RP: The 100: Return To Earth (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

This was every man’s dream: making love with two beautiful women. It was even better that tonight was a one time thing. From this point forward, Lexa and Clarke were both his to love, cuddle, and live with forever. That was a long time, but he could not pick two different girls if he was given the option. They were the epitome of beautiful and loving. Jason always loved Clarke and that did not change even when he started to fantasize about Lexa. It was almost too difficult to believe, but this was truly happening. It was something the young man could have never guessed would happen.

Clarke was right about keeping his focus on Lexa. He waited until the two girls finished kissing and then, dominantly, he pulled Lexa’s face towards his. “My turn.” He breathed out, looking at those lips. They were much fuller than Clarke’s and they looked so damn kissable. With a smile, he pressed their mouths together and did not waste time sending his tongue into Lexa’s mouth. The kiss started and it was growing hotter and more passionate with each second. His hands both now rested on his new lover’s ass, gripping the flesh with the perfect mixture of strength and gentleness.

He cared about Lexa and he cared about this feeling good. If she showed signs of too much pain, he would slow down the pace. When that emotion seemed to leave, he increased it again. His breathing was heavy and ragged and his cock continued to slide as deep into the woman as physically possible. He was swollen to the fullest extent, every inch of his cock rubbing against the inside of Lexa’s walls. He kept kissing her, playing with her tongue and massaging the inside of her cheeks. When their eyes locked, something special happened.

He could not look away. It was almost like a trance. Jason hoped Lexa felt something like this right now. This was not just about sex. This was about so much more – being emotionally vulnerable to another, putting one’s needs above the other. Sure, Lexa was the commander and she always put the clan’s need above her own, but this was something much different. Jason would love them both until the day he died and he would do anything to keep the both of them safe, even if that meant doing something against his morals. He could only hope he would get the same treatment back from his ladies. He knew he would from Clarke, but he had to wonder about Lexa.

What if her clan did not like that she was sleeping with him and Clarke? Would she break things off ? Or would she go after what her heart desires, what all their hearts wanted? He hoped it was the latter. Pre-cum was dripping inside of Lexa now and the sound of their hip bones smashing together grew more intense. His tongue never remained idle, now pulling back to trace the outline of her lips. “how are you feeling, Lexa?” He whispered softly, trying to think of a cute name for her. Clarke was Princess and he had to figure out something for Lexa now.
Lexa smiled when Jason leaned in to kiss her. She happily and eagerly pressed her lips against his, sighing softly in pleasure as they kissed. After a few moments, the brunette felt his tongue invading her mouth, and tentatively touched his tongue with her own. She felt his hands move to her ass, and moaned softly at his touch a few moments later. His hands gripped her, and the young woman was glad that he treated her as an equal and not someone that he viewed as needing to be taken care of. More moans left her lips, getting louder and louder as he kept moving against her.

"Feels great," The brunette said and then she smiled a moment later. She picked up the pace even more, the two of them slamming into each other in a harsh frenzy. They were slamming the bed against the wall and floor. The young woman got a strange feeling going through her, but before she could ask what it meant, it had come and gone, and she simply fell back against the bed and tried to catch her breath. Lexa kissed Jason once more, and lifted a hand to cup his face. Letting her actions say the things that she felt, but that she had trouble saying out loud.
Even though it did not take long for Lexa to orgasm, Jason did not finish so soon. His sexual desires were more than just plain, missionary sex but this was still fine. It just meant he might take longer to finish since he was not as aroused as normal when himself and Clarke played in the bedroom. He hoped that meant Lexa could cum again so he did not even slow down after her first orgasm. The kisses continued with her lips locked onto his. Deciding to give himself some more pleasure, Jason decided to gently wrap both hands around Lexa’s wrists and pin them onto the mattress above her head to restrain her.

It was not the same as rope or cuffs but it was still hot. It helped him thrust a little harder, his cock sliding deep into the brunette as he loudly moaned out her name. Now, this was helping. His cock was throbbing and pulsating violently inside of Lexa and after only a few more thrusts, his orgasm was reaching and hot, sticky semen was spurting out from the tip of his cock, filling the brunette full of his cum as he tilted his head back in pure pleasure, keeping their eyes locked together as he came and finished inside of his newest girlfriend, filling her up to the brim like he had done with Clarke so many times.
Lexa smiled once they had both come, as she laid back in the bed, reaching out and taking one of each Jason and Clarke's hands into her own. Not wanting the other woman to feel left out. "I wish we could stay like this and not have to worry about anything or anyone else.." She admitted quietly. The young woman had never said this kind of thing out loud and to be admitting it to someone else now, was a risk. Her clan was her responsibility. She had to keep them fed, safe, and trained. And though she wished that every single day could be as amazing as this, she knew that would never happen.

