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RP: The 100: Return To Earth (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Octavia spoke up a few moments later. "About the boundary issue. We don't know where Trikru's boundary begins or ends. Is there a way we could set up some kind of marker to make sure that our people don't cross it and start any unneeded issues? Because I can tell you right now, I've gone pretty far into the woods and with the exception of almost getting a knife in the eye,
I couldn't even tell there was a boundary. So, to be on the safe side, we should do something that allows all of our people to know where the boundary is. And it would need to be something permanent."

"It's not like Lexa can have people stationed all over the boundary every day and every night, just so we can figure out where it begins and ends. Maybe we can put up some signs, or carve some kind of map into trees or the ground.." The brunette suggested a few moments later." She fell silent a moment later and listened as Lincoln spoke. "Well, you seem to get along well with Jason and Clarke, maybe they could be our representatives. The two of them and Kane can go to Polis. Kane gets the mark and then comes back home, and Jason and Clarke can stay in Polis for the meeting or whatever it is that's done there."
It was settled. Jason glanced towards his girlfriend and waited for her approval or denial. They did have the best relationship with the Grounders thus far. “That’s fine with me if you’re okay with that, too.” Jason responded while looking into Clarke’s eyes. It would not work with just one of them and not the other. That was not okay with Jason. It seemed that nobody had an issue with that happening, though. It appeared everyone agreed this was the best course of action. Kane thought about becoming branded but he had a different idea. Bellamy had proven to be a much better leader. Nobody really listened to him that much either.

While Jason and Clarke started packing their things, the Chancellor walked to Bellamy and put a hand on his shoulder looking from him and to his sister. “It should be you, Bellamy Blake. You are the real leader here. People look to you for guidance and answers. They get behind anything you say. If you want me to go, then I can. But I believe you are the true leader here. You should have the mark.” This was quite the compliment and Bellamy was not quite sure how to respond. He appreciated Kane saying this and Bellamy took a few seconds to mull over it. He had been in a leadership role since the beginning. “Okay, then. I’ll do it.”
Clarke was packing with Jason, to go to Polis. She paused in the middle of folding some clothes to pack. "Is this really the best idea? I mean, it's going to be just the two of us surrounded by tons of other clans and what if they try and attack us? We could have some serious problems with the other clans and if we have to fight, we're at a distinct disadvantage with there being only two of us there. I mean, I want to help. And I have no problem going to Polis with you and Lexa. Like I said, I'm just concerned about our safety and how the other Grounder clans are going to react to us being there."

"Maybe we should pack a lot of weapons just to be safe. Lexa and Lincoln seem like decent people, but just because they are, it doesn't mean that the others are, too." A worried expression settled over her and after saying what was on her mind, she resumed folding clothing and packing it, supplies, and weapons into their bags. "I'm concerned. We'll be completely surrounded
by Grounders and we don't know them and they don't know us. So, everyone's going to be on edge and that's dangerous." Clarke reached out and took one of Jason's hands into hers.
Jason shared Clarke’s fears. Besides, they had no say in this. They were volunteered for this position. “We’ll take weapons. We’ll be careful. We’ll never go anywhere alone. I think we’ll just have to trust the commander on this one. It’s much easier said than done but if this is the key to avoiding an upscale war then I think it is a risk worth taking.” Jason admitted with a shrug as he gave Clarke’s hand a squeeze. When they finished packing, he pressed a kiss onto her temple. “On the bright side, you’ll get to ride a horse.” He pointed out with a soft chuckle, trying to approach the situation with an open mind.

When they were ready, Jason reached out to hold Clarke’s hand as they approached the gate. Outside, Bellamy had agreed to become branded since he was essentially the leader of Skaikru. He would not need to pack anything since he was not staying in Polis. Looking to Octavia, he decided to offer her either choice. “Do you want to come to Polis as well or do you want to stay back here?” He asked softly because he had to know what she was doing and who to leave in charge of certain things in camp. He trusted enough in his friends that they could maintain the camp while he was gone.
"I didn't say that I wanted to back out of going, or anything like that. I'm not afraid of a challenge. But I am concerned about us being in a place with possibly thousands of Grounders that might want to kill us. So, yeah. We're going to need lots of weapons. We'll take knives and leave the guns here at camp. They'll need the guns hopefully more than we will." Clarke laughed softly when Jason mentioned that she was going to get to ride a horse. "If this wasn't such a serious situation, then I'd enjoy being able to ride horse. But my thoughts are more on what's going to happen when we get to Polis."

"I'm worried that there might be trouble." With a sigh, she finished packing their supplies, picked up one bag, and handed the other to Jason. "We should get going. We don't want to keep Lexa and the others waiting any longer." After getting an agreement from her boyfriend, the two of them exited their room and headed for the front gates, approaching Lexa and the others. "We're ready to go.." She said softly. After hugging Octavia, Monty and Jasper, she moved back to her boyfriend's side and waited for the others to see if they were ready to leave.

