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RP: The 100: Return To Earth (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Happily, Bellamy held Octavia and slowly fell asleep with her wrapped up in his arms. It felt perfect. She belonged there and that would never change. He never had thought about things in the perspective she presented them about being in danger all the time. It seemed selfish of him to do. He should have cared about what Octavia thought. If something happened to him, he knew how much it would impact her. Sure, they were always in danger but he could take less risks and delegate more. Bellamy felt thankful that his sister suggested anything to them about it. That meant he now understood her and could fix it.

Looking at her sleeping form, he finally closed his own eyes when she started resting. He fell asleep rather quickly when he finally tried to sleep. Even if it had been a horribly stressful day and night, just having her with him helped the male relax and sleep. His eyes remained closed and he slowly drifted off to sleep with the girl he loved. He would not move for that night just like he promised. Even in his sleep, he did not move from her body nor did he twitch away or anything of that nature. Instead, he just remained close with the love of his life and rested well.
The following morning, Octavia was awake before Bellamy. Which was something that rarely ever happened. Her brother had been an early riser for as long as she could remember. On the Ark, he would always be awake and ready for his duties as a guard and to protect her. And now, here on the ground, he was always awake early to tend to problems or to help take
a watch on the wall. But right now, today, he could sleep in for the first time in a long time. They were safe, hopefully, in the ship for now, along with the others who were with them.

The brunette remained quiet and let her brother sleep. She also remained wrapped up around his body, as she glanced around the ship and checked on the other's. Her eyes fell on Clarke, who was curled up with Jason, as the young woman was glad that both of them were okay. Jason had been a good friend to her when they had been locked up in the Sky Box. They had been neighbor's, for lack of a better word, though they had never seen each other until they had arrived on the ground. Octavia might not get along with Clarke, but she was starting to realize she may have been too quick to judge the other woman.

Suddenly, it was as if the blonde felt eyes on her and woke. She gave the other woman a small smile and remained silent and where she was. Octavia watched as Clarke woke Jason and checked him to see how he was doing after the events of yesterday, and after apparently finding nothing wrong, the blonde moved on to check on more of their people. After watching the process for a few minutes, Octavia just laid her head back down and beside Bellamy's on the pillow. She liked watching him like this, asleep and peaceful and would enjoy it while it lasted.
Bellamy had always been an early riser. He had to be if he was protecting his sweet sister. That still held true on the ground even if it was done differently compared to the Ark. He stayed asleep for another twenty minutes after Octavia woke. He did not stir at all since the time he fell asleep last night. Just being this close to the girl that he loved made him feel relaxed and just hold onto her tighter. When his eyes finally did open for the first time on this new day, the first thing that he saw was none other than the beautiful Octavia Blake, his beloved sister and girlfriend.

“Good morning, O.” he whispered in a scratchy voice. He was sleepy and it showed but that did not deter him from flashing the brightest smile he could at his sister. God, he loved her. She was the most important person in the world to him. They faced so many dangers in this world and he wanted nothing more than to protect Octavia from all of them. It was easier said than done but now all he did was just look at his sister and understand that she was safe, everything was alright, and there was nothing to worry about in that immediate moment.

Thinking about that, Bellamy kissed her on the lips with a soft smile on his face. His lips twitched upwards and a hand gently rubbed against her cheek. Their eyes remained locked together and he just watched her for a moment. “How do you feel today, Octavia? Anything different? Are you alright?” Of course, he was going to worry over her again and hope that she was going to be alright as she did give him a scare yesterday. He wanted to make sure all was well.
Octavia locked eyes with her brother and a small smile came over her lips. "Morning, Bell." She was happy when he kissed her, eagerly kissing him back and then pulling back. "I like this kind of wake up," She told him and the young woman leaned into his hand that caressed her cheek. When he asked how she was, the younger brunette gave Bellamy a bright smile. "I'm okay, Bell. Promise. I don't have any pain, or rashes or swelling or anything. I'm just happy to be here, safe with you and in your arms. Now, just relax. I'm gonna get up and check the window, see how it looks outside."

A few moments later, she kissed his lips once more and then reluctantly pulled away and got up. "Oh. It's cold. So, stay under the blankets and stay warm for me when I get back." After speaking, she walked over to the window and remained standing there for a few moments as she looked outside. "It looks better than yesterday, but there's still some of that fog or gas or whatever it was, lingering outside. I think we should all stay in here for another day or two, just to be safe. You can still see what remains of the fog or gas, and I don't think that we should risk it."

