RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

Clarke didn't allow herself to relax, even as Pike and his people lowered their guns. She didn't plan to shoot anyone unless they went for their weapons again. But after what Pike had said a few minutes ago, the blonde wasn't ready to accept him at his word so fast. The young woman glanced at Bellamy, Octavia, then Kane. "I'm going to go with Octavia to TonDC
and we're going to stay at the other village. This doesn't feel settled to me. Nyko and the others will be there and will need help protecting the girls and the rest of the village."

She looked at her husband and lifted a single hand to cup his face. "I hope you can understand why I have to do this. And if you can't, then know that I know what I'm doing. That
I'm doing the right thing. What's right for the girls, and for everyone else." A moment later, she glanced at Kane. "You're just a figurehead, like Roan said. Don't be stupid and don't
let Pike's lies fool you or you'll regret it for the rest of your life." The blonde turned to Octavia and she nodded, and a few moments later, the two women hurried over to the brunette's horse, both of them getting on it.

Octavia paused for a moment, and dismounted from the horse. The Trikru solders moved to follow her, but she held a hand out towards them to halt their movements. The brunette walked back over to Bellamy, Kane, Pike and his people. "There's something that you should know, something you should all know. Trikru isn't just a few hundred people. We have thousands of people, and that's even before you include our allies. You'll run out of bullets before you even start to make a dent in the amount of Trikru members there are. Think
on that before you make plans to start a war you have no chance of winning."

"And you should know, if you hurt or kill any kids, I'll kill you myself and enjoy doing it." After saying that, the young woman walked back over to the horse and got back on. She
spoke to the Trikru soldiers in Trigedasleng, and a few moments later, the five of them left. Everyone from Trikru and some other clans that had been getting medical attention at
Arkadia had taken the tunnels out the back, and had left. The supplies that had started to be brought to the new village, were taken from it as they all headed back to the old one,
putting distance between themselves and Arkadia.
Bellamy could not comprehend why Clarke was leaving now. Yet again, she chose the lives of strangers over their own. How in the world would she ever take her duties as a wife and mother seriously? She did not need to put herself on the line in every single situation. That was honorable but it was also upsetting. When Clarke told him goodbye, he also found it amusing that she did not even say that she loved him nor did she offer him to come with her, like it was written in the stars that she had to do this alone. Well, it was not. Bellamy was going with her and nobody could convince him otherwise.

Even more, why was Octavia looking at HIM when she talked about killing the Grounders or running out of bullets and whatever else she was talking about. It was so confusing. When did Bellamy take Pike’s side? When did Bellamy do anything that made Octavia think like this? If Bellamy was being honest, he thought he had proven himself to not be like this. Before the group could leave, however, he stopped them. Clarke was not doing this alone. He spoke to one of the Grounders and wanted to ride his horse as well. Of course, the male did not hesitate and he climbed on top of the horse. Bellamy was ready to return to TonDC with the others.

“Bellamy. Where are you going? We need you here at the camp?” Kane complained since Bellamy was one of the best shots and one of the best builders on the new village. “I know you do, but my wife needs me. My sister needs me. That’s more important. I will help them keep TonDC safe. I will return whenever they think it is safe.” Here, Bellamy was doing his duty, not just because he felt like he had to, but because he wanted to. It just hurt him that Clarke was always so willing to be the martyr and even leave him behind at this place. That was not happening.

The male was finally with the other group as the rider he rode with caught up to the others. Since they clearly had a plan, he remained silent to soak in everything. He just wondered why Clarke and Octaiva were acting like he wasn’t on their side.
Hours later, they all got to TonDC, and dismounted from the horses. Clarke motioned for Octavia and the others to go ahead and turned to face Bellamy, watching as her husband dismounted from the horse he had shared with one of the Trikru soldiers. "You still don't get it, do you? You're angry that I chose to come here and protect Trikru over continuing
to stay at Arkadia. But it's not about Trikru or Arkadia. We're not against each other. That's what everything we've been doing over the last year was about. There aren't any sides anymore, except where it concerns Ice Nation."

"Even if it means derailing everything that we've built, I won't let anyone from Skaikru kill anymore Grounders if I can help it. We already have half of the people in camp that
hate the Grounders. I don't want Pike and his band of idiots making things worse."

"I took an oath to do no harm, when I started helping my mother in medical all those years ago. And instead of wasting my breath trying to explain things to Pike, I figured that
I'd be more useful helping Nyko care for the Trikru members and other clans who needed it. I told him to get Raven, the girls, and all of the Grounder's that were inside Arkadia,
out of there to avoid a fight right there in camp. My mother and Jackson can handle medical while we're gone. But Nyko's the only living healer that the Grounders have, and he
needs help."

"As for Pike, he's dangerous. I can feel it. He's not the same man who taught us in the Earth Skills class. Being on Earth has changed him, and not for the better." She paused a
moment later and then said, "You're angry that I put myself in danger, but it was better if I got hurt and not someone else. We can't afford to lose anyone else. Can you honestly
tell me that you wouldn't put your life on the line to protect those that needed it? I scared you, and I'm sorry for that. I put you in a tough position and I shouldn't have, but you
know that I'd never put myself before that of our friends."