"I'm going to stay here," Octavia told her brother. "If I went, I'd just slow you guys down and no one wants that. Besides, with the three of you gone, it's going to be an all hands on deck
kind of situation here. We're going to need as many people as we can get, to stay here and defend our home, and I think that I'd be much better suited manning the wall with a gun in my hands." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Bellamy's cheek, not wanting to do a real kiss and possibly freak anyone out. "You go and do what needs to be done, and the rest of us will hold down the fort."

"Be careful and come back in one piece, or you'll be sorry.." Octavia said firmly, refusing to believe that anything was going to happen to her brother. "You have a radio, I want to hear from you tonight so that I know you're okay. If I don't hear from you, I'll come after you. So, don't fuck around, and get back to me as soon as you can." After speaking, the brunette smiled at
her brother and then the others, before lifting her gun and leaving, walking back over to the wall to take up position on it.
While waiting for the others, Jason stood beside Clarke. He might have been wrong, but it felt like the commander was eyeing him. It did not feel like she eyed him with an intent to harm him. He caught her glance once and Jason saw what he thought looked like a smile on her face. It was not wide, but he noticed her lips twitching upwards when he saw the brunette. For now, Jason brushed it off and concentrated on Clarke while he also said goodbye to Octavia, Monty, Jasper, and a few others he was close with. After bidding everyone goodbye, Jason walked Clarke to the horse.

Looking deep into the blonde’s eyes, he waited for her to suggest whether she wanted to sit in front or behind on the horse. Once the choice was made, he waited for the first to jump up before the second followed. The goodbyes were said. Supplies were ready. And soon, they convoy of the horses started the trek towards Polis. Jason saw the way some of the Grounders in the army looked at himself, Clarke, and Bellamy. It was not a good look honestly. Jason was happy when they finished going through the Grounder army and were now rather alone.


When Octavia said that she was going to stay here, Bellamy nodded his head. Whatever she wanted. He was hesitant to say that he thought she was better off here because it might trigger another one of her complaining moods when she felt like everyone was against her in the world. He did agree with her that all hands were on deck and they needed as many people to stay back and defend the home. He felt safer with her here anyways. Even after she only kissed his cheek, Bellamy did not give a damn about freaking anyone out. Before they could leave, he kissed her directly on the lips. “Okay, Octavia. Stay safe here. I love you. I’ll be back in one piece. I will radio in tonight.” He murmured softly, watching her leave.

Within minutes, Bellamy ordered the others that were still here on what their duties were the next day or two – depending on how long his leave was. After that was ordered, Bellamy packed a small bag of supplies and found one of the horses that was ready for him as the followed Lexa out of the gates. He saw the way the grounders looked at the trio and it worried him so he hoped Lexa could keep her word and ensure that all the grounders took her commands seriously. He had no idea where Polis was or how far away it was. Now, he just settled in for the ride.
Clarke was not unaware of the way Lexa had been eying Jason, and even herself. At first she had chalked it up to the other woman assessing what kind of threat they would be to her if it came down to it. But then the brunette's lips twitched and showed just the faintest hint of a smile, and it caused a smile to break out on the blonde's face, too. She motioned for Jason to get on the horse first, and then got on right after he did, slipping her arms around his waist to hold on as they rode. The young woman glanced down at the bags that were tied to the horses and was glad that they had only packed essentials like food, clothes, and some weapons. Anything else wouldn't have worked.

The young woman glanced at Bellamy, and then around them at the Grounders, noticing that some of them didn't seem too pleased about having them along. Apparently Lexa had noticed it too, for she started to shout in the other language she knew, and suddenly the people around them were focused more on the task at hand, rather than their dislike for having to deal with her, Jason, and Bellamy. Clarke really hoped that Lexa would keep her word and protect them if it came down to it. The idea of being slaughtered by a thousand Grounders was looking more and more likely as time passed.


Lexa could see that some of her people were having problems dealing with the Sky People, and they would just have to deal with it. Jason, Clarke, and Bellamy were going to be her guests in Polis. And if anyone tried to attack them, she would kill whoever tried to attack. It was simple: You mess with my guests and try to break the peace treaty we are working towards, and you get killed. They all needed this. However for her, it was about more than that. There was just something about Jason and Clarke that made her feel different than she did with other people.

