RP: The 100: Gravitational Pull: randomname98766789 and greenandgold

King Roan had expected nothing less from Clarke. She was a fiery girl and it showed. Half of Roan might enjoy torturing her. It would win over his people for sure. When the information was given to him, the King would kill Clarke and obtain all of her powers. That would give him the most respect he could have for twenty lifetimes and he would never lose his power unless someone killed him, of course. The next couple days were brutal and torturous. From using knives to slice, cut, and stab the girl, they had used other torture like dehydration, choking, and other mechanisms.

Roan had simple questions. How many guards did her people have in camp? How many people did her camp have in all? He wanted to know what kind of weapons they had and how many weapons they had. The technology also interested King Roan. It could give him all kinds of power if he obtained their technology and learned how to harness the power. Since he was not completely hellbent on killing everyone, Roan wanted to know about the noncombatant women and children. Their lives were spared but they were going to be used as slaves in camp.

Lastly, he asked about their food supplies, water supplies, and other miscellaneous supplies. They could overtake the camp and use Arkadia to expand. During those next three days, Roan had finally released her people out of camp, saying that if anyone came back, he would kill Clarke. Now, Bellamy had an idea of his own. Whenever a guard entered the room, he tried to attack so he was already all bruised, beaten, and busted. Everyone tried to convince Bellamy to turn back and go with them to Arkadia so they could plan, but they would have to take Bellamy out in a bodybag before he left Clarke here alone.

That entire night was spent sneaking around the fences, scouting the area. Finally, he spotted King Roan disappearing into a dark cellar and he figured it must have been where they held Clarke, He found a way to sneak through the fence, quietly taking down a few of the guards until he reached the cellar. Luckily, one of the guards that stood in front of the gate had one of these keys to Clarke’s cell. Bellamy took him down, recovered the key and set forward. When he reached the gate, he saw Clarke and she looked almost lifeless and his heart dropped. There would be time for comforting later but now he had to get out of the Ice Nation with Clarke. Inside, he swiftly undid the chains that bound her to the wall, hoping that his wife was going to be okay. “I got you, Clarke.” He whispered into her ear, picking her up into his arms and moving out of the cell with the blonde, attempting to go back the same way he came.
"Not... saying... a damn... word..." Clarke said, still defiant. Her voice was hoarse from all the screaming and yelling she had been doing ever since her capture, and from being choked several times a day for the last few days. Her eyes were swollen shut, her body covered in bruises, welts, cuts, stabs and burns. The blonde knew she was dehydrated, starved, and her neck was damaged from the choking she had endured. Clarke was just barely aware of the fact that she was being unchained from the wall. "Not... falling... for it. Kill me.. Never... give... them.. up.."

She couldn't walk or fight anymore, as she was too weak. All the young woman had left was her stubborn sense of will. Her refusal to tell Roan and his guards anything, no matter what they did to her. The last thing Clarke saw before she could no longer open her eyes, was her wedding ring. And she focused her thoughts on her wedding to Bellamy, wanting it to be one of the last things she remembered before she died. "...prepared.. to die.." The blonde kept mumbling though the things she said made less and less sense. At least to anyone else.

The blonde knew what she was saying. "May... we... meet.. again.." The words left her lips in a whisper, choked out through the pain. She coughed up blood between each word. And a few moments later, Clarke was sure that Roan had finally won, and welcomed the blackness of death, as her body went limp as she passed out. The blonde was unaware that Bellamy
had found her and saved her, and they were now on their way back to Arkadia. Her last thought before she passed out was that she loved Bellamy, and hoped that her mother, Octavia and Laqueta were okay. She knew that he would continue to protect their friends and family when she was gone.
Nothing could stop Bellamy. Almost exiting the King’s village, Bellamy and Clarke were found. Not surrendering, Bellamy used his guns and killed everyone that he could. When he ran out of bullets, the dark-haired male found knives and various blades to use in defense. Although Bellamy was one man against many, the human body and mind were special and dangerous when a loved one was threatened. It was nothing short of a miracle but Bellamy fought his way out of Ice Nation with an unconscious Clarke. Whenever possible, he made an attempt to stop the bleeding and keep Clarke stable. It took an entire day to make it back to Arkadia.

In fact, a small group of soldiers were preparing to leave on a rover with the intention of storming Ice Nation to find Clarke and Bellamy. Once arriving, Bellamy made it clear that Clarke received medical attention first. He was not doing so well either, but Clarke was not out of the woods. Abby and everyone she could gather helped assist with Clarke. The only thing Bellamy could do was wait outside the room where they worked. As much as he wanted to stay beside Clarke, he would only get in the way. Having done all he could do, it was in the doctors’ hands and whatever supreme being that existed had a say in things, too.

Bellamy just prayed to whoever would listen, praying that Clarke would be saved. Their time together should not end now. He was furious. Partly at Ice Nation, partly at Octavia because she caused this and it would take some time before he forgave his sister. Now, the male slumped down against the outside door, holding back tears, keeping a neutral look on his face. A friend brought him a water since he was thirsty and exhausted. Other than that, Bellamy wanted to be left alone and he just sat there patiently, not letting his mind move into any dark places.
The first thing Clarke was aware of sometime later when she regained consciousness, was the pain. It was still there, but had lessened. Her eyes moved underneath her eyelids for several moments, and then those blue eyes opened once, before slamming shut as the light was too bright. Her first thought was a horrible one. That Roan had made one of his men
take care of her injuries just enough to keep her alive so that he could keep torturing her. But thankfully, that was squashed when the blonde heard a familiar and most welcome voice, her mother's voice a few feet away, mumbling something about medical supplies.

"Bellamy?" She said her husband's name, the word coming out softly. Immediately, her mother was instantly checking her injuries and trying to talk to her, but she simply shook her head. "Is Bellamy... okay?" Apparently her mother knew that she wasn't going to give up until she heard about or saw her husband. The younger blonde was glad when her mother
left the room. A few moments later, relief filled every part of her when Bellamy entered medical. "Love you.." Clarke said, holding out the hand with the broken wrist that was
wrapped up, to her husband.

