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RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

“I promise that I will be careful. I will watch my back. Promise me that you will be careful, too.” Bellamy responded while squeezing Clarke’s hands firmly. “I won’t let Pike and his followers do anything. I don’t think he will take over. I like to think that all he needs is time to understand what’s going on here. Besides, I understand where his anger is coming from. They just landed and they were suddenly killed for no good reason. I’d be pissed too but times have changed. We have all lost people and I don’t think Pike understands that we need to work together to survive.” It made Bellamy smile to hear how concerned she was about him. “I know you’re worried, Princess. It will be alright. I will sleep with one eye open. I know he isn’t stable but we have others here that are taking the right stance. I think we’ll be fine.”

Bellamy paused long enough to turn and face Clarke more directly, reaching down to hold her hands and pull her to sit beside him. “I think what I hate the most about this is having to be away from you for a few days. But don’t worry. I promise that I will keep the radio beside me at all times. Whenever you want to talk, all you have to do is radio my way and I will talk to you, Princess. I will check on you throughout the day anyways just to make sure you’re eating and resting as much as you can. I know this will be a tough time but we’ll get through it, Clarke. We always have. I love you so much and I want you to make the same promise to me about being safe.”
"I promise to be careful," Clarke agreed softly. She squeezed his hands back, once he had squeezed hers. "I like that you feel optimistic where Pike is concerned, and I wish I shared those feelings. I just don't have a good feeling about him and his followers. You might think that I'm overreacting and taking Octavia's side, but that's not true. I just don't trust Pike. Not at all,
and I hope that you'll take my concerns seriously. I don't want anything to happen to you." She laughed softly, though it wasn't a real laugh. "Don't just sleep with one eye open. Make sure
to keep a weapon on you at all times, just to be safe."

She let him take her hands into his and pull her to sit down with him. "I hate that, too. I always hate being away from you. And even more so, now. I don't like leaving you without backup.
I know you trust the people in camp, but Pike is winning over more and more people every single day. I think you, Kane, my mother, Jasper and Monty should form a united front, and try
to work on Pike and his followers from different sides. Try to stop them before they do something that puts everyone at risk." The blonde nodded when Bellamy said that he would keep the radio beside him at all times.

She nodded as he spoke about her radioing him when she wanted to talk, and that he would check on her multiple times a day. "I love you, too.." The young woman said softly. "And I don't want you to worry about me. I'll be with Octavia and the girls and we'll be safe. With Octavia, Lexa, and Nyko around, I know that we'll all be safe. I trust all three of them, and the guards that Lexa has agreed to provide to keep an eye on us."
At first, Bellamy did think that Clarke was overreacting. However, he learned that she was not. Judging by everything they had gone through since arriving on the planet, there was truly no such thing as an overreaction. Everything was dire. Everything was dangerous. Any person could become a killer. Clarke was right about Pike and Bellamy understood that. He would never go anywhere without a handgun and his knife close by: especially not while sleeping. He thought about asking Monty to help him figure out some security system in his room. It would be unexpected and alert Bellamy if someone tried to attack while he was sleeping. Besides, Bellamy was a strong young man. He probably was one of the strongest men in camp: if not the most strongest.

Needless to say, if someone wanted to hurt Bellamy, the best chance they had was sneaking up on him or attacking while he slept. Hardly many people could take Bellamy one on one in a straight up fight. After Clarke finished saying everything, he leaned down to kiss her on the lips again. “I know that you will keep each other safe. But that will never stop me from worrying about you. I suppose we should probably get some sleep now. I hear you will be leaving in the morning. Please, please wake me up before you go. I want to give you and our baby a kiss goodbye and I want to tell my sister goodbye, too. Don’t let me sleep through it.”

Chuckling, Bellamy kept kissing her on the lips until she promised him what he wanted to hear. “Maybe I should just tie your hands together so I know you have to wake me up in the morning.” He teased playfully as he nuzzled their noses together. His arms wrapped tightly around her body and his eyes closed, just relaxing against Clarke’s body right now without necessarily trying to fall asleep.
Clarke reached out and started to run her fingers over Bellamy's body. Just tracing her hands over his skin. "Of course I'll wake you up before we leave," She promised, leaning forward to kiss his lips. "I'd never leave without telling you goodbye, or kissing you. I also know that Octavia wouldn't leave without telling you goodbye, as well." The blonde promised him. She laughed when he mentioned tying her hands together so that she had to wake him up. "Very funny. But if you did that, I'd be in a predicament if I needed the bathroom in the middle of the night."

