TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"They're dead." Mynx said resting her head on her knees. "It's a blood bath in there." She started crying. "I should've been here to save them. This is all my fault."

"We could also order delivery." Starfire suggested. "There is that new burger place that delivers."
Aqualad embraced her and stood there. It didn't take long for the League arrive. It was Superman and Aquaman, who folwoed when he heard Aqualad was there. "What happened?" Superman asked before looking into the room. He closed his eyes in sadness while Aquaman looked horrified. They were no strangers to sights of tragedy or of violent acts, but it never ceased to hirrufy and disgust them.

But here, it was more. It was the loved ones of someone in the heroc ommunity and considering her connections, the case became susicious immediately. "I'll get our liason here to do a thorough investigation," Superman said before he flew off. Aquaman just looked with a serious demeanor. "It was not your fault at all. The fault rests with those with who would do an atrocity," he stated.

"Let me guess? Extra mustard for you?" Diego asked her teasingly before he kissed her nosey before sighing. "I hope Mynx is doing okay. Last I heard from Nightwing, the League finaly found her," Diego said in thought.
The two bodies that were formerly Mynx's parents were in the kitchen. Her fathers body was slouched over the sink which was filled with water and had an exposed electrical cord in it. Her mother was sitting in a chair with her head falling backwards. She had received more of the violence with her hands tied behind the chair and showing clear signs of being tortured. The small kitchen had blood splattered all over it and it all appeared to be her mother's blood.

Mynx was still crying, "They were probably killed because of me. Someone must've figured out my secret identity and came after them looking for me."

"Yes please." Starfire said cheeriful before showing a serous face. "I also hope she is alright. She has gone through so much as of late."
Aqualad was in rapid thought, trying to figure out how it was even possible. Aquaman though, may have had a clue. If Mynx may have done something in retaliation toward the scientists, even if she was not aware, someone could have seeked vengeance, but here, things were fresh. Someone was just here.

"The police will be here soon. We wil need to rendevous at the Watchtower for the various procedures," Aquaman explaine dwith a heavy tone.

"Yeah, though we haven't heard much of her as of late. I have a feeling somehing may have happened," Diego said as he sighed before he snuggled Starfire closer.
Mynx's head shot up and her eyes were wide. She simply said, "my cats," before getting up and running through the house trying to find them. Soon Aquaman and Aqualad heard a cat hissing followed by Mynx trying to comfort it. She walked by into the garage returning with two animal carriers. After about fifteen minutes she returned with the carriers full. "My cats survived."

"I know something happened, she would not have disappeared like that for nothing." Starfire explained having known her long enough to say this.
Aqualad and Aquaman looked to one another before breathing ighs of relief to see that Mynx's cats were okay. The sounds of police sirens filled the air. "You want me to handle this or you want to speak with the police?" Aquaman asked Mynx.

"We should probably talk to Aqualad soon and see if he knows anything. But we have to tak everything one day at a time," Diego said before he embraced Starfire tighter before he kissed her neck.
Mynx closed her eyes and sighed, asking, "Can you please? I don't think I'm ready to talk about this."

Starfire but her bottom lip and let out a small moan as she felt Diego's lips on her neck. "If you are not careful, we may just have to go a third time."
Aquaman nodded to her before he went to converse with the police about eveyrhting, including performing procedures whenever civilains associated with heroes in personal life are the victim of a crime. Meanwhile, Aqualad just stood by Mynx's side. "Where do you want to go?" Aqualad asked her, suspecting she may not want to be in the house right now.

Diego was a bit surprised by how undenreath her innocent and bubbly exterio, Starfire had quite a voracious appetite for physical intimacy, though figuring how huggy she was, maybe this was just an extension. Then again, maybe he was the same. He kissed her neck once more before his hands went to grope her breasts.

"Well, does my beautiful princess of the stars want to go for at least a third time?" he whispered in her ear with a smile.
"I need to go to my vet, one of my cats is hurt. After that, I'm good going anywhere but here." Mynx said grabbing her cat's carrier and the two carriers holding the octopus and mantis shrimp.