"Let Mom... check your injuries." The blonde said, once Bellamy had fully entered the room and taken a seat in the chair beside her bed. They were both alive and they had made it
back to camp. Clarke thanked whatever supreme power was responsible for that, as she had been so sure that she was going to die in Ice Nation, and that Roan was going to attack Arkadia. "We need... shooters," She said as soon as her memories slammed into her. "Roan's... going to attack. Don't know when... but he.. wants Arkadia..."
When Abby fetched Bellamy, his eyes lit up. Sitting beside Clarke, he gently held her hand, giving her palm a kiss. “I love you, too. You’re my brave, strong wife. I knew you’d make it. When I got you out, I saw that they were readying troops. Don’t worry. We have shooters ready on the perimeter and we are prepared. Please don’t worry about that right now, though. Just focus on getting you better.” Just knowing that Clarke was awake, conscious, and aware was pleasing to Bellamy. If he lost her, he would not want to live on anymore. It might have been a selfish thought but he could not fathom life without Clarke.

He looked to Abby when Clarke said he should get his injuries checked out. Only when Abby said that she has done everything she could for Clarke at this point did Bellamy give in. His wounds were cleaned, wrapped, and some suturing was done. Clearly, he was not as severely harmed as Clarke but he was also told to take it easy for a while. Abby heard that Bellamy brought Clarke back all by himself so she thanked him and left them alone. Bellamy slowly crawled onto the bed with Clarke, making sure not to touch her too much for fear of causing pain.

“Tell me if there’s anything I can do for you right now.” At this point, Clarke had been awake for a full hour while Abby attended to him. He hoped she had regained more of her conscious thought. Asking if she was alright was pointless since he knew the answer, but he instead asked what he could do to help her or make her more comfortable. He intended on taking care of Clarke while she was like this, that was for sure.
Clarke had felt anxious without Bellamy immediately by her side. She didn't like the idea of him being away from her. Especially not after everything that had happened with Ice Nation and Roan. She gave her husband a small smile when he kissed her palm. His words comforted her, but the blonde knew it would be a while before she wouldn't have nightmares about everything that had happened over the last few days. "Not brave. Probably stupid, but definitely stubborn.." She said and then chuckled, letting out a wince after the action. The blonde nodded, relieved, when Bellamy said that they had shooters around the perimeter.

"That's only half of what I'm worried about," She admitted to her husband softly. "What about Octavia?" The young woman asked him, worried. "I don't want you to be angry at her, Bellamy. I'm not even angry at her. This wasn't Octavia's fault. She didn't make Roan and his men do this. He had a choice not to retaliate, and chose to do so. I don't want you to
do or say anything to your sister that you'll end up regretting. I don't want her to take Laqueta and leave. If she does that, who knows where they'll go and what would happen to

When he crawled onto the bed, she moved over a bit to make room for him to join her. "What you can do for me, is assure me that you're not gonna fight with Octavia. She's family.
And to be honest, I think we've all been through enough, don't you? The last thing we all need is to be at each other's throats. I hope that you'll take some time to calm down, and
think things through before you approach her. I don't ever want to be the reason that you and Octavia's relationship has issues. Like I said before, I don't blame her, and I hope you
won't, either."
Easier said than done, Bellamy chewed his lower lip. “Fine. I won’t lie to you. I am upset with Octavia. I know it might not be fair to blame her because Roan did not have to retaliate, but she did not either. It nearly got you killed. I will give myself time to calm down. I will wait a few days before I talk to her. If I try and talk to her now, I’m going to snap.” Yes, Bellamy loved Octavia but he loved Clarke more. His relationship with his sister had taken a step back since he fell in love with Clarke.

That was just how marriages and romances worked. They were stronger than a sibling relationship. Now, he wanted to keep both women in his life but if he HAD to choose between them, it would be Clarke. She made a valid point, though. The last thing he wanted was running Octavia out of the camp and into danger because he did love her and wanted her safe. He could not be blamed either, though. It was an emotional and stressful time. The male should keep his mouth shut until he had time to calm down. It was only rational to feel this way at this time.

Wrapping his arms gently around the blonde, Bellamy pressed a kiss onto her cheek. “Can we not talk about that now, though? I thought I lost you for good, Clarke. I don’t know how I would have went on.” The male admitted, pressing a kiss onto her lips. “You always are the voice of reason. I appreciate that.” The young man whispered, now stroking his fingers through her long hair. Their eyes remained locked together and Bellamy nuzzled his nose against hers. “Can you get some sleep? You would do well to have some rest. Your mother told me that with some rest and her keeping a check on your wounds, you will get better soon.
"I can only speak for myself when I say this. If I were in Octavia's position, I know that I wouldn't have the strength that she's had with this. She waited over a year to get revenge for Lincoln's death. For her daughter's sake. For her own well-being. I can guarantee you that if I were in her place, I'd have killed the person who killed you, within a week. Her restraint
is more than I thought she was capable of, I'll admit. And while the fact that she killed the rest of Roan's guard is worrisome, I wouldn't expect anything less." The blonde sighed softly.

"Your sister's not a little girl anymore. She's been through a lot in her life and this was something that couldn't have been avoided. If it wouldn't have been revenge for Lincoln, it would be for something else." The blonde stopped talking a few moments later, and rubbed a hand over her face. She relaxed just a bit when he wrapped his arms around her and then kissed her cheek. "Yes, we can talk about it later. You didn't lose me, I'm right here." She said and kissed him back. The blonde smiled when Bellamy said that she was always the voice of reason.