"So it's best that you don't tie my hands." She relaxed against him as he nuzzled their noses together and then wrapped his arms around her. Her eyes soon closed as well and she moved a hand over his chest, placing it over his heart. Just letting the feel of his heart beating soothe her. "I might ask Octavia if she, the girl's and I can all stay together while we're out there. I don't think I'll sleep well by myself, and knowing that it's just her with the girl's, worries me. It's not that I think she can't handle it, I just think it would be better if we each bunked with one of the girl's in a single house."

"This way we can know the other's safe, and we'll both be there for the girl's if anything happens."
While resting, Bellamy found so much peace and comfort when Clarke started to run her hands over his body. “Thank you.” He whispered in return after kissing her. The male figured she nor Octavia would not leave without him, but he just wanted to make sure she understood. When her hand placed over his heart, he decided to do the same to her heart, cupping a hand over her chest. “I think that’s good if you all stay together. I am sure that she will be okay with it. I would feel better about it as well if that’s what you girls did.” Bellamy admitted with a soft smile as he leaned down for another kiss.

“Make sure you take all the weapons you need. Make sure you have backup batteries for the radio as well. Like I said, don’t hesitate to check in with me. I don’t care if it’s night, day, or whatever. Hearing your voice will always make me happy. Just understand that when we see each other again when this is over, I’m going to have quite the fun time with you our first night when we’re together again.” He chuckled as thinking about one of the worst parts of being away from his wife so long was not being able to touch her body and make love to her but that would be solved as soon as possible.
"I can't wait for us to be together again. I'm already thinking about how much fun we're going to have," Clarke said, and a smirk appeared on her lips. She laughed softly a few moments later. "You'd think that us being together for two years, our feelings of lust for each other would start to slow down or lessen or something, but that's definitely not the case, here. I always want you, and my obsession with your body and being with you only gets stronger more and more every day." She stopped talking and nodded a few moments later, when Bellamy mentioned weapons.

"We're taking a bunch of knives, and obviously Octavia has Lincoln's sword. We're leaving the gun's here because we know that camp needs them more than we do. We're going to be okay. I'm confident that Octavia, Lexa, and Nyko will keep us safe. Octavia trusts them with her life, and the girl's life. And while I trust Nyko with mine, I'm starting to trust Lexa more each day
as I get to know her better. I have batteries. I took a lot from the supply room and filled up a bag," The blonde assured her husband. "I have a feeling I'll be checking in on you plenty. You'll probably end up turning your radio off," She teased him.
“I will always want you, Clarke. I think you already know that, though.” Bellamy chuckled, loving how true their love must be if they never tire of each other after all this time together. It was good that they were taking plenty of weapons. It made him feel better. After she teased him about turning the radio off, Bellamy shook his head. “Oh, it might be the other way around.” Bellamy chuckled and wrapped his arms tighter around Clarke. “Just keep yourself and our little one safe.” The next thing Bellamy did was lean down and kiss her stomach. “Daddy loves you, so much.” He whispered to her stomach and then kissed it again. He heard from Abby that it was good to talk to their unborn child so Bellamy ensured that he said those words to their baby every single day.

Then, he looked to Clarke and winked at the blonde. “And Daddy loves you, too.” Grinning, he thought about the words. He was the Daddy to their baby but he could be Daddy in a different term with Clarke. He just thought it was something cute and sexy to tease her with. “Good night, Princess. Sweet dreams.” He wanted to stay up longer and talk longer with her but they did need rest so they had to get some sleep.
Clarke sat there and nodded as she listened to her husband speak. "I'd never turn the radio off on you. I might turn it down a little, if I get tired of your voice.." She said and laughed, still teasing him. She loved it when Bellamy wrapped his arms tighter around her. "I will, I promise. I love our son or daughter too much to do anything stupid and put them at risk. It's not just
me that I have to think about now." A smile came over her lips when he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her stomach. The love the blonde felt for him grew more and more as she listened to him talk to their baby, just like it did every day.