"Another day or two, and then we'll need to do something." Once she had checked the weather and how outside the window looked, Octavia walked back over to her brother, and laid down once more. She cuddled into his side, pulling his body close to hers. "It's cold outside, and it's raining, which means it's gonna get colder. Not to be weird, but maybe we should all... move closer together for body heat. I mean, what if it snows, even? I don't want that to happen, but there's always the chance that it could." She stopped talking a few moments later and just curled into her brother.
Smiling, Bellamy realized he loved waking up like this, too. Hopefully, there would never be another night where they did not fall asleep holding one another. Hopefully, there would never be another morning where they wake up without each other in their arms. That was what he hoped for anyways. The male looked deep into his sisters eyes when she talked about feeling fine without any pain or rashes. Bellamy knew when she was lying. He could read Octavia like a children’s book if he tried. Thankfully, he believed her when she told him that everything was alright. She appeared alright anyways. There was nothing about her that made him think something was wrong. That was such a relief and Bellamy released a breath he did not know he was holding.

While she went to the window, the male indeed stayed put and waited for his brunette lover to return. When she did return and she assessed the situation, Bellamy thought that was the best idea. “Yes, you’re right. We should not go back outside until everything looks clear. We don’t know what the aftereffects might cause.” He pointed out as he wrapped his arms around her again, pulling Octavia back down where she belonged as his arms tightly wrapped around her body, pulling her head down against his chest.

He listened to her talk about the body heat and just chuckled. “I think we’ll be alright for now. I have you against me and that’s all I need. We’ll wait and see, O. Not much else we can do right now. We do have enough food to last for a while. I just wish we could plan and figure out when and how that fog will appear. What if people are trapped out in the middle of the forest with no cover? That would be the worst possible thing. I don’t know if there’s much we can learn from this right now.”
"It feels horrible to think this much less say it, but I think we should just focus on the fact that we're still alive, for now. Worrying about the fog or whatever it was, is pretty much useless at this point. There's nothing we can do, at least right now." After she spoke, Octavia dipped her head and pressed a gentle kiss to her brother's lips. "I'm glad that you're okay, Bell. And I'm sorry for giving you a scare yesterday." She wrapped her arms around his waist once more, and then rested her head on his chest. "I just wanna stay right here with you all day and not worry about anything."

"We're as safe as we can be." She sighed softly a moment later. "Do you have your radio on you? If not, I have mine. Given that everyone was in a hurry and worried last night, we didn't reach out to any of the others. We should do that now. See if Kane's okay, and how many, if any, of the others were effected by the fog or whatever. And if they need help, Clarke can get on the radio and tell Kane or whoever else, how to help those who need it." After she had spoken, Octavia handed her radio over to Bellamy, and then closed her eyes once more. "Not that I'm happy about losing anyone or about this fog and how dangerous it is."

"But I won't lie and say that I'm not happy to have you to myself today. It's horrible that we lost people. But I don't want to dwell on it. The only thing we can do for them now, is to give them a proper burial once the fog has cleaned up." Silence fell between the two of them for a little while and then Octavia said, "Since we're not doing anything today, just stay here with me, and kiss me for a while." Her words were followed by several kisses to Bellamy's lips and then a few kisses to his neck. She bit his neck softly and then soothed it with her tongue, marking him.
“Why does that feel horrible to say or think? We should focus on the fact that we are alive. We already have faced so many odds that told us we should not be alive right now. I think we should be thankful for that each and every morning. It is not horrible. You’re right, though. The fog happened and there was nothing we could do about it. There is nothing we can do about it in the future. We should not even think about it. You don’t need to be sorry. I am glad that you’re okay, too. I do not know what I would do if anything happened and I will gladly stay with you all day long.” Bellamy whispered, now leaning down to give his sister a kiss on the lips. Resting today with her, all day, sounded like an excellent plan.

