TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Super-strength and udnerwater survival, what else are your powers you have here?" Cyborg asked her curiously before seeing Mynx answer a text. "Who was that from?" he asked her as Aqualad looked. "I think it was from Raven," Aqualad responded.

"Well, see, there you go. Problem solved," Diego told them with a smile as he continued to relax next to Starfire. "Any of you talk to Batgirl before?" he asked them curiously as he knew little about her besides the fact she was a bit older than most of the people here.
"Well I also have super hearing, and yes it was Raven, I volunteered to be her and Beast Boy's wedding planner." Mynx said before returning her phone back into her pocket. "I also can shapeshift, I have telepathy, I heal really fast, super speed, night vision, invisibility, basically I have a bunch of powers from various people."

"Besides Robin? No, I don't think so." Raven commented causing Starfire to smile and start looking for Batgirl in order to make a new friend.
"Well, that'll be fun. Even with those two as a couple, they can sometimes bicker," Cyborf couldn't help but laught at it. "You can probably swim super fast too, but I probabluy wouldn't recommend it," Aqualad said to her, wondering how the Speed Force would work underwater.

Diego followed Starfire to meet Batgirl. "You gonna introduce yourself?" Diego asked her as he was thinking on some stuff.
"Yeah I'll have my work cut out for me." Mynx said sipping her soda. "Probably but I'm not gonna try unless I have to."

"Yes." Starfire said as she found Batgirl talking to Nightwing. She quickly made her way over to the two. "Hello I am Starfire, will you be my friend?"
"You still said you're gonna go by Mynx, right?" Cyborg asked her curiously. "Well, BB is still trying to decide his new name and Raven said she'll still be Raven and I'm still Cyborg," he clarified. "I think most are keeping their names unless they were sidekicks or it's tied to how they were," Aqualad noted.

"Oh! It's nice to meet you at last, Starfire!" Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl said as she shook Starfire's hand. "Looks like the both of you are happy," Diego told his former boss while seeing the two ladies talk.
"Let's hope it isn't Beast Man." Mynx rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure Raven is gonna go by something else, but I don't remember what."

"It is nice meeting you too." Starfire shook her hand before giving her a hug.
"He tried going for Manimal, but I think that's still under copyright or something," Aqualad commented on it. "He also thought of Changeling, but he said it sounded too fantasy-like," Cyborg commented as well before going over to get himself some more food.

Batgirl was surprised, but hugged her back. "So this is Diego? Not alot of heroes are willing to be open with their identity," she commented looking at him. "He's also been helping us with finding the League of Assassins," Nightwing added. Diego just smiled at the whole thing.
"Changeling is a lot cooler than Beast Man and Manimal." Mynx commented.

"Yes, hopefully we can catch them soon but we have also been trying to deal with everything with Mynx." Starfire explained.
"Yeah kinda, but there could be better things than that," Cyborg commented on the potential names for Beast Boy to call himself after his graduation. "It can be pretty hard sometimes, but I'm sure he'll figure it out," Aqualad said with a smile. "He could always wait for Animal Man to retire and become his successor," he added.

"Well, we have plenty of time," Diego told Starfire with a smile as he squeezed her hand while looking arounf and seeing how everyone is doing. "We need to remain vigilant however," Nightwing said.
"I had a hard enough time coming up with Mynx, which is why I'm keeping that name." Mynx explained still sitting on the couch and sipping the soda.

"I agree." Starfire said noting she had a sinking feeling something wasn't right.
"Wait, how did you come up with Mynx anyway?" Aqualad asked her as he sat down on the sofa next to her and digging into his nachos. He was curious how she came up with that name.

"I'm sure it'll be all right," Diego said, hugging Starfire because he sensed something was bothering her. "He is right. Let's focus on the here and now, on the positives," Nightwing told them with a smile. "Also, Robin has told me that the successors everyone chose have been doing very well," he added.
"One of the youtubers I follow did a collab with a chick whose username had Mynx in it and I thought it was cool. Although I think she spelled it with an i instead of a y." Mynx explained before she stood up. "Excuse me, this soda is going through me faster than I expected."

Starfire looked around and locked her sights on Mynx, there was something off about her. Starfire quickly flew over to her. She reached her arms out just as Mynx collapsed.
Aqualad rose and saw Mynx collapse while Starfire caught her. "What happened? What's wrong?" Aqualad said as he went over to her and investigated her. "Batman did mention that there were side-effects, but I didn't it be like this," he said as he went over to hold her.

"Maybe Raven can tyr and help her. Doesn't she know a bit of healing magic?" Diego pointed out as he went over to see.
"I do not know." Starfire stated holding Mynx before laying her on the couch. "I just knew something was wrong."

