RP: The Flash: All I Need Is You (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Cisco chuckled a little bit. Some of that should have supposed him but it seemed so utterly Caitlin, it didn't. It was safer to keep a statsh of the cure here anyways. "I could get used to that." He replied softly. Cisco released her hand allowing her to leave the room. He pulled himself into a sitting position as she handed him a glass of water and more pills.

"I have taken far more then the recommended dose before, I haven't died yet," he mused, taking the pills from her. He took them one at a time, and finishing the glass of water. Cisco gently pulled her to sit with him. He sat her between his legs, leaning back against his chest. "I never expect you to be the one who is good at it. That's my job." He murmured. "I appreciate you trying though, I like to know what's going on it your head. I'm going to be okay." He pressed a kiss into the top of her head and held her close. He interlocked their fingers, holding them tightly.

Some people might consider what they had moving a bit to fast. But it wasn't that they moved fast, it was already there. It was like they had gone on thousands of dates before this. They had done all the couplely activities without ever labeling it as such. That's why it came so naturally the first time he told her he loved her and how it hadn't felt rushed. Because he always had, it was just admitting it to themselves.

They stayed embraced like that for while, until Caitlin insisted on getting up to make dinner. He followed her into the other rooms, settling on the couch and starting their shows where they left off as background noise. He was following the doctors orders and relaxing or at least trying to.
"How's it going out there?" Caitlin called out to Cisco. Feeling like it was too quiet. "How's your headache, and how's your hands?" She asked as she moved easily around the kitchen, making dinner and just humming under her breath. It was the first time in a long time, but she was feeling optimistic about the future, and didn't need a psychic or a speedster to tell her that things were going to be okay. The brunette could feel it in her bones. Things were bleak right now, sure. But something inside of the brunette told her that it wouldn't be this way for long. That life wouldn't always be this sad for them.

Even with knowing what Cisco had vibed of Iris and Barry, it didn't dampen the new sense of hope that had settled inside of her. She refused to believe that they weren't going to get their friend back. It was just a matter of time. Cisco was brilliant, and so was she. Between the two of them, they would figure something out. And together with the rest of the team, they would bring their friend back home where he belonged. Once the food had been cooked, she served it up, and carefully carried out the plates of food, and a drink for each of them, joining Cisco on the couch a few minutes later.
Cisco looked up when Caitlin called to him asking how he was. "The headache is less intense, which is just a normal state of being." he answered, before taking the time to inspect his hands. They weren't hurting from the earlier wounds or vibrating. "Hands are fine" he replied. "How are you? Temperature normal?" Cisco looked back to the T.V. Trying to relax for a week was going to be difficult. "Can't I bring some of the stuff here from the lab and keep working?"

He took the plates from her setting them on the small coffee table. It smelled pretty good. Caitlin had always been a good cook and it was a treat when any of them had time to even think about making something. "Thank you for making dinner" he replied, kissing her cheek lightly before digging in. "But really, Cait, come on. I could make so much progress in a week if I kept tinkering with the device. We are so close. I won't use my powers. How about that?"

He frowned, pushing his food around. "A whole week without the lab will be so boring" he grumbled. "What will we even do?"
"I have a few ideas on how to keep you busy," Caitlin said, and a sly smirk came over her lips. She chuckled and then tore the action off. "Normal state of being, does not mean that you are okay. It just means that you have accepted the headaches as a normal part of life, which you should not have to. I am glad that your hands are okay." The brunette made a face when he asked about her. "We are not talking about me. We are talking about you. But if it will help you to relax, then you should know that I am okay. My temperature is staying steady at the new normal rate, as long as I keep taking the doses of the cure that I need, twice daily."

"You're welcome for dinner. I'm glad to do it, especially if it helps you relax a little. As for the labs. You're overworking yourself," Caitlin said softly, seriously. "I know that you're worried about Barry, and Iris. We all are. But pushing yourself until you get sick or worse, isn't going to help anyone. That just means you'll have some kind of break down and it'll take even longer for you to get better, start working again, and get Barry out." She sighed softly, fighting with herself over giving in to what Cisco wanted. Finally, the brunette knew that he wasn't going to let up.

