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TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Who would she know on Earth though? She hasn't been here in years," Beast Boy, noted. He was currently calling himself that though he would soon become the new Animal Man.

While meditating, Diego wanted to see what he could gather on Blackfire. "How did you find out about me?" he said while sitting down and relived the stone floor was not dirty, didn't have to worry too much on ruining the suit.
“No one, however a person on Earth could learn about her and have spent this time trying to figure out where she was.” Starfire said. “I do not think it would be incredibly hard to discover I have siblings.”

Blackfire walked outside of the house with food, sitting next to Deigo’s prison she sat down and began eating.
"Actually, according to what I got, she more or less disappeared from the cosmos in virtually every database, even in the Lanterns didn't notice any felonies from her," a new voice said as Miss Martian walked in. "From a more comphrensive scan, it was mainly her doing a few misdemeanors of stealing food to survive, but she pretty much was lost to the outskirts of space. I have no idea who could've contacted her," she added.

Diego inwardly sighed as it didn't take long for him to figure out her game. She would try and break him. Well, she was mistakne. Diego was a man of many things, but sanity was a questionable one. Insanity had been a dangerous yet formidable tool in his head. Being able to temporary have a... looser grasp of sanity while maintaining some hold allowed him to endure whartever villainy through at him.

"I figured I'd meet my sister-in-law at some point, but not like this," he added.
A woman in her mid thirties, Ningyō, stuck her head out. “Tempest would you come in here please? Dr. Mid nite would like to discuss your wife’s condition with the two of you.” She asked with a heavy Japanese accent.

Blackfire mostly ignored Diego only interacting with him when she slipped food into the hole she’d made without saying anything.
Tempest nodded before following the woman over to see his fiancee while also seeing Dr. Midnite, looking through several clipboards and monitors. It looked like he had some news.

Diego looked at the food and ate it gingerly. After all, Tamaranians have better and more stomachs than humans do and thus can ebtter digest alot more things. "So, how you been? Are you to ask to be godmother or something?" Diego asked, falling back on his talkative behavior to try and guyse something from her.
Mynx was sitting up in the hospital bed with pillows behind her for support. She immediately took Tempest’s hand when he joined her.

“You seem to be fine but we’d like to keep you overnight for observation.” Dr. Mid nite explained not looking up from his clipboards. “You seem to only have some minor scraps and bruises, but I recommend you take things easy as you’re still in a very vulnerable stage in your pregnancy.”

“I’ve been in isolation.” Blackfire stated simply.
Tempest squeezed Mynx’s hand in response to her grabbing. He wanted to know what news Dr Midnite has. Well, the third Dr Midnite whom he once heard was a robot, but he’s not too sure on that detail.

“Pregnancy?” Tempest said before he looked at Mynx with surprise yet growing smile. “We’re going to be parents?” He asked the Doctor.

“Doesn’t explain how you found about me or got that collection of Manhunters,” Diego noted as he continued to carefully eat the meal. He also noted something Blackfire was interested. Her tone was usually confident, sultry or snarky from the conversations he had with Starfire and the rest of the Titans. Here, it was none of those things, being serious and actually a little tired and restrained, not at all like he figured she’d have.
“Yes,” replied Dr. Midnite, “would you like to see it?”

Mynx looked at Tempest, saying, “I want the kids to be here to see their new sibling.”

“It wouldn’t be wise of me to reveal everything to you now.” Blackfire responded.
Tempest smiled and nodded. He stepped out the room and saw that Raven was busy overlooking the adopted kids. "Hey guys come here, Mom has a surprise for all of you," Tempest told them before he led them all into the room where Dr. MidNite was awaiting them with Mynx.

"It was a pretty good plan, though what the end goal is, I wouldn't know," Diego/Helar mentioned as he finished eating while he was pacing a bit in the giant cube. He wouldn't starve or such so he decided try and figure her out so he could see what to do to get back to Starfire.
All three of the kids ran over to Mynx’s side. “Are you okay, Mom?” Melvin asked.

Mynx smiled and nodded, “I’ll be fine. The doctor just wants to keep me overnight to make sure your future sibling and I are okay.” They looked at Mynx a bit confused. “I’m having a baby.”

Blackfire went inside to grab something and when she returned, she pushed a blanket into the hole for Diego to use.
Tempest just smiled as he saw the kids come in to check over on the news. The fact they would be joined by a new member of the family filled with them with joy, wonder and excitement. "This is amazing," Tempest told Mynx before he leaning to kiss her.

Diego had been still pacing and trying to wrack his mind furiously before he saw a blanket pushed into his breathing hole. "Thank you," he said as he sat down and was in thought.
“Exactly.” Mynx said kissing Tempest back.

Dr. Midnite brought an ultrasound machine over and began turning it on. “Are you ready to see your baby?” He asked.

Blackfire didn’t respond and simply went inside.
"Of course we are ready," Tempest told them and saw the kids were pretty excited to see their future little sibling. He looked to Mynx if she was ready.

Diego sighed a bit before he saw down and rested on the wall. He did not expect his wedding to end like this and decided to try and get some rest while he tried to figure out what to do to get out of this.
Mynx took Tempest’s hand and using her free hand, she moved her hospital gown or blankets aside revealing her stomach but also covering her more intimate areas.

