RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Barry listened intently as she continued to tell him about the past few months. Barry twisted some of the curls in his fingers. "I can't wait to talk to Wally about all his adventures being the Flash" he said softly, grinning when he heard the younger man had been doing such a good job. He always knew Wally didn't need him and all the training had put in before he left was worth it. He stayed quiet, just enjoying the sound of her voice as she told him more about their adventures over the months. His eyes widened a moment. "Wait, back up, you can't just gloss over the fact my bestfriends are dating like its no big deal." he said quickly. "Like, seriously, they are in a relationship?"

Barry laughed a little. "Cisco as a speedster? He must have loved that." he said grinning "I'm glad another Caitlin was able to give you guys the information you needed to get ahold of me." He could help but chuckle some more. "But really Cisco, with super speed? I can't get that idea out of my head now. He would get so much done" Barry sighed, shifting to lay back a little more and to better look into her eyes. He lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed her fingers. He smiled softly.

"I'll make sure to personally thank Cisco for putting his life on the line to try and bring me back" he said softly. "And I have no plans to leave anytime soon for any reason." Barry gave her hand a tight squeeze. There was a knock on the door, Barry shifted them slightly to be in a less intimate position. The door open and it was Wally and Joe. They were carrying dinner.

Joe set the bags down and went to hug Barry tightly. "I got a message from Cisco that you came back, but here you are." He said happily hugging him tighter. The older man had tears in his eyes. "Good timing too, because if you left her alone with your daughter for much longer I would have been very angry with you."

Barry let out a weak laugh and smiled. He hugged Joe Back. "It's good to be back" he agreed. "I just had to find my way back to here."

"Well lets eat some dinner before it gets cold." said Joe, going back to get the bags.
Once things between the four of them had settled down, Iris was just happy to watch the three most important men in her life, all in the same room and spending time together once more. Once her father had finished eating, she gently picked up Nora. "How would you like to hold your first grandchild?" The young woman asked and then carefully placed her in his arms. "Her name is Nora Francine Allen. By the way, you've officially run out of time for deciding what this little girl's going to call you when she can talk. What have you decided?" She asked curiously.

Giving her brother and Barry each a smile as they continued to eat their dinner. Once the baby girl was safe and secure in her grandfather's arms, Iris relaxed back into the bed, resting her head against Barry's chest. Unable to get enough of having him back home with them, and unable to get enough of the sight of her father and soon to be her brother, holding Nora, and playing silly little baby games with the baby. She was happy to have all of her family in this room with her right now, and was glad to know that Cisco and Caitlin were at home getting some much needed rest.
Joe grinned when Iris offered to let him hold the baby. He threw out his plate and got ready to take her into his arms. Joe looked down st the little baby. "She looks like you did when you were a baby Iris." He said softly, nodding at the name. It was very fitting. Joe groaned a little. When she asked what he wanted to be called. "I think let's start with Grandpa, I really don't have a prefernce." Joe played with her tiny hands. He hadn't been happier in ages.

Wally stood hovering over his shoulder to look st the baby. "She looks normal to me." He said thoughtfully. Wally was a bit hesitant when the baby was offered to him, but he held her lightly. He held her gently. "So I'm an uncle now." He squinted looking down at the baby closely. "This is all so...unbelievable." Wally played with the baby, slowly growing more comfortable, before passing it back to his dad. They continue sitting and talking. Taking turns hold the baby, until she cried for her mother. As it grew later, Joe and Wally said their good byes to the couple, letting them know they would be back in the morning. Wally wanted to make sure he told Barry everything he had done while he was gone in exstenive detail. Wally knew though it had to wait until Iris said it was okay, the two of them deserved all the time they could get together.
Iris kissed her father and brother's cheeks and told them good night, before they left. She held Nora close when it was time for a feeding, and adjusted her hospital gown so that her breast was free for their daughter to feed from. "How are you holding up now that everyone has been by to visit today?" The young woman asked her fiancé, as she carefully held their daughter against her, so that Nora could continue to feed. "I know that everyone at the CCPD will be happy to have you back. When you went into the Speed Force, we basically just made up a story
in case you ever came back."