"Okay. Here's what's going to happen. You will have a limited work day from now on, until the Speed Force project is finished. You will only be allowed to work for 5 hours a day, with the exception of if you get sick or have headaches. And if you lie to me about your pain, I will find out. And I will call the whole thing off and put you under house arrest again. I don't like the
idea of you being unhappy from being away from the labs. But I hate the idea of something happening from you pushing yourself too hard." Caitlin took one of Cisco's hands into hers. "I already lost two people that I loved. My father and Ronnie, and I can't lose you, too."
Cisco eyed her carefully. "Caitlin, you know the lab is the one thing that's kept me sane through all of this shit we call life." he argued "And I know what I've been doing isn't healthy, why else would I lie about it? But that's how I've been managing since you left. Work just helps me." He could see her resolve wavering as he spoke. "And I have no doubt whatever you have planned would keep me busy but I need to be at the lab." His eyes brightened when she finally caved to his wishes. "Thank you Caitlin." he said grinning, the smile faltered at her conditions of his release. But he nodded and listened thoughtfully. "Seems...fair" he said slowly.

He squeezed her hand back gently, "You won't loose me" he said softly. "I made a promise, and when I make a promise I keep that promise." Cisco leaned in and kissed her ever so lightly, resting his forehead against hers. "I won't push myself so hard. I'll tell you when I experience the skull crushing headaches. I just got used to you not being here to take care of the doctor things, I stopped telling anyone about it. While you were gone....I constantly overworked myself. That was just the way of life then, I haven't been able to get used to not having to constantly keep working to keep from missing you. I...don't want to make you worry about me."

Cisco took a long deep breath, closing his eyes. He pulled back from her. "Let's finish dinner before it gets cold and you can tell more about how you intended to keep me busy for every hour outside the five i am allowed to work." he said smiling, trying to lighten the mood again. He listened to her talk, smiling softly and eating the dinner. He felt the dull pain slowly returning, pressing into the back of his head. "Would you mind seeing if you can give me something stronger for the headaches, this one is already starting up again."
"You do realize that I'm going to need to do x-rays and cat scans on you, right? The headaches that you've been having are seeming to only get worse. And if they keep getting worse, it might get so bad that you can't function. So, we need to have you looked at, and figure out the best options for you, going forward." She got up a few moments later and got some other meds out of the bathroom cabinet, pouring two into her hand, then closing and saving the bottle. The brunette left the bathroom and got Cisco some water, bringing the pills and water, and handing them to him. "Hopefully this will help. They're a bit stronger than what you've been taking."

Caitlin resumed her seat beside him, and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling the blanket on the back of the couch, over their bodies. "The lifted ban starts tomorrow afternoon. So for tonight, and tomorrow morning, you're staying here with me where I can keep an eye on you. There's no point in arguing. You're going to rest until I can't force you to stay anymore." Once they had finished eating, she cleaned up and then took his hand, and led him to the bedroom, where they laid down together. A few moments later, the brunette placed her hands on Cisco's head, and started rubbing the fingers of both of her hands against his temples.
He sighed and nodded "probably an MRI too. I mean I haven't started having those awful bloody noses again. It's only this bad since trying to reach the speed force. And now I know where it is, I keep reaching for it, whether I mean to or not." He took the medication, swallowing it down quickly."I wasn't taking all of the perscribed medications you gave me when you left. I was running low and no way to get more. It could be that too."

He finished the food and all the water she insisted he drink. Cisco knew better then to argue more with her. He leaned into her as they ate, using one hand to still touch her. He kpet lightly stroking her leg. He needed this to just feel close to her and apart from the rest of his duties. "I can handle that much time without work" he said softly just as long as I have you." He kissed the top of her forehead. He smiled when she decided to pull them to the bed room. He wasn't expecting her hands to begin massaging his temples. Her cold fingers soothing the throbbing heat in his forehead.

Cisco let out a soft sigh closing his eyes, letting himself relax. He just needed this. The pain was still present but eased by the simple gesture. It didn't dawn on him until it had faded mostly how much it had been weighing and pushing down on him. "Thank you" he murmured "that actually helped alot." His mind felt clearer, less worlds trying to break into his mind. For a few moments no speed force trying to crush him. He sat up slightly to kiss her deeply.
"You're welcome," Caitlin said softly, and then she kissed him back. After the kiss ended, she gently pushed him back down on the bed. Once they were in their previous positions once more, she placed her hands back on each side of his head and resumed rubbing his temples. "I think you're due for some more sleep. How about if I wake you up in about three hours and we watch a movie before we go to sleep for the night? Or maybe we can do something else that I have in mind. Something fun," The brunette said, and a few moments later, she started to kiss Cisco's neck.

