't that a good thing?" There was a subtle tone of annoyance in his voice. He shook his head, pushing the food around on the plate. "Can we talk about something else? When do you head back to work?"
"Our concern isn't about you going faster, Barry. It's about how you got so overheated in your suit and you nearly passed out. We're concerned about your well being.." Iris explained gently. "We just got you back and we want to make sure that nothing's going on with you or your body and that nothing's going to happen to you.." She said softly, concerned. After speaking, she
fell silent for a few moments and continued to eat her dinner. However, the brunette frowned and then said, "You're acting like Oliver does when he doesn't want to talk about something."

"Don't do that. Don't shut me out, please Barry. You're not alone anymore and you don't have to go through whatever's bothering you alone." Iris sighed and just let the subject drop, not wanting to fight with him. "I'm going back to work as soon as Nora's feeling better. I don't want to send her back to daycare when she's still sick, and risk getting the other kids sick.." She
said and then got up from the table, going to dump her food in the trash, having lost her appetite. "I'm going to review some of my notes for the story I'm working on. I'll be in the bedroom with Nora."

A few moments later, she left the kitchen and went to get her papers, taking a seat in the rocking chair with a tiny lamp on, and starting to go over notes. Able to just look up and glance at her daughter to check on her, if she thought that something was wrong.
Barry couldn't even look at Iris, knowing he had hurt her. He had tried very hard since he got back to avoid any kind of confrontation with her. He didn't try to explain to her, he didn't have a good enough reason for why he was keeping secrets. So he let her go, let her cool off. Barry did all the dishes at normal speed, before finally going to her.

He sat across from her on the bed. He satyed quiet for a long time. "I have been feeling really...out of place. So much has changed and I guess I expected it to be like it has always been and it's not." He said slowly. "It's like you guys don't need me. That I am living some other Barry's life and it's taking everything in me to not go back and live those nine months with you guys. " He shakes his head "I'm trying my best and j love you and I love Nora but....for me it's been like a week since I left you into the speed force unlike for you...." He trailed off. He couldn't look at her.
"Of course we need you," Iris said softly. "I know that a lot of things are different, but how could they stay the same after you left? I'm not blaming you, I'm just stating a fact. I know it feels like it's only been a week for you. But for us, it's been months. Things couldn't stay the same as they were before you left. For one, I didn't know that I was pregnant until after you had left. And two, though I missed you more than anything in the world while you were gone, I don't regret the time I spent with Cisco and Caitlin and getting to be closer to them, be better friends."

"I was depressed for a while after you were gone. And it was hard to cope, not just for me, but for everyone. We didn't know when or if you'd ever come back. So we had to try and move on with our lives. Cisco and Caitlin got together after the first time that Caitlin almost died when her body temperature dropped to dangerous levels. And Cisco spent a lot of time working on the Speed Force device, trying to get you back. They also took care of me when I wasn't doing so well. And Dad and Wally have been keeping an eye on the city and putting bad guys in the pipeline or the CCPD."

"As for me, I just focused on taking care of Nora and myself, and work. It's just going to take some time for you to get used to the new way that things are.." Iris said softly. "Look Barry, I know that all of this is a lot to take in. And I get it. You need time to adjust, and that's fine. We'll give you space and time. But, please don't start acting like Oliver, going quiet and keeping secrets from me or the others. I can handle whatever the problem is, so can the others. And we'll help you with it. But in order for that to happen, you need to let us in."
Barry listened, his hands tight in his lap. His whole body stiff. He focused his attention on the ground. "I really like that you are so close to them" he said softly. "And I know all of that stuff had to happen, that you all needed each other." He sighed. "I still have to constantly remind myself that Caitlin's not evil. I barely recognize Cisco anymore. And you..." His voice trailed off. He shook it off. He was quiet for awhile. "Maybe I would let you guys in, if you let me in." He carefully got to his feet.

"I still love you, and I always will. And I love Nora. But I feel like I'm outside of your life right now Iris." Barry shifted slightly. "I'm gonna sleep on the sofa." he decided quietly. He could still feel the tight tension between them. He had felt it with every word she spoke without her even needing to raise her voice. Maybe she was right, he just needed that time to adjust, but you'd think by now he'd be able to get used to it. He grabbed his pillow from the bed, taking it into the other room.
Iris stood there silently as tears fell from her eyes and streamed down her cheeks. She gasped softly, and then lifted a hand up to wipe her tears away. The young woman pulled herself together and walked over to the closet, pulling out a small rolling suitcase and filling it with clothes and her files for work. Once that was done, she wheeled the suitcase over to Nora and
parked it silently beside her bed. A few moments later, the brunette packed clothes, toys, diapers and any supplies her daughter would need for the next few days. Once Nora's bag was packed, she picked it up along with her suitcase and grabbed her keys, going to put the bags in her car.

