TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Typically no, but I'm happy being with Aqualad and only him." Mynx said kissing Aqualad on the cheek.

"I think I will rest a little bit before talking to anyone. I am a bit tired from earlier." Starfire smiled. "I should be fine in a couple of minutes."
Aqualad did relax when Mynx kissed on the cheek and said she was happy just being him. "Likewise. I'm happy being with you and just you," Aqualad responded to her as they arrived at the dock of the Titans Tower in Jump City.

"Looks like Titans East arrived, along with Mynx," Diego said as he turned his head. "So, new guy, you been holding out all right?" Kid Flash asked him friendily. "Yeah, been doing good. Ice powers have been developing better," Diego responded to the young speedster.
Mynx smiled and rested her head on Aqualad's shoulder before they arrived and she placed her cheesecake with the other desserts. Once this was done she began talking with some of the other people there.

Starfire looked and waved at Mynx before turning her attention back to Kid Flash and Diego. "Yes and we are living together now." She said taking Diego's hand.
Aqualad squeezed Mynx;'s hand back in return before putting his sushi with the others. He saw most of the others have arrived along with a few newer folk and such. It was a time to kick and relax. "Any of them you don't recognize?" Aqualad asked Mynx.

Diego blushed and smiled as he squeezed Star's hand. "Well, congrats to the both of you. Jynx and I are doing fine too. Though new guy, since yu're taken, guess that means me and the other guys can't try and set you up," Kid Flash said with a joking smile.
"A bunch actually." Mynx said. "The only reason I recognize Kid Flash is because he's Flash's nephew and I spent some time Flash and Mrs. Flash since his DNA was used to make me."

Starfire giggled at the joke, saying, "Hopefully you would have set him up with me."
"Any of them you may wanna talk to?" Aqualad asks as he takes a look around at everyone. By now, everyone was here and they were all relaxing and conversing with one another or eating near the table.

"Well, we were gonna do it bachelor-style and we even had bets on who he'd end up with," Kid Flash said with a smile while Diego blushed even more. "Though none of us thought you, since we still thought you were with Robin... Nightwing I mean. I personally betted on Argent. Speedy thought of Wonder Girl while Beast Boy actually thought Supergirl," he continued.

"Can't tell whether to be embarassed or flattered," DIego said with a blush.
"Since everyone's here, should we make our announcement?" Mynx asked.

"I agree." Starfire said a bit disappointed that she wasn't considered.
"Of course, go ahead," Aqualad told her with a smile as he squeezed her hand before he got everyone's attention before facing her.

"Regardless, I don't think I would've been as happy as I am being right now with Starfire. She is wonderful and I'm absolutely happy I am with her," Diego told Kid Flash before he kissed Starfire. "You're both happy to have one another," he said with a smile. "What do you think, jynx?" he asked his girlfriend.
"I think Aqualad is trying to get everyone's attention." Jynx said pointing over to Mynx and Aqualad.

Mynx took a deep breath before beginning to speak, "Its great that we all could do this, especially with so many of our lives changing. As you may know I have been going through a lot lately, and to add more stress I've had to worry about my body not being able to handle my expanding array of powers. Well I am happy to report the threat of my DNA breaking down and me dying is no longer an issue. The League found a way to stop me from developing new powers so you guys all stuck with me permanently." She added a joke at the end to lighten the mood.
They all went to face what Mynx will be saying. Diego began the applause and soon the entire room was filled with applaue, joy and celeberation. "Ths is awesome!" Diego called out with a smile. Aqualad just embraced Mynx with a smile before DIego hugged Starfire tight, knowing both tend to hug one another when filled with pleny of excitement.
Mynx hugged Aqualad back before kissing him on the lips, something that was probably a shock to a few people in the room.

Starfire smiled as she hugged Diego. She was relieved to find out her friend was going to be okay and there was no need to worry anymore.
Some of the crowd was certainly surprsied to see Mynx hug and kiss Aqualad, but it wasn't thought of much beyond some gossip for later. However, there was alot to celeberate, especially since Mynx would be doing all right.

"Looks like you're having fun," Aqualad told Mynx with a smile.

"Three cheers for a long, healthy and happy future for Mynx!" Diego led the crowd to go. The party was in full commencement and everyone was celeberating. Diego hugged Starfire some more before kissing her cheek. "Looks like this is going to be a good time," he said.
"This is the first time in awhile I can just relax and be myself." Mynx said. "I don't have to worry."

Starfire took Diego's hand and drug him to the dance floor saying, "Come on I want to dance."
"Glad to know you're feeling like that. Would you like me to get you something from the various tables while you stay here and rest?" Aqualad asked her as he saw how Mynx was relaxing and chilling. He saw how everyone was having a good time.

Diego blushed, but he smiled before he went to dance alongside with Starfire. He was still so filled with joy and other positive emotions whenever Starfire returned his very often displays of affection. It was wonderufl having someone as open as he was with the emotions and loving him like he loves her.
"I'm fine." Mynx said. "I'll just get something later." She did feel a bit queezy, but it wasn't anything to be alarmed over.

Starfire placed her hands on Diego's shoulders and leaned against him slowly rocking side to side in a slow dance.
"All right, if you're sure," Aqualad said before he decided to get himself some nachos over while keeping an eye over on Mynx. He figured she probably was not feeling the best due to the side effects of the cure that Batman told them about.

"Hey guys! How you been?" Beast Boy told DIego and Starfire as he was slowfancing with Raven, having a kuudere look on her face. "I've been all right, and you guys?" Diego asked Beast Boy and Raven,
"I'm sure." Mynx did go over to the sodas and get a sprite hoping the bubbles would calm her stomach a bit before sitting down.

"Good." Starfire said happily.

"Busy." Raven replied rolling her eyes. It was difficult to agree on anything for their wedding, even the colors was an issue.
"Congrats on not being sick," One of the Titans said over to Mynx with a friendly wave. "Yeah, right on," Cyborg said as he appeared from behind the couch that Mynx was sitting on. "How you been doing?" he asked her.

"No need to hide your enthusiasm, Raven. Just indulge in your wanton glee," Diego couldn't help but say. He always had a comment with these sort of things, even with the stoic members like how Robin was and with Raven. "Yeah... we haven't been able to agree on much," BB confessed.

"You could always flip a coin," Diego suggested.
Mynx chuckled before saying, "Thanks. I'm doing a lot better now that I don't have to worry about dying at any moment. The only complaint I have is the side effects."

"I am excited about getting married." Raven stated. "I'm just starting to think it'd be easier to just elope and avoid all the arguing."
"I heard, though it should only be for a couple day and after that, you'll be good. Do you know which powers yu kept besides all the underwater ones?" Cyborg asked Mynx while Aqualad came back with some of the nachos.

"Maybe you can find someone else to plan your wedding. Let us do it or something," Diego suggested to them before hugging them both. "Ya'll are gonna be together forever," he said with a big smile.
"I was told I'd keep all of my powers, and that I'd just stop getting new ones." Mynx explained. "But I imagine I'll loose a couple."

"I've been saying we should hire a wedding planner." Raven said. "A wedding planner would be able to combine all the things we want for the wedding."
"Well, the improtant thing is you'll be able to now use all of those powers to help people," Cyborg told her as he got himself a nice piece of steak from the buffet. "How you been holding up?" he asked her. He wanted to check up on her since due to her recovering still from her loss.

"But who do know that can do a superhero one or for the money?" Beast Boy asked as he was trying to think. "Maybe y'all should do a quiet more casual one. After all, there's like a smallish chance any superhero wedding will be interrupted by unvitied guests... especially supervillains," Diego said to the both of them.
"People and animals." Mynx said with a smile. "I've been good. Aqualad and I are moving into my parents' house so I can better run their animal center."

"We weren't planning anything big." Raven stated. "Just close friends." She turned to Beast Boy. "We could ask Mynx, she's always been good at planning."
"Well, you know we can lend you help for moving stuff or I can come and update any tech that needs it," Cyborg tells her with a smile. "I guess yo had a lot of practice with that," he asked, regarding her running the place.

"Yeah, if she isn't too busy or anything," Beast Boy agreed as he turned to see Mynx. "I don't think she is, thigh she did mention she'd be training with Wonder Woman soonish," Diego added
"Thanks, but I think Aqualad and I can handle moving. You know with my super strength and all." Mynx said with a smile.

"We'll have to ask her after the party if she can do it." Raven said, before she pulled her cellphone out. "It's a text from Mynx, she says yes she'll do it followed by a happy crying emoji..."
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