RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Caitlin nodded at Cisco's words. "I am resting," She reminded him and grinned at him. "But I know, and I will." Then she looked over at Wally and smiled at him. "Thanks Wally. I'll get a list
to you in a little while. And once I'm back on my feet again, if you don't mind, I'd like to run some tests on you. See how you're doing, how you're feeling, that kind of thing." The brunette noticed Cisco's eyes on her. "Go ahead and check my temperature. I'm okay. Ever since I got the second dose of the cure, my body temperature has levelled out and it hasn't dropped to dangerous levels since."

After she spoke, she motioned for Wally to come sit by her. Once he had, Caitlin said, "You are more helpful than you know. You are a good friend, and you are very good at being the Flash. You have helped a lot of people. Not just us here at S.T.A.R. Labs, but many people in town. You have saved their lives. You should never feel like you are not helpful. You are very helpful. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that. You speed around town helping your father and the CCPD, and then you help out around here. We appreciate you very much." The brunette said
and then she hugged him.

Iris looked up from her phone, where she had been texting some information on a story to her boss. She finished her text and then slipped her cell phone back into her purse, looking up
as Cisco approached her. The young woman gave her friend a small smile. "I'm alright. I just find that I get a little more anxious each day. I'm sorry for putting so much pressure on you,"
The brunette told Cisco, a few moments later. "I know that you've got a lot on your plate. And if there's anything that I can do to help out around here, don't hesitate to let me know."
Wally hugged Caitlin back and shrugged. "I've been doing my best to carry as much as I can, otherwise they would have burned themselves out. I really appreciate you saying g that. I like feeling like a hero. I like to think Barry would be proud of how I continued in his path." He said thoughtfully. "It will be good to have a doctor back on staff that way Cisco isn't doing everything.himself. and I am really glad you aren't evil so we don't have to fight" he said chuckling. "So are you and Cisco...like...together or is that just more of that weird best friend closeness you guys have?"


Cisco shrugged. "It's not too much to handle. Once we get this device complete and the messages sent, it will.just be a mattering of waiting. We had this many people on the team in the beginning we know how to fun this" he said smiling "it will work out." He squeezed her hand.

His vision flickered, and a vibe showed him Iris, in tears, holding a pink bundle.

"I wish Barry was here..."

Cisco sharply pulled back from her inhaling sharply. He took a deep breath, settling.back in from the vibe. "Sorry, what were you saying?"
"I know you have. We all do. And we just want you to know that we appreciate it. We appreciate you." Caitlin smiled at his words. "Barry would definitely be proud of you. You have done so much in the short time that we have known you. You are a good person, Wally." She nodded at his next words. "I know what you mean. I too, can not wait to start feeling useful again. Which is why the bedrest order is not working out so well," The brunette admitted with a soft laugh. "As for us not fighting, me too. I am glad that it never had to come to that. You are pretty good
at kicking bad guy ass."

She paused at his question. "We are together, and we are taking it slow. After I almost died twice yesterday, we decided not to keep holding back our feelings for each other any more. There is no telling how much time we will all have together. And continuing to fight our feelings for each other just seemed foolish, since there is no telling what will happen in the future. So, yes, Cisco and I are together now. Nothing else has been decided between us yet. We are just enjoying being together right now." Caitlin said and then she shrugged a few moments later.


Iris squeezed Cisco's hand in reply. She was about to speak, when he got that look in his eyes that the brunette recognized. It meant that he was having a vibe. The young woman kept the contact and decided to stay quiet, hoping that once the vision finished, he would tell her what he had seen. She quickly released his hand when he pulled back from her and inhaled sharply. "What did you see?" The words came out softly, nervously. "Did you see Barry? Or maybe when he comes back?" Her dark eyes locked on his, scanning Cisco's eyes and his face for signs of whether the vision had been a good or bad one.
Wally nodded thoughtfully as she explained the situation around their relationship. He pursed his lips in thought. He shrugged a little. "I always assumed there was something more going on, even in the beginning." he said, meeting her eyes. "It's really great, that you both have each other. I mean, Cisco's been a wreck since Killer Frost, maybe now he'll be himself again." There was an alarm sounding. "That's the robbery alarm. I gotta go, my dad and I got bad guys to catch." And like that, they were off. It was clear from how Wally held himself, he enjoyed being The Flash but also it was clear he missed having the brotherhood he had with Barry. He was a strong kid though and he made that clear. He wasn't going to be easy to wear down and that's probably part of the reason the whole operation hadn't come crashing down at one time or another. He was as dedicated to being a hero as Barry ever was.


