RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Cisco felt his heart pick up at an astronomical pace hearing her say she would want to get married in a few months. For a few minutes there he wasn't sure if he could remember how to breathe. He finally was able to piece a good sentence together after a few moments. "I have no problem marrying you once he gets back." he said nodding. "Though two months from right now may be a bit too soon for me. I haven't even gotten you a ring" He let out a soft laugh, taking the glass of water and taking the medications. He took a few long gulps "You had this already set in your mind hm? If i didn't propose soon enough, you were going to do it?"

Cisco did whatever she asked for the tests. He did the silly fine motor and reflex tests. He did puzzles for her. Whatever she wanted, he didn't fight her on. She seemed to be doing much better once she was able to start looking for the source of the problems. He also always kind of liked seeing her as a doctor. How focused she became and how serious. Caitlin had like four sides to her he was learning, and he liked each and every one of them. He winced in pain briefly as she was inspecting the base of his neck. "Right there, that really hurt" he said softly. "I must've slept funny." Cisco looked at her intensely focused eyes. He raised an eyebrow of his own. "Caitlin? Why so serious?" He said, trying to make a joke, but she didn't smile at all. It must be serious. "Did you find something? Do we have to go back to the lab...?"
"We don't have to go back to the lab. I know what's going on with your headaches. You're having what's called tension headaches. The pain that you felt in the base of your neck is one of
the symptoms. That compared with the others that you've been experiencing, isn't too serious, thankfully. I'm not discounting the pain you have. But I can prescribe you some harder pain medication to take to replace the ones you're currently taking. I had them a few years ago myself, and found that this new medication I'm going to put you on, helped immensely."

After running a few more tests to make sure, she nodded and then put everything away. "Like I said, it's tension headaches. You're going to start taking the new medication tonight. I'm going to put a call in to a pharmacist that I know, and we'll go and pick up the medication soon." She paused when Cisco said that two months was too soon for him, and asked if she had planned to propose if he hadn't done so soon. Caitlin nodded. She took one of his hands into hers and squeezed it. "The truth is, if I could get a Justice of the Peace here right now, I would marry you right now.

"As for a ring, it doesn't need to be big or fancy. All that matters is that it's from you."
Cisco looked at her frowning. They were just headaches simply from tension? A part of Cisco was unsure of this answer to their problem. It seemed almost too easy an answer. And considering how bad the pain was, he assume he was dying, like a tumor or something. He let out a soft sigh, if Caitlin was sure that it wasn't anything then he would believe her. "A strong pain medication? That's it?" he asked smiling a little bit. "I am so happy to hear you say that, which means I can get back to work right?" He held her hand gently, stroking her knuckles. "Well if you did propose, i would have said yes" he teased quietly, getting to his feet. "Now that we know I'm not going to die, I'm going to get started on some dinner. That means you can put your attention to our pregnant friend."

Cisco got to work in the kitchen. It took a bit of creativity but he finally was able to make something. He ended up making one of his grandmothers recipes. They all the things to make the hearty ethnic stew. It always made him feel better when he was sick and he was hoping it would be a good way to get Iris to eat again. As he cooked, he was able to come up with a game plan for when he was next in the lab. He had a rush of adrenaline knowing that next time he was going to talk to Barry. It had to be just enough to get him to come back. Cisco had hope. He usually was the hopeful type but now, knowing that Caitlin was very adamant about marrying him, it was a renewed hope. He had never expected the answer Caitlin gave him and that was enough to give him energy for years.

Soon the stew was done, Caitlin had gone at some point and returned with the new medication. Now all that was left to do was to wake up Iris for some dinner, and probably for Caitlin to run a batch of tests over her. And maybe by the end of the month Barry would be there with them. That was a nice thought.
"You can get back to work in a little while. I want you to take a small break for now," She said and then smiled when he stroked her knuckles. Smiling when Cisco said that he would have said yes if she had proposed. "Oh, good.." Caitlin said, when he pulled away and said that he was going to make dinner. She nodded when he said that she could turn her attention to Iris now. "Not so fast. Just because we know what we're dealing with now, and I'm going to go and get you some better medication soon, doesn't mean that I'm just going to quit keeping an eye on you."