Clarke walked towards Bellamy and cupped his face with her hands once more, locking their eyes together. "I love you so much, and I hate making the hard choices, but it's what
has to be done. I hope you can forgive me, but if you can't, I understand. Maybe we need to put our plans on hold, at least for a while. Neither of us is in the right head space to
find out about my results, or to start talking about having a family, after today." The blonde pulled back a moment later, releasing Bellamy's face from her hands. "And just so you
know, Octavia's words weren't directed at you."

"She was talking to Pike, warning him not to start a war that he'd only lose." A few moments later, she fell silent and hesitantly reached for one of her husband's hands, taking it
into her own as they started to walk into the village.
When Bellamy dismounted the horse, he watched Clarke approach him. Then, he listened to each word she spoke as he thought about how to formulate his response. When she took his hand and started walking into the village, he pulled her back because he needed a chance to speak. It was unfair that she was going to walk into the village already and not give him a chance to respond. “Princess, you’re wrong about a few things. I am not angry about anything. I never, ever said that we were on different sides. I don’t know why you think I would think that. We didn’t know how Pike was going to be, not until he responded when he found out about our alliance. Then, I understood he was dangerous.”

Bellamy explained, using the other hand to cup her face. “I did not like how you always put yourself in danger, you are right about that. It would not be better if you got hurt rather than someone else. I just wish you realized that you did not have to risk yourself in every single situation. I can’t afford to lose you, Clarke. That scares me more than anything. That’s why I will always protect you. The only thing I didn’t like about this was that you didn’t even ask me to go with you. Why would you not? You should have known I would come anyways. I am not going to let anything happen. We are not going to separate for anything. There was no telling how long it would take. It just hurts a little that you were so willing to leave for that long of a time without even saying much to me about it. You know I am on your side, whatever side that is. I love you so much. I just wish you realized that you were not alone. I am here with you at all times. Please, Clarke, don’t always put yourself in danger. One day, something might actually happen.”

Clearly, he was worried about Clarke. He loved her. “And I certainly don’t know why you say we should put our plans on hold. I thought you could use the radio and talk to Abby to find out your results. If you can get pregnant, we could try tonight. I am in the right headspace. Please, Clarke? We’ll sit together and listen to your mother on the radio. Didn’t we agree not to hold off anymore? I don’t’ see why we would wait now. I’m not mad. You’re not mad. Nobody is mad. We’re here together and that’s the best thing that could happen. We are a team. We are always a team no matter what.” Bellamy reminded Clarke and pressed a kiss onto her lips, hoping that she would take his advice seriously and not always be so willing to die for anyone and everyone. It seemed like she did not even care how he would feel if something happened to her. Did she just think he could move on like it was nothing? That was not the case. But he would never tell her this. Instead, he hoped he said enough to keep her happy and hopefully not put their chid on hold any longer. “So, are you ready to call in your mother now that we are here?”
"I'm sorry that I hurt you by not asking you to come here with me," Clarke said softly, honestly. "I figured you were best served at Arkadia, trying to help keep the peace, is all. I wasn't trying to separate us, or hurt you. I promise. As for Pike, it wasn't even about him in the first place. The guard's on the wall just said the gate was opening, not who was coming inside. That's why I took up a defensive position beside Kane. He already got attacked by Ice Nation for being out in the open while trying to talk peace treaties, and I didn't want a repeat of that."

"It wasn't about putting myself in danger, it was about trying to protect our home, and Kane, since he was out in the open again." She paused for a moment and then said, "I know that you've never said we were on different sides, but just because you didn't say it, doesn't mean you didn't think it. I've always had the feeling that you resented Lincoln for his relationship with Octavia, not because your feelings for your sister are romantic, but because it caused her to leave our home. To leave you.." Clarke said softly. "A bit of anger or even resentment
is understandable, given how things were for a while."

"My reaction to Pike, was based on a bad feeling I got about him. Even before he said what he said about the Grounders. Have you ever just gotten a horrible feeling about someone in the pit of your stomach? That's what I felt and why I reacted so strongly. I know that I'm not alone, or at least, I'm trying to get used to it. I'm sorry that I worried you so much. I really do regret it. I just feel like it's up to us to protect the others. It's what we've done for so long, I'm not used to any other way." She fell silent for a few moments and then nodded at his words.

"I'll try to be more careful from now on. I mean it. I just don't know how to not fight and try to protect our people. It's as ingrained in me as my name." The blonde fell silent again as Bellamy continued to speak. "I had suggested we put our plans on hold, because I didn't want to start the process of us making a family, when or if we were angry with each other.
That's not the kind of way to start off something so amazing." She nodded when Bellamy suggested that she use the radio to talk to her mother that night and find out the test results.