Cisco shook his head as she asked what he saw. He had to decided then and there if he crushed her hopes. So he didn't. He decided to omit the sad part, in hopes maybe he could change that here soon. "I....you're having a girl" he said softly. "I saw a you holding a baby girl" Cisco forced a smiled onto his face. "That's all. Just caught me off guard, since I haven't vibed you in awhile." Cisco shrugged. "Sorry I ruined the surprise I suppose." Cisco then heard the alarm beginning to go off for the robbery. "I should get on the mic and help Wally and Joe. I will have the device done as soon as I can, maybe you could work on your message so it's ready to be sent? I think its a great idea."

He took a few steps back from her, his brows furrowing ever so slightly. "I'll vibe him soon, don't worry." he promised, before heading over to the computers. The robbery was easy and simple. They really didn't need Cisco at all, so once the risk was out of the way, Cisco barricaded himself in the workshop again. He began pushing hard to get the device done sooner. The sooner they started sending messages, the sooner Barry would be home again with Iris. He didn't want to imagine how crushed Iris would be to have their baby, alone. He didn't need to revisit that vibe. Ever.
When the alarms went off, Caitlin just laid back down in the bed, and picked up the tablet, as Wally and Joe went to help. For now, her best course of action was to do as Cisco suggested and work on getting better. Sure, she was feeling better than she had been in a long time, but she knew it would be a long time before things went back to normal. Not just for her and Cisco, but for all of them. The brunette kept an eye on Wally and Joe, as they took care of the robbery in town. It wasn't anything too dangerous and the young woman knew they would probably be back within an hour.


Iris knew when she was being lied to. And from the way Cisco was acting about the vision he had gotten from his vibe, it led her to believe that it wasn't anything good. She could tell that the smile he now wore was forced, and forced a smile of her own onto her lips. Thanking him when he told her that the baby was a girl. "You didn't ruin the surprise," The brunette told him gently. "I wanted to know as soon as possible, so that I could start getting things for her." The young woman nodded when he mentioned that she should work on a message for them to send to Barry.

Once Cisco had locked himself in his work room, she returned to the medical bay and said goodbye to Caitlin, letting the other woman know that she was going to go home and get some rest. After a hug between the two women, Iris left S.T.A.R. Labs and went home to the apartment. She let herself inside, closed and locked the door behind herself, and then went into the bedroom, closing that door behind her, too. With her back against the door, the brunette dropped her purse, and then slid down the door, to the floor. With her head in her hands, she sat there and cried.
It had been roughly three weeks, from what Cisco now considered the best and worst day of his life. On one hand, he got Caitlin back. On the other, Caitlin had died twice. It was a very conflicting memory at times. In between that time and now, they had gone through 4 versions of the device to connect them to the speed force. The first one shorted out when he tried to use at all. The second, burst into flames. The third, worked for thirty hopeful seconds. He had been able to use it with conjunction with his powers to feel the speed force, briefly. It was like a big bubble, they just hadn't been able to pierce yet. When that device failed, he almost lost a hand.

Cisco, had gone back to the drawing board. Each time a device failed, Iris came more withdrawn, the hope they had weeks ago dwindling. Cisco was determined for them to send the message and for him to maybe glimpse his friend for just a moment. That's where he was sure this new device would work. This time, he opted to add a little bit of Wally's speed into the equation. To better disguise them from the speed force, maybe to let them in. It was just a theory though.

He worked long into the nights, only leaving when Caitlin would insist they go home. That he liked, never having to sleep alone. She had all but moved in to his apartment. Her excuse, she got rid of her old one, where else was she supposed to go? Cisco didn't argue, he liked waking up to see she was still there and breathing. Nightmares about her fading away, being replaced with Barry. Though, those became more and more weird after the third attempt. Cisco kept that to himself though, not wanting to tell anyone he thought it might be a vibe of sorts.

And so, here they were, attempt number 4. Wally had just barely begun to charge it with speed, when there was a sputtering of the mechanism. Before Cisco could even try to use the speed charge to boost his own powers to act as a bridge for the message, the device began to smoke. Cisco swore kicking a table, as Wally used a fire extinguisher to put out the start of the fire.

