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TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

Mynx nodded and turned her attention back to the three kids. “Why don’t you three go make a list of possible names for your new siblings?”

After Blackfire had walked for awhile she placed the cube and began pulling the top off.
"Okay mom," Melvin said before she led her younger brothers out to the waiting room. The giant teddy briefly appeared to wave hi at Mynx and awkwardly petting her before disappearing into thoughtspace. "Melvin is getting better with her powers," Tempest noted proudly.

"So everything okay then?" Tempest asked Mynx, now that it was the two of them there.

"Good morning to you too," Diego said as he saw Blackfire pull the ceiling of the stone cube he was trapped in.
“Good.” Mynx said with a smile. “I’m fine just a bit freaked as to how we’re gonna handle five kids.” She sighed. “Did the kids do their homework? And did you manage to get them to bed as a decent time last night?”

“I made you breakfast.” Blackfire said as she dropped the roof on the floor. The room they were in was makeshift, at best, but it had a table with two place settings and food.
"Yeah, they did their homework last night and I got them to bed on time last night," Tempest told her as he embraced her gently. "The kids are getting old enough to look out for themselves and I heard of "latchkey kids" that was a thing here," he added.

Diego made a platform of ice to step out of the cube and landed on the floor to see where he arrived. It was a table with some seats, place settings and food. "Thank you," Diego said cautiously as he looked at the food while he looked at Blackfire, trying to figure out how she was.
“Please tell you didn’t leave them home alone.” Mynx said with slight concern. “They are very independent for their age but I still don’t feel comfortable leaving them home alone.”

“You’re welcome.” She stated before walking to the table and sitting down at one of the two place settings. “You don’t have to worry about being able to eat this, it’s from Earth.” It appeared to vibe pancakes with eggs, sausage, some fresh fruit, and orange juice. “I am told that’s what eaten for your morning meal.”
"Of course I did not. I spent the day with them yesterday with them," Tempest reassured her. He figured Superman would be her soon enough. "And our staff has gotten used to our schedules enough they now how to manage the place well enough," he added.

"Oh wow, this is really good," Diego said surprised. He was definitely caught off-guard by the rather delicious food. While he did not want to admit it, if she did cook this, then Blackfire was better at cooking at Starfire was, least with Earthly cuisine. "Y-yeah, thank you," he said as he began digging. He was also trying to analyze her. Blackfire seemed troubled. While he knew that she was a manipulator, he did notice her behavior was odd during the moments she was by herself, not knowing he was noticing her.
“Okay good.” Mynx said. “It’s gonna definitely be a challenge juggling five kids while trying to make sure the three oldest don’t feel like they’ve been replaced, but I’m sure we’ll find a way to manage.”

She began eating but began talking once her mouth was empty, “I know you don’t trust me so you can stop trying to look like you’re not. It’s honestly just an insult to both of our intelligence.”
"They know we care about them and they're good kids. Actually, I asked Melvin if she was worried about that, and she said she knows we love them all and that they will help with their new younger siblings," Tempest noted to her with a smile before they saw the door and there was Superman, having completed his morning missions.

"How you feeling?" the Man of Steel asked.

"I don't know you and I don't know your motivations. While you're right I don't trust you, it's like I think you're going to kill me or anything," Diego said after a moment of silence. He figures she would've caught on, but still wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Like why are you doing all this? You okay?" he asked her.
“Better.” Mynx said with a smile as she took Tempest’s hand. “We actually have to tell you something. You may want to sit down for this.”

“I have my reasons.” Blackfire said with a slight smirk on her face, wether this was malicious or not was unknown.
"Sure, what is it?" Superman asked Mynx as he took a seat. He was happy to hear that she was doing well to say the least.

Diego blushed a bit at seeing the sultry smile his technical sister-in-law had for him. However, he was eating his food because he was hungry. "Does it have to do with Starfire?" he asked.
“Well, last night Dr. Midnite gave us some news.” Mynx began explaining with a serious look on her face. “I’m going to have to be put on medical leave for awhile,” she was trying to build the tension before the big reveal, “because in twenty-eight weeks the world is going to have two brand new heroes.” She waited while her words sank in.

