RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

"There's been a good bit going on lately," Iris said, once the four of them had gotten their food and drinks, and were seated together in the living room. "I found out a few days ago that I'm pregnant," She told her brother and then gave him a soft smile. "We also had a visit from Caitlin. She showed up at S.T.A.R. Labs, but don't worry, nothing bad happened. She turned herself
in, and told us about the girl that was attacked in the alley. It's how we knew where to find her. Cisco helped Caitlin get cleaned up and then he made sure to put her in the pipeline just to
be safe."

"Also, I'm not going to go into much detail, but Cisco and I are working on a project. I don't wanna say much about it right now until we know more. But we're keeping busy, and that's what's important. We're going to try and get Caitlin to take the cure, and hopefully she'll agree to do so. We're not telling Julian about Caitlin. He's away for a conference, and we figured it was best not to make him worry, since he can't do anything for her, anyway. In a few days, we'll talk some more about the project Cisco and I are working on. We may need you guys to look after S.T.A.R. Labs for us for a bit."
Wally starred at his sister, his mouth gaping open. There was a lot more going on then he had any idea about. He just figured it would be something small. But no, it was a long list. "Wait, wait" he began "You're pregnant?" he repeated, looking from her to his dad. "Am I the last one to know?" He groaned, taking an angry bite out of his pizza. "Congrats" he grumbled. "I'd like to be included more, you know since I'm your brother."

Joe looked from Iris and then to Cisco. "Are you sure about...Killer Frost?" he began slowly. "I know she was your friend, I would just be cautious. You didn't see the scene today, that guy...was a mess." He shook his head. "Are you guys going on a trip or something? Is it really safe to leave with her...?"

Cisco cut him off. "I have temperature sensors over the whole lab. I can get them to send updates to your phones. That's how I know, the lab is perfectly safe since we left. There hasn't been any temperature fluctuation in the pipeline or anywhere else. I don't think she'll be getting out on her own. Its all we have to go on." He said quickly, tripping over his own words, trying to make it clear it was safe, that they didn't need to arrest her. "Iris and I shouldn't be gone more then an afternoon. We have to go to a different Earth for our project and when we get back...we should be able to begin."

Wally crossed his arms. "Why don't I get to do anything fun? I thought since I'm like you know, the flash now. I would get to do cool exciting things." he said frowning.

"Barry put me in charge" said Cisco shrugging.
"You're not the last to know," Iris told her brother gently. "The three of you are the only ones who do know." She nodded at his words a few moments later. "You're right. We shouldn't be keeping more secrets from each other." She glanced at Cisco and then said, "I'm going to tell them. I hope that's okay." A moment later, she took a deep breath, and then released it and continued to speak. "Cisco and I have been continuing to try and get Barry out of the Speed Force. We've been tracking down leads and getting information. The plan was for Cisco and I
to go to Earth 27."

"But I think it would be better if Wally went with you instead, Cisco." She told her friend. "If I went, I'd probably put you at more risk than normal since I'm pregnant. So, Wally should go
with you, and both of you watch each other's backs. I'll stay here with my Dad and look after Caitlin." She looked at her father and Wally. "There's another Caitlin on Earth 27, and she
was able to get a speedster out of the Speed Force. We don't know how yet, but the plan is to find her, talk to her, and then do what she did." Iris looked at her father, "Caitlin's fine in
the pipeline."

"She came here willingly and though she could have, didn't hurt either of us once she was here. As long as no one threatens her, I don't think we'll have a problem. Besides, maybe I can
keep her busy while you guys are gone. Give her something to focus on, like you mentioned before." Iris said, nodding at Cisco. "If the Caitlin part of her is still having a hand calling the
shots, I can tell her that I'm pregnant and she'll probably want to start researching with the tablet you gave her, ASAP."
Wally looked to Cisco with pleading eyes, and Cisco only sighed and shook his head. "Fine" he said slowly "but we aren't doing anything wreckless it's going to be a short trip. Talk to her and then leave. That way if something happens here, I can get you back. " Cisco looked to Iris. "If you are sure you can both handle it all alone of course, I believe in you both to do a great job."

Cisco watched her carefully and slowly nodded. It was the most logical answer to the questions and maybe letting Caitlin help Iris would be a good start. "Just be careful of her. She'll probably want blood samples and tests, just wait until we get back. Just see if she wants to just talk to you and tell you what she knows. She wants to help us I think."

Joe looked at them all solemnly. "What if this doesn't work? What if whatever the other Caitlin says isn't helpful?" He mused quietly "you can't keep trying to rescue him forever, you have more then just you to think about Iris."

