RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Cisco was releaved when she agreed to meet him quickly, stopling whstever chase she was on now. He ran a hand through his hair. His hand still trembling. He began to pick up papers. "Yea i can meet you there in 15" he agreed thoughtfully. He closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He hated this. "Cait-Killer Frost, she came here. She hacked our computers. She wants you to stop looking for her" he bresthed out, his voice still shaken. He closed his eyes. "She gave me new goggles to help with vibes and she had knowledge about who we are looking for...i can better explain at your apartment."

He gripped the desk, taking a deep breath. He finslly hung up when he felt a little better, making his way to thr familiar apartment. He stood by the door tapping his foot restlessly. His arms crossed over his chest. He straightened seeing her. Cisco nodded. He didnt argue and flopped onto the couch. He looked at the ceiling, taking his time to speak. "I'm in love with Caitlin. I have been since we first met." He said finally. "Today, she csme to the lab and rold me shes never coming back and....and..." He rubbed a hand over his face. "She kissed me." He swallowed hard, just letting the words fall from his lips.

"She says its too painful to come back that she doesnt want to loose me. But Iris, i dont know if i can do it amymore with out her knowing what i could finally have!" He almost shouted. "Shes all i think about, shes all i see in vibes. I dream about her. I can barely function. Im a mess. How am i supposed to help you if i cant keep me together? Caitlin should have been home by now. She....she why wont she? I dont understand" he fell silent, hands on his knees. His face in his hands he let out a soft sob.

"I miss them both so much."
Iris sat down on the couch beside Cisco, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him close. "She loves you, too, Cisco. That's why she's been staying away. Think about it," She said gently. "If you loved someone with everything in you, and you knew that you were a threat, or even just a possible threat to them, you'd stay away from them to protect them. We both know Caitlin. And we both know that deep down, she'd do anything if it meant keeping you, and the rest of us safe. Just give her some time..." The young woman said softly and smiled at him.

"Now, how about I make dinner for us, and you pick out a movie? Anything that you feel like watching," She said and then released him from the hug. "I'll make Caitlin and Barry's favorite dinners, and we can enjoy them together with the movie. Would that be okay? I won't do it if it'll upset you." While she waited for Cisco's answer, she excused herself and left the living room, going to the hall closet to get some pillows and blankets. They would probably end up curled on the couch cuddled into each other, and falling asleep. She set the blankets and pillows on the chair beside the couch and sat down beside her friend once more and waited to see what he was going to say.
Cisco didn't push her away and gently hugged her back. That was what he needed. He needed to just finally let all the words and stuff bottled up inside of him out. He listened to her words and that made sense. Nothing Caitlin had done so far hurt anyone. Minor robberies for medical supplies and tech components. If it wasn't for the frozen locks no one would have an idea it was a robbery. " I know you are right i just....thought she would be back by now. I've just been regretting putting off telling her how I felt.and of she's gone forever..." He shook it off, focusing back on Iris.

He smiled at the suggestion of watching a movie. "That sounds like...a good distraction. I'm honestly not too hungry, whatever you feel like making is fine" he said beginning to scroll through the movies. " Would you be up for a Star Wars? I haven't watched them all since Caitlin and I had our last marathon"

Cisco for the first time in weeks, looked more at ease. Like a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders, by finally talking about all of the issues he had been holding back in fear of hurting her. He turned on the TV settling into the couch. "You...you might want to maybe, text Caitlin about your um...condition." he said finally. "If she's still keep up on my health records and doctoring me from the shadows, maybe it would help her to help you."
"She's not gone forever," Iris said firmly. "We're not giving up on her and we're not losing her. I refuse to believe that we won't ever get Caitlin back. We're going to get her back." She said and then reached out and hugged him once more. "There's no need for regret. You can tell her how you feel soon. As for the food, I'll make it anyway, and just save it. You can have it later
on if you get hungry," She said and smiled kindly at him. "As for Star Wars, I'm fine with watching that. Barry owns.. owned, the whole series." She said softly, and then got up and left the room to go cook the food.

An hour later, she saved Cisco's food in the refrigerator and then carried her own food into the living room and took a seat beside her friend once more. She listened to his suggestion about telling Caitlin about the pregnancy and shrugged. "It's a good idea. I'll give it some thought. I don't want to make a decision right now, it probably won't be a good one." After she spoke, Iris fell silent and motioned for Cisco to go ahead and turn the movie on. Once he did so, she dug into her food and then started watching the movie with him. The silence between them wasn't filled with tension for once.