So for now, the brunette was content to just lay there in bed with Jason and Clarke and enjoy their company while things were still calm. It would not stay this way for long, so she was going to take advantage of it."We will eventually have to leave the bed. We will need to check on your friend, Bellamy, and check on your other friends back at your camp. I am sure that he is not doing too well with being away from his sister." She paused for a moment and then said, "Perhaps we should send for her. I can have a few of my guard's go to your home, retrieve her and bring her here."
Jason thought Lexa had a point. “That might be a good idea. I don’t know. You should probably ask Bellamy, first. He’s only here for today and he probably trusted her with something important. I do know they were keeping in touch through the radio. I think they should be fine. If Bellamy needs her here, he would say.” Jason countered, holding both hands as well. Leaning down, the young man, pressed a kiss onto each of their lips. “We should get some rest now. In the morning we’ll have to get ready. I just want to enjoy the first night sleeping with my girls in this bed.” He chuckled softly, giving them both a kiss again. They would have more opportunities like this, but Jason was savoring it.

Once he was comfortable and pulled their blankets against their necks. Each arm was also wrapped around their necks as their hands were locked. A smile stayed on his face as he closed his eyes, falling asleep. “Thank you for trying this, lexa. I hope I can make you happy with this. This means so much to me.” He murmured, touching his lips against Lexa’s one more time. Of course, he would love and care for them both. For now and probably a while, he might focus a little more attention on Lexa since she was new to this as he knew Clarke might as well but neither would ever override the other.
Once Jason and Clarke had fallen asleep, Lexa laid there in silence and watched them. She wasn't used to the kind of attention that Jason and Clarke gave each other and were now giving to her. It was not a bad thing, it was just something she was unfamiliar with. Even though the three of them had not known each other for very long, the brunette was still aware that her feelings for them were changing. There would always be an issue of loyalty, it was unavoidable. Her feelings for them could never change that. They all wanted peace, but how long would that last for?

And what would they do when their new relationship was tested? Because it would be tested. She may not know anything about relationships, but she knew enough about people to know that there would be some anger on both of sides when it came out that the three of them were together. Lexa could not ask them to go against their people, and she could not go against hers. It might have been too early to worry about this, but this was what happened when she could not sleep and her mind would not shut down. Besides that, she always had to be prepared for the worst.
Waking up the next morning before Clarke and Lexa, Jason decided he should wake them up in a gentle, loving way. The first thing he did was lean down and kiss Clarke’s lips. His arm around her neck gently moved his hand to touch her face until her eyes opened. “Wake up, beautiful. It’s morning.” It was time they start to get dressed and get ready for the day. He would probably go fetch Bellamy so the ceremony could get started. When Clarke’s eyes opened, he greeted her with another kiss before turning to Lexa, moving his other arm around Lexa’s shoulders.

He gave her a gentle hug before kissing her neck sensually, just peppering his lips against her neck until she was peacefully awake. Jason knew that she would have some reservations about this and that was understandable. Jason decided that he would make sure to give Lexa the affection she needed. After the commander woke up, he leaned in for yet another kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth and pinning her tongue down against his own. After it was over, Jason sat up in the bed. “It’s time, Lexa. I wish we could all lay here in bed all day but we have things to do. I hope both of my ladies slept well last night. I know that I did.” Jason whispered, reaching down to hold both of their hands.
Lexa was quiet the next morning when she woke up. She kissed Jason back, and then kissed Clarke as well, but did not say much. The brunette had a lot on her mind this morning. The branding for one thing, her worries about what had happened between the three of them the night before and the consequences they were going to have to face for all of those actions.
"We should get going. There is no time to waste." The idea that had come to her late last night would just have to wait until later sometime, when she could give it her full attention.

Within minutes, she quickly slipped from the bed and started to pull her clothes on once more. The young woman could feel their eyes on her and she knew that they had questions, but right now just was not the time for them to be focused on that. They had other things to think about and take care of this morning. Once she was dressed, Lexa turned to face them once more. "I will make my leave and make sure that everything is ready."


