TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"No." Mynx said as she started her car back up and began driving home. "Once we get home, I'm going to lay down, then have lunch, and then we can go talk to the League."

Starfire slowly began bobbing her head up and down on his dick in order to make it hard. She had something... different planned but Diego had to be hard for it.
"All right," Tempest said as he focused on the scenary. "You know I just want to help you," he added as he turned to face her with an evident concerned look on his face,

Diego groaned out in pleasure as he felt Starfire's long tongue teased his cock and make him even more arosued and hard. "Oooh... that's soo good," Diego said with a blissful smile.
"I know." Mynx replied with a faint smile on her face. She reached out with her right hand and took Tempest's hand in her's. "And that's one of the many things I love about you."

"It will only get better." Starfire teased as she released Diego's cock. Soon he felt something warm and soft being put on his dick.
Tempest squeezed Mynx's hand when she took his while they were almost home. "How about I'm in charge of lunch while you nap?" Tempest suggested, trying to find ways to help cheer her up while thinking what he could make or get for them.

Diego wondered how it could get better before he felt a warm soft sensation on his cock, but it was different. "What is this?" he wondered out loud, his eyes still closed.
"Sounds like a plan!" Mynx said before taking her hand back so she could turn into their driveway.

"It is a surprise." Starfire said as she began to slowly move the object up and down. Soon she lowered her head onto the tip, syncing the movement of the object with her heading bobbing.
"Anything in particular you're in the mood?" Tempest asked her, that way he could guise a potential direction or idea for the meal. Some stuff he could make well, but other stuff would require going out and getting something nice.

"This is... strange, but it's a good kind of strange," Diego was groaning out as he felt Starfire bobbing her head along with feeling the same warm and wet sensation. He wasn't what it was, but it felt good.
"Seafood." Mynx said with a straight face before cracking up. "I could barely say that with a straight face!" She turned the car off and pulled the keys out. "I'm good with whatever."

Starfire smirked as she continued to bob her head up and down, waiting for Diego to cum. In a way this was an apology for her having snapped at him weeks prior.
Aqualad just raised her eyebrow at her suggestion before he saw her laugh. "All right then, I'll decide for us then. You just go in and get some rest," Aqualad said as he opened the door for her to step out like a gentleman. He then kissed her on the cheek before pulling her in for a hug to comfort her some more.

Diego was feeling this strange new pleasure in greater amounts. He gripped the sheets as he felt he was approaching his limit soon enough. "I'm gonna cum soon," he moaned to her as he reaching his limit.
"Thank you." Mynx said getting out of the car. "Then after we eat we can go talk to the League." She walked over to the door and closed the garage before entering the house.

This only encouraged Starfire to increase her speed and to start using her tongue also, focusing on making Diego cum.
Tempest opened the door for Mynx and was looking in the kitchen, wondering for some ideas. "So you're in the mood for whatever then?" Tempest asked her in clarification in regards for them having lunch.

Diego groaned out loud in pleasure as he finally came, allowing Starfire to finally to taste his hot white seed. He gripped the sheets in delight as he an absolute look of bliss on his face.
"Yup." Mynx replied. She hugged him and pressed her lips against his. "You're the best." She smiled before going upstairs to their bedroom. She stopped in the hallway looking at the five empty bedrooms that her parents had planned on filling with their own children but they only got her.

Starfire quickly swallowed the cum and said, "You can open your eyes now." When he would open them, he'd see a large round fruit with a whole cut into the middle and his dick filling the whole.
Tempest heard her go upstairs, but then heard her stop. He went upstairs to check how she was and saw her stare at the empty bedrooms. He went and embraced her from behind, sensing her distress. "I'm here for you, sweetheart," he told her.

Diego oepned his eyes and noticed there was a fruit on his cock. "Uhhh.. what's going on?" Diego asked with a very very confused look on his face.
"My parents wanted a house full of kids, that's why they bought a big house." Mynx sighed. "They fostered a few kids but it never panned out and my mom couldn't get pregnant."

