TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"I wonder where he was," Tempest was, wondering why Diego was even in space in the first place. However, he did smile and turn to Starfire with a smile. "Congrats to the both of you!" he said to Starfire with a smile.

"You wish to marry her?" Galfore said as he looked at the young man. "Yeah, I imagine you must be confused regarding your last interaction, but yeah. I also inderstand that Tamaran is a culture based on strength so if I need to fight to prove my worth, then so be it," Diego said with his arms crossed but looked at the ruelr respectfully.

Galfore stared at the cyrokinetic cyborg before laughing out loud. "You certainly are quite smart. I trust her judgment, but I welcome the challenge to test how good you are," he said as he led Diego to an arena. Diego's jands began glowing as he faced the good ruler.
"I wasn't sure it'd happen since we've been trying for more than a year." Starfire explained as she happily rubbed her belly. "My only concern is how this pregnancy will progress given that it's a hybrid."

"Human pregnancies are considered full term at 36 weeks but normally last 40 weeks with labor being induced at 42 weeks. How long are Tamaranian pregnancies?" Mynx asked.

"Roughly 78-80 weeks." Starfire said shocked that human pregnancy was so short.

"So like a year and a half." Mynx said.
"Well, then perhaps it is somewhere down the middle. Perhaps 50-52 weeks," Tempest suggested as he was wondering at how it was though he was surprised by how long Tamaran pregnancies were.

"I'm just happy that Diego will be arriving back soon," Tempest said with a relieved smile. "I wonder what he's doing," he wondered.

"Match over. The challenger, Diego, wins," The guard said as he was referring the match. Diego was panting, feeling tired yet exhilerated at the same time. Large chunks of ice littered the room and Galfore had finally managed to break free from the glacier chunks Diego put him in.

"Your ice powers are indeed formidable and you really do care. You are like her, like any Tamaranian, showing their heart on the outside through their actions. You will make a good husband for her," Galfore said with a smile as he helped Diego up. "I present this to you," he said as he gave a box. "The wedding band that the former King and Queen possessed... of Starfire's parents," he said.

Diego smiled and nodded. "Thank you, your highness," he said before he began walking back to the starcraft, preparing to ask the most important question of his life to the woman he loved.
"From what I have read Tamaranian infants are more developed than humans, but not by much." Starfire explained. "They are less... fragile."

"Yeah our babies tend to be pretty vulnerable." Mynx said with a nod.
"Well, as infants, they are admittingly pretty vulnerable which is why we spend so much time to defend them besides us loving them," Tempest surmises as he put the chairs for them to sit and enjoy some breakfast. He was feeling better now that his comrade would return.

"Okay, thanks for the help, sir," Diego said as he spoke to Adam Strange. A nearby Zeta Ray would help them arrive to Earth within minutes. He went in and was being beamed toward the Earth, where will be back soon.
"Thank you." Both women said.

"How long before my baby has a friend?" Starfire asked with a smile, the first in weeks.

"Ask Beast Boy and Raven." Mynx replied.
"That was a ride," Diego commented as he was back in Earth space while making his way to the Watchtower due to the intense rush of the Zeta Rays. He parked in and then spent the next half hour making some notes and explaining some effects in regards to teleporting in a ship with the Zeta Ray. Eventually, he was let go and was heading to the teleportation pad.

"Diego's back. Least on Earht anyway," Tempest announced while he was finishing breakfast and noting that the tracker reactivated and indicated he was back on the world. "Where should we meet him?" he asked the ladies.
"We should bring Star back to their apartment and let the two celebrate becoming parents." Mynx explained. "I'm sure they have a lot to talk about!"

"Yes we do." Starfire responded placing a hand on her belly."
Tempest had messeged to Diego that Starfire is at their apartment. "We shuld probably be heading there then," Tempest had told them. "I reckon Starfire will fly us both there?" Tempest asked Mynx and Star though he did note how somewhat avoidant Mynx was on the subject of children thougn he figured it was perhaps because of her worries with what happened with her parents.
When Diego would eventually arrived at the apartment, he would arrive there about a few seconds before Starfire would end up arriving. When he turned around, he saw it was Starfire. He went over and hugged her. "I missed you so much, I thought you didn't want to be with me anymore," he told ehr. He was still having the gift the grand one gave him in his pocket.
Mynx continued to eat her breakfast

"Neither do I!" Starfire said kissing him. She reached into her shirt and pulled the pregnancy test out. "See? It says 'pregnant'. We're gonna be parents!" She was beaming ear to ear.
"Is something troubling you, Aphrodite?" Tempest said when the two alone were. His soft and gentle tone he asked her were done with the purpose of being comforting and reassuring. He wanted to know what was bothering her.

