TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

Mynx pulled Garth face back to her's before she pushed her lips against his. As she kissed him, it would be easy for him to tell she quickly approaching her climax: her moans were becoming louder and her toes curling as she was slowly losing control to the pleasure.

"I am happy you choose to be with me as well." Starfire said with a smile. She was so relieved to have him back, safe and sound.
Garth eagerly returned the kiss as he felt his fiancee approach her climax. He could tell from her moans increasing in volume and her toes curling. He himself was approaching his limit soon. "I'm gonna cum soon," he whispered inside of her ear.

Diego smiled back before he snuggled back to Starfire. "I never thought anyone would be into me, especially someone like you. I'm so happy I'm with someone amazing as yourself and soon we'll be married," he told her before he kissed her neck.
"Me too." Mynx moaned into Garth's lips before she was finally pushed over the edge. She let out a loud moan and arched her back.

"Why not?" Starfire asked curiously, not understanding what he meant by someone like her.
"You want me to cum inside?" Garth asked Mynx as he went a bit faster and he groaned in pleasre when he felt her womanhood squeeze him tight as she had an orgasm. He was trying to contain himself so he could hear her answer.

Diego looked to her with affection. "Before my accident or such, I was a civilian. I mean, I never really had a girlfriend or such before and I didn't have anyone like me like that before. You though, you're an amazing, powerful, incredible and wonderful heroine who is beloved by alot of people," Diego said, being intimiate and revealing a bit of his insecurity.
"Yes," Mynx said between moans, "fill me up!" With that being said Mynxwrapped her arms around Garth's neck and pulled his face back to her's, and kissed him passionately.

Starfire smiled a bit and kissed Diego on the lips before gently saying, "I love you so much. You are one of the sweetest, nicest, most thoughtful people I have ever met, and I am so lucky to have you."
Garth happily returned the passionate kiss of his beloved before he pounded her one last time and then filling her up with his seed. He held her tightly as he came inside of her.

Diego kissed Starfire back, having a soft smile on his face because of her loving sweet words. He then felt a familiar pressure. "I'm gonna cum soon," he whispered in her ear lovingly.
Mynx moaned loudly as she felt herself being filled up. "I always love that feeling!" She said as the two lovers slowly drifted down from their euphoria.

"Go ahead." Starfire whispered back before returning her lips to his.
Garth kissed Mynx on the neck as he finished cumming inside of her. He held her gently as both of them recovered from their euphoria. "That was wonderful as always," he told her with a soft smile.

Diego softly came inside of his wonderful pregnant princess, savoring the intense hot feeling between them. "At this rate, we'll probably have plenty of children," he said with a smile at Starfire.
"I know." Mynx replied with a smile before cuddling up to Garth. She was simply enjoying being with him.

"I would love having many children." Starfire replied after she too had orgasmed upon feeling herself being filled with Diego's hot cum.
"We probably won't be able to have as much fun once we adopt the kids," Garth told her with a teasing smile on his face though he himself was a bit nervous at fatherhood, or at least with adoptation.

"Wel'll have alot of fun raising our big family and making it," Diego told her with a smile as his hands went to squeeze Starfire's breasts gently, even playing with her nipples.
"We'll just have to be creative and quiet." Mynx told him with a smirk before kissing him. "Don't worry, you're going to be a great dad!" She got up and started getting dressed.

"I know." Starfire purred pushing her lips against Diego's once more.
Garth smiled bac as he hugged her back. He was happy for her support in regards to all of this, especially with their upcoming parenthood. "Likewise, you will be a very wonderful mother," he told her with a more confident smile.

Diego smiled as he snuggled against Starfire and returned the kiss, even playing with her breasts some more. "And best of all, we'll be getting married soon," he added.
"I know." Mynx said with a confident smirk. She walked over to the wardrobe grabbing her one pair of slacks before pulling them on. "Try to look professional." She recommended. "I want them to see that we're serious about this."

"Yes, I can not wait!" Starfire replied happily as she rested her head on Diego's shoulder.
"We should probably shower so we don't smell like sex then," Tempest responded to her before he went in for a quick shower to wash up and look nicely. He always did a good job grooming himself so he did not have to do much.

"it's gonna be a simple one and I'm glad all out friends wiill be able to come," Diego told Starfire with a smile.
Mynx sighed with annoyance and pulled the pants back off of herself. "Use the other bathroom so we can get this done faster." She said before heading into the bathroom to wash herself, or rather Garth, off of her.

"I do not think it can be simple if it has all of our friends there." Starfire pointed out. "We do have a lot of friends."
Garth had finished bathing and finished dressing nicely when Mynx would step out of her shower. "It's a good thing we got all the paper work and things done in advance," Garth mentioned to her with a smile.

"True, but I met in setting up. It's all of our friends there dressed nicely. We exchange our vows, kiss and we celeberate being together forever," Diego told her with a smile. He knew how nuts it could be with wedding planning, so he did his best to simplify matters and the others did the same, like having the wedding be a potluck.
"Yeah." Mynx said having gotten fully dressed. While the two were talking, Mynx was doing her makeup and then she straightened Garth's clothes and hair.

"Yes," Starfire said smiling, "and it shall be glorious!" She placed her hand on her stomach and closed her eyes.
Garth smiled as Mynx straightned out his hair and clithes much like a wife did. "Shall we get going then, my dear?" he told her with a gentlemanly tone to her as he presented his arm for her.

"Absolutely," he told her with a smile as he snuggled up to her. "What do you wish to do now?" Diego asked Starfire.
Mynx smiled as she took Garth's arm after grabbing her purse. "We shall." She replied.

"I do not know. What do you want to do?" Starfire asked, looking up at Diego.
Garth nodded as he began locking the house. "Are we heading to the center or will they be beaming us up?" he asked her as he finished locking up the place.

"Maybe we can go out for a bit or we can stay in to relax," Diego said as he kissed her. He was also thinking on how her caretaker would be coming for the wedding.
"Beaming us up." Mynx replied. While she didn't show it, Mynx was nervous that the League would be against the couple adopting due to their age. The issue of finances wasn't a problem, Mynx made a decent living running the center.

"I am good with either." Starfire responded with a smile.
"All righty then. Should be soon then," Garth noted before he looked to Mynx. "Is something bothering you?" he asked her. While he knew she could hide her emotions well, he was able to often figure out or sense when something was wrong with her.

"I have an idea! How about figuring out names for our kids?" Diego suggested to her with a big smile.
"Just nerves." Mynx replied. "I'm kinda scared they may not think we're not old enough to take care of kids."

"I have always liked the names Caelum for a boy and Lyra for a girl." Starfire explained. "They are both names of constellations."
"I know what you mean. They just wanna make sure that we're ready. Sometimes, I think they're also surprised by how fast we grew up. I mean, I remmeber back when I started out with Aquaman and I'm surprised by how fast time flies by," Garth explains to Mynx before he embraces her. "But the important thing is that we know if we are ready," he comforted to her.

"That's pretty interesting. I thought you would've called them after your parents or with a more Tamaran name," Diego wondered about potential other names for the kids. "Would they also have a translated much like how you're Starfire and your sister Blackfire?" he asked her as he was wondering.
Mynx rested her head on his shoulder. "You're the best, you know that right?" She asked happy that he would soon be her husband.

"I want my children to have Earth names." Starfire explained. "They will grow up on Earth and I want them to fit in with their peers."
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