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RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

Octavia was holding up a set of toy keys and jangling them over her daughter, who was lying down on the bed. Each time Laqueta laughed and kicked her feet, the young woman smiled, enjoying the simple pleasure of seeing her daughter so happy. Last night she had been a wreck. Abby had tracked her down at 9:30 the night before and from 10 that night, until 3 that morning, they had talked. Laqueta had been watched by Raven for the first 2 hours as Octavia and Abby argued and then as the younger woman yelled and screamed, and just tried to work out the anger and pain she felt.

It was a good thing that each room was soundproof, because things between Octavia and Abby had gone on for hours. After the screaming and yelling, there was talk of long held guilt
for her and Bellamy's mother's death and Lincoln's death, new guilt for Indra's death and what had happened to Clarke, and new guilt that she was going to get Bellamy killed. There
was talk of how the pain from losing Lincoln never seemed to get better, and how Octavia didn't know how to deal with it. The brunette also talked about how she hated that Bellamy
felt it was his job to protect her.

She just wanted her brother to live his life. Enjoy being married to Clarke, helping their community, and maybe, sometime soon, have a family of his own with the blonde. Octavia felt like Bellamy never got to live his own life because he was too busy taking care of her, worrying about her, and she didn't like how unfair that was to him. She looked up at the sound of footsteps approaching and watched her brother enter her room. The brunette handed the toy keys to her daughter, and when Bellamy's arms went around her, she hugged him back even tighter.

"I love you, Bellamy.." Octavia said softly, and as she kept him close, hugging him as tightly as possible, tears fell from her eyes, but she didn't stop them. And she surely didn't let her brother go. Laqueta was lying on the bed with her toy keys and apparently wanted to be part of the hug because she tossed her keys at them in a way that seemed to say, "Hey, there better be room for me!" Especially when the baby girl started to babble, and held her arms out to her uncle to be held. "A girl who knows what she wants. She knows that her uncle's hug's are the best thing ever.." The brunette said and scooped up her daughter, handing Laqueta to Bellamy, and then slipping her arms back around his waist to hug him once more.
When Laqueta joined the hug, Bellamy smiled even wider and continued hugging Octavia and her daughter. He looked down and saw the tears falling from Octavia’s eyes so he quickly wiped them away and kissed her cheek before kissing Laqueta’s forehead. Honestly, the male did not know what to say. He had never been good at these things and he did not want to say something stupid or screw anything up. After pulling back from the hug, he just looked at Octavia for a few seconds to search for how she was feeling. The pain and the discomfort on her face was obvious and Bellamy wanted nothing more than to soothe her mental toiling.

“Octavia, I love you. I don’t want you to leave. I’m sorry if I made you feel guilty about what happened to Clarke. I was just emotional because she was tortured and I thought she was going to die. It is not your fault, it is Roan’s fault and Ice Nation’s fault because they held her captive, not you. Just like it is their fault that Lincoln died. It’s not your fault. He died protecting you because he loved you and wanted to keep you safe, just like I do. You don’t have to feel guilt over that because you know that you did everything he wanted after he was gone. You’re raising his child and you were not the one that killed him, it was Ice Nation.”

Bellamy hated this whole guilt thing. It was tough to get past it and not many words could make Octavia feel better. “Same thing with Indra. It is not your fault. Ice Nation attacked and there was nothing anyone could have done. She died a warrior, like you said. There was honor. Now, we are going to make sure that we get revenge for everyone and we’re going to kill everyone in Ice Nation that had a part in this. We will finish them, but we can’t do it alone and you won’t do any good out on your own.”

Bellamy stopped for a second, letting one hand cup her face. “I know you’re not the little girl I raised anymore. You’re so much more than that. You’re a warrior, a mother, a young woman, and you are my hero. I love you for so many different reasons. You have gone through horrible things so far yet you still find time for your daughter, making her smile and laugh. It has made me think about a family with Clarke one day. I want you to be part of that family. I don’t need the little, innocent girl I raised. I need you, whoever you decide that is. But I can’t lose you. Please, Octavia, promise me you won’t leave.”
"Okay, I won't leave.." Octavia said softly. She gave her brother a small, watery smile, which widened when Laqueta tried to talk. "B-b-b." The young woman laughed softly when her daughter reached out to Bellamy's face and grabbed his nose, yanking his face close to hers, and planting a nice, sloppy kiss full of drool, on her uncle's cheek. Once that happened,
the baby girl smiled and then babbled at him some more. "You've definitely got a fan club, in this little one, Bell." The brunette told her brother. She was just happy to watch the two
of them interact.

A few moments later, she released her brother from the hug and then motioned for him to sit with her on the couch. "I know that I haven't said it. But I am sorry about what happened to Clarke. The truth is, I wanted revenge, and I figured that as soon as I killed Echo, Roan would kill me and I'd get some kind of peace from it. But that's not what happened, and I realized that I hated the idea of leaving you and Laqueta alone. And then Clarke almost died and I almost lost you because of it. I can't lose you, either.." She whispered to her brother. The three of them spent some time together and eventually Octavia kicked her brother out of her room.

"As much as I love spending time with you, you should be with your wife. As strong as Clarke is, she can't go around pretending that she wasn't tortured and nearly died. It's going to take a toll on her, and you should be there to comfort her. " She stood up and reached for her daughter, who gripped onto Bellamy tighter and shrieked "B-B-B-B!" Not wanting to let
go of her uncle. "It's okay, sweetheart.." Octavia said, trying to soothe Laqueta. She reached for the girl again. "You'll see Uncle Bellamy later. Maybe he and Aunt Clarke, and Abby,
can have dinner with us.." She said, and looked at her brother, letting him decide.

