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RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

It sounded promising when Octavia claimed that she could talk the Grounders into using guns. It might take a while to train them and it was time they could not afford, but they would do their best. Thinking about a bed for the young girl, Bellamy thought for a second before realizing he could probably do this the best. “I can give it a shot. I’ve made a few beds before when we took in extra people.” Not every station from the Ark had made it to the ground or been discovered. They ran out of room and Bellamy had helped create a few beds. Bellamy would be happy to help the young girl and help out his sister.

After this was said, Bellamy returned to his meal and continued eating. He enjoyed the food and this time with people he cared about. Everyone had their roles and knew what they were doing tomorrow. “When will Trikru get here? How many are going to help and how many are staying back at their villages? I imagine they will need to keep a number back where they live now so they could make sure it is not raided. It seems like it will take a while before they can get everything moved into this new village.”
"50 members of Trikru are meeting with me in the morning to start work on the new village. So it'll be those 50 people, plus me, plus you when you have the time, and those of our people you were able to recruit to help build the village. Which is good. The more people we have working on the village, the sooner it'll be up and built for them." Octavia continued
to feed Laqueta, giving her some small slices of apple and some bread, along with the banana. She smiled as her daughter started to babble and spit, while eating and making silly

"And like I said, in the afternoon, I'll be starting the weapons training while the others continue to work on the village. I've told the others to let me know if anything goes wrong or if
any issues come up, so we can best figure out how to handle it." Several minutes later, she finished feeding Laqueta and gave her daughter some water to drink to wash the food down. Once that was done, she used her napkin to clean the girl's face. A chuckle left Octavia's lips when Clarke asked if she could hold Laqueta. And with a nod, Octavia carefully handed her daughter to her sister-in-law, who cuddled the girl close.

While Clarke was busy cuddling, kissing, talking and playing with Laqueta, Octavia checked on Raelyn, who was enjoying her dinner quietly, and then turned to her brother. "I know this is none of my business, and I know that you and Clarke have already 'sort of' of discussed it. But well, I'm opinionated and nosy and so I'm just gonna say it. Now's definitely not the best time to have kids, but I think you should give it some serious thought. We're never going to be completely safe. But you shouldn't let that keep you and Clarke from having a family."

She sighed softly. "Don't keep putting it off, or you'll regret it. I found out the hard way, that tomorrow isn't promised to anyone," The young woman said gently. "Don't let what happened to me and Lincoln, happen to you and Clarke. Enjoy being with each other and loving each other while you can. And don't put things off, saying there's always tomorrow. Because we know that's not true." After she spoke, Octavia stood up and called for Raelyn. She excused them and then thanked Clarke for looking after Laqueta, taking her daughter from the blonde. A few moments later, the young woman took her two charges and left.
Bellamy wondered how many houses they must build inside this new village. The schematics were already developed by Nyko but the male had been unable to see the designs and plans yet. The young man was in deep thought when Clarke requested to hold Laqueta. Bellamy put all worries and thoughts about the next day behind him while watching his wife handle his niece. Clarke was a natural with children, too. Seeing her with Laqueta, it was easy to imagine the blonde with their own flesh and blood, their own child in her arms. It was something he thought about often.

When Octavia began talking to Bellamy, he listened closely. Despite her thinking it was not any of her business, he appreciated the input. She made a valid argument. Bellamy and Clarke wanted to keep their child safe. They talked about waiting until it was safer. The truth was, there was no such thing as safe. Octavia was correct. They would always face a dangerous threat on the ground. That was given and written down somewhere. It was a great point to make and Bellamy did not want that to hold himself and Clarke back any longer. The dark-haired male pondered on the idea and wondered what Clarke thought about it.

They were not promised another day or even another minute in the world. That was a rattling thought and Bellamy decided he would bring it up to Clarke in their room. Before leaving, Bellamy hugged his sister and niece goodbye before carrying his own plate and Clarke’s plate to the dishwashing area for the workers to take them into the back. After everything was placed back where it belonged, Bellamy grabbed his wife’s hand, pulling her eagerly from the dining hall and towards their room. There was a sense of enlightenment that Bellamy felt from his conversation with Octavia.

Once they were inside, he did not want to waste another second. “Clarke, I think Octavia is right. We aren’t promised another day. We’re never completely safe, but we might as well try for a family together if that’s what we want. I don’t think we’ll ever be safe enough, like we said, but that shouldn’t matter. I love you and I want you to have my child. I want us to leave a legacy behind. It won’t be easy, we know that, but that’s okay. This is what we want. I’m not saying we should try tonight, but we should think about getting you pregnant soon. How do you feel about it?”
"You already know my answer to that," Clarke said softly, sweetly. A small smile on her lips. "I'd love to have a family with you. Obviously, we can't get started right now, because I still have to get the implant removed. But I can have that done tomorrow night after building has stopped for the day, and the training has stopped for the day. I'll need to talk to my mother about the surgery to remove the implant. It'll take a few hours, because I need to not only have the surgery done to remove the implant, but I'll also need my mother to run a full battery of tests, and see if I can even get pregnant in the first place."