"I'll keep trying until she tells me to stop" said Cisco slowly "even when she is busy with a baby, that's what friends do right?"
"We'll be fine. We can hold down the fort until you guys get back. You two just be careful. You never know what, or who you might run into when you're on another Earth. Be safe, and get back here in one piece, you two. We can handle it. Dad will be here if I need help, and I still have my gun in my purse if it comes down to it." Iris nodded at Cisco's words. "I know. Just talking. I'll wait to do anything else with Caitlin until both of you are back. She seems to respond the best to you, anyhow." The young woman looked at her father. "I would never neglect
this baby."

"But Barry's family, and I refuse to give up on him. If there's some way to get him out of there, I won't stop until I find it." Iris gave Cisco a smile at his words. "Barry would never give up on us, so I'm never going to give up on him. We will figure out how to get him out of there. I refuse to believe anything else," The young woman said stubbornly. She would never give up on Barry. She loved him too much. The brunette could also never imagine him not coming home and finding out about their baby. It might have been stupid, but she refused to let hope die.
Joe closed his eyes and nodded. His daughter was so stubborn. He shook his head. "Just don't let this consume you." He said getting up starting to out some dishes away. Cisco shifted a little bit, glancing at his phone. He hesitated. There was a change in her cell temperature. He didn't like how that looked. He also just needed to make sure she was okay. That it was contained and to make sure he wasn't just living an alternate world again.

"There's a slight temperature dip, I should get back to the lab and check it out, make sure everything is in line before we go tomorrow morning." Cisco started to get to his feet. "I'm sorry to have to leave like this, I just need to double check. Are you going to be okay if I leave?"

Wally looked between to the two of them. "I'll meet you at the lab tomorrow morning? Around 9?" The younger man asked. Cisco nodded.

Cisco touched Iris's shoulder "stay here with your family, I'll be fine. I can handle myself" he said answering her wordless question. "I won't do anything stupid." Cisco pulled on his coat, before going to his car.
"I'll be fine. Be careful, and go check on Caitlin." Iris said, nodding as she watched her friend leave. Once Cisco had left, the young woman started to pick up in the living room, too. Helping her father and Wally clean up the dinner mess. "Wally, talk to me for a minute, okay?" She reached for her brother's hand, and tugged him to sit down beside her. "You need to take this seriously, when you leave to go to Earth 27 tomorrow. Take care of yourself, and look out for Cisco, okay? Don't do anything reckless. I don't want anything to happen to either of you."

She was laying on the floor of her cell, when it opened some time later to reveal Cisco standing before her. "I think something's really wrong.." The young woman told him. "It's like my body temperature keeps going lower and lower. I'm not doing it on purpose, and the cuffs don't seem to be helping anymore." Killer Frost met his eyes. "If you have a cure, I think that I'm finally ready to try it. At least this way if something happens to me, you won't have to be here to see it. Your Caitlin wants this. She's aware of the possible consequences and has accepted the risk."

"Just one thing before you get the cure.." Killer Frost said softly. "Kiss me? If something happens, at least we'll know that we did everything that we could. And that Caitlin finally made her feelings for you known." She held out a hand, encouraging Cisco to come into the cell with her. "Will you hold me? Just for a few minutes before you go get the cure? Caitlin needs this. She needs to feel you close, before anything else happens." The young woman relaxed a few minutes later, when he entered the cell and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "Thank you," She told him, the words whispered.
Wally held out his pinky to her. "I pinky promise I won't let anything happen to him. I've seen how he can get anout her. I'll make sure we don't get into too anything we can't handle" he teased "care to watch a movie? We haven't hung out as a family in awhile?"


Cisco may have broken every speed limit on his way back to the labs. Something in his hit told him to hurry. When he reached back to the lab he ran to where the sensors we're pinging at continuing drops in temperature. The pipeline. He had expected to find her trying to escape, not broken on the floor. There was a shwen of frost on the floor and whole cell. Despite there being heaters to keep it in the high 90s. He began to forcedully punch in the code as she spoke.

" We saw this in your cells, they multiply too fast, out of control almost." He mumbled. The door swing open and he hesitated looking at her. " Are you sure? You said you didn't want to be her, that...you couldn't." He felt the cure still in the pocket of his jacket. He stood at the entrance to the cell.