Her hands remained at his temples, still massaging and rubbing, trying to soothe and relax him. The young woman's lips continued to move over his neck as she kept kissing him. "Maybe you need a little more attention to help you relax," The young woman said, and she moved her hands from his head and down his body, one of her hands moving between Cisco's legs to stroke him. "I know that we haven't done this yet, but maybe it's time for us to put our fears aside, and trust each other enough to get this close to each other.." She said to him softly, nervously.
Cisco liked the feeling o her pushing him and down and the feeling of her fingers continuing to rub his temples. Cisco shrugged. He wasn't feeling particularly enthused at the idea of another nap, but a movie with her sounded nice. His breathing hitched feeling her lips on his throat. He was a bit lost for words as she continued. "Caitlin...." He said hoarsely, meeting her gaze breifly. Sure they had made out heavily, sure things usually got pretty heated. The addrenalin from her almost dying fueled lots of almost, but both of them would stop. It was like the finallity of crossing that line, the one they couldn't turn back from.

His heart was pounding and Caitlin had his fullattention..the feeling of her hand trailing down his chest set him on fire. He let out a soft moan feeling her caress him through his jeans. "Cait...are you sure?" He asked finally. "I know you wanted to wait. I-I....you don't have to do this if you feel obligated too." He managed the words with great difficulty. Her hands and lips were very distracting.

He moved a hand to her face to bring her eyes to meet his. He gently caressed her cheek. "You don't need to be nervous with me. I've always wanted this. You. But I can wait." He said confidently "only if you really want to"
"I love you, and I want you." Caitlin said softly. She relaxed her cheek into his hand that caressed her skin. "I trust you. And I don't feel obligated. I want this," The brunette told him. "And I'm not nervous because of you. I'm nervous because it's been a long time. Jay and I, we didn't go too far with things. And the same thing with Julian. Even though I cared deeply for them,
I could never make myself go past making out with them. But I don't feel scared now, like I did with them. I've known you for a long time, and I trust you with my life, and my heart. And
now my body.."

"Condoms?" She asked him, and resumed kissing his lips and neck. They were still figuring things out with each other. And sure, they had moved in together, and were together, but there was still a lot they had to work out, and a surprise pregnancy was something they were not ready for. Iris' own surprise pregnancy was enough of a surprise for them all for the time being. Not that Caitlin didn't want to have a family. She did want a family. She just wanted to make sure things worked out before they went that road. The young woman was trying to keep from putting the two of them and a possible child in a possible bad situation in the future.
Cisco let out a soft, nervous laugh of his own. "Trust me, you aren't the only one experiencing a little bit of a dry spell. Pining after a girl, who had become a super villian, kind of puts a hamper on trying to get laid." he said shaking his head. He leaned up a kissed her deeply. "We'll figure it out together okay? No pressure, no rush." He smiled a soft smile. "I wouldn't ever hurt you." He winked at her. Cisco shifted slightly out from under her and rummage through his beside table. He pulled out a condom, and checked the expiration date. He did not want to have a child brought into this mess that was their lives right now. He wasn't even sure if Caitlin would want that. If she would ever get married again. Cisco finally found the date. "They are still good." He replied, showing it to her.

Once Caitlin was satisfied with the protection, Cisco began to return the favor, lightly kissing her neck to see what she liked and figure her out. This was going to be a lot of trial and error on both ends and he was kind of excited about that. He had plenty of dreams about this moment and to actually be to this moment, he was ecstatic. He just wanted to prove to her how much he cared for her and just really understand what made her tick. He trailed kisses down her neck, taking time to suck and bite some of the soft flesh, letting his hands roam her back, his fingers itching to pull up the fabric and touch her skin. But he waited for her to give the cue it was alright and she was enjoying herself and was still sure.
Caitlin moaned softly as Cisco kissed her neck, sucking and biting on the flesh there. She nodded her head, once she felt his hands on her back, near the bottom of her shirt. "Go ahead," The brunette said, giving him permission to start removing her clothing. She ran the fingers of one of her hands through his long hair, and used her other hand, to gently grip his chin, and bring their lips together into a sweet kiss. Once their lips were locked, she used the hand that had just gripped his chin, and gently felt his forehead, still checking on him to make sure his fever wasn't coming back.

