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RP: The 100: Return To Earth (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

The feisty ones were interesting. Jason felt more arousal from watching Clarke squirm and struggle than he had ever felt before in his entire life. This made it so easy to focus on the blonde and focus on the movement of his hips. His cock pushed deep into her ass until his balls slapped against her rear and the base touched her puckered lips. Then, Jason pulled back slowly and waited until just the tip remained inside of her. Next, he pushed forward again. It was a continuous process. Of course, his hands would not remain idle. They both grasped and firmly fondled her breasts, playing with her nipples and groping the flesh. “Don’t cry, Princess. You know how good this feels.” Jason quirked, standing her up slightly so he could reach his lips down to her neck.
Clarke didn't bother reacting to his words. She just turned her face away from him as much as she could and kept telling herself that it would be over soon. That he'd get tired of her not responding to him and he'd get frustrated and give up and leave her alone. The blonde remained silent and swallowed several times, even as the tears kept falling from her eyes and down
her cheeks. The only thing on her mind was getting through this horrible situation however she had to do so. The young woman just wished that he would come already and unbind her. She was thirsty and hungry, and needed to rest.
Unfortunately the non-reaction did indeed not impact Jason as much as it had been. Thankfully, just the sight of Clarke bound and gagged while feeling her tight ass around his cock turned him on enough. After a few pumps of his hips, Jason moaned out rather loudly after reaching his orgasm. Filling up her tight ass with his hot, sticky semen, Jason began kissing her neck as he released. Once he finished the orgasm, Jason just fondled her breasts while relaxing. “That feels so fucking good.” He groaned out against her skin. “Alright. Let’s take this back to the bed, shall we? We have something important to do.” Winking, he carried Clarke to the bed again and placed her down before pulling the gag out of her mouth.
"Please don't make me do this," Clarke pleaded after Jason had carried her back into the bedroom, placed her down on the bed and he pulled the gag out of her mouth once more. "Please.." She repeated softy. "I don't wanna live like this. I don't wanna be your wife, I don't want to have family with you. I just wanna leave and go back to my friends. I don't want anything bad to happen to Bellamy and Octavia.." The blonde fell silent after she spoke, sighed softly and waited to see what he would say and do next. She could only hope that he would let her friend's go, even if she was stuck with him.
“You’re wrong.” Jason started. “You want this more than you could ever imagine. It will just take you time to figure it out.” Finally, the male decided he wanted Clarke to get dressed. With that in mind, he tossed her something to wear: a black dress that would fit her perfectly and some nice shoes to go along with it. Since they were going out, he did provide her with a pair of underwear. Then, Jason quickly untied her hands and her ankles, but he kept his gun aimed at her. Surely even Clarke was not dumb enough to try anything with the gun pointed at her head. So, she was still bare except for the collar. “Now, get dressed. We have something we need to attend to.”
Clarke wasn't trying to be annoying on purpose, but she couldn't help but ask, "What about a shower? Solo, alone. I stink like sex," She said softly, and lowered her gaze to the floor, unable
to say what it had really been. Part of her was denying what had happened. While the aching between her legs told her that it really had happened. The blonde just remained standing there, as she held the dress and shoes out in front of her body. The young woman didn't think it was such a horrible request, and it had the added benefit of washing the feel of him off of her. But he didn't need to know the last part.
Fair enough. The request wasn’t horrible. Besides, there were no escape routes in the bathroom. “Go ahead. Take your shower and then get dressed. I’ll be waiting for you out here.” The male added, returning the clothes to the bed before sitting down as well. He watched her as she walked into the bathroom, admiring her ass as it swayed. Jason was quite satisfied with what he had done now and he just watched the blonde leave. While she took a shower, he just relaxed on the bed and kept his eyes on the door of the bathroom that was connected into this bedroom. There was no escape for her in the bathroom and she had to come back out the same door. Even if she wanted to run, there was nowhere to go.
Clarke briefly considered the idea of locking the bathroom door and just staying there, away from him. But she knew that just like any other ideas of escape that she had considered, it wasn't feasible. Even if the blonde did stay locked in the bathroom, it wouldn't remain that way for long. The young woman knew that her captor would just break down the door. And he'd probably get angry and hurt her again. So it was better to bide her time, act normal and try to figure something out. Half an hour later after her shower, she unlocked and opened the bathroom door, exiting with a towel around her body, covering the important bits, as her just dried hair, sat on her shoulders.