He knew he shouldn't that it could be a trap. But she looked awful. The frost only getting worse. He knelt beside her, pulling her into a tight hug. He held her tightly. It was freezing he could possibly get frostbite but to be able to hold her was worth it. Cisco pulled back slightly. "I love you, I always have" he murmured pressing a kiss to her cold lips. He felt his own warm tears against her face.

"I'm.not going anywhere. You will be okay." He said, fumbling around his pocket. He held out the cure. "I kept it on me since the funeral. If you are sure..."
"Thanks Wally," Iris said and a moment later, she locked their pinkies together once, before releasing them. "A movie sounds great. Go ahead and pick out one for us to watch. I'm gonna curl up here on the couch and just relax with you guys. Oh, and get an action movie. I know you guys have to be tired of watching romance ones."

"I'm sure," She said softly, looking into Cisco's eyes. "Caitlin was always afraid of what would happen if she took the cure. That something might go wrong. But with the way that our body temperature just keeps dropping, it's too dangerous to not try. And she would rather be alive and struggling, and be with you, the person who means the most to her, than dead." Killer
Frost relaxed in Cisco's arms, when he held her close. "She's stubborn and she at least has to give it one last try. But you already know that. It's one of your favorite things about her."

"She loves you, too. She has for a long time. Caitlin was always afraid of ruining her friendship with you, if she admitted that her feelings were of a more romantic nature. She doesn't want to regret never telling you. So, it's why we kissed you earlier, and why we need you now. Let's do this.." Killer Frost said softly, continuing to hold onto Cisco with her arms around his waist. "If Caitlin doesn't make it, she wants you to keep trying, no matter what. Keep trying to help Barry, and to meet someone else. Someone who won't be afraid to love you in the way you deserve."

"Someone who sees you as the amazing person you are."
Cisco let out a sad laugh as she mentioned she was stubborn. He brushed some hair from her face. She was so cold. He ran his thumb over her cheek. "You always had someone else, I just figured I missed my chance forever in the friend zone." He said softly "too bad we wasted so much time..." Cisco looked at her a long moment.

He felt.his heart breaking with each and every word. "I don't know if I'll be able to" he whispered. "It's been hard since I watched you die once I don't know what will happen if you die again, so I will make sure that doesn't happen. This will work." Cisco shifted "this is going to be extremely painful. I don't know how long it will take but I need you to stay awake okay?"

Cisco fumbled with the lid of the injector. His fingers had gone numb. He breathed out, positioning the needle at her chest,.close to her heart to get the cure pumping. "And then I am going to take you to the med bay and tomorrow,.you'll wake up and I'll be here and...and it will be okay." His voice trembled but with a sharp push he had the needle deep into her chest.
"If this works, we won't waste anymore time.." Killer Frost said softly. She leaned into his touch as he caressed her cheek. "I can take the pain. Don't worry. Just do what needs to be done, while we still can. I'll stay awake for as long as I can," She promised him, crying out when he pushed the needle into her chest. "No matter what happens, don't let this derail your plans for tomorrow. You have to go to Earth 27, and meet with that other Caitlin so that she can help you. The only thing that matters is getting Barry out of the Speed Force, no matter how you have
to do it."

"Caitlin wants you to remember her as she was, not like this, if we don't make it. Be careful when you go to Earth 27. You need to make it back here. The other's need you, they need you to bring Barry back. It's a lot to place on your shoulder's, but you can do it. You're the smartest person we know. If you can't do it, then no one else can. We have faith in you. We trust you to
do whatever you think is best and needs to be done." Killer Frost said and then her eyes started to droop, closing, only moments before her body went limp in Cisco's arms as she passed out.
He held her tightly, making sure every bit of that cure made it into her. He gripped her close to him still. "Caitlin..." he began but he could tell from how she was looking at him, she was serious. She wanted him to go to Earth 27 and finish what he started and get Barry back. "I'll go" he promised quietly, though he would rather stay here with her, incase this was the end. But he always would respect what she wanted. Her voice trailed off and her eyes started to close. "Cait...caitlin.." he pleaded, quickly checking for a pulse. It was still there.

He took no time getting her to the med lab. A quick portal to save precious time. He went through the steps Caitlin taught him once, how to set up the monitors and an IV. He found every blanket in the lab, to try and bring her core temperature back up. When her pulse was finally steady and she wasn't freezing, he had one option.

He called Julian and coninced him to leave to come back to the lab immediately. He would be there by morning. Cisco collapsed into a chair by her bed to send a quick text to Iris.