Once Lexa had left, Clarke turned to Jason with a confused look on her face. The two of them hadn't even moved from the bed yet, and Lexa was already dressed and had left the room. "That was weird," The blonde said softly, as she moved closer on the bed to her boyfriend and kissed his lips sweetly. Pulling back a few moments later she said, "Do you think she's freaking out about last night, and she's using the events of today as a reason to pull away?" Her question was asked softly, as she remained curled into his side for several moments before reluctantly pulling away and moving to get dressed, too.
“She’ll come around. I know it.” Jason responded to Clarke before forcing himself up as well. Reluctantly, the male got dressed with Clarke as he wished to spend longer in the bed with both girls. That was not possible. There was a summit they both needed to attend. After getting dressed, Jason grabbed Clarke’s hand and walked down to where Bellamy was sleeping. He just knocked on the door and called the male’s name until Bellamy answered that he was awake. From here, Jason walked with Clarke back through Polis until they reached where the summit was taking place in the Throne room.

Meanwhile, Bellamy was getting up slowly. He knew it would be a long day but the quicker he got through it, the sooner he got back to Octavia. Maybe on the ride back he could chat with his sister over the radio. Until then, Bellamy quickly got dressed and exited as he went through the tower, working to find his way towards the Throne room. With so many people there, it was impossible to miss so he just stood near the doorway as he looked around, waiting to see what was going to happen here next.
The ceremony only lasted for a few hours, and Lexa was happy when it was over, and Bellamy was branded as the new clan in their arrangement. She could tell that he was eager to get back to his sister, so she didn't waste any time and sent him back to his camp with food and other supplies, along with some of her guards, to make sure that he got back home safely. Once that was taken care of, the brunette led Jason and Clarke through the grounds of Polis, showing them what they had to offer and secretly hoping that they would like it enough to stay with her.

She showed them the training that each and every member of her clan went through, showed them the community, and other homes in the community, along with anything they asked to see. Eventually, the young woman led them back inside and to her bedroom once more. "I want to apologize for my abrupt exit this morning. I am not used to doing what we did. And I did not expect to feel the things that I felt. It was rude of me to just leave, and I am sorry. I needed some time to figure out what I was feeling, and then I needed some time to get everything ready."
The ceremony took place as Bellamy represented the Skaikru clan. Everyone bowed before Lexa during the ceremony. Even though many representatives felt like Lexa was making a treaty with the enemy, they were giving their best shot to honor the things that Lexa did as the Commander. This was basically a treaty so they could avoid a war against each other and fight the war that mattered. Bellamy bowed to Lexa when it was his turn and he received the mark of the coalition as it was branded onto his forearm. It hurt like all hell but it was necessary to keep his people safe.

When that was over, Bellamy thanked Lexa for doing this and took the supplies before getting out of Polis. As much as he appreciated the treaty, he was still slightly worried about everything since some of the Grounders looked at him like fresh meat. The male rode through the night and arrived back in their camp just around the next morning. The gates opened for him and everyone was curious about what happened. However, Bellamy was only scanning the crowd for once face, hoping to find his sister and girlfriend, wherever she was at the time.


During the ceremony, Jason stood beside Clarke and watched everything transpire. It made him happy to hear that they were now the thirteenth clan and while many representatives looked resentful, they also looked somewhat accepting because the Commander’s word was final. The young man had been worried about if Lexa was done with himself and Clarke in a relationship aspect but she cleared that up by telling everyone of their new arrangement and relationship so that told Jason she was serious about this and didn’t care what the others thought. After it was over and they were given a tour, Jason heard Lexa apologize.

He reached down to take her hand in his own, pulling her knuckles towards his lips. “You have nothing to apologize for, Lexa. We understand. You cleared everything up, though. We know you’re serious about this. Like you said, every clan needs at least one representative to stay here in Polis. If the offer still stands, we’d like to stay and see where our relationship goes as well.” Jason spoke as he and Clarke talked about this earlier. With his free hand, he also reached down to grab Clarke’s as well, feeling a great deal of happiness and warmth from their touch.
Lexa gave a small smile when Jason reached out and took her hand, and brought it to his lips. "I would like for the two of you to stay, too." She said softly, and reached out for Clarke's other hand, squeezing both of their hands in hers. After several moments of silence passed between the three of them she said, "What would you both like to do now? The important stuff is mostly done for the day, though every few hours I will need to check in with my second in command and give a few new orders. But other than that, I am free to spend time with you both and do whatever you like."
It worried Bellamy when Octavia was not spotted near the gate. He assumed she would have been there, waiting for him. Since she was not, Bellamy walked deeper into the camp. It was uncomfortable because he felt all these eyes on him. So many of his friends looked like enemies now. Not many people were happy with this. Some thought Bellamy was a traitor. He could hear the soft murmurings and whispers about everything. Though there were plenty that were okay with this, it felt like the majority was against this move. It did not matter though, it was already done.

Since he could not find Octavia at the gate, he logically checked their room next. Hopefully she was there, asleep or something. He stood outside the door and knocked a few times, waiting for his girlfriend to answer.