"But once that's done and my mother gives us the go ahead, then I'm ready to start our family as soon as you are." The blonde moved to sit down on their bed, reaching out for one of Bellamy's hands and tugging her husband onto the bed, too. "I need to know that this is something you really want. I don't want you to feel pressured into it, by me, Octavia, or anyone else. I married you because I love you, and if you change your mind about this, that's okay. And it doesn't change my feelings for you. A child is a big responsibility, and I just think you should take some time and think it over before we do anything."
Sitting down beside Clarke, Bellamy reached down and grabbed one of her hands. Looking deep into her blue eyes, Bellamy made his feelings known. “Clarke, I want this. I don’t need to think about it. Get the tests done tomorrow and get the implant removed. I love you and I want this, one hundred percent. The only reason I am saying this now is because I needed the extra boost of confidence that Octavia gave me. I was always afraid you might not want to have children or think we were not safe enough. I figured I better make my feelings known. Now I have. Trust me, Clarke. This is what I want. If you want this, too, we can try for a family as soon as you want.”

Every word was truthful. He leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss onto her lips, sliding his tongue against her mouth. “If we do this, though, we both have to be careful. When you’re pregnant, you have to take that into consideration before you do something wild. So will I. I’ll keep both of you in mind because I wouldn’t want to put myself in harm’s way that could take me from either of you. I hope you will think of the same.” He whispered quietly, kissing her softly on the neck, so happy that she wanted this. “ever since we were married, that’s all I could think about. I’m so happy we’re doing this.”
Clarke smiled as she listened to Bellamy speak, nodding along with what he said. "So what you're saying is that if I want to get you to do something, next time I just need to get Octavia on my side to convince you to do what I want.." The words were said teasingly. "I'm just kidding. I'm really happy that you want this," She said softly, unable to keep the smile off her face. "I want a family with you as soon as possible," The blonde said and moved closer to her husband on the bed. She wrapped her arms around Bellamy's waist, and kissed him back when he kissed her.

"I understand, and I'll be more careful with the things I do and say from now on.." Clarke promised him. She happily brushed her tongue against his, moaning against his lips as they kissed. Her smile widened when Bellamy moved his lips from hers and started to kiss her neck. "I love you so much," She said softly. "And I will do whatever it takes to protect our
baby, when I get pregnant. You know how stubborn I am about everything else. Well, I'm going to be even more stubborn and strong-willed when it comes to keeping our baby safe."

She laughed softly a few moments later. "Our baby. It sounds so weird to say that, but I love it. Part of you, and part of me. I can't wait. Stubborn and strong-willed will be the least
of what our child is called, I'm sure. And I can't wait to hold them in my arms." Clarke was happy to push her husband down so that he laid on his back on the bed now. Kissing his
lips she said, "We're going to need to discuss names for both genders. Do you have any in mind? Because I have two names in mind I'd like to discuss with you. I have a feeling you might like them."

"I was thinking about the name Aurora for a girl, and Jake, if we have a boy." A smile was on her lips as she spoke the names.
Bellamy chuckled softly when Clarke made the comment about pulling Octavia’s support to convince Bellamy of something. He chuckled again when she admitted her desire of a family as soon as possible. They were both happy and they were both eager. During the kiss, he felt relieved when Clarke promised to be safer. He knew she wanted to always do something and never sit around, but there were days when she could take it slow and not put herself in harm’s way, not go off anywhere alone. She would have to get used to that. Especially when she was near the end of her pregnancy and her mobility was limited, she should be kept safe at their camp.

“I love you too and I will do everything I can to protect you both, always.” He whispered, knowing he would be just as protective and stubborn about keeping these two people that he loved dearly safe. When she continued talking, the male listened and pulled back from the kiss when she suggested the names. Aurora for his mother that had died if they had a girl or Jake for her father that had died if they had a boy. “Honestly, names have not even crossed my mind. However, I know for a fact that the two you suggested are perfect. I don’t think we even need to discuss it anymore. Aurora or Jake. It just depends on which gender our baby is.” Bellamy concluded, offering her another smile.

Kissing her again, he slipped his tongue into her mouth again and held the kiss, cupping her face gently. “I love you so much. This has been one of the best nights ever. I can’t wait to do this.” He purred lowly against her lips, nuzzling their noses together. “I guess we should get some rest, now. We do have a long day tomorrow. I’m sure there will be Grounders that will need medical attention when they get here. It looked like they were attacked pretty heavily.” Nyko had said the Grounders would be bringing wounded to Arkadia since their medicine was so advanced and could help the injured.
"I'm glad that we're in agreement about the names," Clarke said softly and then smiled. "You're right that we should get some rest. Just give me 5 more minutes, and then we'll go to sleep. Promise." She kissed his lips sweetly, enjoying this calm, happy time together, just the two of them as they planned their future. With the technology they had, tests that would have taken a week to get results years ago, now only took a day to get them. What that meant was that tomorrow night, the blonde would go and have the implant removed, once she talked to her mother.