"We said that you had gone on a trip and had probably run into some trouble. You were officially flagged as a missing person by the police, this way if or when you came back, you would have plenty of space to make something up about were you've been for the last few months. Your job is still waiting for you, whenever you decide that you're ready to return to it. Actually, both of your jobs are waiting for you."
Barry shrugged, his eyes watching her care for their child. He smiled softly. "I mean it's been fine. I've missed everyone, and I'm glad it's not too awkward to have me return. That was my biggest fear, that I would return and everything would be different, that it would be too late for me todo anything." he said slowly, he frowned a little bit. "Time moved so weird there, so I was worried it had been years and years since I had seen you. that you'd all have forgotten about me and it was just too late. I'm never going to be late again." he said softly.

Barry laughed a little bit at the chance to make up whatever crazy story he wanted. "I'll get to thinking of one, but what I think will happen is I'll take some time off from the CCPD for a little bit. Stay home with you, and Nora. There will be plenty of time for me to get into the groove of work later." He smiled a little. "And knowing Caitlin and Cisco, I will have to undergo exstensove testing before they let me go out and be the flash again. Who knows how long that will take. Besides, we have lost time to make up for" he leaned up and kissed her gently.
Iris was happy just to listen to Barry speak. It had been so long since she had heard his voice, and now the young woman was glad to let it wash over her. Soothe her. A constant smile was
on her lips as the man she loved was now home. "It would never be awkward having you return. We all love you, Barry. We'd never forget about you.." She promised him, leaning over to
kiss his lips. The brunette smiled when he laughed at the idea of making up a crazy story to explain his absence. Nodding when he mentioned taking some time off from the CCPD.

She was looking forward to spending a lot more time with him from now on. The young woman was happy to stay silent and listen to his plans. Nodding when he mentioned that Caitlin and Cisco would want to run tests on him before they had him return to being the Flash. "Yeah, we have lots of lost time to make up for." The smile she wore seemed permanently stuck on her face, as she met his lips in a sweet kiss.
*Time Skip* Three Weeks Later

Barry came out of the testing area at S.T.A.R Labs. He grabbed a bottle of water from the desk. He had finally started to do the tests and Caitlin had insisted on running. He had taken the time before to get settled into normal life again, having a newborn baby was almost as challenging as fighting meta humans. So he put off trying to fight crime until he and Iris found a good rhythm with life. It was nice, and he honestly, despite the lack of sleep, had never been happier. He and Iris had got back on track rescheduling their wedding. He had told CCPD he had fallen into another coma after hitting his head on a rock climbing trip for a bachelor party, after he split off from the group to show off and was in another town until he awoke. And there was a bear attack (Cisco insisted that be a part of the story). "What's my speed looking like?" he asked, seeing the stunned looks on Cisco and Caitlin's faces.

"Dude, you're like running, three times the speed you were running on average before you left" he said slowly. "Like faster than Zoom speeds. Faster than Savitar." Cisco punched some things into the computer. "I've never seen anything like this on your test results. Everything else about you seems find but its like your speed has been supercharged." He flicked through a few screens letting Caitlin examine his blood results. "How do you feel? Do you feel tired? Hungry?"

Barry shrugged. "No more then usual when I run" he replied, taking a seat in a chair across from them. "I don't feel any faster. I don't feel different at all." Barry took another drink of his water. "Should I be concerned?' he asked raising his eyebrows. The two scientists seemed deep in silent conversation looking at the results in front of him. Barry pulled out his phone, smiling a little seeing Iris had sent him another picture of Nora. He sent her a quick text back promising to be back soon. "Are we almost done with all these tests? I know you guys are worried but I feel fine. I feel amazing actually. Let me get back out there and help Wally."
"With your newfound speed, we're going to be keeping an extra close eye on your vitals. While it's great that you're now faster than you used to be, you'll also have to compensate for this newfound speed. You'll have to eat more, we'll have to make sure that your body can withstand the new speeds and possibly other things you've picked up from your time in the Speed Force. But other than that, things are looking good." Caitlin chuckled. "So anxious to rush headlong into danger. You're fine, go ahead and help Wally for a while.." She said and then leaned back in her chair once he had zoomed off.