“I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. I know something I want to do now before we do anything else, though.” With a smile, Jason wrapped his right arm around Clarke’s neck and then wrapped his left arm around Lexa’s neck. He pulled both of the girls into a tight hug, their head against his. He pressed a sweet kiss to Clarke’s lips first before connecting with Lexa’s lips. “Clarke can probably agree with this – but I love physical affection and touch. I love doing something like this. I don’t know what I really want right now other than just holding you both against me.” He commented with a bright smile.

He knew that Clarke had always loved it, too. He just hoped Lexa would as well. Since she likely needed more convincing, Jason did something that always seemed to get Clarke giggling and laughing. His lips just continued to press kisses against her neck at a very light strength that would hopefully just tickle her skin as his arms tightened around both of his girls. They could figure out what to do in another moment, but for now, this was needed.
Octavia had been asleep when the knock sounded on the door. She had just finished an overnight shift on the wall, and had been asleep not even half an hour when the knock on the door came. The brunette got up from the bed and moved to answer the door. A small smile came to her lips when she saw Bellamy standing before her. At the sight of him, she quickly threw her arms around his waist, and pulled him into the room, closing and locking the door behind the two of them. The young woman kissed him, as she pulled him along and they landed on the bed together a few moments later.

"I'm happy you're home, Bell. I missed you. How did it go? Is everything okay? Did you get the mark? Are we part of the coalition thing now?" The questions flew out of her mouth before she could stop them. But that also didn't stop her from kissing him, and hugging his body close against her, thankful and grateful that he was alive and okay, and that he had made it back to her unharmed. "Don't ever leave like that again, Bell. I was going crazy worrying about you the whole time you were gone." She said, and finally felt herself calming down now that he was back home with her.

Lexa was happy to kiss Jason back, as he kissed Clarke and then her, and wrapped his arms around their necks. "How about we all sit down on the bed together?" She suggested to the others a few moments later. A few soft laughs left her when he began to kiss her neck, the action tickling her. She took one of each of their hands and led them to the bed where they all sat down together. "I was thinking that maybe we could just have a quiet day together, the three of us. While I would still attend to my personal duties as Commander, I would always return to the two of you here in bed, and we could just relax in each other's arms."

"That is, if it is something the both of you would want. I do not want to assume anything one way or another. Tell me what the both of you want to do and we will do it. I want you both to be happy here, with me. However that needs to happen." It was hard for her to say that, but she hoped that being honest with them would work out in the long run. The brunette looked over at Jason. "If or when you and Clarke wish to breed for the first time of many, do make sure and let me know, so I can give you both some space. I have heard that many women do not like to be watched when they are being bred."
When the door opened, all of Bellamy’s previous worry left his body. Octavia had been safely sleeping in their room. It made Bellamy relax immediately when his sister wrapped her arms around his waist, pulled him into the bedroom, and brought him down on top of her onto the bed. A happy, joyful laugh escaped Bellamy’s lips. His eyes locked onto Octavia’s and the male could not help the urge to quickly pressed their lips together. Sure, it was nice talking to her on the radio but it paled in comparison to actually holding her, touching her, and kissing her. This was everything Bellamy wanted and more.

“I am so happy to be back, too. I missed you as well. Everything went perfectly. I have the mark now. We are part of the coalition. Nobody from Trikru will attack us now. We are safe to move as we please. We are now allies with them. I won’t leave you again, O. I will make sure that we are all safe. Lexa requires at least one representative from each coalition to stay in Polis but Jason and Clarke or doing that. Because of that, I don’t think I’ll have to go back there for any reasons unless anything goes wrong. Now, I am here and I am yours again. I don’t ever want to let you out of my arms now.”


“I think just having a relaxing, quiet day sounds perfect. Honestly, I was hoping either of you might feel in the mood. I am in the mood to make love right now. I don’t mind which of you I make love to first. Ideally, I’d love to indulge myself in both of your bodies. I don’t mind what order.” There were so many options here. Jason could focus on one girl at a time or they could have a three way in the bedroom. It just depended on what Clarke and Lexa wanted. Jason just cared for them both so deeply and he wanted to be inside of both girls at some point today. However, he understood that it was possible one or both of his girlfriends were not in the mood. Although he hoped that was not true, Jason realized it was a possibility. Because of that, he asked first before moving into detail.