And then the following morning, she'd stop into medical again and her mother would run the tests needed to check her health, and to see if she would be able to get pregnant. It would take two days for both the procedure to be done and the tests to be run and get the results in. Once that had happened, she and Bellamy would know either way if a family between the two of them was possible. Her thoughts were whirling around in her head. So many different ideas and concerns, and plans. But no matter what happened, Clarke knew she would love her and Bellamy's child more than anything.

If the love she felt for their niece, Laqueta, taught her anything, it was that being a mother was something she desperately wanted. Holding that little girl in her arms, and playing with her, kissing her, hearing their niece laugh always filled the blonde's heart with so much joy and love, that she sometimes felt like it might burst from her chest in happiness. She could only imagine how much stronger those feelings would be with her and Bellamy's child. A smile played on Clarke's lips at the thought, and with one last kiss to her husband, she closed
her eyes and fell asleep.
During those five minutes, Bellamy cuddled with his wife and kept her tight in his arms. Before she fell asleep, Bellamy captured her lips in a deep kiss, just reminding her of what she already knew. “I love you, Clarke. You have always made me the happiest man in the world, and you continue to do that.” When Clarke closed her eyes, Bellamy decided he would give her a back massage while she tried to sleep. After it was obvious that the blonde fell asleep, he stopped the massage and admired her sleeping form a few minutes before allowing himself to sleep as well.

The male remained in his slumber with Clarke peacefully during the night, only waking when the clock sounded and the alarm woke him. It was so early and they had much to do, but Bellamy still was not a morning person. He groaned out softly and slapped the alarm, cutting it off. Next, he rolled over and faced the blonde, cupping one hand onto her cheek as he gently stroked the skin with a smile. “Time to wake up, Princess.” He whispered and kissed her on the lips, holding it for a few seconds.

After the kiss was over, Bellamy pulled back from the kiss and just stroked a hand through her hair and pulled back, sitting up on the bed. “We should get dressed and get some breakfast.” After breakfast, they would be separated for most of the day though bellamy would definitely stop by medical when he could just to share a moment with the blonde. After waking up, Bellamy pulled on his clothing and waited until Clarke did the same. When they were both dressed and ready for the day, he took her hand in his own and led them down towards the dining area. It was already busy with more people than he expected entering the hall so they could eat and help with the village.
Clarke barely had time to eat breakfast, because shortly after she and Bellamy arrived at the dining area, it wasn't even a few minutes before her mother showed up and asked for her help. They were slammed in medical and with a single nod at her mother, who nodded back and disappeared, the younger blonde got up. She kissed her husband and gave him a small smile. "Duty calls. Make sure you eat," Clarke told him sternly. And a few moments later, the young woman walked off to go help in medical. She walked inside a few minutes later and immediately took in the scene.

There were members of Trikru everywhere. There had to be at least 150 people in the crowded room, possibly more. Her mother and Jackson were each tending to some of the Grounders, and after a moment of hesitation, she jumped into the fray as well, and started to talk to the nearest Grounder, finding out what their injury was and then immediately
getting to work on treating it and bandaging it. It was going to be a long day, but that was okay. All that mattered was that these people got the help they needed. If they could all
get along while this was going on, that would hopefully bring both clans closer together.

Bellamy had been in and out of medical off and on throughout the day, popping in to spend some time with her, and she was grateful. Kane was finally feeling better and was back on his feet, which was a relief to not only the young woman and her mother, but they knew everyone else would be relieved as well.

Clarke wasn't sure what time it was, by the time she, her mother, and Jackson finally finished helping all the Grounders, and even a few of their own people in medical. All she knew
was that it was dark outside and had been for some time now. The blonde dropped down into a chair and swiped a tired hand across her forehead. She glanced down at her watch.
The young woman had been up and at it since 7am and it was now 11:30PM. She had been busy nonstop for 16 1/2 hours and was exhausted. The blonde took a few minutes to rest.

She and her mother had discussed it. They were going to do the surgery to remove the implant, and run the tests, before they went to bed. Since it was already late, they figured it
was just better to get it over with, and then they'd only have to wait for the results. Clarke moved to lie down on one of the empty tables. It only took a few minutes to remove the implant, and once that was done, the skin was taken care of and the cut closed up. The blonde got comfortable on the table, and watched her mother wash her hands. A few minutes later, the battery of tests began.

