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RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

"You sure that you wanna do that?" Clarke asked and then laughed. "I might accidentally bite your fingers," She said and gave her husband an innocent look, right before chuckling. The blonde shrugged and just went along with it, when Bellamy still seemed keen to do so. A few moments later, one of his hands was placed over her lips. She felt his index finger over her
upper lip and then the rest of his fingers covered her mouth the rest of the way, to stifle her moans, as she tended to be pretty loud when they were having sex. Not that anyone had complained so far.

The young woman moaned loudly against Bellamy's hand as he moved forward and shoved his cock inside of her, filling her with his size so well. She smiled against his hand as he moaned
out her name. Clarke never got tired of listening to him moan. The sexy little sounds that left his lips as they had sex, always served to turn her on. She could have never imagined being so turned on, just by a single touch by Bellamy, or the sounds of his moans, before they got together. Now, she couldn't imagine anything else. Her hips moved back against his, as she tried to fuck herself on his cock.
Bellamy chuckled, figuring that her biting his hand was a risk he would take. The feeling of her moan bouncing off his hand turned Bellamy on. He loved hearing her sounds regardless if she was gagged or not. “Someone is eager. You weren’t joking about those hormones of yours.” Bellamy teased his wife when he felt her hips bucking against his own. As a few seconds passed, he started to thrust faster and harder, sending his thick cock deeper inside of Clarke. He was moaning her name again, titling his head back as his hand not covering her mouth kept her arms behind her back.

“I love you so much Clarke. Fuck. You feel so good.” He grumbled lowly, leaning down to kiss her neck as best as he could while they had sex. Over and over, his thick, long cock was shoved as deep inside of the blonde as possible and he could hardly contain himself as he moved with such force and power. He was throbbing already and he knew he could not last long. Just thinking that there was a baby inside of her belly now made him feel so much more passion with everything they did together and he wanted Clarke to feel every ounce of his passion and love for her.
"Hormones or not, I always want you. You're sexy and I'm obsessed and I have trouble keeping my hands off your body.." Clarke said and then smirked at her husband. Loud moans of pleasure left her lips as Bellamy started to fuck her harder and faster. The sound of his moans in her ears was something she loved to hear all the time. She felt him pin her arms behind
her back, and as usual, didn't mind the action, just as long as her arms weren't kept in that position too long and became painful. The blonde playfully bit down on her husband's fingers
again, chuckling softly.

"I can't wait until my breasts start getting bigger. When that happens, I know that you won't be able to keep from pawing at them most of the time.." Each time he slammed inside of her,
she moaned louder and louder, loving how good it felt. She tried to get free from his grasp, and manged to get only one of her hands that were bound behind her back free, so that she
could reach down and stroke Bellamy's cock as he kept fucking her hard and fast. After stroking his cock for a while, she said against his hand over her mouth, "Play with my breasts. I
want you to torture them.." She said, though the blonde wasn't sure if her message came out clear.
Upon Clarke’s orders, Bellamy moved the hand that was covering her mouth and moved his other hand that kept her arms restrained. With a smirk, he waited until Clarke could use her hands again to support herself. Now that she was on her hands and knees, this was much easier. His thrusting continued in a powerful manner and both of his hands wrapped down and around her body. His fingers dug into her breasts and he squeezed them both as hard as he could. The young man moaned out his wife’s name, a smile growing on his face as he started kissing down her neck slowly. “I love you so much, my sexy wife. I am definitely going to have fun with your swollen breasts.” He grinned, still kissing her neck as his cock pounded away at her tight pussy lips.