Gave Caitlin cure. She's in critical condition. Called Julian, he's on his way back. Sleeping here

And after pressing send, he stay there, in the med bay all night long. He got some rest but not much. He tried to close his eyes and relax but had to keep checking the stats to make sure she was still alive. When morning finally came around, her core temp had gone up slightly, but not much. There wasn't anything else he could do, but got to Earth 27 with Wally.

Cisco had never been more happy to see him, then when he came speeding in with a coffee, with extra espresso.
Iris walked in a few minutes after Wally, as he zoomed into S.T.A.R. Labs. "Hey," She said softly, walked into the cortex, and went to hug Cisco. "How's Caitlin doing? What can I do
to help? I'm sorry for not getting your message last night and coming to help you. I ended up falling asleep at my desk at CCPN. But I'm here now, and I can do anything you need
or want me to do. Also, I need you tell me what I need to do for Caitlin while you're gone. I don't want to accidentally hurt her or anything like that. Did Julian say what time he'd
be back?"

"I can call in at CCPN and take the day off, stay with Caitlin and make sure that she's okay. I'll be here, keep an eye on her, and the computers. I can call my father if and when the
computers ping for meta activity or crimes. And anything else you need me to do, I'll do it. Just let me know what you need. Also, I'm assuming that Caitlin's in the med bay. Is she
tied down, for her safety and ours? I really hate asking that, but I think it's the safest option for everyone." Iris finished saying what she had to say, and then fell silent once more.

She glanced between Cisco and her brother. "Be careful, guys. We love you both, and want you both back here in one piece." She walked over to Wally, and hugged him tight against
her. "Make sure you get your butt back here. I want you able to meet your niece or nephew in a few months." She said and then kissed his cheek. After Iris said that, she released her
brother and went to hug Cisco again. "Be strong. Caitlin needs you to focus on your current task. I'll do everything that I can, to help her, when and if she needs it. We'll see you guys
when you get back."
Cisco hugged her back gently, before releasing her. He took a long drink of his coffee before speaking. "She's stable for right now. Her core temperature last night was dropping to unbelievable levels, and she couldn't control it. She was....turning into ice." he said shaking his head. "I have just been making sure to keep her warm, make sure her heart is beating, an IV. There isn't much else to be done, its just a waiting game to see if the cure even works. I sent Julian live status updates on her condition and a scan of her current blood sample. He has a plan and will get started when he arrives, which should be in an hour or so."

Cisco took another long drink of his coffee closing his eyes. He was exhausted in more ways then one, but it was times like these when he really saw how much they needed Barry back. He nodded as she listed off her plans for the day, all sounded in line. Cisco paused when she asked if she was tied down. He hadn't thought of that. Cisco shook his head. "No, she was going into cardiac arrest, I had other things on my mind then rather or not she was going to go evil again." he said softly. "I think we have some spare cuffs to just cuff her to the bed, but....she's so close to the edge of death, i don't think you will need to worry."

Wally nodded. "Of course Iris, I wouldn't want to miss anything" he said grinning. He turned to Cisco, "I am ready when you are!"

Cisco hugged Iris back gently. "I know Iris, it was her dying wish that I get Barry back" he murmured "We will be back as soon as we can." Cisco pulled on his goggles. "You ready Wally?"

Wally was still grinning "Hell yes!"

Cisco only laughed, and opened and portal to Earth 27 and they hopped through. Earth 27, looked just like their Earth and it had more flying cars. All of their tech was a few years ahead. It was like stepping into a sci fi movie. Cisco really didn't have it in him to be excited. That didn't stop Wally. Cisco pulled out a slip of paper. "This is the address of the lab of the other Caitlin, come on. It gets weird if you run into yourself. We don't want to stay to long."
Once Cisco and Wally had left, Iris grabbed a chair and a book and brought them into the med bay and sat down beside Caitlin. She set her book down a moment later, and then walked over to the bed, checking the blankets and her friend's temperature. Making sure to cover the other woman, and keep her warm. At one point she even called her father and asked him to pick up
a heating pad for Caitlin and bring it over to S.T.A.R. Labs on his lunch break. Once he had done that, she thanked him and then carefully set up the heading pad on the other woman, hoping it would help.

Once she had checked Caitlin's temperature and other vitals and saw that they were holding steady, she took a seat in her chair, and motioned for her father to bring in another chair so they could have lunch together. "You don't have to worry about me, I'm okay. I'm more worried about Caitlin, Barry, Wally, and Cisco.." She admitted to him. "Cisco told me what had happened last night, and I just wish we could help her somehow. I'm doing what Cisco said to do, and Julian's due back any time now. He called earlier to say that his flight was grounded for bad weather, and the next one would leave in another two hours."

