RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

After breakfast, Bellamy heeded Clarke’s advice about finding his sister. Before departing from his wife, the young man pressed a sweet kiss onto her lips. The first place he checked was the house beside his and Clarke’s. Just like the Commander said, it was Lincoln’s old house. Octavia stayed there whenever she visited TonDC. The male knocked on the door and waited for two minutes. When there was no answer, he decided to check elsewhere. The only other location in this village that Bellamy thought to check was the medical tent. Since Octavia and Clarke had training, they were looking over the sick and wounded yesterday. Perhaps she went back to check on her patients. That sounded like a valid reason.

During the short walk from Octavia’s house to the medical area, Bellamy passed many grounders. Some of them looked like they wanted to slaughter him. Some gave genuine greetings. Everyone knew this alliance was shaky, but they needed to preserve it now more than ever. Finally, he reached the medical area and spotted Octavia attending to someone. From across the room, he shot a smile at his younger sister. He was patient and decided to wait as long as he needed to see her. Not rushing her, the male stood in the doorway with his arms crossed, waiting for his sister to finish her current task.
Octavia smiled as she spoke to the older woman she giving care. Nodding at the other woman's words and then telling her that after a few days of rest, her back would be fine, and she could resume her normal activities. After helping the woman out of the medical hut and into her home, she returned to the medical hut and smiled when she saw her brother. "Hey big brother, what brings you over here?" The brunette asked and then reached out to hug her brother tightly against her. "You and Clarke heading out already? When you leave, thank her for me, okay? For being there for you, and for her offering to stay back and take care of the girls."

"Oh, and wish her good luck for me." The young woman said softly, and continued to hug Bellamy. "She'll know what I mean. And I'm sure you do, too. By the way, when the attack happens, I'll be close. There's no way I'm leaving you alone to fight for yourself. I couldn't stand it if anything happened to you, and I really don't want to have to tell Clarke that you didn't make it. So,
I plan to make sure that you make it back alive. We already have one little girl who's growing up without her father. I won't let that happen to anyone else, especially your family." Octavia kissed her brother's cheek. "I've got your back, Bell."
Before Bellamy could respond, he felt Octavia pull him into her arms for a hug. Of course, the male reciprocated the hug and kept her tight against his body. “Yes, Clarke and I are heading out now. I will thank her. We’ll make sure the girls are okay. That’ll be the first thing we do before we talk to her mother and Kane. We’ll also get a read on Pike and his people. Hopefully things have calmed down. If not, I will talk to him again or find someone to speak with.” After finishing this, he pulled back to smile at her when she talked about wishing Clarke good luck. He did know what she meant. He listened to what she said about having his back and he had to hug her again.

“Well, if everything goes well, we will all return in one piece. Thank you, O. I am so sorry for ever being a dick to you. I love you and We will get through this. You be careful, though. Don’t do anything suicidal on the field. Laqueta needs her mother.” He reminded her and kissed her cheek. Of course, the kiss was not romantic or sexual or anything. It was just a sibling thing. “Is there anything you need while we’re in Arkadia?” He asked, crossing his arms slowly
"Ask Abby to keep an extra eye on the girl's for me, please. I know she loves them, and I know that Clarke's capable of looking after them, but your wife also needs looking after sometimes. And Abby's good at calming people and being the voice of reason. As for what I need, the only other thing that I need, is for you to come back in one piece. And I'll do my best to make that happen." Octavia hugged Bellamy tightly once more, and then released him. "You and Clarke be safe on the trip to Arkadia. And use your radio on channel 6 to update me on the status of
Pike and the unrest there."

"I love you, Bellamy. And I better see you again soon. I won't accept any other outcome," The young woman told her older brother, pointing a stern finger at him. She set her hand down at her side a moment later, and stepped back once Clarke exited the house and joined them. The brunette walked over to her sister-in-law, and hugged the other woman against her. "Be safe, and take good care of our girl's, okay?" At the blonde's nod of agreement, she released Clarke, and then watched as the two of them grabbed some supplies, some horses, and then left.
Bellamy closely listened to his sister talking. He could definitely ask Abby to keep an eye on the girls back at Arkadia. He knew that Abby took a liking to them from the first day. Bellamy would happily tell her this. She was a good woman and he was happy that she was his mother-in-law. He was happy to have a good relationship with an in-law. He smiled when they hugged, looking deep into her eyes. “I will update you, Octavia. I promise. And you will get back in one piece as well. We’re going to be successful. Everything will work out for us. I just feel it. I love you too and I will see you as soon as I can.”

