TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Well, I know that we're the best," Garth responded to her with a smile as he rested his head on her head before they kept walking. "Well, when you're ready, tell them to beam us up," he told her with a smile.

"Yeah, but they shouldn't ever forget their hertiage. I mean, they will have my Hispanic blood and they will be from Tamaran as well," Diego added to her with a smile. "Maybe they'll have soem weird fusion of our powers," he said with a smile.
Mynx nodded before letting the League know that they was ready to be beamed up.

"I don't not know." Starfire said in thought. "To my knowledge there has never been a human Tamaranian hybrid before until now."
The two were beamed up to the Watchtower in space. It was a pretty normal day otherwise, with various heroes minding their own business. "You here for the appointment?" Mr. Terrific asked. He had been working on the teleportation mechanics and he was told to expect the two as they had important civil matters.

Diego also spent a moment in time while hugging with Starfire. "Regardless, they will be our happy loving children. How many would you want?" he asked her.
Mynx nodded and said, "Yes, we are." She immediately looked confident and sure of herself but inside she was panicking.

"I have not decided yet." Starfire responded. "I would like a large family though." She smiled at the thought.
Garth sensed his fiancee's anxiety and he squeezed Mynx's hand tenderly to send her some support. Mr. Terrific pointed them in the direction of one of the metting rooms. Garth began leading them there. "You sure you ready for this?" he asked her quietly. "I'm with you all the way," he added.

"Yeah, definitely. We'll probably have three kids at least, especially with how busy we are," Diego said with a chuckle, referring to their moving intimacy with one another before he kissed her.
“Yes.” Mynx said giving Tempest’s hand a squeeze. “I know and I’m here for you.” She took a deep breath and walked into the room.

“Of coarse.” Starfire said. “I definitely want at least three.”
Tempest smiled back st her before he tweed the room with her. It was one of the rooms used to discuss things between the League members on more one-on-one manners when it came to certain matters. In this case, Aquaman was there waiting for them along with Batman, and surprisingly enough, Raven.

“Have a seat, you two,” Aquaman said to the two amicably yet seriously.
Mynx smiled and walked into the room before taking a seat. She greeted them each and shook their hands. “I assume Raven told you why we called this meeting.” She said.

“I told them you were interested in adopting children with super powers and that you were considering adopting Melvin, Timmy, and Teether.” Raven explained.
“Correct. While I have watched both of you grow into fine young adults, raising children and adoption are both serious cases,” Aquaman explained to them while Batman remained silent. He was just observing everything through his analytical gaze for the time-being.

Tempest just smiled as he squeezed Mybx’s hand. He trusted her to speak for the both of them, especially because he figured she had a lot of fun.

“We’ll definitely end up with at least three,” Diego said with a smile as he snuggles up closer to Starfire. “What do you think of Tempest and Myndi adopting?” he asked her.
Mynx nodded in agreement with what Aquaman was saying before replying, “I’ve taken care of my younger cousins practically my entire life, I am more than confident in our abilities to care for them. We also have a home that is big enough to accommodate them and a steady income. I believe we are as ready as we’ll ever be.”

“It is good for them.” Starfire said with a nod. “It will definitely be challenging.”
"Indeed, though you will need to examine other qualities such as schooling. What will be your plan in regards to schooling?" Aquaman asked Mynx as he was wanting to know more about the plan. "Will you be planning on letting them join the Teen Titans?" he asked. Batman meanwhile remained quiet though Tempest did as well as he was thinking.

"Yeah, especially as the kids grow older. I do think they will do a good job in being parents," Diego added. "It will be itneresting when they have biological children of their own," he noted.
“I plan on putting them in the same school I went to.” Mynx explained. “It teaches a wide array of subjects, has small class sizes, and is highly regarded.” Mynx pauses to think about if she’d let them join the Titans. “I don’t think I answer that right now. I am more than open to the possiblility of all of my children, biological and adopted, to become Titans but it would more depend on the child. I can’t make a decision of yes or no when I don’t know that child and their abilities. I want my choice to be what’s best for that child. If being a Titan is what’s best for them, great, but if it isn’t, that’s fine.”

“I do not think there would be much of difference in how they would be treated.” Starfire said after some thought.
Tempest and Aquaman was listened to what Mynx was saying in rehards to that. Both of them smiled at their answers while Arthur and Bruce kept looking at the paperwork. Batman then sighed.

"I suppose it is surprising how quickly all of you have grown. I myself can remember when I first adopted Robin and now he is going to start a family with Oracle as well," Batman confessed before the Dark Knight gave a rare smile and stamped the papers with approval.