"If your headaches get worse after I get you started on the new medication, you still need to let me know. And if it happens, I'll need to bring you into the hospital for more tests." Right before he pulled away to go cook, she kissed him once more, and then watched him leave the room. Once that happened, she left to get the new medication and came back. After setting
it down on the kitchen table, she went to wake Iris. A few minutes later, the two of them entered the kitchen and took a seat at the table together, talking softly while Cisco cooked.

As the three of them talked and ate dinner together, Caitlin ran tests on Iris and the baby. Checking how she was feeling, asking about any pain or any possible signs of weirdness. Making sure their friend wasn't sick. After she had run a whole batch of tests on Iris and the baby, and they had all finished eating dinner, she got up and started to clean the kitchen, smiling at the other woman when Iris got up to help her. When the kitchen was clean, she told Cisco to start taking his new medication and excused herself for a few minutes, before returning to the living room and smiling when she saw Cisco and Iris cuddled up together on the couch.

Without a word, she took a seat on Iris' other side, so that she and Cisco cuddled their friend from both sides, having her in the middle. "So, I have an idea. I'm thinking that once our dinner settles, the three of us can go out tonight. I'm thinking ice cream and a movie. What do you guys think?" Caitlin suggested, a small smile on her lips after she had spoken. Figuring it would
do all of them some good to get out of the house for a few hours. It was like their lives had been on hold for the last three months since Barry had been gone. Well, it was time to change
Dinner was kind of wonderful. They were all laughing and enjoying the food. There was no weird tension or anything. They actually were able to have a good time and put some of the pain behind them for a little while. It was nice. The girls cleaned the kitchen, which is literally the worst part in Cisco's opinion, of cooking. He couldn't help but just relax and really appreciate their growing friendships. He hadn't even really expected this night to go like this, but they all fell into just the perfect balance like before, just this time without Barry. Cisco didn't argue about the new medication when it was time to take it, and soon was soothing his returning headache. It was much quicker acting then the old dose. Cisco settled onto the couch with Iris, who curled into his side, like old times. He just held her, knowing that sometimes that's all someone needed. To just be held for a little bit, to help push the negative emotions away. He smiled a little when Caitlin joined on the other side of Iris. His hand able to lightly rest on her arm. And they stayed like that for a long time.

Cisco raised his eyebrows when Caitlin suggested going out. She hated going out anywhere. Though his fear subsided hearing that, she was thinking more ice cream and movies. Not a club or anything. He shrugged and looked to Iris. "There is a new ice cream place that just opened up that's supposed to have super weird flavors" he offered. "And I've been dying to see the new sci fi drama out..."He paused looking at them both. "But we are going to see I assume the sappy rom com, right? I'm out voted aren't I?" He chuckled a little bit. "I think starting to get some kind of normalacy is a good idea, that way, the transition will be easier." He didn't need to say it but they all knew he meant if Barry never returned. He opened his phone looking at showtimes. "There are a few movies starting in about 90 minutes?"
Iris leaned over and gave Cisco a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Ice cream and a sci fi movie sounds fun. Though you might have to explain some of the science to me, since you're our resident genius.." She smiled at both of her friends, and then leaned over the coffee table and grabbed the remote and turned on a TV show they all liked. "How about we leave in half an hour?" She suggested to her friends, thinking that it would give their dinner enough time to settle, and they could take care of anything else that needed to be taken care of before they left the house.

