TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"I do but I can't take the teasing anymore." Mynx said. She gasped when she felt Tempest lips on her pussy, it was a bit of a shock given that she'd never felt anything like it but it was a good shock. Her eyes grew when she saw his dick. "Oh. My. God." She said before she felt him grinding against her. She moaned loudly before answering his question, "yes."
Tempest groaned quietly as he began slowly enter inside of Mynx and letting her get used to him since this was their first time. However, even then, the pleasure was incredible as they were now connected and they were doing something truly wonderful for the first time. "How do you feel?" he asked her softly as he waited to her reaction from being inside of her.
Mynx bit her bottom lip and showed clear signs of discomfort as Tempest slowly pushed himself into her. However when he had gotten himself fully inside her and allowed her to adjust to his size, her facial expression softened into a smile. "I feel great." She said quickly shifting back into being flirty.
"You sure you're doing okay?" Tempest asked her as he did notice her discomfort when he was entering inside of her. While he did see her relax into smiling, he still wanted to make sure she was okay. His concern was open on his expression yet he awaited for her answer, just giving her a kiss on the forehead while he awaited.
"Yes I am fine." Mynx said reassuring her boyfriend. She kissed him passionately as she waited for him to thrusts in and out of her. "I'm ready for you." She whisper sensually in his ear. "I'm ready for all of you."
Tempest happily kissed her back before he began going in and out at a slow and steady pace with Mynx. RIght now, he was just focusing on all the subtle sensations going through them. "Oooh you are so amazing," Tempest groaned softly in her ear while embracing her, their nude bodies touching.
"I could say the same about you." Mynx replied. She moved her arms around his sides and rested her hands on his back. She then used her super strength to pull him down enough for her to kiss him. She was careful not to hurt him or be too forceful.
Tempest was a bit surprised when he felt her use her super strength to pull him down for a kiss. However, the surprise was a pleasant one and he happily returned the kiss as he began to slowly pick up the pace, all while his hands was squeezing and gently playing with her breasts. "My little Mynx seems to be enjoying this," he couldn't help but tease as he kissed her neck.
Mynx continued to moan as she spoke, "Oh, yes, this is amazing. Once I got over how big you are." She began moving her hips along with Tempest thrusts but barely. She she still wanted him to be in control for the most part.
"And you're amazing as well. So hot and wet and tight," Tempest couldn't help but admit in pleasure while he was going at the slow and steady pace before leaning to kiss Mynx's neck. He was moving mildly faster and getting better into the pace.
Mynx couldn't help but blushed when Tempest complimented her. She was so lucky to have found such an amazing guy, she really did love him with all her heart. She wanted to marry him someday, she wanted to share their lives together and grow old side by side.
Tempest leaned in to kiss Mynx's neck while he began going a bit faster and harder. Despite this, he would soon be at his limit since this was still his first time after all. "I'm gonna cum soon," Tempest lovingly told his girlfriend before going in for an intense tongue kiss.
"Me too." Mynx said as she felt her orgasm building up inside her. Soon she was pushed over the edge and as she cam, her push tightened around Tempest. "How does it feel deflowering a princess?" She asked teasingly.
Tempest kept going faster ad harder as he leaned in to kiss Mynx's neck. He soon felt her go on the edge and when she came, she ended up tightening around his cock. Tempest groaned in pleasure. "It feels good, but you've always been my princess," Temepst told her lovingly.

"Do you want me to cum in or out?" he asked as he was reaching his limit.
"Inside." Mynx said between her moans. "Yes, but I meant how does it feel to take a princess's innocence?" Mynx then kissed Tempest passionately on the lips, holding him tighter in her arms as she continued to cum onto his cock.
"It feels good, especially since it's because I love my princess," Tempest told her back before he kissed her toughter before he finally came inside of her. He felt elated at being one with his beloved and just how much they have come and gone as a result. It felt wonderful.

"I love you so much," he tld her when their lips parted.
"I love you more than you could ever know." Mynx said resting her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his torso as she snuggled up to him. "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Tempest went over to snuggle to her before he kissed her on the forehead. "Likewise, but we have plenty of things to do. But we at least have here and now, my dear Aphrodite," Tempest told her with a smile as he was stroking her hair. "Though we could also pend the rest of the day here," he said with a teasing smile.
A few hours later, Mynx had arranged to meet with Aquaman without Tempest as she a very important issue she wanted her to discuss. She had gotten to Atlantis and was now swimming to where she was meeting Aquaman.

Starfire started moving on the couch, the nap having helped her calm down. She sat up and thought it was odd that Diego hadn't come back out of the bedroom yet.
After a few moe hours of some intimacy, Mynx said she needed to meet with Aquaman and he figured it would be some talks over her abilities. She was getting better at swimming there and in the meanwhile, he was going to the groceries to buy her usual foods now that she was back.

Diego awoke from his nap as he was in the ship. Not much he could do in these pods. He looked and he could take the Zeta Ray to go to where Adam Strange was, but he figured it'd be better for the long way. It was a long day. Diego sighed. He didn't know what to do. He hoped Tamaran had soe answers, but if not... he considered the possibility of his and Star's relationship end.

He sighed once more and he felt the ever painful presence of doubt and anxiety settle back in, felt even more burdned after spending months with Starfire who kept those negative feelings at bay.
Mynx swam into the room that Aquaman agreed to meet for a private conversation. She had been able to pick up on speaking Atlantean pretty quickly as she had been fluent in Greek and Atlantean was based heavily on Greek. "Hello, Father," she said speaking in Atlantean, "thank you for meeting with me."

Starfire stood up and went to the bedroom, and knocked on the door. "Diego?" She asked. "Can I come in? I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. I... I didn't mean it."
"Good afternoon, Aphrodite. How have you been? It is good to see you once more. It appeas you have grown well from your training with Wonder Woman," Aquaman told her back with a smile as he stood up from his seat over in one of his private room. Over the past year, Aphrodite has become part of their family and her role as a form of ambassador helped out relations. It helped that give Mera a daughter to spend time, especially to help cope with the murder of her parents.

"You said you wished to speak to me about something important?" he asked her.

When Starfire knocked, the door would eeriely open. The room was empty of anyone. All that was present was the hastily scribbled note that Diego wrote.
"I have been good and the training was amazing. How have you, mom, and my little brother been?" She asked with a smile, giving Aquaman a hug. She took a deep breath before saying why she was there, "As you know, I have been dating Garth for some time now and he's stayed by my side though some rough patches. I love him more than anything, and I want your blessing to ask him to marry me."

Starfire cautiously entered the room and looked at, making sure he wasn't in the bathroom before she read the note.
"We have been doing well. Atlantis has been getting used to connection with the surface well quite well and more and more people have been collaborating and working together," Aquaman told her with a smile. "Mera has been looking forward to seeing you as well as your the prince," he said with a smile before seeing her change.

He certainly looked quite surprised at what she said. "Garth is a good and honorable man and he has already been part of the family. I took him in as well as his successor because both reminded me of when I was younger and I instilled in both the lessons my own father taught me," Aquaman said with a smile, having some thoughts back to his human father. "Of course I grant you my blessings," he said before giving her a hug back.
"I'll have to spend some here later. There's a lot I have to get done since I'm back." Mynx explained. "He told me some about that." Her smile grew. "I have a plan for how I'm going to do it. I have reservations at the restaurant we had our first date, actually I have two sets of reservations. I want you and mom to arrive before us, so you two will be there when I ask him."
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