When Clarke returned, Jason offered a smile. Hopefully the shower helped clear her head. He almost laughed when he saw the towel wrapped around her body. Did it still matter? It was not like Jason had not seen and touched every inch of her body already. ‘Okay, drop the towel and get dressed.” Jason ordered, deciding to help her out as he pulled the towel undone, letting it fall down onto the ground. “Get dressed in what I have picked out for you, then it is time to follow me. I will lead you to your friends. I think after seeing them, you might have a different mindset.” Jason added with a smirk on his face, loving the way he was toying with the blonde.
Clarke had to force herself not to react and snap at Jason when he pulled her towel off of her. When he handed her the dress, she turned and walked back into the bathroom so that she could change in private. Once the blonde had dressed, she walked back into the room and silently snatched the shoes out of his hand. The young woman slipped them and on and then remained silent and waited to see what he had planned next. She really hoped that he wasn't lying about taking her to see Bellamy and Octavia now, as she was really worried about them ad needed to know they were alive and safe.
“Before we go, put your collar back on.” Jason reminded Clarke, wanting everyone to know that she was already his property. Then, he waited before grabbing the special set of handcuffs again. These cuffs had a leash attached to the center links so he could pull her along and keep her close. The male attached them onto her wrists and stole a kiss from her lips. “Alright, follow me. Watch your step.” Walking out of the room and down a flight of stairs, the couple quickly began approaching the door. When he opened the front door, he showed her the world that she now lived in. There were people at almost every step of the way, but not one person looked at her like anything was unordinary or wrong.
Clarke didn't know what to think as she and Jason finally left the bedroom. The way these people looked and acted, it was like this was completely normal to them. And maybe it was. Maybe they truly were so screwed up, that this ridiculous kind of behavior was normal to them. She kept her thoughts to herself, knowing that if she spoke them out loud, it would ruin her chances
of seeing Bellamy and Octavia. The blonde bit her tongue so hard to keep herself from talking, that it started to bleed, but she still didn't speak. She kept her face clear of emotions as they walked.
Within minutes, Jason entered the prisoner holding area with Clarke. Bellamy and Octavia were still locked in their cells, chained to the walls. “See. I told you I would let you see your friends again.” They were both battered, beaten, and bloody. Clearly, tests were run on them and they were depleted of energy. He stood behind Clarke as she looked at her friends. “Like I told you, they aren’t going to save you. Nobody is going to save you. This is your new life, Clarke. You’re going to be mine forever.” He whispered, just showing her the power that he held over her right now.
"Let them go and I'll do whatever you want," Clarke said, and she turned away from Bellamy and Octavia, and faced Jason. "They don't deserve to be treated like animals. Being chained, locked up in cages, and experimented on. They haven't done anything to you or your people. They're completely innocent of whatever you're blaming them for and whatever you're taking
out on them. If you want to blame someone, blame me. They don't deserve to be hurt or tortured for something that was my fault to begin with. I accept full responsibility for whatever it
is that you're angry about."
“Poor girl. You are mistaken. I don’t blame anyone for anything. There’s hardly a rhyme or reason for this. You are valiant and admirable, but you request something that does not exist. Your friends have run their course. They are no longer useful. I find nothing conclusive enough in our research. You, on the other hand, you serve a higher purpose.” Both Bellamy and Octavia were unconscious, chained up. Nodding to the guard, the armed man handed Jason a small handgun. “I have total control and power over you. It seems you don’t quite understand it yet. Perhaps if I show you again, you will understand. There will be nothing for you to return to.” With that, he swiftly turned his head and first aimed the gun at Bellamy. The first shot sent a bullet through his head. Then, he turned the gun onto Bellamy’s sister, quickly pulling the trigger again. Both Blake siblings had been killed.
Clarke dropped to her knees on the ground beside her friends. Her hands immediately going to each of their necks and checking for a pulse. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she hugged both of their bodies against her. "I'm sorry," The blonde whispered to her friends. "I'm so sorry that I did this to both of you.. I'm sorry.." She didn't stop apologizing to them for a long time, unable to believe that they were really dead. That this man could be so cruel as to kill two innocent people who had never hurt him or anyone else. Eventually, she looked at him again. "Kill me, too."
Jason rolled his eyes. “Damn, you’re really an arrogant slut, aren’t you?” Chuckling, the man stood in front of Clarke as she sat on her knees. “Do you think everything’s about you? Do you think I killed them because of you? Hell no, I did not. I took the three of you simply because you were there at the same location that I was. If the timing had been different, none of you would have been targeted. I killed them because they have no use for me. There’s nothing we can experiment on with just two people more than we have already.”