"I've been called plenty worse," She said and smiled. A few moments later, she felt his fingers stroking through her hair. Their eyes were locked on each other's and when he nuzzled
her nose she said, "Do me a favor? Spring me?" Clarke paused when her husband mentioned her trying to sleep. "I don't know if I'll be able to sleep," The blonde admitted. "Maybe if
we were safe and secure, locked in our room, just us?" She said, giving him a hopeful smile. "I do know one thing. I won't be able to sleep on this bed. It's too firm. So, if you spring
me, I'll go right to sleep, once your arms are around me.." The blonde said, hopefully.
After hearing Clarke’s request about being taken into their room and onto their bed, Bellamy smiled a sweet smile at his wife. “Of course. I will carry you there.” Since her body was so battered and beaten, the male knew he must be careful with her. Sliding out from the table, he thought about how to do this without hurting his wife. Finally, he settled on letting one arm rest underneath her neck while his other arm rested underneath her knees. Before picking Clarke up, Bellamy pressed a kiss onto her lips, holding it for a few seconds before pulling away and standing upright, keeping Clarke secure in his arms.

From this position, Bellamy carried Clarke in his arms from the medical unit all the way out into the hallway and towards the Ark to find their room together. The walk was slow as Bellamy did not want to make Clarke’s body feel any unnecessary bumps that could cause pain to her. Finally, the couple reached their room and Bellamy slowly sat Clarke down onto the edge of the bed. He pulled back, pulling down the blankets and covers helping Clarke completely into the bed. Offering another smile, he leaned down for a kiss, wrapping one arm loosely around her neck.

“Is this better? I’ll join you in a second.” The male whispered, stripping off his shirt, kicking off his shoes and walking around the bed to slide into his side. Once he was securely underneath the covers, Bellamy wrapped both arms around Clarke again, pulling her back against his chest or her chest against his chest depending on if she wanted to face him or to have her back against him. “Try to get some sleep now. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay with you and cuddle for as long as you want, Princess.” Bellamy whispered, giving her another soft kiss onto her lips.
Clarke was a lucky woman. She appreciated her husband more than words could say. "Thank you," The blonde said softly, once Bellamy had agreed to carry her to their room. The young woman kissed her husband back when he kissed her lips before picking her up. She winced a little, but hid the action, not wanting to alarm Bellamy for no reason. Several minutes later he had carried her back to their room and he set her down on the edge of the bed. Clarke watched as he fixed the blankets and then leaned down for another kiss. She was happy to kiss him back.

When he slipped his arm loosely around her neck, she leaned into his touch. "It's much better, thanks." The blonde said and felt herself finally start to relax, now that she was alone with her husband, and now that she was on a bed that was much softer than the ones in medical. Clarke happily watched Bellamy strip off his clothes. She enjoyed the sight of him naked, and a chuckle left her lips. "If we both didn't need the rest, I'd be all over you." When he got into bed with her a few moments later, the blonde felt her husband gently settle her back against his chest.

Clarke nodded at his words and then closed her eyes. "You know, I used to hate it when you called me Princess. Now, it makes me feel special." She took one of Bellamy's hands into her own and squeezed it. "You need to get some rest, too. We've both been through a lot, and the only way for us to get better is by sleeping, and then keeping ourselves busy with whatever comes next." A few moments later, she said her voice barely above a whisper, "Love you. I'm glad that you're okay, and I'm grateful you got us both out of there." A few moments later, her breath evened out in sleep.
You are right. We both need sleep. It is a good thing you like being called Princess, now. You know I would never stop.” Teasing and chuckling softly, Bellamy leaned down for another kiss to the blonde’s lips. After holding the kiss for a few seconds, the male pulled away and wrapped the blonde up more tightly against his body. With his arms locked around her waist, Bellamy closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. His legs wrapped around hers and the physical closeness was extreme. His member was pressing right against Clarke’s crotch while they slept and he could not wait for her to recover so he could show her just how happy he was that she was alright.

It was just after daybreak in the morning when Bellamy was jolted awake. The sound of a fist pounding on the door loudly pulled his attention from his slumber. It was Miller and he had been on watch earlier tonight. “Bellamy! Clarke! Wake up! Arkadia is under attack! It is Ice Nation!” He shouted before running away from the door and down the hallway to give others a wake-up call. It took a moment before Bellamy realized exactly what was happening. His eyes went wide looking at Clarke. They had protocol for an attack. Any abled bodies that had training prepared for the frontline.

Various Guards would protect those who had no training or were unable to fight. “Clarke. We have to get moving. Don’t you dare think about coming outside with your injuries. You are going with the others deep into Arkadia. I know you want to help, but please, just help there and make sure the elderly, children, and other injured stay put and are safe. Please, Clarke.” Even Clarke should realize that she was not helping anyone with her injury. It was a death sentence for her to try and be outside. The male quickly pulled on his clothing and got prepared. “Can you walk? Do I need to carry you?”
"No, don't worry about me. I need to find a radio and get in touch with Raven.." Clarke said as she got up from the bed and began to pull her clothes on. Her actions weren't as quick as she'd like, because of her injuries, but she did what she could. When Bellamy left to meet the others on the front line, the blonde finished getting dressed and then headed for medical.
On the way there, she ran into Jasper and snatched his radio from him. "I need this more than you do.." Clarke said when he gave her a confused look. "Get to your position, now!"

When Jasper took off, she continued on her way to medical. Her eyes constantly took in everything around her as she made sure that no one who didn't belong there, hadn't gotten inside Arkadia. "Raven, come in. I need to know if the perimeter is ready." She said, her voice going out over all of the radios. Clarke was sure that Bellamy wasn't going to be happy with her when he found out that she had made a plan before they left for Ice Nation and had kept it from him. She didn't want him disrupting the plan, or putting himself at risk because of it.

"It's ready, Clarke. Locked and loaded. All systems go," Was the reply that came from the other girl. "The second they make a move, they're Grounder dust."

Clarke spoke again. "Cursor 1 to all units, gimme some sound and fury. I want this whole place wired - we go on my signal. And don't skimp on the power. I want it loud and dangerous - off the scale." The blonde paused for a moment and then said over the radios again, "Is the intermediary still in camp?" She asked over the radio as she walked inside of Medical.

