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RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

Octavia smiled as she listened to her brother speak about his new bride. She knew that he loved Clarke more than anything, and that was the way it should be. They would always be brother and sister, family. But now Bellamy had a new family, and that was okay, that was good. It was wonderful, even. She wanted him to be happy, and the blonde made him happy, Octavia saw that. She had seen it from the very beginning when they'd begun to run the camp together, and then that day when Bellamy had taken care of Clarke and kissed her injury. Looking back now, the signs were obvious.

When the dance ended and her brother released her and moved away, she nodded at his words. "You don't have to thank me. I love you, Bell. And anything that I could do to make today even more special for you and Clarke, well, I'm happy to do it." Octavia smiled when her brother walked off to spend time with Laqueta, before going to meet up with his new wife once more. She walked over to her daughter, thanking Raven, and then taking her little girl back into her arms, cuddling her close and singing softly to her.


Clarke had been enjoying the dance and conversation with her mother. Sure, it wasn't pure tradition, but she loved it anyway. She and her mother had been through a lot, especially the last few years. And though there would always be an undercurrent of tension and hurt between them when it came to her father, Clarke loved her mother and always would. She was learning to deal with what had happened to her father. It wasn't easy, but she was dealing with it. When Bellamy joined her and talked about the food, she nodded and then smiled at
him. "There's a nice spread," Clarke told him.

They moved to the food line, the two of them going first. She put a little of everything on her plate, not wanting to overdo it, but also wanting to leave enough for everyone else. Once they had gotten the rest of their food and went to sit down, she smiled when Bellamy pulled out her chair for her. "Thanks," Clarke said and kissed his cheek. She laughed at the words
he whispered in her ear. "Save it for later, Casanova. We're still in public with my mother, your sister, and our niece nearby. We have plenty of time." Shivering and then grinning at his lips against her ear. "Keep it clean for now." She slipped one of her hands under the table and took his free hand into hers.


Rebecca remained kneeled on the ground until she finished throwing up. The feel of Tyler's hand on her back comforting her as she got sick. Once it was over, she accepted the bottle of water and used some of the water to rinse the taste of puke out of her mouth, spitting the used water away from her brother and the car. Once her mouth didn't taste like puke anymore, she took a few sips of water and then closed the bottle and handed it back to Tyler. "Sorry about that," She said and moved to get up from her knees, with his help. "And thanks, for taking care of me." When they got back in the car and he handed her a puke pan, she made a face, but thanked him and took it, setting it on her lap just in case.
Chuckling, Bellamy squeezed Clarke’s hand underneath the table. Who could blame the guy, though? Clarke was beautiful and Clarke was officially his wife now. It was only logical, anticipating the consummating of their marriage tonight. Plus, he discovered that Clarke was open to his kinky bondage ideas and he knew they would certainly explore those tonight and beyond. As good as the wedding dress looked on Clarke, the young man could not wait to rip it off her body. Still, they had to get through the reception and spend time with their family and friends. Everyone, for the most part, was excited for this wedding. Smiles and happiness filled the camp. Sure, there were a few naturally pessimistic people that thought this entire scene was a joke, but everyone needed their spirits refilled after all that happened. The wedding provided a nice escape, even sparking a couple romances of its own.

Digging into the food, Bellamy playfully stole Clarke’s fork again, feeding the food to her lips. He did not allow their hands to release from each other during the entire time they ate. At their table, there were chairs for Abby and Octavia to join them since they were the only two family members of the newlyweds. Otherwise, the tables were spread out and everyone sat wherever they pleased. Even as Abby and Octavia joined them, Bellamy was just too infatuated with Clarke, feeding her a few more bites and giving her compliment after compliment.

“It’s such an honor, knowing that the most beautiful woman in the world is my wife now. I should have married you the first day we arrived on the ground.” Finally, he relinquished control of her fork, allowing Clarke to function on her own now but he would always treat her like a Princess. Everyone eventually took a seat with food on their plates and something to drink in their glasses. Delicate wine was provided for the occasion and water was offered to those that wished to withhold from the alcohol. Bellamy chose to take some of the wine and now he stood to propose a toast.