"B-B-B-B!" Laqueta insisted, and absolutely refused to let go of her uncle, crying.
Bellamy was thankful that Octavia was not leaving camp. He believed her. The male spent quality time with his sister and niece, playing with the baby and finding it adorable how attached the child was to him already. Before he left, he held Laqueta and talked to her in baby talk, just making these weird noises and words that were not coherent but they made Laqueta giggle. Finally, he held her in his arms and tried to rock her to sleep so she would not cry when he left. After she fell asleep, he gently sat her down into her crib and turned to Octavia. “I should have never blamed you. I am so, so sorry. I was just emotional and I didn’t think. Thank you for staying. I love you and we’ll be over for dinner tonight if Clarke is feeling better.” Bellamy assured his sister, giving her a tight hug.

Finally, Bellamy made the short walk back to his room with Clarke. She needed the rest and he did not want to wake her so once he reached inside, he gently lay down beside of her. However, he kept his arms off her for now and watched her sleep peacefully. Whenever she woke up, then he would talk to her and tell her that everything with Octavia was okay now and they had nothing to worry about. Then, he would tell her about the dinner tonight and see if she was up for it or not. In the mean time, he just relaxed with the blonde and rested his eyes but did not try to sleep.

He wanted to stay awake for when Clarke woke up so he could check on her. She had taken care of him for so long now it was time for Bellamy to return the favor. Just watching her gave him peace of mind, knowing that she was safe and he realized that he had to continue working hard at keeping her safe in the future because this war was not over right now.
As soon as the bed dipped, Clarke opened her eyes, blinked a few times and turned to her husband with a smile. "You look a lot more calm than the last time I saw you," She said softly and reached for one of his arms and slipped it around her waist, as she cuddled into his side. "So, what have I missed?" The blonde asked and then kissed him several times. Laughing as she cupped his face in her hands and felt wetness on his cheek, wiping it off. "I take it the slobbery wetness on your cheek means you went to see Octavia, worked things out, and got a sloppy kiss from our niece?"

"She's one special little girl. She has everyone in this camp and in Trikru wrapped around her little finger. I can hardly wait until she starts talking and giving those cute pouts that kids do to get their way. I'm gonna be a sucker for it, fair warning." The blonde rested her head against her husband's chest. "What's on your mind? Even though you look happier than you were earlier, you still have a troubled look on your face. Tell me what I can do to help." Clarke fell silent and then started to trace little circles on her husband's chest as she waited for him to speak.

"Since you went see Octavia and Laqueta, how are they both doing? I hope that we can spend some time with them soon, see how Octavia's doing. And so that I can start spoiling that little angel." A smile was on the blonde's lips as she thought about their niece. "Honestly, I never used to be a fan of kids. But ever since Laqueta was born, I can't get enough of her. I used to think of all babies as little messy drool buckets and poop machines, that never stopped crying. I don't see that when I look at our niece. I see my second favorite snuggling partner, instead."
“You are right. I went to see Octavia. We mended a few things. There’s no friction between us anymore. We understand one another and Octavia is not leaving. Everything’s alright. Yes, Laqueta is adorable. She would practically not let me leave until I put her to sleep with a funny song.” Bellamy chuckled, recalling how he had to make the baby sleep. Then, Clarke talked about her viewpoint on children and that made him finally approach her about that topic. It could be a sensitive subject but they were married after all. Why would they not talk about it?

“You know, I meant to ask you what you thought about having kids.” He started slowly. “I’m not talking about, let’s do that right now. I’m thinking ahead. I really believe that our future is bright. I believe that peace will happen and one day, we won’t run around risking our lives every time we breathe. If that day comes, I think about our legacy. I love you and I don’t want our love to end when we die. I don’t want that forgotten. Once, my mother explained to me that having me and Octavia was the best thing that she ever did because there was nothing like knowing you were the parent of another human being.”

“The kind of unconditional love and hope… that was special to her and I never saw it because I never had met a woman that I loved. Then, I met you and you changed me on so many things. I think about it now and I would love to start a family with you one day. Even if it is not safe, we know that either of us could die at any given moment. I don’t want to think like that, but it could happen. I hope it doesn’t and I hope we grow old together, but I’m just thinking about us having a child. I think it would be an amazing thing. If you’re not on board, that’s okay. Like I said, I’m not saying it’s something we should do right this instance. I just want to think about it, is all.”
"I'm glad that you and Octavia were able to fix things between the two of you. I'm also glad that she's decided not to leave. For your sake and hers, and because if she had tried to leave and take that little girl with her, she'd have a fight on her hands, because I hate the idea of Laqueta only having her to depend on. It's not that I think Octavia would put her daughter in danger, it's just that if they left camp and something happened to Octavia, Laqueta would have no one to protect her and we'd never know it." She fell silent for a few minutes after speaking and just held her husband close.

"I love the idea of us having a family. A son or daughter, with your dark hair and dark eyes." She laughed softly. "If people think you're protective of me, Octavia, and Lequeta, I can just imagine how you'd never let our daughter out of your sight. Our son or daughter would be this perfect combination of the two of us, and the most special person in our lives. So no, I'm not against us having a family. It makes me happy to hear you bring it up, actually. Most men would rather be burned in acid a hundred times and then boiled alive, instead of having children."