Everything that her husband said made sense. She should talk to her mother on the radio tonight, and if they get the okay, they could start trying tonight. "You're right, we did agree," The blonde said and nodded. Clarke kissed Bellamy back, when he kissed her lips. At his next words, she shook her head. "Five minutes," The young woman told her husband, right before she pressed her lips against his once more, sighing softly. She just wanted to make sure that everything really was okay between them before they did or said anything else.
Bellamy listened closely to every word that Clarke said. Everything made sense. “Okay, five minutes.” The young man breathed out before reaching down to take her hand in his. “I am not angry with you.” He affirmed strongly, letting her know that her thinking they were upset with one another was untrue. The only thing true in this situation was that Bellamy just felt so protective over Clarke that he would do anything to keep her safe. It was natural for him to worry about her. Now, Clarke definitely took more risks than Bellamy, but that was not to say Bellamy never put himself in danger. However, he was pretty confident that if he did the same things Clarke did as often as she did, then she would act the same way whenever he volunteered himself for something dangerous. Besides, the rare times he did make a move for something outlandish or overly dangerous, Clarke had tried talking him out of it as he recalled. They cared so much for one another and they both could learn to keep themselves a little safer because they both need each other more than the camp needs them. That was how Bellamy saw things.

In TonDC, there were approximately 300 grounders here. Bellamy knew this place was of political importance to the Grounders. They might even see the Commander herself wandering around somewhere if there was anything in particular going on. In fact, he expected to see Lexa here since she would likely need to attend to whatever was going on. Knowing that the village was being protected now by some Skaikru members would need explaining. Why was this happening? Bellamy felt horrible that they were dealing with something like Pike. One man alone could damage this unity of all 13 clans. It could really be a spear through every heart if he made one wrong step. Thankfully, Arkadia still had many people who Bellamy trusted and he knew they would keep everyone safe: Trikru and Skaikru both. He felt the place was truly in good hands.

It was why he could easily leave Arkadia to join Clarke and Octavia. He knew Arkadia was well protected and defened. The two girl she loved, however, were not defended or protected. That meant Bellamy must be with them. Now, the male walked deep into the village beside Clarke and Octavia. It made him feel more at peace knowing he was here with them. As they walked, he broke the silence between the three of them. “So, what are we doing first?” He asked, not even sure why they were here in the first place. It did not make much sense to him why they left Arkadia because Pike arrived and then they came to TonDC. Bellamy was confused but he would just wait to have everything explained.
Lexa exited one of the houses, and made her way through the village, barking out orders and commands in Trigedasleng. Octavia was at her side, the two women conversing in the language as they walked to the front of the village and came to a stop in front of Bellamy and Clarke. "Bellamy, Clarke, you'll share the house beside Octavia. When she's here, she
stays in what used to be Lincoln's home, but is now hers when she's here. We try to keep family members together. If either of you need anything, don't hesitate to find me and ask."

She looked at Clarke. "Octavia and Nyko have told me that you have medical training and that you came here to help the sick and wounded. Octavia will take you to find Nyko and
those who need help." Lexa waited until the two women had left, and then she turned to Bellamy. "Walk with me. There's much we must discuss. Starting with the fact that Nyko has chosen not to command Trikru, so it falls to me. I'm in charge now, and I agree with his wishes and those of the fallen, Lincoln and Indra, that our clans should support each other."

"I'm leading an attack against Azgeda in a week. 500 of our most trusted and most trained warriors and some of our allies from Floukru, a clan on the water. We will be attacking
Roan and the throne. The treaty between Azgeda and Trikru was broken when Echo sent those mercenaries to attack Lincoln and Octavia on Trikru territory over a year ago. You're probably wondering why we've waited so long to retaliate. The answer is that lots of planning has gone into this, and we are now ready to assemble our troops and finally make our move."

"Arkadia can join us, or not. But I'm most certain that your sister and your wife will want to be a part of this. And even if you can manage to talk Clarke out of it, there's no way you
can convince Octavia not to avenge her husband. Yes, she killed Echo and Lincoln killed the mercenaries that were sent after them, but it doesn't end there. It won't end until Azgeda
is finished. There will be many more deaths before this is over, and it's up to you and your leader... Kane...? to decide if you're going to fight in this war. I will leave you with one
piece of advice: Tread carefully, and trust no one."

"One final thing, before I leave you. Octavia has informed me that a dangerous feeling of unrest is rapidly spreading throughout Arkadia. Trikru and the other clans will cease to
approach Arkadia for medical attention or anything else, until the unrest amongst your people is dealt with." After this was said, Lexa nodded her head in goodbye, and walked off,
leaving Bellamy standing in front of the house they used for medical.
When the Commander Lexa exited one of the houses, Bellamy greeted her politely and thanked her for setting up a house where both himself and Clarke could stay in together. He appreciated their own appreciation for family. He did find it solemn that Octavia stayed in what used to be Lincoln’s house. It was not fair what happened to him and he should still be in that house with Octavia right now but he was not thanks to the damn Ice Nation soldiers. Because of them, they hurt his sister in the worst way and it made her reckless. He only wished he could have helped.