"It feels nice that things are finally getting back to normal." The brunette said as she smiled over at Cisco who was back in his element working with all of them as a team once more. "I'm so glad that everything worked out in the end. Things have been so much happier now that Barry's back, and he's getting used to being home, and we're all getting used to him being home. And it's really good to see Iris smiling again. I've been worried about her for so long, and now it seems silly to have been so worried about her in the first place.." Caitlin stopped speaking a few moments later, leaned over towards Cisco, and kissed him.
Cisco let out a soft laugh as Barry was already in his suit and out the door before Caitlin could finish her sentence. He pulled up the coms and his vitals from the suit. That way they could keep an eye on him during this test run. He typed in a few more things, making sure he had Wally's also up. Cisco nodded. "I mean its not entirely normal, but close enough, to make us all happy." he agreed, scrolling through a few things. "Iris has been a different person. She seems so much lighter, i mean like emotionally, not just from having the baby." Cisco shook his head, looking at the screens intently. "I mean we didn't know if he could come back, we were planning for worst case scenario..." Cisco was a bit surprised when she moved his face away from the screen to kiss him. He smiled into her lips, leaning into the kiss.

"I thought you said, no kissing at work" he murmured quietly. "You wanted to keep it professional now that Barry was back." He reached a hand to push her hair from her face. "You seem like you are thinking about something, whats on your mind?" he asked carefully. "Is the cure still working? Do we need to make a stronger dose? You've seemed a little cooler recently..." Cisco had noticed the subtle drop in her body temperature when they would sleep at night. He just figured she was going longer between her doses, but it didn't hurt to check now that things were less hectic.
"Maybe I changed my mind about my no kissing at work rule." Caitlin said, a smile on her lips as she kissed him again. She leaned into his touch when he pushed her hair out of her face. "You know me, always just thinking and planning ahead. Trying to ready for the next big crisis that comes up.." The brunette said as she moved her chair across the floor and closer to his. "I'm thinking that I can't wait to marry you and become your wife, whenever we're both ready. Thinking about asking Barry if he and Iris are busy tonight, and if not, if we can pop over for a visit with them and Nora."

"I never really gave much thought to having children before, but seeing her and holding her. Well, it brought certain feelings to the surface. Feelings that I wasn't sure I was capable of even having.." She admitted softly and then shrugged. "Seeing Barry and Iris together, with Nora and so happy, it sort of makes me want what they have. I'm not saying that I want it right now, this minute, obviously. But I do envy their beautiful family. And I can't wait to see how you would be with a child of our own.." She stopped talking when Cisco mentioned the cure.

"It's working fine. Promise that I'm okay. I've just been trying to go longer between doses, and you know that lets my body temperature get pretty cold."
Cisco chuckled a little, grinning as she lifted the ban on kissing at work. Cisco sat up a little straighter when she mentioned marriage. If he remembered correctly orginially she wanted to get married two months after Barry returned, but they hadn't spoken about it since that one night all the time ago. He honestly kind of hoped she had forgotten. He still couldn't find a good ring for her. Cisco smiled a little bit. "Aren't you ready to get married now? You mean, you're wondering when I will get my shit together and ask" he corrected, leaning over and kissing her cheek. He looked her over carefully as she mentioned dinner with their friends. "That's fine by me" he agreed.

The next words out of her lips surprised him. And now it made sense why she kept asking him to go see Nora. It seemed like every few days she insisted on visiting her. Cisco reached out a hand to her and carefully linked their hands together. He squeezed her fingers. "I never thought I would hear the day when Dr. Caitlin Snow would say she wanted to get pregnant and have a baby." he said in quiet awe of her. A slow grin spread across his face. "You don't know how happy that makes me." He pressed a long sweet kiss to her lips "But not right now, I am not ready for that" he agreed quickly.

He pulled back slightly when she finally got to answering his real cause of concern. "You are freezing honey. Maybe we should go back to the drawing board and see if there is another option we can do or...." He hesitated with the next part. "Or are you thinking...you want to try controlling your powers again, now that Barry's back and we aren't crazy busy taking care of Iris?"
Caitlin laughed when Cisco mentioned getting his stuff together and asking her to marry him. "I didn't say it, you did. But... you're not wrong.." The brunette said and smirked at him. A smile came over her lips when he leaned over and kissed her cheek. "What the heck was that? A cheek kiss? I want a real kiss Francisco Ramon," She said pretending to be stern, and using his full name. The young woman could see the surprise on his face when she explained to him why she kept wanting to see and be around Nora. The truth was, she hadn't had a chance to have a family with Ronnie.