"I'm relieved to know that you're not one of them. Although I kind of already knew that, given that you basically raised your sister, and how good you are with our niece. I can't wait to see you spoiling our own children. But I know, we have a lot to discuss about having a family and there's still plenty that we have to work out before it happens. But, I'm on board. And
I know my mother would be overjoyed at being a grandmother. Once she stopped screaming, or course.." Clarke said and then laughed. She kissed Bellamy's lips and then she ran her fingers through his hair. "The fact that we're talking about a future and planning for it, is nice."
People might have seen Bellamy smile before, but nothing like this. Arguably, the widest smile ever shown by a human being in the history of the world had spread on Bellamy’s face when Clarke agreed to starting a family with him at some point. No, he was not like most men that wanted to avoid children. After Clarke finished speaking, Bellamy pressed this huge, sloppy kiss onto her lips. His arms squeezed her tight against his chest and he was clearly excited about the idea. The young man just imagined a little girl running around their room with his dark hair, Clarke’s gorgeous eyes, and a mixture of their personality. Hell, as stubborn as her parents would be, he could only imagine their child’s stubbornness.

“Of course, I want to plan for the future. The only future I have is with you, Clarke. I wouldn’t want it any other way. If I could be with any woman that I wanted, I would want to be with you. You are the most beautiful, most intelligent, kindest, sweetest, and most perfect person I know. I love you more than I could ever explain in words alone. I want to be with you forever and I want our legacy to live on. This makes me so happy, Clarke. I do hope we get to have this chance one day and have a family together. I will never lose hope of that because you give me that hope every time I look into your eyes.”

Plus, the could talk to Abby about being a parent. She could offer advice and Octavia could, too. “Oh, I almost forgot. Octavia wants us to come by for dinner tonight if you’re feeling better. Speaking of that, how are you feeling this morning? Your mother wants to check on you when you’re awake so we could get dressed and head down there.” Bellamy explained and would not let Clarke skip out on the visit because even if she felt better, Abby still had to check on her for symptoms that might not be obvious.
"I'm okay," Clarke assured her husband. "I don't need a check-up. All I need is a nice, relaxing dinner with my family, without being poked and prodded." She insisted, definitely eager to get out of the check-up. It was different when she and her mother made the other's constantly have check-up's, as they didn't know what was best for them. But Clarke did. She knew her body, her limits, and she also had medical knowledge. "Yes, we'll go to dinner tonight with Octavia and the others." The blonde ran her fingers through her hair and yawned, before she got up.

"We should check in with Kane, see how he's feeling and what needs to be done today.." She said and then left the bed, walking over to the dresser and taking out some clean clothes to change into for the day. "I'm sure there's plenty that needs to be done, and we should make sure to take care of it so that it gets done." Clarke took off her shirt, and set it on top of the dresser. She put on a bra, fixed the straps and then slipped her new shirt on over it. A few moments later, she took off her pants and panties and switched into the clean ones, before taking the used clothes and putting them in a bag to wash that night.

Once that was done, Clarke walked back over to the bed and kissed her husband. "I know that you worry about me. You don't have to. I'm back home, safe and sound. And I just want to move on, okay? I don't want to dwell on what happened with Roan and his men in Ice Nation. It happened, but now it's over and there are more important things to worry about." She kissed his lips once more and gave her husband a small smile. "Now, get those lazy bones out of bed. We need to get moving." The blonde walked back over to the dresser and grabbed her brush, running it through her long hair, and pulling it up in a ponytail.
Alright.” Bellamy answered with a half-smile, trusting Clarke’s instincts. He followed his wife, stripping out of his dirty clothing before changing into a clean t-shirt, pair of underwear, jeans, and socks. Before leaving, he pulled the boots on over his socks and turned to Clarke, linking their hands together while they left. In medical when they checked on Kane, Abby was also there at the same time her daughter and son-in-law appeared. Of course, she worried over Clarke and insisted she take a couple blood samples for final tests. She was not taking “no” for an answer so Bellamy finally promised Clarke he would talk to Kane and tell her everything she said.

After Abby started with Clarke, Bellamy entered Kane’s area and talked to him. He was doing better and thanked Bellamy for saving his life. He was injured during one of the first blows but Bellamy kept him down and safe during the entire battle. He told the Chancellor about the news from Indra being killed to this new alliance they were trying to figure out. Of course, Kane liked the alliance idea. He thought it would make them all infinitely stronger and he believed they could work together and get rid of Ice Nation once and for all. It might be much easier said than done, but they could work this out. All Kane wanted for Bellamy and Clarke to do today was talk to Nyko since Octavia talked to him last night.

They needed to figure out this whole pace idea before doing anything else. Others were already repairing the walls. Bidding Kane goodbye, he returned to Clarke and her mother. Abby just returned and said the tests showed Clarke was all clear and she no longer needed any medical attention for her injuries. That was great news. When the couple left the medical ward, Bellamy explained to Clarke about his meeting with Kane, so they should head to Nyko’s room immediately. Through the Ark they walked and stopped outside the door. Bellamy knocked on the room Nyko was given as he waited for an answer. “Nyko. This is Bellamy and Clarke. We’d like to talk with you.”
They were speaking in Trigedasleng when the knock on the door sounded. Nyko moved to open the door, stepping back so that Bellamy and Clarke could enter the room and join him, Octavia and Laqueta. "Have a seat," He told the couple and then motioned around the room for them to chose. "What can I do for you?" Nyko asked easily, once the couple were seated together and he had closed the door to the room behind them. He walked over to his bed and resumed packing things into a bag, like he had been doing before the couple showed up.