Raven rushed over, a uncharacteristic look of concern on her face, and she immediately started doing magic. After a few minutes she stopped, saying, "The bad news is I can't help her. Whatever is doing this to her is powerful magic. The good news is Mynx's body appears to be in some sort of regeneration state. Her body knows that it's under attack and it's shutting down all nonessential functions to focus on stopping the attack. We should get the League involved. I think there may be someone they trusted that did this."
"Wait, what, byt how?" Diego asked as he was looking over Mynx. "But I doubt anyone could've messed this up," he added. "Maybe some of the genes are rejecting it? She does possess Darkseid and Grundy DNA, which would normally not be bound to human DNA at all," Aqualad asked before going to call Aqualad and the League.

"I will be going over to headquarters with her," Aqualad explained.
"Either way we need to get her to the League, they'll have better resources to deal with this." Raven explained. She looked at Aqualad, "I'll go with you and we should hurry. She's stable for now but who knows how long that's going to last." She picked up the can of sprite, "No one drink the soda from cooler with the sprite. We have to consider the possibility that it's poisoned." She looked again to Aqualad, "was this all she had?"
Aqualad nodded before he picked up Mynx bridal style before he went next to Raven and they were beamed up to the Watchtower and they were running to the medical bay. "We have a large problem," he said as he was holding Mynx.

"What is it?" Dr. Fate asked as he was investigating some of the medical books when he saw the two run in.

"Everyone check the food in case some villains are gonna come and invade," Diego warned everyone while he was looking through some things
"Mynx just collapsed and I can't heal her. I tried." Raven explained. She held up the can, and continued speaking, "this was all she had at the party and I brought it just in case." She placed it on the table. "Tell me what I can do."

Starfire nodded saying, "I will look for possible security risks." She went to the main computer to check cameras and such.
"I will investigate," Dr. Fate said as he began using spells and chants to scan what was wrong with Mynx. "In the meanwhile, I have also send a signal to Mr. Terrific and Dr. Mid-Nite to help by looking over her," he elaborated as he was scaning her before looking at the soda. "There is a poison scanner," he said, pointing to a strange looking device. "You insert the substance, either solid or fluid and it will scan it for abnormalities," he explained.

Aqualad was looking over Mynx with concern.

"Look over the computers please, Batgirl," Diego requested of ehr while Cyborg was looking voer the machines too. Kid Flash was going around looking through the food while the others were helping to look through it all.
Raven went to the scanner putting a couple drops of the soda in it and waiting for the results.

Starfire moved over to allow Batgirl to look at the computers before she began searching the actual tower for anyone who shouldn't be there.
The machine was whirring and it was investigating, it would take a little while to go and make sure everything was okay with the soda. Meanwhile, Dr. Fate used greater magic to try and help Mynx with what was disturbing her. "It is work, the spells are assisting her," Dr Fate told them both.

"What is the cause of it?" Aqualad said before he saw Zatana enter. He knew her pretty well; she was a friend of Batman and she had recently taken on an apparentice who was said to be a future powerful magician.

"Find anything so far, Star?" DIego asked her over their communicators while he finished looking. Everything seem to be okay so far.
"It was the shot that was supposed to help stabilize her DNA, someone tampered with it." Zatanna explained. "And whoever it was knew what they were doing. They made sure not to leave behind anything that we could use to make a fast ID of them. They most likely left something behind but like I said it's not immediately evident. Either way someone who worked on developing it is to blame."

"I'll call Nightwing to tell him it wasn't anything at the party." Raven said before pulling out her communicator and walking to the side.

"No." Starfire said over the communicator. "I do not see anything out of the ordinary."
"But who could've done so? The work was primarily done by Dr. Mid-Nite and a few others affiliated with the League," Dr. Fate asked them while he became even more serious about this. "They would have to be very intelligent," Aqualad nodded as he was in thought.

"Well Titans, it appears what happened with Mynx was via tampering with her cure," Nightwing announced with a look of seriousness on his face. "Return so we can figure out what to do next," Diego told Starfire.
"I hate to say it but are we sure it was Dr. Mid-Nite and not someone impersonating him. Also we should look into the 'others affiliated with the League' they may have a reason to harm Mynx." Zatanna explained.

"A reason to harm Mynx?" Raven asked. "Mynx is seriously more goody two shoes than Superman. She saved a bunch of sharks lives at the risk of her own."

"Yes, but you're forgetting the two people she killed." Zatanna sighed. "This could be retaliation for it or it could be the US government trying to put down what they deem as a 'failed experiement'."

"Why would someone want to hurt Mynx?" Starfire asked once she got back to the party.
"Well, considering the security of both the League and Society, we can be sure it was Dr. Mid-Nite," Dr. Fate elaborated on them regarding the good doctor. The Justice Society was not as known, but their subtlety made it easier for them to do good stuff to help them out.

"I doubt they would. The President is on good personal relations with Superman. The only reason it could be was some old orders from when Luthor was temporarily President," Aqualad responded whule he was thinking. "Besides, I doubt civilians could have the resources for this," he added.

"Well, she was a former supersoldier project who may or may not have done something reckless I hear," Diego explained as he was thinking. "However, I have confidence in the League will be able to help her out," he said with a hopeful smile.
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