He reached down to grab his radio when Octaiva said something about it. He wondered what exactly she was talking about to talk to Kane and the others. “What are you talking about, baby? Everyone was here when it happened. Kane and everyone else is okay. We know who is not accounted for and we can see their bodies. You’re just worrying too much. Don’t worry, just like you said. I am happy to be with you. We shouldn’t dwell on the dead. We will bury them when it is over.” He whispered and just held her until she started talking again. At the mention of just holding her and kissing her, well Bellamy jumped all over that idea immediately.

His arms tightly wrapped around Octavia and he waited until she stopped kissing his neck. Just then, the male climbed on top of the brunette and pressed a huge kiss to her lips, not making any attempt to hid it or the fact that he was on top of her as they were underneath the blankets. “I love you so much, Octavia.” The male breathed out.
"I love you too, Bell." Octavia said softly. She was happy to kiss her brother back, and wrap her arms around his waist, holding his body close against her own. The younger brunette didn't mind that he was lying on top of her. Right now, the main thing that she was focused on was the mere fact that they were both alive and okay after yesterday's close call. If anything had happened to her brother, whether it be that he got sick or that he had died, she wouldn't have been able to take it. Losing both her mother and her brother would've just been too much.

But thankfully, that hadn't happened. She looked up and locked eyes with Bellamy. "Bell? Make love to me," The young woman whispered to him. Sure, they weren't alone, but it didn't matter. Right now Octavia needed this to feel close to her brother, and hopefully he needed this just as much as she did. Their close call had scared the hell out of her. If she had been out there for a minute longer, she would've died. And the thought of leaving Bellamy alone, was one that she refused to let happen. "I love you so much," The brunette said, and then she kissed him again.
It always made Bellamy smile when Octavia said those three special words back to him. His heart started beating faster and he could not hide the smile on his face. The best feeling in the world was this: holding Octavia in his arms while she held him. Bellamy would not trade this moment for the world. The best way to show how grateful he was that she was alive and well was holding her and kissing her like this. When their eyes locked, his own eyes widened when Octavia wanted him to make love to her right now. They were in the middle of a room with literally all the other delinquents.

However, that did not deter Bellamy. He was just surprised but more than happy to do this. Looking deep into her eyes, Bellamy answered her with a smile. Yes, he did need this. “I love you, too.” He murmured against her lips. “I want this, too. I don’t care how many people sees or hears.” With a smirk, the male started kissing down her neck again, his hands reached down to squeeze her breasts firmly. He moaned out her name quietly as they kissed, his crotch grinding against hers. He slowly reached down to grab her shirt and tug it off her torso. After that, he worked on undoing her bra, never stopping the kiss.
Octavia moaned against Bellamy's lips, loving it when he squeezed her breasts. The sound of his moans made her moan even more. As soon as he began to grind his crotch against hers, she was more than happy to do the same against him. She eagerly lifted her arms up over her head, when he went to remove her shirt. Their lips remained locked together as they continued to kiss, and she laughed softly once her shirt was tossed aside, followed by him working on her bra, before it too, was tossed aside. The brunette began to work on his clothes a moment later.

Moans left her lips, and she pulled off Bellamy's shirt, and then his pants, eager to feel his skin against hers. Once they were both naked, she pulled him back on top of her, moaning louder as he slipped inside of her. One hand moved to his hair and the other hand started to caress her brother's body, loving that she was able to touch his skin and no one cared or tried to stop them. Well, as long as they didn't make too much noise, no one would probably bother them. Hopefully. A few moments later, Octavia's hands moved to his ass and she squeezed it as he fucked her.
Bellamy was more aroused already than he normally would have been. This was exciting. He never thought doing this in front of a crowd would get him going. However, it did. Just knowing that everyone would see that Octavia was taken and was his made Bellamy feel so turned on. He smiled as they kissed, working on removing her pants and underwear as well. The smile grew wider and he was eager to remove all her clothing. When they were both nude, he made quick work and did not hesitate on anything. The male suddenly thrust forward and slipped his thick cock inside the woman and moaned out her name. He began kissing her passionately, sliding his tongue into her mouth as they did this.