Jason gently placed his hand onto the back of her head, slowly stroking her hair in a loving manner while he ordered for the guards to remove the dead bodies. “You, however, you’re everything I want for myself. So, do I have your attention now? You see my numbers. You see what I can do. It isn’t your fault that your friends died, but if you continue acting like a stuck-up bitch, then I will kill everyone else that fell to Earth with you. You know we have more technology, guns, and people than you. I could wipe all of you out in a day. Do I have your compliance now?”
The words that Jason spoke were the truth. And as he continued to speak, each word was a reminder that she was trapped, that he had the upper-hand, the power. And she had nothing. No way to ever see her friend's or her mother again. No way to escape and start her life over and figure out how amazing Earth could be once given a chance. No. All the blonde had was him,
and his plans for her. And though her first thought was to try and kill herself, she knew better. He wasn't going to give her an easy out. He enjoyed causing her pain, and as long as she was alive, he'd get to continue doing that.

"I understand," Clarke said softly. And she really did. There was no escaping him. There was no escaping this life. The only thought that comforted her, was knowing that her mother and all the others thought she was dead. And knowing that, they wouldn't put their lives at risk trying to find her. As painful as it was to think that, it also made her happy, knowing that no one else would die because of her. The blonde forced back the tears that wanted to fall. She was lonely, and knew that she would be for the rest of her life. So maybe it was better to just give in, let him do what he wanted to her and simply zone out.

There was a place in her mind that even Jason couldn't get to, and couldn't destroy, no matter what he did to her. The memories of her parents, of Wells, of the early days of her friendships with Bellamy and Octavia. He couldn't taint those memories, no matter what he did. And those memories would have to sustain her for the rest of her life.
“Good. Now, get up.” Jason ordered, even reaching down to pull her up as well. It seemed that this had truly rattled Clarke’s resolve. While he understood she was not the type to give up, he also understood that nobody was impenetrable. It might take a long time, but he could break her spirit in every facet. So, now, he was pulling her along beside of him with the leash attached to the collar around her neck. “Let’s get you something to eat and drink. I’ll make sure you’re well fed and well kept.” The male spoke as if this was something casual, like she was a willing guest.

Well, she was not willing, and she was not a guest. She was a permanent resident. Again, as they walked through the camps, nobody looked at Clarke or Jason like it was odd. Nobody made a move to help. This was a sense of normalcy. When they reacted the food court area, Jason was able to skip past everyone because of his status. He took Clarke right to the line up front and ordered their food. It was meat, vegetables, fruit, and bread. It was the perfect lunch to give all the nutrients that the body needed.

Still pulling Clarke with him, Jason sat the blonde down onto one of the chairs at a table with only two chairs. Jason pulled the other one right up beside of her so he could be close to her. Still keeping the chains on her wrists since they were in front and he figured she could still function well enough to eat like this, Jason dug into his food. “Make sure you eat everything. It has been a while since your body has been fed. Drink plenty of water, too. You’re going to need all the energy for tonight.”
Clarke didn't bother to reply to anything that Jason said to her. There was no reason to bother coming up with a reply. It didn't matter what she said or did or thought anymore. She was basically his property to use as long as he wanted, and for how he saw fit. There was no reason for her to talk, as no one cared for her opinion, and no one was going to help her. She was trapped, and as painful as it was to accept, this was her life now. She belonged to Jason and only lived to fulfill his wants and needs. Knowing that her life from now on was going to be so radically different than what she was used to, would take some time to adjust to.

She was basically going to be used as a trophy wife. He would show her off, and then knock her up, and that's what the rest of her life was going to be about. The blonde wouldn't be able to trust anyone, and there would be no one who she could talk to, about anything. She ate a few bites of her food, but didn't taste it. It felt like ashes in her mouth. Part of her wanted to know why Jason was the way he was. But the other part of her flat out refused to ask. She didn't want to hear his sob story that had turned him into this monster before her. She just wanted to be free, but that was never going to happen.

