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RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

"I know what you mean, it doesn't feel real." Clarke said as she laid her head against his chest. "Bellamy? Our visit with Octavia and Laqueta got me thinking about something I never considered before. I know that now isn't the right time, but eventually I wanna have a family with you. I'll need to talk to my mother and get a check-up. And if we decide to have a family, I'll need to get the implant removed." She sighed softly. "Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there for us to start thinking about. I don't need an answer right now. We have plenty of time."

She took his hand and moved to lay down on their bed, pulling him down beside her. Clarke took one of his hands and placed it on her waist as she rolled in the bed and placed her
head on his chest. She glanced down at her father's watch that never left her wrist, and her thoughts turned to him. Clarke missed him more every day. And knowing that she was
getting married without him, hurt deep inside. She knew Bellamy felt the same way about his mother. An idea came to her suddenly. "I know Octavia's already making our clothes
for the wedding, but do you think she would walk me down the aisle if I asked? I was considering asking her and my mother. Combining both of our families..." She trailed off.
"Never mind. It's a stupid idea."
Clarke had given Bellamy much to ponder. However, he already knew the answers. “First of all, I don’t need to think about having a family with you. I want that so bad. However, I don’t think the time is right, like you said. I want to make this world much safer. I don’t want our child to face the same things we did. Secondly, your idea is not stupid, Clarke. I think it is adorable and I know Octavia would love it. I’m sure your mother would, too.” Then, his eyes looked down at her wrist, right over her father’s watch. He lifted her hand slightly upwards and took a glance at the item. “I know you miss your father. I can relate to that. I never met him but I wish I could have, to tell him how much I love his daughter and how I will always protect her. I’m sorry that he can’t be here.”

He pressed a kiss to her lips, knowing that she missed him. He really hoped he made her father proud and that he would approve of Bellamy. “But with the only two family members we have left, I think they would be perfect to walk you down the aisle.” Bellamy whispered quietly into her ear, reassuring her that she had no reason to think it was a stupid idea. Even her mother had warmed up to Bellamy and trusted him with her daughter once she realized how serious he and Clarke were about being together.
Clarke nodded at Bellamy's words, having expected him to say that. She wasn't angry, or even sad. She just kept the idea in mind to talk to him about it again at a later time. They made a good team, and they never brushed off the other's concern's or suggestions like they were nothing. If they couldn't find some way to agree on something, unless the situation was time sensitive, then they usually tabled the conversation for a later time. She smiled when Bellamy said that he liked her idea of asking Octavia and her mother to walk her down the aisle.

"I wish that I could have met your mother," she said softly. "Let her know what a kind, strong, and capable man she raised. She'd be so proud of you and Octavia and how amazing both of you are." Clarke kissed him back gently. "I'm glad you like the idea. I want Octavia to feel included, not just as your sister or as the person making the clothes for our wedding. But I want her to know that she's family to me, too. She and I haven't always gotten along, but I feel like all of us that were sent down here, are family. We care for each other and protect each other. We might not say it a lot, but I know we all love each other. And that's what makes all of us a family."

--A few days later--

Clarke was stationed to spend most of her time in medical while Bellamy, Miller and a bunch of the others were sent out on a hunting mission. They were expected to be gone for a few days, maybe a week at the most. Her and Bellamy's wedding was postponed, to their great disappointment, though it couldn't be helped. The team that left would be crossing into some of their allies lands, and to uphold the alliance that had been brokered between Kane, Octavia and Indra, would be met at each boundary by commander's of those village's and escorted to the next one, every other day and to which areas they were allowed to hunt in.


Octavia had been working round the clock, trying to keep her mind and hands busy, so she didn't have time to let her grief consume her. Between taking care of Laqueta, working on the clothes for the wedding, starting the clothes for the community, helping around the camp where it was needed, and training the kids every day in the early evenings, she was usually too tired to do more than bathe, feed, and put her daughter to bed before trying to fall asleep herself. But it wasn't that easy. Every time she closed her eyes, Lincoln's death played over and over in a seemingly never ending nightmare. So, instead of sleeping at night, she would focus on other things that needed doing around the camp. At this point, she was running on a week with no sleep. Not even a cat nap. Clarke had found out and the two of them had had two huge fights over the last few days about it.