"So, it's just been the two of us for a few hours. Her temperature dropped a few times, but that was only when I turned off the labs heaters for a few minutes because I was sweating like crazy. I don't know how long this cure is going to take to work, or if it even will. Cisco had set it up so that Caitlin has one of those bags with food in it. I just have to change out the bag
every few hours. I make sure to do it every 4 hours, just to be safe. She hasn't regained consciousness yet. Her temperature right now is steady and has been for a little over an hour."

As they talked, Iris dug into her lunch, which was baked fish, some fruit and veggies, and a bottle of water to go along with it. "I really hope that Cisco and Wally are having better luck than we are.." She admitted softly, worried about everyone.
Joe looked to his daughter and sighed. He pushed his own food around. "Things have a way of working themselves out here. And maybe all of this will teach us some patience. We've gotten used to things moving so quickly that waiting for something like this, is agony" he mused shaking his head. "The boys can take care of themselves, they haven't gotten themselves into trouble they couldn't get out of before." He squeezed her arm. "It will be okay, just do all you can and I'll do all I can and we always make it out okay."


It took longer then Cisco expected for them to find the lab, even with Wally's speed. They had to go a few cities over, the address he had found wasn't as specific as he would have liked it to be. Apparently, the lab had multiple factions and Caitlin in this world, didn't like visitors. At least that's what he learned from some lab tech who couldn't stop grinning when they asked where to find her. That gave Cisco something to worry about, whenever someone in an alternate world laughed like that, especially one that new about the multiverse. Good things never followed.

Wally was at least having a good time. And Cisco did have to admit it would have taken longer without him. So they stood there, inside of her lab. They kinda broke in. Wally shifting back and forth. "So what are you going to say to her?" he asked slowly. "I mean if she's here. We don't even know if she's working today.." Wally looked around the lab, it was pretty empty. It was growing later. "No one is here the place is dead. maybe we should try tomorrow."

Cisco shook his head. "No, she's here." he said firmly. "I can feel it, okay?" Wally shrugged, taking a minute to scan the walls.

"Cisco you really might want to---" he began pointing to a picture, and that's when they heard footsteps and a voice. A very familiar voice coming up the hallway.

"Yes I know, but its on the way to the charity gala, I don't see why you are putting so much a problem about picking me up here...." She was on the phone it seemed.

Cisco grabbed Wally. He thought for a moment, that they could hide and maybe they should have just stolen the research like he originally thought, but it was a little too late for that now. He did though pull Wally to the side, so they didn't seem so conspicuous. No reason to scare he, what if she had powers and killed them. They could hear her fumbling with keys before the door unlocked. They both watched as she put her things down. Cisco was afraid to breath. She looked just like the old Caitlin, a little older maybe but still her.

Wally leaned over. "Is this Caitlin...does...does she look pregnant?" he mumbled
"You're right," Iris said softly, and she smiled at her father. "At least Caitlin's vitals are seeming to stabilize, so that's a plus. I just hope that they continue to stay this way. I know a little bit of what to do to help her, but if something drastic happens, I won't know what to do. Julian's still two hours away." She took a few calming breaths in and out, and then laughed softly, sadly. "I keep thinking that Caitlin would know what to do, and then I remember that Caitlin's the one who needs our help. Cisco and I are going to take turns looking after her, if she's not better when he and Wally get back."

She got up from her chair once she had finished her lunch, and tossed it in the trash. Then the young woman walked over to her father and hugged him tightly. "I know that I probably don't say it enough, but thank you for always being there for me and Barry. Seeing Caitlin here without either of her parents makes me sad, and it makes me even more grateful to have such an amazing Dad." Iris kissed his cheek and then moved back to sit down once more. She started to flip through some of the notes she had taken on the Speed Force. "Barry's going to need us more than ever when he gets back."
Ciso looked bsck over to other Caitlin and Wally wasn't wrong. She was stnading by the comouter in a nice dress with her lab coat on. And there was clearly a bump. Cisco knew that meant that maybe for once this Caitlin had a good life with Ronnie. That was when Wally bumped into a table causing rattling.

"If you were already so close to the lab why make such a big deal--" she turned around, and looked over them both as they came out from their hiding spaces. Other Caitlin frowned. "You are not my Cisco. He would rather die then wear that shirt." Other Caitlin moved to her desk. She shuffled some papers around. "And usually only dedicated doppelgangers fine me, which means you need info on the speedforce"

Cisco shifted and took a couole steps to whwre she stood. This was so strange. But on this Earth they knew each other. That was comforting. "We heard the rumors about the speedster you pulled from the speedforce and we have a similar situations​l" he began trying to not stare at her. He kept distance between them, not wsnting to tempt himself. She looked amazing. Her face seemed so bright. So much joy in her eyes.