She loaded the bags into the backseat of the car, and then went back into the house to get her sleeping daughter. The young woman wrapped the baby girl in her blankets and made sure to have the medications Nora needed, and then gently scooped her daughter into her arms, carrying the baby out of the bedroom. As she walked through the living room to the front door, Iris paused. "I think we need some time apart. I'm going to stay in a hotel for a few days, figure some things out. I have my cell phone." She said, having packed her cell phone and her charger in case anyone tried to get in touch with her.

The young woman looked at Barry one final time. "I don't know why you think that I'm not letting you in, but that's not true. I've told you everything there is to know that's happened over the last few months. I was happy beyond belief when you showed up in my hospital room, after Nora was born. I was even more happy when you moved into the apartment with us, and we've tried to settle into a routine. The problem isn't that I'm not letting you in, it's that you're not letting me in. If you wanted to know something, all you ever had to do was ask. I have no reason to lie to you."

After speaking, Iris turned and walked out the door, pulling it shut behind her. She walked over to her car and buckled Nora into the backseat, before closing and locking the door, and getting into the driver side. The young woman took a few breaths to try and steady herself, hating to leave things as they were with her and Barry, but maybe they needed some time apart to figure out what they wanted. If they should even still be together. She slipped her seatbelt on and turned the car on, checking behind her with her mirrors, and then pulling out of the driveway as the tears started to fall once more.
Barry had settled on the couch, hoping just some rest would clear his head so they could finish talking this out in the morning. That was when he heard he moving around in the bedroom. He tried to not think anything off it, when she came out with a suitcase and left the apartment, he got to his feet. He stood in stunned silence as she came back in and grabbed Nora. She wouldn't look at him.

"Iris" he began slowly, but she quickly cut him off telling him where she was going. He hesitated wanting to grab her and make her stay here. He also knew that if she had her mind made up, there was no stopping Iris West. His jaw tightened when she looked at him finally, and the remains of tears on her face. He took a couple steps forward. "Iris, please you don't have to go...I can, but not you." he said finally. He wanted to argue with her, try to explain himself again, but it was hard when she was proving his exact point. He sighed as she turned away. "At least stay at Joe's? Okay?"

And then she was gone. Iris West had always been independent, even now more so then ever. This is what it had been like since he got back, she insisted on doing it all herself, even when he was standing beside her. Maybe it was meant to seem more like being a team, but to him, it felt all the more isolating. Like he wasn't good enough for her anymore. The reason he came back just walked out the door and there was nothing he could do to stop her. Nothing he could say that would make either one of them happy. And now he was even more lost than he started.

He sent her a brief text. If you need anything, I'll be there.

Barry got a pitiful amount of sleep, despite the lack of the crying baby. He kept flinging himself awake to check for her and Iris, but they were never there. He just could rest easily knowing this fight was still hanging in the air. It didn't get any better from there out. He didn't ever get anything from Iris, no updates, nothing. He just tried to ignore the pangs of guilt, but when he went to the lab, he was met with the same cold tension, meaning she called Cisco. His best friend could barely look at him.
Iris didn't sleep that night. She couldn't sleep, not when things were so tense between herself and Barry. No matter what, things had never been this bad between them over the years. So she spent the night taking care of Nora, checking her daughter's fever and giving her the medication when the baby needed it. When the next morning rolled around, she called Cisco and told him where she and Nora were, the hotel they were staying at and the room number. When he asked what had happened the brunette simply said that she and Barry needed some time apart to figure things out.

She had gotten his text late last night after leaving. And part of her had wanted to reply. Had wanted to go running back to him and act like she was blowing things out of proportion. But she couldn't do that. They needed this time apart to sort through things without feeling pressured by the other. Iris still loved Barry. That hadn't changed. But what had changed between them was their dynamic, their trust and familiarity. It was going to take some time to get things back to normal. If that was even possible. She decided to avoid S.T.A.R. labs and instead just remained at the hotel with Nora, taking care of her.

