TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

Starfire’s dress was simple yet elegant: it was was an a-line and strapless. Due to her pregnancy being longer than a human, she hadn’t started to show yet. Mynx has done her hair, pulling the side bangs back so the met in the back and created soft curls at the ends of her hair.

Mhnx sat in the room watching the ceremony while holding Lilith.
Diego just stared at his bride in total awe at how beautiful she looked in her dresss, while her veil covered her face and holding the bouquet. “You look sublime,” Diego told her lovingly. The two were now presented in front of Mr. McCay And he smiled at the two of them.

As he was approaching their vows, Diego couldn’t help but get the feeling that something was about to happen.
“And you look very handsome.” Starfire said joining Diego at the alter.

Mynx was watching the ceremony when she got a feeling of dread, call it mother’s intuition. She slowly put Lilith down and texted Tempest, writing, ‘Send Melvin and Timmy back here as nonchalantly as possible. I have a bad feeling about something.’
Tempest got the messege and nodded as he told the kids quietly to head back to their parents. Of course, this got the attention of a few of others, with them straightening their bakcs and wondering if something could happen. Of course, Diego nor Starfire were noticing.

When Norman reached the part on the objection, the window shattered and there was a floating figure there, hands glowing and had a mask on them along with some tattered armor and with an army of robots. They were apparently old models of the Manhunter robots the Guardians of Oa used to use. They were colroed black and purple.

Diego acted out and got BB to evacuate the civilian guests out of the area while the heroes would prepare to stop this surprise.
Mynx had gotten her three children on the floor so they wouldn’t be seen from the outside. She told Melvin to watch her brothers and Lilith before she went out to help fight.

As soon as Starfire heard the glass shattering, she turned in the direction of the sound and took an aggressive fighting stance with her hands beginning to glow.
The dark-armored figure had the Manhunters rush at the heroes, with several taclking them at once in order to distract them. Once Diego got all the civilians to safety, he began using his ice powers to deal against the Manhunters though it was only slowing them down by much.

He did note two manhunters were hovering above, having a large container that looked like it contained something... or someone. "Hurry!" the figure said with a distorted voice before they went to punch Starfire.
Mynx saw the figure go for Starfire and used her speed to run and force herself in between the two, protecting the pregnant superhero from the punch. She then went to attack the figure, punching rapidly and causing a good amount of damage.

Starfire began using her powers to knock out the robots from afar.
The heroes were holding their own against the Manhunter robots, especially noting they were older models. However, Diego couldn't help but note it felt like it was only a distraction or something. The Manhunters holding the container looked like they were trying to unlock the container and they were about to succeed.

Meanwhile, the masked figure was clutching some strange item that looked like it was charging. All they needed was a bit more time, then unleash their secret weapon and then get the fuck out with the prize.

They were launching energy blasts at Mynx, though they took a while to launch, though it seemed it was because the gauntlets they were wearing was modifying them. "What are they hiding?" Diego asked before he froze a Manhunter who was about to hit Nightwing from behind.
Mynx, somehow, managed to rip the mask off of the mask off of the attacker revealing her identity as someone that numerous heroes would recognize.

Starfire frooze before just saying, “Blackfire?”
"Your sister?!" Diego said in shock, wondering how the hell she even knew and why she would even come here. How did she get the army of Manhunters anyway?!

The Manhunter robots had finished unlocking the container and dropped it down. Diego unleashed a blast of ice to try and contain it. He hoped it would keep whatever was inside from escaping.
“You think you can just keep me in isolation without me escaping?” Blackfire asked.

“I do not know what you are talking about.” Starfire said.

Mynx quickly moved in front of Starfire to shield her whatever attacks came that way.
The container shook and rumbled in the ice before it broek through, shattering the ice. Standing in front was a very unusual sight. It was Minx... kinda. She had different hair color and eyes along with pale greyish skin and was only in some sort of jump suit with restraints on her wrists and ankles.

She ran to slam into Mynx, being mute.

"What are you doing here?!" Diego asked as he tried to freeze the Doppelminx and Blackfire.
Mynx let out a pained scream as she was hit by the doppelgänger full force having been paying attention to Blackfire. She planted her feet on the ground and began pushing back.

Starfire, seeing Mynx struggling, blasted the doppelgänger.

“For you, of coarse.” Blackfire said moving in while Starfire was distracted.
"Wait... what?!" Diego/Helar said with a surprised look on his face. He wasn't aware that Blackfire even knew of his existence, much less cared enough to get here. Diego sent a surge of ice toward the DoppelMynx to keep her down before facing Blackfire and try and ice her too.

