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RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

"You're not understanding me, and it's causing friction between us. I never said that you had to kill Pike 'because I said so.' No, I just wanted you to take me seriously when I told you that I was worried, and had a bad feeling about him being there. But like I said, you and Kane looked at each other like I was worrying for nothing. I'm not an idiot," Clarke said softly. "And yes, I do go by my feelings sometimes. My feelings were what told me that Pike wasn't to be trusted. He was acting off when he and his people showed up and I picked up on it immediately."

"I just wanted to keep everyone safe, that's all. Now it's become something more than that, and it was never meant to." Clarke sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm not asking you
to apologize. You did what you thought was best, and that's fine. I just ask that the next time I tell you that it feels like something's off with someone, you don't blow me off." She stopped talking a moment later and let him finish speaking. When the blonde was sure that he was done she said, "What if we could trick Roan into going to Arkadia and killing Pike and his people?"

"Roan hates me and Octavia. We could come up with a plan to lure him there, have someone from another clan tell him that we're there and have him and his people attack Arkadia. They'd wipe out Pike and his people, or Pike would wipe out them. And then like you said, we kill the winner."
Again, Bellamy thought Clarke was wrong. How could she possibly know what he was thinking at the time? What she thought was brushing off was not even close to that. Nonetheless, Bellamy thought about the new plan as he absently played with his wife’s hair. “I think that’s a perfect idea. It is worth a try. Tomorrow, we can suggest it to Lexa. If it is doable, she or someone here should know how to get word to Ice nation about it.” Bellamy suggested and leaned down to catch her lips in a kiss.

“I think that’s enough planning and talking about this war for one night. I’m tired of it, Clarke. Can we talk about something else now? Either that or go to bed?” He knew Clarke did not want him sleeping yet since he just ate but he’d rather do that than keep talking about this if that was all on her mind right now. Bellamy did not need that. He needed his wife that would help him forget about everything. Even if they did not talk and they just held each other, that was all he would need to be happy right now.
"Okay," Clarke said softly. She reached out for one of his hands and placed it on her stomach. "We can talk about how much Mommy missed Daddy, and how much baby missed their Daddy, too." The blonde kissed her husband's lips, and wrapped her other arm around his waist. "I was worried when I didn't hear from you over the radio last night," The blonde admitted to him. "But now you're here and we're going to make sure that everything turns out okay." She rested her head lightly against Bellamy's chest, glad that he was okay and there with them.

"If you hear anything through the night, don't be alarmed. Lexa has 4 of her guards surrounding the house and keeping an eye on us. It's only at night, so that we're safe here. I can tell her that we don't need the guard's anymore, now that you're here. I'll tell her in the morning." She said and then kissed him once more. "The girl's will be so excited to see you when they wake up in the morning," The blonde said, a smile on her lips as she knew that both Laqueta and Raelyn loved spending time with Bellamy.
“Daddy missed Mommy and baby, too.” Bellamy chuckled softly. It might have only been a few days apart but it felt like an eternity. He enjoyed feeling her head against his chest as it calmed him. Bellamy nodded when Clarke told him about the guards so he would not be alarmed. He thought about the look on the girl’s face when they saw him and that made him happy, too. Of course, Bellamy would now turn into his protective husband and father mode while looking to Clarke. One hand rested on her stomach and the other started stroking through her hair.

“Did you have enough to eat the last few days? Are you eating enough for two?” He asked quietly while looking deep into the woman’s eyes. The smile grew on his face now as Bellamy relaxed, nuzzling against her body. His lips went down to start kissing her neck. “I’m glad were in the same place now.” He purred softly, keeping their bodies close together. Bellamy finally truly relaxed in the bed with his wife now. He felt safe and everything felt right. God, he loved this woman so much. “Has anything happened here in the last few days?”
Clarke smiled at her husband's words. They hadn't been apart for very long but it felt like forever for her, and she was glad that them being separated was over now. Her smile widened as Bellamy's hand rested on her stomach where their baby was moving around a little bit. She felt his other hand move into her hair and loved it. Whenever her husband did that it helped relax her. Which was strange as it was the equivalent of petting a dog, but whatever, it didn't really matter. "I've been eating like I should," The blonde assured him. She didn't want him to worry about her eating habits.