They were just friends helping each other, leaning on each other, and spending time together.
Cisco nodded, glad she took his suggestion to think about. It was something he had thought about when he had seen Caitlin, as a way to get her to stay with him, but he didn't act on it. This was Iris' choice and he respected that. He had A New Hope, cued up on the TV. It felt a little bit like in the old days, when he once invited Barry to his and Caitlin's movie nights. Barry rarely came, he didn't want to intrude on their tradition but it was always nice like this. Cisco could get used to hanging out more with Iris like this and opening up to her. Having someone who kind of understood him, in the absence of his friends, was important.

They eventually shifted to be closer to each other, a blanket draped over them, completely platonic. It was nice, just having the physical comfort of someone else. Cisco kept an eye on her though, if she ever seemed to get too sad, he would hold her hand and hug her. Soon, they would have them all back and they could do this again but under happier circumstances.

Nearing the end of the film, Cisco finally felt actually tired and relaxed enough to sleep. He just assumed from the extra blankets she brought out the intention was for him to stay, which he was fine by. It would make it easier in the morning for them to get started hunting through Earth 27. He tried not to think too much on what Caitlin had told him, and focus his energy more on enjoying this moment. He was a little worried though, and he still hadn't finished testing the new goggles.

And soon they were going to have to tell the rest of the team about their little mission and he dreaded that. He glanced over to Iris, who seemed to be sleeping on his shoulder as the credits rolled. He sighed, shifting slightly to lift her up and carry her to bed.
Iris' eyes opened as she felt herself being carried. "Cisco?" She asked softly and once he had set her down on the bed, the young woman reached for his hand. "Stay with me?" The words were choked out, as she swiped at the tears that were suddenly filling her eyes. "Nothing's going to happen, promise. I just hate sleeping alone." After she spoke, she tugged his hand and motioned for him to join her in the bed. "I need you close, please. No one ever has to know about this, if that's what you're worried about. I won't say anything to anyone, we're just friends helping each other."

"Think about it, okay?" A few moments later, she got up from the bed and moved to change out of her clothes from that day. She took a quick shower, dried her hair and then slipped on some flannel pajamas, dried her eyes and then tried to force away the worry and sadness she felt for Caitlin and Barry. Once she was done, she moved to sit back down on the bed. "You being here means a lot to me. Even though it took losing our best friend's to get to know each other better and I'm sorry for that, I'm also glad that we've been able to spend more time together. And now I'm going to stop talking so that we can go back to sleep. Good night, Cisco."
Cisco frowned a little bit at her request. "Iris.." he said softly, sighing as he watched her eyes fill with tears. "I'm not really sure..." He began, he let go of Iris letting her go get ready for bed. He sat on the foot of the bed. He ran a hand through his hair. Last time, he slept in the same bed as a grieving girl, he fell deeply in love with her. But he also thought about how Barry wouldn't want Iris upset. How he would want Cisco to take care of her. That's what he asked him to do.

He went to the dresser, finding a pair of Barry's pj pants to borrow before he went back to the bed. He looked up as Iris entered the bed room. He nodded. "this just means, we will continue being good friends once they are back" he replied, shifting. "Come on, lets get some rest, okay?" He moved with her to lay in the bed. "We will bring him back okay?" Cisco watched her carefully with sad eyes. "But until then, i'll be here when you need me."

Cisco would hold Iris if that's what she needed, or he would leave her be. He didn't fight sleep and was soon out. His eyes closed tightly, his chest rising and falling. It was finally a good restful kind of sleep, what he really needed to continue this quest to free Barry from the speed force. He had to put his renewed energy and hope into that.
"We'll always be good friends," Iris agreed when Cisco got dressed and came back to the bed. She nodded when he said that they should get some rest. "Thank you, and I'll be here when you need me, too." Once he had fallen asleep a few moments later, a smile came over her lips and she watched him sleep, glad that he was finally able to get some rest. The last few months had been hard for everyone, but especially the two of them, since their loved ones were gone and they didn't know for how long. The following morning she slept in late, waking up at 9:30AM.

