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RP: The 100: Return To Earth (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

“I am glad to hear that, Octavia. I will make sure that we talk more. I do love having sex with you but it is also amazing to talk with you about different things. I love you so much and for so many reasons. You are everything to me, Octavia. I want you by my side forever. I want you to help me run this place because I need you to help me with this. I can’t do this alone. I know I’ve tried to do it alone but you’ve showed me that I’m not here by myself. We can talk about all of that later, though. I just feel the need to fuck you right now Octavia. I love you and I want to make you scream.” He growled lowly as he leaned down to kiss her lips gently, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

While kissing her, Bellamy slowly thrust inside of the woman. His thick cock was erect and full as he filled up her tight pussy lips. He tilted his head backwards and moaned her name. It was incredible. Bellamy loved fucking Octavia and now he was not holding back. His hips started to violently slam into hers as the tip of his cock against her cervix. He was throbbing already and knew this was the best way to get dirty before they got clean again.
Octavia put a hand over Bellamy's mouth to get him to stop speaking. "I love you, Bell. And I'm sure that I'll agree with everything that you've said later on, but for now I just want you to fuck me.." She said and a smile came over her lips. A moan left her lips as he kissed her and then slipped inside of her. Her brown hair was plastered to her face because of the water, but
the young woman didn't care. All she cared about was being with her brother in this moment. Nothing else mattered except showing him how much she loved him and always would.

Their bodies fit together perfectly, almost as if they had been made for each other. And that was both an amazing and scary thing to think. "I know that I say it a lot, but I love.." She whispered softly against his lips. He was the only person who meant the world to her and the only person that she would do absolutely anything for without question. That was just
how loyal and how in love with him she was. "If you ever want me to do anything, sexual or not, all you have to do is tell me. I want you to know that I'm not worried about what
anyone else will think."
Well, the point was taken. Bellamy was going to stop talking and instead show what he wanted to tell her. Octavia’s moans were sexy as ever and he just wanted nothing more than to show her how much he loved her. Their bodies did fit together perfectly and after she said that she loved him, he kissed her harder. After hearing what she said, Bellamy offered a soft smile. “The same goes for you. I don’t’ care what anyone else will think. If there’s something your sexy body needs, just tell me. I will do anything you want and I promise not to hold back anything I want.” He purred lowly as they started kissing again, sliding his tongue into her mouth, pinning her tongue down against his.

From here, Bellamy took control. He pinned her arms above her head and against the wall as he started to thrust harder, forcing her wet cunt to expand further. His cock was so thick and so long. Bellamy was still surprised Octavia took him so well but he just figured that played a role into how perfect they were for each other. “God… I’m getting so close Octavia. I’m going to cum all inside of you again baby.” He whispered lowly, growing almost as he looked deep into her pretty eyes, wanting her to feel every inch of him.
Octavia knew that they had taken longer than they should have in the showers, but she didn't care. She had managed to talk Bellamy into having sex with her four times, before they had finally wore each other out for the time being. Once they had satisfied their sexual urges, they had taken their shower and were now in the process of getting dressed for the day. A satisfied smile was attached to her lips and the brunette didn't think it would be leaving any time soon. As she was in the process of pulling her shirt on, she turned back to Bellamy and kissed him once more.

"Now I'm really ready to take on the day," The young woman said as she finished dressing and left the bathroom, to walk into their connected bedroom. A few moments later, Octavia walked over to the dresser and pulled out some socks, slipping them on along with her shoes. Once that was done, she moved to sit down on the bed and watched her brother finish dressing for the day. "What do you need me to do today? And don't tell me that there's nothing I can do to help, because we both know that that's not true." Her eyes roamed over Bellamy's body several times, as thoughts of their recent fun played over and over in her mind.
The sex was fun and Bellamy truly hated that it was ending. Despite that, they could not afford to sit and wait anymore. They had to face the day. He dressed with Octavia, chuckling at everything she was talking about while dressing. She was so adorable to watch even just getting dressed. She asked what he wanted her to do but he never intended on telling her that there was nothing she could do. “Well, there is a few things. I have to help the others get our dead buried. They are still outside, of course. After that, I was going to look through the camp to see if anything survived the fog or if any of the damage might tell us more about the fog.”

