TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Well, I don't know much about them to have an opinion," Aqualad noted before he saw the teleportation pads. "I actually haven't met the new Titans out west though I do know the leader appears to be the new Robin. Nightwing speaks very highly about him," Aqualad said, referring to the first Robin who became Nightwing. He stepped onto the teleportation pad while holding Mynx's hand.

Diego groaned as he felt himself going back inside of Starfire once more before she pinned him to the bed. "You already do. You already make me feel so happy," Diego told her lovingly before groaning in pleasure at the lovemaking he was doing with Starfire.
"Of coarse he is, the new Robin was probably trained by Bateman too." Mynx said as she took Aqualad's hand. "After I work everything out I'll probably visit everyone."

"That is not what I meant." Starfire said with a seductive smirk. She slowly began moving her but up and down causing Diego's dick to slowly enter and exit her pussy.
The teleportation pad whirred into action before teleporting them into the original Titans tower where, for the most part, it was the new team moving in. The new Robin, Tim Drake, waved at Aqualad before he continued in moving in and getting to try and know everyone.

"Where's your room?" Aqualad asked Mynx.

Diego shivered in delight when he saw Starfire's seductive smirk before he groaned in pleasure as he began moving her curvy ass up and down. He was still being pinned down and he was savoring their lovemaking all the while. "It's still soooo good..." he groaned.
"I'll show you." Mynx said leading him to her room. When the door opened, Aqualad could see a huge fish tank that took up a pretty good amount of the room along with two smaller ones. "The big one is its own ecosystem and the smaller ones have an octopus and a mantis shrimp."

"It will get better I promise." She said before she began contracting and loosening her vaginal muscles in order to massage Diego's dick as she was riding him.
Aqualad followed her to her room and he was pleasantly surprised to see what was there. There was a rather large aquarium inside and he waved to the sea creatures in there, understanding their thoughts. "They seem quite fond of you," he said to her with a smile. "How did you get the team to help with this?" he wondered out loud.

Diego groaned even louder and clutched the bedsheds as he felt Starfire massage his cock while she was riding him faster. He wanted to sit up to do moere yet she kept him pinned down, leaving him to groan in pleasure. "You're so wonderful," he tol her lovingly.
"I live near the Everglades and it's common for people to dump their unwanted exotic pets there. The ones that weren't given to me, I found in the Everglades. Most of the time when an invasive species is found, it's killed but I try to find aquariums to take them." Mynx said watching the fish in the larger aquarium. "Oh they didn't help, I did all this on my own."

Starfire smiled when she heard Diego compliment her. Despite being the one doing the work, she was enjoying herself too, letting out the occasional moan while trying to stay focused.
"Impressive! How did you build all of this though?" Aqualad said as he looked around at the area. "I imagine you will be wanting to take them with you when you locate to Steel City," Aqualad asked her as he was communicating with the various exotic pets, hearing nothing but compliments about Mynx and her caretaking abilities.

Diego's hands went over to massage and squeeze Starfire's ass while she kept bouncing on him, want to pleasure her too. Furthermore, his louder ellicit moans were proof that she was very much succeeding in her endeavors in pleasure.

"You love it too?" Diego asked her while he was grunting in pleasure. He was going to cum soon.
"Carefully." Mynx replied. "I'll probably find an aquarium to take the octopus and mantis shrimp so they can be with others of their species and I'll leave all the fish in the big tank here until I can set up a new aquarium for them at your tower. Like I said it's an entire ecosystem so I don't have to feed them or clean the tank."

"Yes I do." Starfire moaned as she straightened her body to better focus on her bouncing. "Your dick feels so good!"
"It is impressive that you manage to build all of this and such," Aqualad complimented her on her work. This was not easy work so the fact she was able to do this with only herself was something to praised for. "That's good to hear and I'll help you find new homes for them," he told her with a smile.

Diego began moving his hips up in sync with Starfire, wanting more and wanting to pleasure her even more. As she bounced on his cock, he was also moving his hips in tandem. "I'm gonna cum soon," he groaned at Starfire, doing his ebst to hold on so Starfire could cum too.
"Thanks, it's not gonna be easy finding homes for them. Mantis shrimp need special aquariums because if they're put into regular tanks they shatter the glass. As for Spot, it's not exactly going to be easy to find someone willing to take a blue ringed octopus seeing as how poisonous they are." Mynx said as she went over to one of the tanks. She opened up a cupboard pulling out a small container containing dead fish. She dropped a few in the tank and a small brightly colored octopus came out of hiding to eat.

"Me too!" Starfire moaned loudly before she began her orgasm. The orgasm caused her vaginal muscle to tighten even more around Diego's dick with still without it being painful.
"I can talk to Aquaman about it if that will help," Aqualad told her as he followed MYnx as he saw her feed the octopus. He had communciated more with the sea creatures. "Your mantic shrimp seems to be stubborn in admitting he would shatter the glass," he said with a smile as he looked at them. "It is absolutely incredible with what you accomplished," he said to her.

Diego groaned out in conjecture with Starfire as he came inside of her for the second time. He filled her up with his seed as he spasmed in delight, her pussy milking him. He sat up to embrace her sweat-covered body with his own before pulling him down with her, still inside of her. He pulled her close to him to give an intense and loving kiss to her.
"I did have to order the parts but I put it all together myself." Mynx said proudly.

Starfire moaned loving the feeling of herself being filled to the brim with Diego's seed before she felt his lips on her's. She embraced him, holding him tight as she continued to kiss him.
"That's really awesome," Aqualad told her with a smile as he saw it all. "Should we prepae to transport these guys to their new homes?" Aqualad asked her as he realized that they did needed move Mynx in to her new home in Titans East. "I do wonder what the others will do with this room," he noted.