"He or she loves their Daddy just as much as he loves them," She said happily. Laughing softly when he kissed her stomach again and it tickled her this time. When he winked at her, she winked back. "You're so sappy," Clarke teased him, though she loved it. And she loved him. "If you think I'm calling you Daddy in any way unrelated to our son or daughter, then we have
a lot to talk about," The blonde told him a moment later, and smirked at him. "Good night, " She said a few moments later as they settled down and got ready to go to sleep.
After bidding Clarke a good night, Bellamy became comfortable in the bed. His right arm gently wrapped around Clarke’s neck so her head could use his arm as a pillow. He adjusted his arm so her head rested in the crook of his elbow. From there, his arm draped off her shoulders and his hand lay on the side of her body. His other arm wrapped around her waist, letting his hand stop in the small of Clarke’s back. From this angle, it allowed Bellamy to slowly rub his hand up, down, and across her back. From the small of her back to the center of her back, Bellamy began giving Clarke a gentle back rub before bed. He did this until he fell asleep, even if Clarke had fallen asleep before him.

Strangely enough, he slept peacefully. It was strange because this situation they faced was not exactly safe. They were facing unknown threats and new territory. Things could go awry. Yet, Bellamy was able to sleep well through the night thanks to having Clarke by his side. His face was only inches from hers the entire night. He only moved closer to Clarke in his sleep, his leg being gently tossed over her legs. Even if Clarke wanted to get out of bed without waking him, it was practically impossible. The next morning, he was still sleeping when Clarke woke.
She laid there the following morning after she awoke, having woken up before Bellamy. The blonde was happy to watch her husband sleep. The young woman ran both of her hands over his body soothingly, just wanting to take this time to let him rest, but to also touch him for a little while before they got up and she and the others had to leave. They had no idea how long they were going to be apart, and Clarke knew that she would be worried about him every moment that they were apart from each other. She reached out and gently lifted one of his hands, placing it on her stomach, wanting him to feel their baby moving around, before she had to leave.

When he finally woke up an hour later, a smile was on her lips, and she leaned over his body, kissing his lips sweetly. "Good morning," The young woman said softly, moving one of her hands to caress her husband's cheek. "We don't need to move just yet. Let's enjoy this little bit of time we have together, before I have to leave with your sister and the girl's." Clarke wrapped her other arm around his waist. "Lexa's supposed to meet us and we'll all go back to the village together, with her guards keeping an eye on us all to avoid any issues."
“Good morning, Princess.” Bellamy muttered quietly in response. The sleep was still laced thickly in his voice but he was awake nonetheless. His eyes locked onto Clarke’s and he held her gaze for a few seconds. A smile stayed on his lips and he stroked his fingers through her hair while keeping her close to him. It was good to hear that Lexa would escort them. It put Bellamy’s mind at ease, much more than it had been before. “Love you… I love you both.” He purred, dipping his head down so he could kiss Clarke’s stomach. The grin stayed there on his lips as he rested his head against her belly for a second.

He could feel their little one and it was the most amazing moment of the morning already. Looking back to Clarke, Bellamy properly wrapped his arms around the blonde and locked onto her eyes. “I’m still worried.” Bellamy admitted quietly while looking at her. “I know you’ll be safer but I just realized that we have never been away from each other like this before.” Even when she was taken by Ice Nation, it was no longer than a day before Bellamy recused Clarke. This was new territory. Since they had been on the ground, they were with each other even if they were arguing and at odds.
"I know what you mean. And I just think that we should make an agreement to save radio's batteries and only check in with each other a few times a day, so that they'll last longer. I think
we should check in with each other every morning when we wake up, and then every night when we go to bed. This way if there's any contact at any other time, then we'll each know that something's wrong and we can send out help to the other person at their location." Clarke sighed softly. "What are you going to do about Pike and his followers, and Ice Nation?"

