TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Pluton is the Roman God of the underworld and of weath. You may better know hum as Hades," Tempest said while he was enjoying the driving experience. "Though Diego himself would mutter something about Mammon and golden calves whenever I ask him about this," he said with a smirk. "What do you think BB and Raven's child would be like when they finally get around to having one?" he asked her.
"Oh, Hades!" Mynx said with a chuckle. "Now you're speaking my language!" She continued to drive. "I don't know, whatever the baby like I'm sure it will be awesome."
"Raven did confess to some worries over her father's potential influence, but apparently Etrigan reassured her that the baby would not be affected since Trigon's permanent defeat and after being checked by several other heroes," Tempest said to Mynx. He remembered talking about this with ehr and the other day and he hoped that it would bring some comfort to Mynx because of similar problems.
Mynx sighed, "I can relate to her fears. I'm just afraid I can't do it, that my genes would just cause issues for the baby. I remember how hard it was for me growing up and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."
"Yeah, but remember that thanks to Batman and the other scientists, your genetic code has been rpepared so you can have kids," Tempest reassured her as he had his hand reach for hers and gently squeeze it to comfort her with a smile. "Whatever happens, we'll figure it out together," he added with a smile.
"I know but I just worry regardless." Mynx explained intertwining their fingers. "It's common to fear the unknown and this is a huge unknown. Than again so is most of my life."
"I know, but you are not alone. You never will be alone," Tempest told Mynx as he squeezed her hand once more and saw that they were apparoaching some sort of area. "Let me guess, we'll be arriving there soon," Tempest asked Mynx.
Mynx squeezed Tempest's hand, saying, "I know, but I've kept everything bottled up for so long that it's really all I know and letting others in is difficult." Mynx pulled into a parking spot.
Once they parked in and Mynx stopped the car, Tempest turned to her and wrapped her arms around her tight. "I'll wait for however long it takes fr you to let everything that you've bottled up. I love you so much," Tempest told her with a loving smile.
"Aw, you're so sweet!" Mynx said kissing him quickly. "You ready to go find out if we can be parents?" She grabbed the gift bag from the backseat and put the roof back up.
"Well, we will be able to be parents regardless of what happens and even if Raven says yes, we're not fully ready to care of them yet," Tempest mentions out loud. "Regardless, I would be all rght taking care of them," he added with Mynx with a smile as he stepped out of the car before opening the door for Mynx.

Diego snuggled closer to Starfire as he held her, about to awake soon.
"Thank you." Mynx said when he opened the door for her. She skillfully got out. "I know. We still need to get rooms ready for them, toddler proof the house, get them signed up for school, and that's just the stuff off the top of my head."

Starfire moved a little bit but didn't wake up.
"Well, I don't know much about them except the bit Raven has told me and what she said is that only one of them is old enough to start school, elementarys school specifically to what Raven said," Tempest noted as they walked up to where BB and Raven lived. "I actually wonder how different powers may work; Diego once joked that if BB and Raven had a kid, their power wouldbe turning into mythical creatures," he added with a smile.

Diego stirred more before he began waking up and sitting up a bit, stretching.
"True." Mynx nodded leading Tempest into the building, and up several flights of stairs. "Who knows the kid could get all their powers from one of their parents and none from the other."

Starfire rolled over and began slowly waking up.
Tempest follwoed Mynx up the flight of stairs so they can go see BB and Rae's apartment. "Yeah maybe, but it is still fascinating to think about, especially since they will probably become the heroes of tomorrow," Tempest added with a smile. "We have a good future to look forward to."

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" Diego asked Starfire with a smile as he went over to kiss her on the lips with a smile.
"Don't get too cocky." Mynx stated as she walked down a hallway. "Things can still go wrong, and cockiness leaps to sloppiness."

Starfire yawned and opened her eyes. "I am a bit nauseous." She said sitting up and stretching.
"There's nothing wrong with being confident though," Tempest added with a smile as he wrapped an arm around her. "We have to be optimistic for the futue," he explained as he looked around the apartment complex.

"Maybe we should go to the doctor to check up on you," Diego told her with a soft smile
Mynx didn't respond but instead stopped in front of a door and knocked on it, waiting for someone to answer the door.

"Just let me brush my hair before we leave." Starfire said getting up and grabbing a brush to manage her bed head.
It didn't take long for the door was open by Beast Boy, who was wearing some casual ware. "Hey guys, come on in! How are you doing?" he said with a smile as Tempest stepped in with Mynx to check out the apartment. It was pretty nice and basic to say the least.

"All right, sweetie," Diego told her with a smile as he began checking the communicator. When it came to pregnancies involving the aliens, especially the heroes, the Justice League has been the main source in helping out, especially thanks to the Green Lantern. He was in contact with the League to get more info and set the appointment.
"Good, how have you guys been?" Mynx asked as she walked into the apartment seeing Raven sitting on the couch reading.

Starfire brushed her hair while watching Diego.
"We've been doing all irhgt. Moving was a bit weird, but also rad. Just trying to get used to being here," Beast Boy said with a smile before he went to sit next to his fiancee. "How have you been, Raven?" Tempest asked Raven.

"Okay! I actually talked to one of the Green Lanterns and he said one of their doctors was actually in the area and she'd be willing to check up," Diego told Starfire with a smile. "When we're ready, we should be beamed up," he added.
"I can show you around the town if you want." Mynx suggested. "I grew up here so I know my way around."

"Good, busy but good." Raven said placing a bookmark in her book and closing it.

"I am ready." Starfire said as she put her hairbrush down and stood next to Diego.
"That would mean alot," Beast Boy said with a smile as he was lounging on the sofa as he turned to see Raven. "So congrats again you two for getting ready to get married," he said to Tempest and Mynx. Tempest just smiled. "Same to you," he said, catching a glimpse of the ring on Raven's finger.

Diego wrapped his arms around Starfire before they were beamed up and he began leading her to one of the doctor's rooms. "I love you so much," he told Starfire with a smile as he saw her wear the wedding band.
"I remembered you two saying you were gonna try to have a baby, so I brought you some stuff." Mynx said as she held up the bag. "It's mostly just blanket and stuff but I made all of it."

"I love you too." She said kissing him back.
"Wow thanks!" Beast Boy told her with a smile as he took the stuff and put it on a nearby table. "Even though Raven may not be pregnant yet, it's still good to have the stuff already at hand. Have you come up with names?" Tempest added as he looked at them both.

"Any questions you wanna ask the doctor?" Diego asked Starfire as they were appraoching the room and he wanted to be as prepared as they could with this.
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