He smiled at his sister when she greeted Clarke. Finally, they were ready to go after the horses were ready. The Grounders were nice enough to give them two horses of their own to use to go back and forth so Bellamy appreciated that gesture from Lexa. When it was time to go, he waved by to his sister and started out of the gates with Clarke. He offered her a smile as they started back through the woods. He was keeping an eye out for sure but these areas were generally safer than most.
"Lexa said that for the first few miles she has Trikru warriors stationed along the way, to make sure that we get back to Arkadia without any issues. They're going to greet us when we reach them, relay back to Lexa and Octavia, and once we pass them, they'll head back to TonDC." A few minutes of silence fell between them and then she said, "Are you okay? I know that it was tough to leave your sister behind. But you know that she's safe with Lexa and the other members of Trikru. She sees them as family, and they feel the same way." The blonde told him softly.

"Octavia got close with them during the year she spent there after Lincoln died." Clarke stopped speaking a few moments later, and enjoyed the feel of the wind on her face, as they continued on their way to Arkadia. "I was so sure that Roan was going to be reasonable. The other clans always talked about his mother like she was evil or something. And when anyone mentioned him, they only said that he had been banished, but that he didn't do things the way Nia did. But after what happened, I don't think that there's any way to avoid what's going to happen this week."

"I've been wracking my brain, trying to figure out something that we could offer Roan to get him and his people to back down. But I don't think we have anything he wants." The blonde looked down at the ground for several moments as they rode. "Please be careful when you're out there. I know that you said you would. And I know that I've asked you over and over since we knew it would come to a fight. But I need to ask. We both lost a parent at a young age, and if I do end up being pregnant this soon, I don't want this baby to lose their father. It's not something they'll ever get over."
It made Bellamy feel much safer when Clarke informed him that Lexa had various Trikru warriors stationed along their path back to Arkadia. Sure, Bellamy thought that he and Clarke could defend themselves, but they were only two people. Plus, they have not had training since they were children. Their odds were much better with some assistance. It sounded like a good plan. Plus, Octavia would know that her brother made it safely back to Arkadia. When the moments of silence passed, he heard Clarke as if he was alright and she knew it was tough to leave his sister behind. She was right. “I am alright, Clarke. I know that Octavia can handle herself and she is safe there. I realize she’s growing up and doesn’t need me watching over her every move. I trust her and I trust the members of Trikru she is with. I’m at peace with it. I know she got close with them through Lincoln. She fits in nicely with Trikru. I am not as worried as I would have been when we first landed on Earth.”

Bellamy agreed with Clarke’s interpretation of Roan. There was nothing they could do to make Ice Nation back down. Again, Clarke was bugging him about being careful and it made the dark-haired male smile. Walking his horse beside Clarke, he reached out one hand to gently brush against her shoulder while he kept balance.

“I know, Princess. I would tell you not to worry but I know that is impossible since we’re going to a war. Just know that I will do everything in my power to come back in one piece. Besides, Octavia sounded hellbent on getting me back in one piece, too. I don’t think she’d allow anything else.” Bellamy chuckled softly before continuing. “Helping fight is important to me, but it is even more important that I make it back to you. I will do anything to get back to you even if I do things that won’t sit well with Trikru.” For example, if they were just too overrun, Bellamy might actually flee the battlefield if It seemed worthless and hopeless.
"I know you will," Clarke said and smiled. She reached out a hand carefully and clasped one of his in one of hers. "My impatience seems to get worse and worse every day," The blonde admitted to her husband. "I just want this to be over with already. I don't like not knowing what's going to happen." The young woman fell silent as they continued to ride. They eventually took a short break to eat, and spoke with the Trikru soldiers that were at that part of the path. An hour later, the two of them were back on the horses and continued on their way.

A few hours later, they arrived at Arkadia and dismounted from the horses. They walked the horses over to the pen that had been made for horses and set the animals up with food and water. She looked at her husband a few moments later. "Let Kane know we're here, and I'm going to get the girl's. We can all meet together at one of the tables and talk." After telling her husband that, she pulled out her radio while going to find the girls. "Octavia, it's Clarke. Bellamy and I made it to Arkadia safely, and I'm about to get the girls."