It was the first time in a long time that she wasn't up at 7AM. The young woman got up and let Cisco continue to sleep. She went to shower and get dressed for the day. Once that was done, she made breakfast and then went to wake her friend. After serving the food on the table, she went back into the bedroom and gently shook Cisco to wake him. "I made breakfast. And I have some of Barry's clothes out for you to wear. I know you keep some at the lab, and you can change there. I'll bring Barry's clothes back later. Now, get moving lazy bones," Iris teased him.

"We have a lot to do today. Oh, and I just want to let you know, I won't be at S.T.A.R. Labs until almost 9PM tonight. I have a meeting with my editor for a few hours, and then I need to spend a few hours tracking down leads for the story I've been assigned. But I will meet you at the lab eventually." After speaking, she disappeared to grab her papers for the day. Once that was done, she went to sit at the table, and waited for Cisco to join her for breakfast. A little while later, once he was dressed and joined her for breakfast she said, "I know it's only been a few days since I told you about the baby."

"But I've decided to tell my father about the baby. And, I think that I'm going to tell Caitlin, too. I think you're right about telling her, and her helping me, would help her, too." A few moments later, she pulled something out of her purse and handed it to Cisco, a key. "This is a copy of the key to the apartment. If you ever want to stop by unannounced, you can now do that without having to wait for me to let you inside." She placed the key in his hand. "Now, lock up behind you, please. I'm gonna go meet my father and talk to him." After kissing Cisco's cheek, she got into her car and left.

A few minutes later, Iris was on her way to the PCPD. She pulled up in front of the building, parked her car, got out and locked it. Then, she walked up the steps of the police station and headed inside, looking for her father. 10 minutes later, she found him. "Hey Dad, do you have some time, can we talk?" The words were spoken softly, nervously.
Cisco groaned as he woke her up, but nodded. He had slept dreamless. He needed that. He felt finally so relaxed and at ease. It took time for it to come back to him, reality of everything. What had been going on and where he was. He sighed, looking to Iris. "Alright, alright. I'm getting up." he replied, "That's fine, I need to run tests on the new goggles she left me last night, I need time."He said getting to his feet. He pulled on the clothe she had pulled out. Simple STAR labs merch, something Barry owned a lot of.

He joined her in the kitchen, suddenly starving, he began to scarf down the food. He paused mid bite when she mentioned telling everyone about the baby. Cisco nodded slowly. He took a sip of the coffee. "If thats what you want, then you should tell them" he agreed. "Its better to have a good support team then keep a bunch of secrets."

He raised an eyebrow as she handed him a key. "Iris...." he began but didn't fight her, he just put it with his other keys. "Thank you. If you need anything, you know where I'll be." he called after her as she left. When he finished eating, he cleaned the dishes before going into the lab. He spent the rest of the day, working intently on the glasses, checking every thing about them before even testing them on himself.


Joe turned from his conversation with a fellow cop to his daughter. He smiled, a little confused. "Hey Iris, you didn't say you were stopping by" he began. "I can always make time for you" he said smiling, watching her carefully. He put his arm around her. "What's wrong? You have been acting a little strange recently, well you and Cisco. Something secret you guys working on? Or...?"

He tilted his head as they walked to a more private area in the precinct and took a seat on a nearby bench. He took her hand and squeezed it gently. "I'm all ears whenever you are ready." he said, leaving the floor open for her.
"Cisco and I are just friends, that's all. We've gotten closer since Barry left, and since Caitlin became Killer Frost and took off. Neither of us handle being alone well, so we've been spending time together." Iris sighed and paused for a moment, and then she took her father's hands into hers. "We don't talk about Barry much, and I know that's because it's too painful since he
left. But, I think we should change that. I want his son or daughter to know about him, and to love him as much as we all do. For that to happen, we can't keep being afraid to talk about
him anymore."

She fell silent for a moment and let what she had just said, sink in for her father. When it was obvious that it had and he turned to her in surprise, the young woman nodded. "Yes, you heard me right. I'm pregnant. I just found out a few days ago. I was holding off on telling you because I didn't want to make you sad. And, there's one more thing I want to tell you. Cisco and I are working on something, but we don't have anything concrete just yet. I don't want to get your hopes up, but I don't want to lie or keep this from you, either. I'll tell you more when I know more."

