TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"Well, I am unsure. Raven's mother was never dead from what I understood, but was in some sort of limbo," Aqualad explained to her. "It probably was the result from being from where she was," he added. He then chuckled at what she said with Cy and Bee.

"It could work, but considering how they still snipe at one another, not sure if it would last, but ya never know," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, though it is steady from what I saw. Granted, the two had good chemistry seen we first saw them," Diego said as he finished his stuff. He went over to her while embracing her. "I heard Nightwing might bring Batgirl over since she's good with computers and she wanted to check something," he added.
"I do know we'll both be there, and Raven's dad definitely won't." Mynx joked. "I think it's mostly just playful teasing."

"I wonder what she wants to check." Starfire said curiously. "Especially since the computer her isn't as good as the one Batman has."
"I guess it's surprising how fast we're growing up, as Animal Man said to Beast Boy apparently," Aqualad noted before he went to embrace Mynx and kissed her. It's beena few weeks since they formalized their relationship and she's become popular over in Atlantis.

"Probably ensuring security systems and such," Diego said as he shrugged his shoulders. "It will be nice to catch up with everyone, especially since some of us haven't met all the Titans yet," he said with a smile.
"Yeah, pretty soon we'll be members of the Justice League." Mynx said with an uneasy smile. "Then we'll have kids and they'll be Titans."

"The Titans are quite widespread, so there are a lot of us." Starfire stated with a nod.
"Sounds like you feel kinda overwhelmed by it all," Aqualad told her before he went over to embrace her from behind to help calm her down. "We need to take it one day at a time. Chill, as Beast Bou would say," he added before he bent down to kiss her forehead.

"It's always nice then to have these sort of meetings where we can all go and say hi and talk," Diego elaborated as he leaned pled around. "Well, everything's ready and everyone won't be here until about half an hour or so. What do you wanna do now?" he asked Starfire.
Mynx leaned into Aqualad, saying, "The future just freaks me out, especially when I have friends that are getting married."

Starfire smirked, and kissed him. "Do you want to go somewhere more private?" She whispered into Diego's ear.
Aqualad just holds her and let her let it out. "I know what it's like. It's surprising too," Aqualad tells her before he kisses her cheek. "But the future is coming for us whether we want to or not so we have to do our best," he told her.

Diego was surprised by Starfire's sudden kiss, but he happily returned it. Her sultry smile and seductive whisper was all that was needed to make his knees and melt into her. "Of course," Diego whispered back at her, lovestruck look.
"Unfortunately time goes on no matter what." Mynx sighed before looking at the clock on her phone. "We should probably get going, or at least I should. Something about the six of us the lived in that Tower meeting up."

Starfire took Diego's hand and led him away from the living room/kitchen area to what used to be her old room, which was currently empty aside from her old bed.
"Yeah, though I heard Nightwing may be late," Aqualad added before he hugged Mynx when she sighed. "Is there anything in particular you wanted to talk about?" Aqualad asked his girlfriend, wondering if it was anything specfic that troubled her. He known her long enough and he wanted to make sure she was all right.

Diego eagerly followed Starfire to her former room. It was pretty quiet and empty. "I figured they'd do soemthing with it," Diego noted before facing Starfire and kissing her. "What do you wanna do?" he asked her in a whisper in her ear.
"Yes but I don't think we should talk about until after the meeting." Mynx sighed. "I wouldn't want to anger you before we leave."

Starfire gently pushed him off while looking serious. "Before we do anything, there is something I need to tell you." She took a deep breath before continuing, "I am as you Earthljngs would call it 'in heat' so if we had sex there is the possibility of me being with child as a result."
"Are you sure? " Aqualad asked her. Despite not being sure what could be troubling her, he had some suspicions. The largest being the progress of their relationship. They haven't gone much further than kissing and he wondered if she wanted to be more intimate. However, he did have reasons for not going as much as maybe she would've wanted, but he decided not to assume anything.

Diego noticed her serious expressions and gained one as wel, wondering what could be worrying her. Diego became very surprised to say the least at the reveal she was in heat. He did once remember that Cyborg called her genetic background cat-like, but he wasn't expecting this.

"Would you be okay with having a child? I would," Diego told her while still absorbing it. Starfire did look not just serious, but also restrained, like she was holding herself back. He wondered if it was the heat.
"Well if you promise not to be mad, I'll tell you now." Mynx said with a worried look on her face.

"Yes, I would love to have a child!" Starfire smiled. "I would love to carry your child and have a miniature you. But that is only if you think we are ready."
"If you're sure. I don't think I'll get mad," Aqualad said, mentally preparing himself for what was coming. He had plenty of practice with this sort of stuff, especially thanks to Aquaman's teachings so he prepared.

Diego saw Starfire's restraint loosen a bit when she said she would love to bear his kids. It made him smile too while also admitting making him hornier. "Yeah, we are.. i mean, we both good solid jobs and I've almost published my first book," Diego told her with a smile.
"I'm going to move out of the Tower." Mynx stated. She figured he'd take this as her breaking up with him but she had her reason to leave and it wasn't Aqualad.

Starfire' smile only grew larger and she threw her arms around his neck, excitedly. "You will be such a great father." She said happily.
Aqualad certainly wasn't expecting this, but he needed to hear everything before making a decision. "Why? What prompted this decision, Mynx?" Aqualad asked her with some concern. Granted, this was actually less impactful than expected, especially with the plans he and the others had been talking. He already had been planning to graduate to becoming Tempest and even found a successor in Aquagirl, a good friend of his.