Blood samples were taken, urine samples were taken, x-rays were taken, followed by blood pressure readings, and lots more. By the time her mother finished doing all the tests
she could think of, was finished and told she could leave, it was just after 3am. Clarke tiredly left medical and walked to her and Bellamy's living quarters, letting herself in a few
minutes later. The blonde didn't bother changing her clothes. She just stripped down to her bra and underwear and got into bed beside her husband, who was asleep. The young
woman laid there for a moment, and then fell asleep.
After only eating a couple bites, Bellamy watched Clarke’s mother call for her daughter. Already, the Grounders were arriving and the medical ward became busy. There was no telling how many Grounders were injured. Even though he did not enter into the village the other day with Octavia, Bellamy could tell that Ice Nation attacked with everything and destroyed the village. The male chuckled when Clarke scolded him and reminded him to eat something. It was cute. Bellamy kissed his wife’s hand goodbye and watched her leave the dining area. It made him feel better knowing that she was in medical and not in the new village or even with the weapons and fighting training.

The medical ward was centrally located in Arkadia away from imminent threat. It would help Bellamy remain at ease during the day. After eating like he promised Clarke, Bellamy took his tray to the dishwashers’ area and placed his items into the correct conveyor belt. Once he finished up here, Bellamy exited the dining area and walked outside. He saw the Grounders piling into the camp and he noticed how apprehensive some of their own people were looking. It bothered him a great deal. Every whisper he heard made him paranoid, thinking that someone in Skaikru might try something erratic.

Finally, Bellamy gathered all his volunteers that wanted to help with the new village. Since they could not spare enough rovers to carry everyone, Bellamy and his group of volunteers made the twenty minute walk west until they reached the field where the new village was set to be constructed. Since Nyko was basically the leader of this project for Trikru, he introduced everyone and greeted Bellamy, letting the two sides see that their leaders were not in opposition. Even then, some of Bellamy’s recruits and some of the Grounders were apprehensive and not enjoying being this close together. Confident, Bellamy thought they would make it work somehow.

Everyone went to work immediately. Nyko had the blueprints and while some of the Grounders insisted on keeping classic designs to their homes, some agreed to letting the Sky People use their techonology and extra resources to build strong structures. For example, their food supply and healers’ tents would be constructed out of some metal and stronger material than woods. Most houses were still designed with trees and wood because the Grounders would have felt out of place if that did not happen.

During the day, Bellamy had made a few trips back into Arkadia so he could gather more materials. Of course, they were not offering every last bit of their supplies to the Grounders but they were helping out as much as they could since they would now all trade resources together and it should not matter how much of their own items they used today. During his trips back into Arkadia, Bellamy swung by the medical ward when he could. If Clarke was super busy, the male would just walk past her and graze his hand against her shoulders just to give her an affectionate touch during the day and after exchanging smiles, they both moved on about their day.

When the sun set, that was the time everyone in the village stopped construction. It was too dark to see anything and it was dangerous to be out in the woods. The Grounders would camp outside even though Bellamy offered them to stay inside Arkadia tonight, most of them were not accepting of that idea but some were. Besides, there were a few Grounders with friends and family members that had sought medical attention earlier.

Once Bellamy was finished, he did take a quick dinner before seeing Clarke one final time and retiring to their quarters. They were still so damn busy when he stopped by there that night and he figured Clarke would be working a long time. The male just went to sleep and did not even notice when Clarke joined him. He stayed asleep until the next morning at 7 when his alarm was ringing again. That damn thing did wake him up and he hated it, reaching over to slap the alarm. Feeling Clarke’s body against him now made him stroke one hand through her hair to wake her. “Princess… it’s time to wake up again.”
Clarke groaned and pulled his pillow over her face to block out the sun. "Where did the time go? Those four hours zoomed by.." She mumbled and then a few moments later, forced herself to get up from the bed. With a soft sigh, the blonde left the bed and walked over to Bellamy. She gave her husband a small smile and then kissed him. "Good morning," The blonde said softly. "Looks like it's going to be another long day for both of us. I'll see you this afternoon? I'll carve out half an hour for us to have lunch.." She promised him a few moments later.

After kissing Bellamy one more time, she started to get dressed and then left their quarters, making sure to grab a quick bite this time, before heading into medical. Thankfully
medical wasn't as crowded today, as it had been yesterday. Since she, her mother, and Jackson had worked through the night taking care of everyone, there were just a few
follow-up's to do. And once that was done, Clarke attached her radio to the belt at her hip and told her mother to call her over the radios if she and Jackson got overwhelmed
again. After getting the okay from her mother, she left medical and went to join the groups that were working on the village.

It felt good to be out in the sun, helping put Trikru's new village together. She talked with Raelyn, teaching the young girl English, while the girl taught her some words in Trigedasleng,
as she carried a few supplies to Clarke, as the blonde asked for them. She was looking after the younger girl, and Raven was looking after Laqueta, while Octavia bounced between
training and working on the village. Thankfully, this day wasn't as long as yesterday was, and it was only 11PM when everyone called it quits for the night. The blonde was able to eat dinner with Bellamy, and once everything was settled for the night, they laid in bed together.