It did not take long before Bellamy reached his orgasm. In between that time, Bellamy had continued playing with her breasts, twisting her nipples, slapping her breasts, and doing anything he could to torture those perfect breasts of hers. With a smile growing on his face, Bellamy allowed himself to just slam roughly inside of her, reaching as deep into her that he could. “Oh, fuck! I’m going to cum, Princess.” He whispered and just as he said that, his semen released from the tip of his cock, filling her up to the very brim.
Clarke moaned happily once she had moved to her hands and knees, and Bellamy started to play with her breasts. She loved the feeling of his hands all over her body. And each time he slammed into her and squeezed her breasts roughly in his hands, it made her cry out louder and louder in pleasure. Her husband's moans were the sexiest thing that she had ever heard.
The blonde smiled when he suddenly started to kiss her neck and speak. His words made her chuckle softly. It wasn't long before a deep thrust of his cock inside of her, had the young
woman clenching him firmly inside of her, as she came.

Each touch of his hands, twisting, pinching, or slapping her breasts, drove her more and more crazy in lust with him. A smirk was on her lips as Bellamy gave one final rough slam inside
of her, and then filled her with his come. "Fill me with your come. You know I love it," The young woman said, and once they had both come and collapsed onto the bed, she turned in her husband's arms, and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. A laugh left her lips a few moment later, and the blonde reached out and took one of his hands, placing it on her stomach.

"Looks like we might have woken up little one with our fun.." She said, as they felt the baby moving around a bit.
ndeed, Bellamy felt their sweet child rumbling in Clarke’s belly. “It seems that we have woken him or her. I guess he or she will get used to this. Hopefully our little one never walks in on us in the future, though. I know we won’t be able to contain ourselves, but we’ll have to be more discreet.” Bellamy posed as he thought about it with a soft chuckle. Well, if nothing else, this child would know how much his or her Dad loved Mom and vice versa. With a soft smile on Bellamy’s face, he pressed a soft kiss onto Clarke’s lips and let it linger for a few seconds before pulling away. “You know I want to do this all night long with you but we both need our rest. I have some recruiting and dealing to do tomorrow. I’d like to be able to leave here tomorrow and go back to TonDC so we have more time to plan with the people we have. I know Lexa will appreciate the extra hands.”

After saying that, Bellamy posed another question. “Also, I don’t know where you’re going to stay when the attack happens, but we could make sure that TonDC, Polis, or wherever Lexa’s troops will return after the attack will have some of our medical support. Either that or they could all come to Arkadia when it’s over for help. I’m not really sure. I do hope everyone that’s left over will help out with the village. We still need to get that set up. There’s always so much to do.”
"I was considering taking the girl's back to the old village, but I think it'll be safer for us here. So, we're going to stay here and I'll help my mother and Jackson out in medical as often as I can, and I'll keep the girls with me at all times. I think it would be best if my mother and I take turns working in medical, and looking after the girl's. This way there's always extra hands on deck in medical, and there's always someone the girl's are familiar with, looking after them. We'll be okay. You just worry about making it back to us in one piece, that's it." Clarke said softly, seriously.

"I just can't wait for this to be over. I'm going to be worrying about you the whole time you're gone. And don't bother telling me not to worry, that's not going to help. What's going to help is once this battle is over, and we know that Ice Nation isn't a threat anymore." She paused to listen to what else he had to say, and nodded. "While you and the others are gone, I'm going to keep trying to convince everyone that's behind, to help build the new village once all of you return. I'll feel a lot better once we get that village up, and we're all better protected being close to each other."
“That sounds good, Princess. Trust me, I wouldn’t ask you to not worry. I do understand how impossible that is. I switch our positions and I think about you going off to fight this and me staying back. I would be worried sick.” Bellamy pointed out with a grin. Next, he leaned down to kiss her sweetly on the neck and then one more time onto her lips. From there, he just held her tight against his body. “Oh, make sure that you get plenty to eat. I don’t care about rations or whatever. You can have mine. Just make sure you eat enough to feed that baby. Don’t’ feel bad about taking more than everyone else. You’re eating for two.” Bellamy reminded her knowing that Clarke would always try to make sure things were equal and fair for everyone.

