TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"It was good, definitely was difficult at times but I thoroughly enjoyed it." Mynx said smiling.

The plankton began spelling things out, starting with "Garth" before spelling two or three words at a time, "you have stayed by my side though so much and you have made me so happy. I love you more than you could ever know! Oh and you should probably turn to your left."

When Tempest would turn to look at Mynx, he'd see that sheMd pushed her chair out of the way and was on one knee with a ring.
Tempest began repeating everything that was being softly under his breath. He began figuring out what was it , but to see he was surprised was an understatement. Yes he was planning on proposing to ehr, but was admittingly hesitant because of how slow she wanted to take it. Now he was just wondering if it was because she wanted to do it.

He turned around and saw her on the ground with the knee. He sighed and smiled oftly before he went down on his knee and embraced her before planting a kiss. "Yes, Aphrodite," Tempest told her with a soft smile.
Mynx shot up and yelled, "He said 'yes'!"

With that the lights were turned up enough to show Tempest that the entire room was filled with their friends, and the little family they had.
Tempest helped Mynx stood up and looked around at seeing that most of the restaurant was filled with most of their friends and the bit of their family. Namely, most of the Titans and a few of the Leaguers though he did notice that some like Diego and Starfire were not present for this.

"My Mynx certainly is very smart, isn't she?" Tempest told her with a big smile as he embraced her. "Thanks for the surprise," he said with a kiss on the forehead.
"We're engaged, you don't have to kiss me on the forehead." Mynx teased.

Waiters came in and set up a buffet of food that was completely void of seafood. A couple of more waiters brought in a fully stocked bar.
"Yeah, but you know I like to and that you like it too," Tempest teased Mynx back befofre he went to kiss her and saw the buffer be set for them. "Least Green Arrow's chili is not here," he commented on it with a smile. "I love you so much," he told Mynx.
"I love you too." She said.

Two weeks later, Starfire had left a note in her and Diego's apartment saying where she was. She had gone to stay with Mynx and Tempest until he returned.

Mynx was cooking breakfast while starfire was still asleep.
"How is she doing?" Tempest askd Mynx as he went behind her. It was amassive surprise to see a weepy Starfire arrive, especially with how Starfire's ourburst appear to have led to Diego's disappearance.

Diego meanwhile had almost arrived at Tamaran. He had arrived to met Adam Strange and he had a talk with him while helping him, namely in the nature of alien relationships and so on. He would be heading to the palace to talk to Starfire's early guardian. He was feeling also not in the best of moods, still rather tired and sad.
"Well, she's sleeping." Mynx said as she looked into the living room where Starfire was sleeping on the couch. "I talked to the League so they'll let us know if he tries to come back. Hopefully it won't be much longer."
"Yeah though I wonder how he's doing. From what it sounds like, he may be worried that she no longer wants anything to do with him," Tempest sighed as he looked back at the room before hugging Mynx once more. He did get a signal from the League.

"Well there is someone we can ask... Adam Strange arrived for a bit on Earth, so maybe we can go and ask him," Tempest noted to her.

Diego felt the ship land and he awoke from his nap. He was near the palace and he had his communicator and so on to talk to them. Of course when he got off the ship and walked to the palace, he saw the guards halt him.

"I'm here to speak to the King," Diego told them.
"Yeah but after breakfast." Mynx said as she putt a stack of pancakes on the table followed by bacon, sausage, biscuits, and fresh fruit. "If you'll go wake up our guest." Mynx grabbed some latex and silverware.
Tempest nodded before he went over to wake up Starfire. "Come on Starfire wake up, Mynx made some breakfast for us," he told her softly. He never saw the bubbly girl so blue though given what happened, he couldn't blame her or Diego though. He hoped things would get resolved soon as well.

The Guards looked to one another and said the King was busy and to come back later. Diego sighed before he went back onto the ship and he laid on the cot. He wondered if it was worth it anymore. The Guards just kept an eye on the ship.
Starfire got up and stretched. "I have to go to the bathroom and I will be in there." She said getting up and going to the bathroom.

"I made your favorites, Star." Mynx called after her.
"She seems to be rather drained of her energy," Tempest comemnted as he was putting the table for the three of them while also helping Mynx with the breakfast. "Once we finish, we should talk to Adam Strange and see how Diego is," Tempest whispered over to Mynx.
"She's been having a hard time. I can't imagine what I'd do if you just disappeared." Mynx commented. "Yeah, we gotta do something."

Inside the bathroom, Starfire sat on the toilet and took a pregnancy test she'd bought the day before. She had gotten one that showed results in 90 seconds instead of three minutes.
"Well, maybe we can see if we can contact him through the communication. We dont have to speak to him directly," Tempest suggested as he finished putting the table on. "Which one of us should talk to him though?" Tempest asked Mynx.
"I think I should." Mynx said with a sigh. "After all I did disappear for awhile myself." She pulled out her communicator and tried to reach Diego.

Starfire finished her business on the toilet and washed her hands. She put the seat down before sitting on it. Finally she took the test in her hand and waited for it to finish.
"You need to reach Adam Strange first though on the Watchtower. He sould be able to then link us over to Diego. The League have been trying to figure out how to better use the Zeta Rays to help with interstellar communication," Tempest said, recalling what Aquaman said in regards to Atlantean contributions to space exploration.
"Okay." Mynx stopping the communication and tried to contact Adam Strange. She hoped he'd be able to help them.

Starfire put her hand over her mouth and started crying when she finally saw the answer she'd been waiting for, pregnant. She smiled and started crying.
When Adam Strange picked up and he was explained the situation, he proceeded to use the Zeta Ray tech to boost the signal all the way to Tamaran.

When Diego would awake, it would be by the sound of his communicator, his Titan one. He picked it up carefully. "Hello?" he asked. Even now, he sounded different. Deflated, tired and somewhat lifeless, definitely the opposite of how he was.
"Hey, Diego. It's Mynx." She said trying to sound calm and compassionate. "I think you need to come home, Starfire is a wreck without and she feels terrible about what happened."

Starfire walked out and quickly relieved what was happening. She flew over to took the communicator. "Diego, I am so sorry about what I said. I did not mean any of it, I was just upset and frustrated."
"Mynx?" Diego said before she mentoned Starfire. He froze up, but then became a bt more interested when she said about what was said. He listened toe very word that she said regarding it. "S-star... I was just... I thought you didnt want to be around me anymore. That you would've been happier going back to Tamaran and finding someone who you could have kids with," Diego said after a period of silence and tyring to find words.

"Do you still wanna be with me?" he asked.
"No I want to be with you." Starfire said. "I was afraid that we could not have a child because we are different species or something was wrong with me." She wiped her tears away. "I have missed you so much, and I just took a pregnancy test. You need to come home so you can be here for your baby."
Diego calmed down a bit more as Starfire was explaining to him about everything. She was crying... but surprisingly enough, so was he. He hasn't cried in a long while. However, then everything stopped when he heard the news.

That she was pregnant. She did want to be with him and they can have a family. Suddenly, he was filled with more energy than ever.

"I'll be back home the next day! I have one improtant matter to take care, Star. I love you," he told her with a smile appearing on his face for the first time in a long time. When they stopped, he got off the ship. The guards were there and the king had arrived.

"I'm here to talk about Starfire," he said, standing up straighter.
"Okay. I love you too and be safe. Good luck!" Starfire said. She hung up the phone.

"Congrats!" Mynx said hugging Starfire. "I'm so happy for you!"
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