"I strongly considered the possibility of suggesting to you to send them to Ice Nation to fight for the camp and our people, and just let the Ice Nation soldiers wipe them out so that we had one less thing to deal with. But I didn't think that you'd agree to that. And the only reason I'm even telling you now, is because I feel like you should consider every possibility. This might not be the best option, but it came to me last night and I didn't think it was a good idea to just dismiss the option immediately. Anyway, it doesn't matter right now." She sighed softly. "I just hate leaving you here without backup."
Bellamy agreed with Clarke’s plan to preserve their batteries. When she asked him about Pike and his followers, all Bellamy could do was honestly shrug. “I have tried to convince Pike and his people about the right way. Nothing I said is working. I’m going to approach it differently now. If they want to fight the Grounders, I will let them. My idea was similar to yours. I would recruit as many as I could to join us to fight Ice Nation. If I can make them understand, for at least one battle, who the enemies are, then I think they will fight. We need them. They have some incredible fighters and good shots.”

It was not the same as Clarke’s idea. Bellamy was not sending them to perish. Instead, he was recruiting them to help fight their true enemy. Even if Pike hated all Grounders, at least he could help them with one battle if it meant protecting his people. It was a risk and Bellamy would proceed cautiously, but he wanted to ask at least. Looking back to Clarke, he cupped one hand against her belly and offered a soft smile. “Kane is here, too. Plus, you have the other few dozen people that supported our side of the conflict. I think we’ll be fine here. I promise to be careful, though. I know Pike can be dangerous.”
"We're going around in circles," Clarke said softly. "It's because I can't shake this feeling that something bad is about to happen. I just hope that having Pike and his followers join you and the others in the fight against Ice Nation, doesn't give him a bigger platform and more followers to hear his anti-Grounder rant." Clarke fell silent a moment later, and smiled when Bellamy rested a hand against her stomach and smiled. "I love you, and I love that you want to assure me that you're going to be okay, but until all of this conflict is actually resolved, I'm still going to worry about you, and the others."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, Kane's just a figurehead. No one cares anymore that he's Chancellor. I mean no disrespect to him, but this isn't the Ark anymore. The laws we lived by before, no longer apply. I mean, it's not like anyone can be floated anymore. That's probably going to be replaced by getting shot in the head or something," The blonde said and shrugged. They talked for a little while longer, then got up and went to get dressed and have breakfast, before Bellamy had to go and find Octavia before they left. As they ate, Clarke smiled when she looked up at the sight of Lexa and her guard's arrival at the gates.
It was a tough choice. Bellamy was going insane inside his mind trying to think about everything. Shaking it off, he eventually decided to have breakfast with Clarke. After they ate and Lexa arrived, Bellamy was prepared to bid Clarke goodbye. He wanted to save the best for last, so he found Octavia first. Wrapping his arms around her, Bellamy enjoyed feeling his sister against his body. They had been at odds for a while and he was thankful that was behind them. “Please, stay safe, O. Look out for Clarke. Just make sure all of you are safe.” He whispered before pulling back. He even talked to Laqueta and the other Grounder girl that was with Octavia. After bidding those three goodbye, Bellamy turned to Clarke as they prepared to leave.

“I know I said it already but I will say it again. I love you and I will miss you. Be safe and I’ll do the same. If nothing goes wrong then I will talk to you tonight before I go to bed or if you want to sleep before I’ve called, just radio in.” Bellamy whispered to his wife before tilting his head down to kiss her lips softly and then crouched down in front of her so he could kiss her abdomen and say goodbye to their unborn child. It was tougher than he thought.
Octavia smiled, hugged her brother tightly, and then took both Laqueta and Raelyn and went to meet up with Lexa, giving Bellamy and Clarke some time alone. As they waited at the
gate, she and Lexa chatted in the Grounder language, talking to Raelyn and some of the guards, as they all took turns playing with Laqueta. She reached over and tickled her daughter, causing the little girl to laugh loudly as they played together. When Raelyn joined in and started to tickle the little girl, too, she laughed even louder, which made all of them smile.