She had never felt this way before and it was not an unpleasant feeling. Eventually, they all got to Polis. The brunette waited until they had all gotten down safely from the horses. She showed Bellamy to the room that he would be staying in overnight, and then she showed Jason and Clarke to their room. "Your room is right next door to my own. If either of you or both of you need anything in the night, do not hesitate to tell my guard's and have them wake me. I have already told Bellamy this." A few times as she showed the three of them around, the young woman could not stop her eyes from moving over Jason and Clarke's bodies as she checked them out.
Bellamy was quiet the entire ride. He did seem to notice how Lexa continued checking out Clarke and Jason during the entire time there. When they arrived, he followed the others to his quarters. It was a nice, small room. It was not that bad. Bellamy much preferred his quarters with Octavia back in Arkadia. This was nice, though. Once Bellamy was here, he dropped his bags down and decided to just plop into bed. He passed the time with resting his eyes and waiting until the sun was going down because he was excited to speak to Octavia again.

When it was time, he picked up the radio and took a deep breath. Hopefully she was not doing anything that did not need interrupting. When he was ready, Bellamy turned the radio on and called for his sister since it had been a few hours. “O? Are you there? It’s Bellamy. We’re here in Polis. Everything’s good here. How’s it over there?” He asked softly, just resting in the bed and waiting for any response, His biggest fear was that something went wrong and he would have that irrational fear until he heard his sister’s voice.


Jason felt surprised their room was so close to Lexa’s. He supposed that was not a bad thing, though. Once they were being given a tour, he stayed close to Clarke as they walked. Now, it was unable to miss how she was looking at him and even Clarke. At first, he thought that it was something as simple as her measuring them up but it looked to be much different than that at second glance. Nonetheless, the tour around the floor was finished and the guards were done. When they walked back to their quarters, Jason stood outside the door with Clarke and Lexa.

“So, is that everything for tonight? If it is, I guess we’ll go inside our room until tomorrow.” Jason suggested as he looked into Lexa’s eyes, wondering if the girl had any other plans for them. They had the tour, they were now in Polis, it was just time to wait for the branding ceremony tomorrow for Bellamy before they were officially in the clan. However, since she was the commander, Jason waited with Clarke at the door before going inside to make sure there was nothing else she needed from them tonight.
The radio crackled and a few minutes later, Octavia's voice came over it. "I'm here, Bell. Apparently I got back just in time for us to talk. I'm glad that you guys made it to Polis safely. Everything over here is fine. A few of the others and I just got back from hunting. I plan on resting and talking to you for a bit, and then I'm going to sleep for about 3 hours before I
go and have a turn guarding the wall again. What's it like in Polis?" She asked her brother curiously. The brunette made sure the door and windows to their room were locked up tight,
and then curled up in bed with the radio in one hand, and Bellamy's pillow wrapped in her arms as she relaxed under their blankets.

"I've asked Jasper and Monty to stay close by in case I need something and just to be safe. Next to you, Jason and Clarke, they're the only other people that I know well enough to trust
if I need some help. Anyway, don't worry about me. We're all fine. We've been having shorter shifts for everyone on the wall so there's no risk of anyone falling asleep while they should
be keeping an eye out. Each shift lasts four hours, and then we switch out to the next group that goes on shift. The first group gets four hours of rest while the second group mans
the gate, and then we switch out every for hours."

"So far it's working good. No one's getting exhausted and falling asleep on the wall."


"Actually, there was something that I wanted to discuss with the two of you, though I would prefer for it to be discussed in private." A moment later, Lexa motioned to their room and for the two of them to step inside and once they had, she did the same. The brunette closed the door behind them and then turned back to face Jason and Clarke. "I hope with what I am about to say, that I do not offend one or both of you, as that is not my intention." She laughed softly, nervously. "I do not know if you noticed it, but I have found that I have a hard time keeping my eyes from wandering over your bodies. Both of you. I am suddenly feeling things that I have never felt before and I feel it for both of you. I just want to apologize and let you know that I will not do anything to make either or both of you feel uncomfortable."
Bellamy took a deep breath when his sister’s voice came over the radio. She was safe. When the brunette said she went hunting with the others, that smile was replaced with a frown. What was she doing on a hunting team with her leg like that? What if they had to run from something? She was dead. Bellamy could not believe she continued taking unnecessary risks. It almost felt like she had a death wish at times. Nonetheless, Bellamy would probably be talking to a brick wall if he said anything so he did not say anything about how he felt. It did make him feel better that Jasper and Mony were looking out for Octavia. Even then, nobody could protect her like her big brother could. Sighing, he waited until she finished before responding.

“I’m glad to hear that Octavia. Did you guys find anything worthy while hunting? Anything good? Make sure nobody slips out of their post before their time is up. I’ve caught a few of our friends making early escapes and leaving their posts unattended. We can’t risk that. Is the Grounder army still surrounding the camp? I’m guessing they are not since you all have been out hunting. At least they have honored their word so far but I don’t know if that will last. I’ve been given all kinds of weird looks so far. It makes me a bit uncomfortable but nobody has tried anything yet.”