He started thrusting, over and over again, filling her up. He kept his moans quiet, but still where his sister could easily hear them. He kept on moving his lips down her neck, the smile growing wider with each kiss. He felt himself throbbing already and knew he would not last that much longer. He loved Octavia, she was so hot, and the setting was hot, too. He could not get enough of this and that was for sure. “I love you so much, O. This is incredible.” He breathed out, happy that she wanted this today.
The blankets still covered their bodies as they moved against each other. It was one thing for them to have sex with their friends in the room with them, but it was another thing entirely to have it shoved in their faces, and possibly freak them all out. So, with that said, the blankets remained covering them as they made love. They weren't being noisy, but it would be plenty obvious to anyone who looked at them, what they were doing. But that didn't matter to her. All Octavia cared about was making Bellamy feel good, and him making her feel good, too.

They were both naked and moving against each other eagerly. Her lips were constantly attacking his lips, or his neck. She was unable to get enough of the taste of Bellamy's skin on her lips. As soon as he slipped inside of her, her moans got louder, though she did make sure to keep them muffled against his shoulder. Even biting down on the flesh at a particular hard thrust from him. "Love you too, Bell. Always have and always will..." The younger brunette promised her brother, and then she kissed him once more, as the pace between them got frantic as they got ready to come.
Even though the blankets covered Bellamy and Octavia’s bodies, anyone with a set of eyes could tell what was going on. At least they were not being obnoxious about anything so that was good. Despite that, Bellamy could only focus on Octavia despite being in a room full of people. Though Bellamy did try to stay quiet, that was impossible to not make a single noise. He wanted to make her feel amazing. He continued kissing his sister, loving how her moans would get louder as he attacked her sensitive spot inside of her. He loved hearing her confession of those three words again, especially right now. The male was so happy and the smile could not leave his face.

It only took a few more thrusts but Bellamy soon reached his orgasm. When his manhood was buried deep inside the brunette, he felt his release over the edge as he moaned out her name louder than before, maybe too loud, and his cum released from the tip of his cock. Thick ropes of his semen spurted inside of the girl that he loved, filling her to the brim as they continued kissing passionately. He made sure to rub her clit if she did not cum when he did because her orgasm was more important than his own.
Octavia moaned loudly as she came, once Bellamy started to rub her clit. She love being with her brother, he made her more and more happy every day. And she hoped that she did the
same for him. She tightened around his cock, and then dropped her body down on top of his, kissing his lips and sighing softly, happily. She moved her messed up leg out of the way, and
just continued to kiss Bellamy's lips, staying quiet and enjoying their time together. It didn't matter that they were locked up in part of the Ark with their friends. What mattered is that they were okay.

And at least Clarke was okay. The blonde was the only person they had in the entire camp who had medical training. And besides that, Octavia was starting to realize that the other young woman wasn't such a bad person after all. The blonde had helped her when she had needed it, and that had gone a long way to changing her remind about some of the things she thought
of the other woman. "Love you, Bell." The brunette told her brother, and flipped them over so that she could rest her head on his chest. "Don't move just yet. Just wanna stay here with you."
The sexiest noise that Bellamy had ever heard was the sound of his sister moaning as her pussy clamped down on his cock. The feeling of her juices gushing out over his girth made the male shiver and shake as his eyes closed gently, just soaking in the feeling of her cumming around him. She did make him happy. He was the happiest man in the world. He continued kissing her, his arms tightly around the brunette as they were enjoying each other’s company. No matter what happened and what they went through, Bellamy would always find time for his sweet sister.

“I love you, too, Octavia. I won’t move until you are ready I am going to stay right here and we can cuddle all you want.” Even though they were still nude, Bellamy was not worried about that. He felt so comfortable right now since they were lying on such a comfortable surface and the girl that he loved was in his arms. What more could a man want? “Do you want to get some more rest or do you just want to lay here and cuddle?” He asked his little sister, looking deep into her eyes while stroking his fingers through her hair.
"Who said that I was done with you?" Octavia asked her brother, with a smirk on her lips. "We only had sex once. I see another two or three times in our future. The not too distant future.." She assured Bellamy, and right as she spoke, the younger brunette slipped her hand down between their bodies, and wasted no time as she started to stroke his cock. "Since we're not going anywhere for a while, I don't see a reason for us to stop making each other feel amazing. What about you? Are you up for it, or did I tire you out, old man?" The words were said teasingly.