“Either you do that or I will take extra food myself and give to you.” Bellamy chuckled, gently rubbing on her stomach. Finally, things were slowing down and Bellamy felt fatigue start to take over. He spent the next few minutes playing with Clarke’s hair because that soothed him and helped him reached a peaceful state of relaxation. After a few minutes passed, he closed his eyes and bid his wife a good night. “Good night, Princess. I love you. I’ll see you in the morning.” He whispered softly, nuzzling their noses together and just keeping her as close as he could.
"Don't worry about the baby and I. I'll take good care of him or her," Clarke promised, kissing him. "I'll do everything that I can to protect our son or daughter, and make sure that they're healthy. You just take good care of yourself and come back to us, so that you can hold our baby close when he or she is born in a few months." A smile formed on her lips when Bellamy started to gently rub her stomach. She felt him playing with her hair a few moments later, and relaxed at his touch. "Good night, love. I love you, too. And I'll definitely see you in the morning.."

A few moments later, her eyes closed and the blonde found herself curled into her husband's side. Unfortunately, even though she was completely comfortable, for some reason, she just couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't that she was scared or worried. It was like her mind just wouldn't power down for the night. It took a few hours of staring at the ceiling and trying to count sheep, but eventually, she became exhausted and her mind finally gave in, and allowed her to fall asleep. The young woman held her husband's hands in one of her own as she finally felt herself drift off to sleep.
Early the next morning, Bellamy woke before Clarke did. He watched her sleep for a few minutes before leaving the bed. He decided to grab some breakfast for them to share in their quarters before they got started for the day. Thankfully most were already still asleep so that gave them some time. He woke Clarke with a kiss and once she opened her eyes, Bellamy helped her sit up properly. He returned to the bed and sat beside of her, placing the food in her lap and the water close. “Eat up, my two loves.” He chuckled, kissing her first and then leaning down to kiss her belly.

Just like the male already explained, he was making sure that the blonde ate all she needed to eat for her and their baby. The male started eating his own food as well. “So, what are your first plans of the day?” Bellamy asked softly, tilting his head to the side. His free hand rested on her knee as he listened to her response. He even reached down to grab a fork and feed her the food from her plate, wanting to treat her like a real Princess as they relaxed this morning.
"You're completely adorable like this," Clarke said and smiled once Bellamy had woken her with kisses to her lips, and then a kiss to her belly. She was happy to curl into his side and share breakfast with him. "But don't worry, I won't tell anyone what a big softy you are," The blonde said, teasing her husband sweetly. She dug into her breakfast, though kept an eye on him as
he ate his own. Just enjoying this quiet time that they had together. Swallowing a bite of food, she took a sip of water and then answered his question. "I'm going to spend a few hours with the girl's this morning."

"Teaching Raelyn to read and write, while I also cuddle and play with Laqueta. Then we'll take break for lunch, and Raelyn can play with the other kids for a bit. After that, I'll give her some headphones and music to listen to while I work in medical with my mother and Jackson for a few hours. When my mother takes a break, she'll spend some time with the girl's, and then we'll keep switching out spending time with the girl's and helping in medical. We'll all have dinner together, and Kane will probably join us. He sometimes does."

"After dinner, the girl's will each get a bath and then I'll put them to bed, and just read a book for a few hours while they sleep. And eventually I'll go to sleep too, and then repeat it all over tomorrow." She felt his free hand on knee, and smiled at the contact. Laughing softly when he took her fork and started to feed her from her plate. "Seriously adorable," The blonde repeated and kissed him, after she swallowed the bite of food he had given her.
It sounded like Clarke had her entire day mapped out. The activities pleased Bellamy because she was taking it easy. While it might not be possible or logical for Clarke to have an easy day every single day, Bellamy was thankful that she could at least take one. With that thought in mind, the dark-haired male continued feeding his wife. Not caring how cool his food could become, Bellamy was intent on feeding Clarke every bite of her breakfast meal. “Fine. If you don’t reveal my soft side, I won’t reveal your submissive side.” Bellamy countered in a teasing tone much like she had used with him.