While waiting for an answer, Jason held both of their hands as they lay in bed. He felt so thankful to be given an opportunity like this. Jason had so much love to give – there was more than enough for both girls. Still, as fantastic as this was, Jason placed their needs ahead of his own. It was how he was raised and it was just how he was wired.
"I'm really glad you're back, Bell. Now, less talking, more getting naked. I've been going crazy with you gone, and I really want you to use your belt on me again. And I want to keep making up hot and sexy ideas for us to use in bed together." The young woman wasted no time and started to tug at her brother's clothes, pulling them off his body, eager to touch his naked flesh. "Next time you go anywhere, I'm going with you. Don't bother arguing. I hated being without you." Within moments, she had peeled his clothes off, and then her own clothes as well.


Lexa moved to lay down on the bed, and she smiled at Jason. "I want to watch you and Clarke together. The two of you are beautiful together and I enjoy the sounds you make and the faces that you both make." The brunette gently pushed Clarke forward, grinning as she watched her two lovers start to remove each other's clothes. "I can never get enough of the two of you, and seeing your amazing bodies.." She said, and reached out to run each of her hands over their bodies. "I never thought that I would have someone special in my life. And I am lucky to have met both of you."
It was early in the morning. Bellamy watched his sister and Clarke Griffin sleep. They arrived to Earth three days ago. The pure mutiny was finally controlled when Bellamy gathered a small hunting group. Multiple groups of three people covered different sections of a map provided to them by Chancellor Jaha. They had one gun to each group, having the need to conserve ammunition. Plus, they were not exactly given a ton of weapons. It was the male’s turn to take watch, so he sat on the stump of a tree. Everything had been quiet and the morning was growing close.

Just when everything seemed under control, Bellamy heard a few twigs snapping. Quickly, he hissed to Octavia and Clarke a quick “Wake up”. Without even a chance to react, he heard a voice tell him to drop the weapon. It was at this time that Bellamy knew they were screwed. It looked like there were two dozen other humans that exited from the surrounding woods. Every single one of them was armed. It would have been foolish to try something erratic so Bellamy dropped the weapon and held his hands in the air, watching the people move in closely.


Jason lead the scouting group outside of the city walls. Movement had been detected after the ship crash landed. The rumors about people being in the sky were true. It was imperative to capture at least a few of the delinquents and experiment. Jason was trusted to lead his best men on the journey. He found that it was quite easy to do. When the male holding the weapon yielded, Jason approached with a few of the other soldiers. He had ordered each of the three individuals to be tied, gagged, and have a bag put over their head. However, he had his eyes set on the blonde.

Taking matters into his own hands, he walked up behind Clarke and roughly tugged her hands behind her back, locking some handcuffs around her wrists. Then, he took a white cloth and placed it in between her lips for a cleave gag. Lastly, he took a thick, black bag and quickly placed it over her head to disallow her or the others to see where they were. Jason and the other soldiers also attached something that functioned as a leash. Another metal chain was wrapped around the cuffs so the hostages could be lead and directed.
Clarke jumped up when Bellamy hissed at her and Octavia to wake up. Her head jerked around at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, and she saw about two dozen other people exit from the nearby woods. There were simply too many of them for her, Bellamy and Octavia to fight off. Besides that, they only had one gun between the three of them and only minor fighting skills. So basically, they were screwed. Her first thought was to try and fight anyway, because she was stubborn like that. But at the sight of Bellamy surrendering, the blonde sighed and did the same, and raised her hands in the air in surrender as well.

"We don't mean any harm," The blonde tried to explain. "We didn't mean to trespass, if that's what this is about. We're just trying to find some food and water. We don't mean any harm," The young woman repeated in the hopes that it would cause these strangers to let them live and let them get away. She watched as a few of them approached the three of them. Then struggled when the man who looked to be in charge, grabbed her hands and locked them behind her back with handcuffs. "Ow! Why are you doing this?" She asked and then tried to bite the man when a white cloth was shoved into her mouth and tied around the back of her head.

Even with the cloth in her mouth, that didn't stop her from trying to talk to them, trying to reason with the man who was in charge of the group of people. A tight collar was slipped around her neck, with a leash attached. She watched as a metal chain was added to the cuffs, so that they could be lead around. Her fear spiked up a notch when she noticed the black bag right before it was placed over her head. And that caused the young woman to struggle against the cuffs and her captors, wanting to get free and afraid of what was going to happen next.


Octavia screamed and immediately went into fighting mode, as she kicked and punched anyone that tried to touch her. It was no use, however, as she was quickly subdued and restrained by handcuffs, a leash, a collar, and a bag was put over her head. They didn't bother to put a cloth in her mouth or a gag over it, and she used that to her advantage, and called out to Bellamy and Clarke, hoping that they were okay. "Bellamy! Bellamy are you okay? Clarke, are you here?" Her concern for them got worse with each passing second and no response from them.
“It looks like I have a feisty one.” This brought a great deal of pleasure to Jason. Not only was Clarke gorgeous, but she had the personality of his ideal captive. He could handle any hostage. While the other guy and girl were primed for experimentation, Jason decided to evoke his executive rights and keep Clarke for himself. That decision was made almost as soon as Clarke kept trying to talk with the gag in her mouth. Words could not capture just how sexy it sounded. The soldier found out her name when the other girl called out for a Bellamy and Clarke. It was quite obvious which name belonged to the blonde.