Jason was shocked when Lexa said this. The male did not know he would warrant so much attention. It appeared Lexa was attracted to them both. When the male looked down to Clarke with a quirked eyebrow, he did not know what to say. To be honest, he spent a few seconds in a fantasy world. Imagining himself in bed with Clarke on his right and Lexa on his left as they both kissed him and touched him made him grow quite aroused. Of course, Jason was almost certain Clarke would never go for it. He had no idea that it was just the opposite.

Besides, Clarke had always been quite protective and jealous of anyone that looked at him like this. But maybe this was an exception. Jason tried to shake that thought and not get too attached to it even if he was interested. Since Clarke was probably more adept at handling this, he kept quiet and let Clarke response to Lexa with however she wanted.
"Surprisingly, we made out good on our hunting trip. We made out with enough meat to get us through a few months, unless something really bad happens. And Bell, I know that you're frowning right now and worried, but you can relax. I'm fine. Jasper and Monty had my back. I trust them. They didn't leave my side when the group of us went out hunting. I didn't do anything crazy like stray from the group or call unwanted attention to myself or the others. I'm back at home, and I'm safe. I want you to try and relax, and focus on getting along with
the Grounders."

"We need this," She reminded her brother gently. "I love you, big brother and I can't wait for you to get back home. I'm sure you feel the same way, as I know that you don't like being away from me and not being able to shadow me," The brunette teased her brother gently. "As for those who sneak away from their posts, they haven't been doing that since I told them something they didn't want to hear earlier. I probably shouldn't have said it, but well, it worked, and now no one's leaving their posts unattended. I told them that anyone who sneaks away and leaves their post, is going to get all of us killed, and our deaths would be on their conscience."

"Yes, I know that sound harsh, but it's also the truth. If people keep leaving the their posts, we're vulnerable to attack, and they need to know it and start taking responsibility for their actions. As for the Grounder army, no. They're not surrounding the camp anymore. They all left half an hour after all of you did. Probably going back to Polis with you guys to watch
over Lexa and all of that. As for the looks you're getting, it's because they're worried about Lexa. They're worried she's going to get attacked, and because they don't know you. You,
Jason, and Clarke have to show them that you guys aren't a threat."


Clarke stepped forward and held out a hand to Lexa, taking the brunette's hand into her own, and gently pulling the other woman closer to her and Jason. "You haven't offended us," She assured the commander and then smiled at her. "And as for your attraction to us, I don't have a problem with it if Jason doesn't. You're beautiful, Lexa. And it's downright amazing that someone as strong and intelligent as you, is attracted to us." After she spoke, the blonde released the other woman's hand. She stepped back a little bit and then rested one hand on
each of their back's pushing the two of them together.

"Jason, kiss Lexa.." She said a moment later, letting him know without a doubt that she was okay with what was going to happen. A smile played on her lips as the blonde stood there and watched the two of them kiss. Clarke moved closer to Lexa, and started to run the fingers of one of her hands, though the other woman's hair. The blonde didn't stop the two of them as
they kissed, but instead she enjoyed the sight of the two of them together. After several minutes, though, she said, "Why don't we move this to the bed?" A smile was on her lips as she
said this.
It was good that the hunting group found so much meat. Every supposed supply center was empty and barren. The Ark did a shitty job of helping them with finding supplies. They were lucky to have so many delinquents with these assorted skills. He could never stop worrying about Octavia: especially not when she was prone to making illogical and immature choices. However, the last thing he wanted now was telling Octavia what he thought so they could avoid conflict. If tragedy did happen, he did not wish for their last conversation to involve arguing. “I love you too and you’re right, I can’t wait to get back home. If everything goes well tomorrow, I should be home tomorrow evening or night. If it is too late, I might stay one more night since I won’t be escorted back to camp.” Bellamy explained so Octavia did not get worried if he was not back before sundown tomorrow.

She was definitely his sister. Bellamy would have threatened the same thing to those deserters on their posts. Either that, or he would threaten to kill them himself. “It is not harsh. You did the right thing. I’m glad the army is gone. We won’t do anything to make ourselves a threat. You know that. Just make sure nobody else does back at camp. Tell me, what have you heard? Are there any problems I should know about? Do we have to worry about a bunch of people not accepting our deal and pact with the grounders?” Bellamy knew it was impossible to expect every single person to agree on this. Hopefully, the majority was on his side. If that was true, then things would go smoother.

“If you hear anything of the sort, make sure to tell them that the penalty for threatening to break the pact and the penalty for doing the act will be death or exile, depending on if my coin lands on heads or tails.” It was somewhat sarcastic, but either option were viable. Bellamy would kill anyone that threatened to disturb the peace.