Caitlin sighed. "I am going to tell you now, no one likes the answer i give them" she said sternly "its far more conplicated then that. " She shook her head. "Have a seat" she said waving her hand around to the open chairs. "Ill get a flash drive going dor you to take with you and he will be here soon and it always comes better from him."

That was when there wss a familar woosh of air and other Caitlin had her hand firmly pressed over a stack of papers as she worked at the computer.

"Caity, look, i am sorry i am a bit later, i just got caight up at the hospital and-" Caitlin motioned for him to turn around.

And thats when Cisco looked into his own face. More put together and clean cut, but Cisco wad definately looking into the alternate version of jimself as a speedster.This day was going to be confusing.

Wally jumped up "holy shit!" He shouted first jumping to his feet.
Iris was half asleep in her chair beside Caitlin's bed that night, when she got the feeling of eyes on her. She woke up, opened her eyes and glanced at her friend, a small smile formed on
her lips as she saw that Caitlin was awake once more. "Hey Caitlin, how do you feel?" She asked the other woman, getting up from her chair and moving to stand next to her friend's bed. "Your temperature's looking more normal and has been holding steady for a few hours now. The platinum hair's gone, and your brown hair's back. You're starting to look like yourself once more."

"Is there anything I can do for you? Are you hungry for some real food, and not that junk from a bag on the side of your bed?" The expression on her face was a hopeful one. This could only mean one thing: That the cure had worked. The sound of footsteps had Iris turning to the door and she saw Julian walk in. "Julian, I'm glad you're here. Caitlin's awake. Can you examine her and tell us how she's doing? You know more about this than I do.." She said, stepping back so that he could stand beside Caitlin's bed. "Her body temperature dropped twice this morning after Cisco called you."

"But since shortly after 1pm, it's been in the normal body temperature ranges with no problems."
Julian finally made it to the lab and walked over to Iris. He was smiling at seeing how quickly Caitlin had turned back. "My plane for sutck, some kind of tornado warning." He began quickly. He listens carefully as Iris updated him on her condition. He began looking for her charts. "I'm going to take a blood sample and do some quick tests and we can see where we go from here. I have a second dose if this one doesn't hold." He touched Caitlin's arm. His eyes were soft. "It's good to see you again Caitlin." He kissed the top of her head before going to run tests.
The other Cisco turned to Caitlin. "Why didn't you tell me it was my doppelganger this time?" he asked frowning. She shrugged and held out her hand. He pulled a bill of some kind and she put the money into her lab coat. "They are here about a the speed force?"

"They don't just come to visit. They only want to know about the worst day of our lives" she replied, they met gazes for a long time. They seemed to be having a silent conversation. She shook her head. "I figured it would be easier if you just told them what happened to you in the speed force first, before I dash all of their hopes."

Other Cisco nodded. "Alright," he took a seat at the table across from Cisco and Wally. "What would be helpful for you to know?"

Cisco shifted a little bit uncomfortably. First Caitlin and now this. He had a sinking feeling this was exactly what Killer Frost spoke about. He was getting to see a different version of himself, one that was honestly kind of tempting. He had so many questions about the pair of them, that he completely was loosing focus on why he was there in the first place.

Wally broke the tense silence. "What's it like, being trapped in there?" he asked slowly "My future brother in law is trapped, for a few months now, his best friend. I just want to know he's okay. I know my sister would want to know that too."

Other Cisco shrugged. "I had a good time" he replied wistfully. "You....you get to see any part of your timeline you want, be with any loved ones you missed. Its like a recording you get to watch and then repeat over and over. It's nice. Its not, some kind of hell. If he went willingly that is." Other Cisco looked at both of them. "The speed force trains you and your whole soul for the most part feels at peace. It's not like you are missing anything, and you can feel all the other speedsters in the multiverse and its....trippy to say the least."

Caitlin came back to them and pushed a flash drive across the table. "You can't open a portal to the speed force, but you knew that. You can sense the speed force. I used someone's powers like your own to find the right frequency like a radio, to send a message." she said shrugging. "It was a last ditch effort, it was all I had left that I could do."

Cisco breathed in "Wait, what do you mean?" he asked slowly. His hands became tense fists. He reached out and took the flash drive putting it in his pocket.

