RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Cisco sighed. "Fine, we can go to my apartment" he conceded. "But if you drop too much, I am bringing you back here" he says firmly. "I'm not going to risk your safety over being more comfortable." Cisco met her gaze for a long time. "And I may or may not have the episodes saved for you, its a force of habit." He smiled at her for a long time, pulling her close as she came in for a kiss. He felt his body relax into her. He was holding her and kissing her.

He looked at her as she pulled back. He cupped her cheek, resting his forehead on hers. "Caitlin, this is what I want. You." he whispered. They stayed that way for a long time. Cisco finally pulled back. "Let me grab the right equipment and we can get going okay?" He paused, thinking back to Iris and how he should probably talk to her. Now Cisco was conflicted.

He frowned a little, Cisco had a feeling he really should be working on that but if he did that, he wasn't going to leave the lab. Cisco made the decision to work on it all day tomorrow. He needed this. Iris would do the same thing if the roles were reversed, which is why she didn't ask him any questions when he arrived. He packed up a small set of some of the devices. He looked back to Caitlin. "I think I got everything, unless you are experiencing any symptoms?" he asked.

When things were finally settled and Cisco felt like he had enough to effectively monitor her and care for her if something went wrong before they made it back to the lab. He led her to his car, keeping an extremely careful watch on her form. She seemed okay though. And as promised, he took her to his apartment.

It was a bit of a mess, but that was just from him not ever really being there. "Go sit" he said sternly. "I'll set everything up, do you need anything?"
"I'm okay, just tired." Caitlin told him. "Can you get me some tea, please? I know that you always set some aside for me." She said and then smiled. A few moments later, she went to sit down on the couch, moving some paperwork aside carefully, and grabbing the blanket that was on the back of the sofa. The young woman relaxed back against the couch, and smiled a little. She grabbed the remote and pulled up Netflix, getting ready to turn on The Walking Dead. She didn't believe in zombies, but sometimes it was nice to see other people's lives who were more messed up than theirs. Even if it was just on a TV show.

When Cisco came back with her glass of tea, she held it in her hands, and then thanked him. "Thanks, now get under these covers." Caitlin said, taking a drink of her tea with one hand, and using the other hand to lift the blankets up for him to join her. Once he had joined her under the blankets, she finished her drink and set the glass aside. A few moments later, the brunette rested her head against Cisco's shoulder as they watched The Walking Dead. She moved one of her hands over his lap, and reached for his hand, taking one into her own and holding it. Enjoying the feel of him beside her, and the warmth of his body.
"Yea of course" he said, rummaging around in the kitchen. It took him a little while to find it, but he always kept some for her. He even still bought it when he went grocery shopping as a force of habit. He made the tea and brought it back to her. Cisco looked at her for a long time. She was in her usual spot, with the usual blanket. It was just like all the times before. "Walking Dead then?" he asked, having over the mug. "Good choice." He took the offered seat beside her. He wasn't cold, but knew that she could probably use the warmth he provided.

He let her keep the small distance between them as the show began, he kept one eye on her and the other on the tv. He took a deep breath, it was like living in a dream. Cisco smiled as she leaned on him. He shifted, to put his arm around her, and pull her close. Months ago he would have given anything to have this moment. Cisco had thought about this over and over, how all he wanted was just his friend back and now he had more then that. He squeezed her hand feeling her fingers interlock with his.

They watched a few episodes, just sitting there like that. Cisco was afraid if he moved the moment would be over. Cisco glanced over at her, seeing she was starting to doze off. "Caitlin? lets check your temperature and then you can get some sleep" he said softly, trying to ease his arm from around her to grab the device. He carefully pressed it to her ear to get the reading. His brows furrowed. No colder then before, but still colder then a normal human. "How are you feeling?"
"Like earlier, just tired." Caitlin said, once Cisco had taken her body temperature. "I'm starting to think that this might be the new normal," She admitted, seeing the reading that her body temperature was still colder than the average person. The brunette moved over on the couch a little and raised one of her hands, to see if any icicles shot out from her hand. Thankfully, nothing happened. Then she leaned back against the couch once more. "If I manage to make it through the week, after we run some more tests, then I'd say that the cure's probably working."