Cisco couldn't look at Iris, who he could all but assume was devastated. "I'll have to make it again out of stronger components. I thought I used the right ones to withstand the speed." he grumbled. "If I readjust that and make sure the can stay cool, it would be nice if someone could still cool things."
Caitlin walked over to the device and placed both of her hands on it. She had batches of the cure made because she still had to take it twice a day to keep her body temperature steady. She had taken it that morning, and was due for the second dose in a few hours. But until then, her body was still down in the low degrees. A little bit of frost shot out of her hands as they gripped the device. "Do it again," She told Cisco and Wally, as she kept her grip tight on the machine. The brunette stood next to the machine and waited for them to do as she had said. "Try again," She insisted, sure that it wasn't fried.

"We're not giving up," The young woman said and she motioned for Wally and Cisco to get in place once more. "If you needed a cooling system, you should've said something sooner." She said and laughed at how unfunny this whole thing was. "Iris, you just try and relax. We've got this under control," Caitlin told the other woman. She truly believed that they were going to
get Barry back. It was just a matter of time. The brunette was bound and determined not to give up on their friend. "Cisco, stop talking and let's try again. The worst that can happen is
that it doesn't work. So, come on."
Cisco frowned. "I want sure if I needed one." He replied. "It was a passing thought and I was sure their melting point t were high enough." He looked her over at the device. "Are you sure? Last time you use your powers...wasn't great." Wally was already back at the machine ready to begin charging it. It wasn't until Caitlin told him poliety to shut up did he go over.

"Go ahead Wally." He began. The young speedster started to charge the device again. All.was going well. Soon the lights when on signifying it was Cisco's turn. He reached over and took a deep breath, starting to use the energy given off to charge a vibe and feel for the speed force. This had to be the most difficult thing he had to experience trying to rip a hole with his hand to just get through an audio message he couldn't image trying to get more then that into the speed force. He couldn't look at the machine his eyes closed tightly feeling for the edge of the bubble. He heard the familiar sound of it failing behind him.
Caitlin took a deep breath to prepare herself, and dropped her body temperature even lower, to dangerous levels, using her powers to keep the machine cool as Cisco and Wally did their
part. The sheen of frost that shot out of her fingers was more firm now, but not outright snow, and she was hopeful that it would keep the machine going and that it would do what they needed to do. Her hands were turning blue, but she refused to let go of the machine, now that it seemed to finally be working. "Keep going," She said when the others looked at her, concerned.

"Next batch is in a few hours. I can manage until then. But we don't have time for that now. We need to keep trying to reach Barry." The brunette absolutely refused to give up, no matter what happened to her. If she went into shock, or if her temperature went too low again, then she trusted Cisco to help her. He always had her back, and that was the one thing the brunette could count on and always had and always would. "Don't bother arguing, just try again." She insisted. "You were close to getting through this time," The young woman said, and she was sure of it.
Cisco knew she was pushing her limits when they stopped the machine breifly. He knew that the moment this over she was going to need the emergency injection they kept on her person. They were all risking alot in this moment. Only with her urging did they try again. The machine whirled to life, working smoother then the pervious times. Cisco began the task of pulling the strands of the universes apart. Finding the right one. The one that fought back. Wally must have sped up. Suddenly Cisco felt a push and a pop almost.

The speed force is blindlingly bright. It also feels like it's crushing him from the inside out. Then he sees a figure, a form he knows. They .and eye contact before the speed force thrusts him out. The device shattering from the force. Cisco stumbling back to grab on hold of the desk. Cisco is coughing trying g to catch is breath. He ignores the blood on his hand. Through his laboured breathing, he speaks. "I saw him. I saw Barry."
Caitlin removed her hands from the device, quickly grabbed the first aid kit and wasted no time carefully cleaning Cisco's bloody hand. "What exactly did you see?" She asked as she tended
to his hand. "I know that you said you saw Barry, but what did he look like? What kind of expression was on his face? Do you know what part of his memories he was trapped inside of?" All
of these questions fired from her lips as she quickly cleaned and then bandaged his hand, once it had stopped bleeding. "You are going to be alright. The cuts on your hand are not too bad."

