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RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

Clarke smiled and snuggled into Bellamy's arms, after checking his leg and changing out his bandages. She laughed softly when he kissed her forehead a few times, unable to stop grinning at his playful attitude. Happy to kiss him, when his lips finally met hers. Their foreheads touched, and the blonde found that she couldn't stop smiling. She laughed at his
words. "It's just too bad about that uniform," she teased him. Nodding when he said he wouldn't complain. "Good. I wouldn't want to have to torture you by getting up and putting
some clothes on." She watched Bellamy roll on his side and lock their legs together. Just enjoying the contact. "Sounds like a plan. I'm gonna doze. Wake me in 15 mins," Clarke
said and kissed Bellamy once more, before closing her eyes.
When Clarke closed her eyes, Bellamy started stroking his fingers through her long, blonde locks. His fingers crawled through her hair from the scalp all the way down to the end. It was a slow, rhythmic stroking motion meant to soothe Clarke and calm her so she could rest easily and enjoy her nap. Bellamy did not intend on taking a nap himself despite the alarm being set. Instead, he wanted to enjoy the beauty of feeling Clarke’s body against his, seeing her figure pressed against his chest while she rested. Even when she was asleep and he could tell by her breathing that she was asleep, Bellamy proceeded to play with her hair as it also soothed him, finding a certain peace that he never felt before. One minute before the alarm, he turned it off so Clarke was not woken by a loud buzzing noise. Instead, one minute later, he pressed a kiss to her lips, figuring that was a better wake-up call.
Clarke was more than happy to be woken by a kiss from her husband, instead of some stupid alarm. Right after his lips moved against hers, blue eyes opened and she happily kissed him back. Her own lips moved against Bellamy's, teasing and tasting him with her lips and tongue. The blonde pressed her body tight against his. After several minutes, she finally broke their kiss. The girl pushed her husband back onto the bed and moved down his body. Her mouth captured his cock and once the flesh was between her lips, she slowly and gently worked her mouth with it.

Her hair fell over her like a blonde sheet, blocking Bellamy's cock and the sight of her working him over, from his view. She flicked her tongue across the slit, and licked one side of his cock. Moments later, letting it slip from her mouth. Moving her head lower, the girl took one of her husband's balls into her mouth and sucked on it teasingly. She lifted one hand to fondle the other, and used her other hand to stroke his cock while she tasted and played with his balls. Wanting to make him feel good. Clarke enjoyed the taste of her husband on her lips, on her tongue.
Well, Clarke certainly knew how to make her husband feel good. He did not anticipate what she was planning and it took him by surprise, but that was not a complaint at all. The male watched his wife crawl down the bed until she reached his cock, using her mouth to pleasure him, feeling her lips and hand all over him before he was taken into her mouth. Bellamy moaned but not as loud as he did when she sucked on one of his balls. That was the most sensitive area on his crotch right now and it made Bellamy buck forward.

Once his cock was nice and hard, he sat upright and wanted to make Clarke feel good, too. He figured the more they teased each other before playing and before he suggested his idea, the better. This time, Bellamy forced Clarke down onto her back and found his way in between her legs. His tongue immediately dove inside of her pussy, massaging the inner part of her walls as deep as possible, letting two fingers press onto her clitoris, rubbing slow, clockwise circles on the girl’s mound. He felt her wetness growing already and that was exactly what he wanted, hoping that Clarke was ready for his kinky, fun idea.
Clarke was putty in her husband's hands. She loved making Bellamy feel good, and when he returned the favor and used his mouth and fingers on her, the blonde gripped his hair, tugging on it as he pleasured her. It didn't take her long to come, her juices filling his mouth and her body collapsing on the bed next to Bellamy's. "Try not to wear me out too much," The blonde said, though she was grinning as she said it. "We still have things to take care of tomorrow," She reminded him. A smirk came over her as Clarke looked into his eyes. "You're planning something. What is it?" She asked curiously.