She reached for the remote and then turned off The Walking Dead, and instead turned on Cisco's favorite comedy. "I'm gonna take a nap, and I want you to enjoy yourself while I do," The brunette said simply, once she had turned the movie on, and handed him the remote. Caitlin leaned back against his shoulder and closed her eyes, taking one of his hands into one of hers again. "If I get too cold for you to stand, just move me over on the couch. I don't want you to get pneumonia from touching me. Oh, and call Iris. Tell her we're here so she doesn't worry..."

The words trailed off as her eyes closed and she fell asleep beside him.
He nodded carefully watched as she tried to create some ice. "It's a very promising start." He agreed. "We just need to keep a close eye on it, I don't want your body to go into cardiac arrest again from the cold." Cisco shifted as she curled back into his side.

Cisco rubbed her side gently. "Okay, you get some rest" he murmured. He waited until he was sure she was asleep. He held her still and turned off the tv. He reached for his phone and began to dial Iris. It took a moment but he finally reached her. "Hey, Iris. I'm sorry we left in such a hurry. Caitlin insisted." He said smiling a little "she's doing fine, no ice or attempts at murder." He idly stroked her arm. "She's resting now, suggested I call you. I can't really leave here, but if you want to stop by, I can show you what I got from Earth 27."

Cisco paused and closed his eyes for a moment. "You....it's not the best news, okay? We have a good few steps to take it's just...more complicated then we first assumed." He paused. "Unless Wally told you? About what we saw?"
Iris grabbed her phone and let out a relieved sigh upon seeing Cisco's name on her called ID. "Hey, Cisco, I'm so glad that you called. I just made it to S.T.A.R. Labs a few minutes ago and was going to check on you and Caitlin, but no one was here. I checked the pipeline and she wasn't in there, either.." The young woman stopped talking for a few moments and listened to
her friend speak. "Oh, good. I'm glad that she seems to be doing a little better. I was getting worried and about to call Wally and my father to start checking around town for you guys. "

She fell silent once more to listen to him speak. "No, Wally didn't have a chance to tell me how your trip to Earth 27 went. He's busy helping my Dad and the CCPD track down a few meta humans that are causing trouble across town. I'll be at your place in half an hour. Traffic's horrible, so it's going to take me a little while to get there. Text me and let me know if anything
with Caitlin changes. I'll see you soon and we can talk more." After speaking, she hung up her cell phone, locked up S.T.A.R. Labs, got into her car, and then started the drive to Cisco's apartment.
Cisco swore softly at the new Wally was fighting meta humans alone. He ran a hand through his hair. "I totally forgot to check up on him and make sure he was alright. I should have been there. I was so excited about Caitlin" He said frowning. Though he knew if Wally needed him he would have called. The boy was smart like that. He looked back at Caitlin smiling softly. "I'm supposed to be the leader, I won't let it happen again Iris" he promised. He nodded. "Take your time, I'll be here" he replied in response to the sound of traffic. Cisco hung up and looked back to Caitlin. He had put his own happiness before the team, that really wasn't good of him, but he needed this moment with her, just in case.

Cisco eased himself out from underneath her, laying her out on the couch. He started to search the kitchen for some food. He was starving. He settled for something frozen he happened to have left. He really had to go grocery shopping and not eat so much take out. Finally the stress of the past few days was released and he was able to actually relax and enjoy himself. He finally was beginning to feel more like himself, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. He was finishing up eating when Iris arrived. He let her in and motioned for her to sit with him at the kitchen table.

"I'm really sorry again about bailing" he said shaking his head. "I was...excited." Cisco sighed, sitting beside her. He pulled out the flash drive. "She gave me all her research about the speed force and the plans to the device they used." He began. Cisco closed his eyes a moment. "It's...a bit more complicated then we hoped and the results aren't fast acting. And maybe we can find a different way, but I want you to be prepared." Cisco reached over and took Iris' hand. "Their speedster, got himself out of the speed force. They didn't do much of anything to help him, besides, sending a voicemail."