He had died before they could even get married. And so for a long time, the brunette had given up on getting married and having a family. But seeing how well Barry and Iris were doing even after his extended stay in the Speed Force, it made her want a family of her own. Caitlin loved Cisco, which still felt weird to say as they had been best friend's for so long. But it was true. She wanted to marry him one day. One day soon, and have a family. The young woman truly loved him, and wanted to be his wife. She also didn't want to wait and risk losing him like she had lost Ronnie.

Caitlin stuck her tongue out at Cisco when he teased her, squeezing his fingers back. "I'm glad that makes you happy," She said softly. Eagerly kissing him back. The brunette nodded, having expected that kind of answer. Most men weren't ready for marriage or a family until they were nearly 30. So it was something she would deal with and get used to. There was no reason to risk ruining this good thing they had by putting her fears out on display. She didn't want to force him into anything and she didn't want him to do anything he would regret later.

The young woman was pulled out of her thoughts when he spoke again. "I'm okay with continuing to take the cure. I don't want to risk trying to control my powers and it failing," She said softly. "If I'm getting too cold for you to stand, then I'll just start taking the cure more often." Caitlin said simply and shrugged. She always made sure to downplay the pain that came with having to shove the needle with the cure into her chest, as she didn't want to worry Cisco or any of the others. The pain wasn't unbearable, but it was pretty bad. She had bruises on her
chest from the needles, but it had to be done.
Cisco sighed a little when she resigned to just keep taking the cure. "No, you're not too cold for me. Hell, you could be an ice cube and I will still sleep next to you" he said firmly. Cisco got from his chair to sit in front of her. "I'm not asking you to take the cure more, I'm asking you to look for a better solution." He carefully placed a hand on her chest, where he was familiar with the bruises. "I don't like seeing you hurting. If we could make it so stabbing a needle into your chest didn't have to be our version of normal, I want to look." He looked into her eyes for a long time. "I'm just a bit out of my depth here, and need your help. So You aren't going to fight me on this. We're going to look for better solutions, okay?" Cisco stood and helped her to stand. "Besides, you haven't been Killer Frost, in almost 5 months, right? We got that under control now we can experiement. I'll be right there the whole time. You don't need to be so strong all the time now."

Cisco kissed her again lightly. He smiled a little. He didn't want to see her hurting anymore. Now that Iris was happy, she had no more excuses to put anyone else before herself. Especially since his headaches had gone back to normal. The visions no longer touching the speed force. It was time for her to get some well deserved rest and attention. Cisco still held her hands in his. "Do you want to dance with me?" he asked suddenly. "Right now, Right here. It's just us the lab is empty. There is nothing happening on the coms...." he tried to get her to sway a little bit, smiling cheekily. "You gotta loosen up Dr. Snow. It's no longer the end of the world."
A smile came over her lips when Cisco insisted that she wasn't too cold for him. She nodded when he said that he wanted her to look for a better solution. "I have been," The brunette informed him. "At night when you're asleep, I do a lot of reading. So far I haven't come across anything that's feasible." Caitlin winced when he pressed his hand against her chest. "It's not that bad. In fact, it could be worse. All that matters is that I'm still alive," She said softly. The young woman smiled at his next words, leaned over and kissed his lips. They locked eyes for a while, and she reached out, taking his hands into hers.

"I'm not going to fight you on this," She agreed with him. When he stood and then helped her stand, the brunette stood there and waited to see what Cisco had planned for them. He always managed to surprise her, and that was something she loved about him. A smile came over her lips as she listened to what he had to say. "I just don't want to put too much on you and stress you out. You've already been dealing with enough with your headaches, looking after Iris, and then babysitting me and helping me make sure that I don't go into cardiac arrest again."