Harper's voice came over the radio this time. "Negative. She left last night to rendezvous with the Trikru army. They know the plan and have taken up position all around the forest."

"Good." She paused for a moment and gave the signal. "Tómalo." (Take'em down, in Spanish) The sound of gunfire and explosions came over the radios, along with the sounds of fighting as Octavia, who had a radio, fought with the Trikru army against Ice Nation.

"Keep me informed of what's going on." Clarke said as she pulled shut the door to medical, bolting it locked behind herself. All of the elderly, women, children, sick, and hurt were there. After a few minutes she said, "Unit two, are you in position with the bombs?" She was glad when Raven responded for her unit in the positive.

"Unit three archers, keep sharp eyes on Roan. With Echo and half of his guard out of the picture, he's going to be ready to fight and kill anything and anyone in his path."

"Unit four shooters, keep your eyes peeled and your fingers on the trigger. The moment Roan and his men make a move towards the front gate, take them all down. Don't waste bullets, go for the head-shot." She clipped the radio into the belt at her hip, and let out a relieved sigh upon seeing Nyko in a corner of the room. He was holding Laqueta and singing to her in Trigedasleng. Clarke crossed the room to her mother. "What do you need me to do? How can I help?"
Before departing from Clarke, Bellamy gave her a kiss on the cheek. When the male exited their room, he grabbed one of the assault rifles, shoving the handgun into his back pocket. Since Bellamy was an excellent shot and a trusted member close to Kane, he was given the operation and leadership of an entire Guard unit. He was in charge of six other soldiers. They met together and grabbed the ammunition they needed before going towards the front gate. His team was assembled of the best shots in camp. Therefore, they were stationed at the front gates, ready to take on the bulk of the attack.

Others were scrambled throughout camp at different outposts. Over the horizon, everyone could see Roan leading his army towards Arkadia. Of course, Chancellor Kane was still trying to keep the peace and wanted to avoid this war. He did not know about any planned explosions or attacks that Clarke and the others had planned. Neither did Bellamy. The male was hidden behind one of the crates near the gate and peered over when the army stopped just outside of the gates. They had not made a move yet and Kane walked out into the open, his hands raised up high.

“King Roan, we don’t have to do this. We can work something out. Too many people have died already. We should work together. We can be more powerful that way.” Kane tried reasoning with the King, but it was pointless. Roan chuckled and Echo rolled her eyes, just wanting to start the killing and the war already. “I’m sorry, Chancellor. There’s nothing else you can do about it now. Your people have killed too many of mine for far too long. Trikru doesn’t have enough honor to get rid of the problem and we don’t care about killing a few hundred people. This is the end of the road for all of you.” After saying this, Kane frowned and was preparing to speak again.

Something caught everyone off guard. There was this loud, sickening, massive explosion, Bellamy ducked down because he had no idea where it came from. People screamed in agony and pain outside the fence and bullets were flying down from somewhere. Bellamy spotted shooters around camp that were not in the scheduled plan that Kane and the others created. During this attack, Roan ordered his army to fight and a volley of arrows were shot into Arkadia. One of the arrows struck Kane since he was in the open but Bellamy was close enough to pull him down behind cover.

The war was here. Bellamy peeked out over the crates and fired a few shots before ducking back down. There was screaming on the radio as spears were hurled. Many of the Ice Nation warriors charged the gates, trying to either break down the fences or climb over them but that did not last long since they were electrified.
Clarke spent the next while helping her mother and Jackson in medical. The radio remained clipped to the belt at her hip, and she heard everything as it happened. She was so many things at one time. Worried, nervous, irritated. But knew that she was more useful in here. The blonde listened as Kane tried to make peace again, but knew immediately that Roan wouldn't go for it. Much screaming came over the radios and at one point, she had to turn down the volume of the radio just a little, because it was scaring the patients in the Medical ward.

The blonde, her mother, and Jackson, tended to everyone in the ward at least twice. This took a long time because the room was filled with members of Arkadia. Once she had helped as many people as she could, Clarke took a small break and walked over to Nyko and Laqueta. She smiled at her friend and asked if he wanted to take a small break and eat something while she watched the little girl. When he smiled and nodded and handed her niece to her, she hugged the girl to her chest. Clarke watched as Nyko went to eat and spoke to her mother and Jackson.

Then she turned her attention back to Laqueta and tried to keep her entertained by reciting a book from memory, that she had read as a child. The young woman ran a hand up and down her niece's back, trying to soothe her. Clarke smiled as her niece babbled to her in what she assumed was a mixture of both English and Trigedasleng. The war raged on outside of the medical ward, and she held the baby close, worried about fatalities on their side. Hoping and praying that Bellamy, Octavia and Kane wouldn't be one of them. It wasn't that she wanted any of their people to die.

It was just that if they lost any of those three or all of them, it would be the end of Arkadia. Kane was good man, but he was mainly a figurehead now. Bellamy ran the camp, plain and simple. And Octavia was the main thing keeping their alliance with Trikru going. If any or all of them fell, Arkadia was screwed. Clarke closed her eyes and then started to mumble under her breath. "Let them be okay, let them be okay, let them be okay..."
The battle inside and around Arkadia lasted for hours. Bullets and patience were running low. Arkadia saw a fair share of casualties but Ice Nation undoubtedly suffered more. So far, Bellamy had been unscathed during the fight. Kane was battling, pinned down against the crate beside Bellamy. Groans of pain left his lips and Bellamy knew it was important to get him help. The male understood that Abby and Kane must have something. Abby was his mother-in-law so Bellamy felt a great deal of pressure to keep Kane safe without even thinking about how Kane held the camp together as Chancellor.

Ice Nation was not backing down but their numbers were thinned. The sound of a horn over the horizon followed by shouting in incoherent language ceased the warrior fighting. They turned around together and sprinted away from Arkadia into the trees and back towards their sector. The Arkadia guards and members continued shooting until no remaining warriors were left. It was a bloody battlefield on both sides. When Ice Nation retreated, some of the Sky People began shouting and celebrating. Something told Bellamy this was not over. Instead of celebrating, he started taking the injured into the medical ward. Kane was his first priority.

