TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Regardless, I'm going to meet up with Batman and go over the list of those involved in creating Mynx and see if any of them could be responsible for this." Zatanna said. "We need to cover all of the angles."

"I'll look into anyone that might have connections to the two men she killed." Raven stated.

"If the League can not help her, I do not know who can." Starfire said with a look of worry on her face.
"Yes, though we also need to make sure she is all right," Aqualad said as he sa Dr. Fate healing Mynx and managing to be succeeding. "Do not worry. Process is going well, but having assistance would be advised. But we need outiade help furthermore," he noted.

"I think BB may know someone," Aqualad said before contacing down below.

"I'm sure it'll be all right," Diego said as he hugged Starfire before he saw BB's communicator ring. BB talked and his face became more serious before nodding. "Cyborg, I need you take me somewhere. Mynx needs help and I know someone, but I need you to take me there," he said seriously.

Diego knew BB only became this sort of serious when it came to this... it meant the Doom patrol.
Zatanna left to go find Batman. Before Raven went to leave, she looked at Mynx and got a puzzled look on her face. She walked over and put her under Mynx's nose. "She's not breathing." Raven said checking for a pulse and quickly went to doing CPR. "Get a defibrillator in case CPR doesn't work, and after we get her breathing we're going to have to hook her up to a heart monitor."
Dr. Fate immiedately rushed to get the debribrillator and preapred himself. He was a doctor after and Kent Nelson would not elt anyone die today. Fate would intervene. He also magically broguth forth several medical equipment.

Aqualad was helping Raven with the CPR before he went to rush and get some of the others like Aquaman. Considering Mynx had some of his DNA, it meant that she'd be able to recover faster submerged in water.
"It's not working." Raven said trying to remain calm. "We have to use the defibrillator." She ripped open Mynx shirt and put heart monitors on her to let them know if her heart started back up. The machine immediately showed a flatline and gave off the tell tale noise saying that at the moment Mynx was technically dead. Raven then stood by the defibrillator to increase the electric shock if a lower dose failed to work. She was terrified that she was watching Mynx's death and that the defibrillator wouldn't work. It wasn't a sure fire thing.
"Let me try," Aqualad said when he returned with Aquaman. "Conjure up a bubble of water," Aquaman said to Dr. Fate. The good doctor nodded before he summed a large bubble of water. Aqualad carried her in the floating bubble and he began using some of the Atleantean magic he learned to use bio-electricity on her heart, all while he put his lips on hers to help put water in her.

"We may have to put her in statis," Aquaman said with a worrying look. "Keeping her in cyrostatis will allow her to remain stable and grant us mroe time should this not work," Dr. Fate added.
Raven immediately went to get a cyropod and came back a few moments later using her powers to carry it. She carefully placed it on the floor and went to work getting it set up for Mynx. "It's ready." She finally said stepping back so Mynx could be placed inside. She could see the worry on Aquaman and Aqualad's faces.
"We may not need it, her vitals seem to be slowly restoring themselves," Dr. Fate said cautiously as the submersion in water was having a positive affect on her in the same way it did with Aquaman, but Aqualad was still doing everything to keep her stable.
Raven nodded and stood next to Aqualad. She didn't know if he was aware of her ability to see the future but regardless she place a hand on his shoulder and said, "Mynx is going to be fine. She's going to pull through this."
Aqualad didn't know about Raven's future sight or anything like that.
"I know, she is in the capable hands of the League and we have more people coming to help her, Aqualad told her with a smile before Raven's communicator rang.

"Rae... it's Garfield. Can you beam us up?" He told them. Aqualad lifted his eyebrow at BB's rather solemn tone. It must have been serious. When beamed up, a rather somewhat stiff and uncomfortable BB was there holding on the wheelcheer of an elderly and serious looking man.

"Dr. Niles Caulder," Dr. Fate said in surprise.

"Who?" Aquaman asked before BB spoke, "He's the Chief, founder of the Doom Patrol," he said.

"Yes... and I understand that a companion of Garfield is in need of assistance," he said as he stroked his beard.
"She collapsed at a party we were having and while here she stopped breathing." Raven explained. After explaining she went to Beast Boy and hugged him, it was clearly emotionally draining for her to have to deal with seeing one of her closest friends like this.
Beast Boy hugged her back, also feeling emotionally mixed with having to confront the Chief once more. It was only somewhat recently he met the Titans and only the originals knew why. The Chief potentially played a hand in all of them becomng the outcasts, but there was no real proof, not to mention just the Chief's manipulative tactics, if for the greater good.