"The rumors are a lie" she said bluntly. "I didn't pull him out. He did that on his own."

A heavy silence fell over them all. Other Cisco was the first to break it, placing a hand over Caitlin's. "Don't sell yourself short. She sent me a message that pulled me back. It was like this....beacon but that sounds cheesy to say. It was like I was suddenly reminded that something was missing and it wasn't right." he said slowly. "I had to come back and the speed force couldn't stop me. It's not like everyday a genius scientist send you a message demanding you come back because she needs you."

"He came back 6 months after I sent the first message." she said softly. "That was two years ago."

Wally sighed, looking to Cisco. That was not what they wanted to hear. They wanted an easy solution, an easy tool. Not just to wait for him to come back. And from how Caitlin spoke, no one else who came to visit ever liked the answer that came from asking the question.

"I included the plans for the device." she said slowly. "If he has someone very close to him it may work. We used everyone on our team to send a message, mine was the only one that ever made it."

"I like to say it's because our souls would always find each other" teased other Cisco, but Caitlin ignored him looking to Cisco.

Cisco got to his feet then. "We should get going." He began "our speedster situation is a little time sensitive." He motioning to Wally to stand. They both stood. "Thank you for the information."

Other Caitlin frowned. "Oh I was hoping to get more info about your earth...come back alright? That way I can add you to my research." She offered holding out her hand. "It was good to meet you." He shook it. Cisco took a deep breath. He could stay here with her. It wouldn't be hard. As if reading his mind, she spoke.."I'm sorry about your Caitlin, but I am not her I just look like her."

He nodded. "Yea, I'm sorry this is...so freaky." Cisco breathed out pulling back his hand "when things calm down I can come back and give you research. Come on Wally." Wally nodded and they moved out of the room. That's when Cisco noticed the wedding photo on the wall, that Wally tried to point out. And that broke Cisco's heart they needed to get back home now. Save Barry and check on their Caitlin.

He opened and portal and they were back in STAR Labs.
Caitlin smiled at the sight of Julian. "It's good to have you back," She said softly. The young woman nodded when he mentioned taking a blood sample and running some tests on her. "That's fine, do what you need to do. Just hang onto the second dose, please. Just in case." Her smile widened a bit when he touched her arm. "I'm glad to be back," The young woman said when he kissed the top of her head. The smile left her lips a moment later, and she reached out for one of his hands and squeezed it. She glanced over at Iris. "Can Julian and I have the room for a bit?"

Once the other woman had nodded and said that she was going to go check on her father at work, it was just the two of them in the lab. "Julian, I'm sorry. I hate that what I have to say is going to hurt you. We've been close these last few months ever since you joined the team, and I'm scared of wrecking that. But you deserve to know the truth. We were friends before it turned into something more, and as your friend, I owe you the truth. I'm sorry about everything that's happened in the last few months. I'm sorry for the situation I put you in, and the
pain and worry I put you through."

"I haven't been entirely honest with you, and that's not fair to you. I'm sorry, but my feelings for you are just of a friend nature. I'm been running from my feelings for someone else for so long, that it's almost second nature to me. I've never been good at emotional stuff, and it took nearly dying for me to finally be truthful with myself about my feelings for you, and for this other person. I'm sorry, and I hope that you can forgive me someday. I want you to find another woman, one who will make you happy, and one who will deserve someone wonderful like you."

"I know you don't want to hear this, but since I'm giving you the truth, I'm giving you all of it. I'm in love with Cisco. I have been for years. I never acted on my feeling because I was scared of messing things up between not just us, but the whole team, if it didn't work out. But after nearly dying, I realized that I shouldn't waste time hiding my feelings anymore. I'm sorry if this hurts you, and I hope that you can understand.." Her words trailed off at a weird sound, and then Iris, who had apparently just returned from the CCPD, coming to tell them that Wally and Cisco were back.
Julian frowned at her comment of wanting to be alone. He stood by her bed brows slightly furrowed. He knew how these conversation would end. "Caitlin look, if you need space I can give you that but we don't have to do this right now can't we just be happy together like we were before?" She kept talking and he pulled back from her as she mentioned loving someone else.

Julian frowned deepwr but stayed silent as she continued and then he heard it. She was in love with Cisco and had been for awhile. He had guess as much.."you were always so much more open with him and so much closer I could never compete with him. I tried asking him once about you and I knew he was I. Love with you I just didn't think you'd want someone like him,.so.....child like" he shook his head. His hands in fists. "I'll make sure you get back to full health and then I am gone. I was doing it because I love you, now they won't really need me if they have you."