"You're not out voted. Maybe we do ice cream first, then the sci fi movie, and then a rom com? This way everyone gets something that they would enjoy." She was happy to remain snuggled into both of her friend's as they watched a re-run of Full House on TV for the next half hour. Iris nodded when Cisco said that a few movies started in 90 minutes. "Good. That will give us all enough time to get ready, and to get the ice cream." She got up a few minutes later and went to change and freshen up, leaving Cisco and Caitlin together so they could have some time alone and do what they needed to do.
Cisco smiled at the suggestion of two movies. "We will see how tired we are after one." He replied. "Or if the doctor decides it's time to go home" he said in a jushed whisper making her laugh. He grinned innocently at Caitlin. They watched the rerun in a comfortable silence, laughing at the right points. At one point even acisco was impressed when Caitlin seemed to be familiar with the show, enough to quote it.

Cisco released Iris from the embrace, letting her get up to get ready. Cisco closed the distance between him and Caitlin giving her a light peck. "Answer me honestly. Are you okay with this? Are you okay with being so close to Iris?" He asked firmly. "And don't say you don't get jealous. I very clearly remember plenty of times you get jealous, like that time Ronnie was helping a co-worker and you threatened to destroy the experiement." Cisco looked her over carefully. "Nothing is going on between me and her, it's just like when I was helping you with getting through Ronnie's deaths."
"Iris is our friend and she's going through a hard time. We need to keep being there for her. It's what Barry would want, and it's the right thing to do. I'm not jealous or upset. The only thing I am, is concerned about her and the baby. I trust you, and I trust Iris. And in the first place, she's not even remotely in a place for romance or sex right now anyway." Caitlin said softly. She smiled after he pecked her cheek. "You don't have to explain anything to me. You're comforting our friend, it's not like you're just sitting here making out or ripping each other's clothes off."

"That would be another story entirely." This time she kissed him. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Both physically and emotionally. Promise. You just need to focus on you, and we both need to focus on taking care of Iris and the baby, and getting Barry back." When Iris came back a few minutes later, Caitlin carefully pulled the other woman close, drawing both Iris and Cisco in for a group hug, feeling like they might all need one right now. "Alright, how about that ice cream now?" She asked, a smile on her lips. After the others nodded in agreement, they all left the house.
Cisco let out a relieved sigh when she completely understood. It hadn't really dawned on him that some girls may have a problem with this arrangement until his arm was snugly wrapped around a girl who wasn't her. "I just want to make sure we are on the same page, since you don't always like talking about feelings. I was making it easy" he said smiling, returning her kiss.He did make a mental note to never, ever cheat on her. Because there was an unspoken threat in her voice before she kissed him. He was always wary when she used that tone. They hadn't had a big group hug since Barry left and it was nice to just hold each other like that for a bit. It eased the pain, or at least Cisco did the same thing for Iris.

They were able to walk from his apartment to the ice cream and movie theater. That was the main reason he bought this apartment. It made it way more convenient to go see all the movies he wanted to see. The walk was nice too. Cisco held Caitlin's hand with one hand and made sure to stay close to Iris. They were a group. The ice cream shop was tiny, but very busy. Everyone was leaving with smiles. That had crazy flavors he had never dream could be ice cream, like pizza and cereal. It was like heaven. He didn't go too adventurous, but learned they had a punch card if you tried every flavor. They spent a long time just sititng eating ice cream. Iris seemed to still be having fun, before they walked the little bit further distance to the movie theatre. They ended up seeing the space movie first, much to Cisco's delight. It wasn't long before he was rambling on and on about the history of the books the movie was based off of and everything you could ever want to know about the director.

Cisco felt like himself for the first time in a long while. Even though he had felt better since Caitlin's return, he hadn't been able to relax like this in a long time. He wasn't worried over her, or himself, or Iris or Barry. They were just friends seeing a movie, like normal people. It was perfect. During the trailers, he leaned over to Caitlin. "Thank you, this was a good idea" he whispered. He missed this tight friendship a lot. He made sure to keep a close eye on iris in case she found any part of the movie upsetting. He wasn't sure of her tolerance of movies, Caitlin's, on the other hand, there was a reason they didn't see horror movies together.
The ice cream was a good idea. The three of them had enjoyed themselves for an hour, just trying out all kind of unique flavors. Caitlin even laughed out loud at one point, when Iris scooped some tuna flavored ice cream into two fingers and pressed it to Cisco's nose, teasing him. Eventually, they made it to the movie and had tons of popcorn and several different kinds of candy as the three of them enjoyed both of the movies together. Caitlin couldn't keep the smile off her lips the entire time, seeing how excited Cisco was as they watched the sci fi movie.