Caitlin was happy to kiss him back when he kissed her again. His smile brought one to her own lips. The brunette was happy to hold his hands, squeezing them gently. A soft laugh left her lips when Cisco asked her to dance, mentioning that they weren't dealing with the end of the world anymore. "I'm sure you'll recall in your recent memory that I'm pretty darn loose.." She said and then smirked as her words came out as an unintended double meaning. The young woman moved her body, though her actions were still pretty stilted, as she had little skill when it came to dancing.
He didn't like hearing that she didn't sleep. That would always make him worry. But they both did it, they would both wait til the other was deep asleep to deal with their separate problems to not worry the other. They would both pretend everything was okay even if it wasn't. He shook his head. "My job, is to worry about you because you won't take care of you. And your job is to worry about me. This is how this relationship always has worked and will probably work until we die." He commented. He carefully moved her in the easy slow dance, jut a simple side to side.

Cisco mock gasped in surprise. "Caitlin Snow! Did you make an innuendo?" He teased "I can't believe how much I have corrupted you." He continued dancing with her. He carefully span her in a small circle. "You've gotten better at dancing with me to no music." his eyes trained on hers, he was still smiling. "Everything's going to work out, and I can tell you now, that you will get to have all those things you want and more okay?" he said softly. "And I promise, I won't stall anymore in proposing. I just want it to be perfect. You already had one guy propose to you, I have a lot to live up to."

That was when there was beeping on the com, and he sadly had to release her to answer it. "what's going on?" He asked into the microphone. "I thought it was just an easy non meta robbery?"

"Um, yea that's fine. I just keep overshooting where I am trying to go again." Said Barry. "I could use a bit more guidance."

Cisco let out an annoyed groan, settling into the chair. "Just like the old days huh?"

"Just until I get used to it again. You are the best Cisco."
Caitlin nodded as she listened to Cisco speak. "We're both stubborn, and we're both used to handling our issues on our own. It's going to take us both some time to get out of that bad habit." She smiled as he moved her body in a slow dance, simply moving side to side. When he gasped a moment later, she laughed out loud. "I may or may not have made a sexual innuendo. I guess it comes from spending so much time with you," The brunette said teasingly. The young woman wrapped her arms around Cisco's waist, nodding when he said that he had corrupted

"And it's all for the better," She assured him. They continued to dance, and the brunette was all smiles as he spun her around in a small circle. "I've learned from the best." Caitlin said, her eyes meeting his. She nodded once more as he spoke, finally feeling like he was right. That everything was going to be okay now. "Just as long as I get those things with you. It's all I want.." The young woman said softly. She moved her hands to cup his face. "Anything you do will be perfect. I don't want you to stress out over this. I love you, and you love me. That's all that matters."

A soft chuckle left her lips when the coms started to beep. She resumed her seat at the computers beside Cisco once more. "You overshot by two blocks, Barry." Caitlin said into the microphone, after glancing at the maps that were pulled up on the screen. After giving Barry the info he needed, she reached out for one of her boyfriend's hands and held it in her
They fell into the old rythmn of helping Barry be a hero. In slow moments, they would steal brief kisses before getting back to work. It was going smoothly, and for once Cisco was having fun again. He missed being a sidekick rather than a hero. Everything was still going well, when he noticed some strange reading from the suit. "Cait, do you see this? The suit says it's like 120 degrees" he says slowly. "Is he running a fever? The suit is meant to keep him from getting hot. This hasn't happened since the first version of the suit. Is he going to fast? Is it both?"

Cisco pulled up a few more graphs and readings. He listened to Caitlin's assement. "Hey Barry, you gotta come back to the lab. We need to run a few more tests. How are you feeling?" He asked

"A little hot I guess, not much else. And a bit light headed" Was the reply. "I'll be back there in a bit" It took two tries for him to arrive at the lab, without overshooting. Barry took a seat in a chair he was breathing heavily and sweating ever so slightly. Cisco got to his feet tossing him a bottle of water.

"I'll get to work on a new suit to handle your new speed so it doesn't overheat like this. Hopefully in a few days you can really be out in the field" Cisco promised shrugging. "I thought I did enough."
"Maybe it's not the suit that's having the problem. Maybe it's his body having trouble adjusting to his new speed," Caitlin offered, right before she stepped away to get a few supplies and started to run tests on Barry. As she was running the tests, her cell phone beeped and after spending the next 10 minutes trying to track it down, finally found it in another room, under a stack of papers. The brunette carried her cell phone back to the cortex and resumed running her tests on Barry. The young woman saw that she had a voicemail, and pressed play, with the phone against her shoulder as she continued to run her tests, and listen to the voicemail.