Clarke smiled when her husband returned to her side, after telling his sister and the girl's goodbye. "I love you, too. And I'll miss you more," She said softly, squeezing his hands that held hers. She nodded at his words. "Take care of yourself," The young woman said, lifting her hands to cup his face. "I'll talk to you tonight. I hope that things go well." Their lips met a few moments later, and her hands remained cupping his face as they kissed. When the kiss ended and they pulled back, the blonde smiled even wider when he kissed her stomach, telling their baby goodbye.
Holding Clarke’s hand, Bellamy escorted her towards Lexa and the group. “Don’t worry, Bellamy. We will make sure that your wife and your sister are safe.” The commander promised and Bellamy was thankful for that. Offering her a soft smile, he turned to look at Clarke and helped her onto the horse. He watched as everyone else prepared to leave as well. Holding Clarke’s hand for one more minute, he kissed her palm sweetly and released her. “Be safe.” He reminded Clarke one more time before Lexa said they needed to get moving. “I will be there in a few days once I have gathered everyone.” Bellamy informed the leader.

When they started riding away, he watched until the convoy of horses disappeared into the woods. Then, he stepped back inside. Pike was waiting for him. “You really put your wife and your unborn baby in the hands of Grounders?” Not wanting to deal with this shit right now, Bellamy blew Pike off. “We told you already, Ice Nation is our enemy. Not Lexa. Not her people. You’re just too stupid to understand it. All we ask is that you don’t do anything to mess this up. If you want to kill some Grounders, you should fight with us. We are going to kill Ice Nation. It would make you and your people useful around here.” They went back and forth for another few minutes without gaining much ground but Bellamy finally decided to not care what Pike had to say and he returned to his quarters.
Harper was relieved from her post by Monty. Now usually, she didn't like to get in the middle of issues inside of camp. But things with Pike were going too far. And given all of Bellamy's attachments and loyalties like Octavia, Clarke, Laqueta and Raelyn having allegiance to Trikru, she figured that it might be better for her to give talking to Pike a try. With the exception
of how Lexa and her clan treated Octavia, the girl's and Clarke, she really had no other reason to trust them and so she simply took the alliance on faith. She trusted Bellamy, Clarke, and Octavia.

And you can bet that if Bellamy was allowing his wife and unborn child, and his sister and niece to be with Trikru, they were a pretty trustworthy bunch. "Pike, can I have a word with you?" The young woman changed out her large gun for a handgun and placed it in the back of her jeans, making a motion for him to follow her so that they could speak alone. Once they were both seated, she started to talk. "Octavia, Bellamy, and Clarke have divided loyalties. So do a lot of the rest of us, including me. Kane wants to keep the peace between Skaikru and everyone else."

"I understand that you're angry they attacked when you and the others landed. They did the same to us when we landed. But fighting them, and trying to kill them isn't the answer. Revenge isn't the answer. We don't want a war between us, Trikru and the other clans. You can't honestly tell me that you enjoy killing. You like knowing that you killed someone's mother, father, child, brother, or sister? I know that I don't. That every life I take weighs on me, and I regret killing them, even though the only reason I did so, was to protect my people."

"I think that you're angry at the loss of your people and these strangers caused it and you want to make them feel as much pain as you do. But you don't have to do that. They have been through a lot already. Can you really blame them for trying to protect themselves? You and your people didn't know about the boundaries, and that's understandable. But can't you even consider that they were just trying to protect themselves? Wouldn't you do everything in your power to protect yourself and your people? That's what they were doing. What would it take to satisfy your need for revenge? We don't and they don't, want you killing innocent people."
Conversations like Harper had with Pike continued often for most of the day during the next two days. Kane finally had enough of Pike because they threatened to break the treat and go attack one of the Grounder villages that was close by. Kane had them arrested at the time while Bellamy was helping build the new village. On the second day, it was time for the annual Chancellor vote. This still happened even on the ground. The vote took place and it was a surprise. The people voted for Charles Pike. Bellamy tried to talk Kane out of it but he had no choice but to free Pike and relinquish control of the Sky people.