"Is anyone else hurt?" She asked, after gently setting Cisco's hand back at his side, once it was bandaged. Caitlin didn't know if any pieces had hit anyone, or if the smoke had done anything
to anyone. Her own hands were bloody as well, and once she had checked everyone else, started to clean and then bandage her own hands. "What's our next move?" She asked, turning to look at Cisco, once her hands were bandaged, too. Thankfully her and Cisco's cuts on their hands weren't very deep. They would only require a few days to heal, which was good. They didn't have time to waste.
Catlin was talking a little bit to quickly. Cisco had a throbbing headache. He shrugged as he bandaged his hand. He closed his eyes trying to picture what he said again. "It was really bright, like white I couldn't see much. He was jsut standing there and he....he looked surprised." He said finally. Cisco opened his eyes breathing out fighting another coughing fit. He plopped into a nearby chair.

Wally had a few cuts, already healed. When asked their next move, Cisco only looked at his hands. He could still feel the speed force pressing back against them and on his head. He wasn't sure if he could go at it again. If anyone of them could. Everytime he closed his eyes he could almost touch the speed force again and for once he could feel Barry. "We have to try again" he said finally. "I can feel him now, I'm sure of it.i want to be sure the message makes it." Cisco shakily got to his feet. "I'll start rebuilding. " He paused looking over Caitlin " you need to take your next dosage. Your hair..."
Iris stepped forward and gently took his hands into hers. "Can you try one more time? After this, if it doesn't work, we'll stop. Can you project an image of me, like a hologram or something, into the Speed Force with the message I want to send to him? I know that you've been trying, and I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. But if we don't get through to him this time, we probably never will. And like my father said, I can't keep letting that desperate bit of hope hang around. I need to focus my energy on the baby, and my job. It's what Barry would want."

Her eyes were filled with unshed tears, as she hated the idea of stopping. But she didn't know what else to do. As hard as it was to think it, they couldn't spend the rest of their lives in limbo. Barry wouldn't want that. The young woman gently squeezed her friend's hands. "You and Caitlin should take a few days to rest, and let your hands heal. Once that happens, we can figure out what to do for our final try." Iris pressed a friendly kiss to Cisco's cheek. "You and Caitlin should go home and get some rest. You're both exhausted and you know that it's true. And by the way, I'm not asking you to do it."

"I'm telling you to do it. Get some rest. Feel better. Nothing's going to change within the next few days."
Cisco looked at his and Iris' conjoined hands. He ran a thumb over her knuckles. He listened quietly to her words. "I'd need to practice the projection" he said softly. "The Speed force is a lot stronger then we calculated." His eyes looked over her face. "Fifth times the charm, but I think he knows we're trying." Cisco couldn't smile, he didn't have the energy to even try. He was exhausted and he knew it showed. He lightly squeezed her hands back. "A few days gives me time to heal and rebuild the device. it's going to need major repairs." Cisco didn't argue when she commanded them to get some rest. He could barely keep himself upright. The piercing headache and his hands were throbbing. "Rest seems like a good plan. Iris...I..." He sighed. "I'm sorry."

Cisco pulled his hands from her's. "Next time, I'll get through to him, I promise" he said firmly. Even if it killed him. "You get some rest too, okay?" He was glad she wasn't angry, the first time it failed she was so upset. But they were all growing weary of this process. It hurt all of their hearts to keep going through these trials. That he had noticed, even Wally, seemed drained of his usual enthusiasm. Iris was right, one more time would be enough for them to call quits if it failed. He turned to Caitlin. "I need to drop this off in the workroom and grab a few things, are you going to be okay while I do that?" He asked slowly, moving the device onto a cart. His eyes scanned her up and down, making sure she wasn't really to go either murderer or dead. When she reassured him he went down to his workroom.

He dropped the device by the failed other ones, before going through his desk. He finally found the old headache medication he had been taking. He took a few of those, trying to get the rooms to stop pulsating with light. It felt like it did in the beginning, out of control. He could feel all the other worlds pressing against his mind as well as the new presence of the speed force. If he pushed just right, he could see Barry for seconds before being pushed out. That small act left him gasping over his desk, clutching his chest. But that meant next time, he could really make a difference. Cisco regained his composure and headed upstairs to meet Caitlin in her own lab. She seemed to be examining new results from something.
Caitlin looked up from the papers she had been reading, when Cisco rejoined her. "Iris let me run some tests on her and the baby. The baby is showing signs of Barry's genes being the more dominant ones. He or she has the same quirks in their DNA as Barry's does, ever since he was struck by the lightning. I think the baby might be a meta human.." She said quietly. "He or she can't do anything yet because they aren't fully formed. But once the baby's born, we're going to need to keep a close eye on him or her, and Iris. If the baby's a meta human, they won't be able to control their powers, and depending on what those powers are, it could be dangerous."