"My Mom should have the results for my tests tomorrow. I'm going to get them in the afternoon, when and if we can find the time for a small break. So, I'll be able to tell you what the tests say, tomorrow night."
Hearing Clarke talk made Bellamy smile while dressing. “I would love to spend lunch with you.” The male commented, looking forward to the time spent together. Of course, his attraction to Clarke made him simply stare at her body while she was covered in only her undergarments. The man could not help himself. After grabbing a quick bite to eat as well, Bellamy traveled to the new village. The other Grounders have started early and the dark-haired male joined in immediately. It was tough work and Bellamy was sweating, but that did not bother the male one bit. He enjoyed the physical work and being outside since most of his life was spent inside a spaceship.

Next, the dark-haired man spent some time with the weapons training. His specialty was guns and he showed that perfectly. The male enjoyed teaching his people how to protect themselves. During different times during the day and night, Bellamy moved from the new village to the Skaikru camp and back to the village again. The male continued helping wherever he could. The new village was being constructed quickly and they were well ahead of schedule. When they finished for the night, Bellamy shared a nice dinner with Clarke as they communicated about their day and how everything was looking.

After this dinner was over, Bellamy walked with his wife back to their living quarters. Once inside, he stripped out of his clothing until he was only clad in his boxers. Without any real sexual intent tonight, he just wanted to be comfortable and this was the best way. Once they reached the bed, he plopped down first and waited for Clarke to join him. Then, he listened to everything she had to say.

It made him smile and it made him happy knowing that Clarke would get the results from her test. “I am so excited.” The male murmured, never thinking that anything bad would happen. He was optimistic. “I can imagine us having a new baby. This is going to be so fun.” The male whispered, leaning down to kiss her lips. “I love you so much. Did the surgery go well?” He asked, thinking about how the blonde had to have the device removed as well.
"Excited, happy, terrified. Yeah, I'm definitely all of those things and more." Clarke said in agreement, and then laughed softly, nervously. She smiled at her husband and returned the kiss, once he had kissed her. "In just a few hours, we'll know if the next time we make love, we'll be starting on the path to our baby." A small smile came over her lips as she spoke. When Bellamy asked about the surgery, she nodded. "Yeah, it went fine. Mom and I just decided to stay up and get it done, instead of waiting another day to do it. It would just mean we'd have had to wait longer for the results, and everyone knows I'm not exactly patient."

The blonde laughed softly, and then kissed Bellamy. "I love you, too. And I just really hope that the tests come back clean tonight. I want to have a family with you more than anything." She kissed her husband a few more times, and then relaxed her body against his, as she slipped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. "If this works and we get pregnant, our son or daughter will be the second Skaikru child born since everyone that survived the Ark, got to Earth. That's actually kind of amazing and scary at the same time."

"You know something? I think we should talk to Octavia soon. We should ask her if we can spend more time with Laqueta. This way, yes, we can all spend more time together, but also
so we can learn how to care for a child." A small blush spread over her cheeks as something occurred to her. "I've been considering the possibility of breastfeeding, if we get pregnant. What's your view on that? I want you to tell me if the idea makes you uncomfortable. I wouldn't do it in public. If and when our baby needed to feed, I'd come back to our room to do
Bellamy smiled when Clarke began talking. It was adorable how the blonde stayed up into the early morning hours to have tests run. She was not patient and that was something Bellamy adored about Clarke. Returning his arms around the blonde, Bellamy kissed her sweetly on the corner of her lips. “Yes, we will have the second Skaikru child. It is terrifying but I am excited for this. The positive certainly outweighs the negative.” The dark-haired male commented, ready for this to begin. Tomorrow night could not happen soon enough in Bellamy’s mind. It would be the most amazing thing that could happen to either himself or Clarke.

They married and now they could start a family together. It was not something the male thought he would ever want in life but Clarke made him think differently and want everything with her. “I agree about spending time with Laqueta. That can help us. For breastfeeding, that’s up to you. If you do want my opinion, I don’t have an issue with that. It will help us save resources and it is natural so I don’t see how we could argue with that. It is your body, though. You do whatever you like but I am on board.” Bellamy assured her with a smile.

“Look at us. I would have never thought this was possible when we first landed on earth.” He commented, slowly stroking through her hair. “We’ve come a long way and I like to think our story together is only beginning. I love you so much and I have no regrets about this. I am all in to do this with you.” He whispered quietly, leaning down to kiss her neck and then to her collarbone before traveling back to her lips. “I love you so much.” He purred lowly, hugging her tight against his chest.
Clarke was unable to stop smiling as they talked and made plans for their future. Sure, it was still dangerous outside of Arkadia's walls, but even so, they refused to let it stop them. Their future was bright. They were working together with Trikru and strengthening that bond between the clans. They were finishing up the wall and working as much as they could
to get the village up. They were making plans to take on Ice Nation together. She and Bellamy were preparing to have a family. It felt like everything was finally starting to come together.

