RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

She smiled at his words, nodding in understanding. "That's just another reason why we're such a good match for each other. Your refusal to hold back what you're feeling, balances out my need to keep things close to the vest." As soon as Cisco shifted and pulled her closer, she was happy to wrap her own arms around him, enjoying both the closeness and the heat that came
off of his body. "Okay is an understatement," Caitlin assured him. "I love you, and I loved being able to share our bodies that way.." She said softly, lifting a hand up to reach out and stroke one of his cheeks.

"You don't need to improve on anything. And I know that I'm not exactly loud when I orgasm, but everything was amazing.." The young woman said, and she meant it. A smile formed on her lips, when he kissed her head and then held her body tighter against his. "Are you okay?" Caitlin asked him, concerned when he clutched her even tighter against him. A small, worried frown formed on her face when he released her and then left the bed. "Cisco?" Her words went unheard, as she heard the bathroom door shut, effectively blocking anything out that she would try to say.

Unsure of what to do, she just remained sitting in the bed, not wanting to crowd him.
Cisco stood at the sink. He had heard Caitlin call out to him in concern once or twice once he got out of bed. He just needed a second alone to breathe. He washing his face with cool water, learning his mind. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror a long time. He took another deep breath. Cisco closed his eyes for a moment and that's when he saw it a new vibe. He had felt something coming, it must've been that.

He was sitting at Jitters with...Barry? Barry was laughing as they drank their coffee.

"Do you really think surprising her like that is a good idea? You know how she feels about that kind of displays" Barry was saying. But Cisco couldn't stop starting at him. It looked like his Barry. It sounded like his Barry it didn't seem to far in the future.

Cisco gasped coming back to reality. He let go of the sink quickly going back to Caitlin. "We do it" he said breathlessly. "We get Barry back."
Caitlin looked up in surprise when Cisco came barreling out of the bathroom and back over to her, the excitement he felt, was clear in his expression. A genuine smile curved her lips at his words, and she reached out for one of his hands, quickly pulling him back down onto the bed beside her. "You vibed Barry? What did you see? Is he okay...?" Her words trailed off as what he had said, sunk in. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." She pulled him close and kissed his lips once, before releasing him. "How are you feeling? Do you still have a headache?"

"If your headache's not too bad, we can shower and head to the labs, maybe put in a few, key word is few, hours working on the new Speed Force toy.." She said, getting the feeling that he would be eager to start working on the device again after vibing their friend. "Shower first, a snack, and then we'll go to S.T.A.R. Labs. Agreed? And you will take a break every few hours.
You can't possibly argue with me on that, since I'm not interfering with you going back to working on the device." After speaking, she fell silent and waited to see what Cisco was going to say.
"We were at Jitters" he said quickly sitting beside her. "We were talking about me getting something for you. I don't know. But it was him I am sure of it. It didn't feel like the other worlds or anything. It was him." He squeezed her hands. He kissed her enthusiastically. He was grinning. That's all he wanted for everyone to be happy and together again. "Just a baby headache. I wasn't even trying to find him it just happened."

Cisco was already on his feet pulling her up. He kissed her again. "Not that I wouldn't love to stay her ein bed with you and make love to you at least twice more today. I just...youre right I need to work on the device." The excitement was coming off of him in waves. He paused for moment hearing she was going to insist on frequent breaks and stops. He poured a little bit but sighed. "Fine, fine," Cisco pulled her close and smiled again. "This is because of you." He pulled her along towards the shower. "You must have helped me trigger the right parts of my brain to reach that vibe. Which means, we will have no choice but to do it in the future"
Caitlin laughed softly as she listened to Cisco. She let him pull her towards the shower and said, "You know, it's a proven scientific fact that sexual intercourse is helpful when one's dealing with long time emotional issues that are keeping them from their work." She said as they entered the bathroom together a few moments later. The brunette turned on the shower and set
it to a warm setting, knowing that he couldn't have the water too hot with his normal body temperature. Sometimes, she took a second shower and turned the hot water on full blast, just
to get the barest feel of the steaming water with her cold body.