The blonde laid back in the bed and watched Bellamy. "You know that for the most part I won't say no to anything that you want to do. Only on the rare occasion do I have trouble going along with anything you suggest. So, just tell me what you want to do and we'll discuss it. There's always a good chance that I'll do whatever it is that you want. As you know, I'm pretty flexible. And you can take that however you want..." Clarke said and then she smirked at him. She ran the fingers of one of her hands through her long hair. "Oh. There's something I wanted to ask you. This is probably not the time to bring it up, but I want to have an idea of what tomorrow's going to look like. Who all are we bringing with us to Ice Nation? Because honestly? I'm 100% sure that your sister thinks she's going. If she hasn't left already."
Not wanting to talk about this right now, Bellamy shook his head though he decided to give Clarke exactly what she wanted and get it out of the way. “I would rather not bring Octavia because she said Ice Nation killed Lincoln. We can’t let her be a loose canon. You know how she is.” Thinking about who he wanted, he ended up naming about six others that were good with weapons but level-headed when needed. That was their best bet. They had to leave the ones with temper behind because they did not want to get into an aggressive battled. That was not what anyone wanted. With that thought in mind, Bellamy talked everything out with Clarke and when they decided on everyone that was going with them, he was happy to finish that conversation and talk about what he wanted.

“Now, about what I was planning. Here’s what I have in mind Clarke. I want us to stay nude but I want you to pretend to resist me. I’m going to tie you up. Try and resist me but not too much. I know you’re a figher but I’d love it if you just struggled and beg to be let go instead of full out punching and kicking at me. I want you to be the damsel in distress. I’m the bad guy that has kidnapped you, who wants to tie you up and fuck you. You’re going to try and get free. It’s a power play.” He spoke, explaining what he wanted. “What do you think? It’ll be so fun. And it will be hot. Especially when the gag is in your mouth and you can call for help and nobody will hear you.”
Clarke nodded as she listened to what her husband had to say. Knowing that it was what was best for Octavia, and for everyone if the other girl stayed behind while they tried to broker peace with the other clan. Sure, her sister-in-law was working through her grief, but it would be a long time, if ever, before the girl was back to her happy self. Once they had finished talking about Octavia and Ice Nation, Bellamy turned the conversation back to sex, and specifically what he had in mind for them to try next. The blonde nodded once more, knowing
that she would go along with just about anything he suggested.

She got up from the bed a few moments later and walked over to their closet. The girl pulled out a box of homemade sex toys that she and Bellamy had made over the last few weeks, and had kept hidden at the top of the closet, so that it wouldn't be found by anyone who entered their room. Clarke set the box down on the bedside table and took out a gag, handcuffs, a blindfold, nipple clamps, and flogger. She picked up the items and carried them over to the bed and set them down before her husband, and waited. The blonde moved to sit on the bed, the plan to let Bellamy start with whatever he wanted to do to her.
Delving deeper inside his dark, kinky mind, Bellamy explained exactly what he wanted. “Clarke, pretend you’re asleep. Wait until I climb onto the bed and cover your mouth with my hand. We’ll role-play like I’ve broken into your house, found you nude on the bed and started fighting to tie you up and gag you. The gag is going in first. Don’t resist too long. We need the gag to keep you quiet and you know how much I love it. Once I gag you, though, I want you to fight back as much as you can. Make me overpower you. Thank you for doing this, Princess. I love you so much. I’m getting hard already.” If his words were not enough proof, then the sensation of that thick member pressing against Clarke’s rear should serve as concrete confirmation.

Pulling the box into the floor, making room, Bellamy pressed a sweet kiss onto Clarke’s lips. They toys were left on the bed for convenience, however, Bellamy snagged the ball gag and brought it with him, moving into the corner of the room. It might be corny but he wanted to play this out realistically and start with him entering the room. Winking at Clarke from the corner, he signaled for her to lie down, turn her back from him, and close her eyes. Now, she was not exactly his wife, but an unsuspecting girl that was resting peacefully until a man with evil intentions broke into her house and sexually assaulted her. This was going to be fun.
Clarke nodded when Bellamy began to lay out what he wanted to happen. She laid down on the bed on her side, with her back facing the door and her husband. Though for the time being, he wasn't her husband, but an intruder, intent on having his way with her. The blonde relaxed her body and closed her eyes, pretending that she had fallen asleep. She more
felt his presence behind her, than heard Bellamy approaching the bed where she lay and pretended to sleep. The blonde made herself stay completely still as he got onto the bed and slipped hand over her mouth.

She struggled a little, but not much and once he had slipped the gag on her, she fought back using all of her strength. Her husband was stronger than her, but she still had a few tricks
up her sleeves. Clarke kicked a leg out and at Bellamy, knowing that it would catch him off guard and she used the distraction to make like she was trying to get away from the man
who had broken into her house while she was asleep. The blonde scrambled off of the bed and once her feet hit the floor, she tried to make a break for the door, really getting into the game.