“Don’t worry, Chancellor. You’re going to be alright.” Bellamy told the older male, hoisting him onto his right shoulder where Kane’s abdomen rested on top. Bellamy’s hands hooked together around his waist. Each step was agonizing for Kane. Bellamy called for Miller and informed him that the medical ward needed to be prepped for wounded. They had many and everyone needed to help bring the injured to safety. However, their supplies were low and they should only try to save those that could be saved. For the others that were dead already, make them as comfortable as possible or mercy kill them if they wanted.

It was not an easy order to give. Bellamy did not want to give up on anyone but it was impossible to waste more supplies. They could not afford it. Bellamy reached the medical ward first as Abby cleared out everyone that was non-essential to her assistance. Once Bellamy dropped off Kane, he stopped to check on Clarke for a brief second just to ensure that she was alright and so that she could see that he was alright before returning to the body-ridden fields of Arkadia, hoping to save as many people as they could.
Octavia finished speaking to Indra in Trigedasleng and then she nodded at the other woman, hugged her, and watched as her friend left with the Trikru army. Once that was done, she turned and walked inside Arkadia, and began to help bring the wounded to medical. She picked up the radio at her belt and said, "Clarke, it's over. For now. You can unlock medical,
we need some help out here, anyone you guys can spare, we need them. Bellamy's bringing Kane your way, he was shot by an arrow. Make sure to take care of him first, and you
know the deal about your mother."

When the blonde responded in the positive, the brunette clipped the radio to her belt once more and started helping two of their people into medical. When she got inside the room, Clarke, Abby, Jackson, and Nyko were taking care of the injured. Raven was holding Laqueta now, and Octavia was relieved. Glad to know that her daughter was in good hands. She
went back and forth for the next while, helping bring the injured into medical, and even using some of the Trikru healing techniques she had picked up, to help some of their people.

Once the injured had been taken care of, and their dead buried, it was late that night when Octavia approached Bellamy and Clarke. "There's something that I need to talk to you guys about. Can you come to my room? I need to put Laqueta to bed and we can talk while I do it." She was glad when the other two fell into step behind her, after checking on their people one more time. They got to her room a few minutes later, went inside and she pressed a button to close the door behind them. The young woman offered each of them a seat and sat down herself, with Laqueta in her arms.

"I've spoken to Indra, and she wants me to go to TonDC. She wants me to meet with her and the rest of Trikru to discuss something. I need to bring one of you with me, as the two of
you are recognized as leaders of Arkadia, under Kane, and since he's injured. Indra mentioned something about combining our forces. And I think it's a good idea. Every single time something bad happens, either Trikru or us are screwed and we need the other clan's help. Well, this way, we combine our resources, our people, and our know-how and skills."

"Indra wants to meet with us to discuss the possibility of extending Arkadia. It would be like this. Trikru would also live with us in Arkadia. We'd build a separate set of villages over the area right beside us, if that's what they want, so that we can all work together and live together, as one. We'd still be known as separate clan's, but this way we'd have more of a force for any time we need it. And Indra, Nyko and I would teach our people how to fight, warrior-style." As she was talking to Bellamy and Clarke, Octavia also spoke to her daughter in Trigedasleng, her tone low and soothing, as she sang a little, and talked, and spent the next half hour trying to get her daughter to fall asleep, while she also discussed the upcoming
trip to TonDC the following day.

"I'm leaving first thing in the morning."

Clarke didn't know what to say as she sat there with her husband and listened to what Octavia had to say, and watched as the young woman sang her daughter to sleep. Now that all of their injured were taken care of and their dead had been buried, they needed to get some sleep. Everyone was exhausted and this time was needed to rest, but her sister-in-law had a point. She knew that while Bellamy and Octavia were still at odds over everything that had happened while they were in Ice Nation, that he would still listen to what the other woman said, especially if it was for the good of Arkadia, and for Trikru.

"Bellamy, I think you should go with Octavia.." The blonde told her husband. "I'll be more useful here, helping out in medical. You already know where I stand on most things. And even if something comes up that I wouldn't agree with, I trust your judgement. I know that you won't do or say anything reckless. I think we all really need this. And besides, we both know that the Trikru warrior's are amazing. If we can all work together and learn even half of the things they know, then I'd say that's a good trade-off. Just, be careful. There's no telling if Roan and his guard have truly gone back to Ice Nation, or if they've just retreated a few miles away to plan another attack."
It took half an hour before Bellamy finished bringing the injured into the medical ward. Too many people died today. Heartbreak and pain was shown on the faces of everyone inside Arkadia. When all the injured were brought into the medical station, the brunette male began burying the deceased. It was not until Octavia fetched himself and Clarke before he stopped working. Truthfully, Bellamy had not spoken a word to Octavia since the incident inside Ice Nation. If she had not sought revenge, Clarke might not have gotten hurt. It was unlikely the peace talks would have granted peace, but Bellamy thought Clarke’s torture and near death was punishment for Octavia’s actions. In fact, they were. King Roan had planned on turning away the Arkadians and telling them to prepare for war. Octavia slaughtered Echo and Roan had to make his own revenge hurt. Instead of attacking Octavia, he attacked Clarke since she was a leader and that Bellamy would hurt from it, too. It was the best way he could attack both Bellamy and Clarke, the leaders of the camp. He hardly saw Kane as the leader because the teenagers were much more apt in his opinion.

