TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"We should probably at least send gifts our such ti show our support," Diego told them as he was also pretty worried. "I'll check in with Batman soon and Batgirl will accompany me," he told them.

"I think Raven and I should go home to rest," BB said as he looked to Raven if she was all right with that. "We should rest too," Diego said facing Starfire.
Starfire hugged Raven, who hugged back. While Mynx lived at the Tower the three of them had become super close and it was clear this was hard on both of them. "I am just a phone call away." Starfire told her friend.

"I know." Raven said. "Thanks."
"And we'll keep track of everything," the new Robin told them as he was also looking through of it. "It'll be okay guys. I'm sure it will be," Diego said to them wth a smile before he sighed. Beast Boy held Raven's hand before heading out.

"What do you wanna do when we get home?" Diego asked Starfire as he wodnered what to do to cmfort his girlfriend.
"I would like to call Aqualad to make sure he is okay, and ask if he needs anything." Starfire said. "And I am thinking of getting Mynx a stuffed animal as a get well some gift. I remember her favorite animal is a manatee." Starfire explained as she walked beside Deigo.
"I heard from Nightwing that he's with Mynx so I'm not sure he'll pick up," Diego said as he was walking through the hall. "Do you want me to take you out? We haven't eaten and maybe we can do something to help lift our spirits before we go and get Mynx the manatee plush," he asked her.
"No I'd rather stay in." Starfire said. "I am too afraid if we go out that someone will try to contact us about Mynx and we will not be able to hear it and we will miss the call."

Mynx still wasn't able to move anything other than her hand, but she she used her index finger to draw a heart on Aqualad's palm and poke the middle to say "Love you."
"All right then," Diego told her before giving her another hug and a kiss to help comfort you. "I guess we will just rest back at home," he said. "Should we take the T-Jet with Cyborg or you want to fly us there?" Diego wondered out loud.

Back in the Atlantean palace hospital room where Aqualad was at with Mynx being hooked up, he felt the heart being dawn on his heart. He did the same before leaning over to kiss her and holding her. He'd be there with her
"I would like to fly us there." Starfire said. "We can talk about some personal stuff." She addded a wink at the end.

Mynx started trying to move her facial muscle but with all the effort she put in only managed to make small movements.
Diego blushed a bit at Starfire winking before he wrapped his arms around her before she was carried by her when she went over to flight. "What were you think of talking about?" he couldn't help but ask her while they were flying.

"Just relax and let yourself heal," Aqualad said as he leaned order to kiss her forehead. "Our friends are working to find out who did this and help you," he comforted her.
"The future," Starfire said, "since we decided to have a baby, I thought we should plan for when I do find out I am pregnant."

Mynx listened and relaxed once more in the bed.
Diego cuddled up to Starfire while they were flying and he was holding her tight as she was flying them back to Atlanta. "Well, we already doing well with out jobs and since I'm almost done with my book, that will earn some extra money for us," he told her with a smile.

"What else are you wondering about?" Diego asked her.

Aqualad just remained there watching over Mynx and wondering what he could do. "Maybe I can read to you while you are recovering," he suggested to her.
"I was thinking about buying a house instead of raising a baby in our apartment, and picking out names." Starfire stated.

Mynx moved her finger spelling out words, 'No talk to me about you.'
"You want to get a house? Would you like to remain in the area or would you be okay with moving elsewhere?" Diego asked her as he was in thought. After all, the growing amount of Titans and such meant that others could look over areas here. "I have been looking into potential other places to move to," he confessed to her.

"As for names, yeah, that will be fun. Maybe they'll have two; a Tamarinian one and a human one," he suggested.

Aqualad managed to understand what she said and he nodded. "Well, what would you like to know about me?" he asked her as he gently squeezed her hand
"I will be happy wherever you would like to move." Starfire replied with a smile. "As long as I am with you I will be happy. Although I would like a house with a yard."

'Anything' Mynx spelled. 'Anything at all.'
"I'll keep that in mind. And wherever I go, as long as I am with you, I'll be happy too," Diego told her with his own smile before leaning in to kiss her and nuzzling her. "Anything else you would like, sweetie?" he asked her with a smile while peering into her emerald eyes.