It felt more like old times, with him rambling on and on about the science and the director of the movie. And when they watched the romantic comedy, the whole theater was in laughter at some of the silly scenes in the movie. By the time the romantic comedy ended, it was almost midnight and a good idea to head back to the house. During both of the movies, Caitlin had kept an eye on Iris, to make sure that her friend was okay, and seeing that she was, a smile settled over her lips, as she held Cisco's hand. The three of them were just getting out of their seats when the lights in the entire theater went out and a loud voice shouted at everyone to get on floor, that this was a robbery.

A gunshot sounded, which caused screams of alarm. Then the voice also said that anyone who tried anything heroic would be shot. Even more screams filled the building, as patrons tried to protect their friends or loved ones, by pushing them to the floor.
They ended up seeing both movies. And it was fun. Cisco would never admit it but he loved rom coms, ever since Caitlin insisted on making him watch a few. He did catch Iris crying once, so he gave her a long hug, telling her it was going to be okay. She seemed to find from then out. They were beginning to file out, when everything went dark. Cisco instinctively put an arm in front of Iris, to make sure she was still beside him. His hand tightly around Caitlin's. That was when the shouting echoed over the theatre. He swore softly, more that he was frustrated he didn't have his gauntlets. He pulled both girls to the ground. Cisco fumbled in his pocket for his cell phone. They had to contact Wally and Joe.

There was what seemed to be three people in the crew, walking around the theatre. One came up to them holding out a bag. "Cellphones. No Calling the Flash or the police" they said. Cisco glanced between them, and then at the gun pointed at them. They all slowly put their cellphones in the bag. Cisco watched as they continued collecting phones. He was trying to come up with a plan, anything at all. There were quiet a few civilians but not as many as say earlier in the day at the theatre, which made this a strange time to rob them. They must want something else.

He leaned over to Caitlin. "If we can trigger the fire alarm, the sensors at S.T.A.R Labs and Wally's phone should go off" he said in a hushed whisper. "Unless you feel like freezing three people? Those are the only options I can think of." He leaned back, trying to not look suspicious. He looked to Iris, trying to smile a little bit. "It will be okay" he promised quietly. Cisco just wished for once, he believed that. If they had their full team, he would think that. But none of them were there running the computers or contacting Wally. They hadn't tried this in an actual emergency yet. Cisco had run tests with Wally in the beginning, in cases like this, he just had to hope the young man was paying attention.
Iris leaned closer to Cisco, so that she could whisper in his ear. "As soon as I heard them shouting, before they took our phones, I called Wally and hung up. That's a way we had discussed me letting him know if I was in trouble. All he has to do now is tell my Dad, and they'll trace my phone here. We just have to be quiet and do what they say for a few minutes, and then Wally will show up..." She stopped talking as one of the gunmen walked down the aisle they were on and pointed the gun in her face, yelling at her to shut up, or he was going to shoot her.

The young woman immediately shut up, feeling a little better when both Caitlin and Cisco shielded her from the gunman as much as they could. Once the man walked off once more, she heard Caitlin whisper something about how her powers weren't cooperating right now, as she had tried to freeze them the moment the first shot went off and she had gotten a decent look
at them. "We just need to get everyone else to be calm," Iris whispered. "So that no one gets shot. They just want money and jewelry, so we give it to them.." Though she had refused to
take off her engagement ring from Barry, and instead hid it in her pocket.
Cisco let his body relax ever so slightly. He was glad to hear one of them was able to get a phone call out. That made trying to be a hero a little easier then his plan he was trying to create. And he was frustrated that of course Caitlin's last dose of the cure was holding up so well. He hated the feeling of not being able to help them. Now their own focus was on Notting getting themselves shot or one of the other patrons.