He packed medication, clothes, a little bit of food, and plenty of handmade weapons into the bag, and once it was full to brimming, the man turned back to them and joined all four
of them. Nyko took a seat beside Octavia, and spoke softly in Trigedasleng to Laqueta who had started getting fussy. After a few minutes of him speaking, the baby girl quieted and seemed to relax once more. He looked at Bellamy and Clarke, and smiled at them. "If you're here to discuss an alliance, then my answer is yes. I want nothing more than for all of
our people to be allies."

"I want all of us to be able to trust each other, and the only way to do that, is by living among each other. I'm not saying that I want Trikru to take over Arkadia. I would never suggest that, it's much too dangerous and would cause unwanted and unneeded problems between everyone. I'm proposing that we clear out some land nearby and create a new village there. This way we're not all tripping over each other." A moment later, he motioned to Octavia. "We've been discussing the best way to approach starting training sessions between both of
our people."

"Our fighters in Trikru have many years of training and battle experience, as I'm sure you well know. Given everything that Lincoln was able to teach Octavia in just a few months. And then what Indra was able to add onto her learning and also teach her within a few months. I'm not saying you need to make your people learn this, but bullets eventually run out. And instead of being stuck with no way for your people to defend themselves, if they learned to fight, they would still be able to protect themselves, weapon or no weapon."
Bellamy entered the room with Clarke by his side. Together, they sat down at the table and listened intently to Nyko when he started talking. Thankfully, the Grounder agreed that the alliance was necessary. With the other Trikru leaders dead, Nyko was now in charge. Bellamy liked that he was level headed and rational, something not all Trikru leaders have been. Nyko wanted peace and they all wanted to end Ice Nation once and for all. It was helpful when Nyko suggested they clear out a place nearby to build a new village instead of the Grounders joining Arkadia.

It would likely function better than the first idea that was suggested. Arkadia still might be uncomfortable with a village of Grounders on their doorstep, but it was considerably better than forcing their people to live alongside Grounders when they did not want it. The last thing they needed to risk was finding their own people going rogue and attacking Grounders when they had an alliance. Skaikru was less disciplined than Trikru. Trikru would always listen to their commander but Skaikru would always follow against their leader if it was necessary. That was the main difference between both groups.

“I think that’s great, Nyko. All clans much work together to defeat Ice Nation. After Ice Nation is destroyed, we can finally have total peace and work on surviving together. We’ll make sure that everyone is on board with this. Even if they are not, they will be. We can help you clear out your new village but we have to deal with Ice Nation first.” Bellamy pointed out as it was pointless to build anything new while they were still being threatened. The male spoke this and turned to Clarke, wondering if she had anything else to say about the situation.
Once she had checked Clarke out and run the blood tests she had wanted to run on her daughter, Abby returned to Kane's side. She brushed his hair out of his face and smiled sweetly at him. "How are you feeling, Marcus?" The words were spoken softly, sweetly. They were spoken in a way that meant she wasn't asking just because she was a medical professional, but as someone who genuinely cared for him. The blonde gently poked and prodded at Kane's injury, wiping and cleaning it. Checking it for infection and nodding in satisfaction when there was none.

"I know it might not seem like it right now, but your wound isn't that bad. In a day or two, you'll start to feel better. In a few days, it'll be fully healed. I'm glad that Bellamy was able to get you here when he did. I don't want to think about what might or would have happened if he had been pinned down and unable to get to you. So now, all you need to do is try to relax, and focus on getting better. The kids will handle anything or anyone that needs looking after." After she spoke, Abby gave Kane a small smile and then leaned in and pressed a light kiss to his lips. The first kiss they had ever shared. They had been circling each other for a long time. Only since they had gotten to Earth, had the two of them spent more and more time together outside of a medial or council setting.

Clarke waited until she was sure that Nyko and Bellamy were both finished speaking, before she started to speak. "The only part I disagree with, is holding off on building the new village. I think we should have that started as soon as possible. I know that it'll take some time, but the sooner we have everyone moved over here, the better I know I'll feel. This
way, we're all here and we're all available if we have an 'all hands on deck' situation arise. My first thought was initially suggest that we separate Trikru in half, so that half the clan remains at the old village, taking care of anything that needs to be done, talking the rest into what's going to happen. And the other half, would be here starting to work on the new village."

"But then I realized that it wouldn't be a good idea to separate Trikru and leave it with only half of it's people and barely any warrior's to defend them. So, that's out of the question.
I think the best thing to do, is find any of our people who are open to working with Trikru, to sit down with you, Nyko, and start planning the new village and then start construction.
It wouldn't be more than 15 minutes away and if anything happened, they wouldn't be far from Arkadia. I just don't think it's wise to hold off. Oh, and like Nyko and Octavia were discussing, I think that a combined training session is a good idea."

"Obviously, we wouldn't force anyone to participate. But we would stress the importance of it, and I know that Octavia, possibly Harper, and I would be interested in being part of the training session. Harper's a natural with a gun, and Octavia's a natural with a sword. So, if we can get both of them proper training together, and they picked up the other's skills, that would be great. As for myself, I need more training with a gun, and full training with a sword. And anyone else who wants to learn, is more than welcome to do so."
Listening to Clarke speak changed Nyko’s mind. Bellamy had his wife’s back as well. It became easy to convince Nyko that they should start building the village immediately with as many available hands. A training session for everyone was also in order. “I will leave you two with discussing exactly how you want to work out the training session. I’m going to gather everyone in the center of Arkadia so I can tell them our plan.” They needed to see how many people were willing to help. Over the past few months of being on the ground, many of Skaikru’s members were more open to having Trikru around. Still, the majority were vehemently opposed to having Grounders anywhere close. Nyko was even watched closely each day.