“I want to thank all of you for making this day special. It means a lot, knowing how much everyone has supported us. Hopefully, this can convince some of you to get married, too. No matter what happens on the ground, love is still an important emotion to feel. I hope all of you find what I found with Clarke. It’s the best feeling you could have. Here is a toast to our living, to friendship, and to more weddings.” Bellamy chuckled at the end and everyone raised their glasses as he sat back down beside Clarke, having thanked everyone now.


“You don’t have anything to apologize for, Rebecca.” Tyler assured the girl. Even if she vomited in his car, Tyler would not have been upset. It could be cleaned up. He wanted Rebecca comfortable. They reached the doctor’s office and he walked inside with Rebecca. “Go sit down. I will check you in.” It was not a suggestion, it was an order. She should sit down and rest. Tyler also carried the bottle of water in case she wanted something else to drink. He was taking care of her quite well. He checked in at the window, explaining who he was here with and that was not feeling well so he checked her in. Once he signed Rebecca’s name into the waiting list, he took a seat beside his sister and waited. “how are you feeling now, sis?” He asked, keeping his hands off her since other people were around though he really wanted to hold her hand and reassure her.
Clarke smiled and laughed at jokes that their friends and family made around the table, as they all enjoyed the food. Her hand remain in Bellamy's, giving it a gentle squeeze every now and then. Even as her mother and Octavia talked about upcoming things for Arkadia, her mind was on her husband and their plans for that night. She laughed when Bellamy stole her fork again, and then fed her some of her food. Clarke took his fork out of his hand and did the same, lifting a piece of cake to his lips, smiling as she did it. Their hands were still laced together and she loved that. "You're spoiling me way too much," The blonde said and laughed as her husband kept feeding her.

The smile on her lips widened, as she was pulled out of her little bubble with Bellamy, and focused on the sound of Octavia laughing. "What?" She asked, knowing that she had just missed something because she had gotten lost in thoughts of her and Bellamy's plans for that night.


Octavia laughed at Ckarke's expression. She had noticed that the other woman had zoned out in the middle of a discussion on upcoming plans for the community, which was why she had picked up a carrot and gently tossed it at the blonde. It bounced off the blonde's nose and not only was Octavia laughing, but Abby and Laqueta as well. "Earth to the newlyweds!" She teased, knowing that Bellamy had zoned out a bit, as well.


"Thanks for signing me in," She said and sighed softly. They waited for about half and hour before Rebecca's name was finally called. She held out a hand for her brother. "I want you close, please Ty." She said softly, and then led him down the hall and to the room she had been assigned, to wait for the doctor to show up.
The reception was fun. Truth be told, Bellamy looked forward to tonight more than anything. Occasionally, he became lost in Clarke’s eyes. They seemed to share one glance and they knew exactly what they were both thinking about for that night. The next two hours went quickly. They shared laughs, drinks, and good time with family and friends. It took some time but the couple both had made their rounds to everyone and spoke with everyone, sharing more smiles and happy memories. When the food was finished and the dancing had ended, Bellamy and Clarke decided to slip away.

Of course, they were not forced to help clean anything. They were free to go. With a wide smile, Bellamy linked arms with Clarke, walking from the reception area back inside the shelter area. They were both seemingly eager to get back to the room. They were finally alone and Bellamy pressed a sweet kiss onto her ear and then down to her neck. “Tonight is going to be amazing.” The young male murmured, nuzzling their noses together again before pulling back. Bellamy felt a major excitement bubbling growing from his core when they were steps away from the door.

They reached the entrance and Bellamy pushed it open and allowed Clarke to walk inside. Next, Bellamy followed Clarke inside and shut the door behind themselves. “Well, we do have so much to do in the future, but tonight is our time to enjoy each other. So, tell me, Princess, what do you think we should do now?” Bellamy asked softly, looking deep into her blue eyes. He loved her so much and could not wait to explore things tonight, not really caring what they started with.