Diego smiled with a big goofy grin on his face before hugging Starfire and twirling her around while giving a big loving kiss. When he put her down, he took a breath when he squeezed the box.

"It's going to be glorious, but I have something to say too," Diego said before he took a breath. "Starfire, I love you so much. It was utterly amazing how we first met and I was happy and honored that you moved in with in and when we first met love. And now... I wannabe with you forever," he said before going on his knees.

"Will you marry me, Starfire?" he said as he presented the wedding bands, the oen that belonged to her parents back when she was a child.
"I'm fine." Mynx said with a small as she took Tempest hand. "It's just kinda weird that I have friends my age having a baby."

Starfire looked confused as Diego was talking, clearly unsure of what he was doing. "I want to be with you forever as well." She said with a smile before her eyes got huge with surprise. She covered her mouth and started tearing up, as she nodded.
"It is surprising, but I guess it's because we live in calmer times and we're able to move on more with our lives," Tempest said before he was thinking. "Or could be because some of our friends really can't control themselves," he said the comment in good-hearted heart.

Diego smiled when he saw Starfire nodded and he went to hug her and kiss her once more, being so elated at the fact she said yes. "I love you so much," Diego told Starfire before he went in for a second kiss with his beloved.
"For them I think it maybe the second one," Mynx said with a chuckle. "Apparently Starfire's people go through estrous similar to most animals versus how humans have their cycles."

"I love you more." Starfire hugged him tightly as she was overwhelmed with emotions.
"Looks like at least DIego and Starfire are enjoying themselves," Tempest responded with a chuckle of his own. "How do you feel about having kids later?" Tempest asked her, wanting to hear Mynx's thoughts on the subject matter.

"I missed you so much," Diego told her with a smile as he kept making out with Starfire while he caressed her and held her. "You're amazzing and wonderful," he told her before kissing her neck.
Mynx sighed and closed her eyes, before saying, "I don't think it'd be a wise decision for me to have a child, there's just too many unknowns."

"Diego, stop." Starfire said as she moved her shoulder to block him. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, I don't want to hurt the baby."
"Are you worried about how your diverse genetic make-up?" Tempest asked before he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace. He waited to ehar if she would want to talk or something.

Diego was a bit disappointed that she didn't want to move further. "Star, you're only pregnant for a couple of weeks," Diego said in a confused tone as she did not look pregnant in the slighest. "By the way, Galfore says hi and he hopes you visit Tamaran," he adds as he takes a seat.
"That and there experiments that made me had so many of attempts and one success, what if that happens to us? I don't think I can handle burying a baby." Mynx said leaning over and resting her head on his shoulder.

"I know but once we go to see a doctor we can ask if it is safe." Starfire sat next to him and smiled. "I was thinking of going after the baby is born."
"Well, we can talk to Doctor Mid-Nite and some of the other members of the hero-community to help. I'm sure it'll be all right," Tempest said as he was thinking on who it was. "We can ask that during your check up next week," he recommended to her.

"Well, maybe the Green Lanterns could help us, or at least their medical database. I did talk a bit to Adam Strange on that. He said that there are plenty of aliens that can have hybrids with humans, such as Kryptonians, Martians, Tamaranians and a few others," Diego said as he recalled what Adam told him when he went to visit. "We can go and talk to Green Lantern if he knows anyone though for more info," he recommended to her before hugging her.

"I missed you so much," he said before kissing her forehead. "i'm sure Galfore wold love to see you again," Diego added.
"True," Mynx said with a sigh, "but I'm not entirely sure I want to have a child with how crazy the world is. I'd be more than happy to adopt though. In fact I've always wanted to adopt."

"Okay." Starfire snuggled up to Diego. "I'm happy that we're going to be parents."
"What do you mean? The world is getting better and a large part of it is because of the world that we do," Tempest mentioned to her with a smile before he heard her comment on adoption. "I neevr knew that about you," he asked her with a smile and sounding curious about her reasoning behind it.

Diego snuggled up to his future wifey. "Same, it's gonna be wonderful," he said as he kissed her forehead. "What do you want to do now that I'm back?" Diego asked her.
"I know but there's still the League of Assassins." Mynx sighed again. "Well I am adopted so me adopting just makes sense."

"I imagine you are tired, so you could take a shower and get some sleep if you would like. After you wake up we can figure out what else to do." Starfire said with a sweet smile on her face.
"True, but we have the Justice League and the very thers organizations that have helped us out," Tempest begins before hearing her reasons. "Anyone in particular or someone like other super-powered children?" Tempest elaborates as he embraces her to comfort her.

"Yeah, all right. Maybe go to the Doctor to check up on that," Diego noted before he gave her a kiss and began heading to the shower so he can try and clean up. He definitley looked and felt more relaxed.
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