She laughed softly, once the challenge had left her lips. The young woman knew that her brother would accept the challenge and the two of them would resume having sex again soon. Octavia felt like she was on something. The way Bellamy made her feel soo good, it was almost as if she were on some type of drug. She just loved being with him and nothing and no one could or would ever change that. Her hand continued to stroke his cock, as she smirked. "Ready for round two yet?" The brunette took her free hand and brought her brother's hand to her chest,
trying to entice him with her breasts.
Bellamy quirked his eyebrows at Octavia when she talked about not being done with him. Well, Bellamy had wrongly assumed that she was done. Now, he was not disappointed with this at all. Of course, physiologically, he would need some recovery time. That recharging phase could be spent just cuddling and kissing his sister. She was so damn good looking and he loved her so much. “Well, if that’s what you see in our future then I don’t think there’s anything wrong with th-th-that.” He barely got out his words before she reached her hand down to start rubbing his cock. He groaned out her name softly, leaning down to kiss her. “Oh yes, I am up for it. I don’t think I’m quite tired. I’m sure I will get there with you today, but I’m not tired now.” He promised her with a soft chuckle.

He accepted the challenge and it also felt like Octavia was a drug. “Oh yes, I am ready fo round two.” He whispered, using one hand to start fondling her breasts, moving between the left and right breast at his pleasure. Then, he used his free hand to slide down in between her legs and start rubbing on her clit for a few minutes before changing it up to rub his finger inside of her. “Tell me, my sweet sister. What should we do?” He asked, wondering if she had something specific in mind.
"I have a few ideas in mind," Octavia said and moaned as Bellamy kissed her. She kept stroking his cock, loving the sound of his moans as they left his lips. His words had her smiling and
she was unable to keep her hands off him. Her moans got even louder once her brother's hand moved to her breasts and began to play with and fondle the flesh there. She found herself immediately bucking into his other hand that had slipped between her legs, and started to stroke her. "But I was thinking we could continue our fun from last time. I liked seeing you lose control."

A grin was on her lips as she said it. And her body was already starting to react to the idea of them being rough with each other again. Her nipples hardened, and she got wet as he continued to work his hand over her and his fingers inside of her. The brunette reached out and grabbed Bellamy's hair, yanking him down so that their lips slammed together once more. Moans started to leave her lips one more, as they made out, and as she started to run her own hands over his body. "I can't get enough of you, Bell." Octavia said softly against his lips. "I'm obsessed with your body. But don't let that go to your head."
While they kissed, he moaned into her mouth both because of the way her hand felt stroking his cock and the way her moans felt against his mouth. In return, he began rubbing her clit with a fervent passion, moaning into her mouth. He could not keep his hands off her body either. When she talked about having him in control, that made his face light up. He was reacting to the idea as well. He looked into her eyes and he could see that she wanted this just like he did so his fingers happily slipped inside of her. They kissed roughly and he chuckled when she talked about not letting that she loved his body go to his head.

Suddenly, without warning, Bellamy decided to flip Octavia on her stomach. He wanted to take that sweet pussy of hers from behind. That was something that had not done yet. Even on her stomach, the older male decided to pin his sister’s arms above her head and onto the blankets. Again he did not care how many people were watching or what they thought. He was not taking his time as he was too aroused for that. Suddenly, he thrust forward without any words between them, his thick cock quickly filling up her sweet pussy lips, drawing another moan from Bellamy as he kissed her neck from this angle.
Octavia moaned loudly as Bellamy flipped her over and then thrust into her from behind. She made sure that her leg was propped with pillows, and thrust back against him as much as
she could. The young woman pushed her brown hair out of her eyes, and tilted her head to the side so that she could give her brother as much access to her neck as he wanted. The feel
of his lips on her skin was one of her favorite things ever. "You drive me crazy," The brunette told him, even as she kept moving her body back against his, moaning every few moments.

The pleasure that he made her feel was like nothing she had ever felt before. They didn't talk about it, because she had never told him. But when she and Bellamy had sex that first time,
he had taken her virginity. Octavia had been waiting for someone special, and it's not that she didn't like sex or want to have it with someone she was attracted to. It's just that she had
been saving herself for someone special, and it turned out that Bellamy was that someone special. "Fuck me," The young woman told her brother, wanting to feel him pounding into her.
Yet again, Bellamy felt like he and Octavia were the only two people in the entire world. Knowing that they could be heard and were likely being watched did not bother the young man. While fucking Octavia, his hips started slamming faster against hers. The male’s balls were slamming against Octavia. His breathing had picked up pace quickly. The man’s throbbing cock was deep inside of his sister and he could not slow down. His hands reached around in front of Octavia and started roughly gripping and groping Octavia. He wanted her to feel him in every way possible. It was better to fuck this way. It allowed his cock to thrust much deeper inside of her than he would from any different position.