They were training their people with the guns and with other weapons, and with Trikru fighting styles thanks to Octavia and Nyko. Everything was going according to plan. And it helped that Ice Nation seemed to have retreated for the time being, which gave them more time to keep planning for the next attack, and it also gave them more time to build the village and get the fence fixed up how they wanted it. "I know what you mean. When we first got here, I was honestly terrified that we were all going to die. That the Grounders would kill all of us before we could manage to build a community for our people."

"But we were lucky. Most of us managed to survive, and now we're breaking down barriers and working with the Grounders. We're making it work. There's so much that I have planned for the future. Not just for us and our family, but for all of us, as clans, as a people. We can do so much good. It just makes me happy that Jaha and the council flipped the script when they sent us down here. I mean, I miss my father, and Wells. But, I know that they would be proud of everything that we've managed to accomplish." Clarke paused for a few moments, before she said, "I love you, so much.." Then she kissed him.
The smile on Clarke’s face caused a similar expression to grow on Bellamy’s. Much had changed since the delinquents first day on the ground. They were becoming allies with the Grounders instead of remaining enemies. Their communities were growing. Humanity would continue thriving. “I love you, too.” The dark-haired male answered to his wife and returned the kiss fervently, cupping her cheeks with both hands. His tongue slid against her upper lip first before tracing the outline of her lower lip. Soon, Bellamy pulled back from Clarke’s kiss and offered a sweet smile.

“I have the two most important people in my life here. Now three with Laqueta in the picture and four with our child whenever he or she is born into the world. I do miss my mother but I know she would have been proud as well. I know she would have loved you. With everything that has happened, I feel like the best outcome has occurred for us.” Bellamy admitted before nuzzling his nose against Clarke’s. The feeling of her warm body pressed against his made him drowsy since the day was full of tough work. For now, he figured they should get some rest because their work was only beginning.

“Let’s get some sleep, Princess. We’ll have more time together tomorrow. We’ll share lunch and dinner again.” Bellamy suggested with a soft smile before closing his eyes, their foreheads pressed together. It kept him calm and allowed him to fall asleep easily with Clarke so close to him. It soothed him more than anything else in the world as he drifted off into sleep. Again, he stayed asleep the entire night, peaceful, and did not wake until the next morning when the dreaded alarm sounded.
The next morning, Clarke was awake before the alarm. She had woken up two hours ago, nervous. Today they would find out if she would be able to get pregnant and if they would be able to expand their family. All kinds of hopes, dreams, and plans went through her mind as she laid there silently, curled into Bellamy's side. When the alarm went off, she turned her head and smiled softly, and met her husband's eyes. "Good morning," The blonde said softly, and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. "I'm going to be helping with the village and looking after Raelyn and teaching her more English."

"Octavia's going to be mainly working on weapons and fighting training today. Nyko will be with my mother and Jackson in medical. Jasper will be moving between helping Octavia with weapon and fighting training, and helping with the village. The others all have their schedules for the day. We figured you'd be best served splitting your time between working on the village and manning the walls, keeping an eye out for Ice Nation or any other threats. I'm going to go and see my mother tonight after dinner to get the results, they should be ready by

The blonde sighed, and after kissing her husband once more, got up from the bed. "I'm gonna grab a shower and then head out to pick up Raelyn. Raven's got Laqueta today, so both of the girl's are taken care of." She paused and turned back to her husband. "I hope today goes by fast. Not knowing the results of the tests is driving me crazy and causing me to think the worst." After speaking, Clarke grabbed some clean clothes and headed off to shower. 20 minutes later, the blonde was clean and dressed. She grabbed a gun, checked the clip to make sure it was full, which it was. Then the young woman clipped the gun to her belt and went to get Raelyn.
“That sounds like a plan. Just promise me that the second you find out your results… either if you can or can’t get pregnant… tell me as soon as you know.” Of course, Bellamy wanted to know immediately. Even if she could not get pregnant, she would be best served in his arms to comfort her as she could comfort him. Everyone had schedules for today and Bellamy was excited to finish this village even if they were not even close: it would help protect everyone. Ice Nation had gone dark after their last attack was repelled. They took much damage from the explosions and from the Trikru attack.

Before Clarke showered, Bellamy gave her a kiss on the lips and watched her go before grabbing his own gear. The male started in the village and helped the construction. It was going well. Some of the members of each group were finally mingling together, talking, teaching one another different words of each language, and the number of skaikru members helping had grown since the first day started. Still, more than half of Skaikru were apprehensive but these growing numbers bode well for everyone. Also, Kane was finally up and walking around camp. He could not do much physical activity but he was supervising and helping when he could.