When Octavia and Clarke were dismissed to help with the medical training, Bellamy walked with Lexa when she said they should talk about a few things. First, she talked about how she wanted the clans to stay united. Bellamy agreed and hoped it would stay strong. The only thing that threatened the bond really was Pike and his people along with a few other adamant dissenters that were already in Arkadia. When she talk about the attack on Ice Nation, he admired that she and Trikru carefully planned everything out. That’s what someone should have done before she went haywire and tried to kill everyone for revenge. If Octavia would have followed Lexa’s philosophy, so much could have been done differently and that made him feel good about this attack since it was planned and not done on a whim.

He was going to respond to her but she looked to leave before he even got the chance to speak. For some reason, people just loved leaving Bellamy’s presence before he could respond so he just kept to himself, thinking about what she said. He would definitely think that Kane would want to help out in the attack. He knew Octavia would and he knew that Clarke would. However, he would make sure that Clarke did not participate since it was too dangerous and she would hopefully be carrying their child by then.

After Lexa left Bellamy, he returned to the house where he would wait for Clarke. This was something he wanted to talk about with Clarke in private. He would not even dare to tell Octavia not to join. And he did not mind if she did. IT was her choice but Clarke had to worry not just about herself and if she wanted to fight while pregnant, that was the ultimate sign that he would have to force her to not go. He would find a way if he had to. For now, he just waited and lay in the bed as the time passed.
Clarke entered the house an hour later, carrying two plates of food. "Bellamy? Lexa sent over some plates of food for dinner. It's got beef, corn, ham, rice, and fruit." She said, and put the food away for the time being. The blonde exited the kitchen and walked into the bedroom, finding her husband lying down in the bed. She crossed the room to the bed, removed her shoes and got into the bed beside him. "Are you okay?" She asked and then kissed his lips sweetly. "Octavia mentioned that you seemed to be getting an information dump from Lexa."

"I hope whatever she said was good? That Trikru and Skaikru are still allies?" The blonde laid down in the bed beside Bellamy, and rest her head on his chest like she usually did. She took one of his hands into hers, and squeezed it. "You look like you have a lot on your mind. Maybe if you talk to me about it, I can help you sort through whatever it is, or help you process whatever it is.." The young woman offered him, kissing him gently. Her hand that held her husband's, squeezed it, letting him know that she was there for him for whatever
he needed.
Bellamy glanced at the food and then smiled at Clarke when she joined him on the bed. The young man returned his wife’s kiss before chuckling at her words. “Yes, I am alright. An information dump is an understatement. Hopefully I can remember everything she said.” Bellamy murmured, grabbing the plate and his fork, digging into the rice. It was delicious. He loved this food. “There is much on my mind and everything she said was good, in my opinion.” Bellamy began while using his one free hand to start stroking through Clarke’s long hair. Lexa did tell him much so he had to think about everything before speaking to ensure that all the information was retained.

“Nyko will no longer command Trikru. He has given the power to her. She wants to uphold the wishes of the fallen and she wants Trikru and Skaikru to be allies. She wants us all to be one clan as well just like we talked about. She is leading an attack on Ice nation. 500 of her most trained warriors and from that clan on the water we heard about, Flokru. They have been planning for an entire year. The attack happens in the next week and she did invite us to join if we wanted so we’ll have to talk to Kane as soon as we can.”

Bellamy paused, making sure that covered everything. “She said that Trikru was worried about the unrest at Arkadia. Trikru will avoid us until the problem is solved there. I think that’s it.” Bellamy added, looking deep into Clarke’s eyes. “I know Octavia will want to join and want to fight. I’ll tell her when we see her tomorrow. But you, Clarke, please tell me that you’re not going to go fight in this.” He added, sliding one hand through her hair. He hoped she remembered the promise she made to him.
She smiled when Bellamy chuckled at her words. The blonde relaxed against his side, though she stole a couple of bites from her husband's fork while he ate dinner, giving him an innocent smile each time that she stole bites. Her body relaxed even more once he started to stroke her hair. "I love when you stroke my hair. It's weird, but that soothes me so
much." Clarke nodded when he said that he had a lot on his mind and his time with Lexa had gone well. "I'm glad. It relieves me to know that she's clear headed and on our side
with this."

She nodded again as Bellamy explained that Nyko had handed the reins over to Lexa. "Kane will be glad to know that Trikru finally has a leader that talks things out and plans things
out. And good, I'm glad Lexa mentioned the clan on the water. Maybe we can discuss the possibility of meeting some of those people, just so that we all know we're on the same side
and there's no confusion when the attack happens next week. Also, I tried to contact my mother on the radio earlier, but she and Jackson were busy taking care of the girls."

"She'll radio us back in about 10 minutes with my results." After a few moments, Clarke switched the topic back to the upcoming attack. "We'll need to get on the radio with Kane as well, and figure something out. Do you want us to ride back to Arkadia tomorrow, talk to Kane and pick up the girls?" She pushed her blonde hair out of her face a moment later. "I'll stay out of it for as long as I possibly can. But if they breach the walls, I won't have a choice but to fight. I know you're not happy with that as my answer, but I won't just sit by and do nothing,
if Ice Nation breaches this village or Arkadia while I'm there."