Tyler did not hesitate. He took Rebecca’s hand, walking down the hallway right alongside the woman. Once they reached the room, he helped her onto the examination table and sat in a chair nearby. A nurse came inside the room first and checked the vitals and got any history about medications she took and ensured that everything was the same. Once she left, they were told a doctor would see her soon so Tyler just rubbed her leg gently, hoping to soothe her. “How do you feel? Are you nervous? Excited?”
Clarke hugged Octavia, Laqueta, and her mother one last time, thanked them again for everything they had done to make this day special, and then she and Bellamy slipped away.
Their arms were linked as they walked back to their room. Clarke reached up to her hair and began to pull the pins and everything out of it, once they were back inside their room.
She carefully placed the veil down on the dresser, to avoid ruining it. A few moments after that, the blonde carefully removed her dress and went to hang it up, bringing the veil and hanging it up in the closet as well.

Once her dress and veil were taken care of, she turned back to her husband. Clarke took one of Bellamy's hands into hers, and used the other hand to slip behind his head, bringing his lips down to meet hers. They kissed for several moments, before she released his head and then his lips. "What should we do now? What about if we mix something old with something new? I love when you handcuff me. So, maybe we can do that, and then we can try out something we haven't done, that you've been wanting to do."


"All of the above, and then some. Nervous, excited, happy, terrified. I'm just an emotional mess inside right now," Rebecca admitted, her eyes teary, though she laughed at her own words. "I'm glad you're here, Ty. I'm always worried that something might go wrong. And just having you here with me, calms me. Thank you for being here," She whispered and squeezed his hand, letting her brother know how much she loved him.
While Clarke undressed, Bellamy removed his suite, too. Before long, the dark-haired male was only clad in a pair of cotton boxers. During their kiss, Bellamy placed one hand onto the small of Clarke’s back and the other at the nape of her neck, keeping her face and head steady. After pulling away, he listened to the girl’s suggestion and decided to not hold anything back. He wanted to make a few suggestions but had kept them quiet so far. “I think I know what we can do.” Bellamy drawled, a smile growing on his face after pulling back from the girl.

Then, Bellamy pulled open one of the drawers from the dresser and dropped the handcuffs onto the bed. Next, he found a dark blue scarf from the closet that had been given to them months earlier. “This can be a blindfold.” That was not the only new thing he wanted to try, though. “And I’ve always wanted to do anal with you. Your ass is so fucking sexy, so perfect… and I’ve never done anal before with any girl.” He was unsure of Clarke was open to that idea or not. He found that not many girls were but he decided to ask his wife and see what she thought.


“You have nothing to worry about, sis. I am here for you and everything is going to be alright.” Tyler assured Rebecca with a smile. She had been doing so well to take care of her body and there had to be nothing wrong with the baby. After all they had been through together, Tyler was sure that the baby was going to be healthy. They had deal with a lot with their parents and struggling with their feelings. When the doctor knocked on the door, Tyler relucntantly released her hand and moved so the doctor had room near the table.
"I'm open to trying anal. Just remember, go slow. I've never done that before, and you're not exactly small.." Clarke said, laughing softly, nervously. She kissed his lips. A few moments later, she ended the kiss and then reached behind her back to unsnap her bra, tossing it aside a few moments later. After that was done, the blonde slid her panties off and tossed them aside, too. So that she was now standing naked before her husband, the only thing she wore was a smile on her lips. Clarke still couldn't believe that they were married. It sort of felt like a dream to her.


"Thanks," Rebecca said softly, thankful for Tyler being there and for his encouraging words. They helped a lot more than he probably knew. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later, and then the doctor entered. Her nerves spiked a bit, but she forced herself to think of Tyler, which usually calmed her down quickly.
This was exciting! Just the mention of handcuffs, blindfolds, and anal sex made Bellamy grow aroused. Soon enough, the newlywed dropped his boxers. “Let’s get that blindfold on first.” He finally decided, taking the dark blue scarf, walking behind of Clarke and ordering the blonde to close her eyes. Next, the male wrapped the scarf around her eyes and tied a nice little knot at the back of her head. “You’re already looking like a sexy damsel-in-distress.” The male purred, wrapping his arms around Clarke, placing both hands onto her large, perky breasts, squeezing the flesh while he peppered kisses down along neck and shoulder, loving how soft it felt against his lips.