"Tell Lexa thanks for the backup she gave us, on the way here. It's much appreciated. Bellamy's going to get Kane, and I'm getting the girls. As of now they'll be with me from now on, until you get home." The blonde clipped the radio to her belt and then went to find her mother, first checking Medical and not finding them there. Then she went to her mother and Kane's room and found her mother with the girls. Clarke hugged her mother tightly, and then did the same for Raelyn, telling the girl that she and Laqueta would be staying with her now.

She also took Laqueta into her arms, cuddling her niece close, and kissing the top of the girl's head. "I've missed you, angel. I'm gonna take good care of you while your Mama's away." Clarke glanced up at her own mother a few moments later. "When you're not too busy in Medical and have some time, I was hoping you could run a pregnancy test for me."
During their break for dinner and fellowship with Trikru soldiers happened without incident. It seemed these warriors that were planted along the way were friendly enough and sympathized with each other’s cause. Only if the relations between Skaikru and Trikru were this smooth from the top-down in each group. They were supposed to be all one clan but not many people accepted that. The most problems were from Trikru but now that Pike and his people had arrived, the issues were rather evened out. Soon enough, they arrived and dismounted their horses at the pen that was built for them. It was convenient.

After jumping down and hitching his horse onto one of the posts, Bellamy glanced to Clarke and nodded his head. The male would gladly find Kane and they could meet in one of the tables just outside the dining area. After Clarke radioed into TonDC and Octavia, Bellamy waited to hear his sister’s voice. Call it paranoid but he just wanted to make sure she was alright. When he heard her voice, he smiled softly at Clarke and squeezed her hand one more time before leaving to find Kane. He was not in his Chancellor’s Quarters. Instead, he was out helping train others with weapons.

Kane was a great Chancellor and he hoped nothing happened to the man. Once he got Kane’s attention, Bellamy explained everything. “We have details on the attack against Ice Nation. Myself, Clarke, and Abby want to meet with you on this so we can discuss everything. Lexa will need our help. I think we should get volunteers to help fight Ice Nation. I hope we’ll get enough people to help. I don’t know, though. We can talk about this in private tonight with us four and tomorrow we can call a meeting to tell everyone the plan.” Kane listened and decided that was a great idea. From there, he followed Bellamy into a lounge area outside the dining hall where Bellamy and Kane would meet Clarke and Abby. They each took their seats and waited for their ladies to join them.
Clarke, the girls, and her mother joined Bellamy and Kane a few minutes later at the table they had secured upon arrival. Once they were all set up, and had each grabbed something for dinner, they sat down at the table together and started discussing the plans for the upcoming attack. "I think we should tell everyone what's going on first thing in the morning, and let
them decide who wants to help, and who's going to sit this fight out. I'll be here in medical with Mom and the girl's. This way I can take care of the girl's, but also help out in medical if needed."

Clarke stopped talking and fed Laqueta, letting any of the other's talk if they wanted to. She took a bite of her own food, and checked on Raelyn, who was making silly faces at Laqueta,
both of them laughing. A smile formed on her lips as the blonde watched them, and then she turned back to the conversation about the upcoming fight. She remained quiet and listened
to Bellamy and Kane discussing what Lexa had said, and discussing possible people who would help, and what their plan of attack would be. She burped their niece, and then asked Raelyn
to get a blanket for Laqueta. When the girl came back a few minutes later with one, she thanked her, and covered the little girl.
Telling everyone as soon as possible was the best route in Bellamy’s mind. Not everyone would help nor could they force anyone to help. Hell, Bellamy could feasibly be the only Skaikru member going to help in the war. He liked to think that was not true but who knew? Nonetheless, he was glad to hear they all agreed about that. He loved watching his wife with Laqueta. He also knew that tonight they could find out if she was pregnant or not. As they ate, he watched her closely, her laugh was just so damn contagious. Now, it was Bellamy’s turn to talk to everyone. He talked about it happening within the week, she would have some of her best warriors, and they were attacking in the dark of night. Ice Nation was already wounded and they wanted to finish them off.