When Cisco stood beside her, she handed him the papers that she had printed out a little while ago. "You're holding something back," The brunette said suddenly. "I'm getting this closed off feeling coming off of you." She paused for several moments, and after moving to lay down on a bed in the medical bay, and then injecting herself in the chest with the cure, she waited a few minutes, before resuming the conversation. "You're hiding something from Iris. You've been a bit off with her all day, even before we tried to reach the Speed Force again. So, spill the beans."
Cisco raised his eyebrows in shock that in deed, meta human DNA was a dominate gene. That was good news to have on hand. "A Baby that could crawl a mach 2" he mused quietly. "Without a speedster father, we would all be screwed." He couldn't help but laugh at the image, it was hilarious. Or any other kind of meta baby. There would be so many high-jinks involved. He looked over the papers she handed him. He leafed through the DNA tests and comparisons she had run. He nodded, not looking up when she suddenly accused him of holding something back. "I'm not hiding anything" he said firmly, but still wouldn't meet her gaze. He checked Caitlin's vital after the injection, making sure it took hold.

Cisco finally met her gaze, as she wouldn't let up about him hiding something. He sat at the foot of the bed. He had a list of things he was keeping from Iris, actually and a few of those from Caitlin as well. He shrugged. "It's nothing of great importance. I just have a lot on my mind" he offered, but he knew from the look on her face she was no where near convinced. "I can feel the speed force...I vibe it sometimes, since the third attempt." he said finally. "I see Barry, almost anytime I sleep. I thought they might just be dreams, but after what I felt today. I know it's not. If I focus hard enough, I can almost see him on my own." Cisco omitted the crippling pain that came with all of that and still the sinking knowledge no vibe had ever been of Barry's return. Caitlin, as a doctor, who insist on scanning him and who knows what she would find. He couldn't stop now.
"Now I know that you're lying. If you weren't hiding something, you wouldn't be having trouble meeting my eyes. Tell me what's going on. You're worrying me," Caitlin admitted quietly. "And like I said before, you've been acting off with Iris for the past few hours. You've been like this since your mini trip into the Speed Force with Iris earlier. She said that you acted like her touch had burned you earlier, the way you dropped her hand. If you don't tell me what's wrong, I can't help. No secrets between us. Whatever's going on, let me help. Or at least give me enough information so I can be there for you."

"We're partner's now," She reminded him gently. "You're supposed to tell me what's going on in your head so that I can help you figure things out. However, it only works if you open up. If you think that keeping secrets is for my or Iris' protection, then I have to say that you're wrong. There's a reason why sayings like 'knowledge is power', and 'forewarned is forearmed' are used in dangerous or stressful situations. So, seriously. Spill the beans. You can talk to me about anything. I'm the last person to judge anyone about anything. We both know this. Besides, you know that I'm not giving up. That I'm stubborn as hell."
Cisco shook his head. He had hoped that little bit of information was enough to satisfy her. He had hoped that would curb her curiosity. But no, she knew him far to well for that. He shifted uncomfortably, finally meeting her gaze. "Last time I touched Iris...I vibed her...alone with her daughter, crying over Barry who didn't come back" he said angrily, in a soft whisper. He was either mad at himself or the situation in front of him. Cisco tightened his hands in his lap. He wanted to say something about how Caitlin kept secrets from him, he wanted to argue, but he was so tired.