A heavy silence fell over them for a long time. "Iris I think that might work with Barry" he murmured softly. "Because he came back to be with the girl he loved."
"Cisco, don't stress yourself out over this. Take a deep breath and relax. Wally's not a child. He's smart, and plenty capable. He would have reached out if he needed help. You know that,"
She said gently. A little while later, she arrived at Cisco's house and followed him into the kitchen once he let her inside. Iris reached out and took his hands into hers. "Stop apologizing. I understand where you're coming from. Wally's fine. You just focus on taking care of yourself and Caitlin, and letting me know how I can help." She fell silent a few moments later, when he pulled the flash drive out.

She squeezed his hand when he reached out for hers. "Thank you for not sugarcoating it, and for being honest with me." The young woman nodded at his words and once he had finished speaking she said, "Do you know how to send a message to Barry in the Speed Force? I'll do anything that you need me to do to help get him back, just name it. I hate the idea of him continuing to be in there, all alone. Can you hack it's frequency, like a radio or something?" A new feeling of hope sparked in her eyes at this new information, and something new for them
to try.
Cisco nodded. "Other Caitlin sent me with her plans for what they used to contact the speed force. It's a little bit of hacking it and my own powers to make the message send through. It's picky apparently so we should have everyone try, but I really think we are on the right path here." he said slowly. "It's something and maybe when we make the device and start playing around we might figure something else out t hey couldn't think of."

Cisco smiled at her softly. He squeezed her hand back. "But their speedster assured me, he's probably happy there. That it's like heaven, you get to see all parts of your life and live in those moments. Barry just...needs to be reminded that there is something great waiting here for him." Cisco said confidently. Cisco was so determined to make it work for her. He wanted all of them to have this new hope and joy he now felt in his chest. He knew he needed to help inject that new life into them.

"I have to look over the plans, but I hope to start building it tomorrow if all goes well and by the end of the week, be ready to start testing it and sending messages." He said. Cisco took the flash drive back and placed it back into his pocket. "Are you going to be okay, with waiting? However long it might take?"
"I guess that I'll have to be," Iris said and shrugged. "If it takes some time, I understand. I just really want it to work. If you need me to look after Caitlin while you work on it, I'm happy to do so. Or if you need me to stay away so that I'm not a distraction, I can do that too. Like I said before, just tell me what you need me to do." Iris stopped speaking, and nodded as Cisco told her that the other speedster he had met, said that Barry was probably happy in the Speed Force. "This sounds horrible to say, but I hope he's not too happy. He might not want to come back
if he is," She said softly.

"I just hope that it's not like a Djinn type of thing. Where they put you under some kind of spell where you're happy, but they're slowly draining your life from you, and you never even know it." The young woman sighed softly, and ran a tired hand over her face. "Do you need me to track down any parts or supplies around town? I can do that." She stopped talking and ran a hand over the back of her neck. "Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment in the morning, but in the afternoon after that, I'm free for research, or to look after Caitlin." Iris paused for a moment and then said, "Why don't we go check on her?"
Cisco frowned as she mentioned maybe the speed force was killing Barry. That he could only shrug about. "I honestly don't know. The speedster, talked about it happily. He didn't have anything bad to say about it. Just that when he realize how much he missed the person who sent the message he had to go and the speed force let him. And if Barry had proven anything to us, he'll always come back to you."

Cisco pursed his lips in thought. "I haven't looked at the plans yet, once I know more, I'll let you know if I need anything. Probably you keeping an eye on Caitlin or letting her examine you endlessly, would be the most helpful. She'd probably like to get back to normal as soon as possible." Cisco paused in thought. "Julian will probably want to examine her and run tests tomorrow, I'm not too worried about it, do what you need to do Iris."