Not far away, the soldiers arrived to a set of jeeps. They were not as sophisticated as vehicles before the world ended, but they functioned well in the terrain. Each captive was placed in a separate jeep. Jason decided to ride in the back with Clarke. It was more like a military Humvee with a large amount of space in the back. Once he climbed in with Clarke, he decided to remove the bag from her head, still holding the leash tight. “Welcome to your new life. I’m your Master, now.”


Silently, Bellamy cursed when Octavia fought back. He wanted to yell at her to stop because some of the soldiers had started giving her a beat down until she complied and was locked into the chains, cuffs, and collar. When Bellamy tried to help, he was given a violent shot to the side of his head. After the bag was placed onto his head, he realized they must have been taken to separate locations. It sounded like he vaguely heard Octavia shouting but he could not be sure. Like the others, he was forced into the back of a Humvee and driven to an unknown location.

Though he was not sure, the drive felt like twenty minutes. Whenever they arrived, he was pulled back out of the truck and walked forward. Of course, he could not see where he was going but he heard many more voices. It must have been some camp or compound. At one point, they reached a small set of stairs. The guards just decided to push him down instead of letting him walk. It really bruised up his arms face. After he was forced back to his feet, Bellamy continued walking, having no idea that he was being taken to one of the prison cells in the very bottom of the innermost structure.
Clarke couldn't do anything but let them lead her wherever they wanted to lead her. Eventually she felt herself being lifted up and into a vehicle and then once the two of them were situated a few minutes later, the bag was removed from her head and she locked eyes with the man that sat beside her. Her eyes widened when he talked about her life, and said that he was her Master. The blonde quickly shook her head and tried to talk to the man through the gag over her mouth, but it was no use, as the words were muffled. That still didn't stop her from trying, though.

She tried to ask about her friends. She tried to ask the man what he and his people wanted, why they had captured her and the others. But again, since the words were muffled by the gag, the blonde had a feeling that this man couldn't understand what she was trying to say. Her eyes widened in fear as the vehicle began to move, and she swallowed a few times and tried not to let panic overwhelm her.


Octavia continued to fight as they dragged her around like a prisoner. She fought and kicked and scratched and bit as many of the men as she could, only to receive a blow to the head for her troubles. The force of the blow stunned the young woman, and caused her to stop fighting for a little while. They continued to drag her along, and she had trouble keeping up with them. She fell to her hands and knees as they dragged her, her knees/legs and hands getting bloody as they refused to stop, before eventually stopping in front of what looked like a row of prison cells.

"No! Please don't do this!" The brunette cried out as they unlocked the cage and shoved her across the floor and into the cell, her knees and hands getting damaged even more, as they exited the cell and slammed the door shut. She tried to quickly crawl across the cell and only to be met with pure indifference to her pleas as the men that her brought her here, turned their backs on her and walked off. "Come back! I don't understand why you're doing this!"
“It sounds so adorable when you talk.” Essentially everything Clarke tried to say was lost. Instead of focusing on the syllables, Jason watched her lips move against the cloth in between her teeth. Fuck, it was sexy. Jason felt himself growing more attracted to the blonde by the second. He placed his hand down onto Clarke’s face and affectionately began rubbing his thumb against her cheek. “I know you must have many questions now. Don’t worry. Your friends aren’t going to die. You aren’t going to die. We just need them for a little… experiment.”

After saying this, Jason moved closer to Clarke now, letting a hand of his rest on her lap. “Don’t you worry, though. I’m in charge here. I’m not letting anyone else be near you. I mean it when I said you’re mine now. Pretty soon, you’ll get used to it.” After saying this, Jason trailed that same hand upwards, ghosting it over her abdomen before stopping. When the truck finally stopped, he did not want Clarke to see any of the exterior part so he placed the bag over her head again when the doors opened. “Alright, Clarke. It’s time for you to see your new home. Watch your step.” He uttered he last part while helping her down from the truck.


Severely battered, Bellamy labored in a neighboring prison cell. His ankle was chained to the corner of the cell and it was hurting him badly. He was dazed when the sound of a female voice came out. His eyes opened up and he was clear enough to see Octavia tossed into the cell and restrained just like him. After they left, Bellamy crawled over to the edge of his cell. Octavia was in the one right beside him. “O. I’m here, Octavia. Can you here me?” he asked, hoping she was at least conscience and coherent in that moment.