Bellamy and the other's were due home that night and Octavia wanted to make sure the clothes for the wedding were perfect by the time he got home. She had finished the clothes a few days ago, and after working on clothes for the community and helping to build reinforcements for the gate, had fed her daughter a late lunch and then moved onto teaching the kids to fight. Octavia was in the middle of sparring with one of the 10 year old's in the community when everything caught up to her and she passed out. The last thing she heard was the kids calling for Abby and Clarke.
Bellamy and Clarke helped spread the word through Arkadia about the upcoming wedding. They planned for one week away. However, as always, the earth did not quite allow their plans to pan out. With setting up the alliances with the neighboring clans, they were growing low on meat. Sure, they might have had a functional garden and water source, but the human body could not grow or function without proper meat and protein. There was only one solution and that was hunting. Not many trikru members were open to trading with skaikru but even then, they had so many people to feed.

Bellamy was among one of the many people used to go out on hunting expeditions. They were gone for days or an entire week at a time. While he was on this particular trip, everyone back at camp were actually hard at work on preparing and planning the wedding for himself and Clarke. If things were slow in medical station, Abby helped Clarke work on things she wanted while Octavia measured her. Of course, Abby helped keep the dress a secret from Bellamy as they tried to keep some traditions from the Ark that they have always kept and one of those was not letting the groom see the bride in her gown until it was actually time.

While the wedding was not completely finished and ready to go yet, they were getting close. The hunting group was due back today but they had not returned by that night. Kane did not want to send anyone out yet because communications did not always work. Little did anyone know back in the camp that they ran into some problems. Not all trikru clans were honoring the alliance with the skaikru. One nation that did not honor anything really was ice nation, or azgeda. They had ran into some out hunting and Bellamy had been stabbed in the process.

It was not exactly a fatal wound but he was not doing well and they were slowed down an entire day. It was not until the next day at sundown when they all arrived back at Arkadia in the newly functional rover. They got into the gates and all helped pull Bellamy out of the back. He was in and out of consciousness. Miller was on one arm and Bryan was on the other, helping him towards medical station. “We need Abby! We have a stab victim!” He called out as they approached the medical station. It was a stab wound in his upper leg. It definitely missed the femoral artery but he could not really walk and he was losing some blood but with the proper medical attention, he would be fine.
Clarke had been doing minor things in medical that day, basically twiddling her thumbs as she waited for the hunting party to get back. A few hours had been spent on wedding stuff,
but most of the day had been slow, with only a few injuries, with the exception of an hour ago, when Jasper had come in with a high fever. Her mother and Jackson were taking care
of Jasper, when she heard Bryan call out that they needed help. "Stay with Jasper. Jackson and I will go help them." A few moments later, she and Jackson went to help and practically carried Bellamy back to medical. "Miller, Bryan! What the hell happened?" Clarke demanded as she tore Bellamy's pants to get to the wound.

She immediately grabbed towels and supplies and went to work, cleaning the wound around the knife. After cleaning as much of the wound as possible, she motioned for them to stay where they were. "Miller, Bryan, I need you to help Jackson hold Bellamy down while I remove the knife. He's gonna start fighting and if that happens, I could slice an artery and kill him." Once the three men had a hold of Bellamy, Clarke wrapped a hand around the knife and yanked it out, tossing it aside and quickly grabbing a towel to mop up the blood and medication to put onto the wound to keep it from getting infected. She closed up the wound and wrapped it, before telling the others that they could let him go. Clarke got Bellamy
some meds to dull the pain and said the others could get back to what they needed to do. She picked up the knife and wiped the blood off of it, and set it aside, to talk to Octavia
about it later. Then, Clarke stepped away to wash Bellamy's blood off her hands.
When Clarke pulled the knife from Bellamy’s leg, he screamed out in agony and passed out from pain and blood loss. After Clarke sent the pain meds through his IVs, Bellamy remained passed out. However, his vitals were doing fine and getting much better. Jasper also started getting better and the medical station was clearing out. When Bellamy started waking up, Abby found Clarke to tell her that Bellamy was alright and waking up if she was not already beside him. If she was still working on patients, then Abby told her to take a break and go be with Bellamy

By the time the male woke, his wound was wrapped and he was not pain free, but he felt much better than before thanks to the medicine. His eyes slowly opened and for the first time in almost two full days, Bellamy was finally fully coherent. Once his brown orbs readjusted to the light overhead, he sat up slightly before releasing a quiet groan into his arm. The fatigue was the worst since he had not moved in a while and had been full of medicine and drugs now. He could deal with the pain in his leg.