At this point, Bellamy pulled on his pants before looking back to his sister with a sweet smile. “You could look through the camp while I’m digging the graves and burying those three. Let me know if you find anything that survived or if you found any clues that could help us understand this damn acid fog.” Bellamy suggested, figuring that was good for today. “After that, you can take an inventory on all the food and supplies we do have remaining here in the ship so we know how dire in a situation we are.
"You're doing it again," Octavia told him. "You're not letting me help. Not really. I love you, Bell. And I love that you want to protect me, but you can't protect me from everything. We all need to pull our own weight when it comes to keeping up the place and defending it." She sat down on their bed and gave him a pointed look. "You're using my leg as an excuse to keep me from helping on the walls. I can fire a gun and be a lookout. But you need to stop seeing me as a little girl. I'm not one anymore and haven't been one for a long time." She reminded him gently.

Knowing that he wasn't going to take her seriously, at least not right away, she got up and left their room, going to find something to do to make herself feel useful. Even if it was a cliched as her going to help keep the place clean and make dinner. Just because she was currently settling for helping by doing the more feminine duties, didn't mean that she was giving up on doing something more useful to help. It just meant that Octavia was avoiding a fight and/or possible argument with her brother. The last thing that they needed was to be fighting at a time like this.
Bellamy had this incredulous look on his face. One, Octavia was being ridiculous. Two, she stormed out of the room before he even had a chance to respond. If there was one pet peeve that pissed Bellamy off the most: it was that. He hated when he was talking to someone and after there was a point of disagreement, they just left. That was the most childish, immature thing he had ever seen Octavia do. She would feel stupid when she learned that she was making a big deal out of nothing. After dressing, he found Octavia working so he called her attention. “Octavia, what is the matter with you? You asked me what I needed done today and I told you. As much as I love you, I can’t read your fucking mind. I didn’t know you wanted to be on the wall. You didn’t ask that. You’re going to get pissed at me because I didn’t suggest what you wanted? Yet I had no way of knowing that?”

He hoped she realized this was as dumb as it sounded. “Secondly, I chose those tasks because I really need that done. I have people already set on the wall to watch. We have a schedule but we didn’t have anyone set to do these tasks around camp. You accomplish nothing by stomping off like a little child when I say something you don’t like. If you just would have told me that you wanted to be on the wall I would have said we can work something out. You keep saying that I use your leg as an excuse but YOU are the only one that keeps bringing it up. If you stop seeing yourself as a victim then you will stop thinking that’s all the others see you as. You are getting pissed at me for no good reason because I simply did not think about the wall because it is already manned and we have a hell of a mess to clean up. So if you want to be on the wall, just give me time to arrange it. Christ, Octavia. Not everyone is out to get you or do something to you.”
"We both know that it's partially about the leg, don't bother denying it. But it's mainly about you trying to protect me. I love you, Bell. And I love and appreciate that you want to protect me.
I love that you always have protected me. But you can't do that anymore. I'm not a little girl, and I need you to see that. I need you to let me do something useful, not just some dinky little tasks you make up around camp, to keep me busy and from trying to help with the more dangerous things. As for earlier, I didn't storm out. There was no stomping or door slamming. I left because I didn't want to keep fighting."