"I'm getting migraines again when I vibe. The kind that knock the wind out of you, and make it hard to see. It's harder to see the lines between the worlds anymore." Cisco's voice was just a soft whisper. "The speed force is fighting back on me, and every attempt we do, I get closer but...I think it's taking a toll on my body." His voice was trembling ever so slightly. "I don't want you or Iris to worry. I'll be okay, once we get him back here with us. And if you prescribe me high doses for the headaches, I'll live. You can not tell Iris." He grabbed her hand tightly. "Caitlin, I have to do this. I have to try again to get Barry. I can still see him if I try, I can't just walk away when we are so close." He knew she would insist on tests, insist he stop to heal properly, to stop pushing his body to the limit, but he couldn't do that.
Caitlin reached out and gently cupped Cisco's face in her hands. "You are not to blame for whatever happens. You have gone above and beyond the call of friendship, for Barry and Iris, and
for me. As for the secrets that I have kept, well, you deserve to know the truth. So, go ahead and ask me and I will answer your questions to the best of my ability. I do not want us to have any more secrets between us. You mean too much to me, to let some secrets get between us." She gently stroked the fingers of one of her hands over his cheek. "I love you," The brunette said softly.

"Whatever you are holding back will not change my feelings for you." After a few moments of silence had passed between them, she stood up and reached out for one of his hands, taking it into her own. "We are going home, and you are going to bed early. Rest is the most important thing you need right now. Rest your body, rest your mind. You have been working overtime trying to take care of me, and trying to get Barry back. You need a break. I want to run some tests on you, see how you are doing. You are wearing yourself out. You need to take a week
to sleep, eat, function normally and focus on something else."

"I am completely serious. What if you collapse, or what if you develop some kind of health problem? You will not do yourself or anyone else any good if you keep working when you are stressed out to the breaking point." Caitlin took Cisco's hand and nearly dragged him out of S.T.A.R Labs. "You are officially banned from S.T.A.R Labs for a week. If you try to get in, I
will tie you to the bed so that you have to rest and can not go anywhere." The look on her face was of serious concern for him.
Cisco sighed as she cupped his cheek. "I can ask those questions later. They...aren't imperative." he murmured. "If it mattered you would have told me." He kissed the palm of her hand gently. "I love you too" he replied, smiling gently. "If I had more energy I would fight you on resting, but i do not have any left." He let her drag him out to the car. He didn't fight, he actually enjoyed when she acted so much like a doctor. It reminded him a lot of the old days. "I don't know if you can convince me to stay away from the labs for a week. The longest I have gone is three days. I'm like a junkie, I need my lab." He whined as they reached his car. "Cait come on, a week isn't necessary. Maybe like 3 days." He tried to pull her back to him, but he saw how serious her face was, the concern written through it.

"You're really worried about me. About what this is doing to me." he murmured, letting go of her. "This is why I didn't tell you" Cisco frowned, getting into the car. The ride back to the apartment was in silence. He knew when they arrived home, she would probably start the batch of tests on him before sending him to rest. He knew her well enough to know what to expect. They kept a small amount of lab equipment to keep an eye on her, and now she'd use it to take care of him. They got back to the apartment, he finally took her hand again holding it gently. Cisco sighed. "You have to be the one to tell Iris, you benched me and want to wait to try to contact Barry again. I'm not going to get on her bad side again."

He unlocked the door, walking inside with her. His eyes felt heavy and the headache was finally returning again. He didn't need Caitlin to tell him to go lie down. He wasn't up to arguing with her right now. That could happen after a nap. He could have all of tomorrow to fight her on her silly ban. He tugged her hand. "You're going to lie down with me, right?" he offered. "I know you're mad at me and i'm mad at you, kind of, but i still want you beside me." Cisco looked into her eyes. "You can't expect me to believe you are just going to drop me off here and go back to the lab, not when you are that concerned I might pass out at a moments notice."
"You were never on her bad side in the first place. She's just sad and missing Barry," Caitlin explained, as she helped him to bed. Once Cisco had lied down, she got out a few supplies and
ran a few tests on him, and once that was done, put the supplies away and moved to lay down beside him. "You are staying here for a week," She said in a tone that brooked no argument. "You have a slight fever, and that combined with the headaches, is enough to make me make you stay in bed. I will tell Iris that you are taking a break. She will understand. She knows that you are not a machine, and you need rest."