After she answered him, he breathed out in relief. Trying to reach over and touch her, he found that his hand barely came short of the bars. This was likely on purpose. They were so close but could not touch and that was psychologically torturing. That’s probably why they were put in cells so close – when either was beaten, the other had to watch. “Octavia, did you see anything on your way down? Anything on how we might get out of here?” He asked his sister, looking across the floor to her.
Clarke made a disgusted face at the man's words when he called her adorable. She called him a few names and said a few choice words against the gag that was over her mouth, as the man talked to her. She flinched back and away from his touch, when his hand touched her face and he began to rub his thumb against her cheek. When the man mentioned that he wanted to experiment on her friends, she immediately shook her head and started trying to talk once more, against the gag over her lips as she tried to get him to change his mind.

The blonde froze when he moved closer to her, and then flinched when she felt his hand on her lap. Her eyes widened in horror when he said that he wouldn't let anyone near her and that he was serious when he said that she belonged to him now. Unable to do anything else, she sat there, with her breath coming out in terrified gasps, even as she cursed him out through the gag. She flat out refused to believe that this was going to be her life from now on. The feel of his hand on her stomach had her freezing in shock. The young woman panicked when the bag was placed over her head again.

She didn't know what to think when he helped her down from the truck and then nearly dragged her along by the leash around her neck. If there was one thing she was, it was stubborn. And even as the man dragged her along, it didn't stop Clarke trying to talk to the man and make him see reason. The blonde knew that once they got inside wherever they were currently going,
she would be out of options and out of hope. There was no telling what this man and his men would do to her, and to her friends.


Octavia sighed and and looked around as she laid chained to the ground. "Bell, don't let me fall asleep," She said even as her eyes fell closed at the words. Her head ached from the blow she had gotten a few minutes ago, and closing her eyes to rest for a few moments sounded real good to her at the moment. "Just woods for miles. Tree hugger people, that kind of crap.." She mumbled and then groaned at her headache. "I don't know. They have a lot of people here. Way more people than we have back at camp. If they attack, we're so damn screwed it's not funny.."

"Get out of here...?" The brunette asked slowly a few moments later. "Too many trees. Everything looks the same.." She complained and then shifted a little on the ground as she tried to get comfortable and then winced as she turned her cuffed ankle wrong. "Shit!" The word left her lips before she could call it back, and sighed in annoyance at not being able to find a comfortable position to remain in. "Next time your dick does the talking and you volunteer us to help a pretty girl, use your upstairs brain. We wouldn't be in this mess if your hormones weren't controlling you."

A few moments later, she fell silent again, as her eyes slid closed once more.
Jason ignored Clarke when she talked. Why? He figured if she was ignored, it would only fuel the fire inside of her to talk more. That was wanted. With a smile on his face, Jason led her through the compound by the leash. The talking was turning him on so much. Jason was truly not going to fuck her immediately when they arrived, but she was making it too damn difficult to resist. They walked through the massive place and eventually reached his home. It was in the center of everything and heavily guarded. Nobody was getting here and nobody was getting out. Walking her through his home, he led her upstairs to his bedroom.

These homes were not as nice as they were back before the apocalypse. They were more advanced than the Grounder village homes, though. Finally, he pulled the bag off her head, letting Clarke see her new bedroom. “this is your new home. Get comfortable and get used to it. This is our room now. I’m quite honored to share it with you. You’re driving me crazy, you know that? Has anyone told you that you have such a sexy ass? I love watching you walk. Plus, the whole bondage thing works for you.” Smirking, Jason approached Clarke and rubbed both hands down the side of her neck.

“If it helps, I don’t intend on killing any of your friends. Even the ones that help use experiment will live. They might get hurt, but they won’t die. Nothing will happen to you, though. You’re going to become an excellent pet and wife for me. I can already tell.” Smiling brightly, he removed the leash from her collar but kept the collar on her neck. Next, he crouched down and used some new set of cuffs to cuff her ankles together. After it was finished, Jason pulled back again and pulled the cloth out of her mouth, hanging it around her neck so she could finally talk – at least for the moment.


When Bellamy heard Octavia tell him to not let her fall asleep, the male cursed to himself. Shit. She must have taken a blow to the head. He wished he could see her and look at her, but it was too damn dark. “I won’t, Octavia. We’re going to be alright.” He murmured, looking across the cell. “I don’t think I’ve seen these people anywhere before. I couldn’t see anything that helps, either. I don’t know what we can do then. There has to be something. We can’t just sit around here. We have to warn people back at camp.”