Things were quiet on the wall for the first three or four hours. Bellamy was almost relieved of his duty when they spotted something. There was a large group moving towards them. The wall guards were on alert and there was the special alarm sounding in the camp as people radioed to the guards covering the village. These people did not look like they were enemies, though. Kane walked to the gate and found out that it was actually the members of the Farm Station that crashed a distance away from everything else. There were 63 members and they were led by a man named Pike.
Clarke spent most of the day working on the village and spending time with Raelyn, teaching her English. She had taught the young woman simple words and phrases like, 'help me,'
'I'm looking for Octavia,' 'attack,' 'baby', 'sister', 'family,' 'friends,' and much more. The blonde had also taught the young girl how to ask for herself or Bellamy, her mother or Jackson, and Nyko in English. And now, a few hours later, they were taking a small break to have lunch. Raelyn was holding Laqueta, playing with her, and talking to her niece in broken English.

The sight made the blonde smile, as she sat across from the two girls. The village was coming along pretty well, if she did say so herself. A few more weeks, and it would hopefully be done. Roan and Ice Nation hadn't made another appearance since the first attack a few weeks ago, and that gave them plenty of time to work on their defenses. The gate, teaching both Trikru, and Arkadian's non-guard personnel to use guns, and having the Trikru members teach the Arkadian's battle exercises. All in all, things were looking up. Things were quiet for the day, until around lunch time.

The guards on the walls could be heard over the radio saying that a group was approaching Arkadia. Clarke quickly took Raelyn and Laqueta and went to find Raven, asking the other young woman to look after the girls. Then she radioed over to Octavia who was still working on the village, that a group was approaching Arkadia, and for them to keep sharp and be ready in case of another attack. Once that was done, she removed her gun from the belt at her waist and took up a position behind the gates and beside Kane, her gun trained on them
as they opened. Ready to fire as soon as possible if needed.
At the time, Kane did not see Pike and the other 62 members of the Farm Station as threats. Instead, he saw friends from the Ark that have been separated from them for many months. “Open the gates! They are friendly!” Kane ordered to the guards standing first at the gate. Of course, they complied with their Chancellor and Bellamy hopped down from the gate as well. He found Clarke near Kane so he just walked towards the blonde and stood patiently still, watching Pike lead his armed men and women into their camp. “I can’t believe they survived.”

Bellamy whispered to Clarke, seeing as they thought all stations from the Ark had already been recovered. They were wrong. It began as an uplifting moment. Family members and friends were reunited, specifically Monty Green and his mother. It broke Bellamy’s heart to see the look on Monty’s face when his mother said that his father was dead. “Well, at least we have more people to help us now. This could be a good thing.” Bellamy murmured to Clarke as nobody knew just how brutal the Farm Station people were and how they would terrorize every single Grounder, regardless of affiliation.

Once everyone was together and smiling and hugging, that was when things became worse. “We saw the lights from Arkadia far away when we were hunting. We knew that others must have made it down. We landed in the mountains but we fought and we survived. We lost so many and now we know they did not die for nothing. We made it here and we can be stronger than ever. Grounder killers one and all, am I right?!” At this battle cry of being grounder killers, Charles Pike and his other 62 members from Farm Station started cheering. Then, it became obvious they were going to have a dilemma.
Clarke immediately took the radio from the belt at her waist and started barking out orders, upon hearing Pike's words. "Octavia get back to Arkadia ASAP. Alert the others that we
have a situation on our hands and to be prepared in case of an attack," She told the other woman quickly. Once that was done, the blonde switched over to another frequency on the radio, "Raven, stay where you are until I tell you otherwise. Keep a close eye on them and if anyone tries anything, kill them." A moment later the blonde switched frequency once
more and said, "All guards on the wall, keep your fingers on the trigger."

"We have the beginning of a situation down here." She switched to a fourth radio frequency. "Nyko, you and my mother lock down medical right now! No one goes in or out unless I say so." The blonde said and then she clipped the radio back to her waist. The young woman raised her gun once more and aimed it at Pike. "Take one step closer and I'll blow your fucking head off." Clarke said unflinchingly. Kane stood to her left, and Bellamy to her right. She would protect them at all costs. But no matter what, Pike and his group weren't getting into Arkadia with their plans to kill Grounders.