Dr. Midnite began by putting gel on Mynx’s lower stomach and pressed the ultrasound device against her stomach. An image appeared on the screen. “Just give me a second to find it.” He said.
Tempest looked at the screen along with his children, waiting to see how their child would appear. He was a bit nervous yet he was excited as well.

Diego meanwhile was seeing if the stone cube had any weak points to try and use a massive amount of ice to burst his way out of it.
It didn’t take long for the doctor to find what he was looking for. The white-grey was broken up by two circles with each containing a vaguely humanoid shape. “Congrats,” Dr. Midnite said, looking at the screen, “you are having a set of twins.”

“Twins?” Mynx asked surprised.

“Yes, and they’re fraternal so you very well may have a boy and girl on the way.” Dr. Midnite explained, “Although we won’t be able to say for sure what they are for another eight weeks.” He pointed to one of the figures, “there’s the head and if you look carefully, you can barely make out the nose, mouth, and chin.” He pointed to a small oval and the a small line above it, “That’s a hand and the fingers that are too small for us to see them individually yet.” He was trying to explain things for the three siblings. “Here’s the body and the leg, obviously we’re seeing Baby A from the side.”

He pointed to another oval, “This is Baby B’s head.” He then pointed to even smaller ovals, “those are the hands.” He then pointed out the body and feet stating they were looking at this baby from above.
"Oh wow," Tempest managed to say as he looked at the two shapes within, the ones that would become their own children. He saw the three children look enraptured at how they were all developing. It was only months ago they took the three in as their own and now they would be adding more to the family. It would be quite exciting indeed.

"How often would you like us to see you, Doctor? Also, will you be suggesting Mynx go off active duty for the pregnancy?" Tempest asked.
“I would like to see you back in a week.” Dr. Midnite said. “Mynx doesn’t seem to be showing which would be expected of a woman that’s twelve weeks along with twins. It’s nothing to be alarmed about yet. They are small for twelve weeks but they appear to be developmentally where they should be, and their heartbeats look very strong.”

“What if it becomes a problem?” Mynx asked.

“Then I would perscribe you metabolic steroids to boost their growth, but that would only happen if their lungs, heart, or other organs aren’t developing the way they should.” Dr. Midnite said while taking a cloth to clean the gel off of Mynx. “However from what I see there won’t be any need for that. Again they’re small but developing normally. In the meantime, I would suggest you relax and stay out of the field.”
“If I may add something, Atlanteans take a bit longer than humans to grow while in the womb and go through subtlety differently growth patterns,” Tempest suggested as he kept an eye on his children of the future.

“You okay with being on rest, Mynx?” Tempest asked her as he squeezed her hand with a smile. The kids were silent as they were looking st the two shapes on the screen.
“Okay than we’re definitely gonna need to keep an eye on their development.” Dr. Midnite stated. “With the different growth rates of Atlanteans, humans, and the other races that Mynx is made of, we don’t want to development to take 60 weeks and the pregnancy only last 40 weeks. That would result in extremely premature infants that could be life threatening.”

Mynx nodded, “Okay, whatever has to be done to have to healthy babies at the end of this.”
"Though given the work you and the others have done to help stabilize Mynx months ago, it does look like development will go as normal," Tempest figured. He trusted Dr Midnite like all of the superhero community, but he did note that they would to share more Atlantean information with them.

"I'm sure it'll be okay, mom," Teether noted. The kids were fully okay with calling them mom and dad despite the ages.
Dr. Midnite nodded before explaining, pausing when he needed to figure out an appropriate way to say something, “when it comes to the... parts of making a baby, the man makes his... contribution regularly but a woman is born with all of her eggs already fully developed and ready to go for when her body is mature enough to handle pregnancy. Mynx’s eggs may or may not have been affected by the stabilization.”

Mynx smoked and hugged Teether, kissing his forehead, “I know, Munchkin.”
"True though we all did thorough scans on this," Tempest responded back to Doctor Midnite. Of course, the time was soon to come that they would be needed to head out. "I'll tell everyone you're up here, all right? Love you," Tempest told Mynx before he kissed her. He needed to go back tot take the kids home and manage their business. Night was falling after all.

Diego would eventually fall asleep in the cube.

The Next Day...

Tempest arrived there in the morning with the kids to check up on Mynx. "hey sweetie, the members of the League said they will be here within an hour," he explained to her as the kids went to check on their mom.

Diego meanwhile awoke suddenly while he was in the cube.
Mynx hugged each of her children and kissed them all on the forehead. “Hey babies.” She kissed Tempest on the lips. “Okay, well I’d prefer to tell each of them individually so I can see they’re reaction, so we’ll probably have to tell Superman first because of him having such good hearing.”

At first nothing seemed different inside the cube, but then Diego would realize that the cube was somehow moving. Blackfire has broken the cube from the ground and was moving it to a different location.
"All right then. Besides, they'll becoming here individually since things have been getting a bit more hectic. Since the reveal of that fake-you, they've reopened the case and seeing if there was anything they missed," Tempest explained to her after he kissed Mynx back. "Superman should be here soon," he added.

Diego began wobbling a bit when he realized the cube was moving. Peaking outside the hole, he saw they ere moving. He figured it was backfire since Starfire would've already broken him out. He wondered what Blackfire was up to.
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