"The baby and I are doing okay. But if it's going to make you worry less, I can ask my mother to run some tests, so that it'll put your mind at ease." A soft chuckle left her, when he started to kiss down her neck. "Sure you wanna do that?" She teased him. "You know what this always leads to. Especially with my hormones." Clarke fell silent so that he could speak, and then nodded at his words. "I'm glad that we're together again, too." She shook her head at his next words. "There's been no word from Pike and his people, or Ice Nation. The only thing that's happened here in the last few days was weather, when it rained yesterday, that's all."
Bellamy appreciated that Clarke was eating like she should. He made a point to tell Lexa that Clarke was pregnant and that meant she should eat for two. The commander promised him that Clarke was going to be well fed. He also reminded Octavia to tell Lexa again whenever they were being served food. She spoke about running some tests and he shook his head. “No, no tests. Not unless we need them. I guess it is just a natural worrying state for me. Even with tests, I’d still worry.” Bellamy pointed out with a chuckle. He did not stop kissing her neck when she told him that there was no news. Yes, he knew what kissing her neck in this area always led to but he was not worried. If they had some fun tonight, cool. If not, no big deal either. Bellamy just needed to feel her body in many ways right now.

Pulling back from her neck, Bellamy placed his lips directly onto hers. His tongue slipped inside of her mouth and rubbed against her upper and her lower lip. His breathing was growing rapid as he held the kiss for as long as humanly possible. Pulling back from the kiss, he flashed a smile at the girl that he loved. “I think it’s been long enough. I think I’m fine to sleep now if there’s nothing you want to do.”
"I'm happy for us to get some rest. But tomorrow night? Plan for some fun between the two of us." She stood up a few moments later, and cleaned his plate and glass, before saving them. Then the blonde walked back over to her husband, took one of his hands into hers, and led him to the bedroom so that they could get some sleep, too. Once Bellamy had taken his shoes off, they moved to the bed and got under the covers. Clarke wrapped one arm around his waist, and her other arm crossed his chest and held his hand, while her head also rested on his chest.

"I love you," She said softly, as they laid in bed together. The blonde had checked on the girl's who were still blissfully asleep, and Octavia, who had gone back to sleep, as well. Now, they were all together once more, a family. Her mother and Kane were a few houses away and they were all safe, along with some of their friends. The night was peaceful now, and she knew that she couldn't ask for more than that. So, with a soft smile on her lips, the young woman closed her eyes and laid there for a few minutes, listening to her husband breathe, before she finally fell back asleep once more.
Clarke’s promise about tomorrow night drew a chuckle from the back of Bellamy’s throat. It was a promise he would ensure that his wife kept. Once they reached the bedroom, the male was all too ready for sleep. Kicking off his shoes, he got comfortable in the bed with Clarke in his arms. Now that they were together again and they were both safe, Bellamy pushed negative thoughts out of his mind and slowly fell asleep. It helped to be holding Clarke again in his arms: something he missed the last two nights. His dreams were somehow not full of dangers and nightmares. Instead, it was dreamless.

Having been through much more than Clarke in the day prior, he stayed asleep even when Clarke woke the next morning. Bellamy was tired from the fighting and the adrenaline that coursed through his body. It had been a literal life or death situation he found himself entangled in again. That was over now and Bellamy hoped to use at least one day to calm down from all the excitement. Even when Clarke started moving in his arms when she woke, Bellamy did not twitch. He felt entirely safe and secure in this bed with his wife.
"Bell-Bell," The words were said in a whisper, as the little girl sat on his stomach. Clarke watched from the doorway of the bedroom, as she put a hand over her mouth to quiet her laughter. She had gotten up to wash her face and use the bathroom, and when she came back to the bedroom after washing her hands, it was to find Laqueta sitting on Bellamy's stomach, leaning in close so that she was right in his face. And the adorable little smile on their niece's face had her struggling to keep from bursting out laughing. It was just so cute. She decided not to do anything.

Figuring that it would be a cute way for her husband to wake up. The grin on her lips widened as she watched Laqueta lower her head and press a sloppy kiss to Bellamy's cheek. "Wakey wakey, Bell-Bell." Their niece's words were just the sweetest thing she had heard in awhile. And watching her husband and the girl's interact was one of her favorite things ever. Besides, Clarke figured that this would be the best wake-up call Bellamy could get. She looked up and smiled some more when Octavia and Raelyn joined her in the doorway, the three of them
just enjoying the sweet scene before them.
Normally, Bellamy hated early morning wake up calls. The male enjoyed waking up on his own time. But when he opened his eyes this morning, he grinned when he saw his niece. For a minute or two, he talked to Laqueta, kissed her cheek, and played with her. It got the girl grinning and laughing and giggling all over the place as she rolled around on his chest. It was only when he heard giggling from the doorway as well when he learned that he was being watched. He saw three other important girls in his life and he smiled at them. Getting up from the bed, Bellamy was thankful that he went to bed in full clothing last night.