"Everyone would be in danger, including me. I'll take every precaution to protect myself and the baby when I'm pregnant, but I'll also do everything I can to help our friends. You can understand that, right? I have my gun attached to the clip at my waist. It's fully loaded and I never let it out of my sight."
Clarke was actually wrong about just one thing. Bellamy pressed a finger to her lips after she finished talking and playfully traced the outline of those soft lips while speaking. “Actually, that makes me happy to hear. If somehow Ice Nation attacks and breaches the walls of a village or Arkadia or wherever you are, I want you to fight and defend yourself.” Bellamy pointed out, not wanting Clarke to just give up and let them do whatever. He wanted her to hide but if hiding was not an option, then he wanted her to fight. Perhaps he was not clear enough before.

“I just meant that I did not want you to go out with the army and the warriors and guards that are marching on Ice Nation. I want you to stay where it is safe. If that safe place becomes safe no longer, then of course, I want you to fight and defend yourself. However, I’d rather you not actively seek out and go with the warriors since it is insanely more dangerous than staying put somewhere. Does that make more sense?” Bellamy asked, still stroking his hands through Clarke’s long locks of blonde hair. It also soothed him and made him feel happy whenever he did this.

Now that everything was cleared up, Bellamy was eager to find out about the results of her tests. “Alright, then. I think we should ride back to Arkadia tomorrow. We’ll check on the girls and see if they need to come back with us. Then, we’ll talk to Kane in person. I think we could tell your Mom about it on the radio so she could plant the seed in Kane’s mind and then tell him that we’ll talk to him personally tomorrow about the attack. I think he’ll agree, though.”

Hopefully, Bellamy was right about Kane. After saying this, the male looked to Clarke as they spent the next ten minutes waiting, just holding one another. Finally, he heard Abby’s voice call in for Clarke on the radio and she sounded really happy, really excited. That could only mean that Clarke’s results showed that she could get pregnant.
Clarke nodded as she listened to Bellamy speak, in agreement with him that she shouldn't go along when they went to fight against Ice Nation. "Then we're in agreement, because that's what I was trying to say. Usually, I wouldn't have a problem going with you to the fight, but I agree that it's too much of a risk, especially given our plans to start a family. Like I said, I just meant that if they attacked the villages or Arkadia and I was there, I'd refuse to back down and not fight. It makes plenty of sense," She said a few moments later, and nodded once more.

The smile remained on her lips as her husband kept stroking her hair. "Where do you think the girl's will be safer? Since I'm going to stay behind, I'd feel better if they were with me. I have nothing against Raven or my mother watching them, but I'd just feel better having them with me, since I'm staying behind. We can discuss it with Octavia and see what she thinks. And okay, about Kane and my mother. We'll pick the girl's up and figure out where the three of us will be staying during the attack." After they talked for a bit, silence fell between them as they waited to hear from her mother.

Clarke and Bellamy listened to what her mother had to say. She thanked her mother once everything was discussed, and then she turned the radio volume down and set it on the bedside table. The blonde turned to her husband, a smile on her face. "Well, we both heard it. My mother said that the tests all came back clean. That means we can start working on our baby, now." She picked up the plate from the bedside table, and dumped out the scraps, giving it a quick wash in the sink, and then drying and saving it and returning to Bellamy once more.

A few moments later, she lifted her shirt over her head, and tossed it on the floor. "You ready to get started making our baby?" The young woman walked back over to the bed, sat down on it, and immediately tugged her husband close, kissing his lips happily.
Thankfully, they both agreed about Clarke’s position during the attack. The next order of business was determining the best place for Clarke to stay with the girls. Honestly, Bellamy thought it was Arkadia. There were more weapons and more defenses but he would leave that up to Clarke and the others. Besides, they did not need an answer right now and they had other things on their mind. After they fell silent, Bellamy waited patiently until he heard the cheerful Abby Griffin inform the couple that Clarke was perfectly able to bear a child. It was the best thing that Bellamy heard all day.

After Clarke dumped their scraps and returned to the bed and removed her shirt, Bellamy smiled brightly at the blonde and quickly removed his shirt as well. “Yes, Princess. We should get started immediately.” The young man spoke softly, keeping their eyes locked together as he answered the blonde. He sat upright and pulled her down onto the bed beside of him. Still smiling, Bellamy crawled on top of the blonde girl and started kissing her quickly. He wasted no time with removing the bra from her bust, tossing that to the side as well.

“This is everything I ever wanted.” Bellamy admitted against Clarke’s lips, kissing her even deeper. While they kissed, the dark-haired male started undoing his own pants at first, making quick work of his jeans after kicking off his shoes and using his own feet to remove his socks. Once he was now only clad in boxers, Bellamy began kissing Clarke’s abdomen, just thinking about a baby being there soon. “I can’t wait.” Bellamy admitted quietly, kissing her abdomen again and again, his breathing hitching in his throat while this happened. It was so overwhelming with these positive emotions that he felt.