He put it together and realized he was back at Arkadia. He was back home. Next, the male turned onto his side and the first word that left his mouth, of course, was the love of his life’s name. “Clarke?” He whispered, wondering where she was.
"I'm glad you're awake," Clarke said, and put away the medical supplies she had been inventorying. "You scared the hell out of me," She said, looking into his eyes. "You're lucky that your injury wasn't lethal. What were you doing when you got stabbed? The clans know not to attack unless you refuse to leave, or threaten their people and I know that you wouldn't
do that." She paused and then walked over to the knife she had removed from his leg. Clarke picked up the knife and showed it to him. "This blade belongs to the King of Ice Nation's royal guard. Why did you go that far out? I had to convince Octavia to tell me what it meant, and she lapsed into Trikru speak so I had to shake her to get her to start speaking English again. Ice Nation isn't part of the alliance. Didn't Kane tell you that before you left? You guys were supposed to avoid going anywhere near their boundary line."
“You’re correct, Clarke. But, we were not even close to Ice Nation when they attacked. That’s why when we saw them, we assumed they were part of the coalition. When they got closer, we recognized their white war paint when it was too late. I don’t know why they were so close. The others said they were telling Kane when we got here. That’s all I know.” Bellamy admitted with a frown. Just when they had peace squared away with the Grounders, the one rogue nation had to screw everything up. Hopefully, this was an isolated event and they would get past this. However, the coalition stated that attack on one clan was attack on them all. There would likely be retaliation.

That was far from Bellamy’s mind, though. He was much more focused on this moment with Clarke. He reached over to grab her hand, gently squeezing it while lying there on the hospital bed. “But we found a lot of meat. Maybe we could have our wedding in a few days. How is everything going with the planning?” He asked, eager to hear the updates since he had been gone.
"You're gonna be okay," Clarke said after Bellamy had explained what had gone down. "In a few minutes I'll go tell Octavia that you're awake. She was going crazy when she found out that you were hurt. I felt the same way. This is probably going to sound horrible, but I've never been so happy to see her as when you were brought in. She volunteered her blood for a blood transfusion before I could even ask." She sighed softly. "I don't know how much you remember of the last few days, but I'm sorry for hurting you when I took out the blade."

She paused for a few moments and then said, "Now that you're awake, I can do what I've planned to do. The King from Ice Nation, Roan, I need to see him. I need to talk to him on behalf of Arkadia. During the issues with Mount Weather, I helped him and a bunch of his people escape. He owes me. I'm hoping that I can get him to make his royal guard stop attacking us." Clarke looked into Bellamy's eyes. "Before you even protest or try to stop me, I have to do this. We have to figure something out. Come to some kind of agreement."

"If Octavia can broker a peace with the other clans, then I have to try and get through to Roan." She stopped talking once Bellamy resumed speaking. Nodding when he said they
found meat and asked about the wedding. She squeezed his hand that held hers. "Everything for the wedding is set up. I want to marry you before I make the trip to Ice Nation-"
Clarke was cut off when the door to medical opened and Octavia stuck her head in.


"Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to check on you, Bell." Octavia said as she entered the medical unit, Laqueta in her arms. "And little Missy right here, wanted to spend some time
with her uncle. She's missed you while you were gone and then unconscious." Octavia carefully helped her brother sit up in the bed, and held out her daughter, to see if he felt like holding her. She smiled when a smile crossed her daughter's face at the sight of Bellamy. "See? She missed her uncle Bellamy."
“Fine, Clarke. I won’t try to stop you, but I am going with you. That’s not negotiable either.” Bellamy pointed out, looking deep into Clarke’s eyes. She could not stop him from going with her. He would watch her every second of the day if he must but she was not going to see this King without Bellamy by her side. That was for sure. Besides, going alone was the worst idea possible. They should go with others, too. Thankfully, they had time before that. Like she said, the wedding was going to take place before the trip to Ice Nation and Bellamy would have time to talk some sense into the blonde.

Before they got any deeper into conversation though, he heard Octavia enter and smiled softly at Clarke and then to his sister, happy to have them both here. He chuckled and sat upright as he held Laqueta in his arms, making baby noises and faces at his niece. That was something he did with Octavia. He made those typical baby noises and it had Octavia giggling and smiling, just like it did with her daughter. Laqueta laughed and reached up to touch him as Bellamy continued cuddling and holding her.