"But why rob us? This doesn't seem like a weathly group" he murmured back. "Something isn't right." Soon the guy came around collecting jewelry, wallets, watches and any other tech on their person. It seemed like a small haul. Cisco looked over to the other patrons, who looked just as scared hit we're compliying with the requests. The air was tense. Where was Wally? Shouldn't he be here by now? That's when there was shouting.

"You can't take my bag! It has my insulin injector and I need that or I will die!" The criminal pushed down the shouting woman and Cisco jumped to his feet.

"Leave her alone, let her keep her medication!" He snapped
"Stay here and protect Iris," Caitlin whispered to Cisco, and then she got to her feet with her hands held up in the air in a surrendering move. "I'm not trying to argue and I'm not trying to fight. I'm a doctor and I just want to help the woman who doesn't have her insulin injector." The man closest to her seemed to be thinking about it, but one of the other men suddenly walked over to them and yelled at her to shut up, told her no that she couldn't help the other woman, before firing off a shot shortly behind her. She saw the man grin when a familiar scream of pain sounded behind her.

Iris had stood up, ready to pull Caitlin back to the floor when a shot went off, and she dropped back to the ground, crying out in pain and clutching her arm. "Get Caitlin on the floor," She said through the pain, clutching her arm against her chest. The young woman was relieved when both Caitlin and Cisco were down on the floor beside her. She knew that they were worried about her. She was scared, too. However, a small sigh of relief left her lips when a familiar whoosh sounded and there was the sound of Wally talking as he rounded up the robbers.
Cisco nodded carefully as Caitlin said she would handle it and for him to stay with Iris. Everything happened so quickly. There was shouting and a gun shot. Cisco didn't need to turn knowing the shooter aimed for behind them getting Iris. Cisco instictively pulled Caitlin back to the floor. Iris needed medical attention. They began to work to stop the bleeding.

The familiar woosh of a speedster was welcomed. Soon Wally had disarmed all the men, returned the possessions and helped had them off to the police. Wally was soon by their sides where they were huddled over Iris. "Is she okay? Cisco? Is she going to be okay?" He asked quickly.

Cisco nodded. "We need to get her to a hospital." He said firmly. "Its just her arm, it shouldn't be to much of an issue." He glanced at Caitlin hoping the little medical training she had given him was accurate. They let Wally run her to the mergency room. They stayed behind to notify Joe. Cisco knew without looking at him or Caitlin, they were covered in her blood. He let out a heavy sigh. "I have to finish the speed force device now. This...we need Barry." He said in a firm whisper. "You go to the hospital." Cisco held her shfor a brief moment. "Caitlin, if he aimed just a little different...you...wouldn't have died...."
"I didn't die. I'm right here," Caitlin said and then she kissed his lips softly. Nodding when Cisco pulled back and said that she should go to the hospital to be with Iris. "I need to change out of these clothes. We're both covered in her blood. I don't want to scare her more than she already is." A few minutes later they spoke to the police, and then were allowed to go to the labs to get each a quick shower and some new clothes. She kissed him once more and said, "I have my cell phone if you need me. I'll be with Iris and Wally. Be careful, I love you." A few moments later, she grabbed her purse and left S.T.A.R. Labs, getting into her car and driving to the hospital.

When she got there, the brunette asked the nurse at the desk about Iris, and when she was rebuffed from getting information since she wasn't family, nodded, and went to sit down in the waiting room, hoping that Wally or Joe would step out to call one of them, and see her there, so she could find out how Iris and the baby were. Her nerves were stretched thin in worry, and she really hoped that Cisco was getting closer to figuring out the Speed Force device. They could really use Barry right about now.