The doctor introduced himself to Rebecca and Tyler, commenting it was sweet of a brother being here for his sister. Clearly, he did not read between the lines. The doctor looked at the clipboard of her vitals that the nurse had taken earlier. Tyler watched closely and listened as the doctor told Rebecca to lay down and raise her shirt. It was time to do an ultra sound so they could see the baby and check his or her health.
Clarke immediately closed her eyes once Bellamy told her to. She felt him slipping the scarf around her eyes and when he tied it around the back of her head. She laughed softly at his words. "Glad you approve." His hands wrapped around her, and she enjoyed the touch. Moaning when her husband's hands moved to her breasts, squeezing them roughly. Him kissing her neck and shoulder, had her moaning louder. "What next?" The blonde asked, wanting him to dominate her.


Rebecca nodded once the doctor had come in and said for her to lay back in the bed and lift her shirt, and she did. She laughed softly as the doctor placed the cold jelly on her stomach and then pressed the wand against her stomach right after. Rebecca fell silent and couldn't stop staring at the little screen that showed the baby.
Bellamy smirked, keeping silent before pulling Clarke’s arms together in front of her body. Next, the dark-haired male slapped silver handcuffs onto her wrists as tightly he could without cutting off circulation or hurting her. “Mmm… I love how it looks when your wrists are bound in front. It really squeezes your breasts together.” Bellamy commented, leaning down and sucking lightly on her left nipple before sliding his hands down onto her firm, thick ass. “God, I love you.” He growled, pulling Clarke towards the bed now, helping her down onto all fours, her ass facing him as he stood on the bed, making it clear what he intended to do.

“Wow. Your baby looks extremely healthy. The heartbeat is fine and all the vitals are perfect. Everything is following the perfect timeline.” The doctor spoke, smiling at the mother. The doctor checked a few more things before saying it was over and they could get ready to move. “You look healthy and the baby looks healthy. Do you have any questions or concerns?” He asked, looking down to the woman.
Clarke felt a chuckle burst from her when Bellamy didn't speak, but instead slipped a pair of handcuffs onto her wrists. They were tight, but not tight enough to hurt. His words had her laughing out loud this time, even as she smiled. "Why do I have the feeling that you're gonna be obsessed with my breasts?" The blonde teased her husband. Her head fell back and she moaned when Bellamy started to suck on one of her nipples. She felt his hands move down to her ass and squeeze it, and the action had her moaning once more. His words made her smile and she let him direct her where he wanted her to go. The smile remained on her lips as her husband helped her onto her hands and knees with her ass sticking out. "Go ahead," Clarke said softly.


Rebecca smiled at the doctor, as she lowered her shirt once more. "How soon until can I find out the baby's gender? I read that sometimes it depends on the position the baby's in, so I just wanted to ask." She relaxed at the doctor's words, relieved and glad that the baby was healthy. Rebecca silently promised all of them that she would do everything she could to keep making sure the baby stayed healthy.
With a greedy smile, Bellamy took in the scene. His wife, Clarke Griffin, was handcuffed and blindfolded on all fours with her sexy, firm, thick ass vulnerable to his will. What more could a husband want? “Don’t mind if I do.” He teased, standing so his legs pressed against the bed and the tip of his thick, throbbing cock slipped in between her ass cheeks. “Feel that, baby. You’ve done that to me and you haven’t even touched me.” It was phenomenal how a man could become so aroused without any direct touch. It was all because he loved Clarke and he loved bondage. When the two combined, that was a recipe for a ton of arousal. Just like that, the male placed both hands onto her cheeks and spread them wide so her tight rosebud was revealed. Deciding enough time had already passed, Bellamy slowly pushed forward, a few inches of his girth entering Clarke’s rear, gauging her reaction before doing anything erratic.