Once she had said what she needed to say, Iris leaned forward and hugged her father, needing the comfort that always radiated off of him in waves. "I love you, Dad." The young woman told her father. She laughed softly, as something occurred to her. "Now you have to decide if you wanna be called Grandpa, Gramps, or Pop.." She said the words teasingly, trying to lighten the mood a little bit and hoping that it helped to make things seem a little less dark and bleak. "You have a while to think about it, and get used to the idea of it." She felt a little better now, having told her father what was going on. Well, for the most part.
Joe listened quietly to his daughter's words. He smiled a little bit, maybe she was right they shluld start talking abour Barry more instead of avoiding the painful sibject all together. He paused going over her worss in the silence turninf his head to her quickly "Wait, are you implying that...?" He began. His heart skipped a few beats hearing her next words.

His first reaction was to chastise​ her for not telling him sooner. For not using protection. But he didnt, he just looked at her with sad, yet happy eyes. He nodded mentioning she had a project with Cisco. Now it all began to make more sense, as to why she seemed distant . He didnt interrupt her knowong she just needed to get ir all out. Jow felt mildly relieved to hear that she just found out and he hsdnt been in the dark too long.

Joe held her tightly when she finslly hughed him. "I love you too" he murmured. He pressed a kiss into her hair. He laughed at her joke about what the baby should call him. "Thats a tough one." He murmured. "Im really proud of you. I alwayd have been. And you will be a great mom and this baby will have a great family. And i can teach you all i know about raising a baby." He sighed.

"Barry would have been over the moon. So we should be too. We still get to have some piece of him and that is giod news." He said finally. "We will figure it out and knowing the rest of the team, it will all be okay." Joe shifted to look at her. "Are you gojng to be okay with this...?"
"I am. Because this baby is part of Barry, and I already love him or her just as much as I love their father. And you're right. He'd be so excited to know this. Which is why I won't give up hope of someday seeing him again," Iris said softly. "I refuse to believe that another child in our lives is going to grow up without one of their parents. It's just too much." She pulled back from the hug a few moments later. "We're going to find a way to bring Barry home. We have to. I won't accept anything else." After speaking, she moved to get to her feet once more. "I'm sorry to drop this on you and just leave. I've got to get to work."

"Can we talk tonight? Cisco and I will be at S.T.A.R. Labs for a few hours tonight. You can drop by if you're not busy, if you like." After one final hug, and a kiss to her father's cheek, she smiled at him and then turned and left, heading for her car. The drive to work was short, and once she was at CCPN, she spent the day chasing down leads for a story she was working on.
Her boss had wanted her to do a story on The Flash's disappearance, but she had asked to pass it on to someone else. The story was mainly about the robberies Caitlin... Killer Frost had
done, that involved frozen security guards and stolen money.
Joe frowned a little bit, but nodded at her determination. "Just don't this mission consume you or Cisco. Barry wanted you to move on and live a good life. Just because Barry isn't here doesn't mean they won't have a father." he said slowly. He stood as well. "It's fine Iris, you can't imagine how much stuff Barry has dropped on me these past few years before just leaving." He touched her cheek. "I'll stop by and see what you guys are up to. I like to make sure everyone is alive. Don't stress yourself out too much."

- - - - -

Offically, Cisco loved the new glasses gifted to him by Caitlin. He was still wary about them, if an ex supervillian gives you things, you have to be careful. They worked though and they worked well. He was able to tune the vibes again for the first time since Barry left. He was able to concentrate better and see the division between the worlds. He still was careful but he spent most of the afternoon, finding the right world. That took the most amount of time, finding the spot.

Now all that was left to do in that area was go there. And he wasn't quiet ready to do that personally. So he went back to talk to Trudy and work on more speed force theory. They bounced ideas back and forth for awhile. She took ratings on his powers to see if his frequency was the same as tests she had from the speedforce. Maybe they could tune him into it. They had lots of theories.

As it got later, Cisco actually took the time to go to his apartment to shower and pick up a couple of things. He even got dinner. For once he felt more like a functioning human, prepared for the rest of the day. It got a little crazier in the evening, there was a fire in a huge apartment building. That had taken time away from his research since he had to leave to help Wally, there was just too much for him to do alone. By the time they made it back, covered in assorted ash and dust, Iris would probably be back.
"Are you guys okay?" Iris asked, getting up from the chair she had been sitting in. Having arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs shortly after Cisco and Wally had left to go put out the fire. She walked over to the two men and started to wipe ash and dust off of them. "I was using the computers to dig up more information on the Speed Force. I didn't find much, but what I did find, is interesting. Cisco, Killer Frost knows more about it than she's saying. I managed to find out who the person is that we're going to track down when we get to Earth 27.. It's... another Caitlin.." She told him softly, knowing he was having trouble coping with the other woman in the current state she was in.