The male wondered what Octavia wanted. It was awkward at first because Bellamy could not even meet his sister’s eye. Indra had wanted the sky people and the tree people to combine forces and form an alliance. Surely not every Trikru member was on board. Bellamy expected to meet resistance in that idea. It sounded almost impossible but if they did combine forces, they could become unstoppable. Their numbers and resources and skills would heavily outweigh the members of Ice Nation because they were only one Nation. If they wiped out these rogue Grounders, it could make lives better for everyone. Then, the male heard how Trikru would live within Arkadia and around Arkadia. That was probably difficult and Bellamy was not even sure he liked that idea. It would take some convincing for their people to accept the idea. Well, Bellamy figured it was possible but some people saw every Grounder the same. It was nothing that he could help. They had been attacked by Trikru before and they had failed alliances before. This could be different, though. The male had to talk with Clarke about this. When they were dismissed, the married couple retired into their room together for the night.

After the couple undressed and prepared for bed, Bellamy slipped underneath the covers first and pulled Clarke with him. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist and his hands interlocked on her abdomen. Listening to Clarke, he decided she was right. “Fine. I’ll go with Octavia. If this is going to happen, our people need convincing. You know there will be more people that are against this move than for it. We might not have a huge deal from our people if we were simply in an alliance but I can’t imagine how easy it will be for them to accept Grounders living inside and around camp. While I am gone, you, Kane, your mother, and anyone else you can think of should try to convince everyone that this is for the best. The last thing I want is to be granted this alliance just for some dope to screw everything up because they hate people that were born on the ground. It won’t be easy, but we’ll do it.” Bellamy drawled, kissing down her neck before falling asleep with Clarke. Since Octavia was leaving early, Bellamy woke well before Clarke did the next morning.

After dressing, he pressed a firm kiss to Clarke’s lips, bid her goodbye, and said that he loved her before finding Octavia outside his door. Instead of taking the rover or walking, he suggested they take her horse. It might appear better for the Trikru members anyways. While they rode through the forest in the early morning hours, Bellamy kept quiet, only talking when necessary about the alliance and what their plan was. He wanted nothing to do with Octavia right now. She had not even apologized for what she had done. Bellamy might not ever forgive her even if she admitted her mistake. He understood that she was pissed about Lincoln’s death but Bellamy nearly lost Clarke and she did not even care. As long as she got her revenge, she was happy. Octavia only cared about Octavia. That was what he learned. When they reached the gates of Trikru, they were met by the guards and Bellamy stayed put on the horse, letting Octavia do the talking.
It wasn't long before Octavia and Bellamy rode up in front of the village. She was surprised when the men guarding the gates turned their weapons on her. "Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru und Trikru," She said, quickly dismounting from the horse and easily approaching the warrior's. They tracked her movements as she neared them. "Heda Indra kom Trikru," She said and was surprised when the men raised their weapons, aimed them at her once, and then up at the sky and started to speak quickly in Trigedasleng. Octavia nodded and replied to them, her expression angry. Before glancing back at her brother. "Stay on the horse and keep your gun holstered. Don't follow me. I'll be back as soon as I can."

She took off inside once the guards at the gate moved aside, and the brunette quickly scanned the village. Half an hour later, she came running back through the gates and had a quick conversation with the men there. "Oso throu daun ogeda. Skaikru und Trikru. Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim!" She yelled the last part fiercely at the men. The men at the gates nodded and moved to their knees, bowing. Octavia heaved herself back onto the horse. "We can't stay," She said to Bellamy and immediately turned back in the direction of Arkadia.
The horse running as fast as it could. "Indra's dead. Ice Nation attacked around 2 this morning and killed her and 20 other people."

"Nyko's the next person in line to lead Trikru. If he agrees to the alliance talks, then the others will have no choice but to follow him. Especially since they know it's the last thing that Indra wanted before she died." Octavia's left hand bled from a long cut that she had made, while she was inside the village. "This is going to get so much worse before it gets better.." The brunette could feel her brother staring at her bloody hand and waved it off. "A blood oath. I got to Indra right before.. Right before she bled out." She said softly and then fell silent as they rode back to Arkadia.
Even though Bellamy was upset with Octavia, that did not mean he was not worried about her. When she entered alone, he hated that thought since the warriors at the gate did not act so happy to see them. However, he convinced himself to keep calm and stay put. The guards at the gates did not move their weapons from Bellamy. The more time passed, the more impatient he grew. When the brunette finally reached the front gates, he sighed in relief and watched her. He saw the blood and it worried him but she quickly explained the situation. Damn. Ice nation was hitting hard.

Well, at least it gave them all a reason to form an alliance together. Since Nyko was at Arkadia and everyone was close, the alliance should stand. While they were riding through, Bellamy thought about how important Indra was to Octavia and it made him feel awful that she was killed. “I’m sorry about Indra, Octavia. I know she meant a lot to you. We’re going to make Ice Nation pay.” After saying that, he turned his head forward and kept a look out. Well, he thought about what he said.

Last time Octavia lost someone close to her, what did she do? She went into Ice Nation all alone and suddenly tried to take revenge on her own and it nearly got Clarke killed. Bellamy would keep an eye on Octavia now for sure and make sure that she was not careless again. “I’m in this with you, O. Everyone is. Please, don’t do anything rash. We’ll work through this together.” He whispered, arms around her and hugging her. He figured it did not help to be upset at Octavia and he felt bad for ever feeling that way though he was thankful he never expressed his anger towards her.
"I'm sorry about what happened to Clarke. Not that it changes anything or makes a difference," She said, her voice steely. "I've already apologized to her, and she accepted it. Now you just have to decide if you can forgive me. But anyway, don't tell me you're sorry for Indra's death. She died defending her people. It was a heroic death. Just tell me that we're going to kill Roan and his men. I might have gone off half-cocked before with my revenge for Lincoln, but I'm not going to do that this time. No. I'm going to plan it all out. Torture them slowly."

"Rip off their fingernails, until they're a bloody mess. Cut off their fingers one at a time, sew their lips shut so their cries can't be heard. I can even poison them, if I'm feeling especially generous. Though I doubt I ever will. They'd get to die with no pain, they'd take a drink or bite of something and 10 minutes after they swallowed, their heart would stop. There's plenty of other things that I can do to Roan and his men." She said, seething with anger inside. Octavia took a few breaths in and out, in the hopes that it would tame the rage that she felt.