"When we're done here and we get back to the lab, what do you need me to do?" She asked, quickly making plans to be available to him for anything he needed for the Speed Force device. The young woman was feeling more optimistic about the future now that Cisco had finally vibed Barry and had a vision of him. "Another thing. Should we tell Iris and the others about you vibing Barry, or should we just keep it to ourselves and keep working on the device?" Caitlin didn't want to keep secrets from them, but she also didn't want to get their hopes up, if it didn't pan out.
"Did Dr. Snow just provide me with a scientific reason to continue having sex with her?" he teased gently. "Only if its helping you also work through long time emotional issues of course. " Cisco let her set the temperature of the shower, knowing she needed it a little different then he did. He leaned on the sink, pushing his hair from his face. He smiled a little bit. He shrugged. "I could probably use your help just building it from the ground up. I have to redo the whole thing, it kind of shattered from the sudden cold and force. If you can do the exterior pieces, and putting those together i can focus on the interior components." Cisco hoped into the shower, letting the water run over his hair before letting her get to the water.

He frowned as he thought about telling Iris. "I think we should keep it secret, I would hate to be wrong about the vision and crush her" he said finally. "Its hard enough I have to see them and then sometimes have my hopes ruined." Cisco let out a soft laugh, handing her the soap. He focused on his hair lathering it with shampoo. "Can I ask you something? It's just been on my mind a lot and I was hoping you could give me some clarity?" He began to gently rub her shoulders. "When you were Killer Frost, why...did you only really ever try to kill me?" It was an innocent question. He clearly was jsut curious and was hoping to get her to open up to him.
Caitlin stuck out her tongue at Cisco when he teased her. "It's completely true. There are actual case studies in science journals where they had participants go without sex for a period of time and collected results on how it affected their relations at work, familial ones, and romantic ones. And how it affected school, work, etc. Suffice it to say that if a person goes without sex for a long time, it causes a sort of chemical imbalance in their brain. And once that person has sex, after going without it for a long time, it kind of reboots the brain and then the rest of the body."

"Similar to rebooting a computer system." She nodded at his words when he said that he could use her help to rebuild the entire thing. "Of course, I can get started as soon as we get to the lab." The brunette joined him in the shower a few moments later, and stepped under the warm water. "Okay, then we won't tell anyone just yet. I wish there was a way for us to know if what you saw was actually going to happen or not." Caitlin stepped under the spray as well, and started to wet her hair. His question had her pausing. "Because you're the one who means the most to me."

"I mean, I love all of our friends. They're family, you know that and they know that. But, I can't lose you. That's something I could never come back from. Killer Frost knew that I loved you. And when she wanted to keep me in check, all she had to do was threaten you or try to kill you. And then I'd fall back in line and stop fighting her for control. She didn't really want to kill
you. She was still part of me, after all, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and all of that. It was all about control for her. "
Cisco nodded quietly. He watched her carefully. He placed a hand on her arm and squeezed it gently. "You weren't the only one. Savitar used my feelings for you to get me to help him. Hell, I think akiller Frost did too, knowing I wouldn't actually ever be able to kill you." He pressed a light kiss at the base of her neck. "It's just been something that was nagging me. That time you were gone was...so difficult and this right now seems surreal sometimes. I am just checking you will still be here when I wake up."

He switched dpostions with her to wash out the shampoo and 'helped' her to get clean. He just wanted more excuses to touch and kiss her. So he made use of every chance he got until she kicked him out of the shower so she could have it unbareablt hot while he got dressed to go to the lab. He took the time to check his phone and breifly see if he could reach the speed force. The searing pain came on slower then before but he still couldn't see him. He didn't let that dampen his excitement over what he had seen. Cisco got prepared to go to the lab and was quietly waiting for Caitlin, making them a snack.
Caitlin finished in the shower and got dressed. A little while later and after a snack, they were on their way to S.T.A.R. Labs. She got out of the car once Cisco had parked, and went to key in the alarm code, before going inside. The brunette heard him come up behind her, and with a quick kiss and question about how he felt, sent him off to his work room, to tinker with the Speed Force device, or to get parts to bring for her to help work on. She walked around turning on computers and lights, and let out a surprised scream, her hand clutching her chest in alarm for a moment as her heart drummed against her chest in surprise.