“God, you’ve gotten so big already.” He teased before looking back to Octavia. “How are you holding up, sis? I know you make a good mother. You’re doing a great job already.” He whispered to his sister, reaching over to gently stroke through her hair. “I’m so proud of you.” Bellamy added, having no malice towards her for leaving or for anything that she did that Octavia thought Bellamy might resent her for doing. That was all in the past and Bellamy was happy here in the present, reaching down and touching Clarke’s hand as well.
"Okay," She said and nodded. "We'll do it together. As a team," Clarke said softly and smiled at him. She knew that he would try to talk her out of it, but she was just as stubborn as he was, and she was determined to do this. Before she could finish her sentence, Octavia showed up with Laqueta, and Clarke smiled as the other woman and her daughter joined them. "Perfect timing," she told Octavia who looked confused at her remark. "Don't worry about it. You and this little angel just hang out with Bellamy while I finish up inventorying medical supplies."


Octavia smiled as she watched her brother with Laqueta. The sight of them together filled her heart with joy and happiness. Lincoln was gone, but she still had a family with her brother and her daughter. And soon enough, Clarke would be part of their family, and Abby, too. It was a strange but not unpleasant feeling, knowing that her brother was getting married. Clarke would be her sister-in-law, and while before they had gotten to Earth, the idea would have had her fighting with Bellamy to keep it from happening, she had grown fond of the blonde over time.

The truth was, she didn't hate Clarke. Never really had. She'd just needed someone to blame for her mother's death and for her arrest, and the blonde had been an easy and available target. But Octavia knew better now. She could see how much Clarke loved Bellamy, and because of that, she made an effort to get along with the other woman. When Bellamy turned
his attention to her, she gave him a small smile. "I'm much better now that you're awake, lazy bones.." She teased him. Octavia hugged him at his words. "I had a good teacher in you, Bell. I remember everything you've done for me my whole life, and I do the same for Laqueta." When Bellamy said that he was proud of her, she buried her face in his chest, as she teared up.

Octavia moved away a few moments later, and looked down at Bellamy and Clarke's hands together, then back up at them. "It's only a few more days, guys. Then you'll be stuck with each other for the rest of your lives," she teased them both.

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"My hand's fine. I didn't cut anything vital. Mom pissed me off, asking about the father again. I slammed the knife down on the counter and it broke and cut me. It's not anything serious. No hospital's. It's not needed." She listened to Tyler speak and then shook her head. "I love that you want to defend me, but you don't have to do that. I'm just not going to invite her over anymore. And when she calls, I'll just ignore it. It's the only way to keep my blood pressure down. I can't keep fighting with her like this. At least not while I'm pregnant. I don't want to put the baby at risk."

She stopped talking and listened as Tyler continued to speak. When he kissed her, she kissed him back, and wrapped her arms around his neck, needing him close. "I hope you're right," Rebecca said softly. "Because I know that the day's going to come when I won't continue to put up with the way she treats me. There will be sides, we both know how spiteful Mom can be. And I don't want to be the reason you have to choose."
Bellamy softly squeezed Clarke’s hand when the girl said she was going to go check on the medical inventory supply. “Okay. Go on. I’ll catch up with you later.” The male whispered softly, pressing a kiss to the palm of her hand and letting Clarke go on as he started looking towards the girl as she left the room. The male started looking towards his sister. Octavia was so amazing and she was the light of his world right along with Clarke. He loved them both, but in different ways of course.

He thought about what Octavia said even though she was teasing, but he chuckled at what she said about Clarke. “Yeah, I am definitely ready to be with her for the rest of my life. You know when I first got down here, I was only focused about one night at a time. I wanted to have fun for one night and nothing else mattered. Then, I met Clarke and I started to grow closer to her and I realized that there was more to it than just that. I fell in love with her and knew this was it for me. If I couldn’t be with her, I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”

It was not like Bellamy did not have any interest by other women. He still did. They still wanted him despite his engagement to Clarke but nobody could ever make him falter or step out of line. He would never hurt Clarke. He would never be unfaithful to her. “We talked about having a family, too. We decided that we would want to have a baby, especially after seeing Laqueta. We just don’t know when that time will come.” Bellamy added, talking to Octavia about it.