He approached the doorway to greet everyone. He kissed Clarke’s lips and then handed Laqueta back to Octavia before hugging his sister. “That was quite the wake up call.” He chuckled softly as he looked to the ladies. “Is everything alright? All of you are up before me.” His worry was showing even though it seemed like everything was fine. It was just odd that Bellamy was the last one up but it must have been because he was so exhausted yesterday, he slept through the morning.
"Everything's fine," Clarke assured her husband, happily kissing him back. "You overslept because you were exhausted. And I was up because our son or daughter was bouncing on my bladder. And when I came back, I saw that little Missy had snuck in and wanted to give you her own special wake up call. There was no way I was going to get in the way of that." The
blonde said and then laughed. She watched as he played with their niece and then handed the little girl back over to her mother. The young woman fell silent once more as she watched
Raelyn pull Bellamy into a hug.

They really were all a family, and it made her happy to see that. "Alright, let's go lazybones. Raelyn and I are going to make breakfast while you and Octavia keep the little Princess busy." Clarke said and then she led the young girl into the kitchen, leaving the others to follow behind them. After discussing what they should cook, a few minutes later they had settled on pancakes, biscuits, bacon, and ham. The blonde hummed softly as she and Raelyn made breakfast together, enjoying the morning. Clarke couldn't over how much she loved watching
Bellamy interact with Octavia and the girls. And she couldn't to see him with their baby.
It made Bellamy feel better when Clarke assured him that everything was alright. He could not help feeling worried when everyone was up before him. The male chuckled as Clarke explained the events of the morning as he enjoyed their time together. While they werecooking, Bellamy and Octavia kept the girls busy. He had fun while waiting for the food, but he enjoyed it even more when the food was ready. He cleared everything in front of him, tahnking Clarke and Raelen for the meal as he dug in. Bellamy was practically starving with not getting a chance for much to eat yesterday because of everything that happened.

While eating, the male decided to discuss what was happening today with Clarke and Octavia. “I guess after we eat, we should find the commander and work on the plan. I’ll tell her about all the fighters I have and what they can do. I’ll see where she needs us during the attack, I guess.” Bellamy commented, disappointed they did not have more. However, he figured that was better than nothing. “how can we make Ice Nation and Arkadia fight each other, though? I have no idea how to trigger that. We need it to happen. That’s the best thing for us right now is to figure it out.”
Octavia looked up from feeding Laqueta and said, "Lexa and Raven have been making plans since midnight. I got up a few times through the night and saw them walking through the village, talking and Raven writing things down. I have a feeling that they'll tell us what they're planning when they're ready." She said and then turned back to her daughter and resumed feeding her. The brunette spoke to her sister in law, asking Raelyn if she was okay, and after getting the affirmative from the younger girl, nodded. "Besides, we all know that Raven's good at coming up with all kinds of crazy plans."

"We put her knowledge and skills, and Lexa's guards to good use, and we can figure out something to trigger a war between Arkadia and Ice Nation. All it takes is a little bit of creativity.." Otavia said and grinned. Their friend surely had a lot of creative ideas, and she couldn't wait to see what Lexa and Raven had come up with. It was sure to be something awesome. Raelyn started talking to her about what they were going to do today, and she told the girl that she was going to learn more self-defense moves, while the adults figured out how to protect the village.
It was not satisfactory: not knowing the plan. Usually, Bellamy was the person that developed all the plans so being somewhat out of the loop was troublesome. He figured the triggering event would come through Grounder activity. Perhaps their armies were like the armies Bellamy read about in books. If they were, there could be spies they have in Ice Nation. They could say that the people from Arkadia attacked some of their people and they needed to retaliate. Or they could feed incorrect information like all of Trikru moving to Arkadia. Nonetheless, Bellamy knew they would find out soon but he was too uncomfortable with not knowing. “Well, I guess now would be a great time to teach any of the grounders to shoot. I believe you, Octavia. I believe there are grounders that want to learn but I think that’s wild.”