"Oh, Iris. You scared me." The brunette said, having found the other woman asleep in one of the beds in the medical bay. "Do you need medical attention or help with something?" She asked, and was relieved when her friend said that she just wanted to be at S.T.A.R. Labs to feel closer to Barry. "Okay, well, you get some more rest. I'm gonna go down to Cisco's work room and spend some time with him. If you need anything, text us." After speaking, Caitlin turned off the lights in the medical bay once more and went down to Cisco's work room. "Iris is sleeping in the medical bay."

"She surprised me. I just wanted to let you know, that's what my screaming was about."
Cisco went straight to his workroom when they arrived. He had so many ideas and plans, he just had to get started. He got to work taking apart the old machine. Pausing for a moment when he heard Caitlin let out a startled scream, but when he heard no other commotion or the alarms being triggered, he got back to work. He cleared off a table for her, with all the pieces she would need to build the outer shell. He then worked on trading out the componets that failed during the last test. He was deeply engrossed in a computer board when she arrived. Cisco looked up when she mentioned Iris was sleeping in the medical bay.

He hadn't really checked on her as much as he had before. He had all but stopped sleeping in the lab himself when Caitlin returned. "Did she seem okay?" he asked slowly, his brows furrowed. "I have been spending less time with her, I used to keep her company in the evenings when she couldn't sleep." He pursed his lips, going back to tinkering with the mother board. "I left the instructions and plans of what I'd like you to do. It's pretty simple, like a puzzle but made out of metal. Take your time there is no rush." Cisco went back to being intently focused on the device.

They stayed like that for a few hours, both working on their seperate projects, yet still together. Occasionally one of them would check on the other, but it was quiet. It was nice. Cisco could start the feel the headache coming back at full force. The pain behind his eyes making it harder and harder to see the tiny pieces. He took a deep breath, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He knew tomorrow Caitlin would want to run tests on him and that they would be heading home soon, but with the work they did tonight they were much closer then ever before.

"Hey Cait?" he called out
"She's not sleeping. It's obvious by how she looks. Bags under her eyes, red eyes that she tries to hide with makeup. She's losing more weight than she's gaining. I'm worried about her, and I'm worried about the baby.." Caitlin admitted softly. She nodded when he spoke about the device. Picking up the instructions and plans and starting to read them. A few moments later, the young woman started getting bits and parts and putting them together. "Don't worry about me, I've think got it. If I have any questions about anything, I'll make sure that I let you know."

They spent the next few hours working on the device in silence. They checked on each other off and on, but other than that, there was silence. Cisco calling her name, snapped Caitlin out of the zone she was in, and she set the pieces she was working with, aside. "What's up? Are you ready to head back to the house?" A few moments later, she started to put everything away safely and once that was done, the brunette walked over to her boyfriend and stood beside him, as she waited to see what he needed. "How are you feeling?" The young woman asked, and reached out to stroke his cheek.
Cisco closed his eyes, enjoying the touch of her cool hand. "The headache is back, I'm having trouble seeing." He said slowly. "So we should call it a night, like you made me promise." Cisco shifted. "But I'm not going home." Cisco held up a finger to her lips to stop her argument. "I have to stay with Iris. I haven't been doing the friend thing I had been doing before you got back. I just...kind of forgot. I had been doing all the stuff I did for you after Ronnie and Jay." Cisco smiled sadly st her. "I don't want her to get sick or anything, and if you are worried then I really screwed up. I promised Barry I would take care of her."