Starfire let out another moan, before turning her head and pressing her lips against Diego's when he had stopped kissing her neck. She turned her body around, and wrapped her arms around Diego's neck. She gently pulled Diego's body on top of her body, telling him, "you know I am."
"We'll go to the vet then. Where would you like to stay?" Aqualad asked her as he was thinking where Mynx could stay. There was the Tower obviously, but neither weren't in any mood to try and move her in. "I do have one idea. Maybe you could stay in Atlantis with me before you move into the Tower," he offered up to her.

Diego happily returned the kiss to his beloved Starfire, letting his hands caress her bare beautiful body. He felt his body touch here incenmore and his senses went a flame once more.

"I do have a new idea," Diego said before he sat up. "Can you go on your hands and knees," he asked her, wanting to fuck her, doggy-style.
"I'd have to find someone to watch my cats, but other than that it sounds good." Mynx stated. "But I'd be more than happy to stay in Atlantis."

"Okay." Starfire said as she got up and got on her hands and knees with her pussy facing Diego. "I'm ready for you." She said with a growing anticipation.
"Who do you think would watch over your cats?" Aqualad asked her while looking at the animals. "Yes, I figure the extra time will help you come to temrs with everything," he said to her as he went over to embrace her, to show her that she was not alone.

Diego watched how Starfire went on her knees and hands, showing of her sultry smile. Diego went over and brough his cock inside of Starfire's pussy once more, groaning in pleasure. He was leaning over her while his hands went over to grope Starfire's breasts as he went fast and rough in an animalistic pace. Starfire just had an intense effect on him yet he loved it.
"Probably one of my aunts." Mynx said as she leaned into Aqualad's hug. She guided him toward the vet.

Starfire let out a loud moan as she felt Diego enter her again. "Oh yes!" She moaned before she took one of his hands, guiding it down her body to her clit as she trying to give him the message that she wanted him to rub it.
"Well, I'll be here to help you through everything," Aqualad told her in determination while following her on the way to the vet. "We should also inform your aunts that you will be staying with us for a while," he added to her while he kept his embrace of her,letting her cry on him if need be.

Starfire's moan aroused Diego even more. He felt her her hand go to his and bringing it to her clit. He obliged and began rubbing her clit while he was going faster and harder in fucking her, even giving her several love bites on her neck. It was rough, intens,e primal... passionate... and absoutely wonderful.
"Yeah, my family is going to be worried sick of me." Mynx said going into the vet. She walked up to the receptionist saying she didn't have an appointment but that it was an emergancy. The receptionist told her to go to a room and the vet would join them shortly.

Starfire had been enjoying herself before but now that Diego was playing with her clit, she was being driven insane with pleasure. She again bit her bottom lip as she felt her first orgasm rapidly approaching.
Aqualad kept close to Mynx during their trek to the vet. He took time to notice that Mynx was from one of those small towns, the tyes to where you could walk to anywhere to reach where you needed to be within a reasoanble period of time. He kinda liked it and Atlantis was very much like that.

He waited alongside Mynx while the vets would come to take the cats. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Aqualad asked Mynx, wanting to help her.

Diego kept up the pace in sexually dominating his beloved space princess. It was absoutely anazing and just hearing her moaning and their connection was all that was needed to have go faster and harder. He squeezed her breasts harder with his other hand before leaning a bit more for a tongue kiss.
"Not right now." Mynx said as the vet walked in.

"What seems to be the problem?" The woman asked.

"One of my cats is injured and I just wanna make sure the other one is okay." Mynx said as she pulled a white cat out of one of the carriers. It had cuts and blood on it.

"First let's wash the blood off." The vet picked the cat up and brought it to the sink. "So what's this little guy's name?"

"Superman." Mynx said. "I got him because my first car isn't exactly the cuddly type so I went to the humane society and found him."

"That's surprising. They normally don't have purebreds, especially a tailless cymric those are normally a grand." The vet wrapped the cat in a towel and brought him back to the table, examining the cuts. "Well it doesn't look like any of the cuts are serious enough for stitches, and should heal on their own. If they don't bring him back in and we'll see what's up."

Mynx put him back it the carrier and slowly pulled a black cat out of the other carrier. "And this is Batman, she doesn't seem to be injured but I wanna be sure." She placed the cat on the table and it immediately laid down.

"Is she normally this listless?" The vet asked.

"Yes." Mynx rolled her eyes.