Clarke had to force back a smirk when Bellamy caught her and practically dragged her fighting, back to the bed.
“Where the hell are you going?” Bellamy hissed with a smirk. There was something so fucking hot about Clarke Griffin being nude, save for a ball gag in her mouth, while she tried to escape him. Anything she said would be muffled and incoherent but that was exactly what Bellamy wanted. Though his wife put up an amazing fight, he forced her back onto the bed, pinning her down with his hands wrapped around her wrists, pinning her arms down onto the mattress above her head. God, this was sexy and Bellamy’s cock was rock hard already without even being touched once. It showed how much he loved this and how much he loved Clarke.

Wanting to show off his strength, Bellamy crossed her wrists together and used one hand to pin both her arms down. With his free hand, Bellamy found a collar nearby. It was difficult and his hand turned at awkward angles, but he finally latched the collar onto Clarke’s neck. It looked perfect. Now Clarke was pinned down underneath his body, ball gagged, and collared. Wanting to tease her and have more fun with the blonde, Bellamy rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit repeatedly, moaning out lowly as he focused on torturing her first before doing anything major. After a few seconds, he pulled back from Clarke, forcing her onto her stomach and attempted to cuff her hands behind her back.
Clarke struggled against her husband, to keep one of her hands free. She used the nails of her free hand to scratch a message into the wall. The blonde still struggled against Bellamy, not giving in, wanting to keep him distracted as she scratched the message she wanted into the wall. It only took a few minutes, as she kept him distracted by fighting and by mumbling through the gag in her mouth. Once she was done, Clarke bucked her body back against Bellamy's to get his attention, and she motioned her head in the direction of the wall where her message was.

Clarke Blake

They hadn't discussed last names with each other. But she hoped that he was okay with her wanting to take his. The blonde knew it was going to surprise her husband that she had suddenly brought it up, but that was fine. Now that Clarke had said what she needed to say, she relaxed her free arm and slipped her hand back near Bellamy so that he could fully restrain her now. She was ready to return to their game, now that her husband knew what had been on her mind lately. He cuffed her free hand behind her back and Clarke laughed against the gag in her mouth.
Understanding Clarke’s non-verbal cues, his eyes went down to the message etched into the wall. It brought this great sense of joy on his heart. Even if he was pretending to take Clarke by force, this was still making love. Letting her know that he had seen it, after cuffing her hands together, Bellamy pulled Clarke onto her back again, looking deep into her eyes. “Nobody is going to hear you scream, Mrs. Blake. Nobody can save you.” He whispered, his lips kissing down her neck. He stopped kissing her after a few moments, though. He had more bondage to add. The next part involved him taking another set of leather cuffs and cuffing them onto her ankles.

The ankle cuffs were somewhat structurally different than actual handcuffs but they obviously served the same function. After cuffing her ankles together, Bellamy pushed Clarke onto her stomach and added the finishing touches with a blindfold over her eyes made from one of her scarves. He still intended to use the nipple clamps and flogger, but right now he just wanted to grope his bound and gagged beauty. Sitting at the edge of the bed, he pulled her bound feet into his lap, rubbing his cock against one of her soles while one hand kneaded and slapped her perky ass, a soft moan leaving his lips. “You make one sexy damsel-in-distress.” He whispered lowly, his arousal reaching an all-time high.
Clarke grinned as Bellamy cuffed her hands against her back and then turned her body so that she was lying on her back once more. Their eyes locked and she smiled at her husband. His whispered words had her nodding, enjoying their little game. She sighed in pleasure as Bellamy kissed her neck, making a face at him when he stopped a few moments later. The
grin returned to her lips when he cuffed her ankles together. The blonde was excited about what they were going to do next. He pushed her onto her stomach once more and slipped a blindfold over her eyes.