"That's all." All of this was said softly, and Octavia sighed and ran a hand through her brown hair. "Fine. I'll clean up the mess. But I want you to put me on the next rotation on the wall. Give one of the others some time to rest, and I'll take their shift." She said and then dropped the conversation a moment later. "You can go and do whatever you had planned to do. I'm sure that you've got a lot going on this morning," The brunette said a moment later, and then she turned and started cleaning up the camp. They were both stubborn as hell, and probably needed some time to cool off.
This was impossible. It was truly not about her leg. Bellamy literally just did not think about putting her on the wall. There was nothing he did that protected her. She asked him what he needed done around camp. He told her. Bellamy could not believe how stubborn his sister was. Bellamy could not believe how much self-loathing she was doing right now. She said that she did not want to keep fighting but they were not fighting. Bellamy was lost entirely on her thinking. Shaking his head, he decided to just drop it. “Alright. I will put you on the next rotation. I will tell you when it is time to switch. I don’t know what I said to make you pissed but I promise it was a misunderstanding. I can’t read your mind, Octavia. Please ask me if you can do a job next time and don’t get pissed at me for not reading your mind.”

It was childish and now Bellamy was frustrated for no reason. It seemed like a good idea to just leave it alone. As promise, an hour later, Bellamy returned from his construction on the wall to find Octavia. “You’re taking watch next on the northwest post. Get your gear from the storage. Your watch lasts a couple hours. You are dismissed when the next person comes to find you.” Bellamy told Octavia as she was cleaning up the camp.
Octavia wasted no time. She finished cleaning up, and then went to quickly get her gear and took over on the wall where Bellamy directed her. Several minutes later, the young woman took her place on the wall and slipped her gear on, and picked up her gun, taking a stance on the wall. The first three hours on the wall were quiet and that was fine. The young woman remained alert and ready and chatted quietly with Jasper as they kept an eye out for anyone who might be hostile. As they approached seven hours on the wall, she whispered to Jasper as she caught movement out of the corner of one of her eyes.

Asking if he had seen what she had seen, and upon getting his confirmation, picked up a radio and quietly asked if the others had seen anything. "Movement spotted along the northwest
post, other posts confirm sighting and check in." Octavia told them, and then she clipped the radio back to her belt and lifted her weapon once more, keeping an eye out for any trouble, scanning the area right outside the walls and looking for any type of movement or anything suspicious. The brunette shared a concerned look with her friend and kept her weapon at the ready.

After seeing movement a few minutes ago, suddenly it seemed like everything, even the branches that had been swaying because of the wind, suddenly stilled.
After Octavia took watch on the wall, Bellamy spent time cleaning up the camp. Every item of food outside in the fog was ruined. It was obvious by sight and smell so they disposed of the food and they buried the decomposed bodies. They looked horrific. The acid caused all sorts of welts and bumps and bleeding. It was nasty and it looked like a painful way to die. Bellamy just helped finish burying the last delinquent that died from the fog and he looked around the graveyard to see they were running out of room. This was not fair. This was not right. Too many young people had died so far. Earth might not be the paradise they hoped it would be. Then, he heard on his radio that movement was seen along the northwest corner. It was Octavia and Bellamy got on the radio quickly, ordering for their emergency plan to take place. That did not mean that everyone left their posts and went where they saw movement. Anyone with training that was not already on a post would spread out around the different posts.

Bellamy dropped everything and grabbed his rifle before sprinting to Octavia with about three others. Four or five delinquents joined the other posts around the camp as well. Climbing to the top, Bellamy heard someone radio in that they had not seen anything. “Octavia. What exactly did you two see? Have you seen it again since the first time?”
"Shh," Octavia told her brother, as her eyes quickly scanned the area where she had seen movement. Several moments of tense silence passed, and then she spotted more movement.
"Over there!" She whispered quickly and then pointed with one hand, before raising her gun to look through the scope. "Somebody's moving around in the bushes. They don't seem to
be getting too close to camp, but they're not leaving, either." The brunette reached for her radio again and said, "Jason, report. Does your team have any movement from your position?"