After speaking, she moved to sit back down behind the computers. "Are you going to be okay to be around her?" She asked her friend, concerned. Iris gave her brother a small smile and got up from her chair once more to hug him. "You guys did a good job out there today. Just like you do every day. I'm proud of you both. And I know that Barry is, too." She hugged her brother close for several moments, before finally releasing him. "Go grab a shower and then you can relax. Cisco and I will be here for a few hours. Don't worry about anything. We will call if we need you."
Cisco was brushing ash off of his clothes and goggles when she began talkjng. He nodded. "It was fine." He began "no casualities which is good." His gaze fell on her and felt his heart sink. He knew that look, it was the one someone wore before delivering hsrd to hear news. He shook his head. Cisco pulled off the guantlets. "Caitlin is a popular name" he began quickly. "It could be another scientist." Cisco could tell from her face she was sure. He had found that info but glossed over it hoping it wasnt the one they needed.

Cisco took a deep breath. Now her words made so much more sense. How Killer Frost just knew what he would find and how much it would hurt. She probably was happy, married to Ronnie. Seeing her with someone else would probsbly hurt him more then just seeing the thing he longed for. If he really wanted to be tortured, Cisco woukd guesd the universe would show hom happily with her. That would crush him. This was going to be a challenge. He shook his head. "We have to see her " he said finally. "Besides maybe it will bw nice to see the old caitlin. We need her help"

Wally hugged his sister back. "If you need any help on your project. I can help too. I can do more then just be a hero." He reminded. Wally nodded. "Alright i could use a shower. I have ash is bizarre places. Oh and dad said you had something to tell me? Maybe once im all clean if you arent here too late?" He offered before wooshing away.

Cisco wouldn't look at her, just at the research she had just found about the alternate Caitlin and her speedster.
"We'll talk tonight, Wally." Iris promised her brother, nodding. "I'm gonna stay here with Cisco for a few hours, and help him work on our project. When we get a bit further along, we'll definitely ask for your help. Now, get outta here and go relax." She smiled softly, once her brother was gone, and turned back to Cisco. "When do you want us to leave to go to Earth 27?"
Iris asked softly. "We're going to need to talk to the others and tell them what we're going to do. That way they don't start to think that we've gone missing if something happens to us."

She was about to say something else, when the alarms on the computers started to scream. Not because of an emergency in town, but because someone had set off the alarms for S.T.A.R. Labs. Iris quickly moved to the computers and then looked up at Cisco. "Killer Frost is here, and she's... She's got blood all over her." The young woman said, worried. All of this happened within a few seconds, and she looked up just in time to see the other woman enter the cortex. Her eyes widened in both fear and concern, trying to spot an injury on the other woman, but
not finding one.


"Cisco, you were right. I need your help. I'm ready for it. I-I-I... There was a teenage girl getting attacked in an alley. I didn't think twice about it. I attacked the guy hurting her, without a second thought.." The words fell from her lips as she stood there. "Please, don't turn me away.." The words were said softly, pleadingly. He was the only person that she had left, and if he didn't believe her and help her, then she was on her own again and she didn't want that. "I don't know what to do. I know that it's a lot to ask, since you have feelings for her. But I'm asking anyway. Please, help me."
Cisco jumped when the alarms began to sound, he turned to Iris who already had the security feed up. When her face paled, he swallowed hard, reaching to pull on his gloves again. He turned to the door, looking at the other woman. The blood was in stark contrast to the rest of her. "Call Joe" he said softly, taking a step towards her. His body was tense, torn between running to her or trying to kill her. He wanted to be angry and throw her out, but the pleading in her voice forced him to stay calm. To trust her.