"Actually, you should stop assuming things. You know that saying about assuming things. First off, I am not mad at you. I am worried about you. Second off, I was not planning on leaving
you alone any time soon. So, relax, rest, and just close your eyes. We are both going to take a nap for a few hours. Plural hours. And when we wake up, I will make us dinner, and we will
talk, and watch a few movies. Now, how does that sound?" Caitlin asked a few moments later. She kissed his lips softly, and slipped an arm around his waist. "Go to sleep now." The young woman said, as she closed her own eyes.
Cisco sighed as she said he had a fever. He had been wondering about that, but too worried to check himself. Figures, he's running a fever when she could really use the extra heat. He shifted to face her when she laid down beside him. "I've gone longer without resting" he reminded, but the look on her face and how serious she was, he didn't push any further then that. He chuckled softly as Caitlin chastised him for assuming things. "You are using your angry voice" he murmured, kissing the top of her head. "Which is the same as your over protective voice." He sighed, returning the light kiss. "Okay, just a few hours of sleep, okay?" He shifted to curl into her. She was so cold and it felt nice against his warm skin. It took almost no time for him to fall asleep

The speed force, it was empty and white in his dreams too. Just vast emptiness. He would walk through the dream looking for Barry, but he wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere. He spent the whole dream searching for Barry. Like he did when he was awake. So Cisco let his mind search in this dream, to probe the speed force. It faded out eventually to darkness, letting him finally rest. He awoke a few hours later, groggy but feeling a little better. His hand stroked around the bed looking for Caitlin, he found her and pulled her close again. He pressed his face into her hair breathing her in. Cisco could stay like this forever and Caitlin knew that. It was probably part of her bigger plan to get him to rest, that's how he kept her on bed rest.

He then pulled out his phone, looking through the messages, nothing important. Nothing new. No Barry. He had been kind of hoping while he was asleep everything would fix himself, since for a bit he couldn't see Barry in his dreams, but now that he was awake, he could feel him in the speed force when he tried. Which he wasn't supposed to be doing. Cisco shifted again to look at Caitlin, his lips in a line. He set the phone to the side, curling back into try to get some rest agian.
"You're supposed to be resting," Caitlin said softly, turning in Cisco's arms when they went around her once more. "How are you feeling? How's the headache?" She asked concerned, and kissed him. Gently caressing one of his cheeks with one of her hands. "No one's called or texted while we were asleep, or we would have heard it. I played with your phone right after you went to sleep and set it to beep loudly if someone called or texted, so that we could get back to them ASAP if they needed something. Are you hungry or thirsty? I can get anything you need."

A smile came over her lips as she rested a hand against his forehead, checking his fever. "Your temperature's gone down, which is good. Now, tell me what you need and I will do it for you.
No matter what it is. There is no limit to what I will do for you. Also, I called Wally and Iris, and told them that you are banned from S.T.A.R. Labs for the week so that you can rest. They
both said that it was a good idea, and that they are going to keep an eye on the place for us, since I will be here with you, for the whole week, unless you get sick of my company and ask
me to disappear so you can have some time alone."
Cisco smiled. "Nothing gets Past you Dr. Snow. " he said letting her check him out, "I'm doing alright. My head still hurts but it's been just a dull ache for ages. It's not the Cushing agony from before." He nodded "so we can go back if there is a wording ending emergency, got it." He laid back, allowing her to further inspect him.

He shrugged. "Maybe I just needed more sleep! I'm all better now." He said happily trying to sit up but was pushed firmly back into the bed. He let out a soft huff. He frowned. "Cait, you need to go back to the labs for your treatments they need you there, you can't just drop everything to care for me. That's...not smart." He touched her cheek. "Just because I push myself too hard doesn't mean you have to. What if you get sick again?" A fear that plagued them both. "We still haven't found a way to i,prove the cure to keep you at a steady place." He touched her cheeks. "Caitlin I would never turn down your company. I always want to be by your side, unless you have work you need to do."
"I can take my treatments here. While you were tinkering away on the Speed Force project with your new toys, I made several more batches of the cure. I'm storing some here, and back at the lab. So you don't need to worry about me. You need to focus on resting and getting better. As for the others, if there's an emergency or someone gets hurt, they know to call me and I'll
go and take care of them. But no one has called, so you just deal with being under house arrest for the next week. Good, then you're stuck with me being underfoot all week." Caitlin told him and smiled.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." She got up from the bed and left the room, returning a few minutes later with a glass of water and some headache meds. "I don't want to give you too much because I know that you're already taking some. But if this will help you feel a little better, then I want you to take it. I'm going to be keeping an eye on your med intake, just to be on the safe side. I don't want anything to happen to you. Not because of what you can do, but because of who you are. You're the man that I love," The brunette whispered. "I know that I've never been good at the emotional stuff."

"But I'm trying to be better about it, for you."
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