That wasn't to say that Wally hadn't done an amazing job, because he had. Caitlin would have just felt better if Barry had been around to help. She kept herself busy by reading Cisco's notes on the Speed Force, on her phone, having transferred the information from the tablet to her phone a few days ago. Spotting Wally walking down the hall, his cell phone out as if he were about to make a call. "Wally!" The brunette called to the young man. "How are Iris and the baby?" The concern that she felt for them was clear on her face. "How about you? Are you okay?"
Cisco got to work at the lab once the blood was washed away. He was probably going to throw that shirt away, those are were some of his favorites, but as long as she was okay, it didn't matter. Cisco dived right into his work. He made a pot of coffee and began to make the long haul of rebuilding everything from scratch, using the few pieces they finished earlier. He was determined to have everything done and ready to run the test in a day or so.


Wally was stressed beyond belief. He was trying to be strong for his father. He felt he was going to cry at any minute. He finally felt some relief knowing she was stable,but there was no news on the baby. He had his phone out to call Caitlin and zcisco when he heard someone shout out to him. He glanced up and his whole body relaxed ever so slightly. "Caitlin I was just wondering where you were" he said "she's stable, nothing life threatening. They aren't sure about the baby...her body was under a lot of stress." Wally hesitated. "I just if I had been there sooner or if Barry had been out with you guys tonight, this wouldn't happen. And dad he is so upset and I just am so mad at myself and I just can't believe she got hurt because of me" he sighed shaking his head "where is Cisco?"
Caitlin walked up to Wally, took him gently by the arm and led him outside the hospital building to where they could talk alone. "First off, stop blaming yourself. What happened at the movie theater was not your fault. It was the fault of those horrible men who robbed everyone and the one who shot Iris. You are doing the best that you can and that's all anyone can ask of you... including yourself. So give yourself a break and stop beating yourself up. I know for a fact that Iris wouldn't want you feeling bad over what happened. What matters is that you did show up, and because of that, you saved many lives."

"Iris was not hurt because of you. She was hurt because one of the robbers decided to be a jerk and shoot her for trying to help me. If anyone's allowed to feel guilt here, it's me. She was trying to help me, and got hurt for it. But anyway, lose the guilt, kiddo. We both know Iris wouldn't want us to feel that way. As for the baby, we just have to be hopeful that he or she will
be okay. As for Cisco, he's back at S.T.A.R. Labs working on his Speed Force project. He's even more determined now, to get Barry back."
Wally frowned deeply, but listened to her carefully chosen words. He finally sighed and nodded. "Okay" he agreed quietly. "I. Sorry about that, I just am getting a bit tired of trying to keep it all together." He admitted softly, shaking his head. He leaned against a wall. "I was just ready for her to get better you know? Dad is finally doing better and Cisco, but she is just still so sad." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you want to come back to her room? My dad would probably apperciate a familiar face to read he paperwork, since you know more about her body right now."

Wally led her back to where Joe was. He was waiting in Iris's room where she was sleeping and sedated. Joe hugged her. "I'm glad you and Cisco weren't hurt" he said softly. "She's doing better, Wally probably told you she's stable, going to heal just fine." Joe paused. "They still won't talk to us." about that baby, and I wasn't sure if that was because my of Barry's DNA...being special." Joe shrugged, motioning to her papers. "Iris considers you her doctor, so please feel free. Wally was sitting beside the bed a deep frown on his face.
"Wally, you don't have to keep it together for us.." Caitlin said gently. "We care about you, too.." She said, and reached out, gently pulling him into a hug. "It's okay to be sad, or worried. It's a normal reaction. Your sister was hurt, and your baby niece or nephew is possibly in danger. Your reaction is very normal. You are allowed to feel the way that you do.." She assured him. "I know that you want to see Iris happy again, we all do. And Cisco is busting his butt trying to make that happen. The thing is, we do have to prepare ourselves for a possible worse case scenario.."

