TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"I've been pretty busy, as of late." Mynx explained. "I've had to sort out all my parents' legal stuff, plan the funeral, and I've been meeting with a few of the people whose DNA I'm made of. What little time I have has been spent with you or fighting crime."

Surprisingly Starfire seemed to respond more to Diego becoming rougher with her indicated by the volume of her moans only increasing. She gripped the bed sheets and bit her bottom lip.
"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I'll try and help out in any way I can, especially at your parents' aquatic center while you finish up the legal stuff," Aqualad says to Mynx as they see the door in sight. "Who dd you meet so far?" he asked her.

Diego smashed his lips against Starfire once more and focused on getting deeper inside of ehr while keeping the rough animalistic pace, all while he held her. "Oooh... I'm gonna cum soon," Diego groaned out as his body was shimmering with sweat like Starfire;s.
"Mostly just the heroes but I was able to get a visitation with Poison Ivy." Mynx explained. "Other than the obvious anger that someone used her DNA to create life without her permission she seemed pretty okay with it. I've actually visited her a few times."

"Do it." Starfire loaned as her arousal only grew and grew before exploding into an orgasm. She let out the loudest moan yet as she cam hard.
"How did you find her? I thought she was still in hiding after finding out that the current Poison Ivy was some sort of plant-based doppelganger," Aqualad asked her before realizing they're at the door. When they entered, the seven were there with smiles.

"Have a seat, you two. We have some good news," Wonder Woman told them with a smile.

Diego groaned before her orgasm caused him to also climax as well. He filled her up with his seed, savoring the intense sensation. He kissed her one last time while he did so. "How do you feel?" he asked her.
"Remember when we first met I said I had a friend that may know something about the League of Assassins? Well she knows the real Poison Ivy." Mynx said before they entered. She did as she was told and sat down in front of the seven of them.

"Much better!" Starfire said sighing with relief. "And how do you feel?" She took Diego's hand in her's while smiling.
"Thanks to the work of some of our greatest minds along with our allies outside of the League, including Dr. Mid-Nite and Mr. Terrific, we have created this," Batman said before he presented a strnagley colored vial inside of what Aqualad recognized as special gun for needleless injections.

"It's a specual serum that help stabilzie your DNA and your powers. While you may no longer develop any new powers, the current ones you have will stabilize and you will not have to worry about potential genetic breakdwn," Superman explained to Mynx.

"Ecstastic of being with you," Diego told her as he snuggled up against Starfire, all while he caressed her sides and even squeezed her butt.
Mynx purses her lips and closed her eyes before smiling. "Today just keeps getting better and better." She said opening her eyes and taking Aqualads hand. While Atlantis knew of their relationship being romantic, not many others knew they were more than just friends.

Starfire rolled over so she was partially lying on Diego and kissed his lips tenderly. "I love you." She said with a wide smile.
No one really commented on them holding hands. "Now, we will need you to come in for checkups every now and then for the next couple of years, but overall everything should go perfectly, " Green Lantern told her before Batman came over to with the press. "You should only feel slight side effects such as mild nausea or exhaustion for only a few days," Batman warned her.

Diego caressed Starfire while returning her kisses with eager vigor. "We should probably go and shower so we don't smell like this," Diego told her with a smile as he kept embracing her.
Mynx smile only grew before she chuckled, "I think I can handle some nausea and exhaustion, after all I have handled much worse things. Am I going to be able to keep the powers I already have?"

"We probably should." Starfire got up and walked to the bathroom opening the door and waiting for Diego.
Batman cautiously rolled up her sleeve and injected the stein. "Yes," was all the Dark Knight said as he finished curing Nyx of her genetic anomalies. "The process will take a few days so you should not put yourself through extreme physical activity," he added before taking his seat. "What will you do now?" Superman asked.

Diego followed Starfire to the bathroom and he went in to embrace her and share a kiss with her, leaning to kiss her neck before he began to caress her.
"A bunch of us are meeting up for a reunion type thing at the origin Titan Tower, so we're going there and then we're probably gonna start moving our stuff into my parents' old house." Mynx explained. Since her parents' death she'd had the kitchen cleaned and all of them appliances and amenities updated but kept the rest of the place the same.

"If you keep it up we may have to have sex again." Starfire said moaning from his touch.
"I also picture Garth informed you that Titans East will be graduating, with the exception of Mas y Menos," Superman said to her. Aqualad nodded to her. "Yeah. I also plan to help her and move in with her," he added to them. "You're probably going to have to inform Aquaman," Wonder Woman said with a smile.

"You make it sound like that's a bad thing. Besides, we will sitll be getting clean," Diego teased her as he kissed her neck and squeezed her breasts.
Mynx laughed, saying, "he pulled out the box with the badge in it and I was panicking on the inside because I thought he was proposing to me." She wasn't sure if Wonder Woman was telling them to tell Aquaman because Garth was still technically his sidekick or if it was because recently Aquaman had become more of a father figure to her.