He laid out the Ice Nation village they were attacking. It was basically what Polis was to Trikru but it was not as sophisticated. They had detailed maps of the inside and they knew where the walls were weakest. That combined with Bellamy and hopefully other Skaikru members using guns would help them out. Also, if any of the Grounders had accepted the use of guns yet, then they could help out with those weapons as well.
Bellamy, Kane, and her mother continued to talk for a while as they all ate dinner together. Clarke remained quiet for the most part, just listening to them planning, and taking care of the girls. Once dinner and the discussion was over, the blonde asked Bellamy if he would look after the girl's while she went to medical with her mother to get checked out. Once her husband
had agreed, she kissed his lips and then left with her mother, going to medical. An hour later, a huge smile was on her lips as she hugged her mother and then left medical once more.

She had a quick trip to make to discuss something with Kane, and after radioing to Bellamy and telling him that she had an errand to run, and would see him in a little while, she headed for Kane's Chancellor quarters and knocked on the door. When she was told to enter, she did so and closed the door behind herself. "Do you have a few minutes? I wanted to talk to you about
my mother." Once he nodded and invited her to have a seat, she did and continued to speak. "I know how much you love my Mom, and I just want to say thank you for making her so happy."

"She loves you so much, and that's all I've ever wanted for her since my father died. I know things have been tough, but you're both strong and you've both survived so much pain and loss, and you've both come out on the other side and found each other." The blonde reached out and took one of Kane's hands into hers. "If you ever decide that you're ready to get married, well,
I want you to know that you and my mother have my blessing. If you've been holding back because of me, then don't. No one can replace my father. And I know that's not what you're trying to do."

"I look forward to having a step-father, if that's what you want. Anyway," She said a few moments later, and released his hand, moving to get up from her chair once more. "I just wanted to make sure you knew how I felt about you and my mother's relationship. You make her happy, and that's all I could ever ask for." With a small smile, she left Kane's Chancellor's quarters and went to find Bellamy and the girl's.
The discussion with Kane went well. Bellamy felt they were well prepared and ready to deal with the attack on Ice Nation. Kane would spread the word throughout camp that everyone needed to meet in this lounge area. Bellamy would have a platform he could use to speak with everyone. It sounded like a fantastic idea and Bellamy wanted nothing more than to convince at least a few more Skaikru members to join. It would make their case to join together as one clan stronger. If Trikru saw a healthy number of Skaikru joining them in the fight, then that could bode well for this cause.

When dinner finished and their conversation nearly ended, Bellamy kissed his wife goodbye before continuing to talk with Kane. During the time that Clarke was gone with her mother and Kane, Bellamy spent that time with the girls. With Laqueta, he was basically a natural. She was giggling and laughing at his words and funny faces. Raelen was doing much of the same. All of this made him yearn for fatherhood even more. He hoped that the results showed Clarke what they wanted to hear. All he could do now was wait and play with the girls while he waited for Abby to get them.

When Clarke entered Kane’s quarters, the Chancellor figured she wanted to talk about the war or something else. Instead, she spoke about his relationship with Abby. Yes, he was holding back much of what he wanted to do because of Clarke. No, he was not trying to replace her father but he did not want to make things awkward. He respected both Griffin women way too much to risk that but hearing what Clarke told him made him incredibly happy. He would likely talk to Abby that next day or whenever they had a chance to speak again.

When Clarke entered her quarters that she shared with Bellamy, the girls were still there with him. They all greeted Clarke at the door and Bellamy could not hold back his anticipation. “So, what did she say? Tell me. Either way, I want to know.”
"She said that you're gonna have to deal with my hormones from hell, me freaking out over my weight, and that we need to prepare for many sleepless nights in the future, as babies don't always sleep on a regular schedule..." Clarke said, and a smile came over her lips, once she had said that. The blonde walked over to the door, at the sound of a knock and after bidding the girl's and her mother good night, closed and locked the door once more. A smile was on her lips as she walked back over to her husband and sat down beside him. "Looks like we got our wish," The young woman said, kissing Bellamy a moment later.

"My mother said that some information on some of my older tests had changed. She had run a test on the implant once it was removed and had been at rest for a few days. Turns out that
the implant had stopped working about a little over month ago. Oops." Clarke said softly, though there was a smile on her lips. "She says that I'm about 5 weeks pregnant. That since the machines weren't able to detect the pregnancy hormone in my body earlier, it never showed up. Not that we were looking for pregnancy yet, but well, there you go. Mom also said that we won't be able to find out the baby's gender until I'm further along, probably 5 months."