He chuckled softly. “I don’t know how you do it, O.” How did she make them break some oath or ritual they had since the beginning of their days? It was almost unbelievable. “I guess after we eat, we should find Lexa and Raven. Perhaps we can be of use around here other than teaching people how to shoot. We still need to end up taking Arkadia back. It is the safest place around here as far as the construction part of it goes.”
"I didn't do anything but remind them of what they already knew. Their ancestors would do the same as ours: Do anything or use anything necessary to survive. I explained that the idea of them dying from touching a gun was not to be taken seriously. I didn't make fun of their beliefs, but I did question why they were able to handle any other kind of weapon, except for a gun. And it got all of them talking, and eventually Lexa came to me and told me that a few hundred of her people wanted to learn how to use the weapons."

"They weren't going to force anyone who didn't want to use one, but those that did, would be able to, without any problems with anyone else. Their ancestors taught them the same things that ours did: To fight for our friends and family, by any means necessary and to fight with honor and loyalty. All I had to do was tell Lexa this, and she agreed with me, told her people, and now we suddenly have a few hundred Grounders that want to learn how to use guns. Although I'm sure that Raven has more plans, as she and Lexa talked for several hours last night and
this morning. And we all know her favorite thing to do is make things go 'boom.' "
It was good news for the cause that things were coming together so well. Bellamy only wished they had more time to teach Grounders how to use guns. “That is powerful, Octavia. Here, I thought I was good at manipulating people and convincing people. I mean, Grounders thought they would lose their soul if they even touched a gun. You have to teach me, sis.” Teasing, Bellamy playfully elbowed Octavia and laughed again. He tried to convince the Grounders before of learning how to use guns. “I wish we had more time to teach, but we don’t. I guess that should be a priority today. Is there anywhere we can use for a target practice range? Also, we have to be careful with ammunition. I don’t think we can afford to teach hundreds of people to shoot. We won’t have any ammunition left. After Raven gets done with Lexa, I hope she can make more guns. Plus, the majority of our armory is in Arkadia so that’s a problem all of its own.”

Soon enough, the young man finished his breakfast and felt ready to get on with his day. Standing from the table, he emptied his plate to be washed later. Looking back to his sister and his wife, Bellamy figured they should get going. “I suppose it is in our best interest to find Lexa and Raven. I want to figure out what we’re doing now. Are you two ready?”
"I didn't manipulate anyone, I just told them the truth. I'm fully certain that if their ancestors had had gun's available to them to use to save their lives, they would've used them without a second thought. So, don't start praising me. Some of the others are still terrified that those using the guns are going to die, and have started praying. I just want the Grounders and us to have a fighting chance against both Ice Nation and Pike and his followers. As for teaching them, they're intelligent and most of them pick things up quickly. So they will learn fast."

Both women nodded, and Octavia sent Raelyn and Laqueta out to spend time with the other children, telling the young girl to stay close so that she could keep an eye on them. A few minutes later, the three adults left the house and went to see Lexa and Raven. After knocking on the door, they were permitted to enter and found the Commander and Raven with maps and plans all over the table, and off to the side, Raven had a steady bunch of supplies surrounding her, where she was busy putting pieces together. Looking at Raven, it was easy to see that the other woman was making both bullets and bombs.
When Bellamy saw Raelen and Laqueta playing with the other children, it made him smile. There were quite a few young children here. It meant his child with Clarke would definitely have a few friends her age. Silently, he walked to where Lexa and Raven were as they worked on the plans. They knocked and entered soon after, Bellamy spotting Raven working on crafting bullets and explosives – all were necessary in this war. Bellamy did not waste any time and walked right up to Lexa. “Clarke and I were talking last night and we figured out something that we could use.” The male started, calling the commander’s attention.

“As you know, Arkadia is now held by unsupportive forces. I’ve done everything I can to convert them over to our way but they won’t budge. Pike has a strong grip on everyone. If we can figure out a way to make Ice nation attack Arkadia, we can let our two enemies battle. In the end, the winner between the two will still be badly wounded and injured and weak. We could strike then. I just don’t know what we’d do or how we would do it. What plans do you have so far?” Bellamy asked, hoping to get read in on everything now that he was finally here.
"Azgeda relies on intel from their scouts who keep an eye on other clans. We will feed false information to their scouts saying that Clarke and Octavia are there. We can say that ever since Roan attacked Clarke, and because Octavia killed Echo, they have been kept well hidden inside of Arkadia. This way it will cause Roan to want to gather all of his forces and attack. And once he and his people attack, those who are still at Arkadia, will attack back. I hate to say this but there's a very real chance that your home might be damaged or destroyed during the fighting."