Quicker, Bellamy increased the pace and made short work of Clarke’s pants, shoes, and socks. When they were both only wearing their underwear, Bellamy crawled back onto Clarke and pressed his bulge against her crotch. “I’m going to love you and our baby forever. I promise.” He whispered, sliding his tongue into his wife’s mouth, unable to get enough of her.
Clarke smiled back at her husband as Bellamy agreed that they should get started making their baby. She let him pull her beside him and when he crawled on top of her and began to kiss her, she eagerly kissed him back. The blonde relaxed once he removed her bra and then tossed it aside without a care. His words made her smile widen and then she nodded.
"This is the best thing in my life. Knowing that we're going to have a baby, a family. I love you so much.." She whispered and then kept kissing him. She eagerly watched as he
removed his shoes and socks.

Her eyes tracked his every movement as Bellamy finally ditched his jeans and sat beside her in just his boxers. They had been kissing while he removed his clothes, and she traced her tongue along his lips as they continued to kiss. When he pulled back and started to kiss her stomach, the action made her smile and laugh softly, enjoying the attention. "I really love
how eager you are for our baby. I feel the same way." Clarke was happy to run her fingers through her husband's hair as he kissed her stomach a few more times. The actions gentle
and sweet.

She heard the sound of his breathing change, and reached out to caress his face. "Everything's going to be okay," The blonde said, wanting to be positive for both of them. "We're going to enjoy this, and we're going to love our baby more than anyone or anything in the world. He or she will never have to wonder how we feel about them." Her words trailed off as Bellamy picked up the pace and got rid of her clothes. A few moments later they were both in their underwear, and she moaned when he rubbed himself against her crotch. She smiled at his words.

"You and our baby will be the best part of my life. I love you both so much," Clarke said softly. She laughed and quickly swiped at the tears that had filled her eyes, from the emotion that was building up inside of her. When Bellamy slipped his tongue into her mouth, she kissed him back and started to reach for his boxers.
Bellamy felt so happy when Clarke told him this was the best thing in her life. Yeah, he already knew that she loved him and would love their baby, but hearing her vocalize such a thing and telling him how it was the best thing in her life was something significant and special. He could not put into words how much love was swelling in his heart and he hardly understood what was going on. They were truly going to have a baby. They were going to make the baby tonight, hopefully. This was going to be perfect and he could not wait for this to happen.

He loved when she continued talking about him and their baby. He also noticed the tears swelling up in her eyes. To be honest, even though Bellamy Blake was a hard, unemotional man for the most part, he felt himself tearing up as well. It might have been stupid to some people. It was not like they actually had a child yet. Hell, they had not even made the baby yet inside of Clarke and here he was about to be in tears of joy. Just knowing that this was happening, that this was really, actually happening was enough to make him happy.

“I know, Clarke. This feels surreal, but I know this is reality. I can’t wait. I will love you and our baby forever. I know this is the best thing that ever happened to me. I never want to go a day without you or our child.” After saying his, he worked on removing Clarke’s panties while she took off his boxers. Finally, they were both nude and he did not want to waste anymore time. His hands reached down to grab her ass firmly and hold her in place after spreading her legs.

Then, he rubbed the tip of his cock against her entrance before slowly sinking down inside of the blonde and moaning out her name lowly against her lips and her mouth, sliding his tongue deeper into her mouth during the kiss.
Clarke reached out and gently brushed her fingers under Bellamy's eyes, ridding him of the tears as they fell. "No more tears. We're going to enjoy tonight, and we're going to remember it for the rest of our lives." A happy moan left the blonde's lips as her husband finally slipped his cock inside of her. They continued to kiss and she moved her hands to cup his face as they moved their bodies against each other. Just the thought that there was a possibility that they could be making their baby tonight, made her happy. There was a slim chance that she would get pregnant on the first try, but it didn't matter.

They had plenty of time to keep trying each night for the rest of the week, as everyone worked on plans for the attack. And, assuming that things went well and Bellamy came home to her when it was over, they could continue making love and trying to start their family. Clarke just hoped with everything in her, that nothing went wrong with the attack. It was bad enough that all she had left of her father was a few memories and his watch. She didn't want to have her memories and her ring, or her ring and the baby, without her husband.

Clarke liked to think that she was strong, and she had gotten pretty good at faking it. But if something happened to Bellamy during the attack, the blonde didn't know what she would do. She'd be just like her mother and Octavia, struggling to make sense of life and how things kept going even when the person that you loved was dead. She didn't think that she'd be able
to do that if she lost him. The blonde forced those kinds of thoughts away and out of her head, and instead, smiled and focused on how happy she was to be making a baby with Bellamy.
Not everything about this was easy. Like Clarke, Bellamy also thought deeply about this upcoming attack. He was going to be in real danger. However, he would certainly minimize the risks he took. Making it back home to Clarke was so important. It might be hypocritical for him to ask Clarke to stay while he did not stay behind except for one important thing: Clarke was carrying the baby and Bellamy was not. If Clarke joined the battled and died but Bellamy lived, then their child was gone, too. However, if she stays behind and something happens to Bellamy, their child can still have a chance.