"Per Iris' request, this will probably be the last time we try to get Barry out of the Speed Force, and if it doesn't work, she's going to need us more than ever. I know the last few months have been hard on everyone, and it's been especially hard to see Iris so sad. But even if we never get Barry out of the Speed Force, she will eventually come out of her sadness. She just needs time to process her feelings and grieve if and when the need arises. We will get Iris back to the happy woman she once was. It might just take some more time. And in the meantime, we keep being there for her, loving her and supporting her."

Caitlin nodded when Wally invited her into Iris' room. "I'd like that, thank you. The nurses refuse to let anyone past them without permission from the family or the person who's in the hospital, which is regular procedure. I didn't want to put any pressure on you or your father, which is why I was glad to see you leave the room, so I could talk to you." A small smile
came to her lips. "I'm happy to help any way that I can.." She said and then followed Wally down the hall to Iris' room. She hugged Joe when she saw him a few moments later.

"Thank you," She said softly, and gave him a small smile. "How are you holding up?" The brunette asked in concern. She stopped speaking and nodded when Joe told her about Iris' condition. When he said that she could go ahead and read the other woman's paperwork, she wasted no time and picked up the papers, and began to read them. After a few minutes, Caitlin took a seat in a chair beside Joe, and started to explain what was on the papers to Joe and Wally. "Because Iris was shot, her body went into a sort of shock as a way to protect itself and the baby."

"The situation itself, caused her stress which isn't good for the baby. However, with that being said, the baby wasn't actually hurt and she's going to be okay, as long as Iris takes it easy for the remainder of her pregnancy. The doctor's want her to stay here for a few days so that they can keep a close eye on her and the baby and make sure there are no issues that crop up later. But as far as I can see, as long as Iris takes it easy from now on, and there are no complications within the next few days, both she and her daughter should be okay.."
Joe nodded slowly, listening to Caitlin explain what was happening. His eyes trained on his daughter. "So to sum it up, that doctors will probably want to put Iris on some kind of bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy" he said slowly. He couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. "I can't wait to see them try." He sighed s little bit. "Thank you Caitlin. I'm glad to hear hopefully it should all work out. I don't know what,loosing that baby would do to Iris, or any of us for that matter." A silence fell over the room, they were all deep in thought for a long time.

Joe looked to Caitlin. "Wait...did you say it's a girl?" He said slowly. "I'm going to have a grand daughter?" He had a huge grin across his face despite the situation. "That's...that's amazing." He sighed a little bit, looking at his hands. "then we will all have to pull our weight to make sure Iris stays heathy then and doesn't strain herself." They stayed together in the hospital room for a long time. Caitlin would eventually receive a few messages from Cisco updating her on his progress and to ask about Iris.
"That's right, you're having a granddaughter, Joe.." Caitlin said and smiled at him. They all lapsed into silence for a bit, and after a while she decided to check on and update Cisco. "Joe, Wally, I'm going to step outside for a few minutes. I'm going to call Cisco and give him an update on Iris and the baby, and I'm going to check on him. I'll be back in a few minutes," She said and then with a small smile, walked out of Iris' room and out of the hospital building itself. A few minutes later, the brunette took a seat on the hood of her car in the parking lot and called Cisco.

"Hey, it's Caitlin. I just got your texts. My phone was off while I was in with Joe, Wally, and Iris. Iris and the baby are going to be okay. Iris is currently sedated and asleep. She is going to need to stay in the hospital for a few days so that they can monitor her and the baby, and make sure no issues crop up later. She's also going to be on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. I'm thinking that she can continue to stay with us, if you don't mind. I'll stay with her during the day, spend time with her, and take care of her, help her if she needs something. And at night, we can all spend time together."