"All of you that are here are welcome to stay on one condition, if there are any issues with your people, I want it brought to me. I don't want your people and mine to turn on each other and get at each other's throats. We won't do anyone any good if we can't manage to work together. Anyway, as you can see, Raven's working on bombs and bullets. I've sent out a handful of soldiers each day to get the supplies she needs. Our plan is simple, to let Arkadia and Azgeda fight it out. While all of that is going on, my people will be on watch and training, and Raven
will continue to make bullets and bombs."

"Raven has said that if she works on just bombs for only a few hours, she can make three a day, and nine a day if she only focuses on them for the day. She can make 5 bullets in an hour, so if she focuses on that for 7 hours, she can make 35 bullets. I am also going to try and recruit some of my people to help her, to hopefully increase production in a quicker time. What do you have in mind? I might not know you very well, but I know enough to sense when you have some ideas."
Listening to Lexa, Bellamy took all the information in. Ice Nation had scouts all around the clans. They would give these scouts false information. It was likely that Roan would want to attack Arkadia for Clarke and Octavia. She did add that their home might be damaged. “That is a risk we have to take, I guess. It’s either lose our homes or lose our lives.” Bellamy responded with a shrug. They could rebuild. “Thank you for offering to give us shelter here. I promise you any problems will be brought to you.” Bellamy added, happy that things were going well. He listened to Lexa explain everything that they were building and he knew exactly what they were doing now as they waited out Azgeda and Ice Nation to attack each other. That was the best plan. Both their enemies can destroy each other and that was perfect.

Lexa said that Bellamy should have some ideas and she was correct. “Well, I guess we can start helping to train everyone here if they are ready. We can also start mapping out where to attack. If Ice Nation attacks Azgeda, then we need somewhere to attack as well. We can start looking for vantage points outside of Arkadia so that we can go whenever all hell breaks loose.” The young man responded, looking towards Lexa for any feedback. He knew they must have thought about attacking at one time or another. He figured they could go from where they would go as well.

After saying this, he just waited to hear what everyone was going to say. “If Raven can help teach us how to make bullets or bombs then that would be great. We have extra sets of hands now. And tell me how any of my people can help out around the village. We are going to earn our keep more than just fighting in this war. We’ll help here however you need it.”
Lexa looked at Bellamy. "Do not thank me. This is what we need to finally take out Azgeda, and I will not waste a moment. I will make sure that we are well prepared to take on the threat, in whatever form it comes in. Your help is appreciated and if we can do anything to help make the bond between our clans stronger, than letting you live here, we will do. As for problems, see that you do that. This is in the best interest for all of our safety." She nodded when he mentioned that they would start training everyone. "Not necessarily everyone, but you will find many who are seeing past the fear our ancestors had about guns."

Lexa nodded again when Bellamy mentioned mapping out where to attack. "Raven and I are already working on it. When we are ready to attack, we are going to break off into groups, and one of those groups will be shooters, another will be bow's and arrows, another will with bombs, and I'm sure you get the rest. Several other groups will break off and head for the main building to try and attack anyone on sight. There is only one thing I want to make perfectly clear. We do not kill children 18 and under unless they try to attack us. They are young and do not know what they are doing."

"We will capture them, take them in and raise them as our own. Teach them our customs and ways, and care for them like they are our own children. If you have a problem with this, then you need not be on the battlefield. As for bullets or bombs, you must take that up with Raven, though I'm sure she can use as much help as possible. As for the village. We are expanding it, so any help there would be much appreciated. "
“I agree that Ice Nation is our biggest enemy now. I am glad that our clans are finally working together. I worried we would all kill each other before a solution was reached. I know we still have our radicals that do not agree with this and it pains me to think that we’ll set an attack on them, but I understand this is part of war, this is what we have to do.” It was just another thing Bellamy added to a list of different things he did to survive that he might not have wanted to do originally. The biggest one to this point was killing all those people in Mount Weather, innocent and guilty people all the same. However, if he were going to survive, if he were going to save his people, Bellamy and Clarke had no other option than to pull the lever. Now, even though he had been friends with some of these people for a long time, even though he respected many of them, Bellamy was helping set up an ambush on their camp. It was the only thing he needed to do so he could save his people again, most importantly, it was how they survived and helped Clarke and their beautiful child thrive in the world.

Bellamy thought it was a good idea not to kill any children under eighteen. He did not have a problem with it but he did want to make something obvious. “Very well, but there will not be a warning for them. If they try to attack me with intent to kill, I won’t hold back. I’m going to make it back to Clarke and my child no matter what.” Bellamy added as he was only focused on winning and surviving.