After Clarke swallowed the last bite on her plate, Bellamy stood from the bed. He multi-tasked by venturing into the bathroom and shaving while quickly scarfing down his breakfast. When his plate was empty, he hopped into the shower for a quick wash and exited with a towel within minutes. Still nude, he let his body mostly air dry while gathering his clothing items for the day. He found a dark blue t-shirt, blue jeans, green boxers, a pair of grey socks and his combat boots. Hastily, he checked the time and finished dressing.

Before leaving the quarters, he leaned over to give Clarke a kiss. “If you need anything, come find me. I don’t care where I am or what I am doing: nothing is as important as you. Promise me that you’ll get me if you need something. I will see you tonight at dinner if not before then. I love you. Have a good day and be safe.” Once bidding his wife goodbye, he pulled away from the kiss and playfully ruffled her strands of blonde hair, chuckling as he left the bedroom and went to find Kane.
Clarke nodded along with everything that Bellamy said, happy to let him feed her, enjoying the sweetness of their time together. Once he had gotten dressed, kissed her and headed out for the day, it was her turn to get up. The blonde placed the plate on the bedside table, got up and grabbed her clothes, and headed to shower. Once she had cleaned and re-dressed once more, the young woman brought their dishes out to those who manned the food area, thanked them, and then went to get the girl's from her mother. Smiling as she hugged Raelyn and spoke to her, before getting the young girl set up with her school work.

While Raelyn did her school work, the blonde spent some time with her niece. Tickling and talking to the little girl, who was finally starting to make sounds and noises as she spoke. Of course though, the first word out of the little girl's mouth was "Bell." Something that made her laugh, as she knew her husband would love knowing that their niece had asked for him. She cuddled and played with Laqueta, and checked on Raelyn, helping the other girl with her school work when she needed it. A few hours later, the blonde switched out with her mother, and went to help in medical.

Giving her mother a sort of break as she spent time with the girl's.
After finding Chancellor Kane, Bellamy and Marcus called everyone for a meeting in the courtyard area of Arkadia. While waiting for everyone to gather, Bellamy explained what the plan was for the Grounders to attack Ice Nation. They were moving next week and they needed more numbers. Ice Nation was already hurting and if the Sky People assisted with their guns and explosives, it was possible that they could eliminate Ice Nation from the picture. Marcus decided to let Bellamy talk to everyone. He was going to be a true leader it seemed and Kane enjoyed seeing this transformation the male had went through.

When everyone gathered together, Bellamy went through everything slowly. He reassured them that Trikru was not their enemy. They were at peace now. When they first landed, yes, the Grounders killed them without reason and they had their own little war. However, that was before they took time to understand each other and Bellamy wanted everyone to get that through their mind. They could not continue living in hatred of each other. They would all kill each other before anything else happened. Bellamy asked for volunteers for this war and to his surprise, he counted at least three dozen hands go up. However, Pike spoke out against the idea again, saying that all Grounders were enemies and more people agreed with Pike, saying they should refuse to help.
Octavia rode up to the gates of Arkadia, and dismounted from her horse, tying it to the gate. After giving the animal a soothing pat, she approached her brother and the crowd. "You call Trikru the enemy, but when in reality it's the other way around. We all crash-landed here and took over this land without any thought to the fact that others might still be around. We're all trying to survive here, and your resistance to getting along with Trikru is going to end up getting someone killed. Most likely one of our people. You should take this chance to get your collective heads out of Pike's ass, and Pike, you'd do well to grow a brain in your head and start using it."

"You see Trikru as the enemy because they attacked when you didn't know about the boundary line. In the beginning, that was enough for us to understand your concern and even hatred of them. But they have done nothing to deserve your hatred since. We are all facing the same enemy, and that enemy is Ice Nation, and not Trikru. You don't have to like them or even get along with them. That's your choice, but you will not make a move against them or you will seriously regret the outcome of that choice. Trikru is an ally. Our ally, and you'd all do well to remember that."