The vet felt the cat's stomach and told Mynx to feel it. "Feel that?"

"What is it?" Mynx asked clearly concerned.

"That's the reason the other one is injured and this one isn't." The vet smiled. "The male was protecting his mate and their litter."

"Oh my goodness." Mynx smiled covering her mouth.

Starfire let out an especially loud moan as Diego began to quicken his pace and thrust into her harder. She did turn her head to make it easier for the two to kiss.
Aqualad remained quiet as he heard the vet explain to Mynx the damage that her cat went through as well as the explanation why. "How far along is the pregnancy?" Aqualad asked regarding the pregnant cat and her kittens. He couldn't tell, perhaps it was early on, but he also wasn't much on knowing cats though.

Diego's tongue kept dancing with Starfire's as he kept the frenzied animalistic pace, all while his hand kept playing and teasing her wet pussy and he could feel it. They were going to cum soon... "Let's cum together, Star," Diego told her as he was picking up the pace, they were so close...
"I wouldn't know unless we did an x-ray, and we'll be able to see how many are in there." The vet said.

"Okay." Mynx said and the vet nodded taking the cat with her.

"Too late." Starfire moaned as she cam; her body tensed once more and she curled her toes as she moaned loudly.
"Well, do you want to ndo that or not just yet?" Aqualad asked Mynx as he looked over the cat. "I suppose we need to finrom your aunts to ensure the mother and the kittens are taken care of properlym" Aqualad told her.

Diego groaned out when he felt Starfire cum on his cock, milking him. He came soon after, filling Starfire with his hit white seed. He felt a powerful surge of animalistic pleasure and joy as he held onto Starfie. He collasped back onto the bed while holding Strfire, his cock still inside of her.

"That is still amazing as always," he told her lovingly.
"It shouldn't be a problem, my aunt already has a cat and it's had kittens before so she knows what to do." Mynx said as she pulled the white cat out and held it. The cat responded by purring and rubbing against Mynx.

Starfire's body relaxed and she collapsed on top of Diego, enjoying the feeling of his cock filling her up and the feeling of it still being inside her. She kissed his cheek before settling back down on top of him. "I agree."
"Right. Look whatever comes our way, we'll figure it out together," Aqualad told her comfortingly as he also pet the cat.

One Month Later...

It was a beautiful sunrise over throughout areas. Plenty of events happened and life goes on. The various crime-fighting organizations kept growing in size and diversity and it appears that crime was going down for good and advances in human areas was being of big help. Virtually everyt scientist found in CADMUS's last project were arrested and the whole ordeal forced various governments to be more open with the community.

"It is good that we're doing this. Your friends are wanting to see you," Aqualad told her as they were in the Titans East tower. Many of the past and present Titans would be meeting for discussions and keeping up, including the original five.

"You think Mynx will show? I mean, after everything we heard that happen, it does seem like things are rough," Diego told Starfire as he was in the original Titans tower and setting various seats and tables for the snacks for the big meeting.
Mynx stood in front of a mirror fixing her hair. "I know, and it'll be nice to see them." She turned to face Aqualad giving him a quick peck on the lips. "And I did hear a rumor that a certain green hero proposed."

"I hope so," Starfire said, putting dishes on the table filled with snack, "I have had a hard time not being there to support her. Over the time she lived here we became quite close."
"Yeah, I can't believe that Beast Boy and Raven are already going to get married," Aqualad said with a smile before he happily kissed Mynx back. "Furthermore, I heard her mother will also be attending the marriage, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Fate and Etrigan," Aqualad added, wondering how it will be like to meet her.

"Though I think the wedding won't be until next year I think," he said as he finished getting dressed. "Heard Nightwing is doing fine as well in Gotham University," he added.

Diego finished putting his stuff before going over to kiss Starfire. "We'll be able to her out. We have a lot of positive stuff, namely those two," DIego said, looking to Beast Boy and Raven, who have been setting up stuff while exchanging affectionate looks at one another.
"I wonder if they'll do the same for his parents." Mynx wondered out loud before chuckling. "Dont tell Bee but Cy totally specifically asked if she was going to come, so I think he's going to ask her out."

"Did you hear that Mynx and Aqualad are now dating?" Starfire asked.
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