He stood with her heading back to the couch to check on Caitlin. She seemed to still be asleep. He rummaged through the bag finding the thermometer again. Then he pulled out a device to check her heart rate. He began gently checking her over.
Caitlin opened her eyes and gave Cisco a small smile, as he checked her over. "You should have been a doctor. Patients would love you. You know how to make people feel at ease..."
She trailed off softly. Her eyes were on him the entire time, enjoying the role reversal, of being the one being taken care of for the first time in years. One hand went to her chest,
and she started having trouble catching her breath. A few moments later, her body went limp and she passed out on the couch once more, as her body temperature plummeted.

"That's not good, is it?" Iris asked worriedly, when Caitlin started having trouble breathing, clutched her chest, and then passed out as Cisco was checking her over. "Should I call 911?"
She asked quickly and then left the living room to go get her purse and her cell phone in the kitchen, and bringing it out into the living room, standing beside Cisco a few moments later
as he tended to Caitlin. She didn't know what to do, and seeing her friend like this scared her. The young woman flipped open her cell phone and hovered her fingers over the numbers,
ready to dial if Cisco told her to.

She fell silent and watched as he worked on Caitlin, flinching back when he shoved something into her chest. The brunette glance at the thermometer over his shoulder as he took another reading of Caitlin's temperature again, relieved to see that the numbers were slowly climbing again. "Should I go and put the heater on or get her more blankets or something?" Iris was worried about both Caitlin and Cisco. She knew that they were extremely close, and now that they had admitted their feelings for each other, it made emergencies that much harder to
handle as fear slammed through them.
Cisco chuckled. "Probably somewhere in the multiverse I am a doctor." He murmured keeping his eyes trained on her as he went over her vitals. That was when everything went Terribly wrong. Her hand clutching at her chest. Her breathing labored, and then nothing. Cisco tensed checking her temperate again. Dropped 20 degrees.

"Just have Wally ready to be called, okay?" He answered quickly. "We may have to rush her to the lab" he rummaged into the bag, pulling out a second dose of the cure. He knew there was a reason he grabbed it on his way out. He didn't hesitate, slamming it into her chest.

Cisco watched as the medicine drained out. He pulled back once the dose was administered and checked the thermometer again. Slowly, it ticked back up. Her breathing returning to semi normal. He let out a long breath he hadn't known he had been holding. He let his shoulders relax some. "No, no we need to get her back to the lab, we need to run her DNA again, check her lungs and her heart. Whatever it is is fighting back." His hand was trembling ever so slightly at his side. They had a few hours of pure bliss together, and she almost died on him again. He got to his feet. "Can....you see if Wally can run her there so Julian can start asap."

He checked for her pulse, it was slow. He shook his head. "She might need something to constantly administer the cure, or a personal heating implant. I don't know...we just need to figure it out..before she goes into cardiac arrest again." He murmured mostly to himself. He let Wally whisk Caitlin back to the labs before turning to Iris. "Can you drive us?"
"Of course, I'll drive." She took his hand and the two of them ran to her car, as she unlocked it and they slid inside. "How many doses of the cure did you make?" Iris asked as she drove them to S.T.A.R. Labs, not caring that she was driving far over the speed limit. This was an emergency, and if anyone from the CCPD had a problem with it, well then she would explain it to her father and come up with a half way reasonable explanation for any other cop that she had to deal with. "Julian said that he was leaving soon. We might have to find someone else who can
help Caitlin."

Several minutes later they arrived back at S.T.A.R. Labs, and the two of them exited the car and rushed inside. Iris went to Caitlin's side immediately, taking one of her friend's hands into her own. "How would the personal heating implant work? Would that even be safe? I know given the current circumstances this might seem laughable, but what about during the hotter months? Would this heating implant cause her to have a heat stroke?" Iris felt herself relax a little as they watched Caitlin's temperature rise to what it had been earlier. Colder than the average body temperature, but seemingly stable for the other woman.