Hanging the phone up and setting it on the table. "Iris just tried to call. Your phone was off when you were out, so she called me, knowing that I'd let you know what's going on. Nora has a high fever and she took her to the hospital to get checked out, just to be safe. She doesn't want to alarm you, but she did want to let you know what was going on." A few minutes later, the brunette finished running her tests and nodded. "Your vitals and your body temperature have spiked. It's like your body is working overtime to compensate for your new speed. We'll figure it out. Go get changed and be with your family."
Cisco had Barry get out of the suit so he could run tests on it while Caitlin ran tests on him. He had a deep frown set on his face. He scribbled down a few notes on a piece of paper "the suit is still warm to the touch even now. I guess I'll have to look for another cooling option or a different fabric. It did it's job though. I think you were at a risk of being even warmer then just this" he said thoughtfully. "I'll run more tests and prepare it for the new speed again."

Barry nodded. "Always a new exciting adventure" he said shrugging. He laughed a little bit. His eyes landed on Caitlin as he spoke about Iris. "Crap. Okay" he said frowning "the one day I am not home." He said smiling a little. He got to his feet when she cleared him to go. "I'll try to go slower until we figure out what else we can do or til I adjust." Barry smiled a bit. "I'll see you guys later." And once again he was gone.

Cisco crossed his arms over his chest. "On a scale of 1-10 how worried are you about him. I'm a 7."
"I'd say that a 7 works for me, too." Caitlin said as she shifted in her chair and moved closer to Cisco, once Barry had left to check on the girls. "I'll need to run more tests on his body, just
to make sure that we're doing everything that we can to help him. And just from looking at him, he needs more sleep. I don't know what it was like for him in the Speed Force, but he needs
as much sleep as he can get now. For himself, for his family, and for when he goes out there as the Flash. He needs to be able to be on top of his game." The brunette said and then fell silent a moment later.

She reached out for one of his hands and squeezed it. "I'm gonna pack it in early tonight, and head home to get some rest. Feel free to call and check up on me as often as you want. I just think a catnap will do me some good." Caitlin paused. "On second thought, I can just go to sleep on a bed in the medical bay. I'll do that. This way I'm close by if you need me, or if I need you." The brunette stood up and then kissed his lips. "Don't hesitate to come get me if you need me for something." With a small smile at him, she turned around and walked off.
"He has a newborn baby Caitlin, I doubt he can get more sleep. He probably gets as much as he can. Its Barry, its not like we can suggest, hey take care of your baby less." he replied shaking his head. "And this isn't an excuse for you to offer our babysitting services all the time. I like being able to finally spend alone time with my girlfriend." Cisco said seriously, but nodded. "We'll figure out a way to get him on top of his game and figure out what's going on. We can see maybe if we can get more speed force research from Earth 27, maybe they dealt with this?"

Cisco squeezed her hand back. "You look tired" he agreed. "I'm just going to work on the suit and making sure its going to work better for him next time, now that I know what I am up against. " He smiled into the kiss and nodded. "If you need me, you know where I'll be." Cisco was already back to tinkering on the suit and adjusting to the readings he gathered during Barry's short use of the suit. He had a lot he needed to do.

Barry arrived at the hospital and was soon sent to the pediatric wing of the hospital. He finally found the room with Iris. He smiled. "Hey" he said kissing her cheek lightly. "How's it going? Caitlin gave me the message. I was out with Wally and just didn't get your call. I'm really sorry. Is she okay? Is she sick? Is it something else?" he asked in a rush of words. He was especially worried seeing their baby and doctor were not in the same room as Iris. That just made his nervous worsen. He took her hand and held it close.
"Nora's been cranky for the last couple of hours, so I tried rocking her, feeding her, changing her, singing to her, all of it. And none of it worked. She was coughing, throwing up, and had diarrhea. A little while ago I felt her forehead and her skin was really hot, so I decided to bring her in. She's been in with the doctor and a nurse for the last 15 minutes. I'm just waiting
to see what they have to say.." The young woman fell silent as the nurse carried Nora back into the room a few minutes later. Her eyes on their daughter, as the baby girl cried.