Someone should have pinched Jason. Was this really happening? He looked to Clarke, then looked to Lexa before looking to Clarke again. She was serious. Their bodies were touching and Jason could not deny how attractive Lexa was. “I certainly do not have an issue with it.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss Lexa. His right hand rested on her left cheek when their lips touched. It started slow without the use of tongue or anything else. After two minutes of kissing, Jason placed his left hand onto Lexa’s hip and his mouth parted. The tip of his tongue rubbed against Lexa’s lips, tracing against her mouth. When Clarke said they should move to the bed, Jason pulled back by gripping Clarke’s lower lip in between his teeth, tugging and letting it go.

Jason hoped it was not selfish to hope that he could always be in the middle. Sure, Lexa and Clarke had attraction, but he hoped both of their attraction to him was greater. Jason enjoyed the idea of somewhat being the “head” of this little three-way relationship they had started here. Time would tell and Jason grabbed each of the girl’s hands, pulling them into bed after kicking off his boots. One arm wrapped around Clarke’s waist and one wrapped around Lexa’s. “This is… incredible.” Jason breathed out, moving to kiss Lexa’s neck. This was something new and something erotic: Jason approved. He had no idea how far either girl wanted to take it and he was not wanting to push too far to upset either of them, so he was proceeding with caution at first.
Octavia sighed. "Some of the others are being dumbasses, and don't want to get along with the Grounders. I told them again, that they had two choices. Their choices were to get along with the Grounders and stay alive, or don't get along with them and get killed. The assholes that don't want to support the treaty didn't seem to like my answer, but I don't give a shit. For the most part, the others are listening to me in your absence. Though if I'm honest, I think it's more out of a mixture of respect for you, and fear that you'll kill them yourself when you get back, if they don't listen to me and I end up having to do things myself and risk getting hurt."

"They're terrified of you and I use that to my advantage. As for hearing anything, there's been nothing going on here except the hunting party that I went on. We're keeping watch on the wall/gates, and that's really it. No problems that I can't handle. Some bozo thought he'd try to get flirty and handsy with me while you were gone, but when I punched him in the mouth,
he got the picture and backed off. I have no problem telling them that if they screw this up, their dead. I've already said as much." A little bit of silence passed between them and then
Octavia said, "I love you, Bell."

"I'm gonna get some sleep now, as I need to take a turn on the wall in a few hours. Be safe and get back home to me soon."


Lexa went with Jason when he led her and Clarke to the bed. She had enjoyed the kiss that she and Jason shared, and now that he was kissing her neck, soft moans left her lips. "I should mention that I have never done this before," The brunette said softly. A small hint of red came over her cheeks in embarrassment. "I know more about fighting to stay alive, and fighting to protect my people, than about this kind of thing. I hope that does not scare either of you off. I just never had time to focus on the romantic aspect of life. I was always too busy around Polis, or using the night to plan an attack or sleep."

"I am what they call a blank slate. I know nothing about any of this, except that many others would kill to have it. And a lot of the time those that do have it, do not truly appreciate what they have. I do not want to make the mistake of ever taking anything or anyone for granted.." Lexa told the two of them. She removed her armor, and then the rest of her clothing, sitting on the bed naked. Her body showing off the tattoos that she had. After her clothes were gone, the brunette held out her hands to both of them, encouraging the couple to join her in the bed.
It did not surprise Bellamy when Octavia informed him that a select few members in the walls were being idiots. They did not want to get along with the Grounders because they were so narrow minded. This was the new order of things. These people must learn to live with the grounders and accept them. “Well, it is good that you told them the truth – support our pact or be killed. I will make sure that those that were not listening hear it from me. I will kill them if I have to. I want you to be safe, though. If you feel threatened or unsafe about something, don’t do it. Just radio into me and I will take care of it when I get there. Just be safe, Octavia.” Now if anyone did something to Octavia, they would most definitely have hell to pay.

He loved that they were so afraid of him and it was good for Octavia to use that to her advantage. Since the problems were nonexistent, it made him feel better. “I love you too, Octavia. But you will tell me who this was that got handsy with you. I’ll punch him myself when I get back.” Bellamy ordered as he would not let this go.

“Okay, sis. You be safe. I love you and I’ll be back soon. If you need me during the night, don’t hesitate to page me.” He told her before chuckling. “You can’t see it but I’m kissing you right now.” He teased, happy to speak with her before going to bed.


Jason smiled when the commander admitted she had never done this before. Perfect. Both girls would only know Jason romantically and sexually. “That does not scare me off. In fact, that makes me much happier.” Jason admitted with a sweet smile on his lips. After she stripped down, Jason looked to Clarke before joining Lexa on the bed. He stripped down as well, interested to see where this night went. “Don’t be worried. We won’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable. We can take it slow.” Now, Jason was nude as he moved to sit in between the brunette and the blonde. His focus right now was on Lexa though one hand was laced with Clarke’s.