She fell silent and waited for him to report in. Putting the scope back against her eye once more, a frown came over her face. "Someone is there. What the hell are they doing?" A hiss of annoyance came over her as the brunette tried to get a better look at the person or people they were dealing with, but with no luck. The person or people who were near the camp, weren't getting close enough for them to be seen clearly. "Hold position for now. They're staying a good bit away from camp. Don't fire unless they get closer and we can get a better look at them."
Bellamy raised his own gun to look towards the bushes but he did not see anything yet. He could tell that Octavia was getting frustrated but he was unsure of what was truly going on here. “Octavia, I don’t see anything. Are you sure there was something?” Bellamy asked. “If you are sure, I can take a team out to look. If there is a threat, I don’t feel comfortable just holding our position until they decide to come back or attack. We need to get ahead of this.” If Octavia thought she actually saw something, Bellamy would get working on a group of three or four to join him outside the walls.

He would certainly keep his radio on him and they would not go far outside the walls. The male stayed here on the wall with his sister until the others were ready. He radioed in for more people to join this area of the post with Octavia. “Make sure you cover us. We’re going to check it out, alright.” Bellamy murmured to Octavia, hoping that she was a good enough shot with the gun to help them if they ran into trouble. It could be dangerous, but they had to find the threat.
"Bellamy, I wouldn't say that I saw something unless I saw it," Octavia said firmly, irritated at being questioned. "There was movement. It looked like a person running and using the trees
and bushes for cover. Just be careful when you guys go out there. If there really is someone spying on the camp, you don't want to spook them and cause them to attack." When Bellamy mentioned having her cover him, she nodded. "Yeah, I will. Just be careful and go find out what's going on. But don't do anything stupid," She said a few moments later, as she watched
him walk away.

"I've got your back, Bell." The brunette promised her brother, and the rest of their friends as they got their weapons, opened the gates and went to check. She lifted her gun back up and kept an eye on the scope, letting out a sigh when there was a flutter of activity in the same place as before. Octavia nudged Jasper who was still standing beside her and said, "Get the radio. There really is someone there!" She grabbed one of his arms with her free hand, and made him look through the scope, before getting on the radio and telling Bellamy that she had seen movement again.
Bellamy led a group of four other delinquents into the woods. They marched slowly towards the tree line with their guns raised. Not long after they started walking, Jasper radioed into Bellamy. “We see more movement along those trees. We know for sure that we see it. Be careful.” Taking a deep breath, Bellamy ordered his group forward. They reached the tree line but nothing was there. Suddenly, a twig snapped and everyone turned to look at the origin of the noise. It was an animal – one of those mutated deer. He let out a sigh of relief. “We’re good. It was just a deer.” Bellamy radioed in with a soft laugh seeing that everything was safe.

Well, maybe not. There was a loud sound of a blade sinking through flesh. Turning to look, a Grounder had shoved his sword into the back of one of the delinquents. Without another thought, Bellamy quickly fired off a couple rounds, hitting the grounder in the chest. Before they could make another move, there was shouting deeper into the forest. “Oh, shit! Get back inside camp. Now!” Bellamy shouted to the other three still alive, pulling out the radio while they ran. “Octavia, get those gates open! We’re under attack!”
Octavia wasted no time. She clipped her radio to her belt and quickly jumped down from the post she was on. Letting out a groan of pain as her damaged leg buckled. But she quickly pulled herself back up and ran as fast as she could to the gates, shouting at the others to keep manning the wall. She made quick work of opening the gates so that they could get back inside, and closing them as soon as their friends and Bellamy were back. "Is everybody okay? Who are we missing?" The young woman asked, concerned. A few moments later, she quickly made her way over to her brother.

As soon as she was standing beside him, the brunette immediately started to check Bellamy for any injuries. "I'm glad you're okay," She said softly, wrapping her arms around his waist
and kissing his lips. "What do you want us to do next?" Octavia asked him a few moments later, pulling back from the kiss and giving him a small smile. She took one of his hands and
pulled Bellamy along with her as she got back up onto the wall and resumed her previous position. Once they were both standing there, she remained silent and waited for him to tell
her what they were going to do next, as the others kept an eye on the perimeter.
Bellamy was surprised when Octavia opened the gates herself. With her leg, there was no reason why she should have ran across camp to open the gates. Besides, they had to wait for the gates to open whereas if she radioed into someone more able, they would not have had to wait. Thankfully, nobody was hurt though. It was alright for now. There were bigger problems than getting upset with Octavia for trying to do things beyond her ability. Bellamy looked to his sister and returned the hug before giving her a kiss. They were missing two people from the group that accompanied him. Returning to the wall with her, he saw that everyone was also on high alert as well.