As soon as Bellamy pulled her feet into his lap, she had a good idea of what he was going to do. She moaned against the gag as her husband rubbed his cock against the soles of her feet with one hand, while his other hand slapped and played with her ass. Clarke grinned at the sound of him moaning, too. She loved that he was enjoying it as much as she was. The blonde laughed against the gag, and worked her feet a little more roughly against Bellamy's cock, wanting to turn him on even more. At him calling her a damsel in distress, she pressed one of her feet against his cock roughly, an attempt to make him rethink those words.
Bellamy finally pulled back from Clarke’s feet and found some rope. This rope was tied from the links of her cuffs to the links of the ankle cuffs so she was hogtied, now on her stomach. Bellamy loved the hogtie because he could see her face and the soles of her feet while she was bound. Taking the flogger in his hand, Bellamy whipped the weapon over the soles of her feet a few times before moving down to her ass, making sure he struck the flesh of her body with force, not enough to be so painful to Clarke but enough that she would get the painful pleasure she liked.

After that, Bellamy moved Clarke so he could use the flogger on her breasts, focusing on her nipples. Lastly, Bellamy grabbed the nipple clamps and added them onto Clarke’s breasts. “You’re so fucking hot. These clamps look perfect on your breasts. I might not take them off for a while.” Again, he was playing the captor, now using the flogger over those sweet pussy lips of Clarke’s as she struggled and squirmed around. Bellamy was getting ready to fuck her but he wanted to watch her struggle and move some more before starting. “I bet fucking you is going to be amazing. There’s nothing that turns me on more than a girl that fights back.” He murmured, spanking the flogger over her ass one more time before reaching in between her legs, wanting to feel just how wet she was.
Clarke flinched a little as she got used to Bellamy striking the flogger over her feet, but after a few minutes of it, the blonde was used to the feeling and enjoyed it. A sigh of happiness left her lips as he moved and brought the flogger to her ass with a bit of force. She knew that her husband wouldn't do real damage, and would dole out just a bit of pain to go with the pleasure. When he smacked her breasts with the flogger, mainly her nipples, it drove her crazy. Her nipples were as hard as they had ever been, as she laid there and got off on what
he was doing to her.

She moaned through the gag in her mouth when he put the nipple clamps on her, the pressure from the clamps making her feel amazing as it squeezed her skin. Bellamy's words had Clarke quickly nodding in agreement. If her husband wanted to keep the clamps on her nipples for a while, she was game for them to do so. As soon as he brought the flogger down against her most private part, the blonde began to squirm and wiggle, as she moaned through the pleasure-pain. The action was repeated a few more times and Clarke was going crazy, needing him to pound her.

Bellamy's words had her struggling against her bindings, wanting what he said. His words about getting turned on when a girl fought back, gave her an idea. He spanked her ass with
the flogger once more, and then she felt one of his hands move between her legs to feel her wetness. Clarke let him enjoy feeling how turned on she was, for just a few moments.
Then, the blonde shoved her head forward and headbutted Bellamy, knowing that the action would take him by surprise, which was the intention. She didn't use enough force to hurt
him, just enough to move him back a step or two. And once that was done, Clarke tilted her body to the side so that she fell off the bed. Still playing the helpless damsel in distress,
but one who was still trying to get away.
Finally, Bellamy captured Clarke again and helped her onto the bed. Well, she would never get far since she was hogtied but he still loved her effort. Once Clarke was back onto the bed, he thought about undoing the hogtie but he wanted to keep it and thought about finding a way to fuck her while keeping the hogtie. Finally, he figured something out. With Clarke on her back, Bellamy forced her legs open wider and tossed her bound feet and legs over his shoulder. Her body was lifted upwards slightly and he found a nice path to fuck her. Plus, the feeling of her feet just inches away from his lips was awesome, too.

Bellamy finally stopped teasing and shoved himself inside of Clarke, filling her up. He fucked her hard for a good ten minutes, reaching an orgasm for himself at the end since he had tried to hold off and enjoy the moment. Once he came inside of Clarke, he made sure the girl had plenty orgasms herself. As much as he would have loved to continue, he knew they had to call it quits for the night. This was the best honeymoon they could have had, though. Bellamy was so happy. The first thing he did was remove the handcuffs and the rope followed by the blindfold. Her ankle cuffs were next to go as were the nipple clamps.