He carefully stood. His head still pounding. "I'm going to see if I can maybe drive her to her apartment or at least get her to talk to me and get some rest. If that's okay with you. We just were really clos beefier you came back and I owe it to her as a friend to keep that's up." He kissed her cheek ever so lightly. "You can run all the tests you want on me tomorrow and whatever else you need to do, but I have to do this."
"Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to drive your car. You and Iris are going to curl up in the backseat together and rest. I'll drive all of us over to Iris' place and she'll pick up some clothes and other supplies that she's going to need for the week, and then I'll drive all of us over to the house. Iris will sleep on the couch that pulls out into a bed. I know that we never
use it as a bed, because we don't ever really think about it, and just use our bed in the bedroom. But Iris can use the bed, and you and I will make a pallet together on the floor in the living room, and we'll sleep there. We can be close by if she needs anything."

"When we get to the house, we're all going to grab a nap, and I'll give your temples another massage, I know that it helps sometimes, and hopefully this will be one of those times. What do you think? As for you doing the friend thing, no one blames you. But if you want to make it up to her, then I think this is a good way to do so. As for tests tomorrow, I'm fine with that. Now, let's go get Iris. The sooner we get everything from her place, the sooner we can all get that nap we so badly need." A small smile came over her lips, and she reached out for Cisco's hand.

A few moments later, the two of them walked out of his work room and went to the medical bay.
Cisco looked to Caitlin as she quickly came up with a plan. He smiled a little bit. "That's a actually a really great plan." he said nodding. Cisco got to his feet beginning to put everything away. That way it was still ready the next morning but no risk of something happening. He pushed a bit of hair from her face. "Thank you" he whispered, kissing her cheek. "for not making me choose between the two of you." Cisco slipped his hand into hers. He did think about the possibility of Iris needing him to stay with her, but decided not to make her worry about it if it wasn't a problem yet. They reached the medical bay.

Cisco went to the bed Iris occupied. "Hey, Iris, you're going to come stay with me for awhile okay? If you want to of course. You just seem...a little worse for the wear and we are all worried." He said helping her sit up. "Might as well stay someplace where there is a doctor living 24/7. That's a total bonus of being with her." He eased an arm around her waist to help her get up. "Caitlin figured you wanted to pick something up at your apartment?" He helped her to his car and into the back seat, he sat beside her. "You wanna talk about whats bothering you..?" he offered in a soft whisper as they started heading to her home before going to his.
"You don't need to thank me. Iris is my friend, too. And I know that you've been feeling bad about not spending as much time with her, and now, problem solved. This way, we can all be together, look after each other, and be relatively safe if something would happen. And given how our lives are, there's a decent chance that something might happen. As for choosing, I'd
never make you choose between the two of us. I'd tell you to tell me what you want to do, and then we'd do it." She smiled when he kissed her cheek and then slipped his hand into hers.

A few moments later, they turned off the lights and left Cisco's work room, heading for the medical bay. She walked to the other side of Iris bed, and reached out to her friend, feeling her forehead and checking for fever. "Feels fine, though you should get some more sleep," Caitlin told Iris gently. She fell silent a few moments later and let Cisco take over explaining what they had discussed back in his work room. As he spoke, she went about cleaning the medical bay, putting blankets and pillows away, and grabbing Iris' purse and handing it to her, before resuming her place at her friend's side, once Cisco was done speaking.


Iris was surprised when Cisco and Caitlin walked into the medical bay, and a small, sad smile came over her lips as she listened to him speak. "I'm sorry for worrying both of you.." She said softly. The young woman was surprised once more, when she heard Cisco's plans. "Are you sure? I don't want to get in the way. You and Caitlin are together and I don't want to make things awkward for everyone by butting in." She stopped speaking to listen to what he had to say, leaning into him a little, when he helped her sit up in the bed. The brunette gave her friend a hug, when he helped her get up.