"There are going to be more Grounders coming here. More clans, who have agreed to fight with us and Trikru against Ice Nation. Those clans are Floukru, Broadleaf, and Rockline. And there is something that you should know about all of them. They are here to help us, yes. But they will not tolerate any idiots that try to attack them. By now, we've all heard what Roan of Ice Nation did to Clarke. The things that Roan did to Clarke will seem like a vacation in comparison to what will happen to any of you who try to attack our allies. Broadleaf and Rockline are lethal."

"Don't make the mistake of trying to attack them or you will sincerely regret it. Every single person in Broadleaf and Rockline are skilled fighters. As for Floukru, I can assure you that you don't want to mess with Luna. Roan is dangerous, but Luna is even more dangerous. She has almost killed Roan on 12 different occasions. So, don't piss off the Grounders, and don't attack them unless you're suicidal." After speaking, Octavia rolled her eyes at Pike and his band of idiots, and went to find Clarke and the girls.
It appeared that Octavia arrived at the perfect time. She spoke the truth with harsher words than Bellamy would have used. That was one thing he appreciated about his sister. She was without a filter and Bellamy sometimes wished he could be that way when talking to certain people, but it was just not in his nature. Sure, Bellamy did hate the Grounders at first. They attacked their people because of a boundary issue. Now, that was not fair to Skaikru because the yhad no idea this even existed and they had no idea people even survived. There was so much back and forth and they had a war before they came to an understanding of one another. Thankfully, it seemed like they were getting to an understanding but people like Pike were screwing everything up.

Still, as passionate as Octavia was about her speech, Pike and his followers were not moving. They thought all gronders were the same. They didn’t need to have allies. They were strong enough on their own. Soon, Bellamy and Octavia were both overshadowed by Pike trying to rally his troops against what they were being told. Bellamy hated to admit it, but damn Pike was good with a group and getting them to think a certain way. He had a way with words even if Bellamy hated every word he spoke. There was not much that could be done though.

After Octavia left, Pike continued talking. “We have guns and they do not. We can take them all on. We can’t guarantee that they won’t turn on us. They are savages. They don’t know what it means to be civilized. I cannot let my people join forces with the enemy.” Pike continued and more than half their numbers cheered and shouted for Pike. By that time, he told anyone that wanted to refuse this idea could just walk off and show their protest. Pike started it and left the area and slowly a large group followed. Bellamy tried to shout, to get his point across but it was hopeless and soon they were left with only a few dozen people still gathered around.
Octavia returned to the front gates of Arkadia once she had checked on Clarke and the girls. Walking to her brother's side, the brunette sighed. "You know what we have to do now, Bell.
There are only two ways for us to survive and not start a war with the other clans. We need to kick Pike and his followers out. Make them find some other place to live. Because when
Trikru retaliates for whatever they're about to do, their first stop will be here and they won't hesitate to kill everyone in Arkadia. Jus drein, jus daun. Blood must have blood. It's how they
live. No one is off limits."

"So I think it would be in both of our best interests to get Clarke and the girl's out of here. Maybe Kane and Abby, too. We can send them to the village where they will be safe from the retaliation. The only other option we have when dealing with Pike, is to kill him. I don't have a problem doing it, if you don't want to get your hands dirty. I have a feeling it's like cutting
off the head of the snake. We kill Pike, and his followers stop being dumbasses and accept the new status quo. Just tell me what you want me to do. We should also send some of the
guard to protect Clarke, the girls, and Kane and Abby at the village, just to be safe."
Taking in everything Octavia said, Bellamy stared blankly while formulating his response. “Okay. Here’s what I want. Yes, I think you should take yourself, Clarke, and the girls to one of the Trikru villages. I don’t think it would be a good idea if you took Kane. He’s still the Chancellor. If Pike sees Kane flee then his argument will be strengthened. I don’t know what Abby wants to do. Something tells me she would want to stay wherever Marcus is and help. I don’t want to resort to violence, Octavia. I really want to avoid it. What I want is to get Clarke and the girls to safety. If Kane wants to stay here, then that’s good. We can keep trying to convince everyone. If not Pike, then maybe we can convince a large number of his followers and eventually outnumber them.”