Of course, bellamy left the ball gag on for the longest, slowly removing it from her lips and giving her this huge kiss once she was free. Everything was packed away, they said their “I love you’s and good nights” before falling asleep together after Bellamy cleaned up the room. It seemed like only a few minutes passed but the alarm was ringing and Bellamy groaned out, knowing they had to get up today and make the trip to Ice Nation.
"Am I the only one who feels drunk, and like we just went to bed?" Clarke asked and groaned, reaching out for a pillow and covering her face with it, to keep out the sunlight that was coming in through the window. A knock on the door had her groaning even louder. "Hang on! We'll be right there!" The blonde reluctantly removed the pillow from over her face and tossed it aside. She got up from the bed and pulled some clothes on. Once Bellamy was sort of dressed, with a pair of pants on, she pressed a button and the door opened, to find her mother standing there. "Mom? What's going on? It's still early," Clarke said, rubbing her eyes.


Abby sighed softly and walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind herself. "Sweetheart, I thought you and Bellamy needed to know this. Octavia's not in the camp. I sent Jasper and Miller out to Trikru to see if she was with Indra and Nyko, but she's not. Nyko arrived shortly after I sent the boy's out, and he said that Octavia asked him to stay here and look
after Laqueta, and she also asked me to do the same last night, claiming she wanted to sleep for a few hours. This is not good at all," Abby said worriedly. "She's still so angry, but
she hides it well."
Finally, Bellamy opened his eyes and listened to Abby from the opposite side of the door. His heart dropped to his feet. Octavia. No. His sister was out for revenge ever since Lincoln was murdered. The male noticed how his sister was more violent and warrior-like after the death of the man she loved. He understood it, but she could not act reckless. The last thing Bellamy wanted was losing Octavia to her recklessness. It appeared she went out ahead of them. “I bet it was Ice Nation that killed Lincoln. I kept hearing her talk about it but I was never sure.” He murmured softly, crossing his arms.

He tried to stay calm. “We should hurry. We must get to Ice Nation quickly.” Bellamy commented to Clarke, swiftly finding clothing to dress himself. Once he was dressed, Bellamy went outside with Clarke. “You should gather everyone, meet us at the rover in ten minutes. I’ll get all the weapons together.” The dark-haired male murmured before departing from Clarke. He grabbed all the automatic weapons and even explosives he could find along with significant body armor. Even though Trikru was rather peaceful within all the clans but Ice Nation had always been rogue and more violent than anyone. After everything had finished and they were ready to go, Bellamy waited for Clarke and all the others. Once they arrived, he climbed into the driving seat and helped Clarke up into the passenger seat and soon they were off to face Ice Nation.
"Octavia's hotheaded, but she's not stupid. She wants revenge, but she wouldn't go out and kill someone without being absolutely sure. I did a quick raid of her room, that's why it took me so long to get back. She had a list of names written down and Echo's on the top of that list," Clarke told Bellamy. "There's also a bunch of other papers but it's all in Trikru and I can't read it. But I'm pretty sure that Octavia thinks Echo sent those men to attack them and kill Lincoln. Her name is circled several times with a red pen with the words, Jus drein jus daun written beside it."

Clarke sighed and buckled herself with the seat belt once she was situated in the jeep. "If we had the technology, I'd put a damn tracking device on your sister to keep her out of trouble." Even though it felt useless, the blonde kept going through Octavia's papers. "If I'm understanding this correctly, she mentions something here about the men who attacked her and Lincoln and that they wore white war paint. That's Ice Nation's colors. She also says that they wanted to start a war between Trikru and Skaikru. The men called each other by their names as they attacked, so she had that to go off of, plus she knew first hand what they looked like."

The blonde paused and stared at the papers for a moment. Then she looked up and at her husband as he continued to drive. "Octavia made a note in English in the margin. It says: Jaxon is Ice Nation mercenary. Following orders from Echo and the Royal Guard, they were to attack any members of Skaikru or Trikru they came across. The borders are irrelevant." Clarke rubbed a hand over her forehead. "Octavia believes that Echo wants to kill as many Skaikru and Trikru as she can because they won't fall in line and don't recognize Roan's authority as King of Ice Nation."
Bellamy truly appreciated how much Clarke looked out after Octavia. It relieved Bellamy knowing that someone else was helping look after his sister. Hopefully, Octavia was okay. If she was, Bellamy would give her a stern talking to about what she did, going off on her own. She might have a reason to kill these people but he knew that Lincoln would not want this if it meant putting her on a suicide mission. He just prayed to whatever supreme being there was that he could find Octavia before it was too late. Finally, he looked over to Clarke and took a deep breath before answering her, thinking about this information she told him.