Caitlin was quiet that night, having heard from Cisco that things weren't going so well between Iris and Barry. He hadn't gone into details, just mentioned that their friend had called him and told him that she was staying at a hotel while she and Barry tried to figure things out. Part of her wanted to offer to let Iris and Nora stay with them, and if it had just been her, she would have done it in a heartbeat. But it wasn't just her, she also had Cisco's feelings to take into consideration, especially since they were living in his place. And as much as she loved Iris and Nora, she and Cisco were just starting to get used to having the place to themselves again.

She shook her head to clear it, and looked up from the papers she had been staring at for the last hour or so. Noticing that her wandering mind had been noticed by the others. Instead of possibly adding more fuel to the fire, Caitlin simply gave Barry a small, sad smile. "How are you doing?" The brunette asked him gently. "What can we do to help?" It hadn't gone unnoticed by anyone that Iris had been absent from S.T.A.R. Labs all day. After the phone call to Cisco last night, their friend had gone radio silent. When the call had come in last night, the brunette had told her boyfriend to text Joe and tell him where Iris was, just to be safe and to give him peace of mind.
Barry had been patiently waiting for Caitlin to determine what she wanted to test next. He was surprised when she spoke to him, kindly. Unlike Cisco who just thrust the new suit at him to run tests in for awhile, before taking it back to make more adjustments. Barry shrugged a little bit, taking the seat beside her. "I wish I could say I've been worse, but I don't know if that's true." He said softly. "I don't know if there is much anyone can do right now." Barry looked over the readings on her screen.

"I just feel like in in a different place then all the rest of you, and I can't catch up." He said after awhile. "You are probably the only one who might understand how I'm feeling. What was it like when you came back here after being gone for so long? If you don't mind me asking." Barry looked at his hands. "I just can't seem to find a good way to fit into this new dynamic you all now have. I honestly wonder sometimes if it was a good idea I came back, and Cisco probably senses that so he's pissed he did all the work and I'm not great full and...." Barry trailed off, sighing.
"I'm going to tell you something. Something that you should already know, since you've always known Iris the best out of all of us. I think your mind's just spinning with so many new things to adjust to, that you haven't had a chance to get a good read on her. She's scared, Barry. While Iris loves you more than anything, she's scared. Actually, downright terrified, of losing you again. Just like you have, just like the rest of us have, she's been through alot in the last few months. You and she aren't the same people you both were before you went into the Speed Force."

"And it's hard to deal with the reality of how things are now. Before you came back, Iris was preparing herself to raise Nora on her own. Not entirely, obviously. As all of us would be here
to help her. But she had resigned herself to being the only parent your daughter was going to have and know. And that's not something she can just get over in a few weeks. As for your question about what it was like when I came back, it was rough at first. On all of us. Our friends didn't trust me and with good reason. I had to take my time and earn their trust back."

"I spent lots of time with Cisco and Iris. I made sure to be a better friend to them each, this time around. Much better than I had been to them before. It's not going to be easy, Barry.
But you have to take it one day at a time. Let yourself enjoy the small things, and when something bad or upsetting happens, just take a deep breath or even more than one, and work
it out. You know, I hear that talking's a really good way to work things out.." She said gently, winking at him. Caitlin made a face at him when he said that he wondered if it was a good
idea that he had come back.

"Barry, don't ever let anyone else hear you say that. Do you have any idea how much that would hurt Iris? Joe? Cisco? We all love you. But the three of them have been taking your
absence the hardest. Iris loves you, and she's been lost without you. Joe lost a son that he's loved all his life. And Cisco, he's your best friend. He's been trying the hardest of all, to
get you back. Don't you ever tell him the pain he's going though was for nothing. He stayed here most nights for MONTHS, working on that damn device to get you back. I absolutely
REFUSE to have him think that his pain and suffering happened for nothing."

"All I know, is that if you hadn't come back, they would never be the same. None of us would. You're worried about not being able to catch up, and that's normal. You're so used to
things happening quickly and with a quick fix, and now it's bothering you that you actually have to put in some time and effort, get to know all of us all over again. You have to keep
trying, Barry. It's hard on all of us. All you can do is try. And if things don't work out with you and Iris, make sure it's not from a lack of trying. You both love each other. Don't be so
quick to give up on it. She's spent the last several months wishing to have you back."

"Now that she does, don't let her push you away. She's always been independent, but now even more so since you left. You need to break past her walls, get to know her again. Find
out if there's a chance for the two of you to work things out. I know that it's hard, Barry. It's supposed to be hard. Nothing worth having ever comes easy. You just need to practice
patience and don't give up."
Caitlin always seemed to know the exact right things that he needed to hear. She had always been a very good voice of reason, and blunt. That was what he needed to hear right now was just the flat out truth to help him snap back and focus. Barry listened to her words carefully, frowning ever so slightly. Iris was scared? He hadn't noticed, which hurt him to think, but she had seemed more guarded. And last night, he did just that and so she went to protect herself from getting hurt. His hand clenched into a fist at his side.