“The timeframe is usually between four and a half and five months along. I think we can check during your next visit.” The doctor explained with a happy smile. Before leaving the room, he scribbled all over a couple pieces of paper and then handed it to Rebecca. “Okay, thanks for your time. Have a good day and feel free to call our offices if you ever have any questions.” With that, the doctor bid them goodbye. Once the doctor closed the door behind him, Tyler placed a hand gently onto Rebecca’s arm. “You’re doing great so far, sweetie. Our baby is going to be healthy.”
Clarke smiled as she heard her husband's words. She could feel how hard he was, as his cock slipped between her cheeks. His hands moved to her cheeks and spread them, and the blonde took a few breaths to prepare herself. Her body clenched immediately as Bellamy pushed forward, inching inside of her. She held still for several moments to get used to the feeling, and then encouraged him. "You can keep going, baby. I wanna feel you pounding me," Her hands gripped onto the bed as she tried to steady herself so that neither of them
fell and got hurt.


"Thanks for letting me know," Rebecca said and smiled at the doctor. "I will. Thanks for all your help," She said and took the paper. She smiled when Tyler said that she was doing good taking care of their baby. "How about we head out and do something? We've been spending so much time cooped up in the house, it's starting to drive me crazy." They got back into the car and buckled up. A few minutes later, Tyler began driving and they left the hospital.
Heeding Clarke’s words, Bellamy decided to not hold back. The male pulled back almost entirely out of her tight ass before slamming forward again, his thick cock forcing its way inside of Clarke, pulling her walls apart with the girth and length of his manhood. A loud moan left his lips as he was not holding back any longer, slamming into Clarke’s sexy ass over and over again, the bed already shaking wildly as he brutalized his wife’s tight ass. “God… you’re so tight Clarke. It feels so fucking good.” Bellamy growled lowly, clearly overwhelmed with love and pleasure, feeling every inch of his cock throbbing inside of Clarke.

Tyler promised Rebecca they could do whatever she wanted. Once they reached the car, he started driving and he reached across the console to hold her hand. “Okay, sweetheart. What do you and the little one want to do?” He asked, happy that she wanted to get out. He did not know firsthand, obviously, but he was sure that pregnancy had its ups and downs with the downs being fatigue and not really wanting to go out anywhere. That made Tyler happy that she wanted to go somewhere and do something. “Whatever you want.” He repeated, deciding to kiss her hand.
Clarke moaned loudly as Bellamy rammed his cock in and out of her ass. The pain that she felt was delicious and she urged him to keep going, knowing that they were both loving it. "Fuck me, fuck my ass, baby.." She said, the words coming out as a throaty moan. The blonde was enjoying trying something new like this with her husband. Bellamy's cock filled her
so good, and just like when he fucked her pussy, left no part of her untouched. Clarke began moving back against her husband, as she kept talking. "Ram your hard cock so deep that
I won't be able to sit for a week."


"How about we go and see a movie?" Rebecca suggested as Tyler drove and they left the hospital parking lot. "We can do the whole cliched dating thing. Hold hands, share popcorn, maybe brush hands in the popcorn." She said and laughed softly. "I just want to spend time with you in public, where no one suspects anything."
This was one of the first times Clarke had talked dirty and Bellamy loved it. Her words convinced the dominant male to thrust harder than before, the tip of his cock reaching unimaginable depths inside of Clarke’s ass. He felt every inch of her inner walls expanding and ripping apart to adjust. The sound of his hipbones slamming violently into her rear reverberated throughout the entire room. “Fuck, you’re so tight Princess. I’m going to have to fuck your sexy ass more often. I’m getting close. I’m going to cum all inside of you again, baby.” His hands planted firmly on the front of her thighs to hold her steady. The orgasm was quickly building. His cock was throbbing and he knew it was almost time for his release.