“I love you so much Octavia. I want you to cum all over my cock again. I want to hear you moan my name.” Sure, he knew that they could not be too unreasonably loud but there was no point in being completely silent either. The love he felt for the brunette was growing and he kept peppering kisses along her neck, down her shoulder, and across her collarbone. “You’re my world, Octavia. I am happy that you are mine.” The young man whispered softly, feeling like his orgasm was getting close to the end.
"That goes both ways, Bell. You're mine, too." She said, and kept moving against him. Their bodies slammed against each other with harsh force, and her moans were getting louder and louder with each moment that passed. At one point, the younger brunette, reached around and grabbed one of her brother's hands, and used it to cover her mouth and muffle her moans,
that were getting louder and more obvious. "Fuck me," Octavia mumbled to her brother, to where only he could hear her. A pleasurable gasp and then a moan left her lips as he started slamming into her even harder.

His words turned her on and released something wild inside of her. And as his Bellamy's hands pawed at her chest, playing with her breasts, squeezing, rolling, and pinching her nipples, she gripped his cock tightly inside of her waiting for that one rough thrust that would send her over the edge. The brunette felt him kissing her neck, shoulder and collarbone, and shivered. As soon as Bellamy slammed into her one more time, she cried out his name as she came. "Bell!" Octavia cried out, as she slammed her body against his one final time as she came.
Bellamy completely agreed. “You are right, O. I am yours, too. I am yours forever and that will never change.” He groaned out, his own movements becoming harsher as well. When she pulled his hand over her mouth, he kept it there to keep her moans down. He loved that she kept begging him to fuck her and fuck her harder. He felt her pussy tightly clench on him after she went over the edge. He could make out his name against his hand. It brought a smile to Bellamy’s face when his manhood was covered in her sweet juices again.

It did not take much longer before Bellamy reached his orgasm as well. He kept kissing her neck and even attacked her lips so he could muffle her moans with his mouth. Finally, he groaned her name one final time as his orgasm reached and his hot, sticky semen spurted out from the tip of his cock to fill her up to the brim, exploding from him in thick ropes. “Octavia!” He gasped, full of pleasure and happiness as he groped her breasts tighter again, biting down on his own lower lip as he tried to contain his own sounds, now finishing inside of Octavia.
Octavia was happy to shift her body and turn in Bellamy's arms once they had both come. She made sure that her brother had caught his breath, and she laid down in her spot under the blankets and beside him once more. The younger brunette wrapped her arms around his waist, held him close, and pressed kisses to his lips, cheeks and neck. "You make me want to tie
you down and ride you all night," She whispered against his lips as they continued to kiss. The young woman was happy to keep her body pressed tight against his, loving tempting him
and teasing him, for another round.

"I'm gonna say it a lot, Bell. I just want to make sure that you never forget it. But I love you. Both as my brother, and as more." The words were whispered, and a moment later, Octavia rested her head against his chest, even as the fingers of one of her hands started to trace little symbols all over his body, just tracing the skin and enjoying touching him, even though it
didn't lead to anything more. "I'm lucky and glad that the council didn't float me. Otherwise I would've missed out on this. I'd have missed out on you, and that would be horrible."
When Bellamy heard Octavia say something about tying him down and riding him all night, he winked at her and pressed his body right back against hers. Bellamy was up for as many rounds as Octavia wanted, honestly. “Well, then you should do it. I’m sure as hell not going to stop you.” The young man pointed out before giving his sister a kiss. After the kiss, he listened to her talk and it warmed his heart as always. “I love you too, Octavia. As my sister, as my girlfriend, as my best friend… I love you in so many ways and that will never change. I am so happy we are doing this now. I wouldn’t want this any other way.”

He shivered when she started tracing his skin. “Well, you didn’t get floated and I made it here so I could be with you. I know we’ve been through so much shit together but I think we’re turning out alright. I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now if you weren’t with me, my love. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m glad we aren’t holding our feelings back anymore. I am sorry that I ever held back in the first place. You are the only person I can truly ever care about.”
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