Tyler pulled Rebecca into his body and kissed her sweetly again before pulling away to talk to her about mom and dad. “No, don’t say that about anything. I love you, Rebecca. I told you that. You are more important to me right now than them. If they think that way and talk that way about the woman I love, then I don’t care what they think or say. I don’t care if it ruins the family name. I am not going to let that happen anymore. I will defend you. I’ve hidden away long enough. I don’t have to tell them what happened. I’m just standing up for my sister and I won’t let them hurt you like this anymore.”

The male nuzzled their noses together again before pulling back and taking her hand in his own. “Now, let’s just get working on that meal, yeah? It smelled pretty good. I pulled it off the oven so it didn’t burn.” Tyler chuckled quietly, hoping to ease the tension that she was feeling now about what happened with their mother.
"Aww... You're all grown up now, big brother. Talking about commitment and marriage and all the trimmings that go along with it. Who would've ever thought that playboy Bellamy Blake would want to be with one woman for more than a night?" Octavia said, unable to help teasing her brother. She was glad that he was happy with Clarke. But she was still his little sister, and teasing him was part of her job. She fell silent and let Bellamy talk, smiling as he talked about spending his life with Clarke. A few moments later Octavia said, "I'm glad that she makes you so happy."

She nodded when Bellamy said that he and Clarke wanted a family as well, but they had agreed to wait on it. "That's probably a good idea. Give things a bit of time to settle down, as we iron out our alliances with the other clans. But whenever you and Clarke do decide that you're ready, I'm here to help. All you have to do is ask."

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Rebecca relaxed against her brother's chest and kissed him back. When he released her, she sighed softly and took a seat on the couch. She smiled as Tyler talked, and nodded at his words. "I love you, too, Ty. And it's why I don't want to cause problems between you, Mom, and Dad." He talked some more, and Rebecca just nodded and let him keep talking. She smiled when he nuzzled their noses together and took her hand in his. "Good idea."
“Thank you, Octavia.” Bellamy responded sincerely, flashing a subtle smile towards his sister. Abby entered the room, intending to rewrap Bellamy’s bandages and clean the wound. It was also time for more pain medication which Bellamy was thankful for. The male handed the baby back into his sister’s arms and waited for Abby to finish the job. She informed Bellamy that his wound was healing rapidly. The only problem he should have from this stabbing was a limp for a few days. He should take it easy and do jobs around camp. That worked out perfectly, allowing Bellamy to relax around camp just in time for the wedding and the meeting with Ice Nation.

Finally, Abby left and Bellamy relaxed against the hospital bed, propping his leg up onto a few pillows. “Do you know anything about their healing?” He finally questioned Octavia, thinking about Grounder healing techniques. Despite the skaikru technology, whatever trikru had in those ointments worked impossibly fast at times. He simply wondered if Octavia had picked up on any of that. They could make it themselves, perhaps.


Tyler finished setting the table for himself and Rebecca. After setting out the bowls, the male found the spoons and napkins, lying them beside of the bowls on the dining room table. “What would you like to drink, Princess?” He asked, looking through her refrigerator. He decided on water for himself so he poured a glass from the tap and sat it in front of his bowl before returning for another glass to pour Rebecca whatever she wanted while his sister sat up the food.
"You're welcome, Bell." Octavia said and smiled back at him. She watched as Abby walked in and changed Bellamy's bandages. When he handed Laqueta back to her, she cuddled her daughter against her. When Abby left after giving Bellamy a warning to take it easy, Octavia fixed her brother with a look. "You heard what Abby said. You're supposed to take it easy
for a few days and let yourself heal. Don't even bother trying to be stubborn. Between me and Clarke, you're going to lose that fight." She nodded when he asked if she knew anything about their healing.

"I know the basics. Lincoln and Nyko taught me how to make ointments and remedies for more common issues. I can also put pressure on a wound, hook the patient up to IV's, sew
up a wound. But that's it so far. I helped a few of the women in Lincoln's village deliver their children, but it was only 3 of them. So there's still plenty more that I need to learn from Abby, Jackson and Clarke."