Even more than that, they needed to get out of here first before they acted all heroic for their people. Bellamy was about to snap back at Octavia when she blamed him for this but before he could, she fell silent. “Octavia? Octavia? Are you alright?” There was no answer and he got worried, violently kicking and pulling at the chains, screaming at the top of his lungs for someone to help her. Nobody came, though. They were stuck alone and Bellamy kept yelling, hoping that his sister was going to wake up. If she died, he did not know what he would do with himself. He could not lose her.
Clarke struggled a little as he dragged her around by the leash around her neck. She took her time taking everything in, trying to form a mental picture in her mind of where everything was so that when the chance came for her to break out, she would know where to go and not waste precious time stumbling around and trying to find her way out of here. She was led into his house and then into his bedroom. Her eyes quickly moved around the luxurious space taking in everything around her there, as well. The blonde barely paid attention to anything that the
man was saying.

Until he talked about her ass, that is. That got her attention. Her blue eyes widened when the stranger mentioned bondage and she immediately shook her head no, telling him without words to stop talking about her ass and bondage. She froze when he walked over to her and rubbed his hands down her neck. The young woman listened to the man talk, and felt relieved when he said that they weren't going to kill her friends. Though that relief was short lived when he said while her friend's wouldn't die, they would probably be hurt. Her blue eyes widened in fear when he said that.

She relaxed just the tiniest bit when he removed the leash, and wished that he would remove the collar around her neck, too. The words pet and wife went through her ears and then she swallowed harshly in fear at what that might mean. Her eyes followed him as he cuffed her ankles together to keep her from trying to get away. When the man got to his feet once more
and removed the cloth from her mouth, she spit it in his face. "You don't have to do this. My friends and I didn't mean to trespass. They don't deserve to be hurt!"


Octavia wasn't sure how long she was unconscious for before she finally opened her eyes again. "Bell?" She asked, and then coughed as her mouth and throat were so dry it was hard
to speak. The brunette tested her arms, legs, wrists, and ankles and let out a cry of pain as she realized her foot was twisted in an odd way and her ankle was more than likely broken. "Bellamy. Where the hell are we?" The words came out hoarsely, but at least they came out, she thought.
Surprisingly calm, Jason wiped the saliva off his cheek. Deciding to not even mention the topic of her friends, Jason shifted focus. Yes, she could be worried about her friends, but Clarke might worry about herself in a few moments. Unsure if she did not take him seriously or if she just did not care, Jason was taking the next step. “I hadn’t intended to do anything with you, yet. I have too many damn chores but with power comes great responsibility. However, it seems like you need something from me before I leave you alone.” Quickly, Jason pulled her legs onto the bed before removing the boots from her feet along with any socks if she wore them.

“Mmm, cute feet, Clarke.” Jason commented casually, realizing there was likely not a single inch of unattractiveness on her body. Standing in front of the blonde, Jason started to undress himself. The first thing removed was his shirt. Even if Clarke was resisting him, it would not change the fact that Jason was attractive by any standard: The Grounders, Mount Weather, or Sky People. His entire upper torso was toned, tanned, and ripped. Ever since he was a young boy, Jason trained as a warrior and fighter, developing his body into such an attractive state.

Within a few seconds, Jason had pushed down his jeans and boxers, kicking everything off to the side so he could be nude in front of her now. Another thing that feelings could not change: his cock size. It was massive – easily bigger than the average male from any of the people on Earth or from the Ark. “I can’t wait to be inside of you.” Jason commented, hoping that she was a virgin, that his cock was the first she would take. It would only make things more perfect. Removing a knife, Jason held it towards her face. “I’m not going to hurt you with this. I just need to get rid of your clothing. So don’t move and you won’t get cut.” Jason warned before moving to cut through each item of clothing that she had on her body.


In reality, it was a few hours before Octavia returned to consciousness. For Bellamy, it felt like days. The cells were so dark with not even a crack of daylight peeking inside even though it was morning. Bellamy heard nothing but the rattling of chains and his crying. After Octavia did not answer, he broke down into tears. For sure, he thought his sister was dead. If she was injured and did not respond, that was not ideal. For a long time, Bellamy pulled and yanked on the cuffs until his skin was rubbed raw and bloody. The tears flowed down his face, drying off finally when she spoke up again.

His eyes shot open, thinking that he was hallucinating until she let out the cry of pain. “Oh, Octavia. Oh, my God. You’re alive…” He was not going to say that she was alright, because she was not and neither was he. But, Bellamy was happy that she was alive. “I don’t know where we are. We’re in the prison cells of whoever these people are. I haven’t seen anyone in a long time down here.”
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