She nodded when he asked if she wanted to pick up some stuff from her apartment. "I'll get some clothes, and the files for the story I'm working on." The young woman was glad to lean on Cisco, and slip into the back seat with him. Resting her head against his shoulder, shrugging at his question of what was bothering her. "Mainly the obvious, Barry's absence. But, I've recently started dreaming about him at night, and I always wake up within a few minutes of starting each dream, and I have trouble falling back asleep all night." Iris admitted, and then shrugged.

"There's not really anything that can be done about it. It's not like we can control who or what we dream about." She settled into the back seat and buckled up. A few minutes later, the three of them were pulling out of the S.T.A.R. labs parking lot and were on their way to her place to get clothes and supplies, before they headed to Cisco's house.
Cisco looked at her sadly as she spoke about bad dreams. He knew well enough about those. "Maybe we can try some relaxation techniques or see if there is something safe for you to have to help you rest" he offered, putting an arm around her to make it easier for her to lean on him. He watched her sadly. He had thought her bad dreams had stopped awhile ago. He really hadn't been paying close enough attention to his friend. "We will make sure you get some rest tonight."

They helped Iris gather things from her apartment before heading back to his place. Usually when Cisco thought about having two beautiful women in his apartment things went in a different direction. "Let's get you set up in the bedroom, and don't argue Iris. You are the guest who is pregnant no way am I letting you sleep on a couch." He inisited helping her to his bed. "You get settled Im going to help Caitlin with the pull out bed. You think about if there is anything I can do to help you okay?" He squeezed her arm before going to help set up the other bed. That was incredibly difficult and now he remembered why they didn't use it. When that task was done, he brushed off Caitlin's concerns about him, insiting he could wait til Iris was at least asleep again. He brought her a glass of water. And set it beside Iris. "Doctor says you need more water."
Iris was lying down on the bed with her cell phone in her hand and scrolling through pictures of herself and Barry, and of Barry and the others. When Cisco came back a few minutes later,
she looked up when he spoke. "Thanks for letting me stay with you guys, for letting me take over your bed, and for the water." She said and then moved to sit up a few moments later, reaching out and taking one of his hands into hers, gently pulling him to sit down on the bed beside her. The young woman wrapped her arms around his waist and she hugged him gently.

"You and Caitlin just do whatever you guys usually do. I'm gonna drink this water and try to get some more sleep." Iris squeezed his hand that held hers. "Thank you, and Caitlin for being
so good about this, and for having me over. I appreciate it. I know that I'm not your responsibility, but I'm thankful to have you looking out for me and the baby all this time. I'm gonna go
to sleep for a while. I'm setting an alarm to wake me up in a few hours. When I wake up, maybe we can all make dinner together, or we can pick something up." She suggested a few moments later.
Cisco shook his head, "Iris, it is not a problem at all." he said calmly. "I wish you would have told me." He sat beside her and hugged her back gently. "I told you I would always be there for you, do not hesitate to bother me. Caitlin understands. We all understand." He ran his thumb over her knuckles, keeping her hand in his. He held her for awhile before she spoke again. He nodded. "Naps are important." he agreed. "Iris, if you need me to stay I can" he offered slowly. "I know sometimes that helped you in the beginning with missing Barry." He wouldn't push her to do anything, but wanted her to know that he was still there for her, even if he was with Caitlin. They needed her to feel safe and start to get better.

He released her and let her lay down. Cisco got to his feet, smiling sadly. "That sounds like a good plan to me, maybe we should make something, there never seems to be time to do that anymore." He said chuckling. He paused in his laughter. "I'm going to bring him home, okay? I know I promise you that like every day, but this time, I really mean it and I know it will work. I just need you to believe as much as Caitlin and I believe." He kissed the top of her head lightly. "Get some good rest, I'm going to lay down too. Doctor's orders. She's overly worried about us both. Sleep tight, if you need anything we're right out here." Cisco said slowly shutting the door behind him.
Caitlin had pulled out the sofa bed, got fresh sheets for it, pillows, blankets, and anything else they would need for the night. She had given herself another injection of the cure, while Cisco was with Iris, and was now just waiting for him to come back so that they could all get some rest. "How's she doing?" The brunette asked as she reached out and took his hand, gently pulling him to the bed beside her. She was laying down in the bed, and slipped one of his arms around her waist so that they laid down together. "How are you feeling?" The young woman asked him, kissing his cheek.