Unable to help herself, Clarke finally asked the question that had been on her mind since Jason had captured her. "W-what happened t-to the other w-women?" Because there was no way that she was his first captive. He was too prepared for anything that she said and did, which was what led her to believe that she wasn't the first person he had captured and used for his own will. And, it wasn't like Jason was old or anything like that. He was probably her age, maybe a little bit older. Well, he was old enough to have had a few partners, but it's not like he was in his 40's or 50's.
“Smart girl.” Clarke was attentive and observative. Yes, there had been other girls. She was not ignorant, so Jason would not hide it or sugarcoat it. “It is really simple, Clarke. There have been other women, yes. However, I intended to use them until they were no longer useful, if that makes sense. I’d fuck them, have fun with them, and either put them to work around the camp or kill them if they couldn’t do anything else. I’ve never wanted to have one of these women for a long time. That’s where you’re different and that’s why you don’t have to worry about me killing you. I’m falling for you hard. I can see a future with you. I just don’t care only about sex or your body. Nobody has affected me like you have, Clarke. Sure, the sex is great, too, but that’s not it. Our relationship is so much stronger than I’ve had before. I never wanted to marry those girls before. I never wanted to spend more time with those girls before. Hell, I never did something like this with anyone before. You’re special, Clarke. So, I’m sure it might rattle you to hear about their fates, but you are mine until the end of time.”

After telling her this, Jason pressed a kiss onto her temple. Clearly, he was a sick man with a distorted view of romance. To him, this was truly a romantic relationship. Clarke just did not know how much she loved him yet. With that in mind, he would be patient with her and gentle with her for a while. The last thing he wanted was to overwhelm the girl. Her enjoyment in the relationship was also important. Yet, she did not look well, like she was not too hungry.

“Please, Clarke, finish up your food. You need your nutrition and strength and energy. You’re going to have to eat eventually. If you don’t eat, I’ll fucking hook you up to an IV so you get what you need. There is no escape for you, not even death. It is time you understand how serious this is, how you’re bound to be my slave and my wife for the rest of your life. By the way, your life will last quite a long time, so I’d get comfortable if I were you.”
"What's gonna happen to me when I'm no longer useful to you?" Clarke hated to ask the question but she needed to know. Given the plans that he had for her, had for them, she wanted to know what the rest of her life was going to be like, if his original plans fell through. "What if I can't give you what you want? Not because I'm refusing, but because I simply can't?" That was the million dollar question. The female teenagers on the Ark had all been implanted with a device that made them unable to have children until it was removed. If she told him that, he'd get someone to remove it.

But the question remained the same. What if she still couldn't get pregnant once the device was removed? Would she be lucky enough that he'd drop the idea of trying to force her to be his wife, and simply put her to work somewhere? That was what she hoped for, anyway. Some part of her, however wrong it was, hoped that she was unable to get pregnant, and that he would use someone else. Yes, it was cruel and wrong, but she couldn't help it. She was only human. Men in a position of power wanted to have lots of children so that they could keep their family in control and running things as they want.
“Oh, you’ll be useful. I can guarantee you that.” It was obvious that Clarke was referring to birthing a child. Yet, that did not matter as much to Jason as she thought. Sure, he wanted to keep a family of his in control and in power. If she was unable to do that for him, he just needed to find a woman that could. Even then, he had no issue with taking two wives to be his. Clarke was not going to get out so easily. “I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you. You give me what I want without even trying. Even if I can’t put a baby inside of you at some point, I’ll still have use for you.” It was adorable that she thought things would be that easy, that simple.

“Like I said, it is not just about your body or being in control or continuing my family. You offer so much else. I know you’re too ignorant to see it now, but you will soon enough.” With a grin, Jason decided to reach down and grab both of her cuffed hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. “Do you have other questions? I’d be happy to answer them. For our wedding, I’ll start getting everything planned appropriately. I can see it happening in a week or so. We won’t need much to think about before we’re ready.”
Clarke pulled her hands away from his and moved to stand up from her chair and the table. "No questions, and I'm not hungry. I'm gonna go back to the house." After she spoke, the blonde turned away from Jason and started to walk away. At first she was stopped by some of the guards, but after a few moments, they led her back to the house and allowed her to go inside once more and into Jason's room. She watched as they pulled the door shut, effectively trapping her in the bedroom. The young woman walked over to the bed and sat down, pulled her knees to her chest and closed her eyes.

Eventually, she released the hold on her legs and then kicked her shoes off and onto the floor. The blonde laid down in the bed and pulled the blankets over her body. Maybe some sleep would help, and when she woke up, things wouldn't seem as horrible as they did right now. Hopeful, she closed her eyes and then shifted a few times to get comfortable in the bed, before she found a good spot. With a soft sigh, she felt some of the stress start to leave her body as she found herself relaxing for the first time since she had arrived on earth. It took a few minutes for her to fall asleep, but once she did, everything else faded away.
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