They were now the parents of the three.

"It'll all turn out well," Diego told her with a smile.
Mynx squeezed Tempest’d hand in excitement and fought back tears. She was so happy and she could barely contain herself.

“Yes.” Starfire responded with a smile.
“Congratulations you two. You’ll be able to pick them tomorrow at this location. It’ll give you time to finish any preparations in the event something happens,” Aquaman told them. “And now that the professional statements are out of the way, now on to the personal. I’m so proud of you two,” he told them before the superhero envelopes them in a hug.
Mynx put the address in her purse and was already planning out what had to be done before they left to get the three siblings. “Thanks.” She said as she hugged Aquaman back.
Tempest hugged his mentor back before he took Mynx's hand back and led her back out to the teleportation pad. "How are you feeling?" Tempest asked Mynx with a smile as he kissed her cheek.
“Beyond excited.” Mynx said trying her best to hold back tears. Once the two were back in their home, Mynx threw her arms around Tempest’s neck while crying tears of joy.
It wasn't long before the duo was teleported back to their home and Tempest hugged back Mynx. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't excited. It was all sorts of intense and wonderful feeligns brewing up. They were now going to start a family together.

Three Months Later

Diego was fidgeting in his tux from excitement. It was a big day for him and Starfire. It was their wedding day. After so long, it was finally here!

His best man here was surprisingly Wally West, who volunteered to do so for him. Wally was helping to calm Diego down. On his own hand was a ring figner, signifying his engagement with the villainess-turned-heroine Jinx.
Mynx has offered up the Church her family had gone to for the ceremony, seeing as how large it was. It also had what Mynx called a “cry room” which was a room in the back of church that was sound proof with large windows in the front and speakers, and was meant for mothers with babies or small children. This would be where Raven and her would sit. Raven with her two month old daughter, Lilith, and Mynx with Teether (fearing he may interrupt the ceremony).

Mynx has woken up early and made breakfast for Garth and the kids before heading over to the church to finish decorating. Once she’d finished, she went back home and began the daunting task of getting everyone ready. She also packed two bags with stuff for the three kids to do so they’d be entertained during the ceremony; one for her and one for Garth.

Starfire sat in the back of church in a small room being used by her and the female side of the wedding party to get ready. She was trying to stay calm.
Tempest meanwhile was sitting in the sets with Melvin and Timmy there. Throughout the months, the kids have come to see Tempest and Mynx as their parents. Timmy had been getting better control of his sound powers while Melvin with her psychic imagination-based powers. Bobby was there too, though looking through a window. When he would make himself visible, it was revealed he was wearing a tux as well.

Fortunately, Diego was not that big when it came to forma ceremony so once everyone was there, things would progress quick with the actual wedding, then would come the reception.

Most of the guests were already here, consisting of various Titans anda a few members of the Justice League. “Hey seeetie, if Raven is there with you, then who is the maid of honor for Starfire?” Garth asked Mynx through their communicator.
“Turn around and see.” Mynx said in her communicator which was by Teether. When he turned he would see Mynx holding Lilith in one arm and was holding Teether on her lap with the other, without Raven anywhere in sight. “It was a surprise, for both of them.”
Tempest turned around and saw his fiancée there with Teether and Lilith. “Look st you!" he told her with a smile before he kissed her check. “Can’t believe Diego and Star are gonna get married. They met at the same time we met,” Garth noted to her with a smile. He also looked around as he saw that almost everyone is here. "Well, we better get to our seats then," Garth said to her with a smile. From what he got, the two would be walked to their positions and the preist would give a short speech before Star and Diego woud say their vows.
Mynx kissed him back before looking down at the two older children, “You two be good.” After they said they would, she walked to the back of the church, entering the small room. She put Teether on the ground to play with his toys and continued to hold Lilith as she watched the ceremony.

When the wedding started Raven walked down the aisle in her bridesmaid’s dress, and was followed shortly after by Starfire appearing at the end of the aisle.
Timmy and Melvin smiled and nodded in regards to the two being good during the ceremony. Meanwhile, Tempest took his seat to watch the wedding play out. Superhero weddings tended to be interesting affairs. He was surprised by how they got as a priest for the ceremony: Norman McCay.

The wedding was beginning. Diego walked first, being led by his parents. He was in front of the podium and he was awed by seeing Starfire. She was being walked by her guardian and father figure.

It was going an unforgettable day.
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