"I'll need to talk to Nyko when we get back to Arkadia and have him help me track down her daughter, Gaia. Anyway, the guards at the gate are going to talk to the rest of their clan and convince them to work with us against Ice Nation. And once Nyko takes his rightful place as the new Commander of Trikru, they'll follow him and we'll all be able to work together." They rode back to Arkadia, and Octavia was quiet for most of the way. When they got back home, she dismounted from the horse once more, and stared at her brother, sad but serious. "You keep looking at me and you expect to see the happy, kind little girl that you raised."

"Well, I hate to tell you this, but that person is gone. She's dead and never coming back. You can accept who I am now or not. It's up to you. There are two things that you need to know about me. The first thing is that I love my family and friends more than anything else. And the second is that I'll do whatever needs to be done, fuck the consequences. And if you can't handle that, then I'll take Laqueta and leave, to put you out of your misery at seeing who I am now." Once Octavia had said what she needed to say to Bellamy, she walked off and went to find Nyko and her daughter.
Bellamy felt so many different emotions when they returned to Arkadia. However, Octavia left his side before even giving him a chance to respond. First of all, she said that she apologized to Clarke. Well, that fixed everything! Now Octavia got to live her life and do whatever the hell she wanted while the entire camp had to reap what she sowed. Then, she talked about torturing the people that killed Indra slowly and he wanted to roll his eyes. Yeah, that would be great. It would give them more time to escape or a chance to be saved. She was not bringing Lincoln or Indra back by pulling this stunt.

He understood. She wants to be a warrior because Lincoln was. She thinks she has to kill everyone that looks at her sideways. She might feel some kind of ego boost but in reality, Bellamy thought it was weak. Honestly, the male did not expect to see the happy girl he raised. He expected something else. Octavia has not grown through this tragedy. It was stupid that she had turned into this and he felt responsible for it. However, when Lincoln died he consoled her like he should and was there for her. The brother sincerely believed he did everything possible to keep his baby sister on the right path in life but apparently he was wrong.

The thought of Octavia taking her daughter and leaving made Bellamy squirm. He did not want that, did he? Would it be better? She would not get anyone else killed except herself. Bellamy had a hard time coming to grasp with this. He was prepared to just drop everything and move on but she stormed away from him like that was going to do something. He needed to talk to Octavia and soon. She was acting too reckless. It might have been a good idea to imprison Octavia so she did not cause any harm.

Nonetheless, it was too much right now. He saw Octavia leaving for Nyko and Bellamy found himself searching the medical ward for Clarke. When he found the blonde, he stood behind her and sighed softly. “How’s everything looking in here?” The male questioned softly, figuring she wanted to know about what happened with Trikru. “Do you have some time? We should take a walk around camp. We can make sure everything is repaired correctly and we can talk about what’s next. There’s a lot to catch you up on.”
"It could be better," She said softly. Clarke nodded at her husband's question and used a tired hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. "Yeah, I should take a break. My mother's been at me to do so for about 4 hours now." She walked over to the sink and washed her hands. Then the blonde dried them on her shirt, not caring. "What's going on? You look like I feel right now. Like something bad went down and you just don't know how to handle it." Her hands shook as they left the medical ward, and the young woman reached for one of Bellamy's hand's, needing the comfort.

"We lost one of the original 100 this afternoon. Charlotte," She said softly. "She was missing when we rounded up all of our injured and dead. Turns out that Roan and his men had her tied to a tree with both of her arms cut off, and a knife in her chest. I nearly threw up when I found her. My mother wanted to take care of her, but I couldn't let that happen. She was closest to you and I, so I did what had to be done." The blonde sighed. "She was nearly dead when I found her and she asked me to kill her. I knew she wouldn't survive, so I did it.. A single shot to the head...."

Clarke trailed off, cleared her throat and then said, "Anyway, that's the big stuff that happened here while you were gone. Kane's going to be okay, but he's out cold for the rest of the day, and he'll be doped up on pain medication tomorrow. My mother won't let him out of her sight. So, tell me what happened with you and Octavia. You have this look on your face. A mixture of anger, sadness, pain. Talk to me, so that I can help." They started to walk around the camp and Clarke fell silent after speaking, so that her husband could tell her what was wrong.
Truly, Bellamy hated hearing what Clarke had to say about Charlotte. The look of pain in her eyes was tough to handle but he would give her space if she needed. The feeling of her hand laced with his own gave him strength to talk about his problems even if his instincts told him to not say a word about his issue with Octaiva. Firstly, he started talking about the pertinent, basic information. “Well, we arrived to Indra’s village but Ice Nation attacked there as well. Indra died but she and Octavia made a blood pact. Nyko is next in line to lead Trikru so that is where Octavia is headed now.”

When he spoke about his sister, his jaw clenched. “I worry about her. You know that. But I worry about her more now than ever. Last time she lost someone close to her, she went on a rampage. I don’t want the same thing to happen. If she does something like that again, it could end us all. I have half a mind to put her in lock-up so she doesn’t do any danger to herself. She said something about taking her daughter and leaving. I don’t want that but she just walked away from me without even giving me a chance to speak.”

Shaking his head, he stopped and frowned. “It is almost like she resents me or spites me. She’s not going to accomplish anything by doing this. I thought I was there for her when she needed me. I don’t know where I went wrong. I can’t lose her. We’ve lose so many other people and I know you said to not be mad at her for what happened but it’s just not that simple. I think about the danger she put everyone in and it makes my skin crawl. I don’t know what to do, Clarke. I just don’t know anymore and that scares me the most.It feels like I've lost her.”
At 3 the next morning, Clarke groaned at the sound of a knock on the door. She wanted to roll over in the bed and just ignore it and hope that whoever was on the other side of the door would go away, but she wasn't that lucky. They weren't that lucky. With a groan, the blonde checked on Bellamy and saw that he was waking up and was wearing pants. So, that was good. She was wearing shorts and a shirt, so she walked over to the door and pressed the button to open it, surprised to see her mother on the other side. "Mom? What's going on? Do you know what time it is?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Is everyone okay?" The young woman asked, and ushered the older woman into the bedroom and pressed the button for the door to close behind her mother. "I saw you trying to talk to Octavia earlier when she and Bellamy got back, is she okay?" Clarke sighed and rubbed her eyes. She walked over to the couch where her mother sat, and took a seat a few feet away from the other woman. "Come on, Mom. Talk to us. We can't help if we don't know what's going on." She watched as her mother shifted on the couch as she tried to figure out how to say what she needed to say. "Mom, whatever it is, just say it."

