TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Guess that means we'll wait for the invites then," Beast Boy told them with a smile. "I think we just need to talk to the senior members," Tempest noted with what Mynx said in order to adopt the kids. "Hence why Aquaman," he added. "Should we get going to see him then?" Tempest asked Mynx.

Diego was groaning in pleasure as he moved his hips in sync with Starfire's, going at a fast and rough state. He focused on the intense feelings between them as he held her tight. "I love you so much," he told her lovingly in her ear as he was fucking her against the wall.
"That's kinda what I meant when I said core members." Mynx explained. "I imagine we'll have to go through them and go through the normal channels for adoption. It'll definitely involve a lot of paperwork."

"I love you too." Starfire said between her moans. "It's been too long."
"Well, probably just one of them. I mean, normal humans could adopt them too and they appear to be in the adoption database," Tempest noted as he looked at his smart phone for some more information. "I wonder what Aquaman would say; he'd probably say we're too young," he said, chuckling with a smile.

"It truly has, but getting to be with you again after so long is pure delight," Diego groaned in pleasure before he kissed Starfire's neck, savoring how blissful Starfire looked.
Mynx unlocked her car and got in. "I'm thinking he'll say he's too young to be a grandpa." Mynx chuckled. "To be honest I've been ready to be a mom maturity wise since I was like 12. It's just financially I wasn't until quite recently."

"Yes it is." Starfire said with a smile. She could feel that her orgasm was quickly approaching mainly due to her going with sex for a while.
"Hahaha, well, I'm glad to know my little Mynx is all ready to be a mom," Tempest said teasingly at her before kissing her on the cheek. He then got in the car and was curious to hear her thoughts. "You know I'm there with you," he said to her with a smile.

"I'm gonna cum soon," Diego groaned in pleasure as he felt his lust building into a greater climax, all while their sweaty nude bodies were touching one another. "I want more after this, my princess... do you?" he asked her lovingly.
"I know." Mynx said taking Tempest's hand after she turned the key in the ignition. She backed out and began driving home.

"Me too." Starfire moaned. As soon as she finished talking, her body tensed up and she moaned loudly indicating that she was having her orgasm.
Tempest was in the car with Mynx as they were on the drive. He was in alot of thought durig the first part of their journey. "Anything bothering or worrying you?" Tempest couldn't help but ask Mynx, wanting to make sure everything was okay.

Diego groned in pleasure as he felt Starfire's pussy squeezed his cock tight in demend of his seed. He happily obliged as he came inside of his belvoed princess. After so long of being apart, he could be united together with her like this in total carnal bliss. He kissed her passionately once more.

"It's been too long since that," he told her lovingly/
"I just wish my parents were here to help us." Mynx said with a sigh. "They would've been so excited about becoming grandparents." She blinked a couple times trying to stop herself from crying.

Starfire smiled kissing Diego's lips as she was slowly coming down from her orgasm.
Tempest noticed how she was. He knew how to drive so he temporary took the wheel and drove from the road into an empty lot, parking it easy. Before he could do anything, he embraced her tight. "I miss them too. And I know how hard this must be for you. It's okay to cry," Tempest told her as he held her so she could cry.

"How are you feeling?" Diego asked Starfire lovingly beofre he bit her neck gently to pleasure her.
Mynx buried her face into Tempest's and began sobbing. Her hands were on either side of her head gripping Tempest's shirt. "They died because of me, and I can't even find their killers." Mynx said between her sobs. "I've failed them." It was clear that this was something she'd kept bottled up for some time.

"Much, much better." Starfire told him. She placed her arms on his shoulders and kissed him. "I love you so much, and I am so happy to be carrying your child." Her gaze met his and she looked lovingly into his eyes.
Tempest just held onto Tempest and letting her cry. "You did not fail them nor were you the cause of death. We will who did it and they will be brought to justice. But more importantly, they would be proud of the confident and successful young lady you've become," Tempest told Mynx softly as he kept embracing her.

Diego kept holding her before he fell back on the bed, her falling on top of him gently. Her savored how their nude bodies were touching and he savored every sensation "Likewise, I love you so much," he told her with a smile as he kissed her neck. "I never thought I would be with an amazing person like you, my princess," he added.
Mynx continued to cry into Tempest chest. "I miss them so much, Garth." Mynx said between sobs. "Anything something good happens to me I have to remind myself they're not here because my first instinct is to call them to tell them the good news. I'm never going to see them again or hear their voices or tell them I love them."