“What about the people staying behind in the villages? I hope it will be well guarded in case Azgeda or even the others try to plot something to attack one of the villages.” Bellamy added, wanting to be assured that Clarke was safe here during the attack before he went to help with the new living arrangements.
"As you may know, there are 11 clans since Skaikru is no longer part of the Coalition, and Azgeda is not part of it, either. There is Trikru, Flokru, Sankru, Broadleaf, Rock line, Trishanakru, Podakru, Blue Cliff, Delfikru, Ingranrona Kru, and Louwoda Kliron Kru. Though Delfikru, Ingranrona Kru, and Louwoda Kliron Kru, have refused to fight in the war against Azgeda. So that leaves 8 of the clans who are more than willing to fight against our enemies. I have sent word to Flokru, Broadleaf and Rock line and we will be joined by many of their people which will be split into small factions."

"We will have 10 people apiece from Flokru, Broadleaf and Rock line that are going to stay here and protect this village. We will have 180 warriors at 20 warriors per clan including Trikru, and however many Skaikru will offer in the fight. We are going to be a formidable force. Going to fight against Azgeda, there will be many losses, but I know we will be victorious. I have faith in my people and our allies. We have much to fight for. Our loved ones and friends, and our way life, which I know you understand." Lexa stopped speaking and paused to consider Bellamy's words.

"I understand your position, but if it can at all be avoided, try not to kill children under 18. Like I said, we would prefer to capture them, and teach them our ways. Allow them to grow up and become smart and powerful warriors for our side. Because there is always going to be an enemy and we can use all the allies we can get. As for those remaining in the villages, they will be well guarded. As I said, we will have 30 of our allies here to guard Trikru territory, along with our own people and yours, who will remain behind. I will not leave them vulnerable and unable to defend themselves."

Once they had finished their conversation, Lexa thanked Bellamy for his time, and then fell back into planning mode with Raven, as the two women discussed the best strategy and placement for the bombs and shooters.
When Lexa presented three clans that refused to participate in the war, Bellamy wanted to scoff. It was funny how people known for being warriors were also cowards. He would hope Lexa would not forget these actions of these cowards. When she explained the setup and the defense of the village, Bellamy felt better. They could not sacrifice too many from the main battle, but there was a more precious resource here in the villages for many of the warriors in battle – family. The conversation ended and the young man felt much better about the whole battle and situation. Turning to find Clarke again, he reached down with his hand and laced their fingers together. Leaving the quarters where Lexa was planning, the husband and wife stepped outside.

Looking around, he sighed to himself as he saw the rush of getting things planned and ensuring everything worked efficiently. “I feel better about this, now. I know we’re going to win. There’s no other way. We don’t have another option.” Bellamy commented softly and squeezed Clarke’s hand. “What do you have planned today? I’m sure there are plenty that need medical attention. I guess I’m going to help construction with the village and the defenses or teach any Grounders about guns if they wish.” After pausing for a second, he made sure to look Clarke in the eyes when his protective, caring, and loving side now showed. Placing one hand against the side of her face, the pad of his thumb gracefully slid against her cheek.

“Promise me you’ll be careful today. You will eat as often as you need. You won’t do anything too physically taxing. Take care of yourself.” If Bellamy could have things his way, he would watch Clarke like a hawk twenty-four hours a day, seven days each week. Unfortunately, especially now, that was impossible. He could only trust and hope she was taking care of herself and not trying to do too much. Right now, everyone else was focusing on the war. Clarke needed to focus on Clarke and the baby inside of her. That was her only objective now. It might not have been the way Clarke’s mind was wired, but she needed to protect her own needs first and foremost for the next nine months.
Clarke squeezed his hand back. "I'm going to be splitting my time between working with my mother, Jackson, and Nyko in medical, and looking after the girl's while Octavia helps you and Jasper train Trikru warriors with the guns." She nodded when he mentioned that he'd spend a lot of his time helping with construction on the village. "Well, at least you'll be out and around and getting a feel for the place and for more of Trikru's people." She stopped talking a few moments later, when she saw a weird look come over her husband's face. It caused a look of concern to come over hers.

Their eyes locked and one of his hands went to the side of her face, cupping one of her cheeks with his hand. "I promise that I'll be careful. Yes, I'll eat as often as I need to, and I won't do anything physical and chance putting the baby at risk. I promise that I'll take care of myself.." She assured him softly. "You don't need to worry about me. You just do whatever you need to do, and then make sure that you meet me for dinner, so that we can spend some time together, and so we can also spend time with Octavia and the girls." The blonde said and smiled.
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