“A trip to the movie theater, it is!” Tyler chuckled, bringing one of his sister’s hand to his lips, pressing a kiss onto the back of her hand. They arrived at the movie theater twenty minutes later and Tyler parked outside. They had these massive movie posters out front and a large sign that showed which movies were playing. “Does anything strike your fancy?” He questioned, figuring they should decide what movie to watch before entering.
Clarke cried out, loving it as Bellamy thrust into her even harder than he already had been. His words made her smirk, as she slammed her ass back against his hips, moaning as her actions pushed his cock even deeper inside of her. "Do it, love. Fill me with your come. I want you to shoot so much of it that it drips out of me," the blonde said as she felt his hands
on her thighs, his grip tight enough to bruise, which she loved. Clarke moaned, as she gripped him inside of her in a vice tight grip and waited him to come. "I want you to pound me every night so that I'm full of your come. I wanna rub it all over my body."


Rebecca smiled as Tyler kissed her hand. "Anything with action in it. And by action, I don't mean sex. I mean blowing stuff up, lots of guns, and stuff like that." She said and then laughed. They got out of the car and walked up to the theater and started to scan all the posters that hung on the wall. "See anything that interests you?" Rebecca asked him a few minutes later.
Moaning, Bellamy kept his eyes wide open. The view of Clarke’s ass was delicious but nothing aroused him more than seeing the handcuffs on her wrists. The girl’s bondage would increase after this session. Once Bellamy had thrust a few more times, the most power orgasm he ever felt racked through his body. The hot, sticky semen shot out of the tip in thick ropes, filling Clarke’s ass and even overrunning. He watched as a few dribbles of cum slid out of her ass and down her cheek. It would only intensify when he removed his cock from her rear. “That was so fucking amazing, baby. I love you. I hope you know that our night is only beginning.” The young man reminded his wife, pulling the blonde onto her back so he could reach her lips and kiss her. “Get your kisses while you can. A gag is going in that pretty mouth of yours.”


“You are my kind of girl.” Chuckling, Tyler scanned the posters. Action movies were his favorite along with horror movies. “How about the new fast and furious movie? They are usually fun and action-packed. Guns. Cars. What do you thin, Becky?” The psychologist asked his sister with a bright smile on his face. “We can get anything you like inside for refreshments, too.” He added, letting her have the final decision, however.
She moaned as Bellamy did several more rough thrusts into her ass and then came. Clarke felt his sticky come leaking out of her and it turned her on as he kept filling her with
his come. "I love it," The blonde said softly, a smile on her lips. "Just like I love you. I can't wait to see what you have in mind for us to do next," Clarke said as she let him lay
her on her back. When Bellamy kissed her, she kissed him back, rubbing her lips gently against his, enjoying the feeling. Her husband's words had her nodding, and she kept
pressing gentle kisses to his lips. After a few minutes of them kissing she said, "I'm ready for whatever you wanna do next."


"I love that series. Let's watch that movie." She said and then nodded in agreement. They paid for their tickets and went inside. Once they were inside the building, Rebecca picked out some snacks. Popcorn with lots of butter, M&M's, Snickers, Twizzlers, her brothers favorite snacks, and two large drinks, before handing the cashier her credit card. "Don't bother protesting. This is my treat. Just enjoy it and relax." She said, and thanked the cashier when he gave back her credit card, and handed them their drinks and snacks. A few moments later, they headed for the theaters.
Pulling Clarke into a sitting position with her on the edge of the bed, Bellamy approached the closet. Inside, he kept a bag with a few surprises. “I’ve been busy, working on a few toys for tonight.” First was a ball gag. It was a hot pink color. The ball was some plastic ball painted pink and thoroughly cleaned of course. The straps were created by Bellamy as he drilled holes into each side and created a functioning ball gag. “One more kiss, then open your mouth for me.” He murmured lowly, giving her a quick kiss on her lips. After that kiss, he pressed the gag in between her teeth and raised her hair before strapping it tightly at the base of her skull. The ball was rather small, though. He did not want to see the drooling that would accompany with a larger ball gag. The size allowed Clarke’s lips to press right against the item in her mouth. It looked so fucking hot. “Test it out, Princess. Let me hear how sexy it makes you sound.” Bellamy ordered before leaning down and pressing her breasts together even more than her arms already made them, wrapping his lips around her left nipple, sucking rather viciously on the skin.