Caitlin's eyes slowly opened and she blinked against the harsh light, slamming her eyes closed once more. "Cisco?" She called out, weakly holding out one of her hands for one of his. "Cardiac arrest again?" She was lying on one of the beds in the medical bay of S.T.A.R. Labs. The young woman let out a sad sigh. "I ruined our time together. Sorry," She said softly, sadly. "Sorry for scaring you." Once he had slipped one of his hands around hers, she squeezed it with the little bit of strength that she had. "Stay with me? And tell Iris to rest. The running around isn't healthy for her or the baby..."
"I made six that first night while I was waiting for her." He said shaking his head. "I can make mor,e I just don't think it's a good way to live her life, constantly infecting heesld, she won't ever heal properly." Cisco kept his eyes focused on the road as she drove. T ting to keep voices out of his head from making him worry about Caitlin, he had to keep his wits about him, in case Julian had really left them so suddenly.

"It, theoretically, would keep her body warm, forcing her to stop producing ice. But I don't know enough about why it keeps behaving this way, attacking her own cells. I don't know why her DNA is so unstable compared to opanother metas." He said, as they rushed into the lab. He made sure she was properly hooked up, keeping another dose of the cure at close hand in case she dropped again. She finally was increasing back to normal temperatures.

Cisco ran back to her side when she called. He took her hand quickly, squeezing it tightly. He pressed a gentle kss to her finger tips. "You stopped breathing and then cardiac arrest." He murmurs. "I want to make sure we do a chest X-ray. I need to look more closely at your DNA or have you look. I don't know what's happening. It's acting almost...cancerous." He shook his head. "You didn't ruin anything. I had another dose ready. As long as our still alive, it's okay." He held her hand tightly. He chuckled. "How did you know she's was pregnant?" He asked glancing over to Iris "doctors orders I suppose. Do you mind grabbing the tablet from the lab, so she can look at her tests? And then, go home, rest. I'll work on the device to get et Barry once she's stable, no reason for both of you to be sick."
"When I pass out, for the first minute or two, I can still hear what's going on around me. And I overheard you say something about Iris being pregnant. She needs to rest. Even if it's just on another bed here. All the running around she's been doing is stressful. She needs rest, her body needs rest." Caitlin nodded when Cisco asked Iris to get the tablet and once the other woman had given it to them and told them goodbye, she started to scroll through the information on the device. "I still feel weak, like earlier. But I do think my temperature's going back up again, which is good."

She turned off the tablet and set it aside, moving over on the bed and patting the space beside her. "Set an alarm on your phone for two hours. You need some more sleep. You're exhausted trying to do everything for everyone." Caitlin reached out and gently caressed his face with her hand. "As a doctor, I order you to get some more sleep. But as someone who cares about you, I'm also asking in the hopes that it'll get you to do it. The machines are set to go off if I have more issues. But I'm feeling a little better. My body temperature is still going up, so that's good."
Cisco sighed, looking over her charts. She was right her temperature was approaching a more normal range compared to before. He pursed his lips, looking back to her. "Cait, I really don't know if I can do that." He said sitting beside her. "I really should get started on trying to get Barry back while you rest." Cisco was forced to look at her when she took ahold of his face. He looked.into her eyes only to be met with a very serious yet concerned.

He made a sad smile. He honestly was exshausted, he was running on less then four hours of sleep.for the past 36 hours. "I'll try to rest" he finally agreed. "Only because it's you. I can't promise how great that rest will be but I will try." Cisco laid down beside her. He leaned his head on her shoulder. "Don't go anywhere, okay? I don't know how I would take it if I woke up and you were suddenly gone again" he murmured. The subject a many a nightmare.

It took a bit of time but soon Cisco was fast asleep. He needed to rest. His body finally relaxing from the tension. It wasn't the most comfortable sleeping position but his mind didn't care. His whole body needed to rest and recharge. He dreamnt about Barry coming home, or maybe it was a vibe. His tiredness.made it hard to distinguish. He awoke to the sound of an alarm, the one on his phone luckily. But he still awoke with a start checking the reading on the machines.
Caitlin had been running her fingers through Cisco's hair for the first hour while he slept. Eventually, she had dropped off to sleep as well. Waking when he did, and giving him a small smile. "I'm still doing okay. Try and relax for me, okay?" The brunette gently tugged him close, and kissed his lips for several moments. "Doesn't that feel a little better, now that you've been able
to get some rest?" The young woman laid back down and let Cisco run the tests he wanted to run on her. But for the first time in a while, she felt okay. She wasn't even tired anymore, just still a little weak.