“Maybe we ask to speak to Echo or speak to the King. Maybe they don’t attack on sight. Maybe they can just talk to us at first.” He shrugged slightly before turning back to the road ahead. He looked at the map and soon they reached the edge of Ice Nation. They probably should move on foot the rest of the way. There was dense forest and no clear path. Everyone got out of the rover and assumed proper formation before moving deep into the woods, everyone being careful. It did not take long to alert some guards and warriors. They surrounded the skaikru and Bellamy spoke first. “We mean no harm. We only ask to speak with the King.” Bellamy called out.

Just then, Echo appeared from the brush, ordering her warriors to lower their weapons down for the second being. “Ah, you must be looking for Octavia.” Bellamy’s heart sunk when she said her name. “Is… is she alright? What have you done with her?” Echo only smirked before winking at Bellamy, motioning them forward with her finger. “I’ll take you to the King. Follow me. Leave your weapons outside when we get there.” She ordered and they all started moving forward, Bellamy keeping close to Clarke.
Octavia was with Roan. She had shown up early that morning and demanded to see him. Most of her weapons had been taken but that was fine, the brunette could turn almost anything into a weapon. The young woman had been cuffed and locked in a room by the Royal Guards, since Roan was asleep when she had arrived. Now, she stood before him, cuffs gone and glared as she spoke in Trigedasleng. "Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru and Trikru." [I am Octavia of the Sky People and Tree People.] After using the Grounder language, she lapsed into English.

"I'm not here to kill you. But I am here to kill one of your people. I want their head on stick. Your Royal Guards want to start a war between Skaikru and Trikru, because the clans don't recognize your authority as King of Ice Nation. So your guard had two men kill my fiance over a year ago. They attacked him and me at the Trikru boundary line, while I was pregnant with my daughter." Octavia pulled a hidden knife from her cleavage. She was about to speak again, when the doors swung open behind her. Within a moment, the brunette had whirled around and threw her knife with scary precision.

The knife caught everyone who had been entering the room off guard. Especially when it caught Echo in the chest. Octavia didn't wait for anyone to react. She crossed the room quickly, rammed the knife deeper into the other woman's wound. Then she ripped Echo's sword from her back and slashed it across the other woman's neck, cutting off her head. Echo's head
fell to the floor and rolled away. Octavia was covered from head to toe in Echo's blood. Her face, arms, neck, her clothes. The young woman stood up after cutting off the other woman's head.

"Jus drein jus daun." Was the only words she said. Hatred and anger radiated off of her. Her eyes glared at everyone as she looked around the room. The guard's moved to grab her and she fought them all off. The training she had learned from Lincoln, Indra and Nyko had come in handy. Octavia killed all but one of the guard's, backing off when the man admitted defeat, so she let him live. Not bothering to wipe off Echo's blood, or the blood from Roan's guards that covered her body, she walked past her brother, Clarke, and the rest of the group. "Good luck with your fucking alliance."

Clarke didn't even know what to think as she watched Octavia kill Echo and then basically slaughter the rest of Roan's Royal Guard, with the exception of one man who admitted defeat. The rage in the brunette's eyes scared her, and made her question if Octavia was unstable. She glanced at her husband and saw the alarm and worry on his face and in his eyes. The blonde reached out and took one of his hands into hers. "She's gonna be okay," Clarke whispered to him. She didn't know if it was true or not, but they were sure as hell gonna try to
help the younger woman.

She glanced at the single remaining member of Roan's Royal Guard and saw that he had slowly started to clean up the blood and dispose of the bodies. The man had called in extra help from those at the temple and together they covered the bodies and got them ready for burial. Clarke sighed, knowing that what Octavia had just done had just majorly screwed things up for them. There was only a slim chance that Roan wouldn't retaliate for Octavia's actions and take it out on them. She hoped that he understood the other woman's grief and need for revenge, and wouldn't respond.

They didn't need more dropped bodies. What they needed was an alliance, and to put an end to all the killing. They all had to find some way to survive and it didn't do any of the clans any good if they kept killing each other. They all needed to learn from each other instead. Clarke looked at Bellamy, and then she looked at Roan. A moment later, she stepped forward and towards Roan. "I'm sorry that this happened. I know that you're angry over losing your men. She's grieving," The blonde explained. "All of this was revenge for them killing her fiance."