Complying with Rebecca’s wishes, Tyler kept silent. They reached the proper movie theater and realized how early they were. “Choose our seats, baby.” The male whispered quietly, pressing a kiss to her ear. Going to the movies was one of Tyler’s favorite activity. It was something he hoped to do more of with Rebecca. After taking their seats, he immediately pushed his hand into the large bowl of popcorn, tossing a piece or two in his own mouth and feeding Rebecca from time to time as well. His next desire was the twizzlers because they were his absolute favorite. “I know we haven’t even started the movie but I think more trips to the theater will be imperative.” The brother teased, nuzzling his nose against Rebecca’s cheek.
Clarke nodded as she listened to what her husband had to say. She kissed his lips, enjoying the action for several moments. Then, she easily accepted the ball gag between her lips
and teeth. The blonde moved her head forward so that Bellamy could tie the ball gag around her skull. Her lips pressed against the gag, and she tried to talk, and then rubbed her
body against her husband's as much as she could, and moaned against the gag in her mouth. As soon as Bellamy's lips latched onto her nipple and began to suck forcefully, Clarke moaned loudly against the gag, loving how it felt.


Rebecca nodded at Tyler's words and chose them a pair of seats at the back of the theater. She had a few ideas in mind that she hadn't yet mentioned to her brother, and the back of the theater where there was mainly half a chance they could be seen, was the idea place for her to put her plans into motion. She happily let Tyler feed her, once they were seated. "I know they will be," She said, as a smirk came to her lips. Rebecca turned her head so that instead of him nuzzling her cheek, their lips met in a sweet kiss.
“Oh, fuck. Clarke… I should keep you gagged all the time.” Smirking, Bellamy imagined that. If Clarke had a gag in her mouth, Bellamy would never become flaccid. Gags were his absolute favorite part of bondage. Not only did the ball look sexy in between her lips, but the noises were making him shiver. If it were possible for an orgasm to reach Bellamy without any physical stimulation, it would happen with Clarke’s muffled moans. No words could express just how much he loved those sounds. Taking her cuffed hands in his, he pulled the girl towards the corner of the room. There was a low hanging pipe and it gave Bellamy an idea for a new position. Taking some rope, he tied a tight knot around the chains, the center point of the two cuffs, and raised her hands above her head, tying the length of the rope to that pipe. It raised Clarke ever so slightly onto her tiptoes but not so much to cause discomfort. From the same box he found the gag, he remove a leather flogger. It was actually taken from the guard supply though Bellamy did alter the leather enough to make the overall texture feel softer so they could use it for the bedroom. He ran the handle in between her breasts so she could feel the flogger. “You’ve been a bad girl, Clarke.” He teased, stepping behind her and lightly slapping the whip against both her ass cheeks, gauging her reaction.


Tyler happily returned the kiss, placing one hand gently on the closest side of her cheek, stroking the skin slowly with his hand. After they kissed, Tyler pulled back and started eating his twizzlers. They chatted for a while and the movie was finally starting. The movie theater was filling up but they still had plenty of room to themselves. He had no idea what Rebecca had in mind with her choice of seats at the back of the theater. Tyler finally started eating a few more pieces of popcorn, having tried to save a majority of the food for the actual movie instead of eating everything before. “here we go, baby.” He whispered, holding her hand gently while it started, enjoying their closeness.
Clarke laughed against the gag in her mouth, at his words. She waited to see what he had in mind next, and smiled when he raised her arms and hands above her head, and tied her cuffed hands to the pipe. She was being pulled upward and managed to keep her balance by remaining on her tiptoes. The blonde moaned against the gag when her husband ran the handle between her breasts, letting her feel it. Her words were muffled against the gag as she ordered him to stop teasing her and punish her already. She sighed happily, once Bellamy slapped the whip against her ass cheeks, and she stuck her ass out as much as she could, wanting more.


Rebecca waited until the movie was 35 minutes into its 3 hours, and she moved a hand, acting like she was going for the popcorn in Tyler's lap. A smirk turned up her lips as she purposely bumped her hand against his crotch, and started to rub his cock through his pants. She did this for several minutes, loving that it didn't take long to get him hard. A few moments later, Rebecca grabbed her purse and took out a scarf and handed it to Tyler. As soon as she had handed him the scarf, she took the popcorn and other food and set it
down in the seat beside her.