True, it would not be a great upbringing and it would be such a depressing thing to think about, but Bellamy and Clarke both knew it was a possibility. The main thing was keeping Clarke safe for these next 9 months until their child was born just so they can make sure the birthing actually happens. But, like Clarke said, he was not thinking about that now. No more tears or sad thoughts. It was all about making love and putting a baby in her belly. The thought made him smile. As he continued to thrust in and out of Clarke, he wondered how the best way to go about this was. He finally figured he could hold off his orgasm until he was at the deepest point inside of her.

Bellamy knew it might not happen tonight, but they needed to make it happen within the next week. “Clarke, I love you so much.” Bellamy whispered to his life as he started moaning. It was not just about making a baby, either. He truly enjoyed this as he hoped Clarke did as well. His moans got louder and he felt his orgasm getting closer. When he thrust as deep into her as possible, he finally released and his hot, sticky semen spurted out inside of the blonde, filling her up.
"I love you, too." Clarke said softly, and one of her hands caressed his skin. So much was going through her mind right now, but the blonde pushed those thoughts away. Right now was just about the two of them. Her and Bellamy enjoying each other and their bodies and telling and showing the other how much they meant to each other. They had a week to make this happen. With the green light from her mother, they could now focus on good thoughts and on making this baby. "Bet you wish we had the gag," She said a few moments later and then laughed softly.

The young woman leaned close and kissed Bellamy's lips. Her hips matched the pace of his and they stopped talking as skin slapped against skin as they made love. She never got tired of this, and always loved having her husband naked before her. Clarke kissed his lips several times, nipping playfully at his lip. Then she lowered her head and started to kiss and nip at his neck, taking her time and marking the skin, licking the skin to soothe it after her bites. They kept moving and the blonde moaned loudly as she got that feeling shooting through her as she came.

A few moments later, she felt Bellamy come and a smile came over her as he came inside of her. The blonde kissed him roughly and once they had both come, she slipped a hand between their bodies and started to work his cock. Slipping her hand around him and going to work stroking him. Clarke started to kiss his ear, and nipped at it, as well. The nails
of her hand that caressed his chest, dug into the skin as she kept stroking him. It wasn't enough to hurt him, but it was enough to leave some marks behind that be noticeable if and when he walked around without a shirt.

They locked eyes once more, and with another sweet kiss to Bellamy's lips, Clarke let him know how much she loved him, without saying a word. She let her eyes do the talking as they kissed.
Bellamy continued kissing Clarke even after his orgasm reached. The male used his own hands to play with her body as well. One hand stroked through her long, golden locks. His other hand lightly fondled her breasts, not digging his fingers into her flesh too hard. He almost did not want to pull out of Clarke. He wanted to keep himself buried inside of her for as long as he could as if that might make it more likely for him to impregnate Clarke. This was not the first time that he had released his semen inside of the blonde. It was not even close to the first time. Hell, he probably cannot even count as high as many times as he released inside his wife.

However, this specific occasion was different because she no longer had that implant in her body. She could get pregnant now. Maybe she was pregnant that instant. Maybe his sperm had already made its way into her eggs. Maybe their son or daughter was growing inside her belly this instant. All of that made Bellamy smile widely against her lips. After five minutes or so of silent kissing and touching, he finally pulled back from her lips and pulled out of her wonderfully tight pussy. Now, he just moved to lay down beside the blonde and started stroking his fingers through her hair. “I love you so much. This was perfect. Hopefully when we get to Arkadia tomorrow, your mother can run some tests to see if you’re pregnant yet. If not, we’ll happily try again.”

With that smile still there, he kissed Clarke again and wrapped her up tightly in his arms. His eyes closed gently and he nuzzled their noses together. “I guess we better get some rest then. We do have a big day upcoming.”
"I love you, too." Clarke whispered, moving to kiss his lips. "I can't wait to find out what my mother has to say. Though I'm pretty sure that we'll have to keep trying.." The blonde said and she grinned. She relaxed into Bellamy's arms when he wrapped them around her. "Good night," She said, whispering once more and watching her husband as his eyes closed and
he fell asleep. Once the blonde was sure that he was fully asleep, the mask of calm that she always wore, fell away. The young woman bit down on her bottom lip, worried about him.

In a few days, Bellamy would go off with many others to fight against Ice Nation. Worry had taken root deep inside of her, and fear backed up her throat so much that it was sometimes hard to swallow. The threat was as real as it could be. To their clan, to her husband. He had quit being reckless once they had gotten together and for that she was grateful. But it didn't change the fact that he would still be in danger during the attack. And the people around them were brutal. They had originally thought that Trikru was vicious. They had had no idea of true viciousness until things with Ice Nation had started.