And from the looks of the machines, her temperature seemed to be holding steady, which was good. "Why don't you let me look over my tests, and you can focus on Barry? We really need
to get him back home." When he handed her the tablet, Caitlin settled back into the bed and started to scroll through the files, making mental notes to herself and nodding at a few of the things that she read. "Hopefully my body temperature will stay in a decent range. Taking the cure two times in one day should be more than enough. From what the tests tell me, it looks
like the cure is working."

"My tests from the first dose show improvement, and then a few hours later the second dose seemed to finish leveling my temperature out." She sighed softly and kept scrolling. "I might
have to manufacture regular batches of the cure to keep my temperature stable. I'll need a list of chemicals and I'll need to get started working in the labs in about an hour." Caitlin kissed
him again. "I love you. Now, go use your genius brain and bring our best friend back. I'll call you, or you'll get an alert on your cell phone if anything changes with me." After speaking, she turned her attention back to the tablet and started reading again.
Cisco was glad to see her face looking back to his. He kissed her back pulling her close for a long moment. He pushed some hair from her face. He held her for a moment. "I'm sorry, it's a bit harder to relax these days. Got alot on my mind." He said softly "once we have you figured out and Barry back, I will relax then."

He got up then and began running tests and scans on her blood and vitals. So far everything was promising. He made sure all the results got loaded right to her tablet. He knew that would be useful to Caitlin..she liked the control over it."there are less signs of the frost trying to freeze out your blood cells." He murmured "Caitlin, I can keep making it and there must be a better solution. You don't need to keep taking injections like that."

He leaned in and kissed her back. "Are you sure?" He murmured but she kept pushing him.to leave. "I'll just be down in my workroom building my.device, if you need anything, please, call me." Cisco then set a dose of the cure next to her. "Just in case."

Once Cisco defined her as safe enough to leave, he relucently went down to his area. He got to work, pulling up the plans working closely on the interworking a. It was a lot of circuiting. He changed a.few compontents, streamlining it to be smaller. He was closely bent of the device, his mind lost to the world of.his tech. He missed this. He didn't get to do this often. Looking at all this research, even began to give him ideas on how to improve Wally's suit. the info of the speed force was amazing.
Caitlin spent the next few hours going through files on the Speed Force, on Barry, on herself. Eventually, she realized that several hours had passed. She picked up her cell phone and called Cisco. "I'm okay, but it's getting kind of late, so maybe we can pick up something or have something delivered for dinner and then you can go back to working on your device? It's nearly 9. You've been working for about 7 hours now. You need to take a break. Even if it's just a short one." She continued to patiently scroll through the files as she waited for Cisco to answer her.

"Oh, and Iris just called. She wanted to check on us... Never mind. She just showed up with some pizza, Joe and Wally. So, take that break, please, and join us for a late dinner. I expect to see you soon, or I'll go down there.." She said and then hung up. The words weren't a real threat. Caitlin wouldn't do anything to him. Well, except for force him to take a small break for dinner. "Cisco will join us in a few minutes. He's working on the device we think will help us get Barry back." She sat up on the bed, thanked Iris when her friend handed her a plate of fresh, hot pizza. "Smells great."
Cisco was started from his concentration by the sound of his phone. He dropped a few tools scrambling to get it. "Caitlin are you-" he began but she cut him off assuring him she was okay. He sat back down in his chair. "I really should keep working....it's really been that long?" He paused looking at his phone. She was right. He just kept working. He was finally in the zone. He rubbed his eyes "I should probably eat." He agreed. "But I'm so close. It's almost ready for testing and all this research has given me ways to improve the suits in ways I couldn't dream up before."

He nodded, hearing of pizza. "Iris is always good at knowing when I need to eat." He replied. He chuckled at her threat to come get him. And she hung up on him before he could respond. It was beginning to feel like old times. Cisco gathered up the few pieces he had almost complete to show everyone. He might as well try to improve their day as well. He made his way up and set his things down, before grabbing a slice. "Thank you" he called, before taking a seat in a chair. He ate two befor gen beginning to try to talk. All the working had him starving, again.