During these two days, Bellamy talked to Clarke every morning and every night. They talked for a while since that was the only time during their communications. Bellamy was supposed to meet her in TonDC the next morning with all the fighters they had but things did not go as planned. That night when Pike was elected leader, he wanted everyone that was verbally supportive of the Grounders to be arrested. Since it was their last stand they had to take, Bellamy and the others had no choice but to fight back. There was a firefight in Arkadia and Pike’s supports had the numbers and they easily crushed the forced led by Bellamy and Kane. Thankfully, he, Kane, and Abby were safe along with another dozen people. They made their escape from Arkadia in the night. Bellamy had no chance to get the radio before he left.

It was in the dead of night when they arrived at the entrance of TonDC and Bellamy asked for Lexa. This was bad. Arkadia was no longer under friendly control but everyone he cared about made it in time. Jasper was also with this group and Harper, too. There were a few others but the ones loyal to the pact with the Grounders were limited
Lexa was woken from a light sleep by one of her guards alerting her to the news that more of the Sky People had arrived at TonDC. She quickly got up and dressed and left her home, taking her guards with her and going to meet the members of Skaikru at the gates, letting them inside and seeing Bellamy, Kane, and several others that she knew by sight but not by name. After
a quick introduction to those she hadn't known by name, they were all set up in houses for the night so that they could all rest and talk in the morning. It was going to be a hectic day tomorrow, she knew that, as everyone got settled in and they worked to figure out the best plan of action.

Bellamy would obviously join Clarke, Octavia and the girl's in Lincoln's old home. Kane and Abby were given their own place, two houses down from where Clarke and the other's were staying. Jasper, Monty, Harper, and Raven would all share another house. Sinclair, Murphy, Nathan, Jackson and Bryan, would share a place. And Kyle, Atom, Gina and two others would share a final home. Bringing the amount of Skaikru people at TonDC to 20. That wasn't a lot of their people, but it was more than she had honestly expected to ever see inside of their walls.

Once everyone had been set up in the houses, and with pillows and blankets, she dismissed three of her guards and had them wake those that cooked, so that those who had just arrived, could have something to eat. Lexa also made it clear that if any of the new arrivals needed anything, they were to speak to her guards and have them wake her, and she was happy to help. After speaking, she bid everyone goodnight and walked back to her home, her guards following.
When the group arrived at the village, Bellamy and Kane talked to Lexa privately before she set up their quarters. Bellamy regretfully informed what happened. They were outvoted and Pike tried to kill them. They had no choice but to escape. He only asked Lexa that if they took any action against Trikru, that the Skaikru members that were here in support of the coalition would be spared. Bellamy pleaded his case with the commander, telling her that they tried their absolute best to work with Pike and his supporters but it was all for naught. Nothing could be done and it seemed that Lexa accepted this and offered a place to stay for everyone that was here. He could not thank her enough and it made Bellamy feel even better that he made sure Clarke was here instead of Arkadia.

Once he was given an extra pillow and blanket, he creeped silently into the house where Clarke, Octavia, and the girls were staying. It appeared his sister was on high alert because he barely made it one step into the house before he saw her moving towards him. “Don’t kill me, O. It’s just your big brother.” He commented softly, not wanting to wake Clarke or anyone else but it appeared that it was too late for that. Once Bellamy was inside, he went to find Clarke’s bed and joined her since she was likely awake now.

He was sure that his wife and Octavia would have tons of questions. Bellamy had also been skimmed by a bullet on his shoulder. “I don’t know what to say. It was time for the Chancellor vote and Pike won by a landslide. He was going to arrest all of us so we tried to escape. Not without a fight, though. We lost people that wanted to support the Grounders. Arkadia is no longer safe.” Bellamy commented with a frown, looking to his sister and wife. He just wanted to go to bed now. He didn’t feel like talking about it anymore than he had. He’s had to explain this three times already to Lexa, her guards, and now Clarke and Octavia.
Octavia nodded and then walked over to her brother, before hugging him and heading back to the bedroom. "Let Clarke fix you something to eat before you sleep. I love you, Bell. And I'm glad that you're okay."