"It will never happen again. We'll get her under control. I'll put Octavia in jail myself, if I have to." Clarke promised him. In all honesty, if and when she put Octavia in jail, it really
wasn't for Roan's benefit, but for the other woman's. If they could put her on ice and help her deal with her grief, it might give them time to figure out how to get Roan to accept
what had happened, move on, and agree to the alliance. It would also keep Octavia safe, back home at Arkadia, and keep her from going out and doing anything else dangerous.
In pure horror, Bellamy watched as Octavia slaughtered a room full of people while she was handcuffed. His baby sister was not innocent anymore. She was not the same girl he remembered on the Ark or when they first landed. All the male ever wanted to do was keep his sister from this violence and protect her, but that had not worked out like he wanted. Here she stood in front of him, violent and murderous. It killed any chance at making peace as well. Bellamy felt sad but he also felt this growing anger inside of him and he could not let Octavia pass through them.

Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to look back at him. “I hope you’re happy now. It’s not going to bring Lincoln back. Now, you just ruined any chance we have at peace because of some fucking personal vendetta. If anyone dies at the hands of Ice Nation, that’s on you, O. I can’t believe you would do this. I don’t even know who you are anymore. Do you even care about what this means? I don’t think so. Get out of here Octavia. Just go back to Arkadia, please. I don’t want you killing anyone else. We can’t afford that.”

Bellamy muttered to himself when she was gone, now waiting as they went to meet the King. Bellamy was fuming, scared, angry, and so many other emotions. When they reached the King and Clarke tried to plead her case, Roan was not having any of it. “Do you really think we can ever have peace? What did Octavia just do? You saw her, right? We can’t let that go without punishment. Even if we could have made peace with each other, I think that chance is over now. We can never have peace.”

When Roan said this, Bellamy’s heart sunk to his feet. “Please, your majesty. I am so sorry about what Octavia did. I promise I will keep her in control. Like Clarke said, we can lock her up and make sure this doesn’t happen again. She was out for revenge. She was not thinking clearly. Please. We’ll do whatever it takes. We don’t want any more bloodshed. There has been way too much already.” Bellamy pleaded, helping Clarke with making their case. Again, it might have all been for naught but Bellamy did not accept that yet. Instead, King Roan made a suggestion.

“Alright. Let me talk to Wanheda alone. We should go for a walk.” Right when this was said, Bellamy stepped in first and shielded Clarke from Roan. “Wherever she goes, I go. You’re not getting anyone alone.” Without another thought, Roan shoved Bellamy out of the way and onto the ground. “Don’t worry. I just want to talk. She is the commander of death after all. I find it a little ironic that she would want peace out of everyone. All of you stay in here. I will be back later with her.”

Finally, Bellamy was convinced to let Clarke go, but not willingly. With weapons aimed at him and the others, there was no choice. Roan led Clarke from his chambers out into the village and purposely towards the cellars where they held captives. They should probably keep Wanheda captive and figure out what to do with her. That’s what Roan and some of his close warriors had in mind. Roan made conversation with Clarke about making peace but when they passed some dark corner, one of the warriors stepped forward, covering her mouth and nose with a cloth of some chemical that would knock her out.

After doing that, King Roan had Clarke moved somewhere deep in Ice Nation where she was held separately in a cell, her hands bound behind her back. While the other warriors made the move to bring Clarke where Roan wanted her, he sent a message back to his chambers to take the other sky people hostage. They could just kill them and that would not matter, but they needed information from the commander of death. Suddenly, a few other warriors entered the room where Bellamy and the others were waiting. Bellamy asked for Clarke but they were met with brute force. Everyone was ordered out of the room but they fought back. Bellamy punched, kicked, and did everything he could to get away. Unfortunately, one of the grounders had used some blunt weapon, knocking him out with a strike to the back of the head. These skaikru members would also be taken to some holding area, but away from Clarke so there was no chance of them seeing or hearing one another.
The next time Clarke opened her eyes, she found herself lying down on a hard floor. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, her feet were tied together, and she was gagged. The blonde didn't bother testing the strength of the cuffs. Instead, she took a few breaths to prepare herself for the pain she was about to inflict upon herself. A few moments later, a snapping sound was heard and she screamed in pain against the gag in her mouth, as she broke one of her wrists in an effort to get out of the cuffs. She thanked some higher power once she was able to free the broken wrist.