"Where?" he said slowly, allowing her to give the location to Iris "Send Wally and Joe to take care of the scene." Cisco's voice was tense, but his eyes never left Caitlin's. "Are you hurt?" He took another step, reaching for a drawer. "You...you were just trying to protect someone, just a bit more violent then we usually go. That's more Oliver's department"

He opened the drawer pulling something out. "I need you to trust me" he said slowly. "You came here asking for my help, and I told you I wouldn't leave you. We'll help you. I'll help you." Cisco made it a few steps closer. "But we have to take precautions, I promised Barry." He took her hands and snapped a pair of cuffs on her wrists. "They'll shock you if you try to go much colder then 10 degrees Celsius. They also will be pretty warm, should prevent you from using your powers til we figure out what to do...and if we can confirm your story."

Cisco took a few steps back. "Until then, I have...I have to put you in the pipeline."
"The alley on Third Street behind the Big Belly Burger. The girl's blonde, about 13 or 14. I don't know her name. I just heard her screaming for help and Caitlin wanted me to do something about it. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that." At his question, she shook her head. "Nothing serious. A few scrapes and some bruises that'll show up later." Killer Frost nodded at Cisco's next words. "It wasn't planned. I didn't think. I just heard the screaming and then reacted. I stabbed him with his own knife." Killer Frost fell silent as she watched him open the drawer and pull something out. It was a pair of handcuffs.

She watched as he walked closer and closer to her with the handcuffs. The young woman nodded at his words. Killer Frost just remained still and let him put the handcuffs on her wrists. "I understand," She told him. "I know you don't believe me, you don't have any reason to. But while I might lie to the others, I'd never lie to you. Caitlin wouldn't allow it," She said softly, and then followed Cisco a few moments later, as he led her to the pipeline. "So, did you find out about our friend from Earth 27 yet? It's gonna be hard, but you can get through it. You have to
do it."

"For Barry, and for Caitlin. They're counting on you, and you've never let them down. Don't start now." She fell silent for a few moments after speaking and stood there as Cisco closed the door of the pipeline. Then she spoke again. "I'll be here when you decide that you wanna talk. I know a lot of things about a lot of people. And you can take that however you want." She
heard his footsteps as he walked away, leaving her standing there. A moment later, the young woman sat down on the floor of the cell she was in and sighed softly. "Maybe you could come back and at least help me clean the blood off?"

Killer Frost said the words clearly, because she knew that there were cameras all over the place and that Cisco and the others could see her in the pipeline, and could hear her when and if
she talked. "I doubt you want this blood all over the place," The young woman said and then she fell silent once more. She was trusting Cisco, and hoped that she wasn't making a huge mistake.
The silence that followed as he walked her to the pipeline was uncomfortable. His mind was racing through all the different possibilities should happen next. It was a lot to take in. He glanced at her as she mentioned Earth 27. "You mean if we found out that the person we need is you from an alternate world?" he asked bitterly. "Yea, we found out. Haven't met her yet, but you know, I'm used to it by now, seeing my friend in several different versions of herself."

Cisco typed some numbers into the key pad to bring down the cell he had set up for her, just in case. Caitlin had asked him to have it ready, and he was always a man of his word. "I had no intention of giving up." he said finally. "I haven't given up on you yet. Even when you keep talking in third person instead of realizing you are still you." He couldn't look at her as she went into the cell. "Maybe when you figure out how you want me to help you and what you need, can we really talk." He locked the cell again.

Cisco left the pipeline in almost a hurry, as if he was burned. But it was more he was loosing his own composure around her. He wanted nothing then to just hold her, to beg her to take the cure, which he carried on his person at all times. But when she made the soft request to get help getting cleaned up, he broke. He didn't even hesitate to get towels and other things to clean her up. He went back to the cell, holding some wet rags and a spare set of clothes. Cisco had a feeling Iris wouldn't agree with his choice but he couldn't leave her like that. He was trying to push her out and be cold to her, but it was so much harder with Caitlin's eyes starring back at him and not the blue ones.

"Promise to not freeze me?" he asked, his hand hovering over the control pad. "I figured, dry blood will be much harder to get out."
"You should be used to it by now. You even got to see the evil version of yourself on Earth 2. As for you not giving up, be careful. Don't invest all of yourself in this hunt to fix Caitlin. She wouldn't want you to lose yourself because of it. A for my powers. I can't use them on you. The handcuffs and the cell dampens them," Killer Frost said and sighed softly. "Not that I would even if I could. Caitlin would kill herself before she allowed you to get hurt." She held her hands and arms out so that he could wipe the blood off of her. "You can lock me up in here while I change, just turn off the cameras."