She wasted no time getting up from her chair, unbuttoning and unzipping her brother's pants in one go, and hoisted herself onto his lap, sliding down onto his cock as she stifled her moans with her fist. Rebecca motioned to his hands that held the scarf, and then motioned for him to tie the scarf around her head to muffle her moans. She had taken off her panties during a quick trip to the bathroom to splash some water on her face. And now, she enjoyed the feeling of her brother's cock inside of her, in public, and knowing that he'd be the only person to hear her moans and know that they were fucking. Though if anyone passed by, they'd see what was going on.
Feeling more aroused than ever before, Bellamy whipped the flogger across Clarke’s ass again. The sound of the leather whip crackling through the air and finally against her flesh was so pleasing. Bellamy continued attacking the beautiful girl until her ass was nice and red. The strikes were gentle enough to not produce blood but firm enough to cause some stinging for Clarke. That was the point, right? He decided to punish her in other ways, too. Standing beside of the blonde, his left hand dove in between her legs and felt around for her clitoris. He began rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves while his right hand continued spanking her, except he used his palm this time instead of a flogger. Having been with Clarke for over an entire year, he knew her body well. When he sensed she was close to an orgasm, he stopped rubbing her, leaving her on the edge and spanked her sexy ass a few more times before demanding her to beg. “If you want to cum, you have to beg your Master for it.” He purred, trying out the name and the begging. Since she liked being dominated, maybe she would respond well to this.


The movie played and Tyler paid attention. Bites from each snack were shared between the siblings and Tyler found himself truly enjoying their day together. It seemed like an innocent move when Rebecca’s hand reached towards his lap for a piece of popcorn. Rather, that’s what it seemed like at first. This movie was about to become tenfold more interesting. Even when Rebecca’s hand bumped against his cock, Tyler thought it was an accident. When she started rubbing him through his jeans, well, he knew better. Indeed, in a matter of minutes, he had grown aroused because of his sister. During that time, Tyler also slipped his hand in between his sister’s legs and rubbed against her pussy lips and her clitoris through her pants as best as he could, hoping to feel that wet spot forming.

With a questioning look, Tyler took the scarf and watched Rebecca situate the popcorn. Next thing he knew, his jeans and boxers were pushed down and Rebecca sunk down on his cock. To muffle his own, he bit down on his lower lip but he was easier to keep quiet than Rebecca was. He finally understood what she wanted with the scarf so he waited for her lips to stay closed and he pressed the scarf over her mouth, tying a tight knot at the back of her head for an OTM gag. Once that was finished, he grinned, feeling her pussy clenching his cock, his hips bouncing slowly in the seat to facilitate the motion, wrapping his hand around her thighs to rub on her clit as they had sex in public.
Clarke jumped and then immediately moaned, when Bellamy whipped her ass with the flogger again. Each time it hit her skin, she moaned a little louder and pushed her ass out more. Wanting and needing more. She opened her legs as wide as she could, once his hand went between her legs. The blonde went crazy as she cried out against the gag, while her husband spanked her ass with his hand, and rubbed her clit. She said a few not so nice words against the gag, when Bellamy stopped rubbing her right before she was about to come. Sighing in pleasure as he kept spanking her. "Fuck me!" Clarke begged against the gag. Trying to hump his hand that was still between her legs. "I want your come, Master!" The blonde said, urging him to stop teasing, and just fuck her already.


Rebecca moaned against the gag as her brother rubbed her clit and thrust inside of her. She loved that he had immediately gone along with her plans, pulling her body up until his cock was no longer inside of her, and then slamming back down onto him and filling her with his cock once more. Rebecca cried out, the sound muffled by the gag, as she kept moving up and down on Tyler's cock. She smiled as he started to move his hips, adding to their pleasure. After a few moments, she took his hands and placed them on her breasts, implying for him to squeeze them. This was so hot and now Rebecca knew that she definitely wanted to keep having sex in public places.
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