He met her eyes when she mentioned trying to enjoy the little things. Maybe for once in his life, he was moving too fast. He tried to just jump back into his life where he left it and derailed everything, instead of trying to get to know Iris now, or anyone. He fit pretty well with Joe and Wally still, but with her it was like a whole new animal. He couldn't help but chuckle a little bit as she winked at him. "I'm still figuring out that whole talking to work things out" he said shaking his head.

Barry recoiled as her voice was now filled with anger. He hadn't realized what a huge nerve he had hit. How sensitive she was about the process they took to get him from the speed force. Cisco talked about it in passing when he first arrived, but from the look on Caitlin's face, it was far worse then he ever let on. Barry frowned a little bit, but slowly nodded. "I promise, I won't" he whispered quietly. "I won't do that to them." He agreed, because if this was her reaction, Barry could only imagine the visceral reactions of the more emotional members of their team.

He furrowed his brows in concentration as she mentioned getting to know them all again. That was something he didn't want to do, but she was right. This wasn't working for any of them. He tapped his fingers on the desk in thought processing her words. "I guess the best way to do that would be to just...start over with everyone" he said slowly, sighing a little bit. He hated that idea, he really did. "A good place to start I guess, would be apologizing to Iris, and then seeing if she wants to get coffee and just start fresh." He looked to her and smiled weakly. "Thank you Caitlin, I really appreciate it. And I'll make sure I make up with Cisco too. I miss him too and it's not really fair to you to have to deal with him angry all the time."

Barry paused a moment. "You guys...you're really happy now aren't you? You seem probably that happiest I've ever seen you Caitlin." he said slowly. "It's nothing I really expected to happen, but I'm happy for you."
"You can thank me by doing what we've just discussed and getting to know everyone again. As for Cisco, it's not that he's angry. It's more than he's hurt. I think he too, thought that things would just go back to how simple they were before you left. But like us and Iris, he's slowly realizing that it's not going to be that simple." She paused when he mentioned her and Cisco's relationship. "I haven't been this happy in a long time," Caitlin said softly. "It sounds so cliched and cheesy, but it's like he's my missing half. My life is better with him in it." A smile came over her lips.

"He's kind and intelligent, loves to joke around and have fun. He gets me to relax and not take myself so seriously sometimes. Cisco and I are both just stubborn enough for each other. But the best thing of all is how much he loves his friends and family He would do anything for any of us. So would I. And.. he's good at getting me to talk. We all know that I've never been good at the emotional stuff, since I lost my father and my mother's never exactly been a warm person. But he makes it easy for me to talk to him. Doesn't pressure me, or get frustrated with me. Just waits it out and knows that I'll eventually talk to him when I'm ready."

"Look, maybe what you and Iris need is just time together. Without all the talking about the last few months. I'm not saying to ignore or forget the tension and separation of the last few months. But maybe reach out to her, ask her to agree to a night where the three of you are just together as a family. Make a promise to talk to each other soon. And then just enjoy being
in each other's company. Enjoy the feel of her in your arms, or the feel of her lips on yours. The simple things," Caitlin repeated softly. "Oh and one last thing. Don't screw it up," She said bluntly.
Barry nodded, making a mental note to spend just some guy time with Cisco. Barry gently squeezed her hand. "I'm really glad he makes you that happy." he said finally when she had finished. And he really was happy for his friends, because they had found what they had both needed. Barry stood and reached for his phone when she told him to not screw it up. He frowned deeply. "No pressure or anything. I'm going to call her right now." He paused. "Don't screw it up with Cisco."

Barry walked into a more private room. It took a few tries but he finally dialed her number and waited impatiently with the phone pressed against his ear. He tapped his foot nervously. Hoping that she wouldn't jsut send him to voice mail.
"Hello?" Iris asked, her cell phone was between her cheek and her shoulder, as she tried to soothe Nora, who was crying loudly. "Shh, it's okay. Mommy's got you," The young woman said softly, as she walked around her hotel room with her daughter in her arms, trying to soothe the baby girl. Nora had woken up 30 minutes ago and had been crying ever since. Her diaper
had been changed, she had been fed, her fever had been checked and medicine had been given to her. But still the baby girl continued to cry. "Barry, I need to call you back. Nora needs
all of my attention right now."