The young woman pulled back from the kiss and dropped her hand that had felt his forehead, to her side. "How are you feeling? I'm going to ask that a lot, just so you know." A small smile was on her lips and she moved her other hand that had been in his hair, releasing it, and bringing it to his waist, where her first hand now was. "I'm really liking the idea of less clothes right now. How about you?" Caitlin whispered, as she started to slip her hands under the bottom of Cisco's shirt and caress his skin with her hands. "I can't wait to see, touch, and kiss the rest of your body.." She said and smiled at him.
The moment she gave him permission to start pulling off her clothing, his hands already were at the hem of her shirt and pushed it up. His hands gong to touch her newly revealed skin. He kissed her back when she pulled his lips back to hers. He frowned into the kiss feeling her hand checking his temperature. He laughed as she asked how he was feeling. "I'm doing fine" he replied. "I just want you" He murmured. Cisco smirked as she slid her hands under his shirt. He shifted slightly to get a better grip and pulled off said shirt. He then moved to remove hers the rest of the way. That was the best part of all this, feeling her skin against his.

Cisco kissed her again, deep and passionate. Cisco shifted them slightly, trying to better get on top of her and more access to her own skin. She was a little cool to the touch, but nothing unbearable. "Are you feeling okay?" he asked in a soft whisper into her ear. He gently nibbled her ear lobe, before continuing to trail kisses down her neck. He smiled feeling her heart beat racing. "We can stop at anytime you feel uncomfortable" he reminded, looking up at her, his fingers trailing down her skin, lightly over her breasts. His eyes still locked on hers, prepared to stop if she said the word. His touches were gentle and light, clearly exploring her body, enjoying the newly exsposed skin he never got to see.
"Good," She said when Cisco said that he was feeling fine. "I want you to tell me if that changes." A smile came over her lips at his next words. The brunette enjoyed the feeling of his hands on her skin, once they had slipped under her shirt. Her hands eagerly started to trace over his chest, once he had removed his own shirt, and then hers. The young woman was happy to kiss Cisco back when he kissed her this time. When he shifted them slightly, she laid back in the bed, letting him move his body over hers. "I'm great, promise." She said and gave him a genuine smile.

More moans left her lips when Cisco nibbled on her ear lobe, and then resumed kissing her neck. Her heart was racing, beating quickly against her chest. "I don't want to stop," Caitlin assured him. "I'm okay with what we're doing." The brunette smiled as he traced his fingers over her breasts. Their eyes were locked together, and she enjoyed how light and gentle his touches were on her body. "You can take off the rest of my clothes," She said and then took both of his hands, placing them on her breasts, which were still covered by her bra. "I don't want to stop this."
Cisco smirked a little as she breathlessly insisted for him to continue and to take off her clothing. "I'm getting to that. I just like to take my time the first time, really get to know your body. Just in case..." He didn't finish the thought. That would ruin this moment. He smiled as she placed his hands over her breasts and he took the cuem he began to massage them through the fabric feeling the soft skin. He slipped a finger between the fabric to lightly brush over her nipple before trailing kisses down between them.

He moved on hand behind her, reaching for the clasp of the bra. It took two tries but soon her had the contraption undone and was pulling the offending fabric off of her. He was able to continue his ministrations. Trailing kisses between the milky white skin now revealed. "Your beautiful" he said softly, kissing her breasts over and over before letting his tongue swirl over his nipple his other hand still caressing the other.
Caitlin moaned louder when Cisco started to massage her breasts. Her head fell back when he slipped a finger under the fabric of her bra and brushed it over her nipple, followed by trailing kissing between her breasts. Her fingers tangled in his hair and she enjoyed it, which was a first for her, since she had never been a fan of men with long hair before. But it worked for Cisco. He didn't look like a shaggy dog that needed a haircut. It just worked, just like his interesting choice in clothing did. The brunette lifted her body a little, so that he could have better access
to her bra.

After a few tries, he removed her bra and tossed it aside, and she was glad. The feeling of his kisses between her breasts and then on them, had her sighing, and gripping his back, as both
of her hands moved to touch his skin. As soon as Cisco's tongue swirled around her nipple, Caitlin clutched his head against her breast with one hand, encouraging his attention on it. "That feels wonderful.." The brunette whispered, the fingers of her other hand tracing little nonsense patterns and symbols all over his back. This went on for a few minutes, before she slid her hands down his body and started working on the zipper to his pants.
Cisco could listen to all the little sounds she made forever. The moans and soft whimpers. She wasn't loud, and still a little reserved but it was perfect. He continued to lavish her chest with attention until Cisco felt her fingers drift lower. His own breath hitching feels her hands on his zipper, where his cock was already straining against the fabric. He moved back up to her and kissed her deeply again, pressing his lips hard against hers.