Unable to fall asleep, Clarke just laid there for a while and watched him sleep. There was no telling what the outcome of the attack would be like. And honestly, she hated the 'wait and see' type of situation they were in. There would be losses on their side, the blonde knew that. It was inevitable. But it was still too painful to think about. Her grip tightened on Bellamy, and she tried to swallow around the lump in her throat. Her eyes filled with tears and so the young woman just buried her head in his chest, trying to think of something else, so they would stop.
Even if they had to keep trying, Bellamy did not mind. It just meant more chances to make love with his wife and that was nothing he would disagree with doing. The male slept fine for the first hour or so, but he did not stay that way. Something was off and he felt something bump into his neck and his chest. It slowly woke him, his eyes opening. Peering outside the window area of the house, he saw that it was still pitch black outside. Then, he looked down at his wife and noticed she had moved against him. It almost felt like his shirt was a little wet since her eyes were pressed against him. He immediately deducted that Clarke might have been crying.

Quietly, he lifted her head upwards, his hand underneath her chin. He inspected her eyes to see that tears were filling them. It was not difficult to guess why she was crying. Even then, Bellamy merely kissed away the tears that slid down her cheek. After kissing them away, he leaned down and pressed a kiss onto her lips. His grip around Clarke tightened as well. Right now, they were somewhat safe. He was here with his wife and he would never do anything that put him in too much risk or danger. Plus, this did need to be done so their child could grow up in a safe world.

It was no longer just about them. “Princess, talk to me. What’s the matter? Is everything okay?” He whispered quietly, leaning down to nuzzle their noses together. His hand started stroking through her long hair as he tried to get her calmed down. Even then, his other hand gently stroked the side of her face, hoping to do all he could to assist his beautiful wife and soothe her nerves.
"I'm worried about the attack. I'm worried about you, about who we're going to lose in the attack, because I know we're going to have losses on our side. There's no avoiding that. I'm feeling selfish, and part of me wants to ask you to stay out of the fight, but it's not right and it's not fair to the others for me to ask that. You're our best shooter, and you're good with a knife. So, it makes sense that you go out and defend our clan. But even though I know these things, I still can't ignore the selfish part of me that wants you to stay here and be safe."

Clarke sighed and lifted her head so that their eyes met and locked. She moved closer to Bellamy and kissed his lips once, before pulling back. "I need you to know that no matter what happens, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you." The blonde said several times, as she kept their eyes locked. "Don't ever forget that," She said softly, and then wrapped her arms around her husband, hugging him. "And don't worry about this, I'm just overreacting and worried about the upcoming attack." A few moments later the blonde said, "I'm gonna try and
relax and enjoy our time together."

After hugging her husband once more, she kissed him again as well and then moved and got up from the bed. "What are you hungry for for breakfast?" The young woman asked him. She entered the kitchen and started to dig around in the cabinets, as she went through pots and pans, and waited for Bellamy to reply to her question. Once he had answered, she nodded and
got to work, pulling out cooking utensils and food. The blonde hummed under her breath, and Clarke easily moved around the decent sized kitchen, starting to work on their breakfast.
Bellamy was worried, too. He knew Clarke would be worried. It was only natural. Yes, they were likely to acquire many fatalities but Bellamy would do his best to avoid being one of them. “You shouldn’t feel selfish. I would want the same damn thing if the roles were reversed. I promise you that I will stay alive. Yes, I am feeling selfish too. I don’t see myself doing anything erratic that is a suicide mission because I want to get back to you. I am not ashamed, though. I love you. I will love our baby. I already love him or her. I will come back to you. Believe that.”

The male offered a soft smile at his wife after saying this, looking deep into her eyes. “I love you too, Clarke. I know you love me and I could never forget. Don’t worry, you will be able to tell me that yourself over and over again. I promise you that I will return. You know I never break my promises, especially not to my sweet Princess.” Bellamy pointed out with a grin before hugging her back and returning the kiss. When she got up from the bed, he shrugged after she asked about breakfast. Instead, he just followed her inside and was unsure of what they even had here. “Surprise me.” He finally said, standing with Clarke and even helping out with the food.

After breakfast was ready, he sat down at one of the tables and started eating. They would need their strength and energy to make the ride to Arkadia. Even then, it was a dangerous travel but they must do it because they had to talk to kane, Abby, and really everyone else. They needed help here and he knew their people could come through. “How are you feeling this morning? Do you feel pregnant?” Bellamy teased playfully, stopping his meal just to lean down and kiss her belly.
Clarke laughed softly as her husband kissed her stomach. "I don't feel any differently yet, just mainly excited and nervous, is all." She admitted and then a few moments later, the blonde reached out and grasped one of Bellamy's hands under the table. The two of them continued to eat breakfast together. Once they were both done eating, she kissed him, and then released
his hand and got up to clean the kitchen. "We should talk to Octavia before we leave, so that you guys can have some time together. I'll finish cleaning up the house. Go and find your sister before we leave."

After speaking, the blonde started to clean up from their breakfast. Wiping down the table, washing, drying, and then saving the dishes. She ran a hand through her hair, and moved to sit back down on the bed, once Bellamy was gone. Despite his assurances that he'd be as careful as possible, it didn't stop her from worrying. And the worry wouldn't go away no matter what
she did, until everything was said and done, and he came back to her, alive. Not sure what to do with herself while she waited, Clarke got up from the bed once more and started to pace
back and forth across the room.
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