"Remember, I came here willingly. If I wasn't giving myself up, then I wouldn't have come here." She stopped speaking and once Cisco uncuffed her and handed her the clothes, she waited. She watched as he backed away from the cell and turned off the cameras. Then, once he had turned away from her, she undressed out of the clothes that she was wearing, and changed into the clothes that Caitlin usually wore. "I'm done," Killer Frost said, and tapped on the cell door. Letting Cisco know that he could turn back around. "You can get those clothes and burn them."

"I'm not gonna hurt you." She told him.

"Cisco! Cisco, are you okay?" Iris called out as she looked for him. She walked into the room and saw that he was locking Killer Frost in the pipeline. "I wanted to let you know that her story checked out. My father and Wally went to the alley on Third Street and found that teenage girl. She was terrified, but managed to tell him that some woman in blue and white saved her, but left before she could thank her. Killer Frost was telling the truth," The young woman told her friend. She glanced at the pipeline and saw their friend sitting on the floor in the cell. "Do we have to keep her in there?"

"She did something good. She saved that girl. I mean, stabbing the guy wasn't good, but she still helped that girl. We can't just keep her locked up in the pipeline. She's our friend. Or, was our friend." Iris said, hating the idea of them losing Caitlin. "Cisco, can't you just give her the cure?"
Cisco opened the cell as she agreed to not kill him. His lips in a small frown. It was so interesting how she spoke about herself, about Caitlin. Like she was some other person, far away in another world. He carefully began wiping the blood off of her hands and arms. His touches were gentle and caring. He met her gaze. "I'm glad you came here when you realized you needed help." he said slowly. He reached up, removing some blood splatter from her cheek and neck. It was an intimate gesture. His hand cupping her cheek for a long moment. He wanted to kiss her again, but stopped himself. Right now, this woman in front of him, was convinced she could never be Caitlin. And Cisco needed to get that through his head, and despite how hard he tried it never happened.

He pulled back, undoing the cufffs allowing her to change. He turned the cameras off for a moment, turning his back from her to give her privacy. He had known where Caitlin used to keep spare clothes in the lab and luckily, they were still there. He turned back at the sound of the tapping. He turned back on the cameras and redid the cuffs on her hands.

"I know you wont, but if you believed that, you would have come back home sooner." he said shaking his head. Cisco picked up the gross clothing, he met her gaze. "You have a lot of options, you just need to pick one Caitlin." He turned from her, before locking the cell back up.

Cisco turned at the sound of Iris' footsteps running down the pipeline. "I'm fine" he replied looking at her. He let out a sigh of relief hearing her story was confirmed, that at least she had been trying to do the right thing. Cisco nodded, when asked if she had to stay in there. "This was always the back up plan if she turned herself in willingly or did something that could be considered...evil. Barry made me swear, this is what would happen, to make sure everyone was safe."

Cisco shoved his hands in his pockets. "Iris, trust me. I don't want her in there anymore then you, but we don't know what caused her to loose control like that. We need to run tests and see what is really going on. Or it could be a trap. I have to think about our whole team's safety, not just what I want." Cisco closed his eyes for a long time.

"Julian took her choice away, when she insisted we let her die then become Killer Frost." he said softly. "I'm not going to take her right to choose away again. She deserves to decide if she wants to get rid of her powers, or wants to try a different approach. No matter how much I want Caitlin back, its not my choice. Come on, lets go back to the cortex"

Cisco began to lead her out of the pipeline. "I already have some plans for tech to help her Iris, if she chooses to keep her powers. She won't stay in there forever, especially since shes already offering us more info about the speed force. She wants to help."
"Are we going to tell Julian that she's in there? I don't like keeping secrets, but it might be for the best. He might not react well to her being in the pipeline." Iris said as she and Cisco walked back into the cortex. "And you said that you have some tech that could help her manage her powers? What if she doesn't want to manage them, but get rid of them entirely, instead?" The young woman took her normal seat behind the computers and pushed her hair out of her face. "I'm sorry. I know that everything that just happened was hard for you. Seeing her like that
and helping her."