“It’s likely they have us surrounded. There have been more reports of movement outside the walls. It’d be suicide do send anyone out right now. I think all we can do is sit and wait. IF they are going to attack, we have to be ready. I didn’t get an eye on how many there were, but we have to be ready to fight.” Bellamy responded as he radioed into everyone that was on the channel to get to their posts and await further instruction.
"What about Jason and Clarke's friend? We want to make sure that he doesn't get caught in the crossfire." Octavia said once Bellamy was standing beside her and watching the wall. "And by the way, I saw that look on your face. You were pissed off that I opened the gate. I'm only going to say this once, I love you Bell, and get over it. I could have had someone else do it, sure. But I wanted to be the one to meet you at the gates. I don't care about a little bit of pain. I'll deal with the fallout from it later. Right now it's more important to make sure that we're not about to all be slaughtered."

She fell silent a few moments later and listened as her brother started to speak. Once he was done and had radioed in to the others, the brunette nodded and reached out, pulling him closer and completely at her side. "I wish we didn't have to deal with this kind of thing. I also wish that Clarke and Jason's friend could talk to his people and call this off. We don't need to all be fighting each other. We should all just be trying to get along. Maybe we can arrange some kind of meeting with their leader or something. I mean, Clarke and Jason's friend can't be the only one of them that speaks English."
It was pointless to argue with Octavia now, so Bellamy kept quiet. Instead, he snuggled in closely with the brunette while keeping his eyes on the forest ahead. “You’re right. We don’t need to fight and it would be nice to get along, but I doubt that will happen. They attacked us, unprovoked. Even now, we were minding our own business. If we’re on their land, we have no possible way of knowing. It is unfair and I don’t think they are the negotiating people. I am not sending Jason and Clarke out right now. That is too dangerous and ridiculous. It’s a good idea, but the mechanics to the idea are flawed. We have to sit here and wait.” Bellamy responded, making the decision that they were going to fight.

If the Grounders had any interest in peace or negotiations, Bellamy and the delinquents would have been approached before. But, they have not. Instead, they have been surrounded and at least two of their friends had already been killed. That was not peaceful. Bellamy wanted to kill them now that these events transpired. A grounder or two started to sprint and weave through the forest. A few guards fired off a few rounds until Bellamy yelled at everyone to cease fire. “Don’t take the shot unless you know that you can hit someone. We don’t have that much ammunition. Let them come to us. We have cover and higher ground.” Bellamy ordered across the radio channels. Once things cleared up, Bellamy thought they could recruit Jason to talk to the Grounder he knew and hopefully convince him to stop his people. They had to get through this, first.

Those who had been hiding in the trees quit hiding and simply fell into step behind her as she walked. Lexa made her way through the trees and came to a stop in front of the gates of the Sky People's home. She had been in talks with Lincoln and he had explained that these people hadn't shown up on their land on purpose. He had talked about trying to come to an agreement of sorts, and Lexa liked that idea. She spoke quickly to her people in Trigedasleng, and they followed her orders without question. All of them putting their swords, knives and bows down.

Once her people had followed her order's, the brunette turned to face the stranger's head on, and locked eyes with a dark haired male that looked to be about the same age that she was. "My name is Lexa and I am the leader of Trikru, the Tree People. I am here to speak to the leader of all of you, the Sky People. My people will not fire upon you unless provoked. You have my word." Lexa walked closer to the gate until she was almost brushing against it. She held up a single hand behind her, to still her guards that had planned to follow her. Her sword remained in the sheath on her hip as she waited for the stranger to reply.
Hold your fire!” Bellamy ordered over the radio channels. “Bellamy, she’s the leader. If we can take her out, we can take anyone out.” Monroe whispered but was quickly shushed by Bellamy. “I repeat, stand down. If anyone fires, I will kill them personally.” Frustrated, Bellamy tossed the radio violently against the wall and climbed down his posts. Nobody made a move towards the gates except for Bellamy. Kane was technically the Chancellor but he was the only adult here and he was still not doing that great. It was up to Bellamy to take charge here so that’s exactly what he did. Walking to the gate, he opened it to welcome Lexa as he tossed his guns aside.