“Yes,” Blackfire answered as she also continued to eat, “there’s a lot about her you don’t know.”
“Makes sense, but I didn’t think the wounds were that big, “ Superman notes to her before he noted that she was getting different behavior. “Wait, you’re pregnant?” Superman said in surprise “Yes, So the lineage of Krypton lives the n,” Tempest said with a smile.

“Congratulations tonthe both of you,” Superman told them with a smile on his face.

Diego kept eating. “Like what?” Diego said as he found himself becoming warm and a growing tingling sensation going through him.
“With twins.” Mynx added. “Dr. Midnite wants to keep an eye on the progress but everything seems good at the moment. It’s fraternal twins so it could be two boys, a girl and a boy, or two girls.”

“Did you ever wonder why she’s the heir to the throne and not me?” Blackfire asked not taking her eyes off her food.
“Best of luck to you. I will be around to help out if the children gain any Kryptonin powers. Although, I have an announcement fo le everyone, but that can wait,” Superman said with his own smile le while Tempest wondered what it was.

“She gave up the throne and last I heard, Galfore is now heading a constituonal monarchy and has even settled down with his own family, so there’s a new dynasty,” Diego responded, wondering why he was feeling warm and tingly. He wondered what she was up to.
“Are you pregnant too?” Mynx asked, jokingly.

“It’s not like I get news updates here.” Blackfire said. “Regardless she was made the heir and I wasn’t.”
"Well, of course not, but it is something like that," Superman said cryptically and this got Tempest's attention. He then remembered that Superman months earlier said he had a big announcement involving his disappearance and that could explain the weird cosmic events that were happening.

"Okay, so what's the point?" Diego said as he was staring at Blackfire, wondering where this was going. He let out a breath as he got a mild blush on his face. He began trying to use his ice powers to deal with the rising heat in him.
“I’m partly made of your DNA so you have to tell me before everyone else.” Mynx said. “I am not good with being patient.”

“It’s because she was the favorite and I was the failed first attempt.” Blackfire explained.
“Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait too much longer, but you might be able to figure it out now,” Superman said before he was beginning to head out. “Who’s the next person you want me to contact?” Superman asked the two.

“Hey now, I don’t think so. I don’t think you’re a failure,” Diego said, surprised at her rather hurtful words at herself. He knew what it was like having problems with your self-image and he wanted to help her.
Mynx smiled and said, with a wink, “Tell Lois I said congrats, and you can send Martian Manhunter in it heMs here.”

“My parents thought I was.” Blackfire said with her head bowed as she looked at her plate.
"All right then, I will. Though congrats will be in order still," Superman said with a smile as he left. "I can't help but wonder if there is something more to this," Tempest said as he was in thought.

"I'm sure they cared about you. Otherwise why would you still be alive?" Diego noted. "Look, you've made mistakes, but you're not automatically a bad person," he added, trying to be comforting, but still unsure what to do.
“It doesn’t matter at the moment.” Mynx replied. “We can worry about that after the celebration.”

“After our brother came along they didn’t need me.” Blackfire explained. “Royals have two children, in case something happens to the first one. Once they had a replacement for Starfire they didn’t need me.”
“All right. So you want me to call Wonder Woman?” Tempest asked Mynx as he saw Superman head out. We was wondering whether he should check up on the kids in the meanwhile.

Diego bit his lip at what Blackfire said. “So why did you could me back? What do you want with me then?” Diego said to Blackfire, nervous at what could she mean. What could be her goals?
“You can see if Martian Manhunter is out there.” Mynx said. “I wanna tell her second to last, With Aquaman being the the last.”

“I thought you deserved to learn about the Starfire I know.” Blackfire answered.
“All righty then,” Tempest said before he pulled a book out of his back for Mynx to read while she was getting rest. He went to check on the comm. “She will be here soon,” Tempest told her with a smile.

Diego increased his ice around him to try and lower his heat down, despite the fact he was getting aroused. “I’m not leaving Starfire if that’s what you’re thinking,” he noted.
“Okay.” Mynx said And after a few second of silence she continued speaking. “I bet both of them are gonna have dark hair.”

“Ultimately that is your decision,” Blackfire stayed, “however I believe you should have all the facts before you make your decision.”
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