Diego happily embraced her back with a smile. He was quite elated at the fact that she lvoed him enough to want to start a family with him, but it was so amazing and overwhelming. "and you a wonderful mother," Diego told her back with a smile. "I know you've been holding it in, so if you really need it, don't hold back," Diego added, regarding to her heat and the intensified arousal she was probably feeling.
"After what happened to my parents I inherited everything from them; the house, their possessions, and the animal center. I left my cousin to run it but she's not doing a very good job, so I have the choice of selling it or going back and running it myself." Mynx explained. "I have to go back, Garth, if I don't who knows what'll happen to that place, and I am not going to let my parents' legacy die with them."

Starfire nodded as she somewhat forcefully kissed him and practically ripped open his shirt. She ran her hands over his body feeling every inch. It was clear that she had been holding it in for quite some time with how aggressive she was being. She broke the kiss long enough to say, "If I am being too rough, tell me."
Aqualad took time to listen to everything Mynx was saying regarding her and the animal center. After a moment, he sighed. "Well then, Aphrodite, I wanted to save this until we actually arrived there and could make the announcement to everyone, but with what you're telling me now, I might as well do it now as well," Aqualad said before he went in to a drawer and pulled out a box.

In it was a familiar item. "I got the call earlier from Bumblebee. She says we have about a week to choose our successors. We're graduating," Aqualad told her with a smile. He handed her the items; it was a Justice League badge. "So if Mynx is going back home, then Tempest will be following her," he told her with a smile.

Diego was surprised when Starfire initiated the intense makeout session with him, but he let her take charge. He shimmiednoit of his shirt so Starfire could easier remove it. He shuddered in delight in how she was caressing him, not tommention just how hungry and passionate she looked. "You're not being too rough, and I know you need it badly. So gonas wild as you want, Star" Diego told her back with a smile, a thin line of droll connecting their lips after the intense makeout session.
Mynx watched Aqualad with confusion and a tinge of fear of what he was planning, which was only made worse when he pulled out the box. She closed her eyes when she saw what the box contained and sighed with relief. "For a second there I thought you were going to propose." She looked at him with shock as he said he'd go with her. She started tearing up, asking, "do you really mean that?"

Starfire went back to kissing him as she pushed him against the wall. She reached down to undo his pant and in one fluid movement moved him so his back was facing her bed. Starfire pushed Diego onto the bed before pulling his pants off and stripping her clothes off as well. She slowly and seductively climbed on top of him.
"I know you aren't ready for that," Aqualad said when she mentioned her worried about him proposing to her. "Of course I do. We just have to pick our successors. Well, you do. Speedy and I already done so, whcih leaves you and Bumblebee and Mas y Menos still have a year or two before they graduate," Aqualad added before he went to embrace her. "You mean alot to me, Aphrodite and I have your back always," he told her with a smile.

Diego happily kissed Starfire back as he let her have her way with him. She easily stripped him down before she pushed him off the bed. He blushed and groaned in delight as she quickly stripped herself, having stopped herself from ripping them off. Her flirty smile quickly made him aroused and he couldn't help but grind his cock against her wet pussy. "Ready, my princess?" he whispered in her ear.
Mynx smiled and kissed him before hugging him and saying, "You mean a lot to me too, and I am so excited that we're going have our own place with just the two of us." Due to her being a bit on the shorter side, she only went up to his shoulder so she rested her head on his chest.

Starfire began to moan as soon as she felt Diego's dick grinding against her and it only made her pussy grow wetter as she became even more turned on. "You know I am." She moaned.
Aqualad smiled as he embraced her back. "Yeah, and I'm happy that you're okay with me following you. Of course, we do have some other things to do such as introduction to the Justice League along with a potential costume change," Aqualad said befor ehe recalled something. "I also did get some notice that the Core 7 wanted to talk to you about something," he added.

Diego smiled. "As you command, my princess," Diego told her with a smile before his cock went inside of Starfire's pussy. He groaned out loud as he was back inside of her. He began going at a rough pace, feeling an unusual amount of intense passion, probably from the pheromones from Starfire being in heat.
"That could either be good or really bad." Mynx stated fearing the worst as to why the Core 7 would want to talk to them.

Starfire's moans were louder than usual as she was feeling more pleasure than usual as a result of being in heat. Her body was trying to give her as much pleasure as possible so she would be more likely to have sex more often and therefore be more likely to conceive.
"I'm sure it will be all right, but for now, we need to wait," Aqualad said before getting a messege on the T-com. "Messege from Nightwing. Apparently, the party will occur a little later than expected," Aqualad said. "I guess this means we have a bit of time. "We can try and go now or we can wait until after the meet-up. What do you want to do?" he asked her.

Diego pressed his lips against Starfire in order to try and keeping the noise to a minimum. He was terified of gtting caught yet it also excited him and thus arounsed him more. He kept going fast and hard with her, all while his hands caressed her. "You are so incredible, Star," he told her lovingly as he took a breath while going at the pace.
Mynx sighed thinking for a second, "Let's get this out of the way. If not I'll be worried about it the entire time we're at the party."

"So are you!" Starfire moaned. After she emitted a few moans, she continued to talk, "My room is sound proof, so we can be as loud as we want!"
"All right then. I'll tell Nightwing that," Aqualad said as he contacted Martian Manhunter and they were beamed up back at the satellite. It was filled with the usual people there along with a few newcomers. He began leading her there. "I know that you got to talk to some of the League members, but you haven't done the training with Wonder Woman yet," he commented.

Starfire's assurances that they won't be caught caused Diego to cave in and he began groaning ut loud in a primal stance. He held onto Starfire tight as he maintained his fast, hard and rough pace, moanign alongside her as he felt the intense pleasure. He was too hot to think properly. His eager hands went ut to squeeze her breasts and pinch her nipples.
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