Once her sister-in-law had gone back to bed, Clarke turned to her husband, went into the kitchen and warmed up some spaghetti for him, handing the plate a few minutes later, and then making him something to drink. Once he was seated at the table and eating, the blonde lifted his shirt carefully off his shoulder and started to treat his wound there. "I'm waiting for the
words 'you were right, Clarke.'" The blonde said, though she got no humor out of knowing that she was right about Pike being dangerous. "I told you so," She murmured to him softly.

"You should've let me blow his damn head off that day and then we wouldn't be in this mess." She sighed softly and finished treating his wound, before fixing his shirt and tossing the bandages. Clarke walked over to the sink and washed her hands before returning to sit at Bellamy's side. "I'm glad that you're okay for the most part. And I'm glad that you and some
of the others were able to make it here safely. Finish eating, and we'll spend some time together before we go to bed. You don't want to go to bed right after eating. Don't want to risk
the equivalent of swimming after eating." After she spoke the blonde grabbed his napkin, wiped his lips, and kissed him sweetly.
“Thank you, Princess.” Bellamy replied softly after the food was fixed. The male returned a kiss to her lips and kept quiet while eating. One thing he did not appreciate was how Clarke blamed him for this. She said that if he let her blow his head off, they would not be in this mess. So it was his fault? They could not just go around blasting with guns because someone did not agree with them. That was not the right way to run things. Bellamy had no idea why Clarke could even think that way. Did she think that’s what he wanted? It made his blood boil but he did not say anything nor did he give the impression that he was mad. If anything, he looked upset at what happened because he lost some friends: either on the same side with him or those that chose the other side. He had to shoot down people he had been friends with since the start of their time on Earth. That was not easy and it took a toll: more than any kill Bellamy made.

He ate in silence as he tried to just figure out where to piece up his emotions. Once he finished, the male packed away the dish and the silverware before going to sit with Clarke on the bed. His arms wrapped around her tightly and he just wanted to hold her. Bellamy was tired of the fighting and the killing. He knew it would never end, though. He gave Pike and his supporters every chance to do the right thing and look where he ended up for it.
"I don't blame you," Clarke said softly. "You wanted to give Pike a chance, and that's a good thing. But he's just not the same man who taught us in the Earth Skills class. I could see it in his eyes from the moment he showed up at Arkadia. I hate that I was right. But I also wish you and the others had taken me seriously. The look you and Kane shared that suggested that I had lost it, that pissed me off. And I don't appreciate being treated like I'm some child who should accept a pat on the head and run off to play while the adults talk. It made me feel like my opinion or my thoughts or feelings didn't matter, just because I'm a woman. I hate feeling that way."

"I know that you're angry. You have every right to feel that way. I know you're also sad because we lost some really good people. Some of our friends. I'm sad, too. I'm angry, too. And to be honest, I haven't changed my mind about blowing his damn head off. But we don't have to talk about that right now." Clarke fell silent and just wrapped her arms around Bellamy, hugging him close. Figuring that the best thing she could do for him right now was just shut up, hold him and be there for him for whatever he needed. "I love you," The blonde said softly.

"We're going to disagree about things and people. That's just how it is. We're both stubborn, hard headed, and strong willed people. But no matter what happens, I love you.." She said seriously.
Bellamy could not believe Clarke had the audacity to think that he did not value her opinion or even that gender played a role here. No. She could not see that a valid reason to kill someone was not ‘because Clarke thinks we should’. They did take her seriously. They watched Pike closely. They were careful. It was not like they pretended like Pike was a non threat. In a civilized world, they could not commit murder because of gut feelings. Bellamy was shocked that Clarke could even say something like that and actually believe it. Nonetheless, he was not going to argue about it. It happened. It was in the past. Fuck Pike. Fuck everything else. Bellamy knew in his heart that he took Clarke seriously as he could. He had no reason to apologize. If she felt bad about that, then she talked herself into feeling that way because there was literally nothing for her to be upset about. Again, Bellamy did not say these things so Clarke did not hear them. Instead, he turned all of his attention onto her.

“I love you, too. We’re going to get through this still. I guess we now have more than one enemy. It is a shame we can’t think of some way to have Ice Nation attack Pike and Pike alone or vice versa, having Pike attack Ice Nation. That could help us out without having to move anywhere. We could attack whatever winner of the battle and still have our full force.”
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