“Just explore, Lexa. We’re all safe here.” He reminded her, pulling her hand towards his flaccid cock since he was nude. “Touch me. Touch wherever you want. Get comfortable with this.” He ordered softly and started kissing her neck. “You’re gorgeous, by the way. I know you’re much more than just a warrior. I’m surrounded by the two most beautiful girls on Earth.” Jason whispered while truly believing it. “Talk to us, Lexa. What will make you the most comfortable? Would you want to watch us together or should I focus on you and teach you?” He asked, his lips ghosting her neck.
"I'm fine, Bellamy." Octavia assured her brother. "Like I said, I've been keeping Jasper and Monty close, and they make sure that no one gets too close to me, especially after what happened with that idiot. By the way, no, I'm not telling you who got handsy with me. I dealt with it, and it's over now. He knows not to look in my direction again, unless I'm giving him orders to do something. So don't freak out. I've taken care of the problem. You be safe, too. I'm fine here. You're the one who's surrounded by possible enemies. Get some sleep and I'll see you soon. Love you," The brunette said, and then she set the radio down, covered up and closed her eyes.

Lexa nodded as she listened to Jason's words and then watched as he stripped out of his clothes and joined her on the bed. She saw that he was focusing his attention on her, and didn't want Clarke to feel left out. "Kiss Clarke," The brunette said softly, wanting to include the other girl in what they were doing. She saw that Jason had one of Clarke's hands in his and nodded, glad. "I don't want her to feel left out," The young woman explained. She looked back and forth between the couple for a few moments, and then smiled. "I'm not worried. If i get uncomfortable,
I know how to take control of things."

The words were said with confidence, not arrogance, as she well knew how to take care of herself, especially if anyone tried to attack her. Whether it was physically or sexually. When he took her hand and told her to explore, she gently rubbed her hand on his cock, wrapping her fingers around it, with a loose grip. Not wanting to hurt him, especially since she didn't know what she was doing. A soft sigh left her lips as Jason kissed her neck. "You don't need to flatter me. I'm already here with you. I want you to teach me," Lexa told him softly. "But we also need to make sure to include Clarke."
If Jasper and Monty were close, then he could extract information from them about who touched his sister. Nonetheless, Bellamy told Octavia good night and that he loved her, too. He sat the radio down beside the bed and curled up. It was lonely, sleeping without his sister in his arms but he figured he’d have to get used to it for a couple nights at least. With that thought in mind, he closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep, or at least tried to. He was just anxious about the ceremony and the day tomorrow, wondering how it would go and if this would work.

Not wanting Clarke to feel left out either, Jason gave her a kiss. Well, he had been focusing every ounce of his attention on the blonde for years upon years so he figured just a few minutes of playing with Lexa would not hurt. When she wrapped one hand around his cock, Jason moaned softly but he questioned her reasons for this when she talked about him teaching her as if that’s all they were doing here. She might be the commander. She might always get what she wants but Jason would make demands of her right now in the bedroom. It complimented his personality anyways.

“I hope you don’t intend taking what I teach you elsewhere. If we’re doing this, you’re going to be mine and that’s it. The only other person you will touch or kiss is Clarke. That is not up for discussion. If this will just be a fling or something for you to learn, then you might as well leave now. I just want you to know that. I don’t do one night stands or anything that’s not permanent. If you’re in this for the long haul, then stay here with us and let me show you everything that we know.” Jason added, looking in Lexa’s eyes for an answer. He knew she was dominant as her role. She had to be and he wondered if she could take being submissive in bed or in the relationship.
"As I have said, I have never done this before. I was not implying anything else." Lexa released his cock from her hand, and set both of her hands in her lap. "I have a dominant personality," She admitted and shrugged. "It is who I am. It is not just about being the Commander. I am uncomfortable with a lack of control," The brunette said softly. "I do not have any experience in being vulnerable with anyone. It is not something my people are very good at. Letting someone else be in control of you or a situation, is seen as weak by my people and by every other clan around."

The brunette sighed softly. "I am willing to try, but I do not know how well I will take to it. Putting myself in your control is dangerous. Not just for me, but for my people. I really hope that I am not making a mistake by doing this." The words hung between them, and then silence fell between them. Her intention was not to be the complete boss in the relationship. It was to be honest with them and tell both Jason and Clarke the truth about her lack of experience and how she felt. If they could accept and deal with her issues, then this might actually work for all of them.
his was frustrating. Despite his anger, Jason responded calmly to Lexa. “I understand this will be new territory for you. I appreciate you willing to try this. But I don’t see how letting me take control of you in the bedroom is dangerous for your people. You said you wanted me to teach you so this is your first lesson – we shouldn’t talk about politics or other things like that when we’re in bed together and indulging ourselves in each other’s bodies. Sure, we can spend time at night cuddling and talking together – all three of us. If we’re about to have fun, though, that’s a real mood killer.” Jason hated having dialogue in bed.