Bellamy exited the room, trusting Clarke knew what she was doing here with Nyko. Together, they could set up the training station blueprint while Bellamy called everyone to battle. He was a great speaker and they got two major items checked off their checklist. Bellamy spread word around camp that he needed everyone in the center within about twenty minutes. The male also stopped by to see Octavia to tell her directly about their plan. He knew she would be willing to help, but he politely asked her not to speak when he started talking. So many people outed Octavia since she slept with Lincoln and had a child with a Grounder. Not many citizens saw Octavia as their own.

When everyone joined, Bellamy began speaking. “I know most of you are apprehensive of the Grounders. I want to change your mind. Time after time, we have helped each other. Trikru is not Ice Nation. The only Grounders we have an issue with are from Ice Nation. Trikru are allies, they are friends. That’s why they will build a village close to Arkadia. It might be twenty minutes away at the most. This way, when Ice Nation attacks again, we will all be more readily able to deal with the threat. We cannot win this battle without them. We cannot survive without them. The leaders will keep their people in check. We will keep you in check. You are not to threaten, harm, or act like a dick to any Trikru member, basically. We have to come together if we are going to survive and are going to live. We’ll need everyone able and willing to help construct the village. We will also train together. If we can convince them, they will learn to use guns and some of you that don’t know how to use guns will be taught. We’ll train everyone with sword fighting and other bladed weapons they use. Please do not do anything to upset the balance. You don’t understand how important this is for all of us. We will keep this truce. Any problems should be directed to Chancellor Kane or anyone else of a leadership position. I hope I’ve made myself clear.”
Clarke and Nyko had started mapping out a rough sketch of what the new village was going to look like. The blonde had drawn up tons of plans as they discussed placement, how many homes to make. How far apart each home should be from the other. They also discussed the need to put the Grounders in real houses, not huts made from sticks. They also spoke about having teams working on the houses, as it would be best to rotate out people so no one overworked themselves. The two of them finished talking about the upcoming village and then moved onto discussing the upcoming training session, which they hoped would be a success and something they could do regularly.

5 hours later, after lots of discussions and planning, Clarke thanked Nyko for meeting with her, and she left his room to let him rest before he left to go to TonDC. The blonde carried
with her the blueprints she had worked on with Nyko, and the plans for possible upcoming training sessions, if the first one went as well as they hoped it would. She got back to her
and Bellamy's room and sat down on the floor a few moments later. She spread out all of the plans on the floor in front of her, and started picking apart any issues that might arise.

She knew that Bellamy was busy, and figured it would be best to stay out of the way while he did what he needed to do. Once her husband was finished, he knew to find her in their room. He always knew where to find her, even if she wasn't in their room. Bellamy just knew her that well. Clarke's hair had fallen out of the ponytail she had put it up in earlier,
and she pushed her hair out of her face as she continued to go over the blueprints. In a little while, she planned to go and check on Octavia and Laqueta, and see if she and Bellamy
could steal their niece for a bit.

A sweet smile and the sound of the little girl's laughter, was just what she and Bellamy needed to cheer them up. Clarke didn't know how long she had been sitting on the floor working
on and improving the blueprints, but eventually the door opened and her husband walked in, and she smiled at him. "Did you spread the word around camp about our plans?" The blonde asked, right before she reached out for one of her husband's hands and pulled him down to the floor with her, kissing his lips. A few moments later, she slipped her arms around his waist and pulled him close.
Things did not go as planned. Bellamy thought the majority of their people would vehemently oppose the idea of working with Trikru. Well, most of their people were against the idea. They were hardly happy with just one Grounder living inside of Arkadia but the idea of having so many of those people that were not like them living fifteen minutes away was unsettling. They hated this idea and not many people were interested in helping. However, everything was not all bleak. Bellamy had recruited two, almost three dozen people that volunteered to help build the village and even help with training.

With those numbers, Bellamy was sure everything could grow. Finally, he decided to dismiss everyone. His job here was done. Hopefully they could start working soon. The male left the general area of Arkadia and went back to where his room with Clarke was. He hoped she had gotten everything worked out with Nyko. He spent the next few hours after his speech answering questions and calming fears. Once he entered the room, he was greeted with a smile, a hug, and a kiss. He returned everything, holding her tight as he joined her on the ground, sitting there and holding her hand in his lap.

“Well, it went better than expected. You had your typical idiots that were against the idea. Ice nation is the same as Trikru to most. They don’t want to have enemies close. At least, they see them as enemies. We can work on changing their minds but we have about three dozen people that will help.” Bellamy assured Clarke and gave her a kiss on her lips, hugging her against his chest. “How about you and Nyko? Do we have something set up for our training?” Bellamy asked softly, squeezing her hand as he kissed the back of her hand.
"Well, that went as well as could be expected. With the failed tries at alliances in the past, some of our people are bound to be skeptical and some just plain don't like or fear the Grounders. Three dozen? That's amazing. Honestly, that's way more than I thought we'd get. It helps that you're on our side trying to get everyone to get along. I know most of the
others still listen to you. And they listen to you even more now that we've been running things for a while. It also helps that you saved Kane's life. And since my mother's not going
to say it, I will."