Cisco let his own hands drift lower, letting his finger tips tail over the exposed skin just above her own oants. He ghostses his fingers over her hip bones before finding her own zipper and getting her pants un done. Cisco paused looking back into her eyes for a long moment. "I'm still okay. Are you still okay?" He asked carefully. His hands positioned to push her pants off given the okay, but like her, he was concerned about her safety and comfort above all else.
"You don't need to keep asking," Caitlin said softly. "I'll tell you if I need to stop," She said and kissed his lips. "The same goes for you. Tell me if you start feeling bad, or just aren't ready to continue." The brunette heard Cisco's sharp intake of breath as her hands works on his zipper, and she could clearly feel his cock straining against the fabric. The young woman was enjoying the effect she had on him. A whimper of pleasure left her lips when he kissed her again, the force of the kiss a little rough this time. She felt his hands move lower down her body and a few moments later, they caressed her hip bones.

"Take off my pants," Caitlin said, as she unzipped his pants, and eagerly started to pull them down his legs. It only took her a moment to get his pants off, and then she made short work of Cisco's boxers, too. Chuckling a little when she saw the Scooby Doo boxers. "Your secret's safe with me," She teased and once she had his boxers off, tossed them aside as well. The brunette took in the sight of him fully naked before her, for the first time ever, and wasted no time. She slipped her hand between his legs once more, and resumed stroking his cock. This time flesh against flesh.
Cisco didn't need to be told twice to pull her pants down. It took a bit of maneuvering to finally slide the jeans off. He couldn't help but smile at her very practical underwear choice and how simple it was. He took those off too, figuring from how swiftly Caitlin disrobed him, that was what she wanted. He took this time to let his eyes pour over her body. Her smooth skin, how it all just fit in the right places. Just how beautiful she really was. Cisco was shaken from his thoughts feeling her hand on his cock. "Jesus Caitlin" he said hoarsely, a low moan leaving his lips. He closed his eyes enjoying the movement of her hand. His moans continuing. He placed a hand over hers. "If you keep doing that, I'm not going to make it very long" He warned shaking his head.

Cisco leaned back up to her and kissed her hard again. The kiss filled with need and desire. And he felt it only fair to return the favor she paid him. He slid his hand down her side as they kissed, resting his hand above her stomach before slowly sliding it between her legs, barely grazing the skin, before trailing his fingers down her thighs. He repeated the motion again but this time actually stopping his hand to pay plenty of attention to her clit, rubbing it in small circles.
Caitlin laughed softly at the sound Cisco made as she stroked his cock. When he kept moaning and closed his eyes, it let her know that he was enjoying her touching him. When he placed his hand over hers, she stopped moving it. And just let her hand rest on his lap. The brunette nodded at his words and without a word, moved her hand away from his cock. It was her turn to let out moans and whimpers as he kissed her a few moments later. As they kissed, she felt one of his hands start moving down her body and just a few moments later, it was between her legs.

She eagerly spread her legs wide for him, loving how it felt to have him touching her. His hand rubbed against her, and Caitlin bit down on his tongue, but not too hard. Not wanting to hurt Cisco, but just add a bit of roughness to what they were doing. The brunette pulled back from the kiss a few minutes later, and gently moved his hand from between her legs. "I'm ready for more. I'm ready for you to make love to me," The young woman said, and reached across the bed, her fingers blindly searching for the condom. Finding it shortly and wasting no time, ripping the wrapper and reaching out to slip the condom on his cock.
Cisco decided he was definitely a fan of Caitlin being a little rough. He was going to make a mental note to explore this more. He kept kissing her, nibbling on her bottom lip. His hands continuing to give her attention. Cisco was a bit surprised when she pulled back and removed his hand. He was about to ask if he was doing something wrong. Cisco was not opposed to long foreplay, he actually really enjoyed it. But from the tone of Caitlin's voice, she couldn't wait any longer. And frankly Cisco, was more then happy to oblige. He helped her with the condom, pressing kisses down her face and neck, before settling into a better position.