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They enjoyed dinner together and once the kitchen and food was cleaned up, Rebecca went into her bedroom and slipped some shoes on. "Let's go for a walk, Ty. Get some fresh air. We've been cooped up in the house for ages. I've been trying to keep us from being seen in public together too much, but it turns out we haven't been seen in public together at all in months. So, we can change that now. You feel like walking to the Baskin Robin's with me, two blocks over for dessert?"
Bellamy listened to everything that Octavia said, hanging onto every word. “Alright, O. I think I’m going to get some rest now. You should go on and do whatever you need while I sleep.” The male whispered this to Octavia now, the pain medication threatening to make him fall asleep now. Bellamy gave Octavia a quick kiss on the cheek and a quick kiss to Laqueta before bidding them both goodbye. Next, the leader closed his eyes gently and just slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep and slumber.

His dreams were actually quite well tamed and calm. He slept well and had nice dreams about Clarke and their wedding. He hoped she’d be back by the time he woke up. He also hoped to leave this room and go back to their room where it was much more comfortable and he could spend more time with Clarke. Plus, having her against his arms make everything more comfortable. That would be the best way for him to relax, then.


Tyler liked the idea that Rebecca had. They should go take a walk and get some dessert. That was a great idea. Besides, like she said, nobody had seen them together in a long time. Nobody would make a huge deal about seeing them together. It wasn’t unlike siblings to eat together. Tyler walked with the female outside after locking up the door, wearing a bright smile on his face. “What are you getting? And before you even argue, I’ll pay for it.” The male teased playfully, looking down at his sister.
Octavia nodded when Bellamy said that he was gonna get some rest now. She leaned over and kissed his cheek as he kissed hers. "Feel better," she said and a few moments later, she and Laqueta left medical so that he could get some sleep. Octavia brought Laqueta to spend some time with the other kids and just relaxed as they played with her daughter, making her giggle. A small feeling of peace settled over her as she watched the kids in the community play with Laqueta. It was a quiet afternoon, and they were all enjoying themselves. Bellamy was okay and asleep, and things were good.


Clarke returned to Bellamy's side, smiling as she watched him sleep. She quickly checked his wound, and then rested a gentle hand on his forehead to check in case of fever. There was none, he was okay. She pulled up a chair beside the bed and took one of his hands into hers and relaxed as she watched Bellamy sleep. After talking it over with her mother and Jackson, they had decided that when Bellamy woke up, he could leave medical and return to their room to rest. Clarke knew that he would be glad for that and would be more comfortable back in their room.

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Rebecca stuck her tongue out at Tyler. "Chocolate ice cream, and okay, you can pay." A few minutes later, they had locked up the house and started the walk to Baskin Robin's. "I've been doing a lot of thinking and there's something we should discuss. When the baby is old enough to understand, I want to tell him or her the truth. Us lying to Mom, Dad, and everyone else is one thing. But I don't want to lie to our son or daughter. They deserve better than to have us lie to them." She said and then fell silent after speaking, so that Tyler could say what he thought.
Bellamy woke up within another hour. His eyes shot open and the first sight within his field of view was the blonde girl that he loved, Clarke Griffin. With a smile, Bellamy sat upright and groaned quietly, clutching his leg. As painful as it was, they lessened his pain medicine yet the pain was more than bearable. The dark-haired man smiled at Clarke, talking with her briefly before learning he could return to his room with Clarke. He asked for a change of clothes and slipped into the new garments before finally feeling ready to move onto the next thing.

With Clarke’s help, Bellamy made it back to their room from the medical station. “Thanks for helping me, Clarke. I’m lucky to have such a sexy nurse. It’s a shame we couldn’t find you any nurse outfit to dress up in.” Bellamy teased, keeping a lighthearted tone to the situation when he sat down onto their bed, patting the mattress beside of him. “Now, why don’t you come on and join me. It’s getting dark. We can just relax in here.” He whispered softly, reaching upwards to take hold of her hands, pulling her down onto the bed beside of him.


Tyler definitely agreed with everything his sister had to say. He stopped for a second and pondered on his response, trying to figure out how to word his answer properly. “I think you’re right, Rebecca. We should keep it quiet at first. But I think that he or she will deserve to know when they can understand. It won’t be easy because not everybody has this situation. It might take some time to explain but I feel like we will know when the time is right to reveal the truth.” Tyler whispered, knowing it would be easier since they both would be here together.
"Nurse outfit? You're still asleep, 'cause you MUST be dreaming if you think I'd wear that." Clarke teased back. "And you don't have to thank me for helping you. I love you, and I'll always do everything in my power to help you." She gave him some clean clothes when he asked for them. Once they were back in their room, she helped Bellamy into bed and sat down beside him. "I told my Mom that I was taking the day off from helping in medical, so that I can look after you. I want to make sure you're really okay and not just pretending to be Mr. Tough Guy."