Abby waited for Bellamy to take a seat on the couch beside Clarke, and once he had joined them, she started to speak. "I'm worried about Octavia. She hasn't been coping with losing Lincoln. At least not in a healthy manner. The whole thing with Ice Nation could've probably been avoided if she hadn't gone over there for revenge. However, with that said, I think
that Octavia finally had a breakthrough." She paused a moment later as she tried to figure out how to say what she wanted to say. Abby turned to her son-in-law, and met his eyes. "Bellamy, you know that I'd never try to replace your mother, right?"

"I'm sure you also know that I love you, Octavia and Laqueta, just as much as I love Clarke. All three of you kids are family, plain and simple. With that said, both of you should know that I just spent the last 5 hours with Octavia, and I think it was something she really needed. Bellamy, as much as you love your sister, what she's needed was a mother's touch. And
I know that I'm not you and Octavia's mother, but I really think that I got through to her. She yelled a lot, and cried a lot. Your sister has a lot of guilt that she carries, and a lot of rage and pain inside of her."

"She blames herself for your mother dying, for Lincoln dying, for Indra dying, and thinks that if she stays around you, that you're going to die, too. Octavia feels guilt for what happened to Clarke, and she's been debating on whether or not to leave Arkadia. I've asked her not to leave, to think about Laqueta and what would happen to that little girl if something happened to her. It shut her up for a while. Your sister has a lot on her mind, and she has trouble expressing herself. The killing is the only way she knows how to express her anger and pain. I've told her that that's not a healthy way to deal with those feelings and she's agreed to talk to me, when it gets to be too much for her."

Abby sighed a moment later and moved to get up from the couch. "I know that it's early and I'm sorry for waking you guys up, but I just wanted to let both of you know what's going on as soon as possible. Both Octavia and Laqueta are sleeping. Laqueta fell asleep a few hours ago, and Octavia cried herself out and fell asleep. I'm going to stay with the girl's for a few hours, and Jackson and Nyko can handle medical for a while. I want to be there for the girls." A few moments later she kissed Bellamy's cheek, and then hugged her daughter. "You should both go back to sleep and get some rest. I'm sure you'll both need it." After saying that, she let herself out of their room and pressed a button so the door locked behind her.
For the first time in a long time, Bellamy slept peacefully this night. They did not obliterate Ice Nation but they did real damage and Clarke was in his arms so that helped comfort him. When there was knocking at the door, his eyes opened slowly after Clarke moved from their bed. Now what? The male forced himself out of the bed to sit upright and watch as the blonde moved across the floor towards the door. When he heard that it was her mother, he grabbed a nearby t-shirt and sat down with Clarke across from Abby as they sat on the couch.

“Go ahead, Mrs. Griffin. Say whatever you need.” Bellamy spoke quietly, still referring to her as “Mrs. Griffin” because he respected her and even though she had told him countless times that he did not have to act so formal with her, Bellamy knew it was the right thing to do. Besides, he did respect her and he was honored to be with her daughter. The last thing he wanted was to disrespect Abby even if was something as simple as calling her by her first name. Even if Abby did not see it as disrespectful, Bellamy’s mother did raise him with manners, the same manners he tried to teach Octavia.

Abby shared Bellamy’s concern about Octavia. It was nice to know that she was looking out for her son-in-law’s sister. After Abby said something about a breakthrough and not replacing their mother, Bellamy shook his head. “No, of course not. I know you’re trying to help. I don’t see you as trying to replace her at all.” Bellamy promised the older woman with a soft smile. She talked about her conversation with Octavia and it disappointed Bellamy that he could not give his sister something that she needed.

It made him feel like he failed his mother because Octavia was his responsibility. That was exactly what Aurora Blake said to him when Octavia was born. Nonetheless, he was thankful that Abby made the breakthrough and it made him relieved. “Thank you for talking to her and I know she loves you. I love you as well. I appreciate how openly you excepted myself and Octavia into your family.” The next part made Bellamy shudder. Wow. He did not think she would ACTUALLY consider leaving. Bellamy thought it was a heated notion in the moment and it made him want to talk to Octavia right that second.

Before Abby left, Bellamy did grab her wrist. “Wait. Please, come get me when Octavia wakes up.” He asked politely before watching her go and turning to face Clarke. “I never knew she felt that much guilt. I thought it was a game to her. She didn’t act like it was a big deal that any of this happened. I wish I could have known.” Bellamy frowned, holding Clarke’s hand before bringing her palm to his lips. “Let’s get some sleep. In the morning, I will talk to Octavia.” He added quietly, pulling Clarke back to the bed.

Once they reached the bed, it was more difficult for Bellamy to fall asleep and stay asleep. A few hours later, Abby knocked at the door again. Bellamy was ready, jumping up and pulling on his shoes. Abby greeted him at the door, saying Octavia was awake in her room. “I’ll be back soon, Clarke.” He told his wife before leaving their bedroom and making the short walk down the hallway until he found Octavia’s room. The door was left slightly ajar and before he entered, Bellamy took a deep breath.

Wherever Octavia was, he did not say a word. Instead, he walked to the brunette and threw his arms around her, hugging her as tightly as he could. With tears almost brimming his eyes, he whispered something into Octavia’s ear. “I love you. Please, don’t ever leave. I can’t be without you.”
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