Looking around the posts, he was pleased to see that everyone dropped her guns. Looking behind Lexa, he could clearly see that there were still some Grounders with their bows aimed. “You’re talking to him, but if we’re talking, I need all of your people to stand down just like mine did. Plus, you have two of ours. I don’t know how you normally negotiate but you’re doing it wrong, Lexa.” Bellamy added, spite in his words at her name. Bellamy was rather unhappy and there better be a damn good reason for this mess. It could be a trap and he was vulnerable, but his desire for peace outweighed the risks.
"I do not need you to tell me how to negotiate. I have been leading my clan for years. I know what I am doing," She said sharply. The brunette turned her head and shouted in Trigedasleng at those who refused to lower their weapons. After a few moments when one man still refused to listen to her, Lexa removed her sword from the sheath at her hip, and in a quick movement, threw the sword at the person who refused to listen, the sword sinking into their chest and killing that person instantly. A moment later, the brunette turned back to the male. She could
hear one of her guards walking over to retrieve her sword for her.

"You want to avoid a war? Then you make sure your people stay off our land. There are clear boundaries marked. Follow them and we will have no more problems with you. It is bad enough that your ship killed five of my people when it landed. They were in this area hunting and suddenly your ship fell from the sky and killed them. There is only one exception to the boundary
line rule, it is that if you are in the coalition, you can seek to cross the boundary line with the Commander, which is what I am. If you cross into our territory and you are not part of the coalition, you will be killed on sight."

"I am sure you can understand our need for caution. I lead the coalition of the 12 clans. We have agreements made, boundary disputes settled regularly, trading between the 12 clans, and more. I am going to give you a piece of advice you did not ask for. Avoid Ice Nation at all costs. Queen Nia and Prince Roan are a serious threat. They will slaughter anyone or anything that gets in their way. The same can be said for my coalition. However, Ice Nation does it for sport. I beat Prince Roan twice in a conclave, and he can not stand that." She shook her head, waving that topic off.

"Anyway, if you join my coalition, it will give you and your people protection. We are already allies of Broadleaf and the other clans. We trust each other not to turn on us. The penalty for betrayal is death. The penalty for not following orders is death. You are probably horrified that I killed one of my own men for not listening to me. You should be horrified. If any of your
people fail to follow their leader's commands, their actions will result in numerous unneeded deaths." Lexa cleared her throat. "I am going to stop talking so that you can talk now. If you
do agree to join us, you or your leader will need to be branded with the mark of the coalition. That is the only way for your people to avoid being attacked by anyone from the coalition."
Bellamy did not appreciate Lexa’s sharp tone. She was just a kid. Well, everyone in the original 100 except for Bellamy were nothing but children in essence. It was unexpected when she turned and hurled a sword at one of her own. It was intimidating for sure. If she would do that to one of her own then what would she do to one of them? It was not something Bellamy liked to think about but she finally got his attention now and he was taking her seriously. He rolled his eyes when she talked about the ship killing some of her people. “You act like we could control what the ship did when it landed. That’s absurd. You think you know everything, but you know nothing, Commander. You can’t be older than 17 or 18.”

Bellamy rolled his eyes again when she talked about boundaries and coalitions. When she talked about this Ice nation, Bellamy was unsure of what exactly she meant and he had no idea how to avoid them if he did not know who they were. “By the way, I don’t know exactly how we avoid your boundaries. If we do this, you should help us learn what marks them because we sure as hell don’t have a clue. I don’t see any fucking signs.” It was frustrating. Lexa was talking to them like they were the bad guys here. She was so egocentric and she was much like Bellamy and that pissed him off more than he thought it would. Again, Lexa went on about being a leader and death and all kinds of shit. It actually made him miss the Ark. At least they were not this sadistic. Taking a deep breath, Bellamy looked to Lexa and decided that he was not going to let her walk over him.