It was not an easy choice to make. “Before we do anything, I’d like to talk with Clarke, Kane, and Abby together. You know that keeping Clarke and our baby safe is the most important thing. I think she’ll understand. One of the villages that you trust is the best. I actually think I’d rather you stay with her. I know we trust the Grounders but just like Pike in our group, I know there still must be some Trikru members that don’t like any of us. I just want you to keep an eye on her if you don’t mind.” Bellamy whispered, waiting to hear a response.
"I don't mind going with Clarke and the girl's, to keep them safe. You know that. You just be careful while you're staying here. I trust Pike as far as I can throw him, which is to say not at all. He's running his mouth off and taking a group out to cause trouble with the other clans, and that's going to fuck up all the good we've been able to accomplish for the last two years. We're going to meet up with Nyko. You know that he's a good man, a skilled fighter, and that he has medical knowledge. Plus, we both know that he cares about Clarke and the girl's. We'll keep them safe."

"You just make sure to take care of yourself, and keep an eye on Abby and Kane. This is the absolute last thing we need at a time like this. We're already in the middle of planning the attack on Ice Nation and now this? It seems like things haven't been quiet since the adults landed here on Earth and screwed everything up.." Octavia said and sighed. "Lexa will also be there to help us. She's one of the best fighter's that Trikru has, and she's on our side. She has a strict price that is paid for betrayal. So if anyone tries anything against us, or against you guys here, the penalty for betrayal is death."
“Well, I would like to avoid anyone else dying other than Ice Nation warriors. Please at least talk to Lexa and Nyko that I want a chance to talk to anyone that is talking about rebelling. I want to end this string of death we have all been on since we landed. I know some is unavoidable but I want us to not tear each other apart inside Arkadia. When are you, Clarke, and the other girls leaving? I want to talk to Clarke before you leave so if you don’t mind, have her find me please. I think I will go talk to Kane and Abby now. I will make sure they know the plan and agree to it. Plus, I am going to find everyone that I can manage to find who will help our cause.”

Bellamy hoped that if they figured out how many people were helping them, they could talk some sense into Pike. At the very least, he hoped to convince Pike to not cause any trouble. At the least, they could keep watch of Arkadia from any other threats as long as they promised not to cause any trouble with Grounders. They had to negotiate with something. Finally, he found Abby and Kane and called them into a private meeting room where Kane and Abby shared their quarters once Bellamy had left Octavia.
"Bell, I love that you're still trying. But there's just some people who aren't good for this world. They're too dangerous, and Pike and his band of idiots, are a good example. They're making it harder for us to live here, and I'm telling you right now. If it comes down to a choice between Lincoln's family in Trikru, and Skaikru, I will choose Trikru. You're my brother and I love you, that will never change. But I owe it to my daughter, and to Lincoln to defend both sides of her family. Not just my side, but Lincoln's, too. Since he's not here to do it. I hope you can understand," She said softly.

"It doesn't mean that I love you, Clarke, Abby, and the baby any less. I just have to do what I can and try and make things okay for them." She stopped talking a few moments later and nodded when Bellamy asked her to talk to Lexa and Nyko. "You know that I will. And you know that Nyko will do anything to try and keep our alliance going. Octavia sighed and then ran a hand through her hair. "We're leaving in about two hours," The young woman said in reply to her brother's question. She nodded and went to get Clarke, while he went and talked to Kane
and Abby.