They laid there for a little while and she reached out and started to massage Cisco's temples again, wanting to help him feel better, and to help him get some sleep. "Get some rest, you need it. You had a lot that you've been dealing with for the last few months. We've had a breakthrough, and that's amazing. But in order for us to keep going and keep working on a way to help Barry, we first need to help ourselves and take care of ourselves." This time she pressed a kiss to his lips, and closed her eyes, relaxing her body for their nap. "Love you," Caitlin said softly.
Cisco smiled a little bit seeing her waiting for him. He settled down in the bed beside her, he looped his arms around her and holding her close. "She's doing okay, I think. I just hadn't realized she had gotten so bad again. I'm hoping here soon we can tell her and things will get easier." He stroked her hair idly. He hummed softly. "My head is killing me. It feels like brain is trying to escape my head through my eyes." Cisco closed his eyes, leaning back into the pillows. He adjusted to let her better rub his temples. He let out a soft sigh. When she did that it really did help a lot. Made the pounding headache more tolerable.

Cisco opened one eye to look at her and smile gently. "I don't mind dealing with all that stuff if it means I get to come back to you." he said softly. But he was exhausted. He shifted a little and pulled her closer to him. "We'll do a better job of caring for ourselves, today was not a day I would like to repeat in any means." He sighed softly. "It can only get better from here, right?" He smiled a little bit returning the kiss. He nodded. "Love you too Cait." Cisco fell asleep pretty quickly. His eyes just needed to be closed. They were so tired. Even though he was so tired, he probably could have been awoken though at a moments notice.

Part way through the dream, he finally found himself in the speed force. Facing Barry. Cisco could only look at him. But Barry was speaking to him.

"Cisco, how are you doing this?" he said, eyes wide. Cisco tried to talk to him, but no words came out. That was when the searing pain came back and he jolted upright in bed, panting.
"Cisco? What happened? You were calling for Barry in your sleep." Caitlin said in concern. She reached out and immediately started massaging his temples. "I don't like what this is doing to you," The brunette said worriedly. "I hate seeing you in pain. Maybe we should put a stop to this," She said hesitantly. "I want to get Barry back just as much as you do, but I also know that he wouldn't want you to hurt yourself while trying to help him.." The young woman said and kissed his lips softly. Each time that he mentioned his headaches, she was deathly afraid of them getting worse.

She really wanted to run tests on him, make sure that there was nothing that was killing him from the inside. "I'm scared," She said softly, honestly. "I don't want anything to happen to you.
I couldn't deal if that happened. I know that you want to help. So do I. But not at the price of your heath and well being." Caitlin wrapped her arms around his waist, hugged him close, and fought back the tears that wanted to fall. "It took us so long to finally get where we are, and I don't want to risk what we have. It's selfish, I know that is. But I just don't want to lose you."
Cisco looked at her, he let out a long sigh. He rubbed his eyes. "I saw Barry in the speed force and he was talking to me." He said finally. He shook his head. "We can't stop. Barry would almsot kill himself trying to get one of us back. And we are so close. Next time I talk to him Caitlin. I have to keep trying." He returned the gentle kiss, leaning on her tiredly.

Cisco shifted and put his arms around her. "You won't loose me" he promised quietly. He held her tightly "I will not do that to you. I made a promise." He gently caressed her cheek. "We are so close. I have to try one last time." He leaned his forehead against hers. " I have to do it for Iris, okay? I'm scared too. I can't control the visions of him and the pain is awful but it will be worth it..maybe new goggles will help again or I should just stay heavily medicated until we use the device but if I can reach him now like this it means it won't have to be as strong next time we do it." Cisco offered quietly. He was trying his best to soother her but his own voice was trembling. He held her tighter. He pressed another kiss into her hair. "Caitlin, one day, in the future when this over, would you marry me?"
"Did Barry seem okay?" She couldn't help asking. Cisco probably didn't know, but there was no way the brunette could keep from asking. They were all worried sick about him and if there was even the smallest bit of news, then she wanted to know about it. "I hope it doesn't come down to you killing yourself to get him out of there.." She whispered, not wanting to even entertain the thought of that happening. When he kissed her back, the young woman held the kiss for several long moments, not wanting to lose this contact with him for anything. She slipped her arms around his waist once more.