@#!% @#!% @#!% @#!% @#!% @#!% @#!% @#!% -- Brother/Sister RP: A Surprise For Brother -- @#!% @#!% @#!% @#!% @#!% @#!% @#!% @#!%

"Thank you for agreeing," Rebecca said and smiled at Tyler. She took his hand into hers and squeezed it, before releasing it. A few moments later, they continued to walk to Baskin Robin's. The breeze on her face felt nice and the silence that fell between them was a comfortable one. They arrived at the ice cream shop, walked inside and then headed for the counter.
Inside the bedroom, Bellamy stripped down to only his boxers. It was much more comfortable like this. The dark-haired male took his spot on the bed and released a soft moan once his skin made contact with the mattress. It had been over a week since he slept in a real bed. His body ached everywhere and he needed rest. As much as the male loved to do things for camp, his body had been pushed to the limit again so he was not fighting this rest order. He was thankful that Clarke was spending the day with him instead of somewhere else. He patted the mattress, looking towards Clarke. “On the Ark one day, I read somewhere that when a guy has a leg injury, sometimes it helps to heal when a sexy girl lays beside of him in bed and they kiss each other.” Bellamy teased, looking towards Clarke, inviting her over. They had been away from each other for an entire week and they had lost time to make up for.


Returning the smile, Tyler held onto Rebecca’s hand for as long as possible before releasing it. “You don’t have to thank me, Becky. I love you and I will do anything to make you happy.” Once the pair arrived at the restaurant, Tyler placed the order for Rebecca as well as himself. He decided on a vanilla ice cream cone and he paid the order in full. The food was swiftly brought out to them so Tyler took his ice cream and handed Rebecca hers. “Do you want to eat here or should we take this back home?” The young man asked, willing to do whatever his sister wanted.
Clarke immediately and happily moved to join Bellamy on the bed, sitting beside him a moment later. She laughed at his comment, and then gently swatted at him. "You're such
a flirt, Bellamy Blake. But that's okay, because I don't mind." Clarke wrapped her arms around his waist, and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're feeling a bit better."
She reached out and took one of his hands into hers, squeezing it and then releasing it. "I'll be right back." Clarke said and she got up a few moments later. She left the bed and
went and got something down from the closet, and then returned to the bed, sitting down once more.

On her lap was a drawing pad, some pencils and some color pencils. "Octavia got this for me the other day when she went out to the trading post. She gave it to me yesterday
while you were asleep." Clarke laughed softly. "I hadn't drawn anything in a long time. But I had the perfect subject." She said and flipped open the drawing pad, showing him
the pictures she had drawn of him while he slept in medical. "I wanted to ask, do you think Octavia would be receptive of me drawing her some pictures of Lincoln for her to
hang up in her room? I don't want to do it if it'll upset her. I just figured this could be my way of thanking her."


"Thanks Ty," She said when he had handed her the ice cream. Rebecca licked the chocolate cone a few times, swallowed and then answered his question. "Why don't we walk
around some more? It's a nice night out, and I'm not ready to return to the house just yet," she suggested. "We could walk through the park and check out the stars. I think
that would be nice." After speaking, Rebecca fell silent once more and let Tyler decide as she resumed licking her ice cream cone. She was enjoying this time with her brother
outside of the house.
The drawing looked so realistic and it made Bellamy smile. When Clarke suggested drawing some pictures of Lincoln, the male simply shrugged his shoulders. “I honestly don’t know how she’d react. If you’re asking me though, I would think she might enjoy the pictures. I mean, she talks about Lincoln from time to time when it’s necessary. I don’t get the impression she is trying to not think about him.” That was his opinion. It might be wrong though. Nonetheless, Bellamy was only focused on Clarke right now. The young man waited patiently for Clarke to put her sketchbook away after he looked through other drawings she created. “You’re such a talented artist, Clarke. You still have it.” Even though it had been a long time since Clarke had drawn anything, her talent was still obvious.