Starfire simply kissed Diego passionately on the lips and cuddled up closer to him. "I love you too." She said with a smile.
Tempest just kept a hold of Mynx as he ler her cry into his chest at everything that happens. He was thinking of something that could he done in order to help her with this. "But they know... they always know and that they are there from Elysium looking down and watching over you," Tempest said quietly as he hugged her tighter. He let her get it out of his system.

Diego snuggled up to her before he kissed her neck. She was a bit taller than him b the time they both finished growing. He savored how her warm body was with his cool one. "I am so happy I will start a family with you," he whispered lovingly.
"But I can't tell them, I can't see their reactions, I'll never hear them say they're proud of me." She said continuing to cry. Her voice wavering with her sobs as she took ragged breaths and her small frame shook. "I want them back."

"Me too." Starfire said as she took Diego's hand, intertwining their fingers. "How many kids do you want?" She asked curiously. "Traditionally the royal family has two children. I believe Earth has a phrase for it 'an heir and a spare'. My parents had three because my brother was a surprise."
Tempest just held Mynx and he began stroking her back so he can further comfort her. "You still have the Titans. You still have me. You still have Aquaman and Aquawoman and they consider you their daughter as well," Tempest said softly while he let her cry.

"...Would you like to see them?" Tempest asked her after some moments of silence.

Diego squeezed Starfire's hands while he kissed her. "Well, how many children would you want?" Diego asked Starfire with a smile. "And no matter how many, we'll show them all sorts of love and support," he added with a smile as he snuggled up to her.
"Yes." Mynx said as she began calming down. "At least I can say good bye." Tears were still streaming down her face but she was no longer shaking.

"I think I would like three or four." Starfire said after thinking for a second. She rested her chin in Diego's chest so she was looking him in the eyes. "Now you tell me how many you want."
"Afterwards, would you like to see Aquaman and Aquawoman?" Tempest asked her after giving her some mroe time to recover. He wanted to help her and he figured maybt it could help being with her. Unbeknowist to them, someone was watching them.

"Four would be very nice," Diego told Starfire as he savored how his manhood was still inside of her before he kissed her. He squeezed her hands. "We're going to need a lot of practice to have four kids," he said with a teasing smile.
"I don't know. I don't want them to think that I value my first set of adopted parents more." Mynx explained letting go of Tempest and wiping her tears and nose with a napkin from the glove box.

"Yes we will." Starfire replied. She reached down and slowly pulled his cock out of her. "But I am sure we will be able to do it."
"They're always there for you though and they understand that sort of pain," Tempest comforted Mynx as he helped wipe her tears. He kissed her forehead to comfort her before he hugged her again. "And you know they would want to know how you are doing," he added.

Diegoo moaned softly when he felt Starfire's hand on his manhood. "Would you like to continue?" Diego asked Starfire with a teasing smile and snuggling her tighter.
Mynx merely rested her head on Tempest's shoulder and continued to hold onto him as she was slowly calming down.

"Give me a second, I am going to get some water." Starfire said as she got up and went to the kitchen for something to drink.
Tempest just held Mynx for as long as she needed. "We can wait until tomorrow to talk about the adoption information. We can just rest up today," Tempest offered to Mynx while he stroked her back to calm down.

Diego just kept laying in the bed and got lost in thought over everything. On how everything was changing and that he was going to be a parent soo and that he will soon be married to Starfire, especially with the fact of possibly moving.
"No, I'll be fine, I just need to lay down for a little bit." Mynx said. She let go of Tempest and wiped her eyes in a way that wouldn't smear her makeup.

Starfire was gone for awhile before coming back with something behind her back. "Close your eyes." She instructed walking towards Diego.
"Want me to drive us the rest of the way back home so you can rest up?" Tempest offered while he softly hugged her some ore as she wiped her eyes. He hoped the crying was able to help her out, even if just a bit.

Diego was resting up. When he heard Starfire said to clsoe his eyes, he did so. His eyes were clsoed and he was wondering what was the surprise that his fiancee was having for him.
"No I can." Mynx replied. "You're not covered on the insurance policy, if you get in an accident we're screwed." She reached over opening the glove box where she kept napkins, which she used to wipe her eyes.

"Okay, no matter what happens you have to keep your eyes closed or else you will ruin the surprise." Starfire said as she pulled Diego closer to the end of the bed and settled between his legs.
"If you're sure. Is there anyting I can do now?" Tempest asked her as he noted where they were. The parking area was that of a little strip mall with some food and such. He wondered if Mynx my want to eat something.

"Very well, my eyes are closed," Diego said as he kept his eyes closed and wondering what was going on.
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