As he continued to insist on helping Barry, she found herself unable to anything but nod reluctantly. Cisco had agreed to do as she had asked and keep trying to get to Barry, when they thought she had been dying. And now the brunette knew that she owed him the same courtesy. She listened as he spoke about not leaving her, and about the promise he had made to
her. "Okay. I'll try to stop worrying about this, but I don't know if I'll actually be able to do that." His hand caressed her cheek a few moments later, and she nodded at his next words.

Cisco's quiet words had her leaning forward to press her forehead against his. "I love you, you know that, right?" She said softly, just wanting and needing to make sure that he knew with absolute certainty how she felt about him, in case anything ever happened to him. When he held her tighter, she didn't mind and held him even tighter against her body as well. The young woman felt her boyfriend kiss her hair a few moments later, and then his question. "Of course I will," Caitlin said softly, tightening her grip on him.
Cisco shrugged a little bit when she asked about Barry. "He just seemed surprised and confused to see me. He looked like he did the day he left" he replied, letting his fingers run through her hair. He played with the soft waves, twisting the hair between his fingers. Cisco's eyes widened when she actually agreed to marry him one day. He pulled back just slightly from their embrace to actually look at her face. His eyes narrowed intently. "You're not going to tell me its too soon? You're not going to tell me how last time you got married it was the worst? Just...just like that?" he asked quickly. "I thought I was going to have to fight to get you to agree. Even though I am not talking about like tomorrow or a month from now or even a year, i just...wanted" He paused in thought for a moment, moving a strand of hair from her face. "I needed to know that you were just as sure as I was that you are home."

Cisco kissed her again, deeply this time, letting the kiss linger for a long time. "Now I have even more reason to make sure I don't give myself a brain aneurysm." he murmured quietly. "And this is not an official proposal Dr. Snow. I have way better things planned. Its more making my intentions know." He shifted slightly to lay back on the pillows. "Also, can I have more medication now or am I at risk for liver failure?" He rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling the headache starting to come back. He knew there was no way he could keep working if it was always this painful.

He opened an eye to look at her. "If it would make you feel better, you can start running tests on me now." he offered, seeing her concerned face. "I haven't seen you this worried in awhile."
"Given that I nearly died twice within the last few days alone, and that you could die from any number of things from the headaches that you've been getting, why would I waste time saying no to you asking me to marry you when I want to spend the rest of my life with you? If there's one thing I know only too well, it's to not waste time with the people you love. And I love you, and I want to hopefully be your wife one day.." She said softly and then kissed him. Caitlin fell silent when Cisco resumed speaking. "You are my home. Wherever you are, I plan to be there, too."

"As for the actual wedding, I know that you weren't talking about us doing it any time soon. But I don't want to wait," She said softly. "I want us to make the most out of our time together. I don't need a big wedding. I just need you and our friends and family there. And once we get Barry back, I want to marry you. I want us to get married within the next two or three months, if you don't have a problem with that..." Their lips met in a deep kiss, and it lingered for a little while. "I like your intentions," The young woman said and smiled. She nodded when he asked for more pain medication.

"Yes, but you do need to slow down on them." Caitlin got up and went to get Cisco's medication and some water, bringing it back to him a few minutes later. "Good," She said, and then gave him a bright smile when he said that she could start running tests on him now. "You have no idea how much I've been wanting to do this, to make sure that you're okay." Once he had taken the medication and placed the water aside, she wasted no time and immediately started to run tests on him.
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