Julian stalked passed Iris, going into the lab. He and Cisco passed in the hallway and Cisco was about to ask how Caitlin was, when Julian punched him on the face.

Wally jumped between "what the hell!?" He snapped

Cisco rubbed his cheek. Julian shook his head "she's awake." He said continuing to the lab. And that was when Cisco ran.
"Are you okay?" Caitlin asked, as soon as Cisco entered the medical bay. "I'm sorry that Julian punched you. I could hear it from in here." She motioned for Iris to remove the handcuffs that bound her to the bed. "We don't need those anymore." Once the handcuffs were gone, she watched as Iris took Wally and the two of them left. Once that had happened, the brunette turned back to Cisco and reached out a hand for his. "I'm still a little weak, but will you stay with me? Please?" The young woman carefully moved over on the bed to make room for him to join her.

"Or maybe, we could go to your place, and relax there?" She suggested, thinking that Cisco would feel more comfortable at his own home. "I just don't want to be away from you. Even for a little while. I was so scared that I was going to die, and not be able to be with you. I don't want to waste anymore time, with us not being together.. If that's what you want? If it's not what you want, that's okay. I just had to let you know how I feel." Her hand wrapped around one of Cisco's and squeezed it, as she held it. "Maybe we can curl up on your couch with your favorite movie?"

"We can both use a laugh after all of the drama and worry of the last few days." Caitlin slowly got up from the bed a few moments later. She was still pretty weak from everything that had been going on the last few months, but she refused to stay at the labs, when she could be spending time with the man she loved. "I hope you don't mind that I invited myself over to your place."
Cisco couldnt stop looking at her. His eyes trained solely on her figure. She looked like herself, mostly brown hair, and she wasn't nearly as pale as when he last saw her. His heart pounded in his ears. "It's fine." he murmured. "that's not really what is important in this moment. I probably deserved it." Cisco made it to her side and instantly took her offered hand. He would talk to Iris later, and he could tell from how easily she left them be, she understood. "I'm not going anywhere" he mused, gently settling himself into the free space. He didn't want to be apart from her, because what if this was a dream.

Cisco raised an eyebrow as she mentioned going to his place. She was talking so quickly. So very Caitlin. "Hey, hey its okay. You're not dead, like I promised." he said slowly. His heart beat quickened. "So...all of the stuff that happened...you want that?" he breathed out quietly. "Cait, if you need time to process and heal and figure out what you want I'll understand. Or if Killer Frost was just using me I will understand." He squeezed her hand back. "Just as long as I have my friend back, I can...put what I want aside."

Cisco's eye went wide as she started to get up. He got up from the bed, ready to steady her if she needed help. "Caitlin, as a doctor, you know you really should stay here so we can monitor you and how your cells handle the cure. What if you relapse?" he began, his eyes filled with worry. "There's no reason to push yourself. I can stay here with you."

He reached out and put a hand on her arm carefully. "You are really behind on walking dead and game of thrones. I have to catch you up." he said, with a small smile. "I'm glad...you're back. I don't know if I can express that enough."
"I'm sure you didn't deserve to be punched. Julian was emotional, and angry at me, and he took it out on you. And I'm sorry for that. As for going to your place, I mentioned it because it would be more comfortable than the beds here in the medical bay. And I figured that you would be more at ease, at your own house." Caitlin smiled as she watched him settle down into
the free space beside her. "Yeah, I know. You've never broken a promise to me, and I didn't expect you to start now." She paused for a moment and then reached out to cup his face with
her hands.

"What I want is you, in whatever way you're comfortable with. She wasn't using you. And yes, I will need some time to figure other things out, but what I don't need to figure out is what
I feel for you, because I've already known for a long time. I was just too scared to act on it. We were friends first, and then I fell in love with Ronnie, and once he died, I didn't think that
I could love anyone after him. But that's not true. I was broken and you put me back together. You've always been a special person. Now I just hope that we want the same things."

"Monitor me at your house, okay? I want us to be somewhere comfortable, and I always get a warm feeling inside of me when I'm with you, or at your place. Please? I promise to take it
easy once we get to your place." She laughed when Cisco mentioned that she was behind on The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. "Well, that's all the more reason for us to go to your place. I'm sure you've saved all of the episodes on your DVR for me. You were always good about doing that for me." After she spoke, Caitlin leaned forward and kissed his lips gently.

"I'm glad to be back," She whispered, once the kiss had ended.
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