Dieog kept holding onto Starfire, the cavalcade of emotions an uneding beautiful one. He eventually part his mouth from hers and snuggled her up, catching his breath. "I love you, Starfire. And I do want to know more about you and have a relationship with you," he told her with a shy smile and slight blush. It was still so overwhelming that one of the heroines he admired is now his lover.
"I can bring Spot and Smith with us but the rest of them have to stay until I set up a tank in my room." Myna explained. "On the plus side it should be easier to catch them seeing as how you can communicate with them, especially since I am not touching Spot. He's a blue ringed octopus and that is the most poisonous species of octopus."

Starfire smiled upon hearing Diego's words and snuggled up closer to him. "I love you too." She said happily. "What do you want to know?"
"Well, I can have move without having him poison us," Aqualad told her as he looked at them. "Do we have special tanks or something to take them with? We also need to take your items as well such as clothing and whatever you had in the rest of your room," he says to her. He then took a moment of silence to ponder.

"How have you been feeling regarding all of these changes?" he asked her.

"I just want to know more about you. Like, I know bits and pieces with what you've been telling me the past month, but like, just spend time with getting to know you," he said before he nuzzled her. He also caressed her, savoring their nude bodies together. It was absolutely wonderful.

"I guess, what are your hopes and dreams?" he asked her.
"I'll pack up my clothes." She pulled a suitcase from under her bed before she started to fill it. "It's gonna take some getting used to but it's not like I have much of a choice, do I?" She said.

"Well I do hope that I can keep fitting in here on Earth," Starfire said relaxing, cuddling up next to Diego. "As for dreams, maybe one day getting married."
"Well, I guess that's how life is, I suppose," Aqualad said to her while he was helping her pack some stuff. "I myself am having to realize what I wanna do as I am getting older. I did come up with a new superhero name when I 'graduate.' I'm thinking of Tempest," Aqualad told her as he was helping her.

"You're doing a wonderful job," Diego told her as he cuddled up. He blushed while smiled before kissing her forehead. "That would be very nice," he said to her softly. Looking down at them, he realize they already look like a happily married couple.

"What do you thinl of my family? They're certainly very fond of you," Diego told her with a smile. He did know a bit about Star's own, if namely through her troublemaking older sister, Blackfire.
"That sounds pretty cool." Lynx said with a nod. "Luckily I can just keep my name so I don't have to come up with another one." She finished packing up her clothes and belongings so she took out two plastic animal carriers and put the two animals inside with plenty of water. "We could leave them with my parents, my dad should be able to find homes for them fairly quickly."

"They are very nice." Starfire said. "I was very nervous meeting them but once I had meet them I felt very... accepted."
"All right then! So we will drop them off at your parents' house and then we move everything," Aqualad confirmed as he finished helping her pack everything. We'll probably take the teleporter to the Watchtower and have Martian Manhunter teleport us to your parents' home," Aqualad said as he grabbed a suitcase and the animal carriers.

Diego just held Starfire as they were relaxing from their amazing session. "How was your family like?" Diego asked her as he hugged her, reassuring and comforting her.
"If that's what's easiest then sure." Minx said as she grabbed a few other things before leaving. "Also it'll be nice to let my parents know I'm okay after I disappeared for lord only knows how long."

"It was good, until Blackfire became jealous of me." Starfire explained. "She sold me into slavery and when I broke out I fled to the nearest planet I could find which was Earth. The other Titans, except Mynx as we hadn't met her yet, helped free me."
Once Mynx grabbe dthe rest of everrything, Aqualad contacted Martian Manhunter and the two, along with the items they have, they were teleported to the Watchtower out in space. There were several pads for pre-destined laces while the last few were more from anywhere. Aqualad led them to one. "What's the address of your parents' home?" he asked Mynx as he looked at the keypad.

Diego just held Starfire listening to her history that happened. "That sounds horrible... I heard some bad stuff about her, but didn't know that. If she ever comes back, I'll be here to protect you and keep you from hurting her no matter what," Diego told her with a smile before leaning in to kiss her while snuggling her.
Mynx gave him the address and then followed Aqualad to the actual pad. When they reached Earth, Mynx lead Aqualad to the front door before she opened it, calling out, "Mom? Dad? I'm home!" There was no response. Mynx went to a nearby table and picked up the landline, dialing a number. They heard a phone go off in the next room and Mynx look at Aqualad with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"After I was sold, my parents died not long after." Starfire said as she snuggled closer to Diego. "I think they died of a broken heart because of what my sister did."
Aqualad put some of the stuff down in the living room as he was looking around. "Don't worry, I'm sure they're all right," Aqualad told her while he was looking around, preparing in the event something happened. He was looking around. "Maybe they're upstairs?" he suggested to her.

Diego held Starfire comfortingly to reassure her that Blackfire would not hurt her. "How are you feeling right now, sweetie?" Diego asked her affectionately.

In an abandoned bunker

Inside of a bunker, a lone scientist stood, watching his creation inside of a testtube. It stood there, floating in the strange fluid while he monitored the equipment. "Soon... you will be complete... my pretty," he said with a wheezing smirk.
Mynx cautiously walked into the next room before walking back out with her eyes closed. She leaned against the wall and slid down the wall. "Call the League please."

"I'm fine." Statfire kissed Diego before resting her chin on his chest and looking at him.
Aqualad went over to Mynx before crouching down next to her. He sent the immediate distress signal before turning to her, afraid of the result. "What happened?" Aqualad asked her as he was sitting next to her, preparing for the worst.

Diego was just resting alongside with Starfire while holding her. "Would you like to stay in for today or go out together for lunch as a couple?" Diego asked her with a smile
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