After speaking, she reached out for one of Bellamy's hands and rested it on her still-flat stomach. "This almost doesn't feel real. I'm getting everything that I ever wanted. Now, I just need
you to come back to us in one piece. Hopefully knowing that our baby wants to meet and love their Daddy, will be enough incentive to make you cautious so that you can come back to us." The smile on her lips wouldn't be leaving any time soon, as she was so happy to be having a baby with her husband. "We're now gonna have three special kiddos to spoil. Laqueta, Raelyn,
and now our son or daughter."
When Clarke started talking about dealing with hormones and sleepless nights, a broad smile spread on Bellamy’s face. That was exactly what he wanted to hear! After Clarke sat down when the girls were taken by Abby, the young man reached down to grip her hand lightly. It was even surprising to hear that she as 5 weeks pregnant already. Even if they were not looking into the pregnancy as of late, that did not matter. It was still an incredible thing. Once his hand was placed on her stomach, he looked deep into her eyes and soaked in every word. “I promise you I will get back safely. I want to meet our baby, too. I will be cautious, I promise. Clarke, this is wonderful.”

After telling her this, he leaned forward to kiss her lips. Then, he suddenly pushed Clarke down onto her back. However, there was nothing sexual about this even though he pulled her shirt upwards until her abdomen was exposed. From there, he pressed soft kisses on her abdomen, a sweet smile on his face. “Hello, little one. I can’t wait to meet you. I know there’s still a long way to go, but Daddy already loves you so much. I will come back to you and your mother in one piece. I love you both so much and I will not put either of you at risk.”

The last thing he wanted was his child growing up without a father. This made everything real. Talking to her belly and talking to their child made It real and Bellamy knew he had to keep himself alive because he or she would need him. Clarke, too. He kissed her abdomen one more time and finally, gently rested his head on her abdomen as his hands wrapped around the small of her back, just hugging Clarke lightly against him.
Laying here with her husband's head gently resting against her stomach, made her smile. She loved listening to him talk to their son or daughter, and the happiness on his face, made her even more happy than she already had been. "You're gonna be wrapped around this baby's finger if it's a girl," Clarke said, laughing softly. "I'm calling it now," She teased Bellamy, and a
few moments later, started to run her fingers soothingly through his hair. "Something concerning has only just occurred to me," The blonde said, as they relaxed together in their bed.

"Octavia's implant quit working when she was with Lincoln, and that's how Laqueta came to be born. And now my implant stopped working too, and I've even had it removed. First, I need
to know if you're okay with that. I mean, if I don't get one to replace it after this baby's born, there's always going to be a risk of pregnancy every time we have sex. My other concern is
the other women. They're going to need to get checked over by my mother. Your sister's implant failing is one thing, but for both of our implants to fail within a year of each other, is something else entirely."

"And it could mean that there's something wrong with them. I'm going to have to talk to my mother, Raven and the others, and figure out what's going on. Otherwise I won't be the only woman that's pregnant, if they're all suddenly starting to malfunction." She let out a soft sigh and pushed the thought away. "I'll deal with that in the morning. But for now, I just wanna celebrate that we're pregnant." Clarke gently pulled Bellamy up to her level and kissed him.
Chuckling, the male looked up into her eyes. “I think I will be wrapped around our baby’s finger regardless of his or her gender.” Bellamy admitted, leaning into her touch while keeping his head planted on her stomach. Then, she started talking about how the implants stopped working. “What do you mean if I am okay with you? Are you asking me if you can get another implant?” Bellamy asked, unsure of what she was talking about. But she did have a point. The implants failing could mean more pregnancies. Thinking about this, his mind went blank when Clarke mentioned dealing with this tomorrow and celebrating tonight. That was an idea he could get on board with.

“I think that’s a great idea, my Princess.” Bellamy answered, letting himself be pulled up as he kissed her lips, his hands cupping her face and sliding his tongue against her lips. While they kissed, he only focused on her and finally started talking soon enough. “I know we won’t know our baby’s gender yet. Do you want to find out before he or she is born? Or do you want to wait?” He was honestly okay with either way. Bellamy just wondered how Clarke felt.