"I don't like the idea of her being alone. I know that I should've asked you before planning anything, and I'm sorry. I hope you don't mind. Anyway, that's what's going on with us. How are you coming along with your Speed Force project?" Caitlin asked, unable to keep the hope out of her voice that it was finally starting to come together. "By the way, you should also remember to take breaks every now and then, give your body and mind some time to rest. I know you want to get Barry back even more now, given what happened, but don't forget to stop and take care of yourself.."
Cisco looked up from his project hearing his phone start to ring. He answer d it placing it on speaker phone to keep working, "hello?" He asked, smiling when he heard it was Caitlin. "I figured you get back to me when you had a chanc,e it's not a problem. I'm glad she's going to be okay" Cisco paused, adjusting the piece he was working on. He frowned a little bit when she mentioned her plan to have them all live at his apartment. He thought it over for a long time. His place was kind of tiny and the ouch worked for short stays but wasn't very comfortable.

"No, no I don't mind, I think it makes sense. Who better to watch her then her doctor? I think, it might be easier if you stay at her apartment. It's larger and they have a guest room." He suggested. "That way we can prepare the nursery and get her home already for that. Not that I don't love having you both at my apartment, it's just a bit small." Cisco pulled out another pieces of wiring adding it to the component in front of him. "I've made good progress on it. I should be able to run a test onc eiris is feeling well enough. I think she's right and I should try to take her with me, that way maybe seeing her will spark a need in him to come home." Cisco let out a long laugh as she mentioned taking break. "I know and I will when you do, because you are still at the hospital not resting. I want this to be 100% read for a last attempt and make it worth it."

Cisco sighed "are you going to stay at the hospital the rest of the night?" He asked softly. He was growing tired, the headache slowly returning but he wasn't about to go to his now empty apartment, that was a bit too familiar.
Caitlin nodded when Cisco suggested that she and Iris should stay at the other woman's apartment. "You're right. That would be better for everyone. I just don't want you to feel neglected while I'm helping and looking after Iris and the baby. I promise, to spend lots of time with you ASAP.." She said softly. The brunette fell silent and listened to him speak as he talked about
the Speed Force project. "Well, it might be a few days before Iris is ready to help you run a test on your device. We might have to find a way to do it at her place, since she's going to be on bed rest once she leaves the hospital."

"I agree about your idea of Barry seeing Iris and wanting to come home after that. He's always been in love with her, and if anyone can get him out of there, it's going to be her. As for taking a break, I'll be at your place in an hour, when visiting hours are over. Wally's going to stay with Iris tonight. I'll stay with her tomorrow night, and then Joe will stay with her the next day, which is Wednesday, and then we'll switch out again on Friday and Saturday. By Sunday, if her tests are going well, she should be home and officially on bed rest by noon or a little bit later."

She nodded when Cisco said he wanted it to be ready for a last attempt. "I know you do. Which is why you need to take your time and get it right. We don't want to do anything to mess up this last chance. Take your meds and drink lots of water. I'll be home in an hour and I'll make you something to eat, and we'll curl up on the couch. I love you, and I'll be home before you know it."
Cisco sighed, as she said she didn't want him to feel neglected while she spent time with Iris. He didn't want her to. He wanted to be selfish and keep her to himself. He had been spoiled getting to wake up with her everyday. "We'll make it work okay? Just means we will have a more convential relationship. Iris would throw a fit if she thought we weren't getting time together. It will be fine." Cisco looked at the pieces, he paused putting the tools down and rubbing between his eyes. He listened to her suggestion of doing at the test at her place. Which would be Almost a week from now.

"Then I guess there is really no point in rushing. Maybe I'll to some more piece testing until then. To make sure it's completely ready for her." He offered. Cisco started to pick up some. "Ill see you in an hour." He agreed. "I could take one of those shifts at the hospital, if anyone needs me to. I love you too." He murmured "be safe." He said before hanging up. He hung up, getting back to work putting everything away. He left the lab soon after.

He drove back to his apartment, and settled on the couch to wait. Cisco just anxiously waited for Caitlin to return. When he finally heard her key in the door, he was on his feet meeting her. Cisco pulled her into a hug and held her tightly. "You are such an amazing person." He said softly. "And I want to make it clear, I think I'll be okay with you doing this. I think you are toatally right, shell really need you there. She'll need you more then me."
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