Some was necessary and reasonable but having a full conversation while Lexa stroked him right now was extremely unappealing and it felt pointless. Even though that was how he felt, Jason was showing he wanted to do this for Lexa. “You also did not agree that you would not be with anyone else other than us. I need to hear you say that and mean it. I understand that you’re a dominant woman and you want what you want. You’re probably used to always getting what you want. I just want to let you know that if you happen to want someone else while we are all together, you are really screwing up. I am possessive. You will be mine and only mine – mine and Clarke’s, that is. Is that clear?”
"It is dangerous because I am putting my life in you and Clarke's hands. I am trusting both of you not to hurt me or try to kill me. I am letting you be in control, and the simplest thing
could go wrong. I can see by the expression on your face that you are angry. That you do not like being questioned. Well, I am going to question you. I am going to speak up for myself. Others might not do that, but I am not going to be a completely passive participant if this goes forward. I do not see how passivity benefits anyone." She stopped talking a few moments
later as Jason started to speak again.

There were many things Lexa wanted to say to his comment about not talking about politics in bed, but she held her tongue. Her eyes narrowed in anger as Jason continued to speak, and when he was done, she took a breath to calm her anger. "Do not assume that you know me and I will do the same for you. You talk about me not agreeing to be with anyone else, and yet
I have, as I am here. If I were going to be with anyone else, I would not be sitting here. And as for your assumptions that I always get what I want, you do not know me nor do you have
the right to judge me."

"I do not put myself before my people. I have been protecting them and putting their needs and well being before my own since I was a child." She paused for a moment choosing her words wisely, because his attitude was starting to irritate her. Lexa took a few more breaths to steady her temper and said, "I can understand you wanting to protect yourself and Clarke, that is a normal behavior when faced with the unknown. But I will not be treated like a possession. And I do not appreciate the implication that I will be one, where you are concerned. I thought relationships were supposed to be a partnership, not a dictatorship."
Jason realized that Lexa was misunderstanding him. There was no reason to feel frustrated or angry. He explained things to her. Jason simply did not want Lexa to sneak around with anyone else if they were going to do this. The possession was not talking to her like she was an object – it was an emotional possession and sense of belonging full of emotion. Jason finally made Lexa understand that it was not derogatory. Then Jason convinced Lexa to give up control. They all agreed that Jason would be the head of the relationship and neither girl seemed to have an issue with that. Lexa finally decided to give in and be submissive and approach it with an open mind. She no longer thought it was dangerous, rather, she thought it was enticing. Jason was happy to convince her of that and also showing her that it was not a dictatorship. It was about back and forth though Jason still had the final say with everything. He would care for them both and keep them safe. When that was finally understood, things were running much smoother now that Lexa finally started to comply.

After Lexa agreed and understood, Jason was assured that Lexa would not seek out anyone else for love or sex or anything like that. It was him and Clarke. Of course, Jason did not make her understand on his own. Clarke helped as well and soon enough, things were running smoothly. Now, the fun part. Jason sat in the middle and he placed his hand in between her legs. The pads of his forefinger and middle finger slowly started rubbing circles on her clitoris. A smile was on his face and he locked their eyes together. Even while doing this, Jason decided to do the same thing to Clarke since they were now all nude. He wanted to play with both of his girlfriends now, giving them the pleasure and showing that it was not all about him as he promised. “how does that feel, Lexa?” He asked softly.
After they had discussed everything and figured everything out, Lexa had agreed to give things a try. As soon as Jason's hand moved between her legs, a gasp of pleasure came from her, and she eagerly parted her legs wider to give him better access to her most private parts. It didn't take long for his finger to start working her and driving her crazy. She had never felt anything like this before and it felt simply amazing, and she almost didn't want it to end. Their eyes locked and the brunette could see the smile on his face and it mirrored her own, as she enjoyed this.

As his fingers kept working her most private area, she leaned forward and locked their lips together, kissing him and moaning against his lips as he touched her and brought out this new side of her. Lexa heard Clarke's moans, and she pulled back from the kiss, turning her attention to the other woman, as she watched the blonde enjoy herself. "She's beautiful," The brunette told Jason, as she took in the relaxed way Clarke was, or how eager the other woman was for his touch. She reached out and caressed the other woman's cheek, letting her fingers gently linger against the soft skin.
“Yes, she is.” Jason responded with a grin. They were both beautiful. Watching them kiss and touch each other was pleasing to Jason. His right hand remained on Lexa’s crotch while the left hand remained on Clarke’s crotch. He alternated between rubbing their clits and sliding his fingers inside of their tight vaginas as well. Grinning, he leaned down to kiss Clarke’s neck first before moving to Lexa’s neck as well. “I want you both to touch me at the same time.” Jason whispered quietly, looking towards the girls he cared so much about. Jason’s cock was big enough that two hands were barely enough to hold him. That meant Lexa and Clarke could both stroke him and touch his sac with having plenty of room.