"Thank you for saving Kane's life. Not just because he's our Chancellor, but also because he and my mother have been circling each other romantically for years, and maybe now something can finally happen between them. I want her to be happy, and if Kane does that for her, then I want that for her." A few moments later, Clarke kissed her husband's lips
once more and then set down the pencil and color pencils she had been using, pulled off the wrapping around her broken wrist to check the damage. As she did that, the blonde
continued to speak.

"It's all right here," She said and motioned to all the blueprints that were spread out all over the floor of their room. "Nyko and I spent 5 hours planning the new village and discussing strategies." Clarke said absently, as she examined her wrist and poked and prodded at it with her other hand, wincing and then putting the wrapping back on it. "And once I left Nyko's room, I came in here and started going through all the plans again and looking for errors or inconsistencies." Once her wrist was re-wrapped once more, Clarke grabbed all the plans,
rolled them up and put them aside.

"I was thinking, now that everyone else is taken care of for the day, maybe we get some us time." The blonde pushed her husband onto his back on the floor, her body on top of his as she lowered her head, her lips brushing sweetly against his, as she clasped both of his hands in hers. "I was also thinking that after we have some us time, we could steal Laqueta for a few hours so we can spend time with her. And your sister can rest or do anything she needs to do, and know that her daughter's safe with us."

At the gates in front of Arkadia, a lone young girl stood there. She had walked a long way, coming first from Ice Nation, and then from her village where there was nothing left of it but ashes, and the few people who had made it out alive. The girl dropped to her knees in front of the gates, as weapons were pointed at her, as the gates opened. Her clothes were ripped and dirty, her body was streaked with mud and covered in bruises, along with a bloody wound on her leg. The girl cried as she spoke to the men in front of the gate in Trigedasleng.

Raelyn, known to her friends and family as Rae, tried to communicate to the men in front of her, but none of them understood what she was trying to say. The 10 year old's English
was choppy at best. And the most she was able to get out was her sister-in-law's name. "Octavia kom Skaikru." Within moments of uttering the words, the girl's eyes rolled in the
back of her head, and she passed out right then and there in front of the gates.
The smile started growing on Bellamy’s face when Clarke spoke about her mother and Chancellor Marcus Kane. Ever since the Ark landed, he noticed a connection between Clarke’s mother and Kane. They appeared to make one another happy. That was all someone could hope for in this life. Besides, Bellamy cared for his mother-in-law, wanting happiness for the older woman just like Clarke wanted for her. His lips were met with a soft embrace against Clarke’s when she thanked him. “No thanks is needed. I just did what anyone would do.” He assured her, watching the blonde unwrap her broken wrist.

His brown eyes stayed on her damaged wrist for a moment before shifting focus onto the blueprints. Great progress was made today and Bellamy thought they should feel proud. He figured they were looking through the plans together now, but Clarke had something else in mind. “Us time”, as she called it. That sounded lovely. Before she pushed him onto the floor, Bellamy rolled the blueprints up neatly and placed it underneath the bed so it was out of sight and out of mind. It was sometimes difficult to keep in mind they needed to move away from real life every now and again. Sometimes, they just needed time alone and time together, forgetting about their problems.

He returned her kiss, letting his hands both rest in the small of her back until she grabbed his hands. “Mmm… I think that’s a wonderful idea. When Octavia is done, we can all eat that dinner together tonight she talked about.” Bellamy added, offering his wife a charming smile. “You know, I’m still not used to calling you my wife. I love it, but it still seems so surreal. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you. I don’t think I do deserve you, but I am happy that you’re mine. No matter what happens these next few days, weeks, months, or years, even, I never want us to lose sight of each other.”

Bellamy started kissing her again, sliding his tongue along her lips. “I always want us to make time each day, even if it’s just for a couple minutes to hold each other, say that we love each other, and have time to relax. Even if we are arguing about something, I think we need this time. My love for you and our marriage is infinitely more important than anything else.” He promised her as he stood, holding her in his arms before dropping her lightly onto the bed, hoping not to hurt her.
Clarke bounced on the bed a little, when her husband dropped her down onto it. "I know what you mean. Every time I think of you and the word husband, I still have trouble fathoming it," She said and laughed. "I mean, I know that we're not kids anymore. We haven't been for a long time. It's just, saying or hearing the word husband and knowing that it applies to
you, in relation to me, is still something I'm getting used to. But I love that we're married and I don't want you to ever think that I'm not happy, because I am. We might disagree, and
we might fight or argue, but that won't change my feelings for you."

She smiled when Bellamy joined her on the bed a few moments later. The blonde eagerly pulled at her husband's clothes, wanting to see and touch his naked body. Clarke was in complete lust with her husband, and wasn't the least bit ashamed. She loved him more than anything, but her lust for him was also through the roof. Any chance she got to touch
him, the blonde did. She laid her body on top of his, kissing Bellamy's lips and grinding their crotches together, a smirk on her lips. Clarke glanced out the window and saw that it
was starting to get dark. "Should we go ahead, or wait?"

Later that night around dinner time, Octavia was able to convince Raelyn to join her, for dinner with her family. The young girl was family, too, as she was Lincoln's younger sister. Not
in the way that Nyko was Lincoln's brother, but really just his best friend. Raelyn was Lincoln's biological sister, and they had spent the last few hours in medical with Abby, getting the girl's leg treated and Octavia had given the 10 year old the sad news about her brother dying. The girl had cried, and so the brunette had taken Rae into her arms, hugging her close while Abby held Laqueta, and she just let the girl cry out her grief.