The pain threatened to cause her to pass out, but instead, she forced herself to focus on trying to help the others. It took her a few moments to get the other cuff off with a nail found on the ground. Once both of her hands were free, she freed her feet and took off the gag over her mouth. "Roan!" Clarke shouted, knowing someone would hear her and eventually alert him. She just had to be annoying enough to get his attention. "Roan, I wanna make a deal with you!" The blonde said and she planned on keeping her word. He eventually showed up
and once the doors opened, she started to talk.

"You want payback, and I get it. I'll be your captive. You and your men can do whatever you want to me and I won't fight back. I'll fully surrender to you. All you have to do is let the others go back to Arkadia. They had nothing to do with this, and they don't deserve to pay for my mistakes. I knew that Octavia was a loose cannon, but I didn't think she was that
far gone. The death's that happened here are my fault. As a leader, I didn't do right by my people, or by Octavia and have her jailed like I should have to prevent something like this
from happening." She stood there, her eyes locked onto his and waited to see what he would say and do.
It did not take long before a guard watching the prisoner alerted Roan that she had somehow gotten free, removed the gag, and was not untied any longer. When she was yelling, Roan walked down the hallway. He was pissed off that Clarke was being a pain in his ass. Standing outside her cell, he stood and listened to what she had to say. Looking at her hands, he saw that her wrist looked broken and he had to commend her for being intelligent enough to break free. The things she wanted, Roan might do that. Looking at the blonde, Roan crossed his arms and decided that her torment was beginning. Maybe handcuffs might not hold up, but the bars could keep her inside.

“Alright. I might do that for you. I think I’m keeping one of them, though. Bellamy. I see the way you two act. There have been rumors that made it back to me. I think I can get more information out of you through him. I’m releasing the others, keeping him. When I come back, you’re going to tell me everything I want to know or I’m going to kill him, then I’m going to kill you.” After making it clear, Roan turned away from Clarke and walked away from the cell, out of the hallway and did not pay attention to anything else she said. However, Roan was not being truthful with her about releasing the others. He just gave the guards orders to protect the others with more intent. This might get ugly.

Roan waited strategically as if he was clearing everyone out from their holding cells before he returned to Clarke’s cell with equipment that he could use for torturing her but hid those from her view. “I’m about to enter. Put the handcuffs back on yourself before I do.” Roan muttered, knowing that she could definitely do that even with a broken wrist, but he Roan was not taking any risks as a few of the guards were outside as well. He did not want to risk anyone going inside first.
"No. That's not how this works. All of them get to leave. I told you, this has nothing to do with them. I'm the one you should punish or take your revenge out on." Clarke's heart pounded quickly in her chest when he threatened Bellamy. "You don't have to kill him. He didn't do anything wrong!" The blonde yelled at Roan as he left. She glared at him when he returned and told her to put the cuffs back on. Clarke grit her teeth, muttering threats to him under her breath as she put the cuffs back on her wrists. Once the cuffs were on and Roan and some of his guards entered the cell, she made a move, and used the chain in between the cuffs, grabbing one of the guards and wrapping the chain around the man's neck, the action choking him immediately.

The other guards rushed at her and tried to pull her off of the man, but the blonde refused to let go until the man stopped struggling. Then she let him go and he fell to the ground, dead, as the other guards grabbed her wrists, especially the damaged one and twisted it. "Go to hell!" Clarke yelled, spitting the words out in anger at both the guards and Roan. "I came here to try and work something out and this is how you respond. You piece of crap! YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER!" She screamed, knowing how much he hated his mother and the things that Nia had done.

"You don't give a damn who you hurt! You use pain and death as a scare tactic to get people to fall in line! Well, that's never going to happen! My people aren't a bunch of sheep that will give in and just follow you blindly! You're stupider than I thought, trying to hurt a bunch of kids! You have no honor, no decency, no shame!" The blonde continued to scream until several of the guards grabbed her and chained her to the wall. The new cuffs slid over the first set she wore on her wrists and were a lot tighter. Her ankles were chained to the wall as well.

Clarke's chest heaved in anger and her eyes blazed with hatred as she stared at Roan. Everything that she said was true and the rage and hatred she felt was real. However, the blonde was using her feelings as a distraction for Roan and his guards. If she could keep them occupied with her, then that would give the others time and a chance to break free and get the
hell out before anything happened to them. She watched as Roan spoke to his guards in the Grounder language and wished she had taken the time to learn some from Octavia, so that she could know what they said to each other.
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