By now, the Manhunters were beginning to breakdown apart, but the DoppelMynx was becoming stronger and beginning to use more powers. Diego was very confused what was going on here.
The doppelgänger moved so the ice hit Mynx causing her to collapse.

Before Diego had the chance to blast her, Blackfire grabbed him and quickly made her escape. In a matter of seconds, she had disappeared.
"Mynx!" Diego said before he went to try and freeze over the DoppelMinx before he felt Blackfire grab his hand. He turned to face the woman, but before he could do anything, he saw her reach for a strange cobbled-device attached to her belt. "What is-? he said before she activated it.

A strange grid of light appeared and swirled. She disappeared and she dragged Diego with it.

Then... Diego felt discfomrot. It was as if he was being dragged through a carwash. However, just as instantly, he arrived on a planet. "What the?" he said, looking around. It was a planet pretty far off from anywhere, only lit by a red dwarf. It was some sort of ruined world, filled with plants and such, though they were on the outskirts of a city.

He was currently surprised and stunned.
Blackfire pushed Diego into a makeshift cage that was made of four large concrete slabs that were broken off of something larger and place to form three walls and a roof. Once Diego was inside, Blackfire grabbed a fifth slab and closed him into it. There were small cracks formed by the jagged edges of the slabs not firing together but other than those thin strips of light, the space was bare and dark.

Mynx laid on the floor unconscious as the doppelgänger was looming over her.
Diego was surprised when she pushed him into the makeshift cage made of concrete slags and with being contained into it. It was pretty bare and dark inside. "I don't know what are you trying to do, but return me back," Diego noted as he began using his ice to start forcing the slabs apart so he could free himself.

The DoppelMynx was then picked up an invisibile force before being slammed tot he ground several times like a rag doll before being tossed before a man. It was Tempest, who just saw Melvin used her big teddy to take care of the DoppelMynx. However, before Tempest could do something, he had to block the Manthunter robot from shooting someone.

The DoppelMynx got away. Tempest ran voer to pick up his wife and saw the mess. "We better go and alert the League," he said as he faced Nightwing. They needed to track Diego given Herald wasn't able to make a hole to where he was.
Blackfire used her powers to melt the edges of the slabs essentially welding them together and making it next to impossible for Diego to escape. She had also set up a cloaking device on the planet making it invisible from the outside.

Starfire has already alerted the Justice League to what was happening. “I already did, they are on their way.”
Diego saw his ice crack near from trying to bust the stone. He took a breath and remained standing. He needed a way out of here, but he needed also to conserve his air while wondering what was it that Blackfire wanted.

Tempest went to pick up Minx bridal-style. "We better get her to the hospital or to the League now," Tempest told her with a serious look on his face as everyone was on the move to get evidence and so on. Herald managed to make a portal to take Minx to the medbay of the League.
“I suggest you duck.” Blackfire said waiting a few minutes before using her powers to blast a small hole into the slabs that would allow Diego to breathe.

By then Raven has made her way back to where the kids were to make sure they were okay and to protect them if need be. She was also prepared to take care of Tempest and Mynx’s three while Mynx was being healed.
Diego raised his eye brow before he dodged the starbolt blast that Blackfire fired into his strange stone cube prison, a breathing hole he figure. "What do you want with me?" Diego asked her. He was in a suit with his technical sister-in-law holding him hostage somewhere in space.

"All right, we'll up at the Watchtower if we can. If anyone has buisness to attend to or such, go and do it. We will keep everyone updated on Blackfire's plans and on whatever that Mynx clone was," Nightwing said, taking up the leadership role that everyone listened too.

Tempest had his kids withm and left them to Raven before placing Mynx in the capable of hands of Doctor Midnite.
Blackfire didn’t respond and merely left to go inside a nearby building that she had transformed into a home.

It didn’t take long for Mynx to be healed however a variety of tests were run on her to be 100% sure everything was alright.
Diego sighed before he leaned on the wall. It was going to be a while he was gonna be stuck here. He might as well take the time to meditate and focus his thoughts. It would also mean he can try and figure what Blackfire wanted with him.

Most of the group was on patrol for anything else while the Core team were on the Watchtower with Tempest and his kids. "Mynx should be out of the tests soon. Meanwhile, we're trying to find where Blackfire took Helar at. How did she even know? You think she spied?" Tempest asked Starfire.
I do not believe so,” Starfire said, “she would not have anyway of spying. I am thinking she perhaps had an accomplice on Earth that, someone who also control the clone.”
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