Octavia had one arm wrapped comfortingly around Raelyn's shoulders, as her sister-in-law held Laqueta, and the two of them spoke quietly in Trigedasleng, as they went to get some food. The young girl's leg was treated and wrapped from her wound from earlier, and after they got their food, the two sat down side-by-side and continued to speak, as they ate and played with Laqueta. It was nice to have someone else around who loved Laqueta and was related to her. They didn't know each other very well, because Raelyn had gotten kidnapped
on a hunting trip over a year ago.

Everyone had thought she was dead, including Lincoln. They'd found no body, and no trace of her. The hunting group from Trikru she had been with, and gotten separated because of an attack from Ice Nation, and they'd taken her there and forced her to be a slave to Roan and his army. But that was over now, and Octavia planned on making sure that the younger girl remained with her.
Bellamy and Clarke’s sex drive was insatiable. Ever since becoming a couple, that much was evident. Neither could ever tire of the other. The dark-haired male found himself on the bed, flat on his back. A weight and pressure settled onto his physique. Electricity coursed through his entire body much like it did whenever Clarke touched him. During the kiss, there was a tingling on his lips. The power of love brought hope in hopeless times. It kept every day bright even when situations looked bleak. This moment was special. A man and a woman loved each other despite the odds stacked against them. Facing a war with Ice Nation, this man and woman still found time for cuddling, kissing, and reminding one another about their love.

“We should go now. Our fun can reconvene later.” A smirk splayed across his lips while looking in Clarke’s crystal clear eyes. Wrapping both arms around the blonde, Bellamy squeezed his wife tightly against his chest before releasing a pleasured sigh. “I love you, so much. I doubt this wardrobe is appropriate. We should find something to wear.” Chuckling lowly, Bellamy nuzzled his nose against Clarke’s cheek before planting one more kiss on the corner of her lips. Playfully, he grabbed a couple handfuls of her ass. He squeezed the flesh with a tight grip until the fingerprints showed on her skin.

Rolling out from underneath the lady, Bellamy stood from the bed and approached the closet. First, he grabbed a pair of cotton-knit, dark blue boxers, a pair of blue jeans, a white undershirt, dark blue socks, black boots, and a gray, collared t-shirt. Once dressed, Bellamy walked into the bathroom and combed his messy hair. It had been a while since his hair was cut. “Clarke, do you think I should get my hair cut? Or do you like it curly and messy?” Without a preference, he sought out Clarke for any ideas. Besides, the only objective with his physical appearance was pleasing Clarke anyways.

The married couple joined hands and linked fingers before exiting their room. Octavia’s room was a couple doors down the hallway on the adjacent side of the wall. Standing outside, Bellamy knocked three times on Octavia’s door. “Octavia, it is Bellamy and Clarke!” The young man called out from behind the door. When it opened and they entered inside, Bellamy broke Clarke’s grasp and greeted his sister with a hug. Brown eyes traveling to the other female in the room, the dark-haired man knew her as Raelyn, Lincoln’s sister.

They met briefly before when she was rescued and brought into Arkadia for medical treatment. He doubted the young girl remembered him, though. “You must be Raelyn. I’m Bellamy and this is my wife, Clarke. I’m Octavia’s older brother.” With a sweet smile, he reached down to shake the girl’s hand lightly. It made him think about a future with Clarke, having a little one of their own. It seemed like he was a natural with children because Raelyn smiled at him, something she must not have done much of the past year. Standing back up, Bellamy pressed a chaste kiss onto Octavia’s forehead. “What’s for dinner?” The male teased, linking hands with Clarke again.
"Beef stew," Octavia answered and smiled at the kiss on the forehead Bellamy had given her after he greeted Raelyn. The young girl started speaking rapidly, and the brunette nodded as she listened and then replied back, before looking at her brother and Clarke. "Raelyn's English is choppy. She knows a little, but she sometimes gets the word placement confused." The young woman explained to her brother and sister-in-law. Octavia looked back at the younger girl, and then pointed to Bellamy beside her.. saying the Grounder word for brother. When Raelyn nodded, the young woman was glad the 10 year old had understood.

Raelyn looked at her sister-in-law, and gently handed Laqueta back to her, after pressing a gentle kiss on top of the baby girl's head. Then she looked at the male that Octavia had said was her brother and said in choppy, broken English: "Gobye, to meet you." She made a face, feeling like the words had come out wrong, and after checking with her sister-in-law again and having the woman explain it, she tried again. "Please to met you." Beaming when Octavia said that she was doing better but that they would work on it. Next, she smiled at the woman next to the male and tried to greet her, too. "How you?"

Clarke smiled as she watched Bellamy, Octavia and Raelyn interact. A smile was on her lips, as she watched her husband being kind to Lincoln's sister. They didn't know anything about the girl, except that she was 10 years old, Lincoln's sister, and had been trapped in Ice Nation for over a year, leaving everyone to think she was dead. After all of the others spoke, she stepped towards the young girl and gave her a kind smile. "I'm Clarke," She said softly. "And if you ever need anything, you just come and find me or Bellamy and we'll help you, okay?"

She knew that Raelyn probably hadn't understood what she'd said, so the blonde waited until Octavia had translated, and was surprised but pleased, when the young girl threw herself into Clarke's arms, hugging her tightly. Not sure what else to do, the blonde gently hugged the younger girl back for several moments, and then released her. She asked Octavia to tell Raelyn that they were all going to dinner together and ask if she wanted to come along. Several minutes later, after an agreement, they all left Octavia's room and went to have dinner together.

