TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Very well then. It has been a while since Mera and I have been on a date," Aquaman responded to Mynx with a smile. "Mera actually aske dme if you wil continue calling yourself Mynx. She said if you needed a newer name, she recommended Siren," Aquaman said with a smile and a bit of a chuckle.

"But your mother and I will be there. We will need the address ad date of course," Aquaman said with a smile as he saw how his adoptive daughter and hs protege will soon end up together in more ways than one. "How time flies by. I remember back when he was a guppy and he's now a fine young man," Aquaman said with asmile as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Take care of him," he told her.
"That is actually a really good suggestion." Mynx said clearly impressed the suggestion. "It's tonight, and I was planning on it being a double date type thing, then I surprise him." She listened to what Aquaman had to say before jokingly saying, "Shouldn't you be telling him to take care of me?" She sighed, "I'm super nervous about it."
"I have full confidence that he will take care of you," Aquaman told her with a smile as he went over to give her another hug to help her remain calm as she was showing her nervousness about it. "Mera and I will be there. Just tells usthe time and place," he told her with a smile.

"Do what your heart tells you," he reassured her.
"I know this is what my heart is telling me but I'm just nervous he'll say no." Mynx explained. Her communicator went off and she looked at it before sighing. "Apparently Diego is missing. Before dinner I need to alert the League." She put her communicator back. "I'll message you the address but it's at 6."
"I doubt it. He himself actually asked me a few days ago if it would be all right if he would propose to you," Aquaman told her secretly and with a secret smile before hearing of what was said. "I got a report. Diego apparently clocked in for a personal League mission though the details he didn't put in," Aquaman explained. He only knew because it was his turn to check the records.

"Veyr well. Good luck, Aphrodite," he said with a smile before giving her another embrace
"Okay, I'll let Starfire know that." Mynx said. She put her communicator back into her pocket. "I'm gonna go get ready for tonight." She hugged him one last time. "I'll see you and mom later tonight."
"See you later, sweetheart," Aquaman told her with a smile before he saw her go over to back to the surface before he went over to talk to Mera about the special surprise up ahead. "Will he provide the ring or you?" he asked her before she left.
"Guys normally don't have engagement rings." Mynx said before leaving and making her way back to her house to start to get ready.

When she got home, Tempest still hadn't returned so she texted Starfire before going into the bedroom to start getting ready.
"I'm home!" Tempest announced when he arrived and was putting away the groceries for them. "How are you doing?" Tempest asked Mynx as he was putting everything okay. He knew she was back hme because he saw the light appearing in their bedroom.
"I talked with my dad and he invited us on a double date." Mynx said remembering to text the address to Aquaman. "We have an hour and a half to get ready."

Mynx had curlers in her hair and was putting makeup on while in a bathrobe after having taken a quick shower.
"All right then. I also got us the groceries," Tempest noted to her with a smile before he went over to look through. Fortunately, he had gotten a nice suit that he would wear with his mroe formal dates with Mynx. He began to iron his suit during the time Mynx was doing her make up and prepping it up; Diego helped teach him and ther others ironing the clothings and such for this.

"Where are we going?" Tempest asked her before he stepped in to take a nice long shower.
"You're the best." Mynx said finishing her makeup. "I don't know, they choose." She lied so he wouldn't suspect anything. She took the curlers from her hair before going into their closet to get dressed. When she came back out she was wearing a form fitting spaghetti string black dress with black high heels. She went back to the mirror to style her hair.
Tempest had took a bit of time to shower and he would step out and having dried himself. Afterwards, he would be begin to go and get dressed. He put his dress shirt and pants before going over to shine his shoes while his dress coat was hanging from the door. "You look lovely as always, but perhaps even more so," he told Mynx with a smile as he finished putting on his shoes and his coat.

"Shall we go, my dear?" he said with a smile as he offered his arm.
Mynx grabbed her purse and smoothed out his coat before kissing him. With her lips still against his, she smiled and said, "And you look very handsome." She kissed him again before taking his arm. "Let's go. It'll be easier if we teleport there," she looked at her phone, "the restaurant is in California."
"Really? That's an interesting choice," Tempest commented with a raised eyebrow. "How will we get there? I doubt that we will be able to use the League's system for this sort of thing," he commented. "Or did you call in a favor?" he asked her with a smile.
"I already did." Mynx said with a smirk. She had planned ahead completely, the entire restaurant would be filled with their friends and family. However due to the lighting of the restaurant, Tempest most likely wouldn't be able to notice.
"Wow, nice work, though this place seems familiar," Tempest said before recalling its where they went for their first date. "Back again here? An oldie but a goodie," Tempest told her with a smile as he approached the pedestal with Mynx in his arm. "I'll let you lead the way," he told her with a smile.
Mynx gave the man their names and he directed them to the elevator and down to the deep sea diving dining area. The entire time Mynx was praying that Tempest wouldn't look too hard at anyone and recognize someone.
"Looks to be comfortably full. I wonder how the League is doing at a night like this. Since Luthor's and Darkseid's final defeat, there's not been as much activity," Tempest recalled as he looked around. He foundthe place to be as lovely as always as he was following Mynx to where their table would be.
"I really wouldn't know since I just got back." Mynx said. She already seen her parents and waved as they were brought to the table, which was oddly enough the table they'd sat at for their first date.
"Hello sir, hello ma'am," Tempest said with a polite smile toward Aquaman and Aquawoman. "Thanks for joining us, but I'm kinda wondering why here," he added as he was sitting across from them. Something about the place seemed familiar, but he didn't know what.

"How long has ti been since our first date?" Tempest asked Mynx with a smile.
"This place has become quite popular and I wanted to try it." Mera said covering for her daughter.

"It's been over a year and a half now." Mynx said thinking about it. She was hoping he wasn't going to propose before she could.
"It was definitely incredible though at least it isn't raining like it was last time," Tempest mentioned with asmile as he was looking around. "Who's taking care of the prince though? Don't tell me you got the new guy to do it," Tempest said, referring to his successor as Aqualad with a smile, trying to picture him with the baby.
"Like it really matters since this whole restaurant is underwater." Mynx said before looking up. "Ah that's cool." She pointed to a bunch of bioluminescent plankton sworming together to create intricate patterns of bright blue light.
"Well yeah, but we avoided the rain by barely," Tempest told her with a smile. "How was training with Wonder Woman?" Aquaman asked her as he ordered them the appetizer and was letting his adoptive daughter guide everything for this.

"What sort of patterns are the plankton spelling?" Tempest asked as he saw that the plankton were moving around and making some sort of familiar shapes. His eyes were on them and wondering what was going on.
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