“Let me think about joining your coalition. First, I want my two people back. They didn’t do a damn thing wrong. We were investigating movement because it was not that long ago we were attacked unprovoked, multiple times. So I’m sorry if we’re on guard. We don’t’ exactly want to die. And unlike you seem to think, we can NOT read your fucking minds and we cannot tell where the boundaries are. Every person of ours you killed was done for no fucking reason. I can tell you’re not much for talking so that’s why I appreciate what you’re doing now. If we join, what assurances do we have that your people we listen? How do we know that it’s not a trap? I want to trust you but I can’t imagine how many people you have. You can’t possibly control all of them. How do we know you’ll be a fair leader to us? We need something in return as well. Don’t tell me that all we get is protection. That’s shit. We can’t eat or drink protection.”


Jason stood right beside Clarke when this was happening. He was more wary about this. It was not long ago where some of those damn Grounders sent arrows into the camp, hurting his lover. He would never forget that. He already despised Lexa and everything she stood for. They were attacked for no reason and they were expected to compromise. “What do you think about this?” Jason asked, his gun still in his arms but pointed down since Bellamy told them to lower their weapons. Jason wondered what Clarke thought about all this that was going on.

There was not much they could do so Jason just sat there and listened, waiting to hear what might happen next. He was ready to fight if they needed it and everyone on the posts looked ready to fight honestly. They were not taking what happened very lightly. It was a serious time right now but Bellamy seemed to handle it. Jason also spotted Kane moving out from the medical bay. He looked beter and he heard the commotion so he decided to check it out for himself.
Lexa stepped forward, getting into Bellamy's face. "Your ship that killed my people, yes, it was an accident. I am aware of it. Knowing that however, does not stop my people for calling for blood. As for my age, I know more than you think. You see me as a child because I look close to your sister's age. Do not let my youth fool you. I am 18, and I have been leading my clan since I was 12. Do you want to know how I managed to stay alive so long with as many enemies as I have made over the years?" She leaned forward so that she could whisper into his ear.

"I never underestimate my opponent. Age, gender, it does not matter. A threat is still a threat, even if you think a child is harmless. You would do well to heed my advice." She stepped back once more and called out in the Grounder language, calling for Lincoln, who approached the gates a few moments later, was let inside and then stood beside her. "Lincoln has told me that he formed a friendship of sorts with two of your people, Jason and Clarke. Maybe they would be more beneficial for talks of peace, since he saved their lives, saved all of your lives with the cure for the battle illness you had months ago."
Lexa had a point. “Very well. He can talk to Jason and Clarke. Don’t go too far. I’ll find you when I’m ready.” Once Lincoln entered into Arkadia, Bellamy called for the gates to close. Once it was closed, he also called for Octavia to join him. There would be a small council meeting: Bellamy, Octavia, Jason, Clarke, and Chancellor Kane. Since Kane was technically the Chancellor, they must include him as well. When everyone was joined deep into camp, Jason looked to Lincoln and gave him the floor. “Alright. Tell us what we need to hear, Lincoln.” Once that was said, Lincoln started talking to the others around him.

“Lexa is correct. Do not underestimate her. It will not end well for your people. Accept her conditions. Accept the boundaries. There is a much bigger threat to us all. We need this. We also need your guns. You can help us a great deal. I will help ensure that my people do not attack yours without reason. We can live in peace. You might not believe it but there are truly more than enough Trikru members that will accept this. You are not in as much danger as you would be if you deny these conditions. All of you can come back to Polis with me. There will need to be at least one of you that has to stay in Polis as every clan must have at least one representative in Polis. Two at most. The actual leader will need to be branded.”
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