"I should have a prototype done by the end of week." He said to air is, grinning. "The research is kind of amazing. She had gathered so much, it's like, years beyond what we have. It even gave me ideas for Wally's suit." He said turning to Wally "it's going to be the bomb. And Tracy will like this research. It's just all the missing pieces to the puzzle. There are a few gaps but, nothing that can't be overcome."
Caitlin smiled as she watched Cisco take a seat near the others and start to eat this pizza. She leaned over in the bed, reached out and grabbed the back of his chair, pulling him closer to her. Once he was sitting beside her now, the brunette focused on what he was saying, smiling as Cisco said that he should have a prototype by the end of the week. "If you need any parts from
my lab, feel free to browse it and take what you need." She gently pulled him to lean against her, allowing him to rest his head on her hip as he continued to eat and talk. The brunette was glad that things seemed to be finally going right.

The action was intimate, and the young woman knew that the others were surprised. Iris was the only one who had found out that they were becoming more than friends. It wasn't a secret, but they hadn't said anything official to the others yet. She was just happy that they were getting a chance to have this happen. "We need to go to a furniture store tomorrow," Caitlin told Cisco. "There are four beds in the medical bay, but the labs also needs a couch and possibly some roll up cots. We also need to start filing up the pantry in the kitchen with different kinds of can goods and bottles of water, the closets with pillows and blankets."

"If we ever get stuck here because of weather, we need be prepared."
Cisco hadn't given much thought to where he took s seat. He was a little preoccupied with the food and telling everyone the new information he had. Which is why he didn't argue when Caitlin pulled him the last little bit those beside her. If he had remembered he would have sat beside her, but he thought it was kind of cute she did that. Cisco looked and smiled at her as she offered up anything from her lab. "I think I have most everything, the device is pretty standard." He said shrugging. "Well it was, I may had upgraded it."

Cisco didn't even flinch when Caitlin pulled him closer, to have his head almost in her lap. He had never seen Caitlin be so openly affectionate but perhaps almost dying twice in one day could do that to you. The look of Shock on Wally's face was priceless. His mouth hanging open. Joe just patted his son on the back shaking his head. Cisco glanced at her, when she mentioned they needed to be better prepared for a natural disaster. " Are you just trying to make it more tempting to stay here?" He asked. "I know that kind of preparation is important but shouldn't we go back go making sure it's meta human proof?"
"It's not about being more tempting to stay here. It's about being prepared. We do need to make sure it's meta human proof, too. But if we get trapped here and it floods or snows and all of us are stuck here for more than 24 hours, we would be up the creek with no supplies. Which is why I want to change that. Nearly dying twice in one day has given me a reason to stop putting things off. To start taking even simple things, more seriously than I have been. I have a lot of ideas in mind. I will start making a list, and then I will starting picking everything up starting tomorrow."

"We have so much room here in the whole building that goes unused, well, now it will be used. We could even move some of the walls and make smaller rooms of a sort. It's just food for thought," Caitlin said. "Anything that actually happens will be up to Barry when he gets back, since he owns the building." She stopped talking a few minutes later, and started to eat some pizza. After a few bites, she started to discuss with Iris, the possibility of running a few tests on her friend in a few days, to check on her and the baby, and compare the baby's DNA to Barry's.
Cisco placed a hand on her arm. "You need to rest, I respect your new found desire to make the labs more practical but you need to rest. It has waited this long it can wait a few more days." He said firmly "its not a bad idea, but no reason to run yourself ragged after almost dying." Cisco looked her ovee, making sure she was still okay.

Wally shrugged. "I can start picking up stuff. I like to feel helpful" he offered. *I'm not doing much else beyond training which will be on hold until Cisco finishes his project." Wally grinned.

Cisco nodded. That was a far more accpectable solution to Caitlin's idea. Having Wally help her work on things that way she could still rest. Cisco stayed a bit longer, before he excused himself to get back to work. He paused to talk to Iris. "Are you doing okay?" He asked slowly.
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