Clarke was now holding Laqueta and making funny faces and noises at the baby girl. Gently tickling her and kissing the baby's cheeks. She cuddled her niece close, holding the baby against her chest as they sat at the table several minutes later. "I swear, every time I get my hands on Laqueta, I never wanna let her go.." The blonde told her husband and sister-in-law.
Raelyn’s difficulty with the English language was expected. Still, the young girl seemed happy compared to anyone that had been hostage for over a year. If Ice Nation did such damage in only a few days to Clarke, Bellamy could only imagine the toils Raelyn faced in one full year. Before Clarke carried Laqueta, Bellamy held his niece and acted the same way his wife did. It felt fulfilling to make weird faces and noises at the baby before hearing her clear, innocent laugh. When he relinquished control to Clarke, Bellamy turned his attention back onto Clarke and smiled slightly at his wife when she talked about never wanting to let her go.

“I believe that. I know I would feel the same way about a child of our own.” It was no secret that Bellamy and Clarke wanted a family. “I see the way Laqueta lights up your world and I just look forward to whenever Clarke and I get the chance to have a little one of our own.” Bellamy whispered, a hand on Clarke’s shoulder. Not too long ago, the male feared that Clarke would not want to have a child with him. Those doubts had been quelled when her assurances were given.

Within minutes, they reached the dining area and picked a table. “I will grab our food. You ladies just stay comfortable.” Bellamy stood in line at the dining area and placed the order for the trays of food he needed. Tonight’s menu was beef stew, sliced fruit, a piece of bread with each meal. The first two trays were brought for Clarke and Octavia. During his second trip, Bellamy grabbed a tray for Raelyn and himself. Taking a seat beside Clarke, Bellamy’s eyes traveled to Octavia for mental notes about feeding a child if she was giving Laqueta anything right now.

Digging into the food, Bellamy tasted the beef stew. It was warm and the meat was tender: it was perfect. With small bites, he savored the food and enjoyed the company of these important people in his life. For these people, he would do anything and fight any battle. That was why the war against Ice Nation could not be lost. While eating, Bellamy could not help but rest his hand against Clarke’s knee. Some touch, even the slightest touch, was necessary whenever possible. Because of everything they had gone through since day one, Bellamy never took time with Clarke for granted.

“Octavia, what are your plans for tomorrow? Does your training start? Or are you helping with constructing the village? I will be bouncing around. I am training with the weapons and building the new village.” Bellamy commented, figuring he should also learn how to fight with Trikru weapons and strategies.
Octavia looked up when her brother asked about her day for tomorrow. "Construction starts at 4am. I'll be with the others putting the village together until 2pm. From 2:30PM to 10:30PM that's when I'll be doing weapons and fighting training, with anyone who wants to join. I'll be showing some of the Trikri fighting styles for a few hours, followed by some weapon training with swords, knives, brass knuckles, and our shock baton, followed by self-defense training for women that want to learn. Once these have been learned in a few weeks, I'll bring you and Jasper in, to start training everyone with the guns."

"Nyko will be with me tomorrow, so we need Clarke to remain in medical with Abby and Jackson for most of the day, as Nyko will be helping me with the training. Raven's going to be working on doubling the voltage on the front gates, in preparation for another attack from Ice Nation. Jasper will also be with me and Nyko, working with a group and training with the guns. Harper and Monty will be leading another small group in self-defense lessons for women. Murphy and some of the others will be on the gate keeping watch and you need to be there with them. I'm going to have Raelyn take the women's self-defense lessons for a few hours, but she's going to be with Laqueta for most of the day."
“It sounds like a great plan. Tomorrow, I will take turns keeping watch. When I’m not on the fence, I’ll help with the construction. I will join you for the Trikru weapons and close quarters combat training at one point. I am interested in learning about swords, spears, and other techniques I’ve seen you use. It looks pretty badass.” Besides, not every battle was long distance. Not every encounter afforded the chance to use a gun. If these people learned about guns, swords, and other similar weapons, they could create a deadly force. Ice nation only knew one method of fighting. Something popped in his mind that could represent some trouble: a problem they should encounter.

“Octavia, do you know how many of Trikru’s people are going to learn about guns? You know how they believe.” The Grounder belief system held that any Grounder that picked up a gun would die and lose their soul immediately. How were they convincing Trikru any different? “We have tried to teach them before, but they have denied our help every single time. Have you made any progress with changing their opinions?” The young man asked his sister before sipping on the bottle of water beside of his tray.
"All of them are going to be learning to use guns," Octavia told her brother. "I had a very long and serious discussion with Nyko about the need for it and he agrees. We're going to talk
to the others and assure them that they're not going to die and lose their soul from touching a gun. Nyko has agreed to train with you or Jasper, in front of the others, using the guns,
to show them that the superstition isn't true." She held Laqueta carefully against her chest with one arm/hand, and used the other to cut up some of the fruit to feed it to her daughter.

Bringing the cut up piece of banana to her daughter's lips, she smiled as the baby girl happily chowed down on the food, immediately opening her mouth for more. As she continued to feed Laqueta, she glanced over at Raelyn, who was quietly eating and watching herself, Bellamy and Clarke. Octavia spoke to the young girl, asking her if everything was okay, and after a short conversation, she nodded and looked back at Clarke and Bellamy. "Who should I talk to about getting a bed for Raelyn?" The young woman asked them. "She's going to stay with me and Laqueta in my room. It'll be safer for her, so that Murphy or some of the others don't try and start problems."
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