"Have I ever told you about where I cam from?" Aqualad asked, realizing he may or may not have shared some of his past with his girlfriend.
She landed on the balcony of their apartment and effortlessly opened the doors. "A big kitchen would be nice." She said thinking.

'No' Mynx spelled, unable to show her excitement of hearing about his past.
"Yeah, so we can cook big meals," Diego added with a big smile as they landed. "Wow, you're getting faster, it's amazing," he commented before he embraced her when they arrived. He managed to feel ebtter about flying when it was her. "What do you wish to do now?" he said as he kept embracing her.

Aqualad smiled as he thoguht he saw a twitch of her mouth. He figured she was excited. "I don't know all that much, so I'll share what I know," he said with a smile. "In a way, it was kind alike Aquaman. I was an orphan and I was founded over in the capital of Atlantis. I wasn't well-liked. Purple eyes were seen as dangerous in Atlantean superstition so most of my time I was out on my own," he said as he was looking back in thought.

"Aquaman found soon back when I was less than 12. He took me in when I showed promise. He was like the dad that I never had," Aqualad said with a wistful look on his face.
"Hopefully for a big family." Starfire said with a smile. She pressed her body against his and kissed him. "How about we work on that big family?"

Mynx squeezed his hand trying to comfort him. 'I don't care about superstition.' She spelled 'I care about you.'
Diego shivered in delight before feeling Starfire's warm lips press onto his. He happily embraced her as he returned the kiss and felt his passion began flaring up. "Oh yeah, you're in heat... does my princess need help to scratch that inch?" Diego said before doing a tongue kiss with her. He had to admit, he liked when Starfire would got a bit wild like this.

Aqualad squeezed her hand back before kissing her. "I was a pretty funny kid back when I was younger. I had all sorts of catchphases and I probably acting a bit younger than someone of my age, but I became accepted and lvoed and Aquaman helped me every step of the way. I still wanna find out about where I cam from, but I'm thankful for what I have," he said with a smile
"More than you could imagine." Starfire stated as she began pulling Diego's clothes. With them being in their bedroom, Starfire began guiding Diego towards the bed where she pulled him on top of her and wrapped her arms around his neck.

'I'll help you when I can.' Mynx spelled.
Diego happily let Starfire strip him, roughly pulling off his shirt and his pants, including his underwear before they landed on the bed. Diego leaned in to kiss her neck while he began showing off his growing arousal. "Looks like you're overdressed," he said as he began working on taking of Starfire's top, skirt and underwear while on the bed.

Aqualad nodded. "Just get your rest first, sweetie," he told her with a smile. He was a bit relieved. He thought she would ask what were his old catchphrases. He leaned in to kiss her forehead once more.
"We should fix that." Starfire moaned quickly grabbing her top and pulling her top and bra off before moving onto her skirt and panties. "I see you are already excited!" Seeing him excited only made Starfire's arousal become stronger.

'Okay.' Mynx spelled happy to have him with her.
Diego happily watched Starfire practically rip off her clothing while kicking off her noots. Within seconds, she was just as wonderfully naked as he was. "I am always excited to be with you. I'm really lucky to have an amazing, bueatiful and sexy girlfriend like you," Diego told her with a loving smile before beginning another kissing session, letting his tongue dance with hers while grinding his nude body against her.

"Once you get better, Wonder Woman wants to help you with your recovery. She and the Amazons possesses some sort of device; it's supposedly a combination of early technology and magic that helps with healing," Aqualad explains to her while he squeezed her hand.
"And I am lucky to have a boyfriend who is as sweet and caring and sexy as you." Starfire said with a sweet smile before she kissed Diego passionately.

'Okay.' Mynx spelled. 'When I wake up I want to talk to Aquaman."
"Thank you... it means so much. No one ever called me sexy before," Diego confessed to her with a more shy smile before he lovingly returned the kiss while he kept grinding his nude body against her. After all, he was always pretty chubby and even with the weight loss and cyborgifcation, he didn't consider himself that handsome, yet the loving look Starfire gave him was always wonderful.

His hands began to explore and caress and gently squeezing all of Starfire's beautiful self.

"All right, what do you wanna talk to him?" Aqualad asked her as he dutifully stood by her and wondering how she was.
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