He figured the best way to ease into this was something like now. He could make both of them cum with his hands while they did the same to him or even added something extra if they wanted. Clarke already knew all of his quirks and desires so maybe she could give Lexa some tips. “I do hope we spend every night possible like this. I’m enjoying myself. I hope both you ladies are as well.” Jason whispered softly, rubbing harder on their clits.
Lexa and Clarke worked their hands, sliding them up and down Jason's cock as they stroked them. Small moans of pleasure left their lips as the continued to finger them. Their moans turned to sighs when he started to kiss their necks, even as he kept working them with his fingers. Lexa didn't know what to do. There was so much that she wanted to know, wanted to try, but she was having trouble putting into words what she wanted to ask. Eventually, once they had both come, the two women focused their attention on their boyfriend and kept touching and kissing him as they tried to get him off.

"What happens now?" She asked softly once Jason had spilled his juices onto her and Clarke's hands. They stroked him a few more times for good measure, and then released his cock and resumed kissing his lips, neck and chest. The two women taking turns and switching out who kissed what part of his body. The brunette pushed her dark hair out of her eyes, and a small smile came to her lips as she waited to see what Jason was going to have them do next. She traced her hands over his body, just enjoying touching his skin, even though it didn't lead to anything.
Jason derived as much pleasure from causing Clarke and Lexa to cum as he did from his own orgasm. After the trio had all reached their climax, Jason thought about his next move. It only felt right to make love with Lexa. Of course, Clarke would never be ignored. The male figured while he made love with Lexa, Clarke could touch and kiss them both so she was not left out. Looking into Lexa’s eyes, Jason offered a smile and pressed one hand against her cheek gently. “I think I’m going to make love with you. Clarke can touch us and kiss us both so we all have some attention. Besides, I think it would be hot watching you two make out while I fuck one of you.”

In all likelihood, Jason would touch Clarke as well. The male finally turned the brunette onto her back and crawled on top of her. Then, he pulled Clarke so she was sitting close by them, one hand resting on her left butt cheek, squeezing the flesh firmly. His other hand started to fondle one of Lexa’s breasts as his semi-hard cock was growing more erect against Lexa’s thigh. “Are you ready?” He asked softly, knowing to be gentle at first since it was her first time. After she was ready, Jason slowly pushed inside and moaned rather loudly, tilting his head backwards as he was moving to kiss her neck, one hand still fondling Clarke’s ass while his hips started thrusting into Lexa.
Lexa smiled back when Jason rested a hand against her cheek. She nodded at his words when he said that he was going to make love to her, that she and Clarke could touch and kiss, or make out while he was with her. "I have no problem with that," The brunette said softly. She felt a little flutter of nerves come over her, but tried to force it away so that it didn't ruin this between the three of them. The young woman let him push her onto her back and crawl on top of her. It was very much a new sensation for her to have another person's body on top of her own, without feeling their hands at her throat trying to kill her.

The feeling was pleasant. When he reached out to Clark and pulled the blonde close, the brunette reached out with one of her own hands to include the other woman. Soft moans left Lexa's lips as she felt Jason start to fondle one of her breasts, and his penis start to grow against her thigh. The young woman nodded, as she knew that words were useless in that moment. Her hands gripped his back and her fingernails dug deeply into the skin there, as she moaned loudly once he had thrust inside of her. There was pain, and she was used to pain, but had never experienced anything like this before.

Lexa could tell that Jason was enjoying it, and so she decided to stick it out and see if things got better. it took a while, but eventually the pain went away, and she started to move her body against his. His lips were on her neck, kissing it and leaving little bite mark which made her moan. She turned her head and saw that he still had hold of Clarke's ass with one hand, fondling it. And within moments, tugged the blonde close and kissed her lips.


Clarke laid there with a grin on her lips as she watched Jason and Lexa get to know each other in this new way. They were beautiful together, and she enjoyed watching them. And as he squeezed the flesh of her ass, a smirk came to her lips, and the blonde removed her boyfriend's hand from her ass. "Just make sure to focus your attention on Lexa. This is her first time,
and we need to make it special for her." The young woman laid a short distance away from her lovers, moving closer when the other woman reached out to pull her close, and they kissed.

The two women moaned softly against each other's lips as they kissed, and as Jason fucked Lexa. The sounds that all three of them made together were hot, arousing, and one of the best collection of sound that Clarke had ever heard. She had a feeling that the three of them were definitely going to be spending a lot of time together from now on and couldn't wait for them to make this a regular thing.
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