"Just a little something I learned about while you were gone." Starfire said with a smile before slowly taking the fruit off. "Did you like it?"
Tempest held Mynx tighter and let her rest on him. "Well, we can fulfill their dreams for them. You have to rest up to talk to the League about the children and we also have our own to plan," he added before he kissed her on the cheek to comfort her.

"It's... really weird, but it felt good," Diego said as he was still recovering from the high of the orgasm. He leaned in to kiss Starfire on her neck to tease her a bit. "I love you so much," he told her affectionately.
Mynx turned around and wrapped her arms around Tempest's neck pulling him into a deep, passoonate kiss.

Starfire let out a small moan when she felt Diego's lips on her neck. "I love you more." She said wrapping her arms around him.
Tempest was not sure how Mynx would react to the hug. However, he didn't expect to feel her arms around him and pull him in for a passionate kiss. However, he happily twirled her around so he could see her face to face and return the kiss back with her.

Diego wrapped his arms back around Starfire before pulling her in back to the bed, her warm sweaty body smashing onto his. He then began an intense tongue kiss with her. "You drive me crazy in all the best ways," he told her lovingly.
Mynx kissed Tempest a few more time before saying into his lips, "I love you so much, Garth. I'm so glad we're gonna be parents, you're gonna be such a good dad."

"I try very hard to do that." Starfire said with a laugh, snuggling closer to him.
"I love you too. And you're gonna be an incredible mom, Aphrodite," Tempest told her bakc befor ehe kissed her forehead and held her tighter. "You'll feel better when you take that nap while I figure out what to do for lunch," he added.

"I'm happy just being with you," Diego told her with a smile as he snuggled closer to her, kissing her neck. He savored every moment and every bit of experience of being with her. "I can't wait until we're parents," he told her lovingly.
"Okay." She kissed him one last time before she walked into the master bedroom and laid down.

"I can not wait either." Starfire said as she rested her hand on her belly. "I wonder if it is a boy or girl?"
Tempest watched Aphrodite go into the room and for her to fall asleep. Once he made sure she was all right, he went and began wondering what to have them for lunch. He checked the fridge and ntoed there wasn't much meat he could thaw out in time to cook. He decided to probably go for take out instead. He looked through and ordered something. He knew her well enough in what are her comfort food selections and places and ordered appropriately.

Diego placed his own hand on hers while he laid next to her. "I'm not sure. It could even be twins," he said with a smile before he kissed her neck. "What do you wanna do now?" Diego asked her lovingly.
Mynx took a few minutes to get comfortable before she fell asleep. She was lying on her side with her back to the door leading to the hallway.

"We could talk more." Starfire suggested. "I doubt it, twins are even less likely for my species than your. Even when I woman has twin, there is no guarantee that both infants will survive as the mortality rate is quite high for multiple births. Our bodies just are not designed to carry more than one."
Tempest went to check up on Mynx and saw she was fast asleep. He went over to put a blanket on her while he set the table for their food to arrive. He knew there wasn't much he could do except be there for them. Even with magic, there was not much that could be done with all of this. Though from what he remembered Aquaman telling him, Death is pretty lax with this stuff. Apparently, Death is a girl from what a few sources said.

Diego cuddled over to Starfire and holding her tighter, spooning her. "I think regardless, we will love our child," Diego told her with a smile as he kissed her. "I'm glad I will start a family with you," he told Starfire with a smile.
When Tempest put the blanket on her, Mynx stirred a little before groaning and wiping her eyes.

Starfire took Diego's hand and placed it on her stomach. "I know we will." She said. "We already love our child."
Tempest had went to check up on Mynx and went to softly kiss her cheek without waking her up. He hoped she was doing all right.

Diego savored spooning up to his beloved princess of the stars. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" Diego asked her as he savored her warmth and how it contrasted with his cool body.
"Hey." Mynx said still a bit groggy. "What time is it?"

"I am doing fine right now, but I have been getting sick in the mornings." Starfire explained snuggling closer to him.
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