"I'll call you back when I've got her calmed down." She paused for a moment. "On second thought, why don't you just come over? I'm sure that she'd like to see her Daddy.." The young woman said softly. "We're at the hotel on Seventh Street, room 110." Nora's cries got louder and so she tried to get off the phone quickly. "I really have to go now, she needs all of my attention. Knock on the door, and then wait a minute, and tell me that it's you. There aren't any peepholes on the door and I want to be careful about opening it since it's night time."
Barry was surprised when she answered, and even more surprised to hear Nora's crying. It tugged on his heart strings. He was immediately going to offer to go to her, but didn't. He was trying to make it up to her. "Hey it's Barry..." he said slowly. He frowned as she said she'd call him back. He wasn't a fan of that option. His heart lifted when she relatened and suggested he come over. "I can be over there in minutes." He replied quickly before she could take it back. Barry frowned. She was staying in a hotel in the worst part of town. That surprised him. "Okay, go, I'll knock and tell you it's me." He agreed, hanging up.

Barry knew one thing, he wasn't going to let her stay in that hotel longer then she needed to. He said brief goodbyes to Caitlin, telling her where he would be, wished her a good evening with Cisco and zoomed off to the hotel, despite Caitlin adviseing him against speed. This was too important, his baby was crying. He arrived at the hotel and counted down the rooms, finding hers. He carefully knocked, waiting a minute before saying. "It's Barry....Allen." He added, Just wanting to make it so she didn't have to question who it was. When the door finally opened, he smiled sadly at her, and held open his arms to take the baby from her. Whenniris finally realeased her, he began his usually routine he did with her, rocking her as he walked back and forth singing quietly. Finally the crying was quieted, and silence filled the room.
"I guess that she just needed the comfort of her Daddy," Iris said softly. She smiled a little and watched as Nora quieted down once she was in her father's arms. "She can probably sense
the tension that's been between us. I read somewhere that babies can do that." After a few minutes, the young woman motioned for Barry to take a seat. Once he had, she took a seat herself. "I don't know what we should talk about. I don't want to argue with you. We've always gotten along over the years. I don't know why it's suddenly so hard for us to do so now."

"I'm sorry," She said softly a few moments later. "I never meant to make you feel like you're not a part of my life. I guess that you being back doesn't feel real. I'm so afraid that I'm going
to go to sleep one night and wake up and you'll still be gone. I don't know how to let my guard down anymore.." Iris admitted to him and then shrugged. Her eyes landed on their daughter who was still quiet, and she noticed that Nora had fallen asleep while in her father's arms. "You're good with her," The young woman told him. "She already knows who you are and loves you so much."
Barry only sat when Iris motioned for him to join her on the bed. He took a seat on the edge, adjusting to hold Nora better. He still rocking her lightly. "I didn't come here to argue or fight with you anymore. I don't like doing that." He said softly. He fell slient trying to pull the right words.

He let her say her peace first though before he finally spoke. "Iris, I'm sorry I never noticed you were so scared of me going" he whispered. "And I think that's because we were apart for so long and we both changed. We became different people and now we kind of have to meet all over again. We've been just kind of forcing it." He carefully stroked the back of Nora's head. "She just likes music I think, if you sang or hummed she'd sleep for you too." He fell silent for awhile. "I think we just need to start over you and I and see what there is between us. Just take it easy and slow. What do you think?"

Barry shifted slightly laying Nora down between them on the bed. "It's not fair for me to just asusne you guys are the same as before. I have to actually try to get this work and I only realized once Caitlin really explained how...hard it was for everyone."
"Thank you for saying that," Iris said softly. She watched as Barry set Nora down in between the two of them on the bed. "I know it's hard for you to come back and find out that so
many things are different. But at our core, we're still the same people who love you, and who love helping you take care of Central City. It's really just a handful of things about us
that have changed." The brunette paused a few minutes later and then said, "Maybe we should go back to the house so that Nora can sleep in her own bed. I can sleep on the couch."

After speaking, she ran a tired hand over her face and waited to see what Barry was going to say. They had a lot to figure out for themselves over the next few days and weeks. It wasn't going to be easy, especially since things had been so strained between the two of them since Barry had gotten back. A tired yawn left her, and she covered her mouth to block it. "We need
to decide what we're going to do. I think that we should try and go to sleep soon, before Nora wakes up crying again. This way we'll both have at least a bit of rest under our belts from tonight."
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