TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"If a super powered baby or child turns up that be great but I doubt that would happen." Mynx said. "Whether a child has powers or not I'm sure we'll love them the same.@

"Okay." Starfire said following him. As he went to shower, she began to get the bed ready for him to sleep.
"Definitely, but I was wondering if you had a preference since I recall the trio of children that Raven once cared for a few years ago," Tempest explained as he kept his embrace of Mynx to keep her at ease.

Diego savored the shower. He really didn't get to shower or rest all that well thanks to his depression. Granted, most of that time was spent locking himself in an ice sleep, but it wasn't restful not relaxing. The hot shower on the otherhand was a god send and he was savoring being at ease.
Mynx's face lit up as she broke away from his embrace and she took Tempest hand, saying, "We could adopt them! We definitely have the space, and I'm sure we can handle them."

Once she made the bed up, Starfire went into kitchen and made an omelet. She then poured a glass of orange juice and placed them both on a tray and brought it into the bedroom so Diego could have something to eat before sleeping.
Tempest saw Mynx's face light up with an adorable look on her face. "Potentially, but I'm not sure if they're till under the care of that monstary. We need to talk to Raven about that to make sure. I think we would be able to do so," Tempest said in a supportative tone before giving an embrace to Mynx.

Diego stepped out of the shower and dried up When finished, he got dressed in some fresh clothes before stepping out and smiled at seeing Starfire in the bedroom. "Wow, thank you sweetie!" he said before kissing Starfire. He blushed a bit. "I know we said no regarding sex, but can we still cuddle and sleep?" he asked her.
Mynx hugged him, holding him tighter than she ever did. "We could go visit them after breakfast, I've been meaning to bring some stuff over for their baby. I knitted and sewed a bunch of stuff."

"You're welcome." Starfire smiled as she sat on the bed next to him. "Of coarse we can."
Tempest smiled. "Well, I suppose it was a good way to spend time over at Amazon boot camp during your free periods," Temepst said with a jesting smile. "But yeah. However, we should probably practice in regards to parenting. Maybe we can join the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America organization," he suggested to her.

Diego cuddled up to Starfire while he was digging into the meal that she made him. "You are absoutely amazing," Diego told Starfire lovingly before kissing her nose.
"I have practice, I have over thirty cousins." Mynx said as she finished her meal. "Besides I am already a member."

"It's the least I can do after being such a jerk to you." Starfire said with a smile.
"Oh wow, you never told me that before," Tempest commented with a smile of his own as he saw her excitement. "I guess I can join and have some practice," Tempest commentd befoe raising an eyebrow. "Wow, that's alot of family. How many younger than you?" he asked her.

"You weren't a jerk. You were right to be frustrated, but that doesn't matter now. "I'm just so happy to be with you and we're gonna be married with a child coming," Diego told her with a smile.
"I only have a couple cousins older than me." Mynx got up and filled the sink with hot water to washed the dishes. "There's only about nine that older than me."

"Yes." Starfire smiled resting her hand on her stomach. "I should warn you, I'll be pregnant for roughly a year and a half."
"Oh man, that sounds nuts!" Tempest seemed pretty impressed at how many cousins she had. "Let me guess, all of the younger cousins looked up to you, didn't they?" he asked her with a smile as he was helping Mynx wash the dishes.

"Wait, how does that work? Wouldn't it be between the human and Tamaranian pregnancy times?" Diego asked her curiously before he leaned in to kiss Starfire on her tummy.
"Not all of them but a lot did. I imagine more would have but I never told them I had powers." Mynx explained. "All of my older relatives know but I don't want the younger ones to know and accidentally spill the beans."

"We'll have to ask." Starfire said smiling at Diego kissing her belly.
"I imagine you will tell when they are of a certain age and if they're trustworthy," Tempest asked her as he helped her finish the dishes. "What do you want to do now? Should we go and ask Raven and BB?" he asked her with a smile.

"Do you wanna head out after we wake up from our rest?" Diego asked her as he was finishing up his omelette. Filled with meat, cheese and tomatos, just how he liked it.
"I always do." Mynx stated placing the last dish in the drying rack. "After I get ready for the day, we can."

"Of coarse." Starfire said. "We really need to know more about what to expect from my being pregnant."
"All right, I'll let them know we're on the way," Tempest said. When Mynx went off to prepare, Tempest went off to get dressed himself while calling Beast Boy and Raven.

Diego put the tray back in the kitchen and washed the dishes before heading back to his bedroom. He went to lovingly embrace Starfire and snuggling with her on the bed. "I misse dyou so much, my princess," he told her.
"It should take half an hour for me to get ready." Mynx said going to get ready. While still in her pajamas she started her makeup.

"I missed you too." Starfire said as she laid her head on Diego's shoulder as she cuddled closer to him.
"All right then," Tempest nodded as he had told Beast Boy and Raven that they would be meeting up later today to talk about a few things and catch up. He also smirked when he heard that Raven wasn't pregnant yet though Beast Boy and Raven haven't had much time to be intimate due to their training with their heroic mentors.

Diego snuggled up to Starfire and as he held her, he ended up falling asleep. He felt absolutely wonderful and at peace by holding onto her.
About half an hour later Mynx came downstairs in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with her hair up. She was carrying a gift bag which lacked the usual tissue paper. "Ready?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm ready. Beast Boy and Raven are waiting for us at their place. They just finished their daily training with their mentors so they're just cleaning up and should be done before we arrive," Tempest tolf Mynx with a smile. "How are we heading there? The League doesn't use the teleporters outside of League business," he reminded her.
"I'll drive." Mynx stated grabbing her car key. "They moved recently and it's not that far from here. Beast Boy wanted to help out with the animal center." She walked toward the garage and got into her car, a classic Volkswagen Beetle convertible.
Tempest followed Mynx to her car as he was hearing about them. "It's kinda surprising that they'd wanna live her considering it's easier for heroes to remain spread out and cover mroe ground," Tempest commented. "I gotta say, love the car," he said with a smile in regards to the open Beetle.
"Yeah well it's not permanent." Mynx explained. "Beast Boy wants to open his own so he wants to see how we run our's." She got in the driver's seat. "Thanks, my mom gave it to me on my sixteenth birthday."
"I wonder if Animal Man has one as well," Tempest ntoed as he got in the car with her before they were heading there. "I heard that Raven is also geting certification as a librarian. That'll help out, especially thanks to your president increasing wages for everyone here," he added as he was in a bit of thought.
"I don't think he does, but he's definitely help Beast Boy if he started one." Mynx turned the key and had the roof go down. "I may not be an expert on economics but raising wages usually means prices go up which kinda defeats the purpose."
"But your nation's prices have already been going up without increasing wages so that defeats that argument anyway," Tempest said shrugging the shoulders. "Besides, prices only go up if the people behind them make them go up. Some Atlanteans have joked the surface world worship Pluton," Tempest said with a smirk.
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