Now, his lips returned to her neck and the young man started rubbing her stomach, giving her a nice little massage as he kept his eyes locked with Clarke. “I love you, Clarke Griffin. You mean the world to me.” He whispered softly, keeping their eyes locked together while doing this. “I am so excited for us. This makes me feel so happy. I know this will work out for us.”
"What I mean is, the implant I had had stopped working before it was taken out. That's how I got to be pregnant already. What I'm asking is if you want me to get a new implant put in after the baby's born." Clarke explained, and happily kissed him back. "As for finding out the baby's gender, I want to know as soon as possible. That way we can start getting things ready for him or her. The soonest we'll be able to find out is when I'm 5 months along. So we still have a good bit of time before we find out either way." She smiled as he kissed her neck and then started to rub her stomach.

"I love you, too. And it's Blake. We already discussed it, remember?" She felt her body relaxing as Bellamy massaged her body, the feel of his hands making her turn into a puddle of goo. "I love this, just like I love you. But I'm also nervous, scared as hell, too. It's one thing to look after Laqueta and Raelyn, and another thing entirely to raise our own baby. I'm not getting cold feet. It's a little too late for that. But I am worried. A few weeks ago, I asked Octavia what labor was like, to get an idea of it. She didn't hold back, and I remember the birthing videos we
had to watch along with the 'know your body' videos when we turned 13."

"Her words and those videos, scare the living hell out of me."
Bellamy thought about the question and decided to answer honestly. Besides, they needed to be honest. “Well, first of all it is your body to do whatever the hell you want with it. But if you’re asking me, then I think you should get another implant. I don’t think we want to have 30 children. But if we ever want to make another baby, we could go through this procedure again if you’re willing. Like I said, it’s up to you and that just my opinion. I agree with finding out our baby’s gender as soon as we can.” It made him smile when she reminded him that she was Clarke Blake. It was an adjustment to make and he was still not used to it. “I know you’re nervous. I am scared, too. It’s not going to be easy. I think we both know that.” Bellamy whispered, pausing to kiss her.

“Maybe I don’t have a right to be nervous, but I am. You’re the one carrying our baby for 9 months and you’re the one that has to give birth. Just know that I will be there every step of the way and I WILL be there when you give birth NO MATTER WHAT.” Bellamy spoke, truly, truly emphasizing the last few words. “I will be here every step of the way and I will be there when our baby is born. I love you and our baby so much already. Just know you can tell me anything that you’re feeling and tell me if I can help you with anything.” The young man whispered softly, kissing down her neck again
Clarke nodded when Bellamy said that she should have another implant put in once the baby was born. "Okay, I can do that. It's probably a good idea considering what I have to tell you next. Until just a few minutes ago, I had forgotten part of my family's medical history. I wasn't close to my father's mother, she died when I was a baby. But I'm glad that I remember now, before I got a reminder a year or a few years from now. My grandmother on my father's side was a twin. It runs in my family. My father's mother was a twin, and it skips a generation, which was my father."

"And since it skipped me when I was born, well, now it's something we have to keep in mind that could happen the next time we decide to get pregnant. As far as my mother and I can tell, this is a single pregnancy, no multiples. But anyway, I just wanted to warn you so that we won't be surprised if we have multiples down the line." She stopped talking and listened to what Bellamy had to say, nodding at his words. Happy to kiss him back, feeling a little calmer after their kiss. "It's normal to feel nervous. A baby's a big responsibility." The blonde smiled when
he continued speaking.

"I know that I can tell you anything. However, there are some things, that are completely off limits, and you'll thank me for it. She nodded once more, and a grin came over her lips. "Well, there is one thing you can help me with.." The blonde said, and a few moments later, started to tug at her husband's clothes. "I read somewhere a few years ago that pregnant women want sex a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Something about their hormones being unbalanced or something like that. And a good romp with their husband, partner, or boyfriend, helps balance things out again."
Now, Bellamy thought about the chance that she might have twins. Did Bellamy really think that was a bad thing? Of course not. Besides, they talked about possibly having more than one child. They might not have planned for it to happen at once but Bellamy could not see himself being upset if that happened. Then, Clarke told him that her mother thought there was no twins or multiples at this time so he nodded his head. When she said that there was something he could help her with, of course he was eager to listen and help out however she needed him to help. Bellamy was unsure of what the task was, but it was certainly not what she ended up telling him it was.

She talked about pregnant women wanting a lot of sex and that made her husband laugh softly. “Is that so? Lucky for you, your husband has an insatiable sex drive. I don’t care if you wake up at three in the morning and you think a good fucking is the only thing that will help you get some rest, then wake me up and I’ll see that it happens.” Bellamy murmured, leaning down to kiss her. She seemed to already know he would enjoy hearing this information and he did. He loved Clarke and he loved being inside of Clarke.