The Chief took out a tool kit and began looking over Mynx while exaiming the monitors. "He informed that she was part of another government experiment," he said. He shook his head when Aquaman confirmed it. "Fascinating... being submerged in water and the magic is slowly recovering her, but it appears that whomever did this sort of attack targeted her in mind. From what it looks like, her cells are being attacked, but fighting back," he explained.
Zatanna walked back in. "We found the person responsible." She said. "She's being questioned by Batman."

"That fast?" Raven asked a bit stunned.

"We looked up all those associated with experiments that weren't arrested. The doctor that was killed, his assistant wasn't arrested as she was declared dead but when we saw her photo we recognized her as a member of the team that made Mynx's antidote. We suspect she faked her death and gained a new identity."
"She must have faked her death before SUperman contacted the President and had the investigation started," Dr. Fate commented as he and the Cheif were working on helping Mynx be restored. Aqualad was still working on keeping Mynx stable in the water bubble there with her.

"Batman will probably have an answer soon," Aquaman said before he went to check up on him.
"Well I had him record it for evidence." Zatanna said. "She'll be charged with her involvement in the experiments and attempted murder for this." She motioned toward Mynx.

"I'm interested in why she did it." Raven said. "Was she trying to get rid of what she deemed a failed experiment? Or getting revenge for the doctor's murder? And did she kill Mynx's parents?"

"She's barely five foot there's no way she could've taken down both of Mynx's parents on her own." Zatanna stated.
"Well, Martian Manhunter should be able to get that answer out of her," Dr. Fate said as he finished a healing incantation to help the process go faster in helping Mynx recover. "Maybe she had help, but I don't know from who?" Beast Boy commented as he was still holding onto Raven.

"Perhaps nt everyone was caught," the Chief commented.
"We should look into all of those that are supposedly deceased." Zatanna said.

"We should also look into the civilians working for League. They might have realized who Mynx was before she did and started infiltrating the League soon after to get close to her knowing she'd eventually join." Raven explained. "Who knows how many changed identities?"
"Go then. The Chief and I will watch over Aqualad and Mynx," Dr. Fate explained to them. "I don't think alot could, Rae. Most of the science gus either got out or cooperated. They'd have to have quit way before Mynx joined the Titans to get away with it," Beast Boy said after his own moments of thought.

"I've asked the President to relook into it. The CIA and FBI have been assisting," Superman said as he went in to check. "Batman hasn't formed any primary suspects as of yet though the woman was linked to a tertiary lab formerly linked to Lexcorp," he added.
"Or shortly after." Raven said. "I just feel so helpless not being able to do anything for her." She looked at Mynx. "It looks like her hands moving."

Sure enough looking at Mynx her left hand was moving in a way that looked like she was reaching for something.
Beast Boy just kept hugging onto Raven to help her cope with the stress while also his own worries. He even planted a soft kiss on her cheek in mutual comfort.

Aqualad was looking at her before he kissed her forehead before he moved bis hand to her left hand and gently grasped it.
"We should go back to the tower and fill everyone in on what's happening, they're probably worried sick." Raven said breaking the hug but taking Beast Boy's hand intertwining their fingers.

Mynx felt Aqualad there and when he took her hand she squeezed his back. She was still unconscious but she was at least somewhat aware of what was happening.
"I had arranged a special hospital room in Atlantis underwater. It will help further accelerate the healing while also having a greater access to Atlantean magic," Aquaman announced to them. "Very well, I will follow you there along with the two," Dr. Fate said as he, Aqualad, Mynx and Aquaman were beamed magically into the Atlantean palace underwater. All while Aqualad kept holding Mynx during the udnerwater thing.

Beast Boy squeezes Raven's hand back before he nodded to them and they were beamed back to the tower. "How was it?" Diego asked as they were all waiting.
"She stopped breathing but we got it to start back up." Raven explained. "She's being taken to Atlantis to fully heal."

"Is there any clue who did this?" Starfire asked.

"Zatanna and Batman already caught the person. The doctor Mynx killed his assistant faked her death and got a new identity. Then she joined the League as a scientist." Raven sighed. "Batman is questioning her as we speak."
"People really need to let go of their vengeance issues. Though i wonder how she discovered her secret identity... not even the civilian workers at the League know that," Diego pondered out loud over all of this before sighing.

"Looks like everyone's relieved, but it looks like most people are no longer in the mood to party. Guess we should take the foods and head back home," Diego said as he saw some people beginning to help pack up and leave.

"What do ya'll wanna do?" he asked.
"Who knows?" Raven said packing up the food. "That's why we're investing it."

"Do you know when we can visit her?" Starfire asked.

"Probably when she comes back from Atlantis." Raven answered.
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