He eased her legs further apart, using a hand to double check she really was ready enough and she was. She was dripping. He then maneuvered the head of his cock to her opening. He looked up to meet her gaze, and when she nodded, he carefully pushed inside. He inhaled sharply, going slow, making sure she was alright. He took his time letting her adjust to the feeling of him inside her. She was so warm and tight. Cisco kissed her again, soft and light. "Is this okay?" he murmured, putting his hand to her cheek. "I can start moving whenever your ready."
He had continued to kiss her face and neck as they worked together and slipped the condom on his cock. Once Cisco had got into a better position, they were finally ready to do this. Caitlin took a few breaths to try and ease her nervousness, as he pushed her legs open more. A few moments later, she felt one of his hands slip between her legs, rubbing her. Another soft moan left her lips at his actions. Within a few seconds, the brunette watched as he shifted and placed his cock against her, and then paused. They locked eyes one more, and after she gave the go head, her eyes closed and she moaned in delight as Cisco finally slipped inside of her.

She heard his sharp inhale and a smile settled over her lips, as she reached out and grabbed one of his hands, holding it in hers and squeezing it to let him know that she was okay. It had been a long time since Caitlin had slept with anyone. And while it was sort of painful, the pleasure she felt balanced out any pain. The brunette sighed into Cisco's lips when he kissed her,
the action gentle and soothing. "It's more than okay," She said softly and leaned into his hand that cupped her cheek. "You can start moving. I want to really feel you," The young woman
said and kissed his lips once more.
Cisco took the pace slow at first once given the go ahead. He stayed close to her though, keeping eyes locked with hers and kissing her at every chance he could. He loved kissing her, and this was about feeling close, kissing her and being present did that. It was far different from any of the hookups he had ever had in the past. He was always an attentive partner, but this time, he kept close attention to her sounds. He finally found just the right position that made her moan out and kept going there.

He began to pick up the speed, murmuring assorted things in Spanish into her ear. A combination of I love yous and dirty talk. He wasn't sure he ever wanted to give up this feeling of being pressed against her. The warmth and safety in provided. He could jut stay here in this moment forever. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer, but he held out for her, until he literally could not hold anymore and felt his own orgasm overtake him. He collapsed on top of her, pressing sweet kisses into her neck and face before finding her lips again. "Caitlin...I....I love you" he murmured, he felt a few tears fall from his eyes. He was a sensitive guy, it happened sometimes, he wasn't ashamed he sometimes cried after sex. Especially doe,thing that meant so much to him.
Her hands traced all over Cisco's body. She loved the feeling of his soft skin under her hands, and she loved being able to run her fingers through his hair. Their bodies joined together time and again, and each time he slipped inside of her, moans of pleasure that got louder and louder left her lips. Caitlin couldn't believe that this was finally happening for them. They had known each other for a long time, and while she had been attracted to him at different times over the years, it had finally sunk in for her, that she didn't just feel attraction for him. That she loved him, too.

As he picked up speed, moving his body faster and harder against hers, she cupped his cheek and bit his tongue, feeling feisty again. A smile settled on her lips when Cisco started whispering in her ear, terms of love and a few well placed sexy words. Each time he said something in Spanish, it sent a shiver and a thrill through her body. After one particular hard thrust, Caitlin got the tingly feeling that through her, and before long, she clamped down on his cock as she came, covering his condom-clad cock with her juices. A few moments later, she knew that he too, had come.

For he dropped down on top of her, and kissed her neck and face a few times, before their lips met once more. His words made her smile, and so she took one of his hands and placed it over her heart, which was beating quickly in her chest. Not from any kind of medical issue, but because of her own love for him. "I love you, too. You are the most special person in my life." Once they had both spoken, she noticed the tears in his eyes. Without hesitation, she reached out and gently wiped his tears away. "Don't cry, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." A moment later, she pressed soft, sweet kisses under his eyes where the tears were still falling.
Cisco kept his hand over her heart enjoying the sensation of feeling it pulse under his fingers knowing he did that to her. He shook his head smiling softly. "I know, I'm just... I'm just really happy. I'm really happy" he whispered "you may have trouble showing emotion I got them pouring out of me" he teased quietly. He shifted finally to his side to pull her close in a tight embrace.

"Was everything okay for you?" He murmured "anything I can improve on? Or...do you need me to help you have an orgasm too or anything like that?" He pressed a light kiss into her head, breathing her in again. He held her tighter. He would never let go of her again. He couldn't, not now that he knew how much he needed her. He'd give up the idea of getting married or having children if it just meant she'd always be there. He took a deep breath, clutching her even tighter.

Cisco finally regained his compouser, and disentangled himself from her to get cleaned up. His heart was still pounding in his chest but at least the headache was still gone.
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