“Besides, when you get moody, I bet the best way to help calm you down while you’re pregnant is a good fucking.” Bellamy teased, already seeing Clarke getting pissed about something small and then calming down once they were having a rough sex session after. His hands continued stroking through her blonde hair with a smile on his face. “I am so excited for this even if I am nervous. Like I’ve told you before, I never thought I would want this until I met you. You’ve truly changed my life in so many ways Clarke. All of them for the better. I love you, Clarke Blake.”
Clarke laughed at Bellamy's words. "Sex with my sexy husband will just about always help me relax and calm down," She agreed and nodded, right before kissing his lips. "I love you, too. I especially love when you're naked." She said and without waiting for him to reply, she started to pull off his clothes, eager to get her hands on his body. The blonde tossed his clothes on the floor, once she had ripped his pants and boxers off, slipping a hand down his body, and stroking his cock firmly. The young woman pressed her lips against his, flicking her tongue against his lower lip, and then sliding it into his mouth.

"I'm warning you now, we're gonna be having lots of sex over the next few months. Especially as I start to get bigger. Once I start ballooning up, we won't be able to do it as much. But for now, fuck me.." Clarke said, grabbing his hands roughly and pressing them harshly against her breasts. "I love you, but I don't wanna talk anymore right now. Now, I just want to feel you inside of me, making me moan and scream in pleasure." She said, and a grin formed on her lips as she said it. "Guess that obsession with sex is starting now," The blonde said and laughed.
Bellamy let Clarke do whatever she wanted with him. He accepted her tongue into his mouth and started to suck on her tongue to the best of his ability. The male chuckled at her warning before happily groping her breasts. She said that she did not to talk anymore. She just wanted action. Thinking about what to do next, Bellamy suddenly grabbed Clarke by the hair and pushed her down onto the bed, onto her stomach. Obviously, he did not pull hard enough to truly hurt or give her any discomfort. He was just being rough with her like they both wanted it. He shoved down his jeans the rest of the way along with his boxers so he was nude.

His hands quickly worked on her jeans as well followed by her shirt and bra. His hands were practically clawing at her body, looking to discard of all her clothing as soon as he possibly could. Once that was done, he kept one hand tangled in her long hair while the other grabbed one of her wrists, pulling her arm behind her back as he rubbed the tip of his manhood against her entrance, moaning out her name softly as he started to tease her entrance with the head, wanting to get her a little more worked up first.
She was still lying there on the bed, with her arm pinned behind her back, and Bellamy rubbing his cock against her. The blonde couldn't wait to see what her husband had in mind for them to do together. Sure, they tried out a good bit of things, but there was always plenty more for them to try out together. Clarke turned her head to the side, so that she wasn't face down. Moans left her lips each time he rubbed himself against her, and his teasing was starting to drive her crazy. "You know, we do still have the gags that we use every now and then.." She reminded him, knowing that he loved the sound of her moans against the gags.

His hand in her hair, had the young woman moaning even more. She loved everything that they did together, and she loved her husband. But she was definitely not against them trying out new ideas with each other. There was just something so hot about not knowing what was going to happen next. "I can't get enough of you," Clarke told Bellamy, as he kept teasing her. "You know the best things to do to me without barely even touching me, and it turns me on so much. I love that you know me so well, and I look forward to us being together for a long time."
Bellamy grinned when she mentioned the gags. Of course, he did love that. “I can’t get enough of you either, Princess. You know me so well, too. I love you and I am not going to use any of the other gags right now. I think I’m just going to use my hand.” Smirking, Bellamy used his free hand to reach down and place his hand over her lips. His index finger rested just above her upper lip and his fingers were closed tight to prevent any decipherable noise from escaping. He loved using his hand to gag her because it was far more intimate than using something else. Just then, Bellamy used his strength to pull both of her arms behind her back.

This way, she was still basically bound and gagged but it was only through him that she was bound and gagged. It was more intimate, Bellamy thought, and that turned him on. Deciding to not waste anymore time, the young man suddenly shoved forward and thrust his long, thick cock inside of his wife. He moaned out her name softly and threw his head back while feeling nothing but intense pleasure. He continued pulling on her hair wildly as his thrusting was anything but slow and gentle. The sound of his hips slamming into hers filled the room as Bellamy felt himself growing harder inside of his wife.
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