"How are you doing with her being here?" Iris got up from her chair and moved to hug Cisco, wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging him. "I know it's not easy, but it's progress.." She reminded him gently. "Killer Frost came here on her own, didn't hurt anyone without cause, and turned herself in. I like to think that it means more of her real side, her Caitlin side is coming out. And that it won't be long before we can get our friend back. We just have to be positive." The two of them lapsed into silence as they resumed working on the Speed Force

She was looking up information for a while, and eventually stopped when her eyes began to swim from looking at the pages for too long. "How about a break?" The young woman suggested, and glanced down at her watch. It was after 8pm. "Feel like calling in for some pizza? I'm gonna call Wally and tell him that I'm ready to talk, and maybe he, us, and my father can spend some time together outside of the labs. We need to take more than a few minutes break. I'm thinking we bring the pizza to my father's house and have pizza and a movie there. What do
you think?"

"We can check on Caitlin before we go, make sure that she's okay, and give her something to eat." Iris said softly, and then she waited to see what Cisco would say or do.
"I will stand by whatever choice she makes and figure out how to make it happen." He walked back with her back to the cortex. "He has a way of finding things out but he's out of town for a conference for a few days. He's been distant recently." Cisco looked to Iris when she mentioned it must be hard for him. "You have no idea. I'm fighting internally with myself every minute"

He opened up all his research on ways to help Killer Frost. He began to load them onto a tablet. To help her make a choice. He stiffened feeling Iris hugging him. He gently hugged her back. He put his face into her hair. He took a deep breath, gripping her tightly. "I know I just...hate seeing her like this. I wish there was more she would let me do, she seems so...broken..." His voice trailed off. He pulled back, tears welling in his eyes. "We just...gotta focus on Barry." He pulled back sitting back at the computer.

As they worked, he had the video feed open to her cell in a small corner, just incase. He needed to make sure it wasn't a trick. Cisco was brought back to reality by her suggestion. He wanted to stay there at the lab, but he could tell Iris wasn't going to take that for an answer. "I want to give her a tablet to look over some research, of she really wants to help, it's a start." He said slowly "and food, that's a good idea"
"Okay, but I'm going with you to see her. I know that she turned herself in willingly, and that she hasn't done anything to you, but I don't trust her, not yet. I know that's hard to hear. It's hard for me to say." A few minutes later, the two of them made something for Caitlin to eat, and grabbed something for her to drink. Once that was done, they opened her cell and dropped the food off, backing slowly out of her cell. "I've got a suggestion for the pipeline cells. Maybe you could set up an alarm for them to use if something happens. It would be inside their cells, like a panic button."

"It would be on the wall. They press it if they're sick or hurt or something, and it would send an alarm to your phone and/or the computers and that way you would know something's wrong without constantly having to keep an eye on the monitors. Anyway, it's just something to think about." After she had said what she needed to say, Iris walked back into the cortex and then grabbed her purse. A few minutes later, they drove to get the pizza, taking Cisco's car. The young woman just figured that they could use his, since there was a good chance they would go back to S.T.A.R. Labs eventually.

And once they did that, she'd have access to some of her clothes, and her car again, if she needed to go anywhere. Once they picked up the pizza, they drove over to her father's house, the trip quiet as they were both lost in their thoughts. They got out of Cisco's car, and once he had locked and secured it, they walked up the front steps. Iris pulled out her key and unlocked the door, motioning her friend inside. "Wally, Dad? Cisco and I are here. We brought dinner!" She called out to them as she closed the door behind herself, after following Cisco into the house.
Cisco chuckled at her insistence to come with him. He was worried about her tricking them too but maybe Iris was more concerned he would let her go. It was tough just dropping off the food. Caitlin didn't even move to acknowledge them. "If you feel like being productive, I left a tablet for you. No wifi access but it should be all you need." He said softly. He walked back with Iris, mulling over here for an alert button. He had notifications for everything sent to his phone but something like that wasn't the worse idea. Something Iris only thought of to help him cope.

He was glad to drive his own car, gave him something to focus on other than the girl in a cell in their care. His body tense. He wasn't really there with Iris more going through the motions of what she would expect of him. He swallowed hard. He hadn't been back to the West home since Barry left. Cisco kept his hands in his pockets.

Wall jumped hearing about food, taking one of the boxes of pizza. "Just what I wanted" he said happily. He got plates and set the box on the table. He took a few slices. He began to eat. Joe smiled, silently patting Cisco on the shoulder.

Wally looked to his sister. "Is someone going to tell me what is going on? It's been an odd day."
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