"She has pneumonia. We gave her an antibiotic, and it should kick in any time now. Nora's going to need lots of rest, and fluids. She might not be very hungry for the next few days, but
make sure she gets some food inside of her. Even if it's just a bite of mashed bananas, and some milk. We want to keep her strength up. We're going to send a prescription with you, for
the antibiotic she's currently on. Her fever has lowered a little, but you need to keep an extra eye on her for the next few days until she's feeling better."

"If her symptoms get worse, bring her back in.. Make sure to try and keep her cool. Use a small washcloth and run it over her face with some cool water, to try and help her feel better."

After the nurse spoke, Iris was happy and relieved to have Nora back in her arms once more. They thanked the nurse, and the doctor when he returned with the prescription for their daughter's medicine. A few minutes later, she was carrying a sleeping Nora out to the car. "Poor thing, she's exhausted.." She said softly, and pressed a gentle kiss to their daughter's
cheek, as she gently and carefully set the baby girl in the car seat and buckled her up.
Barry wordlessly put an arm around his fiance and pulled her a little bit closer. He pressed a kiss into her hair. He could tell she was really worried, he was really worried. "It'll be okay" he whispered softly, as the nurse finally returned giving them detailed instructions on what to do when they got home. He made a few mental notes. It seemed like it was going to be a long couple days. "thank you so much" he said nodded. Barry carried the medicine and paperwork they gave them back out to the car. "She just needs some good rest, maybe we can get some good rest" He smiled a little bit. "She's going to be okay though, we just have to keep a close eye on her." He said gently rubbing Iris' back. "Besides, with a best friend who is a doctor, if we have a late night emergency we can always call Caitlin." Barry smiled a little.

"Go ahead and sit in the back seat with her, I'll drive us home." he said taking the keys from her and pressing a gentle kiss to her temple. "You could have called me sooner, I don't like when you worry so much. We are a team, remember?" He leaned his forehead against hers. "You aern't alone anymore." Barry released her from a hug, and let her get into the car, once she was settled, he got in and started driving them home. They arrived soon, taking their sick baby upstairs. She was still sleeping at least. Barry knew babies got sick, but it felt way different then he expected. He had never felt such intense fear or worry for a single person besides Iris. He never wanted her to be sick or get hurt or to cry ever. Maybe that was why he often used his speed to get her late in the night to soothe her crying as soon as possible.
"I just wish there was more that we could do for her," Iris said softly, once she had put Nora in her crib and covered her with the blanket. A few moments later, she turned on the monitor beside the bed, and then took Barry's hand and they went to sit down in the living room, where the other monitor sat and was always on. "I waited to call you because I wanted to see if
she was just being fussy. That happens sometimes. But I realized once Nora had started throwing up and having diarrhea, that it was something to be concerned about. So I called Caitlin, knowing that she could tell you on the coms, and then I just brought her into the hospital."

"I didn't want to waste any more time if it turned out to be something serious. Besides, I did call you. I called you three times but your cell phone was off. That's when I packed Nora into
the car, and called Caitlin to give you the news, while I drove to the hospital." Iris took one of Barry's hands into hers. "Dad and Wally wanna come over for about an hour tomorrow night
to visit, check on us, and check on Nora. They won't stay long. They know that we've been running on minimal sleep. Also, Caitlin sent me a text just now, checking up on Nora, and asking
if she and Cisco can come by as well, in a few days once Nora's feeling better."
Barry sat beside her pulling her to lean against him so she could get some rest if she decided to. He nodded. "I know, you don't like being the trope of the new parents who don't know what to do." He said nodding. "Or overreacting" his whole body stiffened when she mentioned she called him three times. And every time his phone was off. He frowned deeply. "Cisco insited I turn it off for the tests and I thought I had it turned on and connected to the suit I just completely spaced. I am so sorry. It won't happen again."

Barry held Iris's hand back gently. He leaned his head on her for a moment. "Wally and Joe are always welcome to come over, if it means we get to take naps. Same goes for Cisco and Caitlin." He said thoughtfully. "I can't imagine doing this without all of them or without you." He closed his eyes sighing. "I'm pretty sure Caitlin benched me from saving the city again for awhile anyways. Im going way faster than ever before and they are worried my.body or the suit can't keep up" he shook his head.."next time, I'll be here if our baby is sick"
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