Bellamy wetted his lips with his tongue, his brown eyes locked onto Clarke’s. Not only had it been a week since they kissed or cuddled, but it had been a week since they had some fun in the bedroom. Sure, his leg might be injured but he was hardly incapable. “You know what? I think you’d look nice sitting in my lap.” Bellamy mused, wondering if Clarke might be in the mood for a little fun. That would help them both relax, wouldn’t it? Bellamy reached over for her hand, guiding it down to his boxers while his hand slowly slipped down the inner part of her right, upper thigh.


Just like that, a decision was made. Tyler led the way, out of the restaurant and down the street towards the park. “I remember how we came here all the time when we were younger.” The male mused, remembering family trips to the park. Most of the time, it involved Tyler playing rec league ball in middle school at the park here while their mother and Rebecca played with the other younger siblings there. “I don’t think I’ve been here in years, though. I’ve always felt like I was too busy to come back to the park.” It was true, though. Tyler did not have much free time with his job.
"Okay. I'll draw up some pictures of Lincoln and then ask Octavia about it. If she says no, then I'll just hang onto them until she's ready to see them." Clarke said, and then she got
up and put her drawing pad away after Bellamy had looked through it. She resumed her seat on the bed beside him, resting her head on his chest. "Thanks for saying that," she said softly and smiled at him, their eyes locked. His words meant a lot to her. He wasn't one to hand out flattery on a regular basis, so Clarke knew that he was being honest with her.

She watched as he wet his lips with his tongue and wondered what he was going to say next. A soft laugh left her lips when he brought up sex. "What am I going to do with you?"
Clarke asked and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. He reached for her hand and she let his hand guide hers down to his boxers. Taking the hint, she wasted no time and slipped
her hand inside, her hand wrapping around his cock and stroking him. As his other hand moved over her body, she spread her legs wider to give Bellamy better access.


"I like to come out here at night sometimes. Enjoy the quiet, the breeze, my memories. It's peaceful here, and it helps me think, helps me come to a decision when I'm having trouble deciding something." Rebecca looked around the park, which was empty except for them. "Things used to be so easy when we were younger. It hasn't been that way in a long time."
Smiling against Clarke’s full, soft, pink lips, Bellamy deepened the kiss even further. His right hand undid the button of her pants so it was easier to access in between her legs. With his index finger and middle finger, the young man felt inside of Clarke’s panties and pressed down firmly onto her sensitive bundle of nerves. At times, he would pinch the flesh of her clit together. At other times, he rolled the throbbing flesh around his fingers. Additionally, he would sometimes just rub soft circles with the pads of his two fingers. Those fingers brushed against Clarke’s entrance at one point in a teasing manner before pulling back.

His erection was growing inside of her hand, filling up her entire grip and then some. “As much as we’ve had sex… we’ve never done so many things. And I’ve never told you what my deepest, darkest fantasy is about you.” Bellamy admitted when pulling back from the kiss. Sure, they experimented. Clarke on top, different position, different locations… it was never dull. However, everything was rather tame. “Do you want to hear about it? Do you want to know what I most want to do with you?” Bellamy questioned, hoping she would be open to a kinky idea and then, he would hope she found the idea desirable.


“You’re right. Things are more difficult and much different since we’ve grown up. That made me think. I guess I owe you an apology. These past few years… I’ve been so caught up in my work that I’ve not made time for you or anyone from the family really. I barely made it to your graduation. I don’t know what I’ve been thinking or doing Rebecca. I’m sorry. I hope I get to make all that up to you now.” Tyler mused while taking a few licks of his ice cream.
Clarke moaned once Bellamy broke the kiss, his fingers still working her, as her hand worked him. His words intrigued her and she nodded when he asked if she wanted to know
his darkest fantasy about her. She couldn't even begin to guess what he had in mind, but she nodded, anyway, eager to please him. "I wanna know what it is. Whatever is, I'll do
it. Or, we'll do it." Clarke didn't hesitate to agree, even before she knew what it was that he wanted them to do. "Tell me," She said and then kissed him again. Her hand stroking
him faster.


"Ty, you never have to apologize for living your life. You're supposed to do that. I never blamed you for not being around. You're an adult, and I was just a kid. For the longest time
I didn't understand why you were never around. But I do now. I understand that you weren't avoiding me. You were avoiding them, and protecting yourself. And I can't blame you for that."
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