"We don't kill Grounders," She said, and the words came out bitingly cold. "And if you think you're gonna bring that psychotic kind of thinking in here, then you're out of your damn mind and you can go back to wherever you came from. The Grounders are allies, and if you have a problem with them, then you have a problem with us." The blonde kept her gun trained on Pike, and walked forward, in front of Kane and Bellamy. She refused to back down and if Pike or one of his people made a move, she'd blow their damn heads off. "You make a move toward your weapons and the guards on the gate have the order to take you out. So think very carefully about your next move."
This was too much. Bellamy did not think that they needed to prepare for an attack. What was Clarke thinking? Even worse, most of the guards on the wall ignored her. They did not aim their weapons at Charles Pike. He was one of their own! Kane glared at Clarke as Pike looked at everyone confused. Then, Kane looked to Bellamy and gave him that “control your wife” look that he had given him before. Slowly stepping towards Clarke, he placed his hand onto her wrists and slowly lowered the gun to the ground. “Clarke. Don’t do anything stupid.” He murmured lowly. “They don’t know about the alliance. Just wait a second.” The last thing he needed was Clarke being killed by one of Pike’s men as they now had their guns trained on Clarke and Bellamy.

“An alliance? What is this I hear about? Tell me it isn’t true, Kane. Tell me you aren’t in an alliance with these savages… freaks. Do you understand that they killed most of our people? There were hundreds of us in Farm Station when we landed. Most men and women were not killed by starvation, disease, or environment. It was those damn Grounders. They attacked us before we even left the Farm station. We lost almost half our people on the first damn day. These people are killers, Kane. They will kill all of you. There is not alliance with them!” At this point, Pike’s people were murmuring lowly, clearly in agreeance with Kane.

Now, Bellamy stepped in with Kane. “We know that they have attacked. They attacked us, too. We attacked them but now we have an understanding. The only Grounder clan we must worry about is Ice Nation. They are the real threat. We can learn to live in peace and harmony here.” Bellamy tried to convince him as Kane continued. “Bellamy is right. That’s the truth, Pike. They are going to have a village just fifteen minutes away on foot so we can protect one another. You have to learn to accept them. They are not threats. Not if they are Trikru.”
"I don't care if they know about the alliance. Trikru are just a bunch of peaceful tree huggers unless they're threatened. You know this." Clarke said, reminding them of what they already knew. "And it's not stupid to defend our allies." When Bellamy placed his hands on her wrists and tried to force her to lower the gun, she eyed him angrily. "Get your hands off of me," The blonde told her husband seriously. "I won't shoot unless I have a good reason." After speaking, the young woman pulled her radio from her belt and spoke to Nyko in Trigedasleng, telling him to get himself, Raelyn, Laqueta and as many other Grounders as he could, out of Arkadia as soon as possible using the tunnels out back.


Octavia rode up to the gates of Arkadia on her horse, tying it to the gate and dismounting. Four Trikru soldiers followed immediately behind her. She was dressed from head to feet in full Grounder clothing. The brunette removed Lincoln's sword from the sheath on her back and moved towards the group. "Is there a problem here?" Her eyes landed on Pike, and the young woman glanced from him and his people, to Bellamy, Clarke, and Kane. Clarke being the only one who seemed on edge. She moved towards the blonde, with the Trikru soldiers following right behind her.

"Now it makes sense," She said, and eyed Pike distrustfully. "Lexa told me that Skaikru was causing problems in nearby villages, but I knew it wasn't Arkadia. They wouldn't go back on
their word with the alliance." The brunette paused and then sighed. "You crossed the boundary lines, and that's why they attacked all of you. Farm Station must have landed too close to some of the villages. I can explain to Lexa and Nyko that it was just a misunderstanding, and they'll stop attacking. But that means you and your people need to stop attacking, too."
This was angering. Here was Clarke holding a weapon towards 63 people. If she did shoot someone, she was dead in seconds. Apparently, she did not care and that bothered Bellamy. She promised that she would be smarter now they were trying to have a child. Even though she was not pregnant yet and they did not even know the results, Bellamy wondered if Clarke could ever remain true to her word. Bellamy did not appreciate her speaking to him in such a tone. However, he did have Clarke’s back and finally raised his own weapon towards any of Pike’s soldiers that had their own weapon raised.

Now, Octavia was here and the two girls he cared about most were in a dangerous spot. “We share a common enemy with Trikru now, Pike.” Bellamy assured him again. “I don’t care, Bellamy. I can’t believe this is real. How in the hell were we supposed to know that we crossed into their territory when we first arrived on Earth? We had no fucking idea that anyone was even here. They killed half our people and now I’m supposed to look the other way?” The male was fuming as he saw some Grounders run up towards the gates.

“Now, some of my own people are aiming their guns at me and not the Grounders. They are all the same to me. I don’t care what clan they are in.” Pike growled lowly while looking towards everything that was going on. “Pike, if you are going to stay here, you must accept this alliance. We will not let you stay if you cause any trouble.” Bellamy ordered, now fully taking over, stepping with Clarke towards the Farm Station members. “Bellamy is right. This is the new way, Charles.” Kane added. After another second of tension, Pike finally ordered the soldiers and people behind him to lower their weapons and after a few seconds, they all complied.
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