The brunette sat down with her sister-in-law and the girl's, hugging Raelyn and then cuddling Laqueta in her arms. The two women talked for a little while as they waited for Bellamy to show up.
Bellamy still wanted to give Pike and his “band of idiots” a chance. When he looked at things from their point of view, he empathized with Pike. He said that when Farm Station landed, they were immediately attacked by Grounders. It was survival since the very beginning, even sooner than when the delinquents faced the Grounders. How could Pike and his people be expected to immediately accept Trikru? All they had known was trying to survive. It was not their fault they landed where they did. Trikru did not deserve to get off without any punishment from that either but it seemed they had all lost enough to call it even. He did feel a little betrayed when Octavia told him that she would choose Trikru over her family. It was wrong but Bellamy did not try to talk her out of it. He just had quit with trying to convince Octavia of the right path any longer.

With Kane and Abby, a plan was made. Kane and Abby were staying in Arkadia as was Bellamy. They would spend the next few days trying to recruit more for the attack. Two days before the attack, Bellamy would lead everyone that volunteered with him to TonDC to have a chance to talk with Lexa. Kane would stay here so he could keep everything contained and Abby would stay as well. Once that was decided, Bellamy finally left the area from their quarters and headed to find his own with Clarke.
Clarke had just returned to her and Bellamy's room, after spending time with Octavia and the girl's. She was packing some clothes, supplies, food, and other things they were going to
need for the trip and during their time in one of the villages. She looked up a few minutes later, but didn't stop packing things into a bag, as Bellamy entered their room once more. "So,
how did things go with Kane and my mother?" The blonde asked as she stopped packing for a few moments, walked over to her husband, slipped her arms around him, and kissed his

The blonde kissed her husband for several minutes, before finally pulling back so that they could both breathe, and so that he could answer her question. With a small smile on her lips,
she moved back over to the dresser and the bags that she was filling, and resumed packing as she waited for him to answer. Clarke lifted one of her hands and ran it through her long,
blonde hair, not liking the idea of being separated from Bellamy, but knowing that it was what was best for them for the time being. That didn't mean that she had to like it, though.
“I think it went well. Kane agreed that he should stay here in Arkadia to try and keep things from boiling over. I tried to convince your mother to go with you to be safe but she did not want to leave Kane’s side. There was nothing else I could do so feel free to talk to her if you want but I didn’t have any luck. I will spend the next few days here trying to recruit others and trying to make sure that nothing crazy happens. I’m accepting that Pike and his followers can never be allies with the Grounders. If I can get him and the followers to understand that if they attack another Grounder, they put everyone at risk. He’s always on his high horse about protecting his own people, but attacking one of our allies puts our people in danger.”

Clearly, Bellamy did not like having to be alright with Pike and his people but he realized that they were not going to reach a good compromise so he had to do what he could to preserve everyone. “How about you, my love? Are you and our little one doing alright? Did you eat like you’re supposed to? Do you want me to get you something else to eat tonight?”
"I wish Kane would take a more firm stance in his role as Chancellor. It shouldn't have to be up to you to keep Pike and his followers in line. I want you to promise me that you'll be careful. Watch your back constantly, and remember, Pike and his followers aren't the only people we're having problems with. Roan and Ice Nation are quiet for now, but it's not going to stay that
way forever. And watch out for Trikru, you know how dangerous they are when provoked." Clarke sighed and rubbed a hand over her face. "Those who stay here are completely vulnerable."

"With some of us staying Trikru, and some of our people still going to fight Ice Nation, that means whoever is left here at camp, is vulnerable to Pike and his followers." She looked down at her hands and frowned. "I don't like saying this but I wish we could aim Pike and his followers at Ice Nation and let them attack each other. As hard as it is to say, I'd rather Ice Nation take them out in Azgeda, and get them out of here sooner. I'm afraid that Pike's going to take over and Kane won't be able to stop him. That you and the other won't be able to stop him, either."

"I'm okay, and so is the baby. I'm just worried about leaving you here. You're a threat to Pike, and I know he knows that. I don't want anything to happen to you. And don't say that nothing's going to happen, because you don't know that. Pike isn't stable, and I'm worried that he'll kill anyone who doesn't go along with his agenda against the Grounders."
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