TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

Starfire kissed him before she forced him to roll over. Pinning him to the bed, she said, "I will prove it then." She leaned over and kissed him as she began grinding her pussy against him.

'Secret.' Mynx spelled. 'You have to wait and see.'
Diego blushed yet smiled when Starfire pinned him on the bed before happily returning her kisses and groaning in pleasure she grinded her pussy against him. "You are absolutely wonderful," Diego told her as he was growing harder still. "Ready for the main event?" he asked her huskily.

"All right," Aqualad asked her as he stroked her hair. "Get better soon. There's alot of people here who want you to be okay," he told her with a smile as he sat beside her.
"Of course I'm ready." Starfire purred, letting go of her grip on one of Diego's wrists to slowly guide his dick into her.

Mynx squeezed his hand one more time relaxing and falling asleep.
Starfire's desite just aroused Diego even more and he loved each and every time he was intimate with his beloved alien princess. Diego groaned as he felt his cock go back inside her. "I-it keeps getting better each time," he said to her with a smile.

Aqualad just sat there and watched her sleep while meditating under the water with her in thought.
"I agree." Starfire said as she lightly sat on Diego's pelvis, enjoying the feeling of having him inside her. However soon she was slowly raising and lowering herself while moaning. "I love having you inside me."
Diego groaned in pleasure as Starfire was beginning to ride him. He moved his hands up to her butt and began sqieezing and playing with it. "and I love being insde of you. I love evrtyghing about you," Diego told her with a loving smile before he leaned up to kiss Starfire.

Aqualad was in thought while Mynx was in sleep and kept watching over her. Her vitals were stable and her system was slowly regaining control of itself.
Deigo's words only motivated Starfire in her actions. She moved faster and faster all while moaning loudly. She straightened up her body as she rode Diego, giving him full view of her breasts bouncing with movements.
Diego also straightened his back and his eager hands went over to her beautiful bouncing breasts and lovingly squeezing them, caressing them in his hands an playing with her nipples with his nipples. He was also doing his best to match her pace. He even leaned in to kiss Starfire in the chest. "You need more, my princess?" he asked her as he felt her going wilder in her heat.
"Oh yes." Starfire moaned. She softly dug her nails into Diego's back as she she was enjoying herself. She did not know what to expect from her heat with this being the first one she had in which she was trying to become pregnant, so it was hard for her to predict how many times they'd have to have sex.
Diego groaned as he felt Starfire dig her nails softly into it. He began matching her pace while feeling his arousal and desire growing more and more as they began going faster. His tongue went over to hers to dance as he kept playng with her breasts.

Feeling a bit bolder, he adjusted the position suddenly so she was on her back and he was able to go faster in pounding her. He had no idea what spurred this sudden confidence, but it allowed him to fuck her better.
Starfire gasped as she felt Diego suddenly moving her, but she was soon back to moaning. "Oh yes, Diego, keep going!" She moaned loudly. It was clear she was enjoying this more than usual. She grabbed the sheets and bit her lip.
Her wonderful moans and sweet encouragements was all that Diego needed for him to increase his pace in intensity, all while he leaned in order to make out with Starfire. He was sweating more and more as he indulged in the position. He found out he was liking taking the dominant position. "Y-you like me being on top?" he managed ti ask her
Starfire surprisingly hadn't started sweating. "I like any position as long as it is with you," she moaned, "but I think I like this one the most!" She arched her back which was enough to lift Diego off the ground until she had finished arching her back.
Diego began going harder and faster in fucking Starfire as he saw her arch her back. His hands held her tight as he was caressing her body and squeezing her breasts. Diego kissed her neck and left a gentle love bite. "I wanna give you more and make you feel good," he told her lovingly.
Starfire let out one last loud moan before her body tensed and she cam. She soon recovered and let out a couple of more softer moans as she waited for Diego to finish.
Diego groaned out in pleasure as he leaned in to kiss Starfire before he came inside of starfire, filling her up with his seed. "That's soo good," he said before kissing her once more. "You... You like me being more dominant?" he asked her.
"Of coarse." Starfire said smiling.

One months later, Mynx had woken up and begun training with Wonder Woman where she stayed for nearly a year. After thirteen months away, she was more than ready to return home. She had written to Aqualad everyday and her feelings for him only grew.

She walked off the boat that had given her a ride off of Themyscira and onto the dock looking around for Aqualad.

Meanwhile Starfire was in the bathroom. She would go into heat every two months and including the first time they'd tried to conceive, they gone through six cycles without success. Once she had taken the pregnancy test, she snapped the cap back on, washed her hands, and opened the bathroom door for Diego. Each time they got a negative test result, Starfire became less and less excited to take a pregnancy test. Now she just sighed and prepared herself for it be negative again.
Over the next year, Tempest had been doing more professional work both in Atlantis and in Mynx's family aquatic research facilitiy. They wrote to one another and every two weeks, Mynx was given a couple days to relax and they usually spent that time together. Of course, the holiday seasons meant longer times and that includes things such as Tempest inviting Mynx over for Christmas to help her cope with the loss of her family, while Wonder Woman did the same.

Tempest smiled and waved to Mynx. He had a surprise for her; the surprise being his brand new costume as Tempest.

Diego meanwhile had spent the next year improving himself as a superhero and doing everything to help get ready for the future family. His first book became a success and its spiritual successor was also just as well-recieved. However, he had noted that despite the various love-making sessions between him and Starfire during heat, there were negative test results. He noticed that it had a negative effect on Starfire and he was wondering whether something was wrong with him or if human and tamaran DNA required more work to create hybrids.

"You okay sweetie?" Diego askedher as he stepped into the bathroom and wondered what would happen.
Mynx light up when she saw Tempest, and rushed over to him. "Garth!" She said happily kissing him and throwing her arms around him. She also dropped her duffel bag filled with her clothes and toiletries. "I missed you so much!"

Starfire was sitting on the closed toilet waiting for a result to show up on the test. "No." She said flatly. "I do not know why I am even taking the test it is just going to be negative. We do not even know if our species can produce a child."
"Aphrodite!" Tempest told her with a smile as he happily re-embraced her before giving her a kiss as well. "I missed you well. The short visits we had weren't enough and I am happy that you'll be moving back home. So how were your final trials against the Amazons?" Tempest asked her with a smile as he picked up her duffel bag like a gentleman.

Diego leaned down before he went over to embrace her tightly. "We can't give up and even if there will be difficulties, we could figure something out," he said giving a hopeful smile.
"I'm glad to be back." Mynx said as she started walking toward her house with an arm around Tempest. "They were difficult but I managed. It was definitely an amazing experience and I plan to go back once in awhile to visit."

"What if it never happens?" Starfire asked. "What if it is not even possible?"
"I imagine it must have been good. Wonder Woman said that they treated you just as part of the family and in being a sister," Tempest told her with a smile. "How was it like meeting her mother?" he added, noting on how Hippolyta was in that she now had another daughter technically.

"We're superheroes. Doing the impossible is our objective. Whatever happens, we will figure out a solution, okay?" Diego told her with a comforting look before kissing her. "You mean so much to me and I want to make you happy," he added.
"Yeah that was amazing! Just everyone treating everyone equally, I loved it." Mynx said smiling also. "She treated me like a granddaughter, the whole situation of how I came to exist had to be explained to her though."

Starfire gave a small smile. "Okay." She said. She still wasn't her normal peppy self but at least she looked a bit happier.
"I'm glad that it was a good experience. I reckon you must have learned alot and become even more of a dangerous person," Tempest couldn't help but say with a smile as they were walking. "The group has been doing well so far; the new Titans are doing well and everyone is moving up in the world," he added.

Diego just sighed as he hugged her. He did feel something that was bothering him as well in the relationship and it was something he thought about for a while. He was in some thought.
"That's great." Mynx said resting her head on Tempest's shoulder. "What have you been doing? How's the animal center?"

Starfire purses her lips waiting for the test to finish. She held her breath as the little hourglass started moving slower, before revealing the two words she was all too familiar with; not pregnant.
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