Starfire moaned feeling Diego kissing her neck and squeezing her breast. "Well it would increase the chances of me becoming pregnant." She said as she turned around and pulled Diego into a deep, passionate kiss.
Aqualad couldn't help but blush att what Mynx said in regards to that comment. "Regardless, it appears that everything is secure for now. Unforunately, we still have not located your parents' murder as of yet," Batman told her. Aqualad remained serious on the manner. "We will keep you informed of further development. Lastly, Tempest... Mynx... welcome to the Justice League," he said to them with a rare smile.

"Sounds like a yes to me," Diego told her before reciprocating the kiss with his beloved princess from the stars. He took her into the shower and turned it on, allowing the hot water to pour ove their nude bodies.
"I figured, whoever did it made sure that it would be hard to track them down." Mynx said with a nod. She knew it wouldn't be that easy to find the person responsible, whoever they were they were most likely connected to the government and that just made things harder. "Thank you." She said smiling also.

Starfire wrapped her arms around Diego's neck and her legs around his waist. She kept kissing as he carried her to the bathroom and into the shower, not even stopping as the hot water flowed over them.
"Beam us back, please," Aqualad told them with a smile before they exited the room. "How do you feel?" he asked her as he was walking her back to the teleporation pads to be beamed back. "We're now going to be part of the Justice League," he told her with a smile.

"I love you so much, Starfire," Diego told her as he gazed into her green eyes while he was grinding against her pussy. "I'm glad you chose me," he told her with a smile.
"A bit tired but it's not that bad, I can still go to the party." she stated with a smile while walking beside Aqualad. "I know it's hard to believe!"

"I love you too." Starfire replied smiling and looking in Diego's eyes as well before she let out a soft moan feeling him grinding against her pussy. "You are driving me crazy."
"Yeah, though not everyone are joining up immediately," Aqualad told her as he was waking her to the pad. BB and Raven are interning while Cyborg is focusing more on his work on STAR labs. "So you're going to remain as Mynx?" he asked her. "Or give yourself a new name like I'm Tempst?" He clarified.

"You drive me crazy in the best way every day by being you," Diego told her lovingly as he went to gently kiss her ears. "Ready for a round in the shower?" he asked her.
"I think I'll stick with Mynx, but I could do with a wardrobe change." Mynx stated. "I've kinda gotten bored with this." She looked down at the uniform she'd designed when she was twelve, it was a far cry from what she'd like to be wearing.

"You know I am always ready." Starfire purred feeling Diego kissing her. Already there were marks being left on the wall of where their bodies were being pushed against the wall.
"Well, there are a few places that help create superhero outfits though at the same time, maybe you can have Wonder Woman help make you one after you finish your training with you, especially since she is still keep on that," Aqualad told her with a smile before they beamed back to their original place. "Should we be going, r do you wanna rest soon?" he asked her.

Diego smiled back at her as he was holding her. He gently went inside of her, groaning in pleasure while he was holding her around her, her legs around him. He continued a a slower but a deeper pace. "We gotta be careful not too crazy," he said with a smile as he planted soft kisses on her.
"I can make an outfit myself." Mynx stated. "I already have a couple of designs made up. We can go, I'll take a nap when we get back."

"I know." Starfire said keeping in mind that their love making could easy result in property damage and she wanted to avoid that at all costs.
"All right, if you're sure," Aqualad told Mynx with a smile as they arrived back at their place. "Are you gonna tell the others about all this?" Aqualad asked her. His tone implied that in regards with Bumblebee. She was a good ruler, but she also liked keeping on top of things.

Diego kept in the intense makeout session while he went at his fast pace. "It's a good thing my cyborg parts allow me to keep with my wild princess," he said with a smile as he leaned Starfire on the wall while he was going at a slow and deep pace, all while he kissed her neck.
"About what? Us going in the League, moving in together, or the fact that I don't have worry about dying at any moment?" Mynx asked unsure of what he meant specifically.

"Yes it is good," Starfire said while still moaning, "especially if you are going to keep up with me while I am in heat." She knew that when she was in heat her sexual appetite was practically unquenchable, so it wouldn't be unusual for her to want sex four or five times a day.
"Well, the League thing is all known, and I suspect the others have figured out with us moving it, but I do mean your new health and just everything that has been happening. You know Bumblebee would want to know and keep in touch," Aqualad explained to her as he leaned against the wall to relax a bit.

"I'm sure I could still keep up even if I was a normal human," DIego told her with a smile before going in to give her a sweeter kiss. "It means alot that you chose me. You're my first girlfriend, Star," Diego told her sweetly as he rested his forehead on hers while going at the slow pace and deep focus.
"I think I'll wait and just tell everyone all at once so I don't have to explain it multiple times." Mynx explained. "The party would probably be the best place."

Starfire smiled hearing Diego's words